Jesus 4 Asia Now

New Flight Program for Indonesia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000116S

00:00 (bright soft music)
00:22 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, and my husband, Jon is joining me today.
00:27 As we share about a brand new ministry type,
00:30 not just a new project, a new type of project.
00:35 Hello Love.
00:36 - Hey darling, how are you?
00:37 - I'm doing good. - Good.
00:38 - I'm looking forward to this show.
00:40 - Yeah.
00:41 - Some major miracle stories. - Yes, very exciting.
00:43 - Okay, so set us up.
00:45 Tell us what we're gonna do today.
00:46 - Okay, several months ago, we had the 10 condos here,
00:50 now, you know the 10 condos.
00:51 - Right, and probably at least some
00:54 of our viewers know them.
00:55 - Absolutely, yeah.
00:57 'Cause we've had them on this show a number of times.
00:58 - Right, Ramon and Shandy. - Yes.
01:01 And they are missionaries in Indonesia.
01:03 - Right. - They're Indonesian.
01:04 - Right. - And they came from a very,
01:07 very wealthy background, that had a lot of wealthy friends
01:10 and God called them into service because they were
01:13 unsatisfied with the things of this world.
01:16 And so they really sought after God, really sought after,
01:21 you know, the message, the truth, who is God.
01:24 We did a faith camp in Jakarta in 2011
01:28 and they learned about service. (Natalie chuckles)
01:32 The missing component.
01:33 And so they moved out into the country
01:35 and they started a satellite ministry.
01:37 Now, Indonesia, as you know, is how many islands?
01:40 - 17,508. - Yeah (indistinct).
01:43 The number changes depending on the type.
01:45 - The water level, yeah. (both chuckles)
01:47 - Not all of them are inhabited, obviously,
01:49 but satellite is the perfect method to reach 17,000 islands.
01:55 And so they've been doing that for 10 years.
01:57 The Lord has tested them amazingly and really done...
02:02 They've done a lot of changes in their life.
02:04 So we recorded a show with them a few months ago
02:06 that was going to be about the health work
02:09 that they're doing, the healthy lifestyle work
02:12 that they're doing with their old friends
02:14 and this new project.
02:17 And then what's happened between that show
02:19 and now is so amazing.
02:22 Some miracles have happened that we said,
02:24 "Okay, this has to be its own show."
02:26 - Right, so we took the part about this new project
02:30 out of the other show.
02:32 And that will only be focused on the health ministry
02:34 that they're doing. - [Jon] Correct.
02:35 - And then this one is about this new project,
02:39 which we keep talking about as the new type of project.
02:42 - Yes, yes.
02:44 - Now we wanna talk really briefly
02:47 about another faith project
02:48 that God seems to be leading toward.
02:52 And part of it's because Indonesia
02:55 is a land made of islands.
02:57 And so there's a tool that can get you from one island
03:00 to the next much more quickly, and that is an airplane.
03:04 - Yeah. - Yeah.
03:06 - So can you share a little bit about this dream
03:08 or whatever? (Ramon laughs)
03:11 I mean, (indistinct chatters)
03:13 It seems like God's leading that way.
03:15 I mean, I know it's not funded yet or anything like that.
03:17 And the health center isn't either.
03:19 So that's why it's like faith project after faith project.
03:23 And that's the lifestyle that God has led you in but--
03:26 - This is nothing actually new, you know,
03:28 we've had this television on the satellite
03:31 for the past 10 years and a half now and then--
03:33 - 10 years, six or seven months.
03:35 - Yeah, 10 years and seven months.
03:37 And then as soon as we started
03:39 to broadcast in the satellite, we're getting signal, we're..
03:43 The signal is reaching all parts of Indonesia.
03:46 Right, the footprint we call it,
03:48 it's just as big as America, the continent.
03:51 - But the island is 17-- - Yeah, but 17,000 island,
03:55 500 and something-- - 500, 8000, island.
03:57 - And there's just so many people that are responding
04:00 from places that we haven't even heard of.
04:03 You know, where is this?
04:04 Where are you calling from?
04:05 - Yeah, what Island, what-- - What area?
04:07 Oh, okay, and then we'll look at the map, you know,
04:10 and then they're asking us to,
04:12 "Well, do you have any teachers or Bible worker
04:14 you can send us or nurse or can you send us books?"
