Jesus 4 Asia Now

The Miracle TV Studio

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000133S

00:01 (dramatic music)
00:22 - Hi, love.
00:23 - Hi, darling. How are you?
00:23 - Good. good.
00:25 I'm excited about the story we have.
00:27 It seems like it's a miracle story.
00:28 It started with a miracle and it just keeps on,
00:31 God keeps doing more and more miracles.
00:33 - Yeah, absolutely.
00:34 - It's just, it's awesome.
00:36 - Yeah.
00:37 And I love it because it's like,
00:38 it really touches where my heart is, you know,
00:42 I've always been into video and cameras and stuff like that
00:46 and the Lord started us in this ministry
00:49 with Bible workers and evening schools
00:51 which is a good thing
00:52 because those are really joyful
00:54 and really, I love what our Bible workers do
00:57 in the mission field
00:58 and how powerful they are
00:59 and the stories we get back from them
01:00 and so inspiring in faith.
01:02 But this story is about television studios.
01:05 - So, where are we starting today?
01:07 - We're gonna start with a story of a little fruit.
01:10 - A little fruit.
01:11 - Yes.
01:12 (laughs)
01:13 Here's a picture of it in my hotel room
01:15 and they serve me this lamyai fruit.
01:16 My kids call it the eyeball fruit.
01:19 - Yeah. You can see why.
01:20 - Yeah.
01:21 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
01:23 But we had been praying about setting up a TV studio
01:25 because, you know, in Thailand,
01:27 they don't have 3ABN in the local language.
01:29 - Right. - And they deserve it.
01:31 - Right.
01:32 - And so, we've been praying for many years,
01:34 but always really hesitant because they're not super cheap.
01:37 - Media is always expensive.
01:39 - And so, finally a couple donated some property to us.
01:43 So they asked us, can we wait until harvest comes in
01:46 so they can get the cash from the fruit.
01:48 But what the miracle was
01:49 is that when the fruit came in,
01:51 when the harvest came in,
01:52 what happened?
01:53 - God drew a line
01:56 at the property boundary.
01:58 - [Jon] Yeah.
01:59 - There was fruit on their side,
02:00 but on the property that they had donated,
02:03 there was no fruit.
02:04 Even where there's a branch that hangs over,
02:07 only part of that tree had fruit on that branch.
02:11 - Yeah.
02:12 - The other side, no fruit at all.
02:13 - And this was such a miracle to me
02:16 and also the donor.
02:18 Every time he mentions it, he just breaks down.
02:20 He's like, wow, God really stepped in
02:22 and made it clear that this is his land.
02:25 And so, when we saw that miracle,
02:26 we knew God was in it.
02:28 - Right.
02:29 - Our team over there led by Gop and Daniel Bayer,
02:31 they started building
02:33 and by the time I got there,
02:34 this is what I saw.
02:36 - Right.
02:37 It was almost done.
02:38 Our viewers may recognize this story
02:40 because we did share this when you came back.
02:42 - Yes.
02:44 - But there's additional story that came out of the story.
02:47 - Yes.
02:48 - After that, the fruit miracle started a series of miracles
02:50 that God has done.
02:51 - Yeah.
02:53 And the other miracle that I remember was
02:54 when I was in quarantine,
02:55 I was praying, Lord,
02:56 we don't have anybody that can film stuff.
02:59 And you know, that's not easy to find
03:01 in a church with so few members.
03:05 - Right.
03:06 - Not very many people are interested in video
03:10 and have those skills.
03:11 - Right.
03:12 - And while I was in quarantine,
03:14 I got an email from our Thai director, Gop,
03:16 who said, "Hey, we have four candidates to interview
03:20 for the job."
03:21 - Right.
03:22 - And I'm going, "Are you kidding me?"
03:23 - Wow! Four.
03:24 - Wow! And so, I thought,
03:26 okay, well, maybe we'll get one good one out of the four.
03:29 And we interviewed on a Friday morning these four workers
03:34 and I was blown away by the quality of these people
03:37 and the motivation, their heart.
03:39 They really wanted to serve God.
03:41 - Oh, that's awesome.
03:42 - And so, after interviewing four of them,
03:44 I hired, guess how many.
03:46 - You hired all four.
03:47 - Yes. - But I know the story.
03:48 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
03:49 - Exactly.
03:50 And so, I would ask them, you know,
03:52 why do you wanna work here?
03:54 And they're like,
03:55 I wanna serve God.
