Jesus 4 Asia Now

Sharing Jesus In Assam, Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000156S

00:00 (uplifting orchestral music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now."
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood
00:25 and my husband John is here with me today
00:27 and we're going to North India, hello, love!
00:30 - Hi darling, How are you?
00:31 - So I said we were going to North India,
00:33 but where specifically are we going today?
00:36 - We're going to the state of Assam.
00:38 And this is the Northeastern part of India.
00:42 You know how India kind of goes up into a kind
00:45 of a diamond shape, but then the eastern part goes,
00:49 a little arm goes up over Bangladesh and then into Assam
00:55 and a bunch of states around it.
00:56 - Okay, okay, so how many people live in Assam?
01:00 - There's 35 million people living in Assam.
01:03 - Wow. - Yes.
01:04 - Wow, that's a lot. (laughs)
01:05 - That's a lot of people.
01:06 That's more than many countries actually
01:09 just in that one state.
01:10 - So you said Assam used to be bigger.
01:14 It's now a bunch of different places,
01:16 but there's a Upper, a Middle and a Lower Assam.
01:19 - Assam used to include the states
01:21 around the eastern edge
01:23 and the southern edge, including a Arunachal Pradesh,
01:26 Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura.
01:30 And then on the south, Meghalaya.
01:32 And so the headquarters of that whole area
01:35 for the church is actually in Meghalaya,
01:38 but the country of India decided to separate those out
01:41 to kind of give tribes their own autonomy.
01:45 So there's a lot of different tribes in that area.
01:47 And so the different states,
01:49 like in Tripura, there's the Tripurese,
01:53 and in Nagaland there's the Naga,
01:56 and Manipur, there's...
01:58 It's just a lot of different tribes in there.
01:59 There's a lot more tribes
02:00 than actually represented by states,
02:01 but they tried to- - Break it up a little bit.
02:05 Give 'em a little bit of their own government.
02:08 - And we have Bible workers in every one
02:09 of those states now.
02:11 So that's kind of cool.
02:13 Some states are more new as far...
02:15 And more like freshly starting
02:20 as a church organization.
02:21 And so in another episode we're gonna be talking
02:24 about the different states and what's happening in in those.
02:29 - So how did we start out having Bible workers in Assam?
02:31 - About 15 years ago,
02:33 we got a request to train Bible workers,
02:36 or there was a training happening in northern India
02:39 for Bible workers in Assam,
02:42 and they trained 33 Bible workers,
02:46 and we then hired them all.
02:48 And that is how the work in Assam
02:52 for Jesus for Asia got started.
02:54 Before that, there was about five
02:56 or six pastors for the entire state of 33 million people.
03:02 So now there's 33 Bible workers,
03:03 plus five or six pastors.
03:05 So when we first hired them,
03:06 there was about one Bible worker per million population.
03:10 - Our first video is gonna be with the director
03:13 of the Assam region.
03:14 - Excellent.
03:17 (upbeat traditional music)
03:41 - Assam is a big place, it's quite a big state.
03:45 When you think of northeast India,
03:48 we have over 30 million people
03:53 and our presence as Adventists is very small still,
03:56 because we just have around 6,000 members.
04:04 Hello, I'm Pastor Deepak Boro.
04:06 Currently I work as a director
04:08 of Assam Region Seven-Day Adventists.
04:10 And we live in Guwahati from where we take care
04:14 of the whole Assam region of Seventh-Day Adventists.
04:16 We have seven pastors, ordained pastors,
04:20 and then we have four or five full-time evangelists.
04:25 And then other than that,
04:27 we have 32 JFA volunteers, the Bible workers.
04:34 And besides them we have also Global Mission Pioneers
04:38 and Gospel Outreach and few Cornerstone volunteers.
04:41 And then we have a few (birds chirp)
04:42 of the 1,000 missionary workers.
04:45 And these are the ones who are taking care of this field,
04:49 working to share the Gospel with the people.
04:55 I must say that Bible workers are the backbone
04:58 of the ministry
04:59 that is going on in Assam.
05:01 As full-time workers, there are just a handful of us.
05:04 We are few ordained pastors.
05:06 And we can see that we have quite a few of them
05:10 who are Bible workers.
05:12 And these are the ones who are working in the ground
05:15 and they're in the battlefield
05:16 and reaching the people,
05:18 conducting all the quarters' meetings
05:20 and evangelistic programs.
