3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems

God’S Good Creation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBG

Program Code: KCBG190014S

00:01 Hi, Campers, welcome to Bible Gems.
00:02 Today, we're going to learn about...
00:05 Hey, who turned off the lights?
00:08 Hi, Campers, get ready for
00:10 Uncle Aron to tell us the story of creation.
00:14 Okay, Jewlee,
00:15 why did you turn off the lights?
00:16 Because in the beginning it was dark.
00:20 Dark, then God made light.
00:23 Hey, that's pretty good.
00:26 Whoa!
00:29 Hello, Tiara, I'm the bird. Hey!
00:33 Just like what God made on day five.
00:35 Whoa!
00:39 It's not all He made.
00:40 Stay tuned to learn more about the days of creation.
00:44 There's a day seven yet.
00:46 I can really use some rest.
00:49 Jewlee.
00:51 Bible Gems is up next
01:15 Welcome to Bible Gems, you found it.
01:20 Well, we are going to have fun today on our set.
01:23 So let's get started.
01:25 We're gonna start out with our memory verses,
01:28 and we're gonna learn it in a fun way.
01:30 Come on, let's try. All right.
01:33 Okay. Let's try it.
01:35 In the beginning
01:38 In the beginning
01:40 God created the heavens
01:42 And the earth
01:45 In the beginning
01:48 In the beginning
01:50 God created the heavens
01:53 And the earth
01:56 Genesis 1:1 and 31
02:03 Our story today,
02:05 we're going way back to the beginning.
02:08 So let's see. Let's put that down.
02:10 Let's see if what we can find in there.
02:12 Oh, I'm excited. Are you excited?
02:14 Yes.
02:15 Hey, Ben, you want to open it up?
02:16 Open it.
02:18 Wow! That's amazing.
02:20 We got all sorts of shining pearls and gems.
02:24 These are great. Look at this.
02:26 But what's this in the middle, boys and girls?
02:30 It's a scroll.
02:31 And these are the ancient scriptures.
02:35 These tell us all the things
02:37 that we need to know about God and salvation,
02:41 and this tells us
02:43 where we all actually came from.
02:45 Now, boys and girls, before we open this up,
02:48 I want to ask you a question.
02:50 Where did you come from?
02:53 Angel, where did you come from?
02:55 Do you think you came from a leopard?
03:00 Anyone here related to a cheetah?
03:02 How would a monkey? Do you look like a monkey?
03:04 No.
03:07 Where did you come from, Scarlet?
03:09 I came from God.
03:10 You came from God.
03:12 Yes, that is good.
03:13 But more directly, you came from
03:15 your mommy and daddy,
03:17 would you agree with that?
03:19 And where did your mommy and daddy come from?
03:22 Their mommy and daddy.
03:24 And where did they come from?
03:26 Their mommy and daddy,
03:27 and it goes back, and it goes back,
03:29 and it goes back, and it goes back
03:30 and back until we come to who?
03:32 Adam and Eve. That's right, Hannah.
03:35 And now, where did Adam and Eve come from?
03:38 God. God, that's exactly right.
03:41 Here in the ancient scriptures, we have the Book of Genesis,
03:45 the book of what?
03:47 Genesis. Genesis.
03:48 And in the English we say,
03:50 in the beginning God created
03:53 but because I am Hebrew,
03:57 and my name is Uncle Aron,
03:59 Aharon, I'm going to say the Hebrew for you,
04:02 and we're going to see if we can learn it together.
04:04 It says, "Bereshit Bara Elohim."
04:08 That means, in the beginning God created.
04:12 Can you say that together with me?
04:13 Bereshit Bara Elohim That's good.
04:19 That's really good. Bereshit Bara Elohim.
04:22 In the beginning, God created.
04:25 Now, who can tell me
04:28 what God created on the first day?
04:30 It says, "In the beginning,
04:32 God created the heavens and the earth.
04:34 And the earth was without form and void,
04:37 and darkness covered the face of the deep."
04:39 But there was the Holy Spirit
04:42 that was doing what over the waters?
04:44 He was hovering.
04:45 He was hovering over the waters.
04:47 And then God said, "Let there be light."
04:51 And there was what? Light.
04:53 And there was light. Isn't that amazing?
04:56 Wow. Light.