03:56 - [Natalie] Yeah.
03:57 - I wanna serve God.
03:57 - That's awesome.
03:59 - In fact, one young lady had graduated from the university
04:02 with a degree in television production.
04:05 - Right.
04:06 - And so, she came and joined us
04:08 and after a week and a half
04:09 she says, I feel like I've come home.
04:11 - Wow!
04:12 - We've got a little bit more of her story also.
04:14 - In a little bit.
04:15 - So, then a few months later, after it was finished,
04:17 I went back to see how it was going
04:19 and to do some more training with my team.
04:23 And I just was amazed at the beauty of the location
04:27 of that studio.
04:28 - [Natalie] Yeah.
04:29 - [Jon] It's such a beautiful, quiet, natural spot.
04:33 - Right.
04:35 - We're already talking about expanding it though.
04:36 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
04:37 Because that we got a little more property.
04:39 There's some property behind the studio
04:41 that we're praying will come up for sale,
04:43 so we can build an audio recording studio,
04:46 so we can record Christian godly music
04:49 for the church in the country.
04:52 As I met with a team
04:53 to figure out what kind of training we're gonna do,
04:55 I was impressed with how much they're doing already.
04:59 They're so creative
05:00 and they're so passionate about what they're doing.
05:04 It's like, "Wow, this is amazing."
05:06 And while I was there,
05:08 we went out shopping
05:09 because one of the things that is a challenge to them
05:11 is we don't really have a budget for production
05:15 as far as buying set material and things like that,
05:17 so they just make do with whatever they can find.
05:20 - Right.
05:21 - So, we went shopping and we bought lights
05:22 and we bought a little bit of furniture
05:23 and we bought some plants and stuff like that
05:25 and designed a show that's gonna be a continuing series.
05:29 And we set up the show
05:30 and you can see we brought in the local pastor.
05:32 He's gonna do like a pre baptismal bible study series
05:37 and stuff.
05:38 But I loved their creativity and everything.
05:40 And the crew has actually grown.
05:44 One of the crew that was one of the original hires
05:46 moved down to Bangkok
05:48 because he had a girlfriend down there.
05:50 - Okay.
05:51 - And so, Cindy, her boyfriend,
05:54 had been helping out in the studio
05:56 and so we offered a job to him.
05:59 - Now, Cindy was the one that was a Christian
06:02 but not an Adventist.
06:03 - Correct.
06:04 - And had graduated with television broadcasting
06:06 - Exactly. - from a university.
06:08 - Right. - Okay.
06:09 - So, her boyfriend had been helping out in the studio.
06:11 He was Adventist, doesn't speak a word of English.
06:14 Maybe he knows Hello.
06:15 - Okay.
06:16 (laughs)
06:17 - But really nice guy, very musical.
06:19 His big dream was to get hired on in a big music company
06:23 because he's a guitar singer, musician.
06:26 Really, you know, top quality musician.
06:29 And so, at the same time that we offered him the job,
06:32 he got his dream job offer
06:34 from a big music production company
06:37 with a huge sign on bonus and everything.
06:40 And he prayed about it and thought about it
06:43 and decided, you know what, I wanna work for God.
06:46 So, he gave up the big income to work in our studio.
06:51 - Wow! Praise the Lord.
06:53 - Big time. - That's awesome.
06:54 - Yeah.
06:55 And while I was there, I got to watch Cindy get baptized.
06:59 - Wow.
07:00 - And then two weeks later,
07:01 I got to watch her and her boyfriend get married.
07:05 - Wow.
07:06 (laughs)
07:07 - So, even if the studio was built just for her,
07:11 it'd been worth it.
07:12 - Yeah.
07:13 - But it's doing so much more than that.
07:15 - Yeah.
07:17 - And now, our team has grown even more since then.
07:19 - Okay.
07:20 - So, here's our current team.
07:21 It's changed a bit and grown,
07:23 but these people work full time at our studio every day.
07:27 And they're turning out material
07:30 that's affecting thousands of people's lives.
07:32 In fact, our construction contractor,
07:35 he became more settled and really dedicated
07:39 because of the sermons that had been recorded and shared
07:43 and the bible studies that had been recorded and shared.
07:45 He'd watched them on his phone
07:47 and that had really settled him into the faith.
07:49 - Wow!
07:51 - Where he was an Adventist before,
07:52 but just not so sure about it, you know?
