Jesus 4 Asia Now

Stories from a Missionary Mom Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000113S

00:00 (inspiring music)
00:22 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now".
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and today I'm back
00:26 with Kasey Norton and Hannah,
00:28 and we've got more stories coming.
00:31 So welcome back.
00:32 - Thank you.
00:33 - We're glad that we have time
00:35 to get some more of the stories,
00:36 because what we've heard so far is good,
00:38 but we know there's a lot more coming.
00:40 And I wanna start out by, again, just for our viewers' sake,
00:44 reiterating that you're based in Sukhothai, Thailand,
00:47 and the Lord took you there.
00:48 We've done a couple of interviews with you before.
00:51 So if they'd like to hear more of the stories,
00:53 they can go back there.
00:54 But another thing that I wanna mention
00:56 is that you have a blog
00:58 and a Facebook page where you share these stories,
01:02 and a YouTube channel now, right?
01:04 - Yes. - Okay.
01:05 Can you tell us how they find those things?
01:07 - The website is
01:10 The Facebook page is Walking Redeemed
01:13 and the YouTube channel is Walking Redeemed.
01:16 And I think for whatever reason,
01:17 it says Kasey Norton after it.
01:19 - Okay.
01:20 So, but if they look for Walking Redeemed,
01:22 hopefully, they'll find you.
01:23 - Yeah. - Okay.
01:25 All right.
01:26 So right before we finished our last episode,
01:29 we found out that your best friend is a Buddhist monk.
01:32 - Yeah.
01:33 - So, and we also found out
01:34 that you've moved to a country property now
01:37 and you're starting to build a children's home.
01:39 - Yeah.
01:40 - How did you even start looking for property?
01:43 I mean, how did the Lord direct on that?
01:45 - Well, when we moved into the house that we're in,
01:48 it was plenty big enough
01:49 for those of us that went to Thailand.
01:52 But as God brought more and more children,
01:55 we ended up with six Thai children
01:59 while we were living in that house.
02:00 And there's no yard, it's just concrete.
02:03 There was the fields beside it, but-
02:06 - It was hot. - Yeah, the field,
02:08 there's no trees or anything
02:10 so the kids would only stay out there for so long
02:12 and then they would be back in the house.
02:13 And so we also know that the kids need
02:18 the benefit of nature to grow in and to learn to work.
02:24 And so, we've been praying all along
02:27 whenever the kids started coming
02:28 that God would open the way for us to move
02:31 to something more open.
02:35 And so Jonathan and Hannah, again, they've helped...
02:39 God has used them to help us find
02:41 our first house that we moved to.
02:43 The Mission Post Office
02:44 and the children's home property.
02:47 And Jonathan came across this listing for this property
02:50 and he was like, "This is too good to be true."
02:52 And they called the lady and we went out,
02:56 I think, the next day and looked at it
02:57 and it still felt impossible
02:59 as we were walking around there, but God is...
03:03 - God is doing it. - In the business
03:04 of doing the impossible, so.
03:06 - Wow.
03:08 So are there stories with how the next children came to you?
03:10 'Cause I know we heard about the first two.
03:12 Are there stories about the next ones
03:14 or any one in particular you wanna talk about?
03:18 - Gal and Fasai were just brother and sister,
03:21 who had never really lived together.
03:22 They didn't know each other,
03:23 they spoke two different languages.
03:27 And they were the next to come.
03:29 And then like five days after that, Jing.
03:32 - [Hannah] Yeah, not even.
03:33 - Yeah, probably not even five days that we got Jing.
03:36 So those three all came in June of 2020.
03:39 Gal adapted very easily.
03:41 He's just a sweet natured child.
03:44 He had been with the pastor for a bit.
03:46 Fasai, not so easily.
03:48 And I think it was very scary for her
03:50 because everybody else was speaking either Thai or English
03:54 and she spoke Hmong.
03:55 And so she already didn't like the confinement of rules.
04:00 But then on top of that the-
04:02 - The language barrier. - Yeah.