04:18 You know, some Muslim ask for books even Bibles.
04:22 And then we send them Bible, we send them books.
04:24 What do I read?
04:25 What do I do?
04:26 - We-- - They need mentorship.
04:28 - Yeah, there's so many different needs
04:31 in different parts of island.
04:32 We cannot serve every single one of them.
04:34 But you know, one of the good, effective ways
04:37 to reach out to them is aviation.
04:39 So very early in this TV ministry,
04:43 we knew we're gonna have aviation somewhere down the line,
04:47 even though it's already been 10 years and no,
04:49 I'm a pilot, I am the pilo...
04:50 I became the pilot, but still without wings, you know,
04:53 but God is going to provide, I think sometime soon,
04:57 you know, before Jesus comes, we're getting invitations
05:00 to reach out the television viewers, there's a...
05:07 For instance, we're planning to reach out
05:08 to this to two destinations, one in the slightly West,
05:12 one is in the East part of where we are, and then once...
05:16 140, a 140 one miles West,
05:20 and then the other one is 170 miles East.
05:24 That's not that far really, but with a car,
05:27 this is like 16 hours and 18 hours to get there.
05:30 It's ridiculous, but with airplane they you can get there
05:33 in an hour and a half or two hours.
05:36 And then we can drop off the health worker
05:38 or a Bible worker, depending on the needs, you know,
05:41 we can quickly develop, you know, make frequent visits,
05:44 you know, drop them off and pick them up
05:46 and then install different programs.
05:47 They know we care for them,
05:50 and that's how you're gonna make effective evangelism.
05:57 You know, and this is really the faith project.
06:00 It's really gonna cost a lot of money,
06:01 but, you know, we were---
06:03 - Yeah, because, you know, one time we got in invitation
06:06 in Kalimantan, Borneo and then--
06:08 - [Ramon] Oh yeah.
06:09 - You know, I remember to reach to that place,
06:11 it took us like how many hours?
06:12 - That was about 150 miles inland from the Coastal City.
06:19 It took us 20 close to 24 hours to get there.
06:21 - And then we use-- - We drove.
06:23 - We drove by car. - And then the tire broke
06:26 or the tire-- (chuckles)
06:27 - When we visit the, you know, that point
06:29 and we met one a pastor, old pastor, you know,
06:36 you can see the old pastor, you know, serving in the--
06:38 - Yeah, he was serving six or seven churches or something.
06:40 - Yeah, and the pastor came because, you know, he just like,
06:43 you know, he just want to meet us, and he's like,
06:45 "Wow, I'm so happy to see you in person.
06:47 You know, I'm really blessed to see
06:49 because we watched your television."
06:51 And I was like, "Wow, he's so old and he's so tired."
06:55 - (indistinct) motorcycle-- - (indistinct),
06:58 when I see his motorcycle and his motorcycle is very old,
07:04 you can name it, it's very old, like a, wow.
07:08 And he drive like more than 20 hours just only visit me
07:14 to want to see me and my husband in person.
07:17 And I asked him, "Can you explain, you know, your road,
07:20 your way to go here?"
07:21 Yeah, I need to (speaking in foreign language)
07:24 - (speaking in foreign language)
07:25 It's just (indistinct) the big river is crossing--
07:27 - I need to cross in the big river.
07:28 - One town after another,
07:30 village after village. - And then I go,
07:31 I was like, Wow!
07:33 You know, and then when we came to that place, you know,
07:36 somebody come to us and said like,
07:38 "Hey, you know, before this place is--"
07:42 - Back in the early 80s - Early 80s,
07:43 this is Adventist village right?
07:45 - This whole village used to be Seventh Day Adventists.
07:48 (indistinct) How come they're not having this anymore?
07:51 Well, because there's a new church coming
07:53 and then just kind of recruit them one by one.
07:55 And then, that your church stopped coming here.
07:58 What are you talking about?
08:00 Yeah, back in the 80s, there is an airplane going here
08:03 like few times every month, you know, by American pilot.
08:07 So it used to be funded, you know,
08:09 the aviation program was funded from this Coastal City
08:13 to that area frequently.
08:17 And then after that stop, there's no more service.
08:21 You know, people kind of forgot after a few years,
08:23 and then the generation sort of have no connections anymore
08:25 with the church.
