3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems

Parting The Red Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBG

Program Code: KCBG190011S

00:01 Hey, Campers, welcome to Bible Gems.
00:02 We have an exciting episode in store for you.
00:05 Where can I learn about Moses
00:07 and all the awesome things that he did for God?
00:10 We're also gonna learn about the plagues of Egypt.
00:12 And for all of you visual learners out there,
00:16 I brought some of them here to demonstrate.
00:19 Wait, what?
00:21 During the plague, God brought flies.
00:24 Jewlee, what are you doing?
00:26 And frogs and locusts.
00:30 Jewlee. Jewlee, stop.
00:33 God also turned a walking stick into a snake.
00:38 You didn't.
00:40 Don't worry, Tiara, it's in here.
00:44 Wait. Where did it go?
00:46 Bible Gems is up next.
01:14 Welcome to Bible Gems.
01:16 We're having so much fun.
01:18 Oh, can you help me?
01:19 Boys and girls, can you help me?
01:21 I'm trying to find the gem.
01:22 Please, can you help me?
01:24 I'm sure it's somewhere here.
01:26 It's got to be... Oh, maybe it's under here.
01:29 No.
01:30 No.
01:31 There's got to be somewhere.
01:33 Oh, please, I need help.
01:34 Uncle Aron, I'm trying to find the Bible Gem, help me.
01:38 I got it. I found it right here.
01:43 The wonderful Bible Gem.
01:45 Are you guys ready to hear a story from the Bible?
01:48 Yeah!
01:50 I'm ready too, Uncle Aron,
01:52 to hear a song about the Bible Gem too.
01:55 That's right. Let's go to Miss Jo Dee.
01:57 And she'll teach us a memory verse song.
02:00 Fear not, stand still
02:03 And see the salvation Of the Lord
02:08 Fear not, stand still
02:12 And see the salvation Of the Lord
02:16 Which He will show to you today
02:20 Exodus 14:13
02:25 That's a wonderful job, girls and boys.
02:29 I love that. Yes.
02:30 That we can know that God's gonna fight for us.
02:33 He'll always be there no matter what.
02:35 Uncle Aron, do you have a story something about that?
02:38 I do.
02:40 Are you, boys and girls, ready to hear a story
02:41 about the man, Moses?
02:43 Yes! All right.
02:45 Well, Moses was born.
02:49 Where was Moses born in the Bible?
02:51 Who knows? Cate?
02:54 In Egypt. That's right.
02:56 Moses' story begins in Egypt.
02:59 And Moses was born there, but his people,
03:02 the children of Israel or the Hebrews,
03:05 they weren't living too good of lives.
03:08 They were slaves.
03:10 They were in bondage in Egypt.
03:12 Do you guys want to be slaves? No.
03:15 No, but they were born as slaves.
03:18 And as they're growing up, and eventually,
03:22 the Pharaoh there sent.
03:24 There are so many of these slaves
03:25 they're getting so great in number we need to,
03:28 we need to reduce their number,
03:30 we need to kill some of them.
03:31 But fortunately, Moses was able to escape
03:34 and he was raised in the house of Pharaoh himself.
03:38 Now eventually, when Moses got older
03:40 he did something bad and he had to run away.
03:44 And this is where we're gonna pick up
03:45 our story today.
03:47 There was Moses,
03:48 he was out in the land of Midian.
03:51 And when he was out there, he was a shepherd.
03:53 What do shepherds do? Who knows what shepherds do?
03:56 Okay, Hannah, right here.
03:58 Take care of sheep. That's exactly right.
04:01 Moses was taking care of sheep.
04:04 Really, the Lord was preparing him for a work
04:07 that he would do very soon.
04:09 One day, as he was preparing for sheep,
04:11 he came across a certain bush,
04:14 but there were something very special about this bush.
04:17 Who knows what was special about this bush?
04:19 Let's go right over here.
04:21 It was burning.
04:22 It was burning, but it wasn't burning up.
04:27 It was a very special fire.
04:29 And this intrigued Moses, this caught Moses' attention.
04:32 Will this catch your attention?
04:34 If something was burning without being destroyed,
04:37 and Moses went over to check it out.
04:40 And the closer he got, all of a sudden,
04:42 he heard a voice.
04:44 It was the voice of God,
04:46 the angel of the Lord was there.
04:48 And God told him, "Hey, Moses,
04:50 the place where you're standing is holy.
04:53 And you need to take off your sandals."
04:55 And so that's what Moses did.
04:56 He took off his sandals, and he approached God.
