Jesus 4 Asia Now

Huge Opportunities!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000114S

00:00 (orchestral music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and we have special guests
00:26 in the studio with me here today.
00:28 We have Ramon and Shandy Tengkano, welcome.
00:31 It's been a while since we've seen you here.
00:34 - Yup, yup. - It's been a while.
00:34 - So tell me again,
00:36 because I know we have some viewers that may be new
00:39 and haven't seen your story before, where are you from?
00:42 - We're from Indonesia.
00:44 - Okay.
00:45 - It's in Southeast Asia.
00:47 - So what do you do in Indonesia?
00:48 - We have a television ministry.
00:51 It's a satellite television.
00:53 It's a first satellite television
00:55 that broadcast seven Adventist messages, in Indonesia.
01:00 - So Indonesia is big like American continent
01:04 to Maine and Wash--
01:06 - From Maine to Washington.
01:08 - Washington and then, but we have like 60% water, so...
01:13 - 17 thousand islands.
01:15 - 17,508 thousand island.
01:19 - Yeah.
01:20 (Ramon & Shandy laughing)
01:21 - 17,508, yeah. - Right?
01:23 - There we go. - There we go.
01:25 (all laughing)
01:26 - So there's a lot of water there then.
01:28 - [Ramon & Shandy In Unison] Yes, lots of islands.
01:31 - Lots of languages and cultures.
01:32 - And then Indonesia is a big Muslim population too.
01:37 - Okay.
01:39 - And then we have a satellite broadcasting
01:40 Three Angels message, 24 hours, seven days.
01:43 So for us--
01:45 - For the passed 10 years and a half.
01:46 - Yeah, for us, this is a miracle
01:49 because we have a burdens
01:51 to give opportunity for the other family,
01:55 for the other, what we call that?
01:58 - Other groups of people.
01:59 - Other group of people--
02:00 - Unreached groups of people
02:02 - To hear about the hope.
02:04 - Right, so what language is your satellite television?
02:08 - Because Indonesia have a national language,
02:10 so we use Bahasa language.
02:12 Even though Indonesia have like 700 local dialect,
02:17 but we thank God because
02:19 Indonesia have one in national language
02:21 that everybody can understand,
02:23 even people in the interior places, they can understand.
02:28 - Even the remote places, they can, okay.
02:31 Well, that's good.
02:32 (all laughing)
02:34 So do you have any stories that you'd like to share
02:36 of how the Lord has guided you in starting this ministry?
02:42 - Well--
02:43 - I mean, we may have shared these stories in the past,
02:44 but it's good for us to remember
02:47 how the Lord has led in the past.
02:49 - We started this broadcast, March 2011,
02:56 when Jesus for Asia, when you guys came to Indonesia.
02:59 - [Shandy] Faith Camp.
03:00 - Faith Camp event that you hold annually
03:05 and that happened to be in Indonesia that early 2011
03:10 and we just sort of felt impressed by the Lord
03:15 to take on the challenge.
03:17 When you were making the call to
03:21 invite those who are interested to make a television.
03:24 We had no idea about anything about television.
03:27 I had no interest, honestly,
03:29 but there's something about the challenge that moved me
03:33 to experiment with the Lord, that working with him,
03:37 to experiment what he's all about, what he can do.
03:40 So we took the challenge and March 2011, until now,
03:45 we're still on the satellite.
03:47 - Oh, we remember also that, why God put us this television
03:51 in our family, in our ministry,
03:55 because I remember one time that at the Faith Camp,
03:59 I was so drive to have,
04:02 want to have the faith experience.
04:06 So and then, God brought us to Papua and--
04:11 - In the Eastern island.
04:12 - In the Eastern island and that is, I being--
04:17 I have opportunity to see the needs
04:20 and then I remember I've been praying in the hills,
04:24 that God, let me serve, let me opportunity.
04:29 I want to serve my people and I want to serve my country.
04:32 Give me Indonesia for me, God,
04:33 if you're willing, so I know--
04:35 - That was about a month before
04:36 we start to be on the satellite.
04:39 - And then I remember when,
04:40 and then suddenly, when God give us this television,
04:43 I was like, wow, Ramon. I remember my prayer.
04:46 I asked God if you are willing,
04:49 I want to serve my people and give me Indonesia.
04:52 - Yes. - And yeah, here we are.
04:53 - He says okay.