04:03 It was really difficult for her.
04:06 And then it was in August of 2020 that we got another call
04:10 and that was more COVID related,
04:14 the six child that we took because her mom
04:16 just couldn't take care of her anymore.
04:20 And so yeah, we got Namwan,
04:22 then we have since gotten three more.
04:25 So we have nine total,
04:26 but the other three came more like a month
04:29 or a month and a half ago in 2021.
04:31 - Yeah, I heard you had lots of notice
04:33 about all three of those.
04:34 - No, no, no.
04:35 (chuckles) Yeah.
04:36 - No? (chuckles) - No.
04:37 We get called.
04:38 I don't know how or why,
04:39 because we're not listed or licensed,
04:41 but we get called multiple times a week
04:45 asking to take kids.
04:46 And we're just not able to,
04:48 we don't want to lose the kids that we have.
04:51 And so we've had to say,
04:54 "We'll get back to you as soon as we're able to."
04:57 But with these three, the situation was different.
05:00 We had almost no notice and it was just very obvious
05:04 that the way that it all came about,
05:05 we couldn't say no.
05:10 God has a plan for why we're over limit.
05:13 - Right.
05:14 Right, so you're working on this new property.
05:16 Now, describe it for us.
05:17 Tell us about it.
05:19 - It's 24 rai, which I think is nine and a half acres.
05:23 - Okay.
05:24 - It's got a pond in the middle
05:25 and just amazing because it had four houses
05:30 on the property that needed
05:32 just a little bit of work to make them habitable.
05:34 We use all four of them.
05:36 And it had two partially built structures across the pond.
05:41 And they were...
05:43 The one that was more built was also in really poor shape
05:46 and was just kind of falling apart.
05:49 But when we first got there,
05:51 we didn't have any vision for that.
05:54 We were just like,
05:56 "Oh, we'll do something or we'll knock these down."
05:58 But then as we stood and looked, we were like,
06:02 we see housing for more children.
06:04 And we see maybe a school, a small school,
06:08 and God just opened the way for those things to happen.
06:12 We now have the school is built
06:14 along with the little chapel.
06:16 And then right now, they are finishing up the first floor
06:21 of the... We're doing six apartments in one dormitory.
06:24 - Okay.
06:26 - And they're finishing up the first floor of those six.
06:28 - Wow. Awesome. - Yeah.
06:29 - So the buildings that were there,
06:32 you said they needed a little bit of work.
06:33 I remember seeing a video of some water
06:37 coming inside your house.
06:39 - Oh, yeah.
06:41 That was in our actual house.
06:44 When they build these houses,
06:46 they'll build like the main part of it.
06:48 And then if they go to add something on,
06:50 they just sort of-
06:51 - Just push it in there.
06:52 - Yeah, just tack it onto there.
06:54 And so, it often isn't sealed and that's the case.
06:58 Our kitchen is an afterthought.
07:01 And so, when it rains water was just coming straight down
07:05 into the kitchen. - You had a waterfall.
07:07 - Yeah. (laughs)
07:08 And we were just like, "Ooh!"
07:10 And it goes all through the living room and not...
07:13 I mean, not dramatically.
07:14 So we didn't flood.
07:16 - It's like a pond. - No, no.
07:17 - But still having a river in it.
07:18 - Inconvenient. - It was quite wet.
07:21 - It had a beautiful waterfall sound.
07:23 - Yeah. (chuckles)
07:25 - But they've stretched tarps out over top of it.
07:28 We tried many things to get it to stop leaking.
07:32 And without some kind of cover, it still leaks.
07:36 - So there's gonna be a new roof needed.
07:38 - There's gonna need... The roof is sound.
07:40 There's gonna need to be something done to secure
07:43 the one part of the house to the other.
07:44 But right now, it's rainy season
07:46 and we have tarp stretched across it
07:47 and it's doing the job.
07:49 - That's all you can do in rainy season.
07:50 - Yeah.