04:59 Now, this is one of the most amazing interactions
05:02 in all of scripture.
05:04 God there began to speak with Moses and say,
05:06 "Moses, I have a special mission for you to do.
05:09 I want you to go back to Egypt, the place where you fled from,
05:14 and do something amazing
05:16 for your people for your family."
05:20 Who knows? What did God want Moses to do?
05:24 Yeah.
05:27 Free the slaves.
05:30 That's exactly right.
05:32 God wanted to use Moses to free the slaves
05:35 because the Hebrew people were in bondage.
05:38 And so there Moses at first, he didn't really want to,
05:42 he thought, "Well, my voice, my speech,
05:46 I can't speak very well.
05:47 I'm a little bit scared.
05:49 I don't want to do this."
05:50 But God spoke to Moses and he made sure that
05:53 he knew that it's not anyone who has special abilities
05:58 that God can use, but God can use anybody.
06:01 Did you guys know that that God can use anybody?
06:04 That's right, Uncle Aron.
06:06 Do you believe that God can use you?
06:08 Who thinks that God can use you?
06:09 Raise your hand.
06:11 That's right. God can use you here.
06:13 And, boys and girls, at home, God can use you.
06:15 It doesn't matter if you're really smart
06:17 or really strong,
06:19 God can take whatever you have and use it for His service.
06:23 So there was God calling Moses.
06:25 And Moses said, "Okay, God, as long as You call me,
06:28 I believe that I can do what You asked of me."
06:30 And so Moses went back to Egypt.
06:34 And when he went back to Egypt,
06:35 he got a little bit of help from his brother
06:38 and who knows what Moses' brother's name?
06:42 I'll give you a clue. I know.
06:44 It has to do with my name. Okay, right over here.
06:47 Aaron. That's right.
06:49 Me. My name is Aron too.
06:51 I'm Uncle Aron.
06:52 And Moses had a brother named Aaron.
06:54 And God brought Aaron and Moses back together.
06:57 You think Aaron was glad to see his brother?
06:59 Yeah.
07:00 They hadn't seen each other in 40 years.
07:02 Whoa, 40 years a long time.
07:05 I'm not even 40 years yet myself.
07:07 Now when Aaron and Moses got back together,
07:10 they teamed up and they said, "Okay,
07:12 we're gonna go before Pharaoh
07:13 just like how God asked, and we're gonna ask him
07:16 to let my people go."
07:19 God's asking Pharaoh to let My people go.
07:21 Moses and Aaron went into Pharaoh.
07:24 And was Pharaoh ready to let them go
07:26 right then and there?
07:28 No! No!
07:30 They talk things out, and Pharaoh was being stubborn.
07:34 He wasn't ready to move.
07:36 And so God knew that this would happen.
07:38 And so God told Moses and Aaron to do certain miracles
07:42 that would catch Pharaoh's attention.
07:44 Would miracles catch your guys' attention?
07:46 Yes!
07:48 Has anyone here ever seen a miracle before?
07:50 Anyone. I've experienced some miracle.
07:53 That's awesome. You have?
07:54 Well, the first miracle that God called Moses and Aaron
07:58 to do was actually involved a staff.
08:01 Now, since my name is Aron, I think I've got a staff
08:04 lying around here somewhere.
08:05 Let's see. Oh, here it is.
08:11 Is this a good staff for me, right?
08:13 Aron staff.
08:14 So God came, excuse me, Moses came and Aaron came
08:18 and the first thing that he told him to do was what?
08:23 Oh, he said to let my people go,
08:25 but in order to show that God was really powerful,
08:27 Aaron cast his staff to the ground like this.
08:31 Whoa!
08:33 And what happened to the staff?
08:34 It turned to a snake. That's right.
08:36 It turned to a snake.
08:37 Now, wouldn't that grab your attention?
08:39 Yeah, snakes.
08:41 Scary at times.
08:42 So there it is. It turned to a snake.
08:44 But Pharaoh, what did he do in response to that?
08:51 I heard over here.
08:52 He got his magicians to turn their staffs
08:54 into snakes as well.
08:56 But what happened to the Pharaoh snakes.
09:00 They were eaten and were eaten by Aaron snake.
09:03 Then Aaron grab the snake by the tail.
09:05 And what happened to that snake?
09:08 It turned right back into a staff.
09:10 Wow! Amazing.
09:12 I bet Pharaoh let them go now, right?
09:14 Well, you'd hope he did.
09:16 But he still wasn't convinced.
09:19 God had to send through Moses using Moses and Aaron,
09:23 a number of plagues.
