Jesus 4 Asia Now

Churches for the Deep South

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000140S

00:01 (inspirational instrumental music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood
00:25 and my husband Jon is here with me today.
00:27 We're going on a trip together to the Philippines.
00:31 Hello love.
00:31 - Hi darling, how are you?
00:33 - I'm doing all right.
00:34 How are you? - Awesome.
00:35 I'm doing good.
00:35 - Good.
00:37 So we're going to Philippines today.
00:38 - [Jon] Yes.
00:39 - But where exactly are we going?
00:40 - Well, this is kind of the interesting thing
00:42 because we have not been to where we're going.
00:44 Because where we're going today
00:47 is a little too dangerous for us to go.
00:50 If you go there,
00:52 if I went there I'd have to have an armed escort.
00:54 - Okay. - In fact,
00:55 our Filipino video team
00:57 had to have an armed escort for them to go.
00:59 - Okay. - Because they're Christians.
01:01 - Okay, so it's in the Philippines.
01:03 - [Jon] It's in the Philippines.
01:04 - But it's very dangerous there.
01:04 - Yeah, and this is the area
01:06 way to the very farthest south part of the Philippines,
01:11 on the west side of the farthest south part
01:13 of the farthest south island.
01:16 (Jon laughs)
01:16 - Okay well, if we have a map.
01:18 (Natalie laughs) - Yep, there is a map.
01:20 You can see this is the peninsula
01:22 and then the islands that trail off the end
01:25 of the peninsula;
01:26 The farthest island is about three hours by boat,
01:29 so not very far, just a few miles from Malaysia,
01:32 the island of Borneo. - Oh, okay.
01:34 So, why don't you start us out on this journey.
01:36 - Okay, so this area has been closed
01:39 for centuries to Christians.
01:41 We didn't know how to work with Muslims,
01:44 we didn't know how to be a blessing there,
01:46 and therefore, the doors were mainly closed.
01:48 - Mhm.
01:50 - But as Adventists, we have some advantages,
01:51 including the fact that we don't eat pork.
01:53 - Right. - And so our volunteers,
01:57 we have this group of volunteers
01:59 in the Philippines called the SULADS.
02:01 - Right.
02:02 - And they've been working in these areas
02:04 for many years as teachers.
02:06 - Right.
02:07 - As the people there in those islands
02:09 got to know who we were,
02:11 they really appreciated these young people as teachers,
02:15 as friends, as people that were there to bless.
02:18 - Right. - And bring light and truth
02:20 and uplift the people without any strings attached.
02:22 - Right. And just for clarity's sake, the SULADS
02:25 is not a JFA ministry. - [Jon] Right.
02:27 - It's not something Jesus for Asia started.
02:29 - [Jon] No. - In fact,
02:31 it started before we started.
02:32 - [Jon] Right. - It's a group
02:33 that likes to go and be a blessing,
02:36 particularly as teachers helping with the literacy issues.
02:40 - Yeah, and it's a movement more than a group.
02:42 It's an organization- - Right, that's true.
02:44 - that works with the church, but it's a whole movement.
02:45 It's like a mindset when you talk about SULADS, okay?
02:49 You talk about self-sacrifice.
02:51 You talk about giving of your life to go into
02:55 unentered dark areas- - Yeah.
02:57 - difficult areas, challenging areas.
02:59 We have the testimony of one young SULAD
03:01 that says "yeah, sometimes I don't have time
03:03 to go down to the lowlands to get food
03:06 and so I just, when I'm hungry, I just go back to my room
03:10 and I just sleep until my hunger goes away."
03:13 This is the kind of sacrifice.
03:15 We've had some SULADS that have been killed
03:17 in the line of service. - Right.
03:19 - And they knew what they were getting into.
03:22 And so these are serious young people
03:24 who are devoting everything to the love and service of God
03:27 and they're happy about it. - Right.
03:29 - But with the success of these SULADS programs,
03:31 we have a burgeoning need for pastors.
03:35 - So because there are pastors,
03:38 now there's a need for more churches.
03:40 - Oh yeah, absolutely.
03:41 And so this is what this show is about,
03:43 is looking at, there's so many churches,
03:46 it's really hard to track.
03:47 - [Natalie] Right. - We hear a request
03:50 for this church in this area and a church in that area
03:52 and seven churches up in these hills
03:54 and two churches down here and we're like,
03:56 so we can't keep track of all the names of the churches,
03:59 and so this is just like a general call.