07:54 And so, now he's just like really on board and great guy.
07:58 - [Natalie] Wow!
07:59 - So, we see the fruit all the time.
08:00 - [Natalie] Yeah, yeah.
08:01 - [Jon] You know, this is Cindy's baptism.
08:03 Such a high day, you know, such a beautiful thing.
08:06 This doesn't happen very often
08:08 - [Natalie] Yeah.
08:09 - [Jon] in Thailand.
08:10 So, we're just really pleased for her.
08:11 After we finished the studio,
08:14 we came home and we showed the show on 3ABN
08:18 and one of our donors emailed us
08:21 and said, "How much did that studio cost?"
08:24 How much was the truck?
08:25 How much are the, everything included?
08:28 And so, we told them what the amount was
08:33 and they said, "We've been praying..."
08:36 This is the wife saying,
08:37 "I've been praying
08:38 that the Lord would develop some kind of income
08:41 that was not our normal flow,
08:44 not the normal way that we could use for God's work.
08:48 And it looks like he is providing that.
08:50 - Wow.
08:51 - And so, we have funds.
08:53 We would like to sponsor another studio."
08:56 - Wow.
08:57 (Jon laughs)
08:58 - But they says, "We're not sure we have it.
09:00 We think we have it.
09:01 Looks like it's gonna work.
09:02 But we will let you know as soon as we're sure."
09:05 And so, I went back to Thailand.
09:08 While I was stuck in quarantine for 10 days,
09:12 we got the message that it was coming.
09:15 - That funds were coming.
09:16 - [Jon] Yes. - Yeah.
09:17 - And so, I've been praying,
09:18 Lord, where do you want this second studio?
09:22 And my dream had always been
09:23 to have four or five studios in Thailand.
09:27 And people might wonder,
09:29 why do you have so many studios in one country?
09:31 Well, how many studios does Satan have?
09:33 - Yeah. That's true.
09:34 - You know, tons.
09:36 - Well, and how many languages are there in Thailand?
09:38 - Actually, there's about 73 languages
09:41 represented in Thailand.
09:43 73. So, I think there's room for many studios.
09:47 - Yeah.
09:48 - And a studio can only pour out so much content at once.
09:51 So, if you have multiple studios,
09:52 you get different flavors,
09:53 you get different shows,
09:55 you get different content.
09:56 And we have to build up a certain amount of library
09:58 before people start taking notice
10:00 that, oh, this stuff is out there
10:02 and oh, this is interesting,
10:03 oh, and I can listen to this and this is helpful.
10:06 - Right. And I can share it with my friends and my family.
10:08 - Exactly. All right.
10:10 And so, I started thinking about
10:12 I'd like another studio in Thailand,
10:14 but where would we put it?
10:15 Because, you have to have somebody that oversees it,
10:18 they can drive it,
10:19 they can keep it running
10:20 because I don't have time to be there full time,
10:22 although, I would love to.
10:24 (Jon laughs)
10:26 So, I thought of Travis Sharon.
10:31 He's the youngest son of Leroy and Lisa Sharon
10:34 who've been living there for over 12 years.
10:37 - Yeah.
10:39 - Travis knows the Karen language very well, fluently.
10:42 He's married. He just has a brand new baby boy.
10:46 And he and his wife are living up on the border
10:49 near Mae Sot.
10:51 - [Natalie] Okay.
10:52 - And so, I thought, maybe we should set this up in Mae Sot.
10:54 And so, I talked to Travis about it.
10:56 He says, you know, it's a really good idea.
10:57 We need to do this.
10:59 We can build a studio, but that takes six months to a year.
11:03 We gotta find the property,
11:04 we gotta find another contractor like Jack.
11:06 - Yeah. In that area of the country.
11:08 - So, what if we just buy a house?
11:10 But the big problem is that all the houses in Thailand
11:13 are built on the four meter or the 12 foot square template.
11:19 So, even if you have a huge house,
11:21 all the rooms in there are like 12 feet wide.
11:23 - Or multiples of 12 with columns in them.
11:26 - Exactly. - 12 Feet.
11:27 - That's just annoying
11:28 because it's not quite big enough
11:29 to set up cameras.
11:31 - Right.
11:33 Because you don't get the right angle.
11:34 - [Jon] Yeah.
11:35 - There's always gonna be a column in one of your angles.
11:37 - Exactly.
11:38 So Lord, please help us find a house that's big enough
11:42 that we can start production in right away.
