3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Job Trusted God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190009B

00:03 Welcome back to Bible Buzz
00:05 and we are now ready for our quiz.
00:08 So, Neto, you wanna give us instructions
00:09 on how to play?
00:11 Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
00:12 I think this group already knows
00:14 how to play,
00:15 but I'm going to explain to the people at home,
00:16 it's really easy to play, okay?
00:19 There will be one question.
00:22 Mr. Christian is going to read the question
00:25 and there'll be two answers, one right and one wrong.
00:29 The yellow question will be the A and B will be blue,
00:35 one of them will be right, the other one will be wrong.
00:38 And we'll use the balls to answer the question, okay?
00:41 So when the time is up,
00:43 we are going to raise the ball that we think is the answer.
00:46 All right? All right. All right. All right!
00:47 Very good.
00:49 Are you guys ready?
00:50 Yes!
00:52 Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
00:53 I can't hear you. Are you ready?
00:54 Yes!
00:56 All right.
00:57 And if you're watching from home,
00:58 I hope you are ready too 'cause they are,
01:01 and you may not have a blue or yellow ball,
01:03 but you can go and vote with A or B.
01:06 All right. Okay.
01:07 So you're ready, we're ready.
01:09 Referees, once you blow the whistle
01:10 'cause when they blow the whistle,
01:12 it's time to begin.
01:15 Game time, let's go with question number one.
01:17 How many children did Joseph,
01:20 uh, Joseph, Job have?
01:24 Is it A, 12 or is it B, 10?
01:28 What is your answer?
01:31 Blue, B.
01:32 He had 10 children.
01:34 Good job, everyone.
01:36 Good job. Good job.
01:38 All right, let's go with. Ready for the next one?
01:40 Let's go with our next question.
01:43 What happened to Job's property?
01:45 What happened to Job's property?
01:48 Was it invaded by the Chaldeans, A, or B,
01:53 was it flooded by the river?
01:55 What is your answer?
01:57 White.
01:58 Blue.
02:00 Yellow is right!
02:02 Invaded by the Chaldeans.
02:04 A is the right answer.
02:07 Excellent job, teams.
02:09 All right, are we ready for question number three?
02:11 All right.
02:12 On what was the "Great controversy"
02:15 this battle between good
02:17 and evil focused on truth versus lies
02:21 or muscle strength?
02:23 Think about this.
02:24 What will your answer be in three, two, one.
02:30 A is correct, yellow ball, truth versus lies.
02:35 Excellent job, everyone.
02:37 Well, that's all for today.
02:39 We have looked at some very powerful insights
02:42 that we don't want you to forget
02:44 'cause remember, boys and girls,
02:46 the great battle between good
02:47 and evil is in the mind
02:49 and you can make choices for truth.
02:51 And how do we know truth?
02:53 By spending time in the Bible,
02:55 by being busy in the B-I-B-L-E.
03:00 Good job, everyone.
03:02 Hey, we'll see you next time in Bible Buzz.
03:04 We'll see you then.
03:06 God bless.


Revised 2020-03-02