3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems

Dreaming of the Future

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBG

Program Code: KCBG190015S

00:01 Hey, Campers.
00:02 Today, we're gonna learn about the coat of many colors.
00:05 Hang on one second. Wait, what?
00:11 Bible Gems is up next?
00:14 Will you stop?
00:39 Welcome to Bible Gems.
00:41 Wow!
00:45 I'm Auntie Linda. And I'm Uncle Aron.
00:49 And today, we are gonna go on the Bible time set.
00:54 So we're gonna have a good time
00:55 and we're gonna start out with Miss Jo Dee
00:57 learning the memory verses.
00:59 So we better hurry, I want to learn this one.
01:01 Israel loved Joseph
01:05 Israel loved Joseph
01:08 Israel loved Joseph
01:11 And He made him a coat
01:13 Of many colors
01:17 Genesis 37:3
01:25 Yay! Good job.
01:28 Good job. Great.
01:30 Thank you for sharing that awesome memory verse song.
01:33 Uncle Aron, there's a special gem
01:36 that we have today
01:37 and I wanted the boys and girls to see it.
01:39 Do you know where it is? I'll go find it.
01:41 You know where it is.
01:43 Leslie, you want to come help me.
01:45 Here it comes, it must be heavy, okay.
01:47 It is heavy. It's full of gems.
01:51 Must be. Whoo!
01:55 All right. Set it down.
01:57 Okay. Yeah.
01:58 What do you have?
02:02 All kinds of rubies and sapphires,
02:04 but I think, oh, now can I found us
02:07 the most precious jewel.
02:10 Check this guys, this is the Holy Scripture.
02:15 Many people over thousands of years contributed
02:18 to putting this sacred book called The Bible together.
02:22 And with it we have all kinds of stories,
02:25 amazing stories about how God has revealed Himself
02:29 to humans throughout human history.
02:32 Uncle Aron, can you tell us one today?
02:34 Do want to hear a story today?
02:36 Yes! All right.
02:38 Well, let me take a look what we have here.
02:41 Ah, this is a good story.
02:44 It's the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors.
02:49 Now, Joseph was born and his mom Rachel
02:55 was Jacob's beloved wife.
02:59 And Joseph had another younger brother,
03:03 who knows his name? Benjamin.
03:06 Benjamin, that's right.
03:07 Benjamin, unfortunately, when Benjamin was born,
03:11 Rachel, his mom died in the process.
03:15 And so Jacob had a very, very special love
03:21 for those two children, Joseph and Benjamin
03:24 because they were the only two children
03:26 that came from his most precious
03:28 and beloved wife.
03:30 So the story begins where Joseph was given
03:34 a very, very special coat.
03:38 What did this coat look like?
03:40 Colorful. It was really colorful.
03:42 I've got a coat, now it's not the same coat
03:45 but I've got a colorful coat right over here.
03:48 Whoa! Whoa!
03:52 Now, who would like to wear this beautiful colorful coat?
03:58 Whoa! So many of you want to.
04:01 Well, I'm going to choose
04:03 because I get the right to do that.
04:06 Let's go with Nathan. Oh, Nathan, come here.
04:11 Let's see if we can put a... face that, yeah.
04:13 There you go. Check it out.
04:15 Oh! Just throw him in a pit.
04:19 He looks nice. Right, throw him in a pit.
04:23 Man, Nathan, you look really good in that coat.
04:26 Now how did you guys feel that I didn't pick you?
04:32 That I didn't let you wear that?
04:34 Jealous? You felt jealous?
04:36 How dare you do that? How dare I do that?
04:39 That's right.
04:40 Now, how do you think that Joseph's brothers felt
04:45 when their dad, it was their dad too, right?
04:48 Gave only Joseph a beautiful coat, in fact,
04:52 this was a coat that signified royalty,
04:56 that signified wealth,
04:57 that signified that he was much...
04:59 he was more loved really than the rest of them.
05:04 You would feel jealous.
05:05 You would maybe be like, "Ah, this just isn't fair."
05:08 That hurts. You feel hurt, right?
05:11 You know, he's your dad too, what's going on with that?
05:14 Unfortunately it led to jealousy
05:16 and more dysfunction within that family.
05:18 Now, to make matters even worse for the rest of the brothers,
05:22 Joseph had a dream.
