Jesus 4 Asia Now

Faith In Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000146S

00:00 (bold music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and I have a very special guest with me
00:26 in the studio today.
00:28 It's Tim Maddocks and he with his family have been
00:31 in Cambodia working incarnationally for 30 years.
00:36 Hello Tim. So glad you could be here today.
00:38 - Hello Natalie. I'm really blessed to be here.
00:40 - When I introduced you,
00:42 I said you've been working incarnationally in Cambodia
00:45 for 30 years. What does that mean, incarnationally?
00:49 - Incarnationally means we are living like the people
00:52 that live around us.
00:54 That's changed over the last 30 years.
00:57 So when we originally went out, actually in 1996,
01:01 to live on the campus where we live now,
01:03 it was just rice fields
01:05 and the people that lived around us were extremely poor.
01:09 They lived in attached houses mostly,
01:11 got around on bicycles or old motorcycles.
01:15 So that's the way we lived back then.
01:18 But our community has changed over time.
01:20 So now people, more live in brick houses,
01:24 many of them have air conditioning.
01:26 So we've upgraded housing
01:27 as our communities upgraded housing.
01:29 - You still don't have air conditioning though?
01:32 - We have windows.
01:33 - Yeah. So you mentioned moving out to the campus
01:36 where you live now.
01:38 Can you explain what happens on the campus?
01:40 Just give us like an overview of the ministry as a whole.
01:43 - Yeah, sure.
01:44 So it's a 40 acre campus and to begin with,
01:46 God called us to church plant in our local community
01:50 and to develop a training center
01:52 where people could learn to be church planners
01:56 and share the gospel with Cambodians
01:59 who hadn't yet heard about Christ,
02:00 which is the majority of the population. And.
02:05 - What kind of percentage Christian are we talking about?
02:07 - It's about 3% Christian.
02:09 - Really. Okay.
02:10 - We started that work and we got into medical work as well
02:15 and then into school, education of young people
02:19 and then an orphanage and then a media center
02:23 and a butterfly garden and a tropical plant garden center.
02:27 And so that's sort of the progression
02:30 of our work over the years.
02:31 - That's all on that same campus?
02:33 - On the same campus.
02:35 - [Natalie] Wow.
02:36 - And we have another school on a smaller campus
02:37 about 25 miles away.
02:39 It's not an international school
02:41 where you've got all these rich kids coming
02:43 and paying big fees.
02:45 In fact, our fees are very, very low.
02:48 We are charging for a non-ad Adventist, just $200 a year.
02:54 For an Adventist, $170 US a year.
02:57 - Wow. That's not very much.
03:01 - It certainly doesn't make a profit.
03:04 - [Natalie] Okay.
03:05 - Or even break even.
03:06 - Wow. So how many students do you have in this school?
03:08 - So in our main school we have 220 students
03:11 from kindergarten to grade 12.
03:12 - Okay.
03:14 - And in the smaller school we have 18 students
03:16 from grade one to three.
03:18 - Are they all like local to the schools
03:21 or is there a dorm situation or how does that work?
03:24 - So our student body is made up of children
03:27 from the local community and they'll come in
03:30 from about as far as three miles away.
03:33 And then we have orphanage children.
03:36 With children from the orphanage,
03:38 we currently have 38 in the orphanage and staff children.
03:44 But then we have another group of children who come
03:45 from our rural churches
03:47 and most of them in the same area province,
03:49 but from other provinces as well.
03:52 And we have 62 in the dormitory now.
03:56 - Okay. So how does it work financially
03:58 for the dorm students?
04:00 - Well, the dorm students are almost all coming
04:02 from really poor families.
04:04 So we're charging them $170 a year for tuition
04:08 and we provide free lodging and food in the dorm.
04:15 So this is a part of our faith-based ministry.
04:17 The way I look at these children is
04:18 that they're God's children and usually a father pays,
04:22 so he's paying for their fees.
04:24 And so we're just trusting him to provide.
04:27 As far as what does it cost?
04:30 We spend $1.20 per day for food.
04:35 Plus we have the hire for the three cooks.
04:37 And this year we don't have deans that we hired
04:41 because my wife, Wendy and I, we are the deans.
04:45 And the kids live in large rooms with bunk beds and.
04:51 - Okay.
04:52 - So they get to hang out together.
04:55 The dormitory set up, so we have girls dorm on one side
04:58 of the building, boys on the other side,
05:00 a large cafeteria in the middle.
05:03 And so we have combined worships together
05:06 in the mornings and evenings.