05:22 And whatever we are today,
05:25 I think it's mostly because of the Bible workers.
05:27 We are so grateful about them.
05:28 We are proud of them.
05:29 (uplifting orchestral music)
05:36 (group leader sings foreign language)
05:42 Bible workers are doing tremendous work,
05:44 and God is working, the Holy Spirit is leading them.
05:46 And people are understanding who the true living God is.
05:50 So we praise God for them.
05:55 We're very grateful to Jesus for Asia,
05:58 and we want to share our gratefulness to all the sponsors.
06:04 Those who are behind these force,
06:07 the people who are working in the battle on the ground here.
06:10 Not only here in Assam, many parts of India and elsewhere.
06:14 I believe many lives has been touched and changed
06:17 because of the work that Bible workers are doing
06:21 and also because of the people
06:23 who are willing to sacrifice
06:25 to give their means to support this ministry.
06:28 And it's our prayer that this miracle will continue,
06:31 the change of lives will continue to happen
06:34 in the places where the Bible workers are working.
06:37 Thank you so much for that.
06:48 - Didn't that give you joy?
06:49 - Yeah, that's really neat. - It's so neat
06:52 to see those people,
06:53 the simple people just moving out into villages
06:56 that hadn't had the Gospel before bringing light
06:59 and hope into those places.
07:00 - Yeah, and I'm so grateful
07:01 that the Lord has given us the ability
07:03 to be of help to them
07:05 to lift up the hands of these unit leaders
07:07 and the ordained pastors,
07:09 of which there are so few.
07:12 It's such a blessing to be able
07:13 to be a blessing to them
07:15 and bring that workforce to them,
07:19 enable the workforce for them.
07:20 - Yeah, and what does it cost
07:22 to support a Bible worker in Assam?
07:25 - In some areas, we've had to adjust a little bit
07:27 for cost of living,
07:29 but Assam is still at
07:30 about a hundred dollars a month,
07:31 depending on the exchange rate,
07:33 which is really very small.
07:37 - It's a sacrifice for them to live at that wage,
07:39 but they would continue to do that work
07:42 even if they didn't get that income.
07:45 They just start so dedicated to serving the Lord.
07:47 And this just gives them a little more free time
07:50 to be able to focus on taking the Gospel to the dark areas.
07:54 And also it keeps a lot
07:55 of the churches running and functioning.
07:59 - In our next video, we're going to meet?
08:01 - We get to meet one of the Bible workers
08:03 that's actually doing it,
08:04 because we say Bible worker,
08:06 it's kind of a general statement.
08:09 But now we get to meet one of the Bible workers
08:12 that's actually doing the work manually,
08:16 step-by-step, simple Bible worker,
08:18 and we get to hear some of his testimony.
08:20 - Okay, here we go.
08:22 (gentle piano music)
08:30 - Actually, first time I come
08:33 to know about Jesus Christ from my class friend,
08:38 when I came to my home district,
08:43 one evangelist proclaimed Gospel before me.
08:49 And after that I often go to the church.
08:54 I continue to study the Bible.
08:57 My mother hated the Christian people.
09:01 She warned me that if you'll go to the church,
09:06 then I will forsake you.
09:11 2001, actually, I have accepted Lord Jesus Christ
09:15 as my personal Savior.
09:17 There is two households, (birds chirp)
09:20 new believers in my surroundings,
09:23 and I actually got fellowship with them.
09:26 And after that I went here and there to proclaim the Gospel.
09:30 One person actually healed
09:33 from cancer disease when we prayed for him.
09:37 And after that he baptized.
09:41 And from that village, there were three families.
09:48 They came out, they also accepted Lord Jesus Christ
09:52 as their personal Savior.
09:53 And as it is growing, I want to plant a church.
10:01 So I have bought nine bighas of land,
10:05 and I established a church there.
10:08 At last there are 60 families
10:13 who have accepted Lord as their personal Savior and Lord.
10:18 (Raju sings foreign language)
10:24 So as I was continued my service,
10:27 I proclaimed the Gospel here and there,
10:30 and I run my ministry also.
10:33 But at that time, my friend called me
10:39 that two persons will come.
10:40 And actually he did not disclose me
10:45 about what is the denomination of that two persons.