11:44 But how's a piece of land
11:46 that we can then build a regular size studio room
11:50 when we need to,
11:52 but we wanna start producing right away.
11:54 And so, Travis started looking with his family
11:56 all over the place.
11:57 So, I finally get out of quarantine on a Monday,
12:00 drive up there,
12:01 we see one house Monday evening.
12:03 Tuesday morning, we see four other houses.
12:05 And then, we look at this house.
12:08 Okay.
12:09 And we toured that house
12:10 and one wing of that house on the far side
12:14 is actually five meters wide.
12:16 So, 15 feet wide.
12:18 And it had a room just big enough
12:20 that we could actually start production right away.
12:22 - [Natalie] Wow.
12:23 - And so, we bought it
12:25 - Wow.
12:27 - that afternoon, we signed the papers.
12:28 - Wow.
12:29 - And then, that's like, okay, we have another studio,
12:32 who's gonna run it?
12:35 It can't be just Travis by himself.
12:36 - Right.
12:38 - You know, his son is a little too young.
12:39 Six months.
12:40 - Yeah. He can't run camera yet.
12:41 - Not yet.
12:43 Give him a couple of years.
12:44 - Yeah.
12:45 - And his wife's busy with...
12:46 So, it's like, where are we gonna find a team
12:48 to run the studio?
12:50 But we just move forward by faith
12:51 knowing that if God was leading, he would provide.
12:54 - Right.
12:55 - So, then GOP calls his friend
12:56 who is running a prayer ministry virtually, online,
13:01 and she gives us a list of names and contacts them
13:04 and says, hey, we're all gonna meet here at this one place
13:07 at this one time.
13:08 And so, I drive down there and I sit there
13:10 and I meet these people.
13:11 They were fantastic.
13:13 - [Natalie] Wow.
13:14 - [Jon] Some of them we couldn't hire
13:15 because of their immigration status.
13:17 - [Natalie] Right.
13:18 - But some of them we could.
13:19 And so, we hired a team.
13:21 - Wow.
13:22 - And so we have a team.
13:24 It's like some of these people are just so excited
13:26 and I'm so excited, I'm like, Lord, you're really leading.
13:29 Okay. So, now we need cameras.
13:32 We need computers.
13:34 There's some cameras at the original studio.
13:35 I had brought cameras for them.
13:37 And so, we got the old cameras
13:39 and brought them to this studio,
13:40 and we need computers.
13:42 And so, I looked and sure enough
13:43 there's an Apple store in Bangkok.
13:46 So, I hop in the car
13:47 and I drive all the way down to Bangkok
13:49 and I go into this store
13:51 and I was a very popular man
13:54 (Natalie laughs)
13:55 when I bought five iMacs.
13:57 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
13:58 - Yeah.
14:00 - And I hauled it back up to Mae Sot
14:02 and we scheduled a training session
14:04 and we did a full week of training.
14:06 Basically, three college courses in four days.
14:10 Taught them lighting, taught them camera,
14:11 how to run the camera, how to do exposure,
14:14 how to do color balance,
14:16 and then how to edit, how to do graphics,
14:17 how to design a show,
14:19 audio, all that stuff in one week.
14:23 And you can see the team just working feverishly,
14:25 trying to figure out now was much more difficult
14:28 because we have three languages.
14:29 - [Natalie] Right.
14:30 - I would speak in English
14:31 and then Travis would translate into Karen
14:33 and then somebody else would translate into Thai
14:35 and then somebody else would translate into Burmese
14:37 from the Thai.
14:38 - Wow.
14:39 (Jon laughs)
14:41 - One statement would take three iterations
14:42 to get through,
14:44 and still, they stuck with it all week long
14:46 and they didn't give up
14:47 and they just really pursued this.
14:48 And I just got the sense
14:50 that they really wanted to serve God
14:51 but they didn't know how.
14:53 - Right.
14:54 - They didn't have the right skills
14:55 or they didn't know the right people
14:56 to get hired to serve God full time.
14:58 And this job gave them that opportunity.
15:01 - Wow.
15:02 - And it just really fed their souls.
15:03 Their favorite time of every single day was worship.
15:08 And so, I would get in there
15:09 and we'd start at eight o'clock in the morning with worship
15:12 and I would say, Okay, we're gonna go 20 minutes.
15:15 Around nine o'clock,
15:17 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
15:19 we'd start wrapping up
15:20 because they were so into it.
