3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Trusting God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190016B

00:02 Welcome back, everyone.
00:03 Welcome back to Bible Buzz.
00:05 And we're so excited that you're with us.
00:07 If you're at home viewing,
00:08 we are so glad you've joined us once again.
00:11 Hello, Blue team and Red team.
00:13 Are you ready? Yeah!
00:15 All right.
00:17 Before we go any further, I want those viewing at home
00:20 to be introduced to our two teams here today.
00:23 We have the Eagles who are with us.
00:25 Let's welcome the Eagles.
00:27 Whoo! Oh, wow!
00:28 Eagles!
00:30 The blue team are the Eagles.
00:31 And that the red team.
00:32 Let's welcome the Cardinals!
00:34 Whoo! All right.
00:36 Go Cardinals. All right.
00:38 Two teams that are ready to go.
00:41 All right, before we get started with Bible Buzz,
00:44 we want to go over a few instructions.
00:46 All right, so everyone look at the screen,
00:49 and we're gonna review some of the rules
00:52 and how to play this exciting game.
00:55 First of all, it's easy.
00:57 It's very easy to play this game.
01:00 We're gonna read a question, it's gonna be on the screen.
01:02 So all of you're gonna have a chance to see the question.
01:05 And there's gonna be two answers.
01:07 How many answers everyone?
01:08 Two! Two answers, all right?
01:11 One's wrong and the one's right.
01:13 Okay?
01:15 The one answer will be the yellow ball,
01:17 another answer will be the blue ball.
01:19 Two answers, okay?
01:20 And you're gonna pick one of the two.
01:22 You're gonna answer using the corresponding color.
01:25 How do we answer?
01:26 So if you think blue is the answer,
01:28 you can raise your blue ball really high above your head
01:31 as high as you can.
01:33 If you think yellow is the answer,
01:35 you can do the same thing with yellow, okay?
01:37 And if you're watching at home and watching our show,
01:41 we want you to answer the questions as well
01:44 with either A or B, all right?
01:46 So I think we are ready. What do you think, Neto?
01:48 Are we ready? Well, I don't know.
01:50 I think you guys are ready.
01:51 Yeah! Yeah.
01:53 I can't hear you.
01:54 Are we ready?
01:56 Yeah!
01:58 Okay, referees. Are we ready?
02:01 Yeah!
02:02 All right.
02:04 I think we're ready to go.
02:05 All right, let's begin with question number one.
02:08 What does the Bible call Abraham?
02:13 Is it A, a friend of God
02:15 or B,
02:17 the son of Thunder?
02:22 Don't think too fast.
02:23 Make sure you know the answer
02:25 'cause you only have two seconds.
02:26 Two, one. What is your answer?
02:29 A friend of God.
02:30 A, friend of God. That is right.
02:33 Good job. Good job, everyone.
02:35 Excellent job.
02:36 You raised the right color, a friend of God.
02:40 Very good. All right.
02:41 Well, let's go to our second question.
02:44 What was Abraham's wife's name?
02:47 This is a little harder.
02:48 Boy, A, is it Rebecca
02:51 or B, was it Sarah?
02:55 We got five seconds. Think about it.
02:57 Five counting with me.
02:58 Three, two, one!
03:01 What's your answer?
03:02 Sarah! Yes.
03:05 Oh, oh, oh, did I, did I, did I have the right answer?
03:10 You guys were right.
03:12 It is blue, Sarah.
03:14 Good job. Good job. I'm impressed.
03:16 Neto, are you impressed with these kids?
03:18 They're really sharp. They're pretty sharp.
03:20 Pretty sharp.
03:23 All right, let's go with our next question.
03:25 What was God's promise to Abraham?
03:29 A, that he would be a blessing
03:32 or B, that he would have many camels?
03:37 A or B?
03:39 Five, four, three, two, one.
03:43 Answer.
03:45 Yellow! That is correct.
03:48 Yellow is the answer, that he would be a blessing.
03:53 You know, it's such a good thing
03:54 to be a blessing, Neto,
03:56 to be able to make people's lives
03:59 meaningful and happy.
04:00 That was Abraham, what a good man.
04:02 All right.
04:03 Are we ready for our next question?
04:05 Yeah!
04:06 That's one, that's the last one.
04:07 Quiet. Last question.
04:09 Where did Abraham live
04:11 before going in this long trip?
04:15 Did he live A, in the city of Ur
04:18 or B, the country of Egypt?
04:23 Do the countdown with me everyone?
04:25 Seven, six, five, four,
04:28 three, two, one.
04:31 Answer!
04:33 City of Ur.
04:36 Excellent job.
04:38 Excellent job.
04:39 Neto, I think they got 100%.
04:42 Oh, really? Absolutely.
04:44 I'm impressed.
04:45 You know what that means, Neto?
04:47 I think we need to make these questions
04:49 just a bit harder.
04:51 Yeah, I think it's a little too...
04:52 Were those questions too easy?
04:54 Yes! Oh, boy!
04:56 Well, that's because you guys know your Bibles
04:59 and that is awesome.
05:01 We're excited to see boys and girls
05:03 know about their Bibles
05:05 and answer all the questions correctly.
05:06 Very good. Well, today's lesson...
05:08 I wonder if the kids at home... What's that, Neto?
05:10 I wonder if the kids at home if they know the answers.
05:12 You know what?
05:13 Everyone at home, how did you do?
05:16 I'm sure you did really good because, Neto,
05:19 kids that watch our program, they know their Bibles.
05:22 Really sharp too. They're sharp.
05:23 Just like these guys. They're sharp.
05:25 Here you go. And that is so exciting to see.
05:28 So today's story, boys and girls,
05:30 was about trust, putting our trust in God.
05:34 Here's Abraham, who just woke up one morning
05:37 he hears God telling him,
05:39 all right, Abraham, it's time to pack up and go.
05:42 And Abraham, the Bible says
05:43 did not know where he was going,
05:45 but he trusted God.
05:47 Anyway, boys and girls,
05:49 we can only trust someone when they are a close friend.
05:53 The closer they are to us, the more we trust them, right?
05:58 And so as we trust God we draw close to Him,
06:01 and we trust Him more and more and more.
06:06 For those of you in at home,
06:07 I hope that this was a lesson that you took to heart
06:10 because trusting God is the best way to live.
06:14 And you know what boys and girls?
06:16 We wanna hear from you,
06:17 whether you're here at the studio,
06:19 or whether you're watching at home,
06:20 we want to hear from you and to hear your stories
06:23 of how you put your trust in God.
06:26 How was that like? Was it easy? Was it hard?
06:28 What lessons did you learn?
06:30 Tell us about it by going to our website
06:32 and contacting us and telling us your story.
06:35 All right, boys and girls, that was it for today.
06:38 Boy, there was a lot of energy here
06:40 and we loved every bit of it.
06:42 So remember, next time,
06:44 we're gonna get back together again.
06:46 Look at more stories
06:47 and discover the power of God's Word
06:50 because there's nothing like the Bible.
06:52 The Bible is living.
06:54 It is powerful as we spend time with the Bible,
06:57 the Bible tells us
06:58 that we'll come to trust God more and more.
07:02 So until next time,
07:04 God bless you and we'll see you again.
07:06 Bye.
07:10 All right, guys, good job.
07:21 Do it. Let's do it.
07:22 It's gonna be mess.
07:24 It's gonna be mess. Do it. Do it.


Revised 2020-05-21