3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun

Lil Italian Boats

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCKF

Program Code: KCKF190003S

00:01 Hey, campers, Welcome to Kitchen Fun.
00:02 Boy, have we got a treat in store for you.
00:05 Miss Cinda is gonna teach us how to make some Italian boats.
00:08 Hey, sailors.
00:10 I heard we're going on a boat right today.
00:13 Huh?
00:15 Buckle down, Tiara.
00:16 We're going sailing.
00:19 Wait, what?
00:23 Oh, hey, I don't think she actually meant to go
00:26 get on a boat.
00:27 Ships ahoy.
00:29 Oh, I think I'm starting to get a bit seasick.
00:33 You campers, make sure and watch closely to see
00:36 how Miss Cinda keeps these boats afloat.
00:38 We don't want any sunken sailors around here.
00:42 Wow! The canons.
00:44 Canons?
00:46 Hey, do you think we could maybe go back
00:48 to the kitchen now?
00:50 Oh, looks like there's a storm brewing.
00:54 What?
00:59 That was a lot of fun.
01:01 You know when that storm calms down,
01:03 we should really go back out.
01:05 Oh, let's let Miss Cinda show us
01:07 how to make these boats first
01:09 before we decide to go back out again.
01:11 Fair enough.
01:12 Oh, hey, look.
01:14 It looks like our campers are all ready to go.
01:16 Let's call in our reps and begin cooking.
01:19 New campers, make sure
01:20 to wash up those hands of yours.
01:22 You can also find this recipe on 3ABNKids.tv.
01:26 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do...
01:28 Do it all to the glory of God.
01:31 Have fun.
01:53 Hello, boys and girls,
01:54 and welcome to our Kids Camp Kitchen Fun.
01:59 Do you know why we're in the kitchen,
02:02 boys and girls?
02:03 Because we love cooking.
02:06 That's right.
02:08 And I hope you love cooking because you know what?
02:11 We are going to have so much fun today.
02:15 And before we get started, I would like you to meet
02:18 each of our cooking students here today.
02:23 So I'm gonna ask them each to say their first name.
02:26 And then I thought it'd be nice if we said where they're from,
02:29 so that you could see that there are boys and girls
02:32 from all over who are here to learn how to cook.
02:37 My name is Christopher, and I'm from Idaho.
02:40 Welcome, Christopher.
02:44 My name is Jackson, and I'm from Tennessee.
02:47 Welcome Jackson.
02:49 My name is Crystal, and I'm from Idaho.
02:51 Welcome, Crystal.
02:56 I'm McKenzie, and I'm from Indiana.
02:59 Welcome, McKenzie.
03:01 I'm Faith, and I'm from Tennessee.
03:03 Welcome, Faith.
03:07 My name is Iana, and I'm from Illinois.
03:09 Welcome, Iana.
03:10 My name is Amanda, and I'm from Illinois.
03:13 Welcome.
03:17 My name is Elaine, and I'm from Tennessee.
03:20 Welcome, Elaine.
03:21 My name is Maya, and I'm from Michigan.
03:24 Welcome, Maya.
03:26 Okay, kids.
03:28 Who wants to start cooking?
03:30 Me!
03:31 Boys and girls,
03:33 would you like to start cooking?
03:35 Oh, but first,
03:37 would you like to know what we're cooking?
03:40 How about if we make
03:43 sauerkraut ruderbager Brussels sprouts soup?
03:50 No.
03:53 How about if we make
03:56 Lil Italian boats?
03:59 What do you think of that?
04:01 They're floating in sauce.
04:03 And they're floating in sauce, aren't they?
04:06 Don't they kind of look like little boats?
04:08 Well, they're sinking in the sauce.
04:09 They're sinking in the sauce.
04:11 What do you think?
04:13 So we learn how to make that?
04:15 Yes. Okay.
04:17 What we're gonna do,
04:19 as you each have given a blender,
04:21 and, you know, what's really important
04:23 and, boys and girls, I want you to always remember
04:26 when you're in the kitchen.