07:52 Robbie just sent me a picture and they've torn.
07:53 They had to replace them because the wind and...
07:56 - Yeah, that's probably gonna happen multiple times.
07:59 But it's okay. Just keep doing that.
08:00 - You're right.
08:01 - We don't want the water in there.
08:03 - [Kasey] Yeah.
08:04 - Because that's another thing,
08:05 it's rainy season and you don't have air conditioning.
08:08 So it's not gonna draw out any of the moisture
08:12 out of the air.
08:13 - [Kasey] Right.
08:14 - So clothes drying and drying out the house
08:16 when it does rain in-
08:18 - It's nice though,
08:19 to be able to experience a little bit of what
08:21 the Thai people experience in the more traditional houses.
08:25 There's some that are more Western style but...
08:28 So getting to move from that Western style house,
08:30 which God was so gracious to allow us to go into first
08:34 into more traditional Thai housing,
08:37 gives us, I think, a little bit better insight
08:39 into what the people live with.
08:41 - So you're buying this property from Thai people.
08:44 So we talked in the other episode about
08:47 there being spirit houses and things.
08:49 Is there, was there a spirit house on this property?
08:53 - There were multiple. - There were three.
08:55 - Yeah. - Two or three.
08:56 I can't remember.
08:57 - And we were initially told that we couldn't take them down
08:59 until the property was paid for.
09:00 And it's a two-year sort of like a purchase agreement.
09:04 And so, in my mind, Robbie's mind, no big deal.
09:08 There's not really any power in these, God is more powerful.
09:11 So we knew we didn't want them, but we didn't...
09:15 It wasn't a deal breaker.
09:16 We weren't thinking
09:17 "Okay, well, God isn't leading us to this house."
09:20 But shortly after moving there we started to hear voices.
09:28 It was at night, we would hear something whispering
09:32 beside your head or close by,
09:34 and you'd look and there would be nothing there.
09:37 Or somebody walking outside, like the shuffling of shoes
09:41 or things dropping-
09:42 - Like the one time, I was asleep and I woke up
09:45 and I heard somebody like walking up on the porch
09:48 and I looked out the window and there was nothing there.
09:51 And they came all the way up on
09:52 and then they walked down.
09:54 But there was-
09:55 - Nobody there.
09:56 So this was happening to all of us,
09:57 but we weren't talking about it because we all felt like
09:59 we were just going crazy a little bit
10:01 and we didn't want to say anything.
10:03 But then we started having electrical issues
10:07 and things were melting and smoking
10:09 and an electrical cord had charred in the girl's house.
10:13 So the cord was charred
10:15 but there was no burn mark.
10:16 - We live in a wood house.
10:17 So like it would've been...
10:19 - Wow.
10:21 - And the one morning we got up
10:24 and we were building a bathroom,
10:28 to what is now the office of our house.
10:31 And inside the bathroom was...
10:34 One of our pet rabbits had been taken in there
10:37 and part of the head was chewed.
10:39 And it was just very bizarre.
10:42 And I think it was the same morning then,
10:45 we took the kids to school
10:47 and we had just the American boys in the van
10:50 and I turned around and Quinn just looked like
10:52 he was in pain.
10:54 He looked like he was about to cry.
10:55 And I said, "What's wrong?"
10:57 And he said, "Everything hurts."
10:59 And I told Robbie, "We need to take him to the hospital."
11:02 And instead of arguing,
11:04 Robbie just went directly to the hospital and went in.
11:07 And it was during that time while he was in there
11:10 and I was outside with the other kids
11:14 that it really began to occur to us what was going on.
11:19 We messaged you guys.
11:21 And John said, "We really need to be praying."
11:25 And we had several other families in the U.S.
11:27 that started praying with us
11:29 and all of it stopped other than Quinn.
11:33 He started at that point on,
11:36 a several month long struggle for his health.
11:40 Previously, completely healthy.
11:42 We always had trouble with his twin brother.
11:44 And now, he gets sick and can't get better
11:47 and he was hospitalized.