15:21 You know, it's like we take for granted
15:23 so much of the gospel,
15:24 so much knowledge of the Bible.
15:26 But you go to these other places,
15:28 they don't have those kinds of insights
15:30 that have been developed
15:32 over the course of, you know,
15:33 centuries of living in a Christian country,
15:36 Christian worldview.
15:38 You go into some of the basics about the gospel
15:41 and who God is
15:42 and how he sees us
15:43 and what's his plan for us.
15:45 Just eating it up. It just feeds our soul.
15:48 - That's awesome.
15:49 - At the end of three weeks,
15:51 we did our first filming.
15:53 This was a Friday
15:54 and our first filming was done in Thai.
15:57 - Okay.
15:59 - [Jon] Our first filming was done in Karen.
16:02 - [Natalie] Okay.
16:03 - [Jon] And then, our first filming was done in Burmese.
16:05 - [Natalie] Wow.
16:07 - So, we went from nothing, from no...
16:08 - No facility.
16:09 - No studio,
16:11 no team,
16:12 no equipment
16:14 except, you know, the used stuff,
16:16 to a studio,
16:18 a team,
16:19 doing their own production,
16:21 filming in three weeks.
16:24 Three weeks from zero to production.
16:26 - That is insane.
16:28 That is totally a God thing.
16:30 That's why we said
16:31 this is miracle after miracle after miracle.
16:33 - Yes.
16:34 - Because it was a miracle that you found that house
16:37 - Yes.
16:38 - that it was wide enough.
16:39 - Yes.
16:40 - It was a miracle
16:41 that he helped you to get the equipment.
16:42 It was a miracle that he provided the workers.
16:44 - Yes.
16:45 - Their heart to serve him is a miracle.
16:47 - Yes.
16:48 - Yeah. (Jon laughs)
16:49 So many beautiful miracles.
16:50 - One miracle after another.
16:51 - Yeah. (Jon and Natalie laughs)
16:53 - And so, this is our team.
16:54 On the left is Travis and his wife, Becky,
16:57 and their brand new baby boy, Judson.
16:59 He's such a sweetheart.
17:01 - Cutie.
17:02 - And next to them is Tiku.
17:04 He speaks Burmese.
17:06 And then, there is in the front, Pado,
17:09 and her husband in the back, is Jay.
17:11 He speaks Thai.
17:13 And then, to his left, in the front row, is Jasmine.
17:17 She speaks Karen.
17:18 Behind her is Tutu,
17:21 and the girl in the front is Momo
17:23 and the one behind her is Week.
17:25 And the young man on the far right is named Ocean.
17:29 - Okay. - Okay.
17:30 So, he speaks excellent Thai.
17:31 He's fully Thai as well as Jay.
17:34 He and Jay are full Thai,
17:35 which is very unusual.
17:37 - Right.
17:38 - Still, their daily routine is
17:40 first thing in the morning,
17:41 they dig into the word.
17:43 This feeds the whole program.
17:46 - Right.
17:47 It keeps it on track.
17:49 - [Jon] Yes. - It encourages them.
17:50 - [Jon] Yeah.
17:51 - It gives them the spirit connection
17:52 that they need to listen to God
17:54 to do the shows the the way he wants.
17:56 - Absolutely. Absolutely.
17:58 And same with our team in the first studio.
18:01 - [Natalie] Right.
18:02 - They do a daily morning devotional.
18:04 - Yeah. (Jon laughs)
18:05 That's awesome.
18:06 - So, now we have a little video
18:07 that was shot while I was there
18:09 to show you a little bit more about what's happening
18:11 and what it looks like.
18:12 - Okay.
18:14 (dramatic music)
18:20 - We are here in Mae Sot, Thailand,
18:22 and the Lord has just provided us
18:25 a brand new to us house
18:28 in which we can start doing video production.
18:31 This particular city is a unique city.
18:33 It's a border town.
18:35 And so, it can potentially reach into Myanmar
18:39 through Karen and Burmese languages
18:41 and we have people here
18:42 that we're hiring that speak those languages
18:46 and we're looking into satellite distribution
18:50 so that we can get up onto the satellite
18:52 and a lot of places
18:54 that don't really have good access to the internet
18:57 and stuff,
18:59 they have dishes, they can start watching.
19:00 (dramatic music)
19:03 Our target audience is Thai, Burmese, Karen.
19:06 There's two kinds of Karen, S'gaw Karen and Pwo Karen.