04:56 You don't know what you're asking for, but here we go.
04:58 - I tell people be careful about your prayer
05:00 because he will give it to you for sure.
05:02 - Okay so, you were starting this television network.
05:05 You didn't know what you were getting into.
05:07 - Nope. - No.
05:08 - Was it super easy, were there any challenges,
05:11 any miracles you want to share with us?
05:13 - Well, there are so many funny stories
05:15 how we started the television that it just convinced us
05:21 that God is not expecting you to be perfect
05:23 for you to be able to shine out his love,
05:26 to spread the gospel.
05:28 Actually one television viewer came to us,
05:30 because our television was really so unprepared
05:34 and we were just only broadcasting
05:37 nature videos in the beginning
05:39 and then it was just so unorganized
05:41 that one time we were broadcasting
05:44 in the middle of a live show,
05:47 all of a sudden the lights went out
05:49 and then we had this, well, us on the set we thought
05:54 the whole thing was disconnected.
05:56 So just screaming and just this commotion in the set
06:03 that it was still on broadcast
06:07 and then I had a telephone call from my cousin,
06:10 which is far away, who was far away,
06:12 reminding us we're still on air, we're still live.
06:15 It's just, that was so unprepared we were
06:18 and then it made so many people actually laugh
06:21 and this one gentleman
06:22 who happened to be on the same set on the other island,
06:26 he was just so entertained by the--
06:28 - So he was watching by happenstance or something?
06:32 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Natalie] Okay.
06:33 - And then we were running for, oh,
06:35 turn on the genset, turn on the lights (speaker mumbling).
06:36 It was all still on live television and then...
06:38 (Natalie laughing)
06:39 The guy was--
06:41 - The worst nightmare.
06:42 - Yeah, he was actually watching the television
06:45 and was like, this people in this television was so,
06:48 either they're crazy or they're honest
06:49 or they're sincere or what?
06:51 And then the next day, he kept on watching.
06:53 - [Natalie] Wanted more entertainment.
06:55 - Yeah, looking for more opportunity to laugh at us.
07:01 - And then he even bring the family too.
07:02 - And then he brought the family.
07:03 - Look at this television, they are very unprepared.
07:05 - They don't know what they're doing.
07:06 (Natalie laughing)
07:08 - This people just wasting money to broadcast something
07:09 that is disorganized and then he keeps watching,
07:13 but the message is still there.
07:15 When it's organized, he gets the message
07:17 and then four years later, he came to the church.
07:20 He became the Seventh-day Adventist church member until now.
07:24 He brought his brother and then his family
07:26 and then I finally met him five years later,
07:29 I went to visit his place
07:31 and then he was telling all the story about our television
07:33 in front of the church, it would make everybody laugh.
07:36 (all laughing)
07:37 Oh, that's...
07:40 - Humbling.
07:41 - [Ramon] Yes.
07:42 - And humiliating.
07:43 (Natalie & Shandy laughing)
07:45 - But a blessing at the same time.
07:46 - Right, right, the guy can use even our stumbles
07:49 and our unprofessionalness to glorify his name.
07:52 - Yeah, yeah.
07:54 - (indistinct)
07:55 - He obviously gets the glory because it was his message
07:57 and it was him impressing this man.
08:00 - Because both of us, we don't have a background, right?
08:02 To broadcasting, we just have the willingness
08:06 because we want to experience the faith experience.
08:10 So, we just have that, we don't have anything.
08:14 So, remember that the faith experience,
08:17 the first faith experience with the satellite that...
08:21 - We yeah, when the beginning,
08:23 well when we signed up for the satellite service, we...
08:29 We thought we could do this on our own.
08:32 Our satellite bill at the time was $15,000
08:36 and then for the first year, it was a lot,
08:38 but nothing compared to commercial TVs,
08:41 but it was already big for us to start with.
08:43 - Oh yeah.
08:45 - And then the following year, we--
08:48 I forgot what month it was,
08:50 but within the first year of our satellite ministry,
08:54 we were faced with a satellite bill that particular month,
08:58 we were finding out ourselves
08:59 that we had no money that month to pay
09:02 and then the satellite company was calling us like,
09:05 whoa, sir, you have to pay this today, was,
09:09 you missed the deadline.
09:10 I said, yes, I know, but I'm sorry.
09:12 I can't come up with the money this, today,
09:15 we don't have the $15,000.