04:57 Yeah. That's incredible.
04:59 What a great God we have.
05:01 Who can tell me what God created on day two?
05:05 Okay, reps be ready to run.
05:07 Okay, Scarlet?
05:09 And I think they created the water in the land.
05:14 Yes.
05:16 God separated the waters
05:19 from the waters and there's this.
05:20 It's sometimes it's a confusing word that
05:22 we don't use too often, but it's called the firmament.
05:26 That's a fancy word for the sky.
05:29 It's also called the atmosphere.
05:31 Right? So God is doing amazing things.
05:33 Firstly, let there be light so that everyone can see.
05:36 Right?
05:37 The angels above what God was doing here on earth.
05:40 That's awesome. The sky.
05:43 What do we use the sky for?
05:45 Have you guys ever flown a kite?
05:46 Yeah. Right?
05:48 You take it off in the sky
05:49 and then it highlights the beauty of God there.
05:52 That's beautiful.
05:53 Now, what did God create on day three of creation?
05:57 Anyone here? Yeah.
05:59 Plants. Plants.
06:01 That's right.
06:03 But before God could create plants,
06:05 what did He have to do,
06:06 because right at this point, there's only water.
06:09 What do plants grow on?
06:11 Land. Land, earth.
06:13 That's exactly right.
06:14 And so God called forth dry land.
06:19 And He made room for there to be land
06:21 and then He brought forth vegetation
06:24 and grass and trees.
06:26 You're exactly right.
06:28 So these first three days
06:29 of creation are a wonderful days.
06:33 Now who can tell me
06:35 what happened on the fourth day of creation?
06:39 Day four, Ben?
06:42 The stars and planets. That's right.
06:45 It says that He created the sun to rule
06:49 what, the day or the night?
06:51 The day.
06:52 The sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the what?
06:55 Night. The night.
06:56 And He also created the stars.
06:58 You guys like the stars?
07:00 Oh, I love to go out and look at the stars.
07:02 Yeah. It makes me feel closer to God.
07:05 Oh, yeah, that's amazing. Me too.
07:07 Okay, now we're going to go to day five of creation.
07:10 Who can tell me now?
07:11 Yes, back to you. You said it before.
07:13 The fish and the birds.
07:15 That's exactly right.
07:16 The fish, the sea creatures, the birds.
07:18 That's good.
07:20 All right, let's go on
07:21 to the next day of creation day.
07:23 What day are we on, kids?
07:24 Sixth day, sixth in creation.
07:26 What did God create on day six?
07:29 Okay, let's go right here.
07:30 Adam and Eve.
07:33 He created the animals.
07:35 This is my favorite part.
07:36 Oh, this is your favorite part. Wow.
07:38 And God created the humans on day six as well as
07:41 the land animals and something amazing happen
07:45 in Genesis 1 there.
07:48 God said, "Let us make man in His own image."
07:52 Does that mean we look like God?
07:54 In a way.
07:56 Ultimately, we don't know exactly what God looks like.
07:59 But we can look like God in our character,
08:02 we can be loving, kind, right?
08:06 It's such a wonderful time. I want to look like Him.
08:08 Who here wants to look like God?
08:10 That's right. We were made in His image.
08:12 And God wants us to act like Him,
08:14 to be like Him and to love like Him.
08:16 Now, this is my favorite part of the story too.
08:18 Thanks for bringing that out, Olivia.
08:20 Because now when we get to Genesis 2,
08:23 what happens there is that well,
08:24 let me take a close look, just to remind myself.
08:27 Whoa, look at the scroll.
08:29 You see the ancient Hebrew.
08:31 Okay, now, we're coming to Genesis 2:7.
08:36 This is one of my favorite verses
08:37 in the whole Bible.
08:38 Does anyone here happen to know Genesis 2:7?
08:43 It says, "That God formed man
08:47 out of" what?
08:50 "The dust of the ground
08:51 and He breathed into his nostrils" what?
08:55 "The breath of life and man
08:57 became a living being or a living soul."
09:01 Now, this is my absolute favorite part
09:02 because check this out.
09:04 When God first created the light,
09:08 or He created the sun and the moon,
09:09 or the giraffe, how did He create it?
09:14 He said, Let there be what?
09:16 Let's be animals and there was animals.
