Jesus 4 Asia Now

Glimpses of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000128S

00:00 (upbeat music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and I have a special guest with me today
00:27 that many of you will probably recognize.
00:29 He's been on 3ABN several times already
00:32 and is best known for his prayer ministry,
00:35 leading many prayer groups at ASI and GYC conventions
00:39 where sometimes as many as 1,000 people have come
00:43 to the 6:00 AM prayer sessions.
00:45 He is currently serving as the Prayer Coordinator
00:47 for ASAP Ministries.
00:49 If you haven't guessed by now,
00:51 my guest today is Gem Castor.
00:54 Hello Gem.
00:55 - Hello, Natalie.
00:56 - Welcome to the show.
00:57 - I'm glad to be back here.
00:59 - We're so glad to have you
01:01 and we are excited about our topic today.
01:04 - I am too.
01:05 - Because it's a topic that
01:07 should be far more dear to all of us,
01:10 and it's been a neat journey for all of us.
01:13 I mean, it kind of started out as almost a whim.
01:19 John said, "Gem, let's shoot a show."
01:22 - I said, "Okay, let's do it."
01:24 Not even thinking what we were going into
01:27 and I believe that the whim
01:28 was dictated by the Holy Spirit.
01:31 - So, what was the whim?
01:32 What was the show about that we're talking about?
01:35 - It's about focusing on the life of Jesus
01:38 based on "The Desire of Ages"
01:40 because most of the people that I have met when I ask them,
01:44 what's the most favorite book that they have read
01:47 and "The Desire of Ages" is always on the top of the list.
01:50 Is it a top five or top one, top two, top three.
01:53 And I have experienced as well, Natalie,
01:55 that I've read "The Desire of Ages" number of times
01:59 and it doesn't grow old.
02:00 There's always a beautiful jewel to discover,
02:04 even in the most common stories.
02:06 - Right, and it's not always just a simple concept
02:12 that you see there,
02:13 it's major concepts about who God is
02:15 and about his character.
02:17 And then you see concepts about how we are, you know,
02:21 things about ourselves
02:23 that are brought out in these stories.
02:25 - And it's beautiful as well when you said that
02:28 because it's Jesus himself introducing himself to us.
02:32 Like going deeper,
02:34 like here's another layer that you need to see of me.
02:37 And remember it's inspired by the Holy Spirit,
02:40 inspired by the spirit of Jesus, so.
02:42 - And we called the show Glimpses of Jesus.
02:46 So we built a small set in our garage
02:49 and the initial plan was that
02:51 you would stand there and you would share,
02:53 and there would be six people sitting and listening
02:56 and then everyone else was camera crew and production crew
03:00 'cause we streamed it live as we were shooting,
03:02 and that's not exactly what ended up happening.
03:07 - And even before going there, Natalie,
03:09 even choosing for the title because we have been praying
03:13 and the staff here has been pleading before God,
03:17 what title to give,
03:19 and those titles were really beautiful.
03:21 And then not until I believe John was calling me and said,
03:28 "Oh, those are beautiful titles,"
03:28 and I've been praying,
03:29 I was back there in Michigan
03:31 and then I just suggested,
03:32 and I know for a fact that was not me, that's another whim.
03:38 - That came from God.
03:39 - That came from God.
03:41 That's another dictate of the Holy Spirit.
03:43 And of all those titles that I've heard, I said,
03:46 why not call it "Glimpses of Jesus"
03:48 and John just like ding, that's it.
03:51 - There it is.
03:52 - So, what I have experienced here in this show
03:56 that we came in with this project,
03:59 not knowing how to do it,
04:00 but there's just this heavy burden
04:02 that John has this dream
04:04 of really producing something about Jesus,
04:07 about "The Desire of Ages",
04:08 because it spoke to his heart as well.
04:10 And why not, we'll make it come alive.
04:13 And so when he was driving, when he turned to me
04:17 and we were doing a week rare in church first
04:21 and one of those topics was desire of ages.
04:28 And he said, "Why not do something like that?"
04:30 And I was still at the height of divine inspiration,
04:35 and I said, "Yes, let's do it."
04:37 And I did not know what I was going into.
04:39 - What was coming because there is an enemy
04:42 that hates the name of Jesus,
04:45 and that hates when anyone sees any picture of Jesus.
04:49 And he attacked you during this time over and over.