05:25 And in this dream he beheld that
05:28 there were 12 sheaves, 12 stacks of sheaves,
05:33 and they were standing there.
05:35 But 11 of those sheaves bowed down,
05:40 and they just fell flat to the ground.
05:42 And it looked like
05:43 they were giving honor and glory
05:44 to the one sheath.
05:46 He didn't tell his brothers that story, did he?
05:48 Oh, he did.
05:50 He came to his brothers and his parents and he said,
05:53 "Hey, look, this is a dream I've had."
05:55 And how do you think
05:56 the brothers interpreted that dream?
05:59 They were saying that, they were...
06:03 that he thought that they were gonna have
06:05 to bow down to him.
06:07 That is what they thought.
06:08 And it seemed to be that
06:09 that's actually what the dream meant.
06:11 So this dream happened and they said, "What?
06:13 Are you gonna rule over us?
06:15 Are we gonna bow down to you?
06:16 Come on, man.
06:18 And then, guess what happened?
06:21 They threw him in a cave.
06:24 Eventually they did.
06:25 But before that, they had another dream.
06:27 That's right.
06:29 He had another dream and who knows
06:30 what this dream was in this dream.
06:33 All right, let's go with Crystal over there.
06:36 The sun, moon and 11 stars bowed down to him.
06:39 That's exactly right.
06:41 The sun, and the moon,
06:43 and 11 stars, they also bowed down.
06:47 And when he shared with his parents this,
06:50 even his parents are like, "Whoa, are you serious?"
06:53 The sun was his father, and the moon was his mother,
06:58 and the 11 stars were his own brothers.
07:02 Yeah, that's right.
07:03 That's how they interpreted it.
07:04 And that's how I think what God meant by it.
07:08 Now after that happened,
07:11 it looks like a little time went by.
07:13 And Jacob called to Joseph
07:17 and how did Joseph respond?
07:19 He said, "Here I am."
07:21 Joseph was a very obedient child.
07:24 He said, "Here I am. What do you want, dad?"
07:26 And Jacob said, "I would like for you to go
07:29 and to check on your brothers who are out in,"
07:32 I believe it was Shechem.
07:34 But could he find them there? No.
07:36 There was a man,
07:37 we don't know who but a man told them that
07:39 "Hey, your brothers have gone
07:41 to another place called Dothan."
07:44 If I'm pronouncing it right.
07:45 And so Joseph went off. Joseph, correct, yes.
07:48 He went off to Dothan to look for his brothers.
07:51 I bet he was excited
07:52 'cause this journey was almost over.
07:54 Oh, I'm sure he's like, "Oh, man.
07:56 I've gotten here.
07:57 Now I gotta walk another 14 miles."
07:58 But he was happy to do the will of his father.
08:02 And as he went, he found them there.
08:04 When he was far way off, once his brothers saw him,
08:08 what popped into their mind?
08:10 Throw him in that pit. Throw him in a pit.
08:12 Well, actually something even worse.
08:15 The first thing that popped in their mind was
08:18 "Let's kill him."
08:19 It was actually Judah, right?
08:21 Judah was the one who said, "Man, let's kill him"
08:23 and they all seem to get on board with that.
08:24 They remember the dreams, didn't they?
08:26 'Cause they said, "Behold the dreamer."
08:28 Oh, yeah. They were mocking him.
08:29 They said, "Oh, here's the master of dreams.
08:31 The dreamer. Oh, here he comes.
08:33 Man, forget this guy.
08:35 Let's throw him and let's kill him."
08:37 Joseph must have been sad.
08:38 Yeah, he probably really was.
08:41 But when they put them in the pit,
08:45 they said that "We could kill him,"
08:47 and Ruben's like,
08:48 "No, no, we should throw him in the pit."
08:50 So he was actually
08:51 more nicer than the rest of them.
08:54 Yeah, that's right.
08:56 At least Ruben who was the firstborn,
08:59 he was the oldest had a little bit of oomph,
09:03 a little bit of authority and he said,
09:06 "Let's not kill him, let's just throw him in a pit."
09:08 He was planning to come back later to take him out.
09:11 But he caved in to the peer pressure, right?
09:16 He was a little bit courageous,
09:18 but he wasn't courageous enough to say,
09:19 "No, that's foolishness.
09:21 We shouldn't kill our own brother.
09:23 That's not okay." But they throw him in there.