04:02 There's a lot of churches out there that need to be built.
04:04 Thousands of people are coming to the faith.
04:06 - [Natalie] Right. - A lot of churches
04:07 need to be built and so, we have like a church building fund
04:11 where people can donate to that
04:13 and they know that it will go a church.
04:16 - Let's go there and let's see it for ourselves
04:18 and let's hear from the leadership,
04:20 the need for churches. - [Jon] Okay.
04:23 (calming instrumental music)
04:36 (speaks foreign language)
04:39 - [Translator] The area is large.
04:41 It covers seven provinces, 80 cities and municipalities,
04:45 including many islands of the region.
04:47 That is why we are expanding really well.
04:51 - Right now, in this area that you have visited,
04:54 the mountain area, there are still villages after villages
04:58 up there in the mountains who have never heard the gospel.
05:03 - We're really having a hard time to put up some churches,
05:09 especially that our resources is only very scarce.
05:14 So, we do some solicitations,
05:17 we do some initiatives to reach out
05:19 to some friends and brethren abroad to help us.
05:23 (speaks foreign language)
05:27 - [Translator] Right now, we can only contribute little
05:29 for our brethren desiring to build a church.
05:31 - We have baptized, as of last year, as of December,
05:36 we had like more than 1,000 baptisms.
05:39 And so imagine the need to build churches
05:43 for these congregations.
05:45 (speaks foreign language)
05:47 - [Translator] We, at Zamboanga Peninsula Mission
05:50 strive to find resources to answer our need
05:52 of building new churches in addition to
05:54 the existing 349 churches of the mission.
06:03 (calming instrumental music)
06:12 - Isn't that stunningly beautiful?
06:13 - Oh, wow. - Yeah.
06:15 (Natalie laughs) And they've got the mountains
06:17 and the islands and that whole mixture there
06:20 in that amazing place.
06:22 - And you see the need. - [Jon] Yeah.
06:23 - I mean, that little place where they were worshiping
06:25 didn't even have walls.
06:26 It's was just a roof. - Right.
06:28 - So, it helps somewhat with the sun maybe,
06:31 but, it's yeah, there's definitely a need.
06:34 - Well, they only had a thousand dollars
06:35 to build the whole church with,
06:37 so that's as far as they could get.
06:38 They could put up some posts, put up the roof.
06:41 And this is how a lot of times
06:43 they have approached us is they say
06:46 they'll start the church in faith and they're say,
06:48 "Hey, can you, you know, give us a thousand dollars
06:50 to finish the church."
06:52 And so we say, "okay", so we give them a thousand dollars
06:54 and then a few weeks later, they'll say,
06:56 "Okay, well we've got this part of it done,
06:58 we need another thousand dollars for the next."
07:00 And so they go step by step like that.
07:05 At least they're happy with part of the church.
07:07 - Right.
07:08 - Maybe not the whole church, but eventually they believe
07:10 that they're gonna get through the whole church.
07:12 - Yeah, they obviously started worshiping there
07:14 even though there's no walls, there's no floor, you know.
07:16 - [Jon] Right. - Still a long way to go.
07:18 - Yeah. - So, but they've started
07:19 using the place anyway.
07:21 - [Jon] Right. - Yeah.
07:22 - So, what's our next video?
07:24 - We're going to the village of Tagay and see what we find.
07:28 - [Natalie] Okay.
07:30 (calming instrumental music)
07:33 (speaks foreign language)
07:34 - [Translator] Welcome to the village of Tagay, Datagan.
07:38 Here is one of the most remote places in the Siyayan area.
07:44 Last December, the mission conducted an evangelistic meeting
07:47 and some student missionaries came here to work.
07:53 We baptized 92 natives here.
07:58 Toto Alas was one of them.
08:02 He is from royal blood in their tribe,
08:04 from a high profile Subanian tribe.
08:09 This corner of acre lot is donated by Toto
08:12 here on top of this hill.
08:18 The mission gave one thousand dollars for a church building
08:21 and this is the result.
08:24 The woods and other stuff were donated.
08:29 In this remote area, we have three more churches,
08:32 built like this.
08:36 They gave one thousand dollars to start pilot churches.
08:41 Now, this is the result.
08:44 It's the prerogative of the brethren of the district
08:47 to initiate the finishing of the building
08:49 because we lack many things.
08:54 Almost all the churches here in the mountains
08:56 lack many things.
09:00 It's because this is a remote place
09:02 and also the church in town is financially unstable.