09:18 And then we were expecting some money,
09:19 I was calling, asking my wife,
09:21 or how do we get this $15,000?
09:23 And then I told him, I need seven days
09:26 and then he said, okay, seven days,
09:28 of next Wednesday by noon, you have to pay,
09:29 otherwise we will disconnect the service
09:33 and then seven days later,
09:34 we woke up in the morning that Wednesday, I said,
09:36 well, still no money for $15,000
09:40 and then I had the idea of going to the office
09:42 and just seeing them in person asking for more extension.
09:47 And then we got dressed and we got in the car,
09:50 we started driving just to see them in person
09:52 because the account manager is a nice guy otherwise
09:56 and then we were on the road, we--
09:58 I had a Blackberry that, we got this email message
10:02 saying that there is some money
10:05 that was sent to our account, five days prior to that.
10:12 Well, we checked, there was no money this morning
10:15 and then we were sitting in traffic
10:17 and then I just pulled over.
10:18 I was gonna call the bank and then I pull over
10:21 on the side of the road and then I called the bank.
10:23 Hey, I'm expecting some money that was sent last Friday,
10:27 it's been four or five days at least, where's the money now?
10:31 And then the bank said, you know what sir?
10:33 It just got posted less than an hour ago,
10:35 so when we were driving, it was just posted an hour ago
10:39 and then the amount of money,
10:41 oh, it was sent by somebody from Europe
10:44 that happens to be a non-Christian,
10:47 not Seventh-day Adventist,
10:48 he probably wasn't a believer, but he just,
10:50 his father died and then left him a lot of money
10:53 and then he had an impression that,
10:55 an idea that he was gonna support humanitarian
10:58 social work in Asia, somewhere.
11:01 And then he was searching, searching
11:03 and then he found us in the internet
11:05 and then fired the money, exact amount of money,
11:07 whether we needed, $15,000.
11:09 - Wow.
11:11 - So, it kept us going.
11:14 We made the payment and until now,
11:17 we have stories like that,
11:19 but we haven't been taken down by the satellite company.
11:22 - Wow.
11:24 - You know, it just kept us going because
11:27 for sure, when we asked the Lord,
11:29 Lord, we want to have that faith story
11:32 and then he just give it to you right away
11:34 and then that faith stories keep us--
11:38 - Yeah, it keeps us going.
11:40 - Keep us going to see the miracles after miracles,
11:42 because God says, if you believe
11:44 you will see the glory of God.
11:46 And then many of us, we just being stopped because
11:50 of the crisis that happens in our life.
11:53 But, we just keep on going in because
11:56 in the future, you're gonna see the miracles
11:58 and you gonna feel that this is--
12:02 - You not get discouraged.
12:04 - Of course, I mean, I don't say about discourage,
12:06 but I say but the true reward is you're gonna see
12:12 that we are serving the real God.
12:15 - Mm hmm, you can see God work.
12:17 - Yes, yes. - Yes.
12:18 - Wow, wow, praise the Lord.
12:21 (all laughing)
12:22 Yeah, I'm sure you have a lot of stories
12:24 where God has come through at the last minute,
12:26 why does he do that, have you figured it out?
12:28 We haven't figured it out.
12:30 - Ah, I guess he just want to give us, surprise.
12:33 (all laughing)
12:35 - I think he wants us to be convinced that
12:37 even though we don't get to see things in the beginning.
12:41 What he promises will always come true.
12:45 - Yeah.
12:47 - Or maybe because like us, I don't know people, but us,
12:49 we are, our background is very materialistic person
12:53 and then maybe he understood do that to us to see that,
12:57 see, that's not you, but it's me, maybe it's like that.
13:00 - Right, so he can get more glory.
13:02 - Yup.
13:04 - And we can be reminded of our dependence.
13:06 - Yeah, yeah. - Yes.
13:07 - That is the needs, because for us,
13:10 the need is not how God can use us,
13:13 but the need is through that miracle story,
13:17 our heart can change.
13:19 When we see that, we know exactly that,
13:22 this is not us Ramon, it's him.
13:24 - Yeah, yeah.
13:26 (Natalie & Ramon laughing)
13:27 - So as far as satellite and 17,508 islands,
13:33 so what do you see as far as the reach of the satellite,
13:36 it goes from one end of the country to the other,
13:38 so in the remote areas, how's that--
13:42 How does it work for people out there?
13:43 They have the dishes to receive it and then they?