08:27 - They even show us the airstrip.
08:28 - And then I was taken to the area
08:30 where they used to have this airstrip built by our church.
08:33 It's not even airstrip anymore, just like soccer field,
08:36 you know, one after another houses, and I'm like,
08:38 "Oh, they kinda broke my heart."
08:40 You know, I knew that God,
08:42 you have to re-install this program for us
08:44 to reach out to them again,
08:45 because they know we're in television
08:47 and there's not one place like this.
08:48 There's so many different places
08:49 that are asking us the same thing.
08:51 We remember you, we know you from long time ago,
08:55 come back to see us, we give you like acres of land
08:57 for you to land your airplanes, (indistinct).
09:01 - You know, like we know like Indonesian is a lot of island,
09:04 like 70, 1700-- - 17,508.
09:09 - 17, 508.(all chuckles)
09:13 - I was like, I said like, you know, we always, you know,
09:17 like we go to state and then we can drive,
09:21 to go to the other, you know, state right?
09:22 - Yeah. - [Natalie] Yeah.
09:23 To how many states this summer?
09:25 - [Ramon & Mandy] 25 states. - In America? (chuckles)
09:27 - In America, but in Indonesia is impossible
09:30 for us to bring car.
09:32 - Yeah, no, it's island. - Just no, its impossible,
09:34 its an island. - [Ramon] Yeah, you know.
09:36 - You just so, you cannot swim to go to the other island,
09:38 you know, and the God always--
09:39 - Not even ferries or boats? - Yeah, not everything
09:42 is connected to ferries. - Yeah, takes a long time.
09:43 - Even got all those trees whispered to us like,
09:46 "You need to do something, you need to do something."
09:48 And then we treat our viewers as our family,
09:53 they are very connect to us.
09:54 They just like, "Hey, can you give the name for my children,
09:57 for my daughter?
09:58 - [Ramon] Yeah. - They did...
09:59 They just do it, not just only that,
10:01 "Hey, I need something for even, you know, my (laughs)
10:06 - We got a recent call from a television viewer.
10:08 "I got a problem, so nobody can help me,
10:10 I've spent so much money to go see different doctors."
10:12 What is the problem?
10:14 "I have a strong body odor." (all chuckles)
10:17 We sort of smiled.
10:18 Body odor and then,
10:19 Well, (indistinct) try one solution.
10:22 "What is it?"
10:23 Baking soda.
10:25 Really?
10:27 We can buy that in a local market
10:28 and like cheap too like, yeah, go buy it, try it.
10:31 And then the lady tried it and in like few days after that,
10:34 she came back on the phone, like,
10:35 "Whoa, wow, that's such an easy solution."
10:40 - You know, that is how we-- - Simple.
10:43 - Very simple.
10:45 - That is how we very close with our viewers.
10:47 You know, they always give us like stories, you know,
10:50 like they just want to talk to us and like many, like,
10:54 you know, there's many times we visit them.
10:58 - Yeah, we see them in person.
10:59 - We sleep in their house.
11:01 They love to see us because, you know,
11:03 they love to see people in the television right, and when...
11:06 And they're just like,
11:08 "Wow, they're just people in television."
11:09 And especially when we came to their house,
11:12 they are really appreciate that.
11:14 And that just only that they see something...
11:16 Message, like very firm message when they see us,
11:20 wake up in the morning, they just like,
11:22 "Wow, your movement is very firm. (Ramon chuckles)
11:26 Why, what is (indistinct)?
11:28 I can, you know, you know,
11:29 what is the strong message that you bring to us?
11:32 What is that? (Ramon chuckles)
11:33 I can see, what did he say? - And they were,
11:36 "You wake up in the morning with the same look,
11:38 the way you slept at night."
11:40 It's something like that.
11:41 - And then that is only that the way I see you
11:43 in the television, it's same here.
11:46 - Yeah, there is simple-- - [Mandy] Simple.
11:47 - Simplicity, you know, that's some message to them.
11:49 - And that some message.
11:50 - Many of them appreciate, you know.
11:52 - So that's why we really want to have some aviation
11:54 like not us, if you ask us as a human, of course,
11:58 this is like, "Lord, this is a big burden already."