05:08 - Okay.
05:10 - And then they eat together in the cafeteria.
05:11 - Okay. So you said $1.20, is that per child, per day?
05:15 - Per child, per day.
05:17 - Okay.
05:18 - Three meals.
05:19 - Wow. That's 40 cents a meal. That's not very much.
05:22 - It's not much.
05:23 But a lot of kids,
05:24 they don't want to go home during holidays
05:27 because they get more to eat and better food at the school
05:31 than they do if they go home.
05:32 The reality is that out in the countryside,
05:34 poverty is a serious thing.
05:36 - [Natalie] Yeah.
05:37 - People are just eking out in existence still.
05:39 - Right. And even that little amount that you're spending
05:42 per day for each one of them
05:44 is giving them such better food.
05:46 - Yeah. It changes the way they look.
05:48 So they come in looking scrawny
05:50 and their hair doesn't look healthy,
05:53 but by the time there's been a year in the school,
05:55 they're on a vegetarian diet
05:57 and they look much more rounded and healthy
05:59 - And they're getting good meals every day.
06:01 - And yeah.
06:02 - Wow.
06:04 I get a lot of joy out of being their dean this year,
06:07 leading them in worships,
06:08 helping them to know Christ better,
06:10 preparing them to be missionaries themselves.
06:13 - Okay. So that's another question.
06:14 Okay, so the purpose of the school isn't just for education?
06:20 - No, the education is the excuse.
06:23 So you know, my family are there as missionaries,
06:27 we want to take the gospel to all Cambodia,
06:29 but we can't do that alone.
06:31 - [Natalie] Right.
06:32 - And because there's only around 4,600 Adventists
06:35 in the country of a population of six and a half million.
06:39 So the best way to raise missionaries is to educate them
06:45 from kindergarten up,
06:46 but educate them with the mindset that God has called them
06:50 to share the gospel.
06:51 And their education is to help them to better to do that.
06:55 - You, in grades 11 and 12,
06:57 it's not just like regular school,
07:00 you're teaching them other things as well. So.
07:03 - Throughout the school we teach a lot of vocational things
07:06 because we believe that there's more to education
07:09 than just reading, writing, and arithmetic.
07:11 - [Natalie] Uh huh.
07:13 - So we have cooking and sewing and computer classes,
07:16 art classes, photography classes, woodwork classes.
07:20 But in year 11 and 12,
07:21 we teach the young people to be teachers
07:25 and many of them will take that up as a career.
07:27 And in year 12 they actually teach for five periods a week
07:31 in the primary school.
07:32 - Oh, okay.
07:34 - So they get that experience and that actually provides us
07:36 with a pool of teachers when they graduate.
07:39 And of our 30 teachers that we have in the main school,
07:45 25 of them are former students.
07:47 - Wow. That's awesome.
07:49 And I know that you've mentioned that some
07:52 of them are recent graduates.
07:54 - Yeah, we have some that graduated just
07:57 in July last year and they're actually teaching
08:00 in the high school this year.
08:01 - Wow. So they're teaching young people
08:04 almost their same ages.
08:05 - Yeah. Some of the people they're teaching
08:07 were fellow students with them the year before.
08:09 So that's quite a challenge for them.
08:12 - [Natalie] Yeah.
08:13 - The reason for that is that we have depended on volunteers
08:17 and when COVID hit our volunteer pool sort of dried up.
08:22 - Yeah.
08:23 - So we've had to depend on our own young people.
08:26 But if there are people out there
08:28 that would like to volunteer, we'd like to hear from them.
08:30 - Yeah. Volunteer teachers, now, what kind of subjects?
08:33 - Teaching English, mathematics, science, geography.
08:39 So they don't have to be qualified teachers,
08:41 they just have to be willing to be qualified
08:43 by the Holy Spirit.
08:44 - Okay. So you said volunteer.
08:46 What does that mean?
08:47 When they come to work there,
08:49 do they get a small stipend?
08:51 What do they receive from you?
08:53 - We are faith-based,
08:54 so it's trusting in God
08:55 and we like our volunteers to do the same.
08:57 - [Natalie] Okay.
08:59 - So we provide them with housing and with work.
09:02 - Okay.
09:03 - And that's it.
09:04 - So they need some other place to get money for food and.
09:08 - They need to cover the airfares, their visa costs,
09:10 their food costs, et cetera. Yeah.
09:13 - Okay. You talked about faith-based
09:16 and then you talked about how much it costs for the school.