13:46 - Yeah so, well when people have the electricity
13:51 in the places far away, remote islands, mountains,
13:54 the first thing they buy is television
13:58 and then they can just buy a television with,
13:59 there is no local transmitters or
14:02 they have to buy a satellite dish with it
14:05 in order for them to receive any signal
14:07 and then when they buy the satellite dish,
14:08 that's where we are.
14:10 - Okay.
14:11 - They could see us and then with that,
14:12 when we took on the satellite,
14:14 we started to see responses coming in from places
14:16 that are far away, places that we haven't even heard.
14:20 For one example, we had a call from one place in Borneo,
14:27 were just in the big central island.
14:30 That when they see our television, they said, wow,
14:33 this is Seventh-day Adventist television.
14:36 We used to be all Seventh-day Adventist,
14:38 back in the early 80s, the late 70s.
14:41 I'm like, what do you mean?
14:42 Yeah, now that we're seeing you in the television,
14:45 it's so good because I know this whole village,
14:47 well, more than a village,
14:48 it's just like a whole county or something.
14:51 They used to be all Seventh-day Adventist
14:52 because there's a Seventh-day Adventist pastor from America
14:55 he used to come here every
14:57 few times of the month with the airplane
15:00 and I'm like, wow, there is so sad.
15:02 So then we finally took a opportunity to go there.
15:06 We landed with the commercial airplane in a small city
15:09 and then drove down 20 hours to get to where they are.
15:12 The distance is only like 150 miles
15:16 and then we saw there is a school
15:17 and then we're talking to some people and then they said,
15:19 yeah, we used to be all Seventh-day Adventists here.
15:21 - They show us the...
15:23 - They showed us the airstrip that used to be used by
15:29 American missionary landing there.
15:31 - Wow.
15:33 - But because of the satellite, now--
15:35 - Now with the satellite, we can reach them.
15:37 Although it's sad to see
15:38 that this airstrip's not being used as airstrip,
15:41 they build houses and they put soccer field to play.
15:45 The planes cannot land there anymore,
15:47 but from a lady that became Seventh-day Adventist
15:49 through the service of the American missionary,
15:52 I found out so many history that,
15:55 that they all learn about the truth,
15:58 through the the Bible lessons that were brought to them.
16:03 Now what we're broadcasting is just a review again.
16:08 - Refreshing course, yeah.
16:10 - Because in Indonesia, if they have the electricity,
16:14 they buy this television and then the satellite.
16:18 And not just only one family can join the television.
16:21 They will invite their family,
16:23 all of the villagers, the neighbors,
16:26 they can watch like 20 or 30 people inside their house,
16:29 watching television.
16:31 So, that is how they get excited to see the message because,
16:37 and then that is the other story also,
16:38 because Indonesia is like,
16:39 we have a lot of islands and then
16:41 it's just not easy to reach to the other church
16:44 and then the other church.
16:46 And then, it's really hard for the pastor
16:49 to works in the rural area,
16:53 because he needs to go to the other church
16:55 and the other church is just so far.
16:58 - [Natalie] So far away.
16:59 - So through this television,
17:02 example, like every sabbath we have the live broadcasting,
17:07 from the morning till closing, till the afternoon.
17:11 So, they use that as a church activity
17:16 and then they love to see us there.
17:18 They just keep on give us texting message
17:22 and then the story about this other guy.
17:27 And then the guy is, this is our viewers
17:30 and then we have opportunity to visit his CD.
17:35 So you know the family and the whole family came to visit us
17:38 and then to say thank you for your television,
17:41 because my son, he needs to watch your television every day,
17:48 because if one day he doesn't watch the television,
17:53 he become like so mad
17:55 and then we just like ask, what is wrong with him?
17:58 - He's mentally challenged.
17:59 - He's mentally challenged
18:01 and then this televisions really help him a lot,
18:04 because not just only that,
18:05 the story is what, the one that really gets me.
18:09 You know, we always see people support,
18:15 to report donation, right?
18:16 And then the television report donation is just only...
18:20 - Well, a dollar and a half.
18:22 - A dollar and a half every month.
18:23 - There's a same amount every month.
18:25 - So, there's the banks, like every single month,
18:28 like maybe $1 and a half, every single month.
18:33 And then--
18:34 - And you're going...
18:35 - I'm going, what is this?