11:50 But the best way to go after a family,
11:51 I think, is attack their kids
11:53 because that's where you're gonna discourage them.
11:56 Or make them give up
11:58 or make us retreat back to America
12:00 because the healthcare is better or whatever.
12:02 So it makes sense that he is going after the kids
12:05 because that's the most likely way to get us but...
12:10 - Right.
12:11 - But it just became evident that for whatever reason,
12:17 there was something on that property
12:19 that was giving the enemy access.
12:21 And he was very interested in utilizing
12:23 the access that he had.
12:25 - Right.
12:26 So then you had some people come and visit
12:27 and they took those-
12:28 - Yeah, the Steck family came to visit
12:30 and they didn't wait for us to ask for permission
12:34 from the people, they just took the spirit houses down.
12:37 And best decision. (chuckles)
12:40 - Yeah, yeah.
12:41 - Should have been done at the outset.
12:42 We thought there's no power in them.
12:44 It is what it is.
12:47 We'll deal with it until we can get them out.
12:49 But yeah. - Right.
12:51 - God used them to get them off the property.
12:54 - Wow.
12:55 You mentioned earlier, your friend Ram,
12:57 your best friend, the Buddhist monk.
13:00 And so I wanted to ask you,
13:01 I know that there have been
13:03 different opportunities with him.
13:05 Can you share how you first met him?
13:08 - Robbie was introduced to him by a friend
13:10 in the village that we moved into initially.
13:13 And Ram speaks English,
13:16 but wanted to learn to speak it better.
13:18 And then he learned that Robbie is half Mexican
13:21 and also speaks Spanish.
13:22 So he wanted English and Spanish lessons.
13:25 And he started coming to our house occasionally for those.
13:28 And then he started coming occasionally
13:31 and they weren't doing the classes anymore.
13:33 He was more teaching Robby Thai,
13:36 then Robbie was teaching him English, so.
13:38 And then when we rented the Mission Post Office,
13:42 the building it's pretty much right across the street
13:45 from his temple where he lives.
13:47 And so he started just coming in to visit there
13:50 and he would walk in his orange robe and bare feet
13:53 and walk inside the office.
13:55 It's glass. Front and glass back.
13:57 And just sit there.
13:59 And it'll be very interesting when we get to heaven
14:05 to know the impact that that had for the people
14:07 in that area to see the monk sitting
14:11 in a very, obviously, Christian building.
14:14 - Wow.
14:15 - Yeah, the walls and the barriers that God
14:17 has used Ram to pull down.
14:19 I don't think we understand at this point.
14:21 - Right. Right.
14:22 But in the light of heaven.
14:23 - Right.
14:24 - In heaven we'll know.
14:25 - Yeah.
14:26 So then, you got a phone call after you moved out
14:30 to the new property.
14:32 You got a phone call from someone that was in the village,
14:35 where the other house was. - Right.
14:37 - Can you share about that?
14:38 - Yeah.
14:40 The gentlemen called one Sabbath afternoon and he said,
14:45 "I regret to inform you that our son Archie has died."
14:50 And Archie was five, he died.
14:53 He choked on a fish ball while he was traveling
14:55 in the car with his dad.
14:56 His dad couldn't get it loose.
14:58 And he took him to the hospital.
15:00 They were able to get it out and restart his heart.
15:03 But he ended up dying the next morning.
15:07 And he just told me in such a disconnected way,
15:11 with no emotion, just very matter-of-factly.
15:14 And he invited us to the funeral that night at the temple.
15:18 And so we asked some other missionaries,
15:20 who'd been there longer,
15:21 for some advice on going to a funeral.
15:27 We wanted to be careful, to be respectful of their ceremony,
15:33 without entering into Buddhist worship.
15:35 And so then we also contacted Ram
15:38 and told him what had happened.
15:39 And he said,
15:40 "Well, come get me. I'll go with you."
15:42 And he did.
15:43 And it was very helpful in walking us through the evening.