04:54 - And at first I was thinking,
04:56 why is it so difficult?
04:59 Because I read "The Desire of Ages"
05:01 and I could not come up with a script.
05:03 I could not come up with what chapters to choose.
05:07 And the Lord just convicted me,
05:08 just dwell in my presence,
05:10 just continually dwell in my presence.
05:12 And I didn't know what the Lord was doing,
05:16 but it was just, for me, it made me so anxious,
05:21 it made me so anxious,
05:22 it made me shake my knees,
05:25 my little Filipino knees were shaking.
05:27 And as I've been telling people,
05:29 the moment your knees begin to shake,
05:32 it means to say that you have to fold it.
05:34 And that time, the Lord just convicted me to spend
05:37 as much time as possible in his presence.
05:41 And I see there, Natalie, that
05:44 the script was not important
05:46 as much as basking in his presence.
05:49 - Because you became closer to him
05:52 and you were able to see him more
05:55 and then he could bring to mind,
05:58 and he could give ideas
05:59 and he could guide your reading
06:02 to the right places and help you to prepare.
06:05 - He took away all my confidence
06:09 in a lot of weak prayers that I have handled.
06:11 And my comfortability to speak in front of people,
06:16 all those things were taken away.
06:19 I even lost weight,
06:21 I even lost weight.
06:22 And there I realized that the Lord is calling me
06:25 to this sacred task of presenting him, of presenting him,
06:30 just talking about the weight.
06:32 Like my jeans, my jeans is not that loose,
06:35 and during the shoot,
06:39 I don't even have to take out the bottom of the jeans,
06:41 I could just slip out of the jeans,
06:42 that's how famish looking I was.
06:47 - I remember when you came here,
06:49 you looked so exhausted.
06:51 Like not stressed, but stressed,
06:56 like you had to fight for this on your knees.
07:00 - On my knees and I remember one time
07:03 when I saw the first clip that John showed me
07:06 and I looked at my face and said, have mercy.
07:10 And I was a photographer.
07:12 So I'm very much particular with color,
07:15 with this, with that,
07:16 but when I look at my face,
07:17 you could not arrange that.
07:19 I was just like, I look like I'm depleted of--
07:23 - Of everything.
07:24 - Of everything.
07:25 And the Lord somehow convicted me
07:26 in the times that I was kneeling down.
07:29 Is not about how good you look in front of the camera,
07:32 it's how you made me look good.
07:35 And this is the thing that I realized,
07:37 the ministry is about us, is about him.
07:41 - He says that in the word,
07:43 my glory will I not give to another, he says,
07:45 I'm not giving my glory away, it's mine.
07:48 - And then the thing is,
07:49 we don't have to make God look that good
07:53 because this is already beautiful.
07:55 - We just have to find him more.
07:59 - And one thing that I realized too, Natalie, is that
08:01 the more self is in it,
08:03 the more Jesus would not be beautiful,
08:06 the more the savior will not be beautiful in the eyes of men
08:09 and the Lord just somehow,
08:10 like do not be so conscious about losing weight,
08:15 about this, about that,
08:16 just be conscious that you are always in my presence.
08:20 - Wow, and so you continued to study and read
08:27 and he started to guide you on what you were to say.
08:30 - And that's one interesting thing as well, Natalie,
08:33 because I was feeling the pressure
08:35 that I was putting on myself.
08:37 And I know that you have put in a lot of effort,
08:40 like putting the set, it costs a lot and this for those--
08:46 - It cost a lot and we handmade rocks.
08:49 And we had several volunteers
08:52 that are good at decorating, come and help.
08:54 And we had people basically give us the rental
08:58 of various things that we used on the set.
09:00 And so it was like a lot of people put in quite a bit
09:04 to help to make it look nice.
09:07 - And I'm here coming to Chattanooga not having one script.
09:14 - I don't have anything to share.
09:15 - So, I just put this burden on my heart, like,
09:20 what have I gotten my friends into?
09:23 And I'm thinking, am I the right man for this job?
09:27 And those are the questions
09:28 that really brought me down to my knees.
09:30 I did not even have
09:32 the peace and confidence seeing you right there.
09:35 That's why I asked Gabe,
09:37 pick me up in the airport.
09:39 They didn't know, you didn't know why that excuse,
09:42 because I just need to be somewhere
09:45 that I could be praying before I had to meet you.