04:28 If you are working with any electrical appliance,
04:31 or knives, or things that are sharp,
04:35 make sure you always have an adult with you, okay?
04:38 So we have an adult
04:39 with each group of our children for safety
04:42 because safety is always important, okay?
04:46 So don't forget that. All right.
04:48 So first, we're making
04:51 our stuff shells vegan.
04:55 Does anyone know what vegan means?
04:59 Okay, Amanda.
05:01 Oh, it doesn't have any dairy.
05:03 That's right.
05:04 Vegan means...
05:06 Iana? A whole plant-based diet.
05:08 Thank you.
05:10 A whole plant-based diet and no dairy.
05:13 So that means we are going to make
05:16 our own homemade ricotta.
05:20 So take your blenders
05:22 and we're gonna take the lids off your blenders.
05:25 Now we have taken blanched slivered almonds
05:30 and we have soak them in water.
05:33 Very, very hot water for over an hour, okay?
05:38 And they're pre-measured.
05:39 So go ahead and put all those into your blender.
05:44 Just put them all in.
05:48 And let me look at my recipe.
05:49 Then you're gonna need your...
05:51 Now be really careful with the next ingredient
05:54 because there's two bowls on your tray.
05:58 And one looks really white and kind of thicker.
06:03 That is your coconut cream.
06:07 And you're gonna wanna dump all of your coconut cream
06:12 into your blender.
06:15 Yeah, dump it all in and,
06:17 you know, let me get you a spatula.
06:19 You can use your spatulas if you wanna scoop it all out.
06:23 Christopher, you're doing excellent.
06:25 You like to cook? Yes.
06:27 You do. Very good.
06:32 Awesome.
06:34 Okay, you got that in there.
06:35 Now you have a little bowl here.
06:38 And it's got some kind of yellow powdery flaky stuff.
06:43 Right here.
06:44 Yes. Smell that.
06:46 Does anyone know what that is?
06:49 Can you guess?
06:50 Smell it again?
06:57 Yes. Can anybody...
06:59 Does anybody know what that is?
07:02 Amanda, real loud.
07:04 Yeast.
07:05 What kind of?
07:06 Jack.
07:08 Yes, you know, she's right
07:09 but she didn't say the whole name.
07:11 What?
07:12 Yeast flakes. Nutritional yeast flakes.
07:15 Doesn't that smell good?
07:16 So put them all in.
07:19 Good job.
07:20 This will give it lots of yummy flavor.
07:23 Now you're gonna have this yellowish liquid,
07:27 dump all of that.
07:29 Anybody know what that is?
07:31 That's apple cider vinegar.
07:34 Put that in.
07:35 And then we're gonna...
07:37 Let's go ahead and put our salt in.
07:39 You're gonna put this as one teaspoon of salt.
07:43 Put that in.
07:46 And then you're gonna need
07:47 a half a teaspoon of garlic powder.
07:49 Put that in.
07:50 This is your garlic powder.
07:53 Now I'm gonna have you work just a little bit
07:57 because we need the juice of two lemons.
08:01 So you've got your juicers and your squeezers.
08:05 And you each can do one...
08:07 One half of a lemon, but you'll need to put
08:09 the juice of both lemons in
08:11 and make sure you don't get seed.
08:15 Can you do it? You not do it.
08:16 Let me show you how to do this one.
08:17 Okay, kids if you have one like this,
08:21 you wanna push and twist.
08:25 Push and twist, okay?
08:28 Try get that elbow moving.
08:30 There you go, get some muscle, Christopher.
08:32 Oh, good job.
08:34 Push down hard.
08:36 Lifting all that juice.
08:37 There you go, squeeze.
08:38 We have all our lemon juice in.
08:44 Wow! That's awesome.
08:48 How are we doing? Good job, Elaine, and Maya.
08:52 Good job, Amanda, and Iana.
