3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Victory Belongs to the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190006B

00:02 Welcome back, boys and girls, to Bible Buzz.
00:04 We had an exciting story.
00:06 And now we're gonna take a quiz.
00:08 And, Neto, why don't you give us instructions
00:10 on how we're gonna do this?
00:12 How we're gonna do the quiz?
00:13 Okay. It's pretty simple guys.
00:15 To play, it's really, really easy.
00:18 The first thing that we have to know
00:20 is that there will be one question
00:21 on the screen and then two answers.
00:24 One answer is going to be right,
00:26 the other one's gonna be wrong.
00:27 One answer is going to be yellow,
00:28 the other one's gonna be blue.
00:31 And to vote, it's very, very simple.
00:34 We just hold the one color
00:36 that we think is the right answer,
00:37 okay?
00:39 So when we get to zero,
00:41 we'll hold the ball up
00:42 to show which answer we think is the right one, okay?
00:45 Just when we get to zero.
00:47 Are you guys ready?
00:48 Yeah...
00:50 They don't start really good.
00:51 Are you ready?
00:52 Yeah!
00:54 And let's go even louder than that
00:56 because our kids at home are gonna answer as well.
01:00 So, kids at home, join in.
01:02 Are you ready?
01:04 Yeah!
01:07 Wow, that was super loud.
01:09 I think they're ready.
01:10 All right, referees... But we can start, guys.
01:12 We can't start until the referees
01:14 give us a signal.
01:16 Are you ready, referees? Let's hear it.
01:19 Game time!
01:20 All right, let's begin with question number one.
01:24 Who led the Israelites
01:27 when they took over the city of Jericho?
01:31 Who was their general?
01:33 Eight, seven, six five.
01:36 Get ready.
01:37 Four, three, two, one.
01:39 Answer?
01:41 B, Joshua!
01:42 Good job, everyone.
01:44 Good job.
01:45 You at home, did you get it right?
01:46 Good job. All right.
01:48 It was Joshua.
01:50 Excellent job, everyone.
01:51 Let's go on to our next question.
01:54 Question number two,
01:56 what was the name of the city?
02:00 Name of the city?
02:01 Okay, guys, don't think too much on this one.
02:03 All right.
02:04 Let's go with the countdown
02:06 because I think you're ready to go.
02:08 Eight, seven, six,
02:11 five, four, three, two, one.
02:16 I see all yellow balls.
02:18 The answer is A.
02:19 You are right.
02:21 Excellent job, everyone.
02:22 You've been paying good attention.
02:24 All right, question number three.
02:28 This is a little trickier. Think about this one.
02:31 How many times did the people of God
02:34 have to circle around the city quietly
02:38 before they got to the seventh day?
02:40 Was it, A, once a day for six days
02:44 or was it seven times every day?
02:49 Four, three, two, one.
02:53 That is correct.
02:54 It was once a day for six days.
02:58 It was on the seventh day
02:59 that they went around seven times.
03:02 Very good. Good job, everyone.
03:05 Good job. One final question.
03:07 What else do they have to do
03:08 when they walked around the city
03:10 on the seventh day?
03:11 Let's start with the countdown.
03:13 Was it, A, dance and shout
03:15 or was it, B, trumpet and shout?
03:19 Five, four, three, two, one.
03:23 Answer please.
03:24 You are right! It was the trumpet and shout.
03:27 Excellent job.
03:28 Once again, you guys did a marvelous job,
03:31 and I'm sure you did as well as at home.
03:34 And we are so thankful
03:35 and so happy that you joined us.
03:37 We are excited to see you next time
03:39 on Bible Buzz!


Revised 2019-11-14