12:00 You know, you give out the other big burden,
12:03 but God always (indistinct), you know, you need to do this.
12:06 They need to see you, you know, you need to do this.
12:08 And so that's why we just say, you know, like,
12:14 "Okay Lord"
12:15 But not firm like, "Not okay!"
12:16 You know, "Okay, we're gonna do that."
12:19 So that's why we--
12:20 - Yes, you open the door (indistinct) go forward.
12:23 - Joshua 1:3 it says,
12:25 "Wherever the soul of thy foot shall tread upon
12:28 that have already given unto you."
12:30 - You know. - [Shandy] True.
12:31 - It's just a matter of you willing
12:33 to make step there because that God
12:36 has already given unto us, you know,
12:39 that's his promise. - To that--
12:41 - Even though we prefer not to go cycling,
12:43 we prefer not to fly anywhere,
12:45 we prefer to be home really because we're tired, you know.
12:50 But when God says, "Go, if you wanna go,
12:52 I'm going to provide."
12:56 (Jon chuckles)
12:58 - If you're willing to go, I'm gonna provide.
13:00 - Yeah, yeah.
13:02 And just a really quick statistic on
13:06 why airplanes are so powerful in Indonesia.
13:11 The country is about the size of the United States,
13:14 geographically distance wise,
13:15 even though the United States is all connected by land.
13:18 Whereas Indonesia is all islands,
13:21 but as far as actual distance of roads,
13:24 Indonesia is about 5% of the roads
13:27 that we have here in America.
13:28 So you can imagine trying to get anywhere in America,
13:30 if we only had 5% of the roads, that we have.
13:34 - Yeah, it wouldn't work well. (both chuckles)
13:36 - And I've been in Indonesia, I mean, you talk about,
13:38 "Hey, let's go a 100 kilometers, you know,
13:40 60 miles down the road."
13:41 That could take several hours, you know, and we...
13:46 Here we think 60 miles-- - [Natalie] Depending on.
13:47 - So that's, you know, less than an hour,
13:50 but over there, it's not like that, and so--
13:52 - Well, because it's not just, is there a road?
13:55 It's what is the quality of the road
13:57 and where is the road located?
13:58 Like how much traffic will there be on that road?
14:01 - Exactly.
14:02 - Because there are fewer roads.
14:03 There is a lot more traffic on some of those roads.
14:04 - Right, and Indonesia is one of the highly...
14:07 Most highly densely populated areas on the planet.
14:11 And so you get a lot of traffic, a lot of people.
14:14 - So we recorded this show and then we were talking about it
14:17 and praying about it together
14:20 before they went back to Indonesia.
14:22 - Right, 'cause I was very unsure about this
14:24 because I know that airplane programs
14:27 are not really cheap and not only that--
14:30 - And they're usually underfunded.
14:33 - And, just the difficulty of running one,
14:37 the paperwork, you know, all the challenges, I mean,
14:43 and so it's like, I was unsure, but here's a guy
14:46 that has a lot of business experience,
14:49 and he's Indonesian and there's this need,
14:53 I mean, that story of the entire town
14:55 that used to be Adventist, that the runway that
14:58 our church built is being used for a soccer field and--
15:01 - And housing now on-- - It's like, okay.
15:03 - It won't be a runway anymore.
15:05 - Yeah, it's like, "Okay, God, I can't see the way clear
15:08 to get a program going, but I...
15:11 But maybe you do, and if we just move forward,
15:14 according to the need, just follow where the need is,
15:17 maybe you'll open the door."
15:19 And so I says, "Okay, well, go back.
15:21 You know, when you go back to Indonesia, look for a plane,
15:24 see what God does."
15:25 You know, 'cause we were thinking,
15:27 should we send one from America to Indonesia?
15:29 Because you've got to import tax, you've got shipping costs,
15:32 you've got to disassemble the airplane in America,
15:34 send it over there and reassemble it.
15:37 And then you've got to get it registered.
15:39 And how are you gonna register it?
15:40 You know what, we just...
15:41 Just a lot of questions, a lot of unknowns
15:44 and a lot of expense, you know?
15:46 So we're looking at different airplanes
15:48 for sale here, just wasn't really working out.
15:52 And so then they went back home to Indonesia
15:55 and then I went on a trip to Thailand.
