3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

God Answers Prayers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190001A

00:24 Welcome, boys and girls, to Bible Buzz,
00:27 where we open the Word of God
00:29 and look at some awesome stories
00:31 in the B-I-B-L-E.
00:34 That is right.
00:36 My name is Christian Martin,
00:37 and I'm so excited to host Bible Buzz today.
00:41 And I'm not alone, I have my psychic Neto.
00:43 Let's give a welcome to Neto everyone.
00:46 Neto, we're so glad Neto is with us.
00:50 We are so excited.
00:51 This show would just not be the same
00:53 without you, my friend.
00:55 We're so glad Neto is with us. Thanks for having me.
00:57 And we have with us three referees
00:59 that are going to keep order in this place.
01:01 Please welcome, Kaylee, Emily, and grandma Tina.
01:04 We're so glad referees are part of our team.
01:08 And we have two awesome teams today, Neto,
01:10 there's two of them.
01:12 And we're so excited to welcome team number one.
01:14 Let's welcome The Cardinals.
01:16 All right, Cardinals.
01:18 Cardinals are with us here today.
01:20 And we are also excited to welcome team number blue,
01:24 team number two, the blue team, The Eagles.
01:30 All right, Eagles, welcome to the show today.
01:33 And we do not want to forget Cardinals and Eagles
01:35 that we have friends watching on TV.
01:38 So we want to welcome everyone viewing from home.
01:40 Welcome to Bible Buzz.
01:42 All right.
01:44 Well, today, Neto, we're going to dive into yet another story.
01:48 What is the story about today?
01:50 It's a good one.
01:52 But first let me ask you,
01:53 how many of you have ever heard a lion roar?
01:57 Have you ever heard a lion roar?
01:59 Oh, boy!
02:01 Were you scared?
02:02 Was it a little scary?
02:03 Are you scared of lions?
02:05 No.
02:06 Neto, are you scared of lions? Oh yeah.
02:08 Well, it would kind of depend
02:10 if you're going to be inside the cage
02:12 or outside the cage, right?
02:14 If you're going to be inside the cage,
02:15 well, I would be scared.
02:17 But today, I'm going to tell you a story of a man
02:20 who came face to face with lions
02:25 and was not afraid.
02:26 His name was Daniel.
02:29 And Daniel was a man who was made a governor
02:35 in the kingdom of Persia.
02:38 The King's name was Darius.
02:40 What was his name everyone?
02:41 Darius. Remember that.
02:43 It was Darius and he made Daniel one of three governors.
02:48 Now the governors had to be over 120,
02:54 that's a large group, 120 satraps.
02:57 They were like officers in the province of Persia.
03:00 And Daniel was in charge of them all.
03:03 And the satraps, they looked at Daniel,
03:07 and they were very jealous.
03:09 Oh, they were so jealous because Daniel...
03:13 They knew his history, they knew he was a Hebrew boy
03:16 once upon a time,
03:18 and they were not happy that he was in charge.
03:21 And so the satraps, a couple of them got together,
03:24 and they said, "Listen,
03:26 we got to get this Governor Daniel
03:29 in big trouble.
03:31 What are we going to do?
03:32 What are we going to do?"
03:34 And they thought about it,
03:35 they looked up information about him.
03:36 They asked people questions about Daniel, "Come here.
03:39 Come here. What do you know about Daniel?
03:41 What has he done that we can get him in big, big trouble?"
03:45 And guess what?
03:47 They found his socks.
03:49 They found dirty socks.
03:51 But then they discovered
03:52 that they weren't Daniel's socks.
03:55 Who's socks were they?
03:56 They were his friend's socks.
03:57 Yeah.
03:59 So they couldn't find anything to get Daniel in trouble with,
04:03 and they couldn't find anything, nothing.
04:06 So they thought hard and said "Oh, we got to think harder.
04:10 What can we do? What can we do?"
04:12 And then finally one of them had an idea.
04:15 He said, "Listen, guys,
04:16 the only way we can get Daniel in trouble
04:20 is if we get him to compromise.
04:22 If we get him to do something that his God
04:26 will not let him do."
04:27 Brilliant idea.
04:29 And so they looked at Daniel,
04:31 they were checking him every day.
04:33 And they discovered that Daniel prayed not once, not twice,
04:39 but how many times?
04:40 Three. Three times a day.
04:43 And they said "Daniel prays to his God.
04:47 We got it.
04:48 Let's go to the king and propose a law."
04:51 So they huddled together,
04:52 and they came up with this plan.
04:53 And so the next day they went to the king,