09:08 So we still see the need for support for projects
09:11 here in the mountains.
09:23 - So that's an amazing situation
09:25 where they conducted evangelistic series
09:27 and one of the baptism candidates was royal blood.
09:31 - Right.
09:32 - And so he donated a quarter of an acre
09:34 and the conference gave a thousand dollars
09:36 and they built that wood structure with a roof.
09:39 - Right.
09:41 Probably the roof was the majority of that thousand dollars.
09:43 - [Jon] Yeah, definitely. - Yeah.
09:45 - You can see the need. - [Natalie] Yeah.
09:46 - You can see that in their faces.
09:48 They have a heart for the work to go forward
09:50 and to have a good place for people to come and worship
09:52 the Lord in.
09:53 - We have another video of another area
09:56 where there's a need for the church there.
09:58 - [Jon] Okay.
09:59 (calming instrumental music)
10:09 (speaking foreign language)
10:11 - [Translator] The couple who owned this land
10:12 decided that their cock fighting pit would be donated
10:15 and used to build a church for the Seventh-day Adventists.
10:22 As you can see, we are little by little
10:24 constructing the church.
10:27 We have these temporary chairs for our church.
10:32 We plan to slowly convert from wood to concrete
10:35 if donors would like to help.
10:39 We will be thankful for them.
10:43 Little by little, we are working on our church
10:45 as we are able.
10:50 We cannot build it fast because our brethren
10:52 have other responsibilities like farming.
10:55 Honestly speaking, our church had a budget
10:57 to start building the church,
10:58 but it was only to begin building.
11:01 We don't have the budget to finish building this church.
11:05 One of our challenges is to have our other members
11:07 worship with us again.
11:10 They are asking to have this church completed
11:12 and they will worship with us.
11:15 Our challenge is, as Jesus for Asia's bible worker,
11:18 is to develop and finish building the church.
11:28 (calming instrumental music)
11:39 - So there's one of our bible workers
11:41 that our viewers are supporting
11:42 and the problem with being a successful bible worker
11:46 is they need a church. (Natalie laughs)
11:48 - That's a big problem. - [Jon] Yeah.
11:50 - But it's also a good problem.
11:51 - Yes.
11:53 And you can see how they're moving forward by faith.
11:54 You know, trusting that we'll do a little bit
11:56 and a little bit, little bit and God will provide
11:59 as they go. - Right.
12:00 - It's very encouraging and inspiring.
12:02 - [Natalie] Yeah. - That they're not waiting
12:04 until they have everything
12:05 and then they'll build a nice church.
12:07 They're just going forward with what they have.
12:09 - [Natalie] Right. - And thankful
12:10 for what they have.
12:12 - Yeah and they figure they'll replace the wood
12:14 at some point with what-
12:15 - [Jon] With cement. - [Natalie] Yeah.
12:16 - But did you hear what it used to be?
12:18 - [Natalie] Yeah. - It used to be
12:19 their cock fighting pit. - Yeah.
12:21 - And now it's going to be a Seventh Adventist church.
12:24 - [Natalie] Yeah. - That's definitely
12:25 an upgrade. - Oh, definitely.
12:27 (both laugh) For sure.
12:29 - Yeah. - Okay, we have another video
12:31 but there's a little bit of story
12:33 that you need to share with us before we watch that one?
12:35 - Yeah. In this video, they talk a little bit about
12:38 working with Muslims. - Okay.
12:41 - And we go into a Muslim area
12:43 and they mention that it's dangerous.
12:44 There's a lot of fighting between Christians and Muslims.
12:47 - Mmm. - And so,
12:49 going into a Muslim area as a Christian,
12:52 is not a safe thing.
12:53 And sometimes you'll need armed escort.
12:56 But this is where our bible workers live and work
13:00 and who they minister to. - [Natalie] Okay.
13:02 - And so, this is normal for them.
13:04 And yet they have to learn how to walk,
13:07 but walk in the protection of the Lord
13:09 and be friends with them.
13:11 And so he talks about going into this new area
13:13 and that they were receptive and kind to them.
13:17 - Okay. All right, let's watch it.
13:19 - [Jon] Okay.
13:21 (speaking foreign language)
13:22 - [Translator] The majority of the population
13:23 in this area is Muslim.
13:26 Working here as a Christian is dangerous.
13:29 But with the help of God,
13:30 the people welcomed us with warmth.
13:32 (inspirational instrumental music)
13:39 (speaking foreign language)
13:40 The pastor is a kind and friendly person.
