3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Joseph Remained Faithful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190012B

00:01 Welcome back to Bible Buzz,
00:03 where we are gonna have some fun now
00:05 'cause we're gonna play our fast-paced quiz.
00:09 And, Neto, I think they're ready to go?
00:11 Okay.
00:13 So to play, each one of you guys
00:16 have a ball.
00:17 So one is a yellow ball, the other one is the blue ball.
00:20 The yellow answer and the blue answer,
00:22 and you guys pick which one you want.
00:24 Okay?
00:25 And then you have to show it to us.
00:27 Which one you guys want for the answer to be.
00:32 I have a question for you guys right now.
00:35 Are you ready?
00:36 Yeah!
00:38 Are you ready?
00:39 Yeah!
00:43 Hawks and Blue Jays, and those watching at home,
00:47 I'm gonna ask you one more time.
00:49 Are you ready?
00:50 Yeah!
00:54 They are ready. Whoa!
00:56 I think the ceiling's about to drop.
00:58 I mean, that was super loud.
00:59 Let's go to our first question...
01:01 All right, guys. Excellent.
01:02 So before we get started, you're ready, we're ready,
01:06 but we're gonna wait
01:07 for the referees to tell us that we're ready to go.
01:09 So, referees, you tell us when.
01:13 All right. Game time, let's go.
01:14 Question number one.
01:16 Here you go.
01:17 Question number one.
01:18 How much was Joseph sold for as a slave?
01:22 Is it, A, 30 pieces of silver
01:25 or, B, 20 pieces of silver?
01:29 Think about it.
01:31 There's only one right answer.
01:33 In three, two, one.
01:36 Answer, please.
01:38 Blue, 20 pieces of silver.
01:42 Good job, everyone.
01:44 Good job.
01:45 All right, let's go to our next question.
01:48 Let's go to our next question.
01:50 What was the name of the officer
01:52 that Joseph worked for?
01:54 The officer.
01:56 Was it, A, Potiphar
01:58 or was it, B, Pharaoh?
02:00 All right, everyone, let's do the countdown.
02:03 Five, four, three, two, one.
02:07 Potiphar!
02:08 Potiphar.
02:10 The correct answer is A, yellow ball, Potiphar.
02:13 Excellent job, everyone.
02:17 All right, let's go to next one.
02:21 Which of the two prisoners were set free?
02:24 Was it, A, the butler,
02:27 who took care of the grape juice
02:30 for the Pharaoh or is it, B, the baker,
02:33 who made bread?
02:35 Hmm, we got three seconds.
02:37 Three, two, one.
02:39 Your answer, please.
02:40 It was the butler.
02:43 Good job, everyone.
02:45 Excellent job.
02:46 One more.
02:48 Let's go for our last question.
02:49 You guys are on a roll. Doing good.
02:51 What position did Pharaoh give to Joseph, A,
02:56 the mayor of Egypt
02:59 or the governor of Egypt?
03:03 A or B?
03:04 You got five seconds.
03:06 Three, two, one.
03:09 Blue!
03:11 The governor of Egypt. Excellent job.
03:15 Neto, they did it again. They did it again.
03:17 These kids are sharp, and you did well.
03:20 That means that
03:21 not only did you listen to the story,
03:23 but you have the Word of God
03:26 in your hearts as you grow and walk with Jesus.
03:29 And if you're watching at home,
03:31 I'm sure you did well too
03:32 because you love Jesus just like these guys.
03:35 And we are on a journey
03:37 of discovering more and more about him.
03:39 Very good. So as a recap, remember,
03:42 boys and girls, that it is always best
03:45 to remain faithful to God.
03:47 To be what? Faithful!
03:50 Faithful to God.
03:52 That means to obey Him, to trust in Him,
03:55 to always follow Him wherever He goes,
03:58 and He will always lead you down
04:00 the right path,
04:02 a path that leads to life.
04:04 And so...
04:05 We are so glad you're a part of our program today.
04:07 And if you want to contact us, please do go to our website
04:10 and let us know a time when you were faithful to God
04:14 and how God took you through a tough situation
04:17 and gave you freedom,
04:19 He gave you joy.
04:20 All right, everyone.
04:22 I'm so glad you were here today,
04:23 and we'll see you next time.
04:25 Bye, kids.
04:26 Bye-bye.


Revised 2020-04-14