15:47 He warned us when there was something,
15:50 some type of worship coming up to let us know,
15:53 you don't have to participate in this.
15:55 And during that evening,
15:57 we were able to walk outside for a few minutes
15:59 and I asked him, "What do you believe happens when you die?"
16:05 And he said,
16:06 "Well, if you're good,
16:07 then you'll go to paradise for a while.
16:12 And then you'll be born back into the world
16:14 and you'll be somebody of status."
16:16 It could be a wealthy person.
16:19 He said you could be born back into the King's family.
16:22 But if you were bad,
16:24 then you would go into basically a hell fire for a time.
16:31 And then you'd be born back as somebody poor, lower class.
16:35 Or he said, even something like a dog or a snake.
16:39 And that night for me,
16:45 I think, is really a turning point in my experience
16:48 with these people, understanding just the cruelty
16:54 with which the enemy has gone after them.
16:56 Because so often we think that
16:59 another religion like Buddhism,
17:01 they just believe differently and it's okay.
17:03 Why do we need to go in....
17:04 They're generally peaceful people.
17:06 Why do we need to go in and mess up what they believe?
17:10 And it has nothing to do with that.
17:12 It is absolute deceit and hopelessness that they live with.
17:19 And I went in and watched my friends stare straight ahead
17:22 at the picture of her son.
17:24 And for her, there was no hope, no shred of hope
17:28 that she would ever see him again.
17:29 Or there was anything more than that,
17:31 those brief five years.
17:33 And it just...
17:35 That night, I never...
17:38 Before that night had experienced somebody's pain,
17:42 the way that I did then.
17:43 And I actually felt like I could feel what she was feeling.
17:48 And I think that God allowed that
17:54 to give me a little teeny piece of the heart that he has
17:56 for these people to help me understand
17:58 that it's far more than doctrinal differences
18:00 or whatever he wants to free these people
18:03 from this deception and hopelessness
18:05 that they live with every day of their lives.
18:07 - Wow. Wow.
18:09 And you also shared how...
18:12 When you were saying goodnight to her or something.
18:15 - Yeah. - She...
18:16 - Yeah, I think you give a...
18:18 It's customary to give a white envelope with a gift.
18:22 There's a specific funeral gift that you give.
18:26 And I handed her the envelope and she came over
18:28 and sat beside me and I put my arm around her
18:30 and just kind of squeezed her arm a little bit.
18:33 But when I went to leave,
18:35 I stood up and she was still sitting
18:37 and she just looked up at me
18:39 with the most desperate look in her eyes,
18:42 like she knew that I knew what she needs to know.
18:45 And God, in that moment, asked me to be silent.
18:50 Our natural inclination is to want to share what we know
18:54 and to fix it.
18:55 And she wanted it to be fixed.
18:57 She wanted her pain to be eased.
19:00 And for whatever reason,
19:02 I knew, without a doubt, that it wasn't the right time.
19:08 But the fact that I saw that in her eyes,
19:11 I don't think I'll ever forget the look, you know?
19:14 But at the same time, it gives me hope.
19:17 I know the assurance that God is gonna open up
19:20 the door at the right time to share with her
19:23 what she needs to hear.
19:24 And I believe firmly that it's gonna be at the time
19:27 when she's able to hear it and accept it and embrace it
19:31 and have hope.
19:33 - Right.
19:34 - She has another daughter.
19:35 - He wasn't the only child.
19:37 - No.
19:38 - Wow.
19:39 So not long after this, you had another experience with Ram.
19:43 - Right.
19:44 - And it was about his buffalo.
19:47 Can you explain, tell us the story?
19:50 - Yeah.
19:51 He keeps his two water buffalo on our property.
19:54 And he came over one morning to put them out.
19:58 He put them into a field beside ours,
20:01 a rice paddy beside ours, to let them graze and play
20:05 in the water hole on our property.
20:06 And they did that for about an hour before
20:09 one of our Bible workers noticed,
20:11 and she completely panicked because she knew
20:13 that just the day before they had gone out
20:15 and sprayed with something that is very lethal to buffalo.