18:36 - It was like somebody intentionally walks to the bank,
18:39 then do cash deposit into our account.
18:42 - Every single month.
18:43 - [Natalie] With that little amount.
18:44 - Just that little amount.
18:45 - And I've been praying like, Lord,
18:47 I really want to see this person, because who is this?
18:50 Because he is really to support us, maybe,
18:55 the one that I get, he just wants to give us the support.
18:58 Like, just keep on doing, keep on your good word.
19:01 - Just an encouragement.
19:03 - Just encouragement and then we thank God,
19:05 we came to the city.
19:07 So, the one who always support us, this guy,
19:12 is the mentally challenged guy.
19:14 He is watching the television every single time,
19:18 every single day and then he has that
19:22 commitment that he wants to support us.
19:24 So he do that, I was like, wow, I'm crying, Lord, thank you.
19:28 Thank you for give us opportunity to see the needs,
19:33 to see that something that the money cannot buy,
19:36 something that very encouraged us that,
19:40 life is not just only having money,
19:44 having nice car, a nice house
19:51 and then having the kids can go to the expensive college
19:54 or anything education, no,
19:56 this is the things that the money cannot--
19:59 - Rewarding.
20:00 - Yeah, this is rewarding.
20:01 - Right, wow, how sweet?
20:04 - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah.
20:05 - How sweet and so beautiful
20:06 that God's spirit was speaking to him
20:09 and bringing him the call and the peace.
20:12 - We're also getting calls from peoples in the cities
20:17 or even of our previous friends start to contact us also.
20:21 They know what we're doing, some of them are curious,
20:25 what are you doing now?
20:26 And I got to television.
20:27 Some of them, even non-Christians,
20:30 they're checking the videos that we make.
20:33 Some of them are really, really blessed,
20:35 you'd be surprised that even Muslims can be blessed
20:38 with the message the values that we share
20:40 our life choices that we have and then, yeah.
20:43 And then that's how we make reconnection with them,
20:47 the people that we left from our previous life,
20:49 just to serve the Lord.
20:51 Now we're reconnecting with them, even through television.
20:54 - Right, nice, nice.
20:57 Well and then the Lord has started opening up
20:59 another type of ministry to you.
21:01 - [Ramon & Shandy] Yes.
21:02 - He led with some of those connections
21:04 to start a health cycling ministry, we want to go there.
21:11 - Because we have a burden.
21:13 It's just not fair if we just left them, like Lord, left--
21:20 - Yeah, in the beginning we were just wondering Lord,
21:21 this people that we left, we feel like,
21:24 how do we reach out to them?
21:27 But how do we get returned to them,
21:29 it's when we're in the process of the Lord fixing ourselves,
21:33 we weren't healthy people before, right?
21:36 I was curious about nutrition, about healthy lifestyle,
21:39 the teachings that come from our church,
21:40 I started to learn that again
21:42 and then in the process of us fixing ourselves,
21:46 we go deep into the studies of our body functions,
21:52 nutritions and everything and then,
21:54 and then from that, we got invited to just share,
21:58 just like a friendly settings,
22:01 one group of people here, one group of people there,
22:04 one community, one community there
22:07 and then it leads us slowly.
22:09 It was leading us slowly to the community
22:12 of active people, of course, everybody who was active.
22:15 - Exercising.
22:17 - They are curious, they want to do something about
22:19 their lifestyle and habits, eating habits.
22:22 So when we finally get to this group of people who were,
22:27 we're seeing our old friends that we left,
22:33 at the time it was like 10 years prior to that
22:36 and then now they're at 10 years later,
22:37 they are more health conscious, they're active
22:40 and then they're asking us so many questions
22:42 and then why don't you just come cycle with us?
22:44 Come run with us, we have a triathlon.
22:48 We had a triathlon community, we had a cycling community.
22:50 We started just doing things with them again
22:54 and so in the process of the Lord fixing us and our health,
22:57 God is actually bringing us back to them to teach them,
23:00 at the same time of the values that we believe
23:03 and then, yeah, we were challenged to
23:07 present our lives this time around to them
23:11 and then when the Lord, I think the Lord had fixed us.
23:16 And then we feel the burden,
23:18 now it's time for us to actually be returned
23:19 to the same group of people that we left.
23:21 - And then this is our, we call this our faith project,
23:25 why we want to have a center of influence in our place,
23:30 because we see the needs through this cycling community,
23:33 through this sport community.