09:49 And what the Lord did to me was just so beautiful.
09:53 That took away all the confidence,
09:55 whatever confidence that I have in myself
09:57 just like brought me to the dust.
10:01 - To the end of yourself.
10:02 - To the end of myself.
10:04 And I remember John was asking me,
10:07 "So Gem, what are you gonna talk about tomorrow?"
10:10 I said, "I don't know, the Lord has to reveal it to me."
10:15 and those were the moments
10:17 that were really beautiful, Natalie.
10:19 Waking up really early in the morning like 2:00 AM,
10:22 like speaking to God.
10:23 Sometimes those were the conversations
10:26 that really somehow crushed my heart
10:27 because I'm thinking, Lord,
10:29 what am I gonna share with them?
10:31 It's today, today is the shoot, I don't have anything.
10:35 I don't have any materials to share.
10:37 And again, the Lord will somehow convict me
10:40 be still in my presence and I will show you.
10:43 And lo and behold, after like few hours,
10:47 sometimes the Lord will reveal to me before breakfast,
10:50 sometimes after breakfast,
10:51 but sometimes lunchtime.
10:52 - In the afternoon, yeah.
10:55 - And our shooting time is what time?
10:56 - It was six o'clock.
10:57 - Yeah, it was six o'clock.
10:59 And just imagine you don't have anything until after lunch.
11:03 - Yeah, 3:00 or 4:00, 5:00.
11:07 I think one evening it was like,
11:08 you were getting it still.
11:10 God was telling you still
11:11 as you were driving over there, I think.
11:13 - And while I was standing up, I was still editing.
11:17 So God really places us in a spot
11:20 that we could not rely on anything else except him.
11:25 - Which is what the point was
11:28 to show us that he's reliable,
11:31 he's faithful,
11:32 he has all the answers
11:35 and he knows what's best.
11:36 - And again, Natalie,
11:37 when you say that the Lord desires for us to rely on him,
11:41 because he doesn't want this show to be glimpses of Gem
11:44 or glimpses of John or glimpses of Natalie.
11:47 - No, none of us do.
11:49 - Oh, it would be ruined,
11:52 it's only glimpses of him.
11:53 So by relying fully on him,
11:55 it's him that comes out, it's not us.
12:00 - And it's so beautiful because it's like,
12:01 we prayed through all sorts of things.
12:03 We prayed through what the set should look like,
12:05 we prayed through the audience
12:07 and how the cameras should be
12:09 and John prayed for more cameras
12:11 'cause he always has wanted lot of cameras.
12:13 And so he had 11,
12:15 and then when they went to edit,
12:16 he went, ooh, that was too many, but he has 11.
12:20 So, God gives us the desires of our hearts
12:24 and we learn from that.
12:25 But everything, God guided so much.
12:28 I mean, painting, the painting was a challenge
12:32 because we had actually had four different colors of paint
12:35 and we had to put them all separately on the wall
12:38 and then make that part of the wall
12:40 look exactly the same as the rest of the wall
12:43 and we were doing a section at a time,
12:45 so it wouldn't dry before we were,
12:47 it was crazy.
12:48 And so much of it looked like we had just done
12:51 the whole thing in one like roller a brush,
12:53 but we couldn't roller it
12:55 because it was all the separate colors
12:57 and then the rocks for the archway,
13:00 it was like, it was such a God thing
13:02 because all of us were doing them.
13:04 We had four or five different people
13:06 and we did the face and we did the inside
13:11 completely separately and yet God guided.
13:13 And so it's like, it could look like
13:16 it was one piece of rock the whole way
13:18 and then there was a place on the archway
13:21 where it's like, there's a cut
13:23 and it like goes straight down through, you know,
13:26 it goes straight down through several blocks
13:28 on both sides there's areas like that
13:31 and it's just like, how did he do this?
13:35 He did this, that's how he did it,
13:37 I mean, he did it.
13:38 - It's just a beautiful sight to behold that
13:40 when we are submissive to him,
13:45 you'll see that when we do our part,
13:47 when the Lord puts it all together,
13:49 it comes out as one beautiful piece.
13:52 And people do not believe all the
13:55 and if they see the show,
13:57 if they have a glimpse of the arch of the rocks,
13:59 people have to remember that each rock
14:02 is a different artist.