15:58 So--(chuckles)
16:00 - So we have a picture? - Yeah.
16:02 - From your hotel in Thailand.
16:03 - Very exciting photo. (both chuckles)
16:05 I spent 10 days right here, (both chuckles)
16:08 a lot of praying, and a lot of...
16:11 I had my walking trail, you know,
16:14 12 steps this way and 12 steps that way.
16:17 It was back and forth for 10 days straight.
16:19 - Right, it's hard to get enough exercise that way,
16:22 but you try. (both chuckles)
16:24 - But while I was there, I got a picture from Ramon.
16:28 He says, "Hey, I found an airplane."
16:31 And I'm like, "Well, that's not what I was thinking about."
16:35 'Cause I'm thinking, you know, big Tundra tires,
16:37 really remote stuff.
16:38 And this is not a remote type of airplane.
16:41 This isn't like a primitive airstrip type of airplane.
16:46 And I'm like, "I'm not sure this is the right thing."
16:48 And he looked into it some more.
16:51 He says, "You know, it's a really good price."
16:54 It was selling for $62,000,
16:57 and brand new, this is $120,000, $130,000.
17:03 Only had 150 hours on it.
17:05 - That's really, really very little.
17:07 - That's very little.
17:09 I mean, you don't have to rebuild the engine
17:10 until like 2000 hours, so that's...
17:14 And you know, that's, I mean, that's almost brand new.
17:17 And the guy that bought this had bought it from the factory,
17:22 shipped it from America and had the factory people come
17:25 and reassemble it in Indonesia.
17:27 - Wow!
17:29 - And then he registered it in Indonesia.
17:31 So the total cost of this airplane originally for that guy,
17:34 for the seller was $180,000.
17:37 - Wow, so 62,000 was a really cheap asking price.
17:40 - Yeah, that's a third. - [Natalie] Wow!
17:42 - And then the miracle happened.
17:44 I was praying about it, Lord, you know, really,
17:46 I mean like, "Lord, do you really want this happen?"
17:50 And just praying, you know, when you've got nothing to do,
17:53 then you can pray, (chuckles) you got time to pray.
17:56 And, then you guys called me.
17:59 - Right, because we got a cheque here in the office
18:03 that was designated for any project anywhere,
18:06 and it was $50,000.
18:07 - Yeah, but it was for pro...
18:09 For a mission project. - Right, right
18:10 - Yes, and so it was how much? - It was 50,000.
18:14 - [Jon] 50,000, we get a lot of those don't we?
18:16 - Nope. (Jon chuckles)
18:17 - So this was a very unusual experience.
18:20 And very unusual timing. - Right, right.
18:24 - And so I told Ramon, I says,
18:28 "Okay, why don't you go and offer him 50,000,
18:32 and if the guy accepts it, we know God's in this."
18:36 - Right, that would definitely be a good sign.
18:40 - Yeah, 'cause he's already selling it
18:42 for a third of what he put into it.
18:44 And so Ramon went there and test fluid,
18:48 loved the plane and offered him 50,000.
18:53 And the guy took it.
18:54 Yeah, he says, "But I need the money right away."
18:56 Because his business due to COVID was going down,
19:00 and so he needed the cash right away.
19:02 And so we sent the cash and what happened
19:05 to the wire transfer? - It didn't get there.
19:10 - It went into-- - Yeah.
19:12 One of them had the name on the account incorrect--
19:18 - By the bank. - By the bank, yeah.
19:20 Somebody made a typo, and so then once that was corrected
19:24 and the correction was sent through,
19:26 then that one actually went into the bank account,
19:28 but it went like a week later.
19:31 So he was like, the money was not getting there.
19:33 It was nowhere, they couldn't figure out why it was stalled.
19:36 The other one was the name wasn't right,
19:39 and everything but it did not go to the account.
19:42 And so we finally ended up sending two more wire transfers
19:46 from a different account, a totally different way,
19:49 and those ones got there, but late.
19:52 - Yeah, so it was like that he made the offer on a Monday.
19:58 We thought that we'd be able to pay for on a Wednesday,
20:00 the following Wednesday--
20:04 - The money still wasn't still wasn't there.
20:05 - Still wasn't there, so--
20:06 - So we sent it again the second time.