10:49 But I went there along with my wife
10:51 and I met, first time, Pastor Deepak sir,
10:55 also one evangelist, Eldong Myena.
11:00 As they introduced themselves as Adventists,
11:02 I thought that there might be some horns in their head,
11:09 but whenever they told me the Bible verse, it's truth.
11:15 And actually I was astonished about that.
11:19 And after that, I looked at YouTube,
11:23 Dr. Ronald Robin messages and Mark Finley
11:30 and Pastor Doug.
11:33 So many messages I have got,
11:35 and I studied also from "The Great Controversy"
11:40 and other books of Ellen G. White.
11:45 And after that I decided to have baptism in 2021,
11:51 and I become Adventist.
11:53 (gentle piano music)
12:02 - Isn't that amazing?
12:04 - That's so beautiful,
12:05 because he was a Christian before, not an Adventist.
12:08 And he had a burden to share with people.
12:11 So he started sharing, he started praying for people.
12:13 Someone was healed from cancer and a church was planted,
12:16 all this before he learned the whole truth.
12:19 So it's just really neat to see
12:21 how God rewards the prayers of His people,
12:24 even when they don't know
12:25 or aren't keeping the entire truth.
12:27 - I love how he said rather-
12:30 - Nonchalantly? - Yeah, that we prayed,
12:33 somebody got healed of cancer.
12:35 It's like, that's kind of a big deal,
12:38 shows them that God's alive.
12:40 And then a lot of people came into the truth
12:42 or into the faith in Jesus through that miracle.
12:45 And then how he was open-minded to really see
12:48 how the Adventist message contains the truth,
12:53 and it's biblically based and-
12:54 - That there was more truth that he didn't realize.
12:57 - Right, and he followed the truth.
12:58 - Yeah, so we have more of his testimony here
13:01 in the next video. - Excellent.
13:04 (uplifting violin music)
13:15 - I know the truth, and I want to proclaim the truth.
13:22 So I decided to go here and there to the Baptist churches
13:25 and proclaim the Gospel, proclaim the truth.
13:27 I actually preach about the Sabbath.
13:32 What is Sabbath, actually?
13:34 In the Genesis 2:1-2,
13:38 there we find that God, (birds chirp)
13:41 He take rest and He blessed the day
13:46 and also makes it holy.
13:49 And on the other hand,
13:51 as we go through the New Testament,
13:54 then we see that Paul
13:57 and Jesus Himself keep the Sabbath,
14:01 and his disciples also keeping the Sabbath.
14:05 And on the other hand,
14:07 it is the fourth commandment of the law, 10 Commandments.
14:16 I want to teach them the real foundation
14:21 of our faith should be the Bible, on the Word of God,
14:26 not on the other traditional belief.
14:39 So one day I went to Rama Kanta,
14:43 I knew him earlier, he was the pastor
14:49 of Christian Revival Church
14:53 and also the General Secretary
14:57 of CRC District Association.
15:01 I know him, but Rama Kanta has asked me,
15:06 "Now what you are doing?"
15:08 I said that, "I'm doing the Ministry in Adventist mission.
15:16 "So Adventist mission is actually,
15:19 "they are keeping Sabbath,
15:21 "and they are keeping the law.
15:24 "We know that they are triple-six."
15:28 But I say to Rama Kanta, "We should keep the law, why?
15:34 "Because it is the commandment of God.
15:37 "We should keep the Sabbath, why?
15:41 "It is commandment of God."
15:43 So God takes rest and God makes it holy,
15:50 and God blessed this day,
15:54 as I told like that, then actually Rama Kanta, "Yes!"
16:01 He declared that, "Yes, it is true."
16:06 And one sister who is teaching in his school,
16:12 she got from somewhere a copy
16:16 of "The Great Controversy."
16:18 And actually she has given him "The Great Controversy."
16:22 And he read it.
16:24 And after that all together we prayed
16:28 and Bible study with them, and they decided to have baptism.
16:57 - Wow, that's beautiful.
17:02 It's amazing to me,
17:04 just going through my mind while watching that,
17:05 it's like, how long would it have taken for somebody like me
17:12 from America to go there and do the work that he just did?
17:18 They've got open doors. - It's not possible.
17:21 - They've got open doors
17:23 and just by giving a little bit of money every month,
17:27 we're able to sponsor people like him
17:29 to go into places like that
17:31 and to touch leaders
17:33 like he touched there, that's beautiful.