08:58 Good job, Faith. Good job, McKenzie.
09:02 Did you get to squeeze one?
09:04 You wanna squeeze one?
09:07 Sure. Let's squeeze that.
09:09 Put one hand up here, one hand up here,
09:13 and let's squeeze, okay?
09:15 Squeeze hard.
09:17 Oh, we got big muscles.
09:18 Here up.
09:20 Yeah.
09:21 Oh, look at that juice coming out.
09:23 Look it. We get some juice.
09:25 Oh, there you go.
09:26 Look at it.
09:28 Yeah, and now you got big strong muscles.
09:33 You could probably squeeze just a touch more of that.
09:36 Oh, you got more on you.
09:38 And you're gonna smell like a lemon.
09:40 But you know what? I love the smell of lemon.
09:43 Okay, how we doing over here?
09:44 Okay, when you get this done,
09:46 you pour your lemon juice into your blender.
09:51 Without the seeds, Christopher.
09:54 Well, you're covering the seeds right there so you don't...
09:57 You can just tip pour, it will pour out.
10:01 There you go.
10:02 Good job.
10:04 Okay, you have your lemon juice in.
10:08 Okay, now we're gonna put the lids on.
10:14 And...
10:17 Is everybody have their lids on?
10:19 We got to wait, we'll do it together.
10:21 Is everybody have their lids on?
10:27 Yes. Yes.
10:28 Yes.
10:29 Okay, are you ready?
10:31 Yes.
10:32 Children!
10:34 Start your engines.
10:40 And you can turn the power up.
10:51 Okay, turn them off.
10:56 Turn them off.
10:57 And then you'll need to stir.
11:01 Boy, I'm having to talk loud over all these engines.
11:04 So just kind of stir it a little bit
11:06 and let's go
11:07 and then we're gonna do it again.
11:10 There you go.
11:11 Okay, now put your lid on.
11:19 It starts start-up slower.
11:32 Okay, and keep doing that.
11:34 Keep stirring and starting until it gets all blended up.
11:42 And assistants you can help.
11:46 Okay.
11:47 Wait, wait, wait, till we get the lid on,
11:49 Christopher.
11:50 You're gonna give me a ricotta bath.
11:56 Okay.
12:00 Okay, at this stage this is ricotta.
12:04 You could actually use this as a dip with crackers,
12:06 boys and girls, or you can refrigerate it
12:11 if you're not ready to cook but we're ready to cook.
12:14 So we're gonna go ahead and add...
12:16 Let me get my other recipe.
12:18 We're gonna add our block of water packed tofu.
12:21 So, Christopher, put a water packed tofu.
12:24 Everybody put the whole block of water packed tofu in.
12:28 And you can kind of mush it down a little bit.
12:31 You're gonna add your dried parsley.
12:37 Here's dried parsley.
12:40 Here's three fourths of a teaspoon of salt.
12:45 Here's your onion powder and your garlic powder.
12:48 Add all of that in, okay?
12:52 And then we're gonna mix that up.
12:55 The spinach will be the last thing that we mix.
12:58 So it's not like totally green.
13:02 Although I love green, it's one of my favorite colors.
13:07 But I think we'll wait.
13:08 And also, if like some blenders are more powerful than others
13:14 so if you see that the assistants,
13:17 if you see their blender is not working,
13:19 is not mixing it up good.
13:21 I gave you some almond milk and you can add it a tablespoon
13:25 at a time until it just blends a little bit.
13:29 It's gonna look like a little chunky
13:31 because it's ricotta and, boys and girls,
13:34 you don't want it to be real smooth.
13:36 So if your blender's not as powerful
13:38 as what one some of these are,
13:42 0then just add a little bit of almond milk to it
13:45 but only a tablespoon at a time
13:47 because you want it to be thick,
13:48 okay?
13:50 Okay, you ready, kids? Yes.
13:52 Make sure your lid's on.
13:55 Children, start your engines!
14:00 Turn it up.
14:05 Ours is starting.