09:27 And then there's something that happened along the way.
09:31 Daddy Hall, do you have a comment
09:32 or something to share?
09:34 Yes, Uncle Aron, I do.
09:35 You know, we think about the story of Joseph
09:37 and how his brothers wanted to kill him.
09:40 But you know that the Bible says that
09:41 if we hate our brother, it's the same as killing them.
09:46 And so if we hate someone, we're kind of just as bad as
09:50 what Joseph's brothers were when they wanted
09:53 to hurt their brother,
09:54 but who is it that can take hate out of our heart?
09:57 God.
09:58 God can take hate out of our heart.
10:00 Amen.
10:01 Thank you for sharing those insights.
10:03 Yes, Joseph was definitely bullied
10:05 and went through a lot of loneliness there.
10:08 Now when he was thrown in that pit,
10:11 a group of people came along.
10:14 What kind of people were they?
10:16 They were caravan, they weren't Egyptian.
10:18 Oh. She said it.
10:20 She said it. Ishmaelites.
10:21 That's right, Ishmaelites,
10:23 they came along and wait a second.
10:24 Ishmaelites, that means they were descendants from who?
10:28 Ishmael. Ishmael.
10:29 Wait, wasn't Ishmael the son of their grandfather
10:33 or their great grandfather?
10:35 Yeah, Abraham had his first son Ishmael,
10:38 but then the promised son, Isaac, so these were relatives.
10:42 We have some relatives, the Ishmaelites are coming by
10:46 and they said, "You know what?
10:48 We're gonna make profit off of this."
10:49 That's so greedy. That's so greedy.
10:52 Now Joseph was sold
10:54 for these 30 pieces of silver shackles,
10:57 and he was taken away.
10:59 What do you boys and girls think
11:02 was going on in the mind of Joseph?
11:06 What would you be thinking being taken away,
11:09 being betrayed and sold into really slavery
11:12 by your own siblings,
11:14 your own brothers, how would you feel?
11:16 Zachary? I gotta get out of here.
11:20 Somehow. Amen.
11:22 Grandpa will feel that way too. I've got to get out of here.
11:26 Now as he's being taken away, over in the far distance
11:30 he may have been able to just see where,
11:34 right there maybe just over that hill,
11:36 or maybe he could actually see that's where I used to live.
11:40 That must have been awful.
11:41 And he's looking away and he's sad.
11:44 And he's probably thinking, "How can I get out of this?"
11:46 And right when he thought, "How can I get out of this?"
11:51 I like to believe that what popped into his mind
11:54 were the dreams that he had.
11:57 Remember those dreams?
11:58 He knew that God gave him those dreams.
12:00 And those dreams,
12:01 those prophecies had not yet come to fulfillment.
12:04 So we had to cling on to some kind of a hope,
12:06 believing that there will be a time
12:08 where those dreams will come to fulfillment.
12:11 And he knew God was still with him,
12:14 even when he had been forsaken by his own family.
12:18 You know, Uncle Aron, I can imagine that
12:20 when Joseph was just a little boy,
12:22 he spent time reading the Word of God.
12:25 He spent time having worship with his family.
12:27 So, boys and girls, every day when you get up,
12:31 spend time reading the Bible
12:33 and listening to the promises of God.
12:35 I will never leave you or forsake you.
12:38 Because I am sure that
12:39 when Joseph was on that way to Egypt,
12:42 he was reminded of the promises of God
12:44 and it gave him courage to face the challenge ahead.
12:47 That's right.
12:49 Any other thoughts or comments along this story?
12:52 Yeah, Gavin.
12:54 I imagine that
12:56 the Joseph's brothers would learn that,
13:02 "Oh, we did something bad.
13:06 But we don't want to tell father
13:08 because he'll get really mad.
13:10 So we'll just lie to him."
13:13 And they like lied and lied
13:15 and then their father actually,
13:20 like cried and didn't let Benjamin go
13:25 when they had to go to Egypt
13:27 because he didn't want to lose another son.
13:31 Yeah.
13:33 They did do something to his coat, didn't they?
13:35 They did. Oh, yeah.
13:37 They killed a wild animal
13:39 and they put the blood all over it.
13:41 You know what? Now, friends...
13:42 One lie leads to another. Yeah.
13:45 Well, boys and girls,
13:47 that's about all the time we have for now.
13:49 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2020-04-29