17:38 - And the willingness to be open for change in our lives,
17:44 the willingness to study, actually.
17:46 They thought the Adventists were the antichrist, actually.
17:50 (both laugh)
17:51 Anyway, so it's like to be willing
17:54 to study and look and see,
17:57 "Oh, there's something I didn't realize.
17:59 "There's something more, something deeper
18:02 "that I didn't know before," that's huge.
18:05 - So there's a work happening
18:06 in that state, that's beautiful.
18:08 And yet there's still so much more to be done.
18:12 It's like, we need more Bible workers,
18:14 more training, more schools.
18:17 - We have one more video from Brother Raju.
18:19 - Excellent.
18:21 (uplifting piano music)
18:31 - Bolo Hendrik, actually, I know him from earlier.
18:37 But when I go there, so I say to them
18:43 about the Sabbath
18:47 and say to them about the truth of the Bible
18:52 and regarding death also, I often go there.
18:57 (group sings foreign language)
18:58 And I have given them "The Great Controversy,"
19:01 one copy of "The Great Controversy" to them.
19:04 And they studied "The Great Controversy."
19:09 Actually first time as I proclaimed gospel before them,
19:14 they make quarrel with me.
19:18 So many arguments were there.
19:22 But finally, they actually accepted the truth.
19:34 (Raju speaks foreign language)
19:44 Now I am very happy.
19:48 Before coming to Adventist member,
19:53 what we are following, these were not crystal clear.
19:59 But after being an Adventist, it's completely clear.
20:06 So now there is no doubt I can preach
20:11 to the other people without fear.
20:16 I'm now in my ministry.
20:19 I'm very happy to do this work.
20:22 I want to go everywhere of my districts,
20:26 of my state, everywhere.
20:29 And to announce these messages.
20:55 - While watching that, I'm just struck
20:56 with how simple they are.
20:58 And yet the vision comes into my mind is
21:03 what are they gonna look like
21:05 when Jesus is putting a crown of gold on their head?
21:11 - It was beautiful.
21:11 And I just love how he was like,
21:14 "Yeah, there were so many arguments."
21:16 But he didn't walk away.
21:19 It doesn't sound like he really argued back,
21:21 but he just tried to keep it,
21:24 the clear message coming through.
21:27 We weren't there,
21:28 we don't know what really happened,
21:29 but it's so amazing to me
21:32 that they came to become Adventist also
21:36 because they saw the clarity
21:37 and they saw the truth that he was sharing with them
21:40 that they weren't aware of before.
21:43 - And the joy in their faces at the end of the video.
21:46 That's those smiles of peace.
21:48 That's a beautiful thing.
21:49 You can't buy that.
21:51 - Right, right, so the unit is asking
21:53 for revival meetings and training, that kind of thing.
21:57 Both for church members
21:58 as well as for the Bible workers.
22:00 - And this is an area where we can cooperate
22:03 and partner with the local workers in coming there
22:07 and encouraging them
22:08 and giving them more in-depth insights into the stories
22:12 of the Bible and the doctrines of the church
22:16 and the life of Christ
22:18 and just pour in our passion into them.
22:22 And this is a place where people from this side
22:26 of the world can go and encourage
22:28 and really support the work in short-term missions.
22:32 - So you were able to go there
22:33 and visit a few years ago? - Yes.
22:35 I love the place, it's beautiful.
22:38 And one of the things that stands out to me in my memory is
22:41 that one of our Bible workers requested a copy
22:43 of a chart that he was using.
22:46 And this is the chart that he was using,
22:48 as you can see, it's cloth.
22:51 - Wow. - And he says,
22:53 this is such a great tool
22:55 for sharing the truth to my friends
22:58 and to village members in the area.
23:01 And then he asked for a copy,
23:03 do I have any other ones like this?
23:05 And so I looked at the date
23:07 that this was published, copyright 1908.
23:10 (both laugh)
23:12 - Yeah, no. - And I had to share
23:13 that I don't really have anything like that.
23:16 This is the first time I've ever seen one like that
23:18 that's made out of cloth.
23:19 So if any of our viewers has a chart like this,
23:23 maybe in the attic somewhere, or in the archives
23:26 or a museum, it's still needed out on the field.
23:30 - I wonder what it would take to print some more.