20:07 - So we sent it again, and I remember that Friday,
20:09 just like going after God, just like, Lord--
20:12 - Because the owner had said, "I need the money on Friday."
20:16 - Right, that Friday...
20:18 Yeah, that second Friday, he says, that's the deadline.
20:21 If the money's not here--
20:23 - That's it. - Deal is off.
20:24 - I'm taking the other person.
20:25 - 'Cause somebody else had offered more money by then.
20:28 And so we were...
20:29 I was just like really begging God, I was like,
20:31 Lord, it's my fault, I did it wrong.
20:33 And we should have done-- - If it's your will,
20:34 or if it's, you know--
20:35 - Oh Lord if just please don't let us lose it,
20:37 'cause we know Satan's angry about this.
20:40 You know, and he likes to control all the money matters.
20:43 And so he, you know, he's fighting this thing hard.
20:46 And so we just like prayed really hard,
20:48 and Ramon's friend who is also friend with the seller,
20:55 came to, you know, stood up for Ramon and say,
20:57 "Hey, please, don't let this-- - Just wait a little longer.
21:00 - Yeah, just wait a little longer.
21:02 And praise God, the money came in that Sunday.
21:04 - Right, so Monday he was able to pay the owner?
21:07 - Yes.
21:08 - And become the owner of the airplane.
21:11 - Right (Jon laughs)
21:14 - Yeah, it was really frustrating,
21:17 like where did the money go?
21:18 Like, that's a lot of money to have just disappeared.
21:22 - Thank God that we've been able to find it.
21:24 So we haven't lost anything.
21:26 The other money's part of it's come back,
21:28 and the other one's over there getting used.
21:30 But it's safe, so it's just--
21:33 - It was one of those things where I was like,
21:35 "Okay Lord, this is your money.
21:37 Anybody that's touching it is messing with you."
21:40 (Jon laughs) So it's like, you know,
21:42 that's the good thing that really...
21:43 About realizing that God owns everything
21:46 because we can trust him with his money,
21:48 even if we don't know where it is.
21:49 And it kind of freaks us out,
21:51 but we know that nothing can happen to it.
21:54 That's outside of his full plan.
21:57 - Yes, and the other beautiful thing is that,
21:59 through this, we've...
22:00 I've really come to love our bank.
22:02 The people in there, they just love what we're doing.
22:05 They just really try to bend over backwards to help.
22:08 - Yeah, they pray.
22:09 They pray for our projects.
22:11 They're excited when something good is happening.
22:14 I mean, it's really-- - It's very encouraging.
22:16 And every time we go in there,
22:18 we come out feeling, you know--
22:20 - [Natalie] Encouraged. - Yeah.
22:22 And that's a blessing, in this world.
22:26 - So we have a few more pictures that the airplane.
22:28 - Yeah, and here they're washing it.
22:30 These are the first pictures that I saw, these three.
22:32 It's the kind of a smaller airplane.
22:34 This is a video of him flying.
22:36 And then here's Ramon getting time, now he's...
22:38 Ramon had about a 100 hours of flight time, he....
22:41 So he already was a pilot, had his pilot's license.
22:43 So he's getting checked out that he needs another 20
22:46 or so hours in this plane before he can, you know,
22:49 be let loose--
22:50 - Be certified to fly it by himself.
22:52 - Right, now those of you that are into airplanes,
22:54 you'll notice that it has a glass cockpit.
22:57 That's a big deal.
22:58 Instead of all the little analog instruments,
23:00 it's got like the big digital instruments.
23:03 So it's very modern, and so this is really important
23:07 because when I was growing up, when I was two months old,
23:10 my parents went to New Guinea and I went there with them,
23:16 - Good thing? (Jon chuckles)
23:17 - And my dad has always been an airplane fanatic,
23:21 loved airplanes.
23:22 If he could have figured out how to have Sabbath off,
23:24 he would have been an airline pilot.
23:26 But he was a doctor instead.
23:28 And while he was a missionary in New Guinea, he got to fly.
23:32 And because the main pilot was injured,
23:35 and so they asked my dad to do some flying.
23:38 And there was a time when he was flying and he could not see
23:42 any runways 'cause he was up above the clouds
23:45 and he couldn't see anything down below.
23:48 And this is obviously before they had instruments,
23:50 they couldn't see the weather patterns coming in.