13:43 He regularly visits the people in this area,
13:46 even though we are Muslims.
13:49 When he visits my house, he always brings food
13:52 and we often eat together.
13:54 That's why he is my best friend.
13:56 (speaking foreign language)
13:58 He brought me to his mosque,
13:59 the biggest mosque here on the island.
14:03 And he taught us what the Muslims do before entering
14:05 their mosque.
14:07 He showed us the rituals of washing and praying.
14:11 They have been very welcoming.
14:14 We can feel their sincerity and their acceptance of us
14:16 as their brothers.
14:20 No other religion has visited the Muslims here,
14:23 except yours.
14:25 Only Seventh-day Adventists, because nothing unclean
14:29 can come to this place.
14:30 Nothing.
14:32 I have found that the Seventh-day Adventists I have met
14:34 are generous, responsible, and trustworthy.
14:43 And regarding diet, they don't eat anything unclean,
14:46 so we love Seventh-day Adventists.
14:51 Praise be to Allah.
14:56 (chanting in foreign language)
15:04 - Wow, do you realize how profound that is?
15:07 To have a Muslim Iman talking so good
15:11 about his Adventist brothers and friends.
15:13 - Yeah.
15:14 - [Jon] He realizes that we're not enemies.
15:16 - Right. - We're not there
15:17 to take over, we're there to be a blessing.
15:19 - [Natalie] Yeah. - And we can be brothers
15:21 and sisters together.
15:22 But what a tremendous opportunity.
15:25 - [Natalie] Yeah. - For Christ's love
15:26 to be seen across the divides. - Right, right.
15:29 Wow. Powerful. - Yeah.
15:33 So amazing.
15:34 And the- - I love how he said,
15:35 the pastor was his best friend.
15:36 - Yeah, yeah.
15:38 - [Natalie] That's really awesome.
15:38 - Yeah, yeah.
15:39 Young pastors, our JFA bible worker.
15:41 - Right.
15:43 - This is the message. This is the message.
15:44 You know of all the world religions,
15:46 Muslim is the closest to Seventh-day Adventism,
15:50 of any other religion. - Right.
15:51 - In some ways, we're closer as Adventists to Muslims
15:55 than we are to Christians, the general Christians.
15:57 - Right.
15:58 Well one thing he specifically said,
15:59 actually he referred to it several times,
16:02 "nothing unclean can come here"
16:04 and the Adventists don't eat anything unclean
16:06 and so, that's one of the reasons they're accepted there
16:09 because if we ate anything unclean,
16:12 they wouldn't be accepted there.
16:13 - [Jon] No. - They wouldn't be allowed
16:14 to come.
16:15 They definitely wouldn't be welcomed.
16:16 - Right.
16:17 And some of our missionaries are total vegetarians.
16:19 And so, when they go an live in these villages,
16:22 the Muslim villages, the Muslims say,
16:23 "Wow, you're better Muslims than we are."
16:25 - Right.
16:26 - Sometimes they have meetings with the Muslims
16:28 and we call them family reunions.
16:30 - Right. - Between Issac and Ishmael.
16:32 - Right.
16:33 - And it's a beautiful joining together, you know?
16:35 Because nobody really likes to fight with each other.
16:38 And when there's a way to bring in peace,
16:40 especially, you know the Muslims, they get a bad wrap
16:43 by the Extremists in the world.
16:45 - Right. - A lot of Muslims
16:46 are peace loving.
16:48 Great emphasis on hospitality. - Yeah.
16:51 - And so when they find a way to bring peace
16:53 and brotherly love, they just love it.
16:57 It's an amazing thing.
16:58 They're beautiful people. - Yeah.
16:59 - And Christ died for them. - Right.
17:01 So we have another video, it's very short.
17:03 About this church in this area.
17:06 - [Jon] Okay.
17:07 - [Translator] We are inside our church here in Paiya.
17:11 In this area the majority of the population is Muslim.
17:15 Our church is big.
17:17 Our only request is to help renovate this church.
17:21 We renovated the middle part,
17:24 but we need help with the open area since we lack funds.
17:26 We are requesting help so that when we invite
17:29 our Muslim brothers, they will find our church comfortable.
17:33 When we visited their mosque, we saw that it was beautiful.
17:38 I hope they will also find our church unique
17:40 when they visit us.
17:43 - That's the thing, you know.
17:44 When people come to a church, it's like,
17:46 does it look like people care about the church?
17:49 - [Natalie] Right. - And so that's part of
17:51 the witness, is how we take care of our churches.