19:10 So, that's what we're gonna be working on.
19:12 And the Lord's brought a really interesting mixture
19:15 of people here
19:16 with each of those language abilities.
19:22 We hired a young man and his wife.
19:25 He's from central Thailand.
19:28 There's very few Adventists from central Thailand.
19:32 Most of the congregation in the Adventist church in Thailand
19:35 is the minority.
19:36 The hill tribes on the border up in the north,
19:40 very, very few actual central Thai.
19:43 What that means is majority people group.
19:46 Very few of them are actually believers.
19:48 And I was talking to him
19:50 as we were going out
19:51 purchasing equipment for the studio yesterday.
19:54 He is so excited
19:57 to be able to serve God with his life.
19:59 (speaking in foreign language)
21:09 (dramatic music)
21:12 - That is so amazing
21:13 to have somebody like that
21:15 to be able to reach the central Thai,
21:17 which is our major target group,
21:20 really, because there's so little work that's being done
21:23 and has been done.
21:24 It's not very successful.
21:26 The central Thai are very satisfied
21:28 with the religion that they have
21:29 and the life that they have.
21:30 They're not looking for anything else.
21:32 And so, to have somebody that understands who Jesus is
21:35 and is excited about him,
21:37 this whole project, just for that one person,
21:40 it's really worth it.
21:41 And I'm excited to see what God's gonna do through him
21:44 to reach more Thai
21:46 that are unaware of their deep need
21:50 and love of their father.
21:53 (soft music)
22:01 - That's Jay.
22:03 I mean, when I was talking to him...
22:05 He doesn't speak any English at all
22:06 and I don't speak any Thai,
22:08 so it was a Google translate talk.
22:10 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
22:11 And he was saying
22:12 that his heart was beating out of his chest,
22:14 just going like this.
22:15 - He was so excited. - So excited.
22:16 He couldn't sleep all night.
22:17 - [Natalie] Wow.
22:19 - And he couldn't eat food all day
22:20 just because he was so excited to be serving God.
22:23 Now, he had a good regular, steady job
22:26 at a big cable installation,
22:28 fiber optic cable is what he was installing.
22:31 You know, real stable job.
22:32 And he was very happy to give that all up.
22:36 - Wow.
22:37 You know, when these guys, when we first interviewed them
22:39 and you know, things were just coming together,
22:41 I was like,
22:43 well, are you guys interested in doing this job?
22:44 This is how much we're gonna pay you.
22:45 It's not a lot.
22:47 But they're all like, yeah, let's do it.
22:50 I was thinking we'd hire two or three,
22:53 we had a budget for four,
22:54 so I thought we'd hire four maximum,
22:57 and here we go, hiring seven.
23:00 But they're all, even from the beginning until now,
23:03 they're all there working and we added one more.
23:06 - Wow.
23:07 - And Leroy Sharon,
23:08 who's been there for, you know, over 12 years,
23:10 he says, "Man, I've been trying
23:11 for the last three and a half years
23:13 to hire just one or two good workers
23:16 and I've really struggled finding them.
23:19 And you come in and you hire six or seven right off the bat.
23:22 How do you do it?"
23:23 (laughs)
23:25 - [Natalie] Only by the grace of God.
23:26 - By the grace of God. He knows...
23:27 - [Natalie] A lot of prayer.
23:28 - Yes. - God provides.
23:30 - Yes.
23:31 And they see the vision, you know.
23:32 - Right. - The vision.
23:33 And they see God moving.
23:34 We just praise God for what he's done.
23:36 - Yeah.
23:38 - The team is still working as we speak day after day,
23:40 just plugging away, putting programs out there.
23:43 Their Facebook and YouTube following
23:45 is just growing by leaps and bounds.
23:47 There are over 5,000.
23:48 I mean, it's just amazing what they're doing.
23:51 - Yeah.
23:52 - [Jon] And they've just begun.
23:53 - Wow.
23:54 - We're still looking for a satellite.
23:55 The laws there are rather restrictive.
23:57 And the first bid we got was like 15,000 a month.
24:01 And so, we're still looking for other options.
24:04 - Well, at least right now, they can have things on YouTube.
24:07 - [Jon] Yeah.
24:07 - You know, that's still open.
24:08 - Yeah.
24:10 - So, they're putting their programs on YouTube
24:11 all the time.
24:12 - Yeah, yeah.
24:13 I met somebody from the Arakan tribe.