04:55 and they said, "King, live forever.
04:58 We have a law that we want you to sign."
05:01 And they said, "This law says that if anybody prays
05:05 to anything or anyone other than you,
05:07 O King, they will be thrown into a lion's den.
05:11 And this will be for 30 long days."
05:15 And the king said, "Sounds good to me."
05:17 So he signed that law, and it was in place.
05:21 And so the satraps now went and they hid behind the bushes
05:25 at Daniel's place and they looked at his window
05:28 to see if they would catch Daniel praying.
05:31 And sure enough, guess what, Daniel's custom was to pray
05:35 with the window wide open
05:37 'cause he loves to look up at the sky
05:39 and pray to his Father in heaven.
05:40 So Daniel prayed as his custom was.
05:43 And he opened those windows and the satraps saw him.
05:47 They saw him.
05:48 They said "There he is, praying to God, his God.
05:52 He's in trouble.
05:54 He's breaking the law."
05:55 And so they ran to the king and they reported Daniel,
05:58 and right away guards came and arrested Daniel
06:02 and the law had to be kept,
06:05 the king couldn't change the law.
06:07 And so they took Daniel,
06:09 and the consequence was being thrown into a lion's den.
06:14 Can you imagine how scary that would be, Neto?
06:16 What was like lion's den?
06:18 Was it like a cave with a bunch of lions inside?
06:20 It was like this deep hole on the ground.
06:23 And the only way to get down there
06:24 was to be thrown down.
06:26 And the lions were starved on purpose
06:29 so that they would be hungry
06:30 when it was time to throw somebody in.
06:33 That's double scary.
06:34 Super scary.
06:36 And so Daniel was taken.
06:39 He was brought into that top of that den,
06:42 and on the count of three, he was thrown in.
06:45 And he landed at the very bottom.
06:48 And he was immediately surrounded by lions.
06:51 And Daniel looked up towards heaven and he said,
06:55 "God, help me."
06:58 And, kids, what happened next is nothing short of a miracle.
07:03 Only a miracle could have done what happened.
07:07 Can you believe that the mouths of the lions,
07:10 every single one, guys,
07:12 without an exception was tight shut.
07:15 Whoa!
07:16 The lions did not even open their mouths...
07:20 Whoa!
07:21 To hurt Daniel.
07:23 And the angels of heaven appeared before Daniel.
07:26 And Daniel knew that he was being kept safe by God.
07:30 And he felt the presence of angels in that den,
07:33 and he glorified God,
07:35 and he knew that God was being faithful to him.
07:39 He was not hurt.
07:41 Well, the next morning, Darius, the king,
07:44 in fact, he couldn't sleep all night.
07:46 He went to the den the next morning,
07:48 and he showed up and he commanded
07:50 that the den be open and he said,
07:53 "Daniel, Daniel, are you alive?"
07:57 And there was silence. And he thought "Oh, no."
08:01 But then he heard a voice.
08:03 And it was the voice of Daniel saying, "Yes, O King.
08:07 Yes, I am alive.
08:09 For my God has delivered me from the lion's mouth."
08:13 And Darius was so happy, and he said,
08:17 "Guards, take Daniel up,
08:18 bring him, take him out of the den."
08:20 And he was pulled up.
08:22 And Darius gave Daniel a big hug, and said,
08:25 "Oh, Daniel, Daniel, blessed be your God."
08:28 And Daniel was able to show the king
08:32 and everyone else that there is a king,
08:35 there is a God in heaven who answers prayer.
08:39 You know what the consequence was for those satraps?
08:41 That's what I want to know. What happened to them?
08:43 Those satraps...
08:44 No lunch for a week.
08:46 Oh, it was worse than that.
08:47 Really? Yep.
08:48 What happened to them?
08:50 It was worse than that for what they were trying
08:51 to get Daniel to suffer,
08:55 they themselves were taken,
08:58 Neto, and they themselves were thrown
09:00 into the lion's den.
09:02 Pretty sad story ending for the satraps.
09:05 'Cause they didn't believe God, right?
09:06 But it was such a great ending for Daniel
09:09 because he was kept safe.
09:10 It is true that prayer makes a difference.
09:14 It makes all the difference because God answers prayer,
09:18 doesn't He, boys and girls?
09:20 Yes. God answers prayers.
09:22 All right, so that was our story.
09:24 What an amazing answer to prayers.
09:26 Daniel, remained faithful in the lion's den.
09:30 So don't go too far, we're going to come right back
09:32 and take our quiz.
09:34 We'll be see you soon.


Revised 2019-10-07