3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Job Trusted God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190009A

00:27 Welcome, boys and girls, to Bible Buzz,
00:30 our fast paced quiz show where we learn stories
00:33 from the B-I-B-L-E and then we test your knowledge
00:37 to see how much of the story you remember.
00:40 We're gonna have great fun today 'cause I'm not alone.
00:42 I have my sidekick, Neto.
00:44 Welcome Neto to the show, guys. All right.
00:47 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:49 Well, Neto, I'm so glad that we're not alone.
00:51 First of all, we got three referees,
00:53 our huge help.
00:54 We're so thankful to have them with us.
00:56 We got Emily and Kelley and Grandma Tina
00:59 so let's give them a hand.
01:01 All right.
01:02 So good to have referees, we feel safe with referees.
01:05 Don't we, Neto? Yeah, yeah.
01:06 They help a lot. They help a lot.
01:08 Makes us feel safe.
01:10 Thank you referees.
01:11 But, above all, we are excited to have
01:14 two awesome teams with us.
01:16 We have team one, welcome the Eagles!
01:20 Let's welcome Eagles here today.
01:22 All right, Eagles, but the Eagles are not alone.
01:25 They have team number two, please welcome the Cardinals.
01:30 All right, we're so thankful to have both teams with us.
01:33 Christian, Pastor Christian, can I take a picture of them?
01:35 You know, they are pretty good looking group, aren't they?
01:37 Let's take a selfie real quick. Let's take a selfie.
01:39 All right everyone, big smile everyone, big smile, yay!
01:43 Good job. Thank you. Good job.
01:44 Hey, if you're at home and you want a picture,
01:47 if you want a copy of that picture,
01:49 let us know on the website and we'll be happy to share
01:51 that picture with you.
01:53 If you guys want a picture too, just let us know on the website
01:56 and we'll be sure to send it to you.
01:58 All right, Neto, I think we're ready to go.
02:00 What do you think?
02:02 Can you tell us the story?
02:03 You know what?
02:04 I have a story just for you.
02:06 This story is about a man named Job.
02:11 Job? Job.
02:12 Isn't it job? What?
02:15 Isn't it job? It says J-O-B, job.
02:18 It's not job!
02:19 Now, Neto, we'll give it to you.
02:20 It is spelled the same way, but it's not pronounced job.
02:24 How is it pronounced, kids? Job!
02:27 I never read it.
02:28 They're sharp, I'm telling you they're sharp.
02:30 I never read that part just because it says job on it.
02:33 I thought it was to labor intensive.
02:35 No, no it's Job. Ob.
02:38 And this man named Job, the Bible describes him
02:41 as a very good man.
02:44 Very good man and rich.
02:48 But he was a very good man.
02:50 He was very good, Neto.
02:51 Did he cook well?
02:53 You know, well, he had a big family,
02:55 I'm sure he did but that's not what made him good.
02:57 What did make...
02:59 What made him good was the fact that he was obedient,
03:02 he was pure.
03:03 The Bible describes him as a righteous man.
03:07 He did all the right things, he was a good example.
03:10 He was a godly man.
03:12 And the Bible says that he prayed several times a day.
03:17 He didn't only pray for himself,
03:20 but who else did he pray for?
03:22 His family, right?
03:24 His family, that's right.
03:25 He prayed for his children, he prayed for his wife.
03:29 And this happened several times a day.
03:31 In fact the Bible says that Job even interceded for them,
03:35 and confessed their sins
03:36 because he wanted them to be forgiven.
03:39 And so he loved his family, he prayed for them.
03:42 And the Bible says that Job had seven sons
03:46 and three daughters.
03:47 So he had a big family that he prayed for everyday.
03:52 But guess what?
03:53 When we pray, when we pray to God,
03:56 we make somebody very angry.
03:59 Who do you think that is? The devil.
04:02 That's right, the devil, Satan. He was very angry.
04:06 Ooh, he didn't like to see Job praying to God.
04:10 And so Job said, "Enough is enough."
04:14 So Job, Job prayed for his family
04:16 and Satan came to God
04:18 and said, "God, I bet that
04:21 if you stopped blessing Job
04:25 that he would stop praying to You.
04:27 He prays to You, he trust in You,
04:30 he loves You because You are good to him.
04:34 I bet that if you stopped blessing him,
04:36 if he had bad health, if he lost things,
04:39 if he lost his family, if he lost his home
04:41 that he would curse You and disobey You
04:45 and not trust You."
04:46 And God said, "Oh, really?
04:49 Well, Satan, go test my servant Job.
04:53 I have confidence in him, go test him
04:56 and see what he does, but don't kill him.
04:59 You can mess with him but don't kill him."
05:02 And Satan said, "Fine. Deal."
05:05 So Satan went to Job and you know what he did, kids?
05:08 He did some pretty mean stuff. Oh, yeah.
05:11 First of all, he had an army come to where Job lived,
05:17 and these Chaldeans they came and they just completely swept
05:21 his property clean.
05:22 They stole everything, all his cattle.
05:25 They just destroyed Job's property.
05:29 Job couldn't believe it.