09:19 He said, Let there be dry land and what was there?
09:23 Dry land. Right?
09:25 God is using His words, His speech,
09:28 He's speaking things straight into existence.
09:31 Anyone here ever tried to create something
09:34 into existence out of speaking it?
09:36 No. Because that that's silly.
09:40 It wouldn't work but God has the powers of creation.
09:44 And God can say, let there be a new heart
09:47 and He can give us a new heart.
09:49 God can say, let there be a giraffe
09:51 and there's a giraffe.
09:52 But all of these things when you speak,
09:54 this involves a distance, right?
09:57 Let there be and then over there,
09:59 there's a creation.
10:00 But when God came to make beings
10:03 in His own image,
10:04 He decided to get down on His knees if God has knees.
10:09 That's I would say is my favorite part.
10:11 Yeah, He got down and He got His hands dirty.
10:15 Anyone who got their hands dirty before?
10:17 Right, you're working hard to get into here.
10:18 God got down to the dirt and He began to form, right?
10:22 He began to form and there He is.
10:24 And He made Adam with a big old smile.
10:27 And he came over and he said, Wow, I wanna make Adam strong.
10:31 So I'm gonna give him big biceps.
10:33 Who here wants to flex their biceps?
10:35 Let's go.
10:38 God created Adam, as a beautiful,
10:41 strong human and He's sculpting him,
10:43 He's sculpting him.
10:44 But was Adam alive yet? No.
10:47 No, He was just, He was playing with the dirt.
10:49 He was sculpting like a beautiful crater
10:51 and then how did Adam become alive?
10:58 God breathed. Now who knows?
10:59 I said it earlier but where did God breathed?
11:01 This is a crucial point, where did God breathe?
11:03 Okay, right here. Into his nose.
11:06 God breathed into his what? Nose.
11:09 Nose, He breathed into Adam's nose.
11:14 And Adam came alive.
11:16 And what was the very first thing
11:18 that that Father Adam,
11:19 that our great, great, great, great, great, great,
11:21 great grandfather saw the very first thing,
11:23 what did he see?
11:24 God. He saw God's face.
11:28 God created you and me
11:30 and every human in the world
11:32 to look and behold His beautiful face.
11:37 Isn't that an amazing thing?
11:38 God wants us every morning to wake up
11:41 and through the eyes of faith,
11:43 to look and to see His wonderful face.
11:45 Isn't that a beautiful thing? Amen.
11:48 But there's one more thing that we're missing with creation,
11:51 one more day.
11:54 Who knows what happened on the seventh day?
11:56 Wow.
11:57 Hands are shooting up all over the place.
11:58 God rested. God rested.
12:01 That's exactly right. Was God tired?
12:04 Was God tired?
12:05 I don't know, what do you boys and girls think?
12:07 Is God tired? No!
12:09 We got a little mixer, yes, no.
12:11 I think no, God is omnipotent.
12:14 He's got all the power in the world.
12:16 God decided to rest as an example.
12:21 An example for us, and with the example,
12:24 then we can follow.
12:26 And so God created the seventh day
12:28 and He rested on it.
12:30 He blessed it, and He sanctified it.
12:34 That word seems really big.
12:36 It means He made it holy.
12:37 He set it apart to be different.
12:40 Right?
12:41 He set it apart to be a day
12:43 that we can enjoy close friendship, fellowship,
12:48 and worship our Creator.
12:50 Who here enjoys worshiping God on the Sabbath?
12:53 Amen.
12:54 That's my favorite day of the week.
12:57 It's a wonderful day that God invites us to be with Him.
13:00 I am so excited about
13:01 all the things we learned today.
13:03 We have just a little bit of time.
13:04 What can you tell us that can that we can just
13:07 remember as we're going out?
13:08 Yeah, at the end of Genesis 1:31,
13:12 it was our scripture song.
13:13 It says, God looked at everything that He made,
13:16 and indeed it was, who remembers?
13:18 Good! It was good.
13:20 But more than that, it was very good.
13:24 Can you say that louder? God created it.
13:27 How did He create it? Very good.
13:30 That's right.
13:31 God loves you and He wants you to be with Him
13:33 and enjoy His creation.
13:36 So next time, on Bible Gems, I can't wait to see you.
13:39 God bless.


Revised 2020-04-23