14:12 Okay, turn it down, turn it off.
14:14 And let's poke it down.
14:16 Poke it down.
14:20 Good job.
14:22 Christopher, you're awesome in the kitchen.
14:29 Turn it, turn slowly up, keep going.
14:44 Okay, we're gonna add a tablespoon
14:46 of milk to ours.
14:51 Which a tablespoon...
14:52 Kids, if you just have this kind of a spoon,
14:54 this is a teaspoon.
14:56 You can add three of these.
14:57 Three teaspoons make a tablespoon.
15:04 Okay?
15:05 Okay, I'm gonna go like this and just move it down.
15:16 There you go.
15:18 Okay, go ahead.
15:20 Turn it up.
15:24 Turn it up.
15:25 How you guys doing over there?
15:30 Oh, it's starting. It's starting.
15:34 Here let's give it some juice.
15:41 Almost.
15:42 And, boys and girls,
15:44 this is what you're gonna have to do at home
15:45 because this is a little thick.
15:47 Ours is almost done.
15:50 So just be patient and you'll get it mixed up.
15:55 We are...
15:57 Just a minute, don't turn it on yet.
15:59 Yeah, give me a bath.
16:06 We're gonna add our spinach.
16:11 We're ready to add our spinach.
16:14 Are you guys ready to add your spinach?
16:16 Not yet.
16:18 Now remember, it's not supposed to be smooth.
16:21 This is supposed to be...
16:22 Let's get it all in.
16:24 That's good nutrition right there,
16:25 Christopher.
16:27 It's not supposed to be smooth.
16:29 And, boys and girls,
16:30 when you're making this at home, remember,
16:32 it's not supposed to be smooth, okay?
16:37 Okay, Christopher, put our lid on.
16:44 Turn it up a little bit.
16:45 There you go. Turn it up some more.
16:48 Turn it up some more.
16:49 Turn it up some more.
16:55 Good job.
17:00 Good job.
17:07 Okay, you turn it off.
17:09 Let's check it.
17:11 Let's push it down a little again.
17:19 Good job.
17:21 How you guys doing over there?
17:23 You doing it?
17:27 And your spinach,
17:28 you don't have to get it all mixed up.
17:33 Let's get the edge, Christopher.
17:34 Oh, there you go.
17:35 Okay, go ahead.
17:39 One more time, Christopher.
17:46 Okay, that's enough.
17:49 So see, boys and girls.
17:52 I'm gonna bring mine around.
17:54 I'm gonna bring ours around.
17:57 Okay, at this stage.
17:59 Jackson, you don't need to blend anymore.
18:01 Just stir up.
18:03 See, how I have half green.
18:05 We don't... We don't have them in one bit.
18:06 We don't want all the spinach to get chopped up.
18:09 So, boys and girls, you don't want all the spinach
18:11 to get chopped up.
18:12 See, how we have half green and this part's white.
18:15 At this point
18:18 pour all of this into your orange bowl, okay?
18:22 Is all of this green like...
18:24 It's supposed to be that much.
18:26 That's fine.
18:27 Pour it all into your orange bowl now
18:29 and we're getting ready to stuff our shells.
18:33 So I'm gonna pour it into here.
18:36 See the consistency it's...
18:38 You don't want it real smooth.
18:41 We're still gonna have a pretty green color,
18:42 aren't we, Christopher?
18:44 It looks you can't put too much green in it.
18:46 Oh, you can't put too much green in
18:49 and it'll be yummy.
18:51 It's gonna taste good.
18:52 Look, I mixed avocado.
18:55 Oh, I love avocado.
18:57 Who loves avocado?
19:00 Am I the only one that loves?
19:01 Oh, you do?
19:03 Oh, Iana.
19:04 Who does?
19:06 You do, Jackson? Yep.
19:07 Oh!
19:10 So maybe next time
19:11 we'll make this avocado ricotta.
19:14 Oh, that kind of sounds fun, huh?