17:54 - Right, right.
17:55 We have another video from one of our bible workers
17:58 down in the islands. - Okay.
18:01 - [Translator] My father has many prohibitions for himself
18:04 and his family.
18:05 It is forbidden to mingle with ungodly people,
18:08 especially Christians who are considered Islams enemies.
18:12 (spiritual instrumental music)
18:19 I joined one group of Muslims.
18:21 These Muslim activists encourage non-Muslims
18:24 to accept Islam.
18:27 The versus in the quran that talk about Jesus
18:29 caught my attention.
18:30 I wanted to know, learn, and deeply understand
18:33 the versus that I was reading
18:34 because what the activists are teaching is different.
18:37 They say that the versus about Jesus in the quran
18:40 are no longer valid.
18:41 We do not need to accept, understand,
18:43 or even acknowledge them.
18:46 I wondered why.
18:51 The quran says we should know the profits,
18:53 that we should accept them equally.
18:56 So I asked, "If you know other profits,
18:58 why don't you know Jesus?"
19:01 We study what the Christians were fighting for,
19:03 whether right or wrong.
19:06 I learned that the bible and the quran unite
19:08 in acknowledging the savior.
19:10 We are the ones who do not understand the truth.
19:15 The light has come to the darkness,
19:17 but the darkness detests light.
19:19 As for me, I was in darkness, but I accepted the light
19:22 and here I am today.
19:25 For many years, I've been prayed for Allah
19:27 to show us the straight path.
19:29 I didn't know that Jesus was the straight path.
19:32 He said in John, Chapter 14, Versus 6:
19:35 I am the way, the truth, and the life.
19:37 No one comes to the father except through me.
19:40 Then I learned about one commonly attacked sect,
19:43 who have the truth, the Seventh-day Adventists.
19:46 I learned that the thing I assumed to be wrong,
19:48 was in fact right.
19:50 It is true, I joined that group.
19:52 I am learning things I didn't know.
19:54 I hope that you will be like me.
19:56 I hope that we will continue to learn until we die
19:59 and then after death, when we meet God face-to-face.
20:02 (spiritual instrumental music)
20:15 - That's a profound testimony. - Mhm.
20:17 - Wow.
20:19 How many more out there are like that?
20:21 - Yeah. - [Jon] Wow.
20:23 - Yeah.
20:25 - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful testimony.
20:27 - Mhm. - [Jon] I think that
20:28 we should support this work.
20:30 That's the sense that I get.
20:32 (Natalie laughs)
20:33 That this work should be supported
20:35 because they're really putting their lives on the line
20:36 and if we're getting testimonies like that,
20:39 we need to be there.
20:40 So when they do have these profound conversions,
20:44 they have some place to go.
20:46 - Right. - Yeah.
20:47 - Right.
20:49 - He was praying to Allah for the straight path.
20:51 - [Natalie] Right. - And then he found that
20:52 in Christ. - Right.
20:54 - Reminds me of the time in Indonesia
20:56 when the lady was praying to Buddha for the truth.
21:00 Who was the true God?
21:01 And Buddha came to her, the image of Buddha came to her
21:05 in a dream at night and says, "You need to follow Jesus."
21:09 - Right, right.
21:11 - So God's working. - [Natalie] Yeah.
21:12 - If we're there. - Yeah.
21:14 We've got another story from another bible worker.
21:17 - [Jon] Okay.
21:19 (speaking foreign language)
21:21 - [Translator] When we are in a Muslim area
21:23 the good thing is that when we provide something they need,
21:26 they will defend us,
21:27 fight for us because we are helping them
21:28 in their survival and livelihood.
21:36 The first impression they have of us seems to be critical.
21:41 When we are in a Muslim area, we must seek wisdom
21:43 from above so that we may be guided by the holy spirit
21:46 and the holy angels before we visit homes.
21:53 In working among Muslims,
21:54 it is not the tail we need to meet, but the head.
21:58 We need to seek and get permission from the local chief
22:00 or look for the Iman, the religious leader.
22:03 And the Iman will introduce you to the members.
22:06 As I approach Muslims, I do not teach the bible at first
22:09 because they might think and question why
22:11 I am in their area.
22:13 They would ask what I am doing here.
22:15 So, I wait until they start asking me.
22:18 When they ask, I speak about Ishmael and Issac.
22:24 I have been amazed that they started calling me
22:26 younger brother.