24:15 Her and her families,
24:16 like the only Adventist in the hood entire tribe.
24:18 - Wow.
24:19 - So, record her
24:20 and let's get this out there in their language.
24:22 And so this is the potential
24:25 of this medium.
24:27 It's just so powerful.
24:28 - Right.
24:29 - And then, guess what happened?
24:31 - I don't know. You know, maybe another miracle.
24:34 - Yep.
24:35 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
24:37 - When we came home,
24:38 that same donor says,
24:39 "The Lord has blessed us, we wanna do another studio."
24:43 - Wow.
24:44 - So, now we're praying and can't wait to get back to Asia
24:48 to plant another studio.
24:49 - Wow.
24:50 (Jon laughs)
24:52 Yeah. That's really opposite of what normally happens to us.
24:54 - Yeah.
24:55 - Normally, God gives an idea
24:56 and then we have to pray and pray
24:58 and plan and plan and pray and pray.
25:00 And the funds come in over time.
25:03 Well, sometimes we stress, sometimes we don't.
25:05 We just have to pray a lot.
25:07 Like, Lord, you gave us this idea,
25:09 is this really your will?
25:10 - Right.
25:11 - Because there's no funds for it,
25:12 but then the funds slowly come in.
25:13 But this time, it was opposite
25:15 that you had the funds first
25:16 and then you were like,
25:18 I gotta be a good steward with these,
25:19 you know, we can't take for granted
25:21 that we have enough money
25:22 because everything's gonna cost more than we think it will.
25:25 - Right, Right.
25:26 So, it was a different kind of stress.
25:27 - Right.
25:28 - I don't wanna blow it, you know.
25:29 - Right. Right.
25:30 - But the Lord just led so clearly every step of the way.
25:34 It felt like it was taking forever,
25:36 but when it was all done and they were filming
25:39 and they were on their own,
25:41 I'm looking back thinking, that all happened in three weeks.
25:45 - Right.
25:46 - From nothing to studio in three weeks.
25:47 - Right.
25:49 And in reality, from receiving the donation here
25:51 until studio or production was about a month.
25:55 - Yeah.
25:56 - So, it wasn't very long.
25:58 We got the money just before we had to pay for the house.
26:02 - And usually, that's the amount of time it takes
26:04 for the previous owner to move out of the house.
26:07 - Right. They also moved out really fast.
26:09 - [Jon] Yeah. In about a week.
26:10 - Yeah. Which is highly unusual.
26:12 - So, it was just a miracle all the way around
26:16 and just the way things came together.
26:18 I just love that area,
26:21 love Mae Sat,
26:22 love Travis and we're so thankful for him.
26:25 The value of long term missionary, it was so clear.
26:31 I'm not worried about him wanting to come back to the states
26:34 or him getting tired.
26:35 - Or you mean the project in the middle.
26:36 - Or getting caught up with, you know, culture shock.
26:42 He's been there long enough, he's got no culture shock.
26:44 He's not planning on leaving the country
26:47 to return back to the states.
26:48 He's, you know, solid and we've known him for so long.
26:53 - Yeah. - It's just a fantastic,
26:55 just the way God put this all together is perfect.
26:58 - Yeah. Just miracle upon miracle upon miracle.
27:01 - Yep. - Wow.
27:02 - For the sake of his kingdom.
27:03 - Yeah.
27:04 Well, it has been an encouraging show to me.
27:08 I always love hearing the stories of what God is doing.
27:10 And when he does story upon story upon story like that,
27:13 miracle upon miracle,
27:14 it's just so awe-inspiring
27:17 and it makes you wonder what more God would do
27:20 if we said yes every time.
27:21 - That's fantastic.
27:23 - [Natalie] Yeah. (Jon laughs)
27:23 - Well, God is good.
27:24 - Amen. All the time.
27:26 (Jon and Natalie laughs)
27:27 - Well, I would like to invite you
27:28 to pray for these teams there,
27:30 that the materials they produce
27:33 will lead people to Christ,
27:35 to the one who loves them and gave his life for them,
27:38 and that they will be saved for eternity
27:40 and we will get to meet them there.
27:42 If you would also like to be a part of providing financially
27:46 for any of this television work,
27:47 please contact us at Jesus for Asia, PO Box 1221,
27:52 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:56 Call us at (423)413-7321
28:00 or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you
28:06 until we see you next time
28:07 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:10 (dramatic music)


Revised 2022-10-25