09:19 Does it ever come up short? I mean,
09:21 what if the parents can't afford the $170 or the $200,
09:27 then what happens?
09:28 - They usually come crying to me, literally.
09:31 - [Natalie] Oh.
09:32 - Down on their knees begging.
09:34 But there's no actual need for that
09:36 because we've never sent a child home
09:39 because they couldn't pay.
09:41 And typically what happens after one or two years,
09:44 if debts are stacking up,
09:47 we just wipe the debt off figuring that, well,
09:50 God got us through the school year,
09:51 so nevermind, we'll just start afresh the next year.
09:56 But sometimes parents sort of out of embarrassment,
09:59 they'll just pull the kid out without even telling us.
10:02 - [Natalie] Oh.
10:03 - And we find out after they've left
10:05 because they feel ashamed that they can't pay.
10:08 - Oh, that's hard.
10:10 - It is. And sometimes it's because the families
10:15 borrowed money to build a new house or buy a motorbike
10:18 and they can't repay.
10:20 So they need a child in order to have another income.
10:22 - To work.
10:23 - Which really annoys me because you know,
10:25 we'll sponsor a child and they'll be doing really well
10:27 in school and then the parent pulls them out
10:30 and it's like, this kid
10:31 could have had a really great future.
10:33 - Yeah. And made a lot more money in the long run.
10:35 - [Tim] Yes.
10:36 - And worked for God.
10:38 - But short term thinking and.
10:40 - Yeah, that seems to be a trap that happens
10:41 in a lot of ultra poor areas.
10:44 - Yeah. So we look at the school finance, for example,
10:48 last year we took in $17,000 in school fees
10:54 and we spent $88,000 running the school.
10:57 So we're trusting in God to provide.
10:59 - He makes up the difference.
11:00 - Yes.
11:02 - So, okay, faith-based, let's try to break this down.
11:05 Like what does this look like on a daily basis?
11:08 Like okay, so faith-based,
11:11 does this mean that you write a letter to your donors
11:14 and you say, "Hey, we're short on school fees this month."
11:18 Or what does this mean?
11:19 - Well there are obviously many faith-based models,
11:22 but the model that God called us to was to just trust him.
11:28 And so we do write a letter from time to time,
11:31 like once or twice a year, which we call prayer journal.
11:34 And we talk about what God has been doing in our lives.
11:38 We don't go out there soliciting funds,
11:41 but if somebody asks us how can they help,
11:43 then we are happy to give them a list.
11:46 - Right.
11:47 - Of ways that they could choose to help us.
11:48 - [Natalie] Okay.
11:49 - So we're just taking our needs to God.
11:51 Most of the time, we're not talking to him much
11:54 about the money we need.
11:56 We're praising him for what he's given us.
11:58 - Okay. That was going to be my next question.
12:00 Like do you walk around and you see, oh,
12:02 there's a broken pipe over there, Lord,
12:04 can you give me the money, fix the broken pipe? Or.
12:07 - I've tried to develop the mentality
12:10 that this is God's work
12:11 and I'm working beside him and so he knows what is needed
12:17 and he's just left me there to fix it.
12:20 And so if I need to spend money,
12:23 I'll go out and spend it.
12:24 Sometimes I'll even put it on the credit card
12:27 if I don't have it,
12:29 because making sure people are comfortable is more important
12:32 than not using my credit card, like.
12:36 But God has been good and he pays things off.
12:40 But sometimes, often in the last year particularly,
12:44 we've been going day by day.
12:46 And it's like I might need, for example,
12:49 I might need $50 today to buy supplies
12:53 or to buy things to repair something, something like that.
12:57 And God will provide just enough.
12:59 But over a month we're spending at least $16,000 a month
13:04 to keep the orphanage and the school,
13:07 and the media center and Butterfly Paradise
13:09 and Garden Center all running.
13:11 - Wow. Okay. So $50 a day, a hundred dollars, 300,
13:16 whatever you need that day.
13:17 - It's coming in.
13:18 - God's providing.
13:19 - Little by little. Yeah.
13:21 It's a fun way to live.
13:22 - Yeah. Yeah.
13:24 So tell us the story of the studio, the media center,
13:28 how did that come to be?
13:29 - So in 2009, a dream that we'd had for a long time
13:36 that Jon Wood was involved in planting in our minds,
13:40 we began to make that happen by building a studio.
13:46 And now we did something that most people would say
13:48 was very foolish.
13:50 We got a $200 donation for the studio.
13:54 So we started building.
13:56 - Whoa, okay.
13:59 - And 15 months later, we had spent $70,000.