20:20 So she ran out and she told him.
20:22 And he was just so full of dread.
20:24 Like he had just killed his baby girls
20:26 and he pulled them in.
20:29 And we did everything that any of us knew to do.
20:34 Charcoal in the water, salt in the grass
20:37 to make them drink more water.
20:39 But Robbie walked up to him and he said,
20:41 "Ram, we believe that our God will protect your Buffalo
20:44 from this poison.
20:46 And we're gonna pray for him.
20:48 But we really need to take these charms off
20:50 so that they don't block the pray."
20:54 So God has full power.
20:55 And neither Robbie or I expected
20:58 that Ram was gonna agree to this
21:00 'cause the whole point of putting the charms on
21:02 was to protect them.
21:03 But he immediately said, "Take them off."
21:07 And so Robbie went to untie them
21:09 and it was taking a little bit
21:12 'cause they're on there pretty good.
21:13 And Ram said,
21:14 "No, cut them off. It'll be faster."
21:17 - Wow.
21:18 - Just the fact that in that moment of crisis
21:21 when he was...
21:22 Because it sounds silly,
21:23 but it would be similar to one of my children being sick
21:27 to the point of death.
21:29 For him, in that moment, to have no faith
21:34 or trust in his own religion,
21:38 and the little teeny shred of faith
21:41 that he had being in the God of Creation.
21:45 And so, the charms came off
21:47 and we prayed for the buffalo and took him home.
21:49 And he fully expected because the vet said
21:51 they'd be dead within six hours to two days.
21:54 So he expected that by the next morning,
21:56 we would be calling him and telling him
21:57 that they were either really sick or they were dead.
22:01 But the next morning they were completely fine.
22:03 They were not sick at all.
22:06 Definitely weren't dead.
22:07 And two weeks...
22:10 No, two days passed
22:12 and they were still fine.
22:14 But he had then since talked to somebody,
22:16 who told him these things can take time.
22:19 - Maybe two weeks. - Yeah.
22:20 So the waiting process of reminding him every day,
22:24 we prayed for your buffalo and got answered.
22:26 They're fine.
22:29 And he would say, "I hope so."
22:31 But it was somewhere a little after,
22:32 maybe a week that he finally started to realize,
22:35 "My buffalo aren't gonna die."
22:37 And it's interesting because he hasn't ever said,
22:40 "Your God protected my buffalo."
22:43 But we genuinely believe
22:44 that he doesn't not believe that either.
22:47 And that God is working in him.
22:52 The kids have heard him multiple times out on the salo,
22:56 the covered patio on our property,
22:58 listening to Christian music.
23:00 - Right even now,
23:01 when he was taking care of the buffalo.
23:02 Listening to Christian music.
23:04 - Yeah, so God is reaching the heart
23:07 of this orange clad monk.
23:11 - Wow.
23:12 Well, what a privilege you've had
23:14 to see the little glimpses into what the differences,
23:18 the spiritual battle, and yet seeing God
23:22 win the little battle after little battle,
23:25 to give you guys opportunity to reach out.
23:28 - Yeah, that's been a gift.
23:29 - So we've been sharing some of your stories here,
23:32 but I want to let our viewers know
23:33 that you have written a book.
23:35 Can you tell us about this book?
23:37 - I don't have the attention span
23:40 to just sit down and write a book yet.
23:42 I have not ever been able to do that,
23:45 but I did put together some thoughts largely for myself
23:49 and our family to be able to look back.
23:52 So much of our experience depends on us being able
23:54 to remember the way that God has led in the past.
23:57 And so, I really wanted to have it chronicled to a degree.
24:03 And so I put together what's basically a 31-day devotional.
24:08 So it's basically a short entries of experiences
24:12 that we've had while in Thailand.
24:14 - Okay.
24:15 So Hannah I know we haven't really addressed
24:16 you directly very much,
24:18 but do you have anything that you would like to share
24:20 about from your time in Thailand so far?