23:52 They couldn't see how to get around
23:55 and where the runways, they couldn't land.
23:57 - And New Guinea, there are mountains.
23:59 - Very tall mountains.
24:01 And so it's very dangerous.
24:03 And so having this kind of instrumentation,
24:05 I think is really important for them.
24:07 - You should finish that story.
24:09 - Oh, so-- - He landed safely.
24:12 - Yeah, my mom didn't know where he was.
24:14 He prayed really hard and he saw a hole in the clouds
24:17 and he just went right down through those clouds.
24:21 The ground control was yelling at him, give us an update,
24:25 and he's like, he just took his headphones off.
24:27 'Cause he, you know, he just had to focus on landing.
24:30 - He didn't have any update, he didn't know where he was.
24:32 - Right, and so he got in, he landed,
24:35 and then of course he couldn't take off
24:37 because everything just socked in.
24:38 So it was a miracle that he landed
24:40 and then he was locked down there for three days.
24:44 Of course my mom didn't know, couldn't get word from him
24:48 if he was okay or not.
24:50 And so she's up there in the Highlands,
24:51 in her mission house with two kids,
24:54 not knowing where her husband was, for three days.
24:58 And so-- - A lot of praying.
25:00 (both chuckles)
25:02 So, now there's something special about
25:04 different kinds of gas with airplanes as well.
25:06 And this one, yeah,
25:07 I think you need to explain that as well.
25:09 - Okay, so most airplanes take aviation fuel,
25:13 which is better fuel, but it's very expensive.
25:16 And so he was specifically looking for an airplane
25:18 that would take normal car fuel, auto fuel.
25:22 It's about a third, the price. - Wow.
25:24 - And so it gets good gas mileage and it only takes,
25:27 you know, normal car gasoline, and so it's very--
25:30 - Which is very important? - Yes, (both chuckles) very,
25:34 inexpensive (indistinct)
25:35 - Inexpensive in smaller Airports.
25:36 - Yeah, yeah, to find the gas,
25:37 but also just the cost of operation.
25:40 That's one of the least expensive airplanes
25:42 that you could find to operate on a per hour basis.
25:47 - Wow. - So, very exciting.
25:48 - Which is a God thing too? - Absolutely.
25:50 God's, I mean, just God's been leading
25:52 so clearly in each step of the way,
25:55 and we know that God's gonna continue to lead
25:58 because he has a plan and there's going
26:00 to be people in heaven because of this.
26:03 New places opened, as Ramon was saying, you know,
26:07 taking Bible workers and putting them in places
26:09 where there's no evidence present and in Indonesia, okay,
26:13 just to get an idea of the unreached people,
26:15 groups in Indonesia, there's like 1500 languages
26:21 in which there's no (indistinct) work whatsoever.
26:23 - Wow. - 1500 languages.
26:27 The statistic I've been told is that
26:30 if we continue entering into new languages
26:33 at the rate that we're currently entering into,
26:36 it'll take 600 years before Jesus can come.
26:41 And so--
26:42 - Every nation, kindred tongue, and people.
26:44 - Exactly, and so we've, I mean, this has been our prayer
26:47 this whole last year is like,
26:49 "Lord, you gotta take over because we gotta go faster."
26:55 We've got to take this God, we gotta...
26:57 God's got to find new ways to open up new territory.
27:01 And--
27:02 - And he's got a light that fire
27:04 that burns fast and furious across the country sides.
27:07 - Right, right, we're also praying for
27:10 a ultra light airplane, (chuckles) that will help
27:14 with this project as well.
27:16 We have one in Thailand,
27:17 but we're trying to get it shipped down to Indonesia to--
27:20 - Which just needs a lot of prayer too.
27:22 - Yes, (Natalie chuckles)
27:23 because Satan has been fighting that hard.
27:27 He just doesn't want to lose any of his territory.
27:29 But God's in charge.
27:31 Yes, and God's gonna--
27:34 - And God will do a lot more miracles.
27:36 - And Matthew 24:14, will be fulfilled.
27:40 - Right, that's true. - Yeah.
27:42 - Well, I would like to invite you,
27:44 if you would like to be a part of this miracle story,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia, P.O.Box 1221,
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321.
27:59 Or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (bright soft music)


Revised 2021-12-22