14:02 We finished the building
14:03 and we never asked anybody for money.
14:05 God provided.
14:07 And he honored the faith that we showed by starting
14:10 and he provided.
14:12 And there was a period of time when the building was a shell
14:16 with no roof and grass growing up
14:18 in the main recording area.
14:20 And I was there one night talking to God about it.
14:25 But shortly after that he provided all the money
14:27 to pour the concrete, put the roof on, finish the building.
14:31 But he had a purpose for delaying.
14:33 And it was only later that I discovered the purpose.
14:36 - Is that something you'd like to share,
14:37 his purpose for delaying?
14:39 - Yeah. So we had a group of students coming
14:43 from Australia to help out on the project.
14:46 And amongst those students were kids
14:48 that weren't Seventh-day Adventists, that weren't Christian.
14:51 And God wanted to let them see miracles actually happen.
14:55 - Oh, okay.
14:56 - To convict them.
14:57 And so when those miracles were happening
15:00 while the students were there,
15:01 like somebody came and handed me $10,000
15:03 for the roof while the students were there.
15:05 And so before they left the steel
15:07 for constructing the roof was on site, they saw that,
15:11 and working together to pour the concrete slab
15:15 and God was just using it all.
15:17 So the studio was actually being used for evangelism
15:22 before it even had a roof on it.
15:25 - So that illustrates
15:27 that God doesn't always need the media recordings.
15:30 - That's right. Yeah.
15:31 - Well that's awesome. So speaking of the media recordings,
15:34 what kind of things do you record there?
15:36 - So we record evangelistic videos
15:39 in the Khmer language and we also do health videos
15:43 and cooking shows, vegetarian cooking shows,
15:46 some children's stuff.
15:47 And also we are just getting into music,
15:50 Christian music now.
15:52 - Okay. That's a lot.
15:53 - Yeah. We have eight staff working full-time,
15:56 but they also teach media in the school as well.
16:00 - So they have a couple of jobs under the media banner.
16:04 - Yes. Yes.
16:05 - But it's not all just in the studio.
16:07 - [Tim] Yes.
16:08 - So have you seen any results of the shows,
16:10 of the programs that you have recorded?
16:13 - That's the trouble with media.
16:14 (laughing)
16:15 You're putting it out there.
16:17 We have a 24/7 online television station called SALTCAM TV,
16:23 and then we have a YouTube channel. People are watching.
16:27 But is it having an impact's?
16:30 - That's hard to know. - That's harder to say.
16:32 Although I had one of our Khmer pastors
16:34 come up to me last year
16:36 and thank us for the series on Revelation that we'd done.
16:39 And so he was watching and he had been blessed by it.
16:42 So I'm sure that there are people that are coming to Christ
16:45 through it.
16:46 We just don't have the privilege of knowing that yet.
16:48 - Right. That seems like what happens so much
16:52 with broadcasting, it's like,
16:54 it's literally when the Bible says cast your bread
16:57 upon the waters and it'll come back after many days.
17:00 It's like, many days aren't here yet.
17:03 - I think a lot of it is like our own members are watching.
17:07 - [Natalie] Mm.
17:08 - And so it's.
17:09 - Building up the church.
17:11 - Building up their faith and building up their churches.
17:13 Yeah. And so then they are able to take
17:16 what they are learning and share it on a one-on-one basis.
17:21 So we used to do the training programs
17:24 to prepare people to be missionaries,
17:26 but you could say in a sense now
17:28 that we're still doing that,
17:29 but it's on video and people all over the country
17:32 and even outside the country can access that
17:35 and learn from it.
17:36 - Now let's move to Butterfly Paradise.
17:39 What is Butterfly Paradise first of all,
17:41 and how did it get started?
17:44 - So Butterfly Paradise is a very large butterfly garden,
17:48 which is the den. So you could call it a butterfly aviary.
17:52 And it grew out of a idea that a friend of mine had
17:59 that because we are so close to town,
18:01 because we have lots of butterflies on our 40 acre property,
18:05 that we could set up a butterfly garden for tourists.
18:08 'Cause tourists, they come the same route to look
18:10 at the Angkor Wat Temple.
18:12 And many of them, once they've done the temples,
18:13 it's like what else can I do?
18:15 And me, being a biologist by training
18:19 and having visited butterfly gardens in the past,
18:22 it's like, that's a nice idea,
18:25 but I'm busy running a lot of other things.
18:29 And I took it to God
18:32 and I tried to argue him out of the idea,
18:34 but he eventually won.