24:24 - I think from my experience in school,
24:28 'cause I went to Thai school for...
24:30 I think last year.
24:31 And when I was in there, I was a little...
24:36 I didn't know what I was in there for.
24:37 I was like, "Why am I in school?"
24:38 Because I couldn't understand a lot of it.
24:41 And so I kind of went in with the mindset
24:43 "Oh, I'm here to learn the language, learn the culture."
24:46 And a lot a lot of my classmates
24:49 could speak a little bit of English
24:52 and I was just connecting with them,
24:55 trying to make friendships and talk to people
24:59 and figure out what they believe.
25:00 And I talked to a few of my classmates
25:04 and some people outside of my class, and I was like,
25:07 "What is something that brings you joy in life?
25:10 Daily basis, weekly, even monthly."
25:13 And both of the people I asked, they said nothing.
25:17 And I said like, "Nothing? Like at all?"
25:19 And they said,
25:20 "No, my day is the same.
25:22 I wake up, I do the same thing. I go to school."
25:25 And I was like, "What about doing your break?"
25:27 And they said, "I do the same thing then too.
25:29 I go up and I study"
25:30 And I was like, "So, nothing?"
25:33 And they said, "No, nothing."
25:35 And I feel like that was when I realized,
25:37 these people don't have...
25:39 They don't have anything. - [Kasey] Purpose.
25:40 - Yeah, they don't have purpose.
25:42 They don't have purpose in life.
25:44 I don't know what that's like.
25:46 But that's so weird and foreign to me
25:48 because I've grown up with some sort of purpose.
25:54 And I just find it so sad,
25:58 living in life and you don't expect anything
26:00 more than the life you're in and that's all you have.
26:04 I, yeah... I don't know.
26:07 - Those relationships that she built
26:08 while she was in school,
26:10 now that she's not even in school anymore,
26:12 those relationships are still there.
26:14 And so, it's-
26:15 - [Natalie] You guys keep in touch?
26:17 - Yeah, we do. Mostly through message.
26:18 Sometimes I'll meet up with them.
26:21 - Wow. So did it help you learn a little more Thai?
26:24 - Oh yeah, yeah.
26:25 My friends were really super helpful.
26:27 They were also like to make fun of me.
26:31 (laughing)
26:33 - [Natalie] Because of your accent?
26:34 - Yes.
26:35 - But also their English,
26:37 it was fun because we just got to share our languages
26:41 and they would ask me questions.
26:44 They'd be in the middle of the class.
26:45 Maybe like, "Hannah, what's this in English?"
26:48 And then the teacher English teacher would look at me
26:50 and say, "No, you can't tell them."
26:51 (laughing)
26:52 I was like, "Okay".
26:53 But yeah.
26:54 So it was a really nice experience.
26:55 It was really cool.
26:57 - I'm sure there were some hard times.
26:59 - Oh, yeah.
27:00 - But yeah. Wow.
27:01 Well, that's a neat opportunity.
27:03 And seeing,
27:04 and maybe understanding more about them
27:09 and what their culture is
27:11 and what their religion teaches them and all of that.
27:15 It gives you a heart of love for them.
27:17 It's a heart of understanding that they need.
27:20 They need the hope.
27:22 They need the opportunity for joy,
27:25 the purpose that comes from knowing God
27:28 and knowing that there's eternity coming with him.
27:31 Wow.
27:33 Well, I just appreciate so much you taking the time
27:34 to be here and share with us.
27:36 We'll just be praying for you.
27:37 And I would like to invite our viewers also
27:40 to pray for the Norton family.
27:42 For the spiritual battle and the warfare
27:44 that is so real in Thailand.
27:46 And if you would like to sponsor them,
27:49 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia.
27:51 PO box 1221.
27:53 Collegedale, Tennessee.
27:55 37315.
27:57 Call us at (423) 413-7321.
28:01 Or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:07 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:09 (closing music)


Revised 2021-07-27