23:37 Over there we see a lot of high profile society
23:41 that cannot be reached for the--
23:44 Cannot be, reached for the--
23:47 - With the gospel. - For the gospel.
23:48 - Quite easily, yeah.
23:50 - But , you know, how--
23:51 - Because there's no way to get into their lives
23:53 or into their circle.
23:54 - Exactly, but because through the cycling community,
23:57 we just cycling with them one hour,
24:00 but after that we can talk for two or three hours
24:04 and then they really love to have us
24:06 and then they always go to our countryside place in our--
24:11 - They come and visit you?
24:13 - [Ramon] Yeah, yeah. - They come and visit us.
24:14 And then they just like, Shandy, can we stay here?
24:20 They feel comfortable in our place, I don't know why.
24:22 They just like, every time we go here, we feel our burden
24:27 is go away, living and we can see,
24:31 I don't know, this is different.
24:33 Is it the food that you cook?
24:36 We just serve everything that--
24:38 - That's growing around us.
24:39 - That grown around us.
24:40 And then they just like the food that you cook,
24:41 we see your children, we see your few everything.
24:45 This is, they call it (speaking foreign language),
24:47 (speaking foreign language) is like small heaven and earth,
24:50 because our place is (speaking foreign language).
24:53 And then they just like--
24:54 And then from that moment, every time I hear that,
24:57 come on, Shandy, we want to go there, we want to go there.
24:59 And I would tell with my husband,
25:01 we need to build something for them.
25:03 For them to see, like for us, it's like this,
25:07 we need to go to their level
25:09 because that is something that they're custom with.
25:13 And then we meet--
25:14 Not for us, not for us, why I tell this?
25:18 Because until now, we moved to the countryside.
25:22 I bring my kids, my first one is eight, now he is 19.
25:28 He never has his own room.
25:31 Because people thought that, look at you,
25:32 you want to build some...
25:35 (speaking foreign language)
25:36 - Luxurious. - Luxurious!
25:38 But no, this is not luxurious, because we see the needs.
25:40 They just like, come on, do it for us
25:43 and then through this pandemic, especially,
25:47 they see the different.
25:49 One of them just like, you know, the first time we saw you,
25:52 we are very curious with your choices,
25:54 because we know who are you, you are very modern person
25:58 and then, you're a materialistic person, but your value,
26:02 how your value on your family, your value--
26:06 Everything is different.
26:07 And then through this pandemic, now we know
26:09 there is something that you know that we don't know.
26:12 - Yeah, that's what they say.
26:14 - That's what they say.
26:15 We see you as, you are preparing something,
26:18 you know something, this world is gonna happen,
26:21 like, you know Shandy, you need to tell us.
26:24 So, with them, we cannot show them the Bible,
26:26 you know, teach, no.
26:28 We just need to sit with them and then just,
26:31 so they have exposing to our choices in our life,
26:37 so that's why--
26:39 - And they keep the connection that way, the friend ship.
26:40 - Yeah, keep the connection, yeah.
26:41 So, maybe this is like a crazy project.
26:46 We want to build the running track,
26:48 we want to build up swimming, Olympic swimming pool,
26:52 we want to build--
26:53 - Half Olympic. - Half Olympic, yeah.
26:55 We want to build a half Olympic, because--
26:56 - So like a health center, a health retreat,
26:59 lifestyle center, kind of?
27:00 - Yes. - Yeah, yeah.
27:02 - Health retreat, that is kinda catered to active people
27:06 or we want to make a proper gym,
27:08 because this are all active people.
27:10 - When we bring them, exercise with them,
27:13 we have time for them to talk.
27:14 - Right.
27:16 - Yes, great connections.
27:17 - More communication, communion and friendship building.
27:20 - Yeah, exactly.
27:22 - All right, well I really appreciate you being here with us
27:23 and sharing, I know you've got other things
27:25 that we'll be sharing more on a different show,
27:28 but thank you so much for being here with us today.
27:30 - Thank you for having us.
27:32 - Thank you, thank you for having us.
27:33 - I would like to invite you to be a part of their ministry,
27:36 to participate by praying for them.
27:39 Obviously, what God is doing, what he's asking them to do
27:42 is beyond human ability
27:44 and so if you would like to be a part of their ministry,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia PO box 1221,
27:53 Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:56 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you,
28:04 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (orchestral music)


Revised 2021-09-22