18:36 So it's like, well God, if I'm going to do this for you,
18:39 it has to be first class.
18:41 We can't build a little cage out of sticks
18:44 and invite foreign visitors to come in.
18:48 And it has to be so that people
18:50 can learn that God is creator.
18:52 - Hmm.
18:53 - So we spent about $400,000,
18:55 which in American terms, is maybe not very much,
18:57 but in Cambodia that's quite a bit.
18:59 - [Natalie] Right.
19:01 - And we built one of the largest cage butterfly gardens
19:03 in the world.
19:05 And I believe that it is a first class attraction.
19:09 In fact on Google at the moment, we have a 4.4 star rating.
19:12 - Awesome.
19:13 - So, we're very thankful for that.
19:15 - Yeah. Yeah. Well having been there, it's like,
19:18 it's so impressive.
19:20 You know, you see it and it's like, wow, what can God do?
19:23 And, you know, we walk in and we know the story,
19:26 but it's like to just see it in fruition,
19:29 I mean in its full built up, flowered out,
19:36 butterflies flying around, it's just like, wow,
19:38 God did this.
19:39 You know, 'cause how much did you have
19:40 when you started that?
19:42 - We didn't have anything.
19:44 - And you had calculated
19:46 and budgeted how much was this going to cost?
19:47 - It was going to cost 400,000 and we spent 400,000.
19:51 - And you had nothing when you started.
19:53 - Nothing. And so it was another faith venture,
19:56 a little bit like the building of the studio.
19:59 But it's like we were sure God wanted us to do it
20:03 and if he wanted us to do it,
20:04 he was going to provide the resources for it.
20:07 - [Natalie] Right.
20:08 - But we have to walk forward in faith trusting him.
20:10 - [Natalie] Hmm.
20:12 - And after that was last minute provision.
20:14 - Okay.
20:15 - So like the workers were working
20:17 and you had to pay them at the end of the day and.
20:19 - That's right Friday afternoon have to pay them
20:21 for the week's work. Wages are small there.
20:24 So the amounts were pretty small,
20:25 like $500 a week for wages.
20:29 But Friday afternoon, three o'clock, absolutely no money.
20:35 I said, I can't borrow money,
20:37 I can't do anything except pray.
20:40 And so I was having a discussion with God
20:42 about what we're going to do if the money doesn't come in
20:45 by five o'clock. We're going to have to lay off the workers.
20:48 And an hour later someone knocked on the door,
20:50 handed me $500 and they didn't know about the need,
20:54 but God did and he provided.
20:56 - Wow.
20:57 - And a month later the same thing happened again.
20:58 And it was at that point I realized, okay,
21:00 God's got it under control. Just don't worry about it.
21:03 Just go forward and finish it.
21:05 - So you stopped having those Friday afternoon discussions
21:07 with him?
21:08 - Yeah, I just went forward
21:10 trusting it's going to be there
21:12 and we were always able to pay.
21:14 - Wow. Praise the Lord.
21:15 That's really neat to see the progression
21:18 or the step-by-step walk
21:20 'cause so many times we talk about having a faith walk
21:24 and it's some nebulous thing with no definition.
21:27 It's like what does that even look like?
21:29 - If you don't know God, it's frightening.
21:31 - Yeah.
21:32 - Because for us,
21:33 like we're on basically the edge of bankruptcy every month
21:40 and yet we know that God's not going to let us go bankrupt.
21:44 This is his work.
21:46 - Right.
21:47 - And so we just go forward in faith.
21:49 - So Butterfly Paradise, when you first started it,
21:54 the whole process,
21:55 you thought it was going to be a financial burden
21:59 or a blessing?
22:01 - Well, I looked at the figures and said, okay,
22:02 we're having about 4 million visitors
22:04 coming to Siem Reap a year.
22:06 If we can get 100 a day to the butterfly garden,
22:09 we will generate enough income
22:11 to cover our whole ministry needs
22:15 and also expand, we'll help our other ministries.
22:21 Well God wanted to teach me something
22:24 and that is that we don't need to make money
22:28 to keep our ministry going.
22:29 He called us to be faith-based.
22:32 And so we've been running Butterfly Paradise
22:35 for four years now.
22:36 And to my knowledge we haven't yet broken even
22:40 on a single month.
22:42 But God has kept us running.
22:44 And through COVID the country closed down.
22:48 There were no foreign visitors.
22:50 And so for nearly two years we didn't have foreign visitors.
22:55 We lowered our entry price
22:57 so that the local Cambodian people could come in.