09:25 Who knows how many plagues were sent upon the Egyptians?
09:28 Let's go right here. Ten.
09:30 That's right. Ten plagues.
09:32 How many fingers do you guys have on your hands?
09:34 Ten. Ten.
09:35 Yeah, most of us have 10 fingers.
09:37 God sent 10 plagues to try to grasp
09:40 hold of Pharaoh to say, "Come on, man.
09:42 I mean, business. I'm serious.
09:44 I really need my people to get out of here."
09:46 And so God sent these plagues, one after another.
09:50 Who knows a few of the plagues?
09:53 Let's see. Let's go right here.
09:55 Eva?
09:57 Name one or two.
09:59 The frogs and the flies.
10:02 That's right. God sent some frogs.
10:04 God sent some flies.
10:05 Let's go over here to Hannah.
10:08 God sent locusts and darkness.
10:12 Oh, that's good. Locusts and darkness.
10:16 He turned the water into blood.
10:18 And He sent death upon everybody,
10:22 upon every firstborn child.
10:24 Oh, yeah, these are some scary plagues.
10:26 That's right.
10:28 The first plague was actually turning the water into blood.
10:31 Whoo!
10:32 But eventually the last plague was where God said,
10:34 "Man, Pharaoh, you've been wishy-washy this whole time."
10:37 Okay.
10:39 Said, "Okay, I'll agree and then he backed out of it."
10:40 And so finally God said,
10:41 "All right, here's the last plague."
10:43 Unfortunately, unless your family
10:46 has the blood of the Passover lamb
10:49 above their doorpost,
10:50 that the firstborn in the household is gonna die.
10:54 Yeah.
10:55 But all the Israelites, what did they do?
10:57 Did they obey God? Yes!
10:58 Yeah.
11:00 And they put the blood right over the doorpost.
11:01 So did any of the Israelite children die?
11:04 No.
11:06 No, 'cause God loves the children.
11:07 God want to protect them.
11:09 Those who would put their faith in an awesome powerful God.
11:12 And finally, after the 10th plague
11:15 Pharaoh finally said,
11:16 "Okay, you guys can get out of here."
11:20 Then the Israelites,
11:22 do you think they were celebrating?
11:23 Yes.
11:25 Yeah, let's hear a little celebration.
11:26 Woohoo!
11:27 We get to leave Egypt finally.
11:29 And so they begin to make their way out.
11:31 And as they were making their way out,
11:33 they came to a certain body of water.
11:35 What was this place called?
11:37 Who knows? Any?
11:38 So gonna point in the back here.
11:40 See, Ben, what was this body of water that they came to?
11:44 The Red Sea. That's right.
11:45 The Red Sea. They came to the Red Sea.
11:48 And once they were there,
11:49 they realized that Pharaoh's army,
11:51 Pharaoh once again changed his mind.
11:52 Oh, no. And he came...
11:54 Yeah, he came with his whole army
11:55 to catch them there.
11:57 You guys have heard of about
11:58 being between a rock and a hard place.
12:01 Well, this is between a sea and an army,
12:04 not a place you'd wanna be.
12:06 And there the Israelites thought,
12:08 "There's no way that we can escape."
12:10 And they begin to doubt God and doubt Moses and say,
12:13 "Oh, you brought us here to die,
12:14 and, oh, God is mean."
12:17 But God had a plan to deliver them.
12:19 Didn't He? Yes, He did.
12:21 He split the Red Sea. Wow!
12:26 Hey, guys, let's make a Red Sea ourselves.
12:29 Let's stand up and see what God did.
12:30 That's pretty cool.
12:31 And then they walked through it.
12:33 Then they walked through it.
12:34 All right, so let's make a Red Sea.
12:35 Let's split that Red Sea. Okay.
12:40 All right.
12:42 So there was the sea all below, and then God said...
12:46 Moses put his rod into the water
12:49 and split the Red Sea
12:50 so that the water stood straight up,
12:53 put your, put the waves, straight up, everyone.
12:55 Good.
12:56 Now let's begin to walk through it
12:58 just like how the Israelites did.
13:01 Good.
13:02 Whoa!
13:04 Are you guys dry in there?
13:07 You're dry in there?
13:08 Yeah, just like how God delivered His people
13:11 by performing a miracle
13:13 and separating the waters apart.
13:17 Awesome.
13:24 Wow, boys and girls, as you can see
13:26 we have had a good time on Bible Gems.
13:30 Remember, to search the scriptures
13:33 and find your Bible Gems till next time.
13:36 Bye. Bye.
13:38 Bye.


Revised 2020-03-16