14:06 - And it started as foam with a flat,
14:09 you know, it was flat.
14:10 - And they had to shape it their own.
14:12 - Yeah, we had to shape it
14:13 and then we had to paint it
14:15 so it actually looked like rock
14:16 and that was a total God thing 'cause we're like,
14:18 this does not look like rock at all.
14:21 And so then we'd like, okay Lord, what do we do now?
14:23 And oh the little of this color here,
14:25 little f that color,
14:26 and then we put it up there and it's like,
14:28 wow, it really looks like rock,
14:31 only God could do that.
14:33 - Just imagine like the moment we get out of room
14:36 or you were here, I was not here.
14:38 The moment every time you get out of the room
14:40 is the angels trying to--
14:41 - Yeah, to fix what we did.
14:45 - Because what you said like four colors that would appear
14:49 like very at the continuity of it all
14:52 is just beautiful to look at.
14:54 For sure, it was all God, it was divine.
14:57 - Yeah, some of it we had to redo
14:58 because we had to learn how to do it right,
15:00 but it was like,
15:02 it was totally a God thing where it actually looked nice,
15:04 it was definitely a God thing.
15:07 - It was all him.
15:09 - It was like, Lord, how much to which paint
15:11 do I put up there,
15:12 so it's not too dark or too light
15:13 or too red or too yellow or whatever.
15:16 It was like, it was crazy, it was really crazy.
15:21 - And talking about craziness,
15:22 remember when we started the first day of shooting,
15:26 what was the first thing?
15:28 Internet.
15:29 - Right, it wasn't working. - Internet failure.
15:32 You were having a hard time there,
15:33 John and the team was having a hard time figuring out
15:36 what was happening,
15:37 the next day the bathroom leaked,
15:41 the next day the microwave quit.
15:47 It just like one after another.
15:49 - And then there were the tornadoes and the storms.
15:52 - And I think the tornado let's reserve that
15:53 as one of our highlights.
15:56 But here you will see that as we work for the Lord,
16:00 as we desire to lift Jesus up,
16:02 the enemy will do everything in his power
16:04 to really subdue it.
16:05 - Right, to bring up challenges
16:07 that he hopes will be an obstacle to stop us,
16:11 but with God you can go through
16:13 any obstacle or any challenge.
16:15 - Yeah and the biggest obstacle as our highlight,
16:19 as our highlight, it was actually,
16:21 I believe the enemy's highlight,
16:23 he was thinking that he will be able to stop the recording,
16:26 and it became a highlight of our testimony.
16:29 - He tried to stop the recording
16:30 and the internet that night.
16:31 - Yes, and I remember during the tornado warning,
16:36 when I got out and when I looked at the heavens,
16:40 it was all gray from the very beginning of the day,
16:44 sun did not come out.
16:46 And I remember friends were calling,
16:48 even the volunteer's parents were calling,
16:49 oh, we are pulling out our kids,
16:52 they could not go just because tornado
16:55 and that was a serious tornado warning, Natalie.
16:58 - Yeah, it was supposed to come straight through that area.
17:00 - And they said that it was just like
17:02 the same intensity as it hit Chattanooga like 11 years ago,
17:08 yeah, one of the strongest.
17:09 - Yeah, whenever it was.
17:10 - And I remember us gathering together
17:13 because a lot of suggestions from people who cares,
17:17 people who love Jesus for Asia,
17:19 who love the ministry are telling us, you know what?
17:22 It is wise to just stop the recording right now.
17:26 And we know for a fact that stopping the recording
17:30 would somehow hinder our very limited time,
17:34 and because I have to leave right after the last shoot,
17:39 so we don't have enough time to spare.
17:42 So, remember what we did that day?
17:45 - We prayed.
17:47 - We prayed and I love what we did,
17:50 it was very spontaneous, Natalie.
17:52 We just started to recall
17:55 God's faithfulness to us in the past,
17:57 how he was faithful to us in faith camp,
17:59 how is faithful to us personally,
18:02 the miracles that God somehow has done to us,
18:05 those were the topic before we went to our knees.
18:09 And I love that quote that I always go to,
18:12 it says review what God has done
18:14 and then know that it is only the beginning
18:16 of what he's willing to do.
18:18 That gave us confidence
18:20 and that's why all of us were in one spirit,
18:23 like, so what is the decision?