23:00 And so we charged $2 a person.
23:04 If it's just one person now,
23:05 electricity costs while they are there,
23:08 running the waterfalls, et cetera,
23:09 are more than the ticket price, but God provided.
23:16 So we just kept it open all through COVID,
23:18 even when we were in a red zone.
23:20 (laughing)
23:21 And God has shown me that Butterfly Paradise is there to
23:28 show that he is an almighty God
23:30 and that he is a creator God.
23:32 - Right. And it's a testimony to his greatness as well.
23:36 - It's also providing employment
23:37 for some of our young people
23:38 so they can have employment
23:40 where they're not required to work on Sabbath.
23:42 And there's a testimony as well
23:44 because they're all young people out of our school
23:47 that are running Butterfly Paradise.
23:49 - [Natalie] Mm.
23:50 - Like I've been away for nearly five weeks now.
23:51 It's my staff that are keeping it running.
23:54 And God is equipping them as well
23:58 so that they can run this tourist industry.
24:01 My manager and is even 19 or 20 years of age,
24:05 only out of school for two years now.
24:08 But God is giving her skills
24:10 and helping all the other staff as well.
24:13 - Okay. So beyond financial,
24:15 what are some of the lessons of faith you've learned
24:18 over the years in this walk that you've been having?
24:23 - I think probably the most valuable one is
24:26 that failure is not an option for God.
24:30 - Hmm.
24:31 - His problem is not his resources, his problem is me.
24:36 - Hmm.
24:37 - Because if I don't trust him,
24:42 there's no point in providing the needs.
24:47 - Mm.
24:48 - So he wants me to work side by side with him
24:52 and just to trust him as the one in charge,
24:55 as the one with the resources and to move forward.
24:58 And if I will go forward in faith,
25:01 then he will provide and he's always done that.
25:05 And that's been one of the things that's been a real joy
25:08 for me, to be at a partnership with God
25:11 and know that he's got my back covered
25:15 because it's his work.
25:17 But it's not just his work, it's our work
25:20 because I'm a child of God and so I'm working
25:25 with him on his kingdom.
25:26 But it's because I'm his child, it's my kingdom as well.
25:29 - Right.
25:30 - And that's been a real joyful thing for me.
25:32 So my challenge has been obviously not to worry.
25:39 If I worry then I'm not honoring God
25:43 because it shows I don't trust him.
25:45 - Hmm.
25:47 - And God has taught me, don't stress, don't worry.
25:50 Years and years of experience now
25:53 says that he'll come through and it in different ways.
25:56 So it might be the weather.
25:58 Sometimes we are doing something
25:59 and we don't need it to rain.
26:02 - Mm hmm.
26:03 - Other times we do need it to rain
26:04 and we can trust God to provide for us
26:06 - [Natalie] It will be the right weather.
26:08 - Yeah.
26:09 - So in all these lessons that God's been teaching you
26:11 over the years, have you ever thought about
26:14 what if you said no?
26:15 - Yeah.
26:17 That's one of the most frightening things to think about
26:19 because I can look at what God has done with our family
26:22 over the last 30 years in Cambodia.
26:25 And I realize that through our personal witness,
26:29 through the school, through our lead training programs,
26:34 God has impacted the church across the whole country.
26:37 - [Natalie] Mm.
26:38 - And if we had said, no God,
26:42 we are not going to do that for you,
26:44 then there would probably be well over a thousand people not
26:49 in the church today.
26:51 And that's, that's a horrifying thought.
26:53 - [Natalie] Yeah.
26:55 - So I'm so thankful that God convicted me to say yes
26:59 and to get involved in this ministry.
27:01 I do have one regret.
27:04 - And what's that?
27:05 - That has taken me so long to really trust God.
27:07 Because if I had trusted him back then,
27:10 like I trust him today, he could have got so much more done.
27:16 - Well thank you Tim for being here today
27:18 and for sharing the stories of what God's doing in Cambodia
27:21 and we're excited for the future.
27:23 - It's a privilege to be here,
27:25 to be able share and hope the testimony is blessed people.
27:28 - Yeah.
27:29 (gentle music)
27:30 I would like to thank you for joining us today
27:31 and if you would like to be a part of this ministry,
27:34 please pray for Tim and Wendy and his family
27:37 and the workers there as they endeavor
27:40 with God to reach the people of Cambodia for eternity.
27:44 If you would like to be a part of this ministry,
27:46 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia PO Box 1221,
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:54 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:02 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:07 (bold music)


Revised 2023-05-31