3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Prayer Makes A Difference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190010A

00:28 Welcome, boys and girls, to Bible Buzz.
00:31 Our fast-paced quiz show
00:33 where we learn stories from the B-I-B-L-E.
00:37 And we test your knowledge of the Bible.
00:39 Today, I'm not alone here today.
00:41 I'm with my faithful side kick Neto.
00:44 Let's welcome Neto everyone.
00:47 Oh, Neto, we're so glad you're part of this team.
00:50 Are you ready for today?
00:52 Oh, I'm so ready. It hurts.
00:53 Oh, wow!
00:55 Okay, don't hurt too much, Neto,
00:56 'cause we need you here the entire time.
00:58 Oh, yeah.
00:59 So don't hurt too much, but we're not alone.
01:02 We are together with two amazing teams today.
01:06 Our first team is team number one, the purple team.
01:09 Let's welcome The Hawks.
01:12 The Hawks.
01:13 The Hawks.
01:14 And we have team number two, the blue shirt team,
01:18 and they are the Blue Jays.
01:22 Welcome, Blue Jays.
01:23 So we have the Hawks and the Blue Jays,
01:25 but then we have boys and girls
01:27 who are not in the studio today,
01:29 but they're watching from home.
01:31 And we're so glad
01:33 you're part of this fun experience
01:34 we're gonna have today and I'm so thankful, Neto,
01:37 that we have
01:39 three very important people in this team.
01:41 We have our referees, Emmy and Emily and Grandma Tina.
01:46 Let's welcome them today.
01:48 All right, let's welcome them today.
01:50 It's Kaylee and Emily.
01:52 There is no Emmy here.
01:54 Oh, oh, oh.
01:55 Well, you should have blown the whistle
01:57 'cause I called them the wrong name.
02:00 Can you say, oh no, everyone.
02:02 Oh, no! All right.
02:05 But Kaylee and Emily,
02:07 we are so glad you're part of this team.
02:08 Did I get it right that time? Oh, yeah.
02:10 Yes. I scored touchdown!
02:13 All right.
02:14 All right, so now
02:16 I think, Neto, we're ready to dive right into the story.
02:19 Go ahead and start. Are you ready?
02:21 Oh, I'm so ready.
02:22 Are you ready? Yeah!
02:24 All right. So let's do this. All right.
02:27 Long ago, long, long ago, there wasa man named Jacob,
02:31 who had a pretty big family.
02:33 He had 12 sons,
02:35 but the 12 sons had wives and they have children,
02:37 boys and girls,
02:39 and then they had grandchildren,
02:40 grandsons and granddaughters,
02:41 there's uncles, there's aunts,
02:43 there's all kinds of family relatives here.
02:46 And they all were told
02:49 that they had to move to a land called Egypt.
02:53 You see, Joseph was in Egypt.
02:55 And he welcomed his family to move there
02:58 so they could be safe and have plenty of food.
03:02 And so they moved to Egypt to a faraway land.
03:04 And when they arrived to East Egypt,
03:06 they settled in Egypt.
03:08 And in time, they grew even bigger
03:10 and even bigger and even bigger,
03:12 and they were this great nation.
03:16 And the new Pharaoh got a little nervous,
03:20 saying, "Oh, these people are getting a little bit
03:23 too big for me.
03:24 I'm getting a little scared
03:25 'cause they can overtake my nation."
03:27 Oh-oh!
03:29 And so he decided to come up with a plan,
03:30 a very mean plan.
03:32 He said, "You know what?
03:33 I make a law.
03:35 A law that says that if a boy is born,
03:39 that he should be killed,
03:41 and you should save all the girls
03:43 and kill all the boys."
03:45 Oh, man, can you imagine that?
03:47 So mean. This man is insane.
03:49 He was crazy.
03:51 But he made this decree and living in Egypt,
03:54 there was this faithful family.
03:57 Oh, they were such a beautiful family.
03:59 From the Tribe of Levi,
04:02 and this family guess what they did?
04:04 They did something very important.
04:06 And they did it together.
04:07 This family, they prayed together.
04:11 How many of you believe in prayer?
04:13 Oh, boy, it's so good to see all the hands go up
04:16 because prayer does make a difference.
04:19 Yes, it does, boys and girls, prayer makes a difference.
04:22 And they prayed and they prayed.
04:24 And in time they had a baby boy.
04:27 And this baby boy was such the cutest little boy,
04:31 but just like any other baby,
04:34 he cried a lot.
04:36 He cried quite a bit.
04:38 In fact... He was a crying baby.
04:40 Well, he was a baby, Neto.
04:42 What else do babies do? They cry, right?
04:44 And so this little baby boy cried a lot,
04:47 but then this made the family a little nervous
04:49 'cause they need to hide the baby boy
04:52 so they wouldn't take him away.
04:54 And so they would try put him under the bed
04:56 and keep him quiet,
04:58 but the little boy was getting bigger
04:59 and bigger,and older and older,
05:00 and he was crying louder and louder.