18:25 We have to keep going.
18:28 And remember there's tornado--
18:29 - There no no tornado shelter on this property either, so.
18:32 - And at the same time it was raining really hard.
18:36 - It was a heavy storm.
18:38 - Yeah, some people might ask,
18:39 so, what does it have to do with,
18:41 aside from the tornado,
18:42 we are on this garage that the roof is directly,
18:47 like there's no buffer.
18:49 So whatever, even the birds,
18:51 if they will walk around on the roof of the garage,
18:54 we will hear it.
18:56 So rain, it will destroy.
19:00 - The audio would've been horrible.
19:02 - And what's interesting with all these things
19:03 that are happening with the tornado warning,
19:06 the topic that's gonna be recorded during that night,
19:09 the episode is peace in the storm.
19:12 Peace in the storm.
19:13 And God is so good
19:15 that even before we got off from our knees,
19:18 he gave us peace.
19:20 Everyone was just in one decision
19:23 and it was not our decision,
19:24 it was God's decision for us to go forward.
19:27 And I remember that I was talking and I was preaching
19:31 and I was just like led by the Holy Spirit
19:34 to say what I need to say
19:35 and I did not notice something abnormal,
19:40 it did not rain, no rain.
19:43 And the interesting thing is I went to that studio
19:45 with my flip flops because the place was muddy
19:49 because of the rain all day.
19:52 So, we were expecting rain all night.
19:54 And then when we finished, when we finished,
19:58 and one of our staff came,
20:01 she showed a picture
20:02 like the moment we started saying,
20:06 good evening, everyone,
20:08 oh, hello everyone, the rain stopped,
20:11 the rain stopped
20:12 and not just that the rain stopped,
20:15 at the last few hours of the day,
20:18 when the sun was about to set
20:21 the sky opened and the rays of the sun came through
20:25 for the first time during that day.
20:26 - Right and they heard the birds start singing.
20:30 - The birds was just announcing
20:32 we're about to begin. - It's day time,
20:34 it's sunshine, God is good.
20:35 - And that was one powerful thing.
20:37 And the next thing as well, Natalie, because I said,
20:41 see you again, see you again, next time,
20:44 the moment we ended the streaming, boo.
20:48 - Crack of thunder, rain started, the whole thing, yep.
20:52 - So there we see the hand of God,
20:54 he's in charge of this project,
20:57 he's in charge of that show.
20:58 - He's in charge of the weather,
21:00 he's in charge of everything.
21:01 - The God who said peace be still spoke during that day.
21:05 - Yes he did.
21:06 - And no tornado came
21:08 and it's a beautiful picture as well,
21:10 that satellite footage.
21:12 - Right, the radar.
21:14 - Yeah, the radar, the place where we're at,
21:16 where we're at is here and the storm just like,
21:20 kinda went to the side
21:23 because we serve a God whom the storm respect.
21:27 - Yep, he can do anything.
21:29 - Yeah and it was such a blessed, blessed time for me
21:34 seeing the reaction of people
21:37 especially one person after another telling me, Gem,
21:43 I really needed this.
21:44 He's really spoke to my heart
21:46 and I could see from the audience later on
21:49 how our young videographers caught the perfect time
21:55 when one tear began to fall one after another,
21:58 it was just a very moving experience.
22:01 I could really sense the Holy Spirit's presence
22:03 in that very place.
22:06 And one of my favorite times is when
22:12 one of the moms came to me and she said,
22:15 "Gem, you just don't know
22:17 how this episode really meant to me."
22:19 I said, "Tell me"
22:20 and she was in tears saying, you know what?
22:23 There was one point in my life
22:25 that I really was not happy about God.
22:30 I said, "What do you mean?"
22:31 She said because I felt like God abandoned me
22:34 in the times that I really needed him.
22:36 And during that episode,
22:38 we were shooting about God's intentionality,
22:42 because sometimes we're thinking that God is far away
22:44 and this beautiful episode
22:46 of Jesus walking beside the widow of Nain
22:52 and Jesus was standing beside her.
22:54 And it says in "The Desire of Ages"
22:55 that she did not even realize
22:57 that the savior was beside her
22:59 because she was so overwhelmed by sorrow.
23:04 And then she told me,
23:05 "Gem, I felt that God abandoned me."
23:09 When I was pleading for the life of my husband
23:13 and the Lord did not answer my prayer.