22:27 One Muslim told me not to worry about any danger
22:30 in their area because many people know me
22:32 and call me younger brother.
22:35 In response, I would also address them as elder brothers.
22:40 I decided to build my own small skiff boat.
22:43 Now, I can join them when they are fishing
22:45 for their livelihood.
22:47 After a week stay, I have learned how to approach
22:50 and be near them by helping them.
22:53 They embraced and hugged me,
22:55 wondering why I was helping them.
22:57 I have been praying to the Lord
22:58 that each time I am visiting Muslim people,
23:00 they would not see me but instead
23:02 see the holiness in me so that my life
23:04 would no be in danger.
23:08 I know you are watching me,
23:10 but I pray that your face would shine in me.
23:16 My goal is to introduce Adventism to the Muslim community
23:19 so they will know who we are and our relationship
23:22 with them.
23:23 My task is only to share Adventism.
23:25 We will not convert them.
23:27 This is the work of the holy spirit.
23:29 The important thing that matters is that many will be saved
23:32 when Jesus comes because Jesus died for them.
23:39 - That's so beautiful, seeing a bible worker go into an area
23:43 that's new and how he approaches them
23:45 with tact, with love, with care, and with kindness.
23:49 - Right and lots and lots of prayer.
23:51 - [Jon] Yes. - Before hand
23:52 in where he's going. - [Jon] Absolutely.
23:54 - 'Cause he wants them to see Jesus in him.
23:57 - Yes. (both laugh)
23:58 That's beautiful.
23:59 - Yeah. Well we have one more. - [Jon] Okay.
24:01 - From another area. - [Jon] Okay.
24:03 (calming instrumental music)
24:28 - We are now in Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi,
24:30 one of the far flung islands.
24:33 This is the only Adventist church in Tawi-Tawi,
24:37 outside the mainland.
24:40 And as you can see, this has been in existence
24:42 for the last 40 years and it has not been repaired.
24:49 And so, it is painful to see that this is dilapidated.
24:52 This is falling apart, you know?
24:54 As you see, we have concrete walls here.
24:56 This used to be a beautiful church.
24:59 However, because of the security situations
25:02 that happened here before, so many of our members here
25:05 have either left for other areas or have backslidden.
25:12 And so, we are trying to revive this church
25:14 because this is the only church we have.
25:17 It's pathetic to see the condition,
25:19 especially for brethren living this area.
25:25 For now, according to our information,
25:28 we have only about six or seven members
25:30 worshiping here every Sabbath.
25:33 So, we intend to revive this area, send in our workers,
25:39 JFA workers, if possible.
25:41 Look at the surroundings.
25:42 Most of these people are Sama people
25:45 and their livelihood is simply planting seaweeds.
25:49 And that's why this area, they call this
25:51 the "Venice of the South" because it's all waterways.
25:55 You know, the only mode of transportation here
25:58 is only by boat.
25:59 No vehicles here except boats.
26:03 And so it is of prime importance that we have a boat
26:06 for the use of our brethren here.
26:09 And they've been longing, they been praying,
26:12 that one day this church can be alive again
26:18 and we can revive it.
26:19 And so, we are appealing if you can help out,
26:23 you know, dig from your pockets,
26:25 that we can help revive this church.
26:28 (speaking foreign language) (calming instrumental music)
26:51 (calming instrumental music continues)
26:59 - So this is the area where they needed the armed guard,
27:02 even the Filipinos going in there,
27:04 needed an armed guard. - Wow.
27:06 - And this is in the farthest island,
27:07 the island closest to Malaysia.
27:10 - Wow. - And we have a church there.
27:11 - [Natalie] Yeah. - We don't have to
27:13 start from scratch. - [Natalie] Right.
27:14 - There's a church building there that's just in disrepair.
27:17 - Right. - And, so they want to put
27:18 a bible worker there, JFA bible worker,
27:21 and they want to start the work and get it going.
27:24 And praise God there's still six or seven members.
27:26 - Right. - So let's keep that
27:27 Sitangkai church specifically in our prayers.
27:31 - Right, right.
27:32 - I think we'll make an exception with this church.
27:34 Have a special fund just for this church.
27:36 So if people want to donate to this church,
27:38 let's make this thing beautiful again.
27:41 - Okay.
27:42 All right, well I would like to invite you.
27:44 If you would like to be a part of this amazing work
27:46 please contact us at Jesus for Asia
27:50 P.O. Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321.
27:59 Or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you,
28:05 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:09 (upbeat instrumental music)


Revised 2023-01-25