05:02 Until one day the family said, "Hmm,
05:05 we better come up with a different plan
05:07 'cause this is not gonna work for very long."
05:09 And so they decided that they will make a basket
05:11 and put the baby boy in the basket
05:14 and take him down to the Nile River
05:17 and put the boat in the river,
05:20 and then Miriam his sister would hide,
05:23 would hide somewhere behind the bushes
05:26 and keep her eyes on the basket
05:29 to make sure that nobody, nobody would find it
05:33 and take him away.
05:35 Can you believe that, Neto?
05:36 Neto?
05:38 Where are you, Neto?
05:39 Have you seen Neto?
05:41 Where did Neto go? I was hiding.
05:43 Neto, there you are. Don't see me.
05:45 Neto, don't go too far. I need you.
05:48 Okay, I'll be here. I'll be here.
05:50 So Miriam was hiding just like Neto.
05:53 And one day as she's watching the basket,
05:57 something happens.
05:59 People are going coming down to the riverside.
06:01 And as she looks, she realizes, oh-oh,
06:04 this is not just any ordinary person.
06:06 Oh, this is the queen, the Queen of Egypt
06:10 and she came down she was a princess.
06:12 In fact, that's right, a princess
06:14 and she comes down to the river with her maidens
06:17 and they come and she hears a sound.
06:24 Guys, do you hear something?
06:28 That sounds like a big mosquito.
06:31 But it kind of sounds like a baby.
06:34 Do you guys hear a baby?
06:35 No.
06:37 Where's that sound coming from?
06:38 Neto is crying.
06:40 Neto, I should have known.
06:42 Neto.
06:43 Are you a cry baby too?
06:45 No, I'm not. I'm not. I don't cry.
06:48 Oh, boy.
06:49 Well, back to our story.
06:51 The baby was crying
06:53 and the princess heard the crying,
06:54 she said,"Go get that basket."
06:57 And Miriam couldn't believe what she was seeing.
06:59 They came down, they grabbed the basket,
07:01 and they opened the basket
07:02 and they cannot believe their eyes,
07:06 here was a little baby boy.
07:08 And the princess heart was moved by what she saw.
07:11 And Miriam didn't waste a second,
07:13 she jumped out of her hiding place
07:16 and ran to the princess and said, "Oh, Princess,
07:19 what a beautiful little boy, little baby boy,
07:22 would you like me to find somebody
07:24 who can take care of him?"
07:27 And the princess said, yeah, sneaky.
07:30 You're a sneaky guy, too.
07:31 So... Sometimes.
07:32 Yeah, so that was a good move, wasn't it?
07:34 Yeah. Yeah.
07:36 Yeah, she said, "I have an idea."
07:37 And the princess said, "Really?
07:39 What's your idea, little girl?"
07:41 And she said, "I can find somebody
07:44 who can take care of the baby all day, all week, all month
07:49 for as long as you want
07:50 and she will take good care of him."
07:52 And the princess said, "Wow!
07:54 I love that idea.
07:56 Please help me. Go find someone."
07:57 And of course, Miriam,
07:59 who do you she went to look for?
08:01 Mama.
08:02 Brilliant, what a genius.
08:04 She went to find her mom, baby's mom,
08:09 and she came back with her and said, "I found somebody."
08:12 And so the princess took that little baby
08:15 and placed him in his mother's arms.
08:18 And she said, "Please take care of this boy,
08:21 would you be willing to do that?"
08:23 And what do you think she said?
08:24 Yes! She said, "Yes."
08:27 I bet she was trying to keep herself...
08:28 Did he have a name?
08:29 From showing too much excitement.
08:31 The boy have a name?
08:32 Well, that's a good question.
08:34 That's a good question.
08:35 You see, the Bible speaks of a baby boy,
08:39 but it wasn't until later much later,
08:42 that when the princess welcome the baby boy
08:44 into the palace
08:46 that she named him Moses,
08:48 but at this time in the story, his name is not Moses yet.
08:52 He is a little baby boy.
08:54 And so the mother takes that baby boy
08:57 and together with Miriam
08:59 they make their way back to the house.
09:01 And as they're going up that road to the house,
09:04 the father and the son,
09:06 they come out and they see mom and Miriam
09:08 coming up with a little baby in their arms.
09:12 And they couldn't believe it. They said, "Could it be?
09:14 Could it be?"
09:15 And sure enough, it was their baby boy.
09:18 And the family came together in the middle of their house,
09:21 and they kneeled down,
09:23 and they prayed
09:24 'cause prayer makes a difference.
09:26 They had prayed at the beginning,
09:28 and they prayed at the end, thanking God,
09:31 that baby, the baby boy was safein their home.
09:35 You know, boys and girls, and those watching from home.
09:38 Remember, prayer makes a big difference.
09:42 God hears our prayers,
09:43 and He takes care of us when we pray to Him.
09:47 All right, that's it for now.
09:48 We're gonna come back from our break.
09:50 And when we do,
09:51 we're gonna go right into our quiz,
09:52 so be ready.
09:54 We're gonna have lots of fun when we come right back.


Revised 2020-03-06