23:15 The Lord took him away when, well,
23:17 I still have this two young boys to raise up on my own.
23:21 And she was telling me
23:23 how the Lord gave her peace,
23:26 gave her comfort that he will take care of me.
23:29 So it means that he will save my husband in the end.
23:33 He took away my husband and she said,
23:36 Gem, the biggest heartbreak for me was
23:39 when I was there in the funeral parlor,
23:42 seeing my husband being embalmed
23:46 and I was just like, heartbroken asking God,
23:49 why did you abandon me?
23:50 Why did you not fulfill your promise?
23:56 That was the time of my life
23:57 that affected me and affected my sons.
24:01 And she told me, but while you were speaking tonight,
24:05 while you were sharing that,
24:07 the Lord brought me back to that place,
24:10 the Lord gave me a vision again, of that place,
24:14 where I was standing there in the funeral parlor
24:17 but this time it's different.
24:19 She said, I saw Jesus,
24:21 I saw Jesus standing beside me all along,
24:26 and that changed everything, that changed everything
24:30 although I thought that I was alone
24:32 but that changed everything.
24:34 - Wow, that's so beautiful.
24:37 That is so good - That was beautiful.
24:38 And I said to the Lord, Lord, if all this pain,
24:42 if all this like struggles that I have gone through
24:45 to prepare for a show like this,
24:48 even for that one testimony alone,
24:51 I am happy, I am happy.
24:54 But I believe Natalie, it's not just for one person.
24:56 - No and that's why we have a sense of urgency
25:02 with trying to get the show finished
25:05 because unfortunately we didn't have an editor
25:07 for a long time and that's a different story,
25:10 but now we have an editor
25:12 and we're working to get the show finished
25:14 so we can put it out there,
25:15 so more people can be blessed.
25:17 - And that show really changed my life.
25:20 It even changed the way I speak right now when I'm asked,
25:24 and that's one beautiful thought,
25:27 because one person somehow noticed
25:30 I was preaching in the same church
25:32 that I preached like a year before.
25:35 And one person came to me and said,
25:37 Gem, something changed in you.
25:40 There's something in your message right now
25:44 that really changed.
25:45 I said, what do you mean?
25:46 It changed like I'm getting worse?
25:51 He said, no, I could sense more Jesus
25:54 in the way that you bring up the message.
25:57 - And one of the important things
25:58 coming out of that whole lifting up Jesus concept,
26:02 idea, plan, whatever his plan is,
26:05 is that we can translate it other languages
26:08 and that was one of the urges that John had
26:11 was to get word about Jesus to get--
26:15 - Jesus out there.
26:16 - Yeah, to get Jesus out there
26:17 and to make it available in any language possible.
26:21 - So, this is one thing, Natalie,
26:23 that I'd like to ask the audience to join us in prayer,
26:26 because we know for a fact that from the very beginning,
26:29 you have heard a testimony
26:30 how the Lord just like brought it all together
26:36 from the painting to the stones
26:40 and even to the materials,
26:42 Jesus desires to be lifted up.
26:44 And we would like you to join us
26:46 in interceding for this project.
26:48 And friends just imagine how many people
26:50 are going to the grave without knowing Jesus,
26:52 without hearing the name Jesus.
26:56 So this is why we're asking you,
26:58 please join us in praying,
27:00 join us in trying to lift of Jesus up
27:03 that people will see that we serve a living God,
27:06 that they serve a powerful God,
27:07 that they serve a God who cares,
27:10 so we need your prayers,
27:11 pray and we will see what Jesus will do
27:15 in this show "Glimpses of Jesus".
27:18 - Thank you so much, Gem, for being with us today
27:20 and for sharing how you had to fight through
27:24 all sorts of things on your knees
27:26 in order for this show to go forward.
27:28 We just are so amazed and humbled
27:31 to see what God has done already,
27:33 and what he's going to do with this show,
27:35 it's all glory to him.
27:36 - All glory to him. - Absolutely, absolutely.
27:39 If you would like to learn more about
27:40 "Glimpses of Jesus" or "Mission Trek",
27:42 or "I Want This City"
27:44 or any of our other special productions,
27:45 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia
27:49 PO Box 1221,
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:54 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:02 May God richly bless you
28:04 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (upbeat music)


Revised 2022-03-22