05:30 Someone said he was rich.
05:32 He was rich, but the army came
05:34 and they just destroyed all his things,
05:37 and what happened next was even worse.
05:40 There was a great storm, and the house in which
05:43 all his children, all 10 of them were living in
05:46 actually came tumbling down, and it killed all his children,
05:51 all in one storm.
05:52 And then, if that wasn't enough,
05:54 and Satan was behind his kids.
05:56 And if that wasn't enough, Satan came and he attacked
06:00 Job's health and Job came down
06:03 with this terrible, terrible disease.
06:06 He had boils all over his body. It was just terrible.
06:10 And so Job was suffering, guys, he was suffering.
06:14 But you know what's amazing to me?
06:16 Boys and girls, don't miss this.
06:18 Despite all the suffering and all this pain, guess what?
06:22 Job did not curse God!
06:26 In all of these things Job still trusted God.
06:30 Can you believe that? He still trusted God.
06:34 But Satan lied to Job.
06:36 He said, "Job, you can't trust God, look at this.
06:41 He's doing all this, you can't trust Him!"
06:43 But Job continued to trust Him,
06:46 and you know what, boys and girls?
06:48 This reminds me of a battle in which we are all in.
06:52 Did you know you're in a battle?
06:54 We hear about battles on TV right in the news,
06:57 but did you know that all of you Eagles and Cardinals,
07:01 you are in a battle.
07:02 For those watching at home, boys and girls,
07:04 make no mistake, you are in a battle too.
07:07 All of us are in a battle and this battle is between good
07:10 and what?
07:12 Evil.
07:13 Evil, that's right, good and evil.
07:14 Very good.
07:16 And you know what?
07:17 It's between good and evil,
07:19 and it's not based on who has the biggest muscles.
07:22 Let me illustrate what I mean.
07:24 Neto, I've been thinking about this all week,
07:27 and I think it's time.
07:29 I think it's time, Neto.
07:31 I want to challenge you. Uh-oh.
07:35 I'm gonna challenge you to an arm wrestling match,
07:39 Neto, an arm wrestling match.
07:42 Are you ready for this? Fine, oh, yeah, I'm so ready.
07:44 Me and you one-on-one. I was born ready. Yeah.
07:46 Guys, are you ready for this? Yes!
07:49 Who thinks I'm gonna win?
07:52 Really? Exactly.
07:54 How many think I'm gonna win? Oh, yeah.
07:58 All right, let's go Neto. Are you ready?
08:02 All right, Neto.
08:05 I've been thinking about this all week and I'm psyched up.
08:09 Are you ready?
08:10 All right, guys, do a three second countdown, go.
08:12 Three, two, one, go!
08:22 Yay!
08:25 Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
08:30 Can you see sweat on my forehead?
08:32 No!
08:33 It wasn't easy, but you know what guys?
08:36 The match that you just saw had everything
08:39 to do with muscle, right?
08:41 Okay.
08:42 But listen to this, boys and girls,
08:45 point of the illustration between good and evil,
08:47 between God and Satan, it's not a match
08:51 between strength, who's stronger.
08:53 Are you kidding me? This is not a match!
08:56 We're talking about God versus an angel,
09:00 a fallen angel.
09:01 Is that a match? No!
09:03 No!
09:05 Who's more powerful? God!
09:07 God is, of course.
09:08 So the battle between good and evil is not about strength.
09:11 Guess what, boys and girls?
09:13 Listen carefully.
09:14 It's a battle for the mind.
09:18 It is between truth and lies.
09:21 Between what, everyone?
09:23 Truth and lies! That's right.
09:26 Who's truth? And who's lies?
09:28 Good question!
09:29 Who is truth, good or evil? Good!
09:31 Who is truth, Jesus or Satan? Jesus!
09:34 Jesus.
09:35 Who is a liar?
09:37 Satan!
09:38 You got it, they got it, Neto. They know.
09:40 And guess what, boys and girls,
09:43 which side will you be on?
09:45 Truth!
09:47 Truth or lies? Truth!
09:49 And you know how you determine that?
09:51 By the choices you make.
09:56 And you have to make a choice and Jesus invites you
10:00 to accept the truth and Satan tries to tempt you
10:03 to believe his lies.
10:05 And you're right in the middle of it,
10:06 and you have to make a choice!
10:09 And Job had to make a choice!
10:11 Satan tried to lie to him about God's character,
10:14 but Job made a choice to choose to trust God
10:19 no matter what.
10:21 And guess what, Neto?
10:23 At the end God restored everything back to Job,
10:27 and Job was able to have his house back.
10:30 He was able to get his cattle back.
10:33 In fact, Job was able to begin a new family.
10:37 He had more children and guess what?
10:40 Everything came back to him, even his health.
10:42 God was able to restore his health
10:45 and Job was able to continue to live
10:50 an obedient life that continues to trust God.
10:53 Wow, what an amazing intense story, isn't it?
10:55 What a story!
10:57 Well, we're gonna come back, kids,
10:58 and we're gonna test you on the story
11:00 when we come back right from our break.
11:02 We'll see you soon.


Revised 2020-03-02