23:32 'cause they fold that up
23:33 or they roll it up
23:35 and they can just stick it in their satchel, or-
23:38 - It's very durable.
23:39 - It makes it so much easier to carry and-.
23:41 - Yeah, lightweight, doesn't get bent like paper does.
23:46 And it's obviously lasted a long time.
23:49 - Obviously. (John laughs)
23:51 - Over a hundred years,
23:53 that's the oldest one I've ever seen.
23:55 I know some people that would love to put it in a museum
23:58 because it's rarity now,
24:00 but I don't think that we wanna take it off the field.
24:04 Missions is not a museum.
24:07 We're not ready to put missions in the museum,
24:09 or Assam or Bible workers,
24:11 or any of the tools that they're using currently.
24:13 And these are people,
24:15 our Bible workers go simply.
24:17 They don't have a computer, they don't have a projector,
24:20 they don't have the fancy graphics and all this stuff.
24:23 And so they just go as you saw him sitting there,
24:26 singing a song,
24:29 and the song actually, as we appreciate,
24:33 sticks in our minds better and teaches,
24:36 as the people that learn the song
24:39 then sing throughout the day.
24:42 - Thinking about Assam brings to mind a friend of ours
24:45 that was a missionary there
24:47 for a long time.
24:49 And his love for the people just glowed.
24:52 He was in Nagaland, he gave us some clothing,
24:55 some cloth from there,
24:57 different things like that,
24:58 that it's just, his stories of the people,
25:02 just such a blessing.
25:04 And it just challenged me,
25:07 his faithfulness in witnessing and being a part of the work.
25:12 And he learned languages over there.
25:15 He was born in India, actually.
25:17 And so it just, I don't know, it just showed me
25:21 how much we can do as Western people, Western missionaries.
25:28 If we go to an area, if our heart is humble,
25:30 if we're teachable, if we're willing to sit
25:32 with the people and learn from them.
25:37 It's just such a beautiful thing to think
25:38 about that cooperation both in the field over there
25:42 like he did as a missionary,
25:44 and what we can do from here,
25:46 praying for these Bible workers
25:48 and sending funds to help them to be able to be free
25:52 to just do God's work full time.
25:54 - Yeah, I would just sit with him
25:55 and just ask him, "Can you please tell me stories?"
25:58 And his wife were like, "Oh, he talks too much."
26:01 I'm like, "No, I want to hear these stories."
26:03 And I'm so thankful for the stories that he told me,
26:05 because he's just recently passed away.
26:07 And he was born in India up in what he calls Shillong,
26:11 which is the capital city of Meghalaya,
26:13 which is just south of the Guwahati, which is in Assam.
26:18 And so in that time that he was there,
26:20 everything was Assam,
26:22 and didn't have the different states like that.
26:24 But he was born before World War II, in that area,
26:27 so before Bangladesh became a country, a separate country.
26:31 So he talked about what it was like during the war,
26:34 and even after he came home and retired,
26:36 he kept sending funds over there
26:39 and helped establish and build a very large church
26:42 in the Shillong city area.
26:43 So it was neat to see how he stayed involved
26:47 and stayed supportive of the work in that area,
26:50 even after he was back here in America and retired.
26:53 - Yeah, it's beautiful.
26:56 - And it was neat to hear him talk
26:57 about how the different tribes interacting
27:00 with the different tribes and the different clothes.
27:02 And he actually carried a table,
27:06 a beautifully carved table, hand carved,
27:11 that he bought in India
27:13 and carried it home on the plane, took the legs off,
27:15 and had it as carry on luggage.
27:17 - That's pretty amazing. (John laughs)
27:19 'cause it's not a small table.
27:20 - No, and he donated it to Jesus for Asia,
27:23 and it's now a centerpiece in our new office,
27:26 and we just love looking at it.
27:27 Every time I look at it, I think of him
27:29 and the sacrifice that he and his family made.
27:31 - We're running outta time,
27:33 and we do have more stories
27:35 from another Bible worker in Assam.
27:37 So if you would like to join us next time,
27:39 you'll hear those stories as well.
27:41 If you'd like to learn more about sponsoring Bible workers
27:45 in India and other parts of Asia,
27:47 please contact us at Jesus for Asia,
27:49 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423)-413-7321, (uplifting piano music)
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on "Jesus for Asia Now."
28:08 (uplifting orchestral music)


Revised 2023-12-04