19:16 Avocado ricotta.
19:21 Okay, so good job.
19:23 You're stirring it up for us.
19:25 Okay, when you get it into your orange bowl.
19:29 Now I want you to get your 9x13 pan.
19:34 We can move the blender's assistants.
19:37 Here, let me unplug this.
19:39 And we're just gonna take this out of our way.
19:42 How about that?
19:45 Okay, and get your 9x13 pan.
19:50 Okay, Christopher.
19:52 Now kids, I want you to take very, very carefully,
19:57 take your pasta sauce and you wanna put
20:02 just about a just to cover the bottom of the dish,
20:05 just so your little boats will have something to swim in.
20:10 Okay?
20:17 Got it.
20:22 Good job. That's perfect.
20:24 That is perfect.
20:27 Okay, now what you're gonna do
20:30 is you're gonna take one of your stuff shells
20:35 and you're gonna fill it full with your ricotta mixture
20:39 and then set it into your...
20:44 On top of your sauce just like that.
20:47 I'll get you a spoon.
20:48 Just like that, okay?
20:51 There you go.
20:53 There you go.
20:55 I got to finally move this out of here.
20:59 And you should have enough to fill.
21:04 And then you have two different kinds of vegan cheese.
21:07 You have a parmesan and a vegan mozzarella
21:11 that you can put on top when you're all finished.
21:19 How are you guys doing?
21:23 Oh, that's awesome.
21:27 Very good.
21:30 You're welcome to...
21:34 You're welcome, Jackson.
21:35 Are you having fun?
21:41 And you know what?
21:42 I love how polite you always are, Jackson.
21:44 Yep.
21:46 Does your mommy always tell you to be polite?
21:48 Yes.
21:50 Well...
21:51 I like my mom, she teach me good rules.
21:54 Oh, that's awesome.
22:01 How are you doing?
22:03 Very...
22:05 Now you guys when you put them in,
22:06 make sure you get nice even rows.
22:09 Put them in nice even rows, okay?
22:14 Good job, Crystal.
22:16 How you doing, McKenzie?
22:17 Here's the spoon for you sweetheart.
22:20 Let's put this over here so that McKenzie can reach it.
22:24 There you go. You can...
22:26 Can you reach this, Faith? You know what?
22:28 Let's put this here,
22:29 but let's get McKenzie a few over here.
22:31 There you go, McKenzie. Now can you reach that?
22:34 Want me to help you?
22:36 See, put it right.
22:37 Get a big old spoonful.
22:39 I want more than that.
22:41 Oh, I got to have enough to taste.
22:43 And, Faith, do we have two spoons?
22:48 You know what, Miss Iana,
22:49 there's another spoon on my tray.
22:52 Just get Faith mine. Good job.
22:55 Now take this and put it in your sauce.
22:58 Set it in your sauce.
23:01 Good job. And you know what?
23:03 You even put it in a great place on the bowl.
23:07 There you go, Faith.
23:09 That's awesome.
23:10 Okay, grab another shell.
23:11 Can you hold a shell with this hand
23:13 and then fill it.
23:15 Hold it like that and then fill it
23:16 and then put it and keep it in...
23:18 This was perfect how you put that
23:20 and put that right the one right next to it
23:23 make nice even rows.
23:24 Good job, girls.
23:26 How we doing back here?
23:29 Oh, I...
23:31 I think I'm hungry.
23:33 This looks good enough to eat.
23:36 Guys, you're doing an awesome job.
23:39 How are you doing, Maya, and Elaine?
23:41 Oh, and I like it.
23:43 You're putting it in nice even rows.
23:44 That's awesome.
23:47 Very good.
23:48 Boys and girls, I hope you're learning
23:51 how to do this.
23:52 So, you know, don't worry about
23:54 not having the recipe.
23:55 If you don't have the recipe, you can just go
23:59 to 3ABNKidsCamp.tv
24:05 and get the recipe, okay?
24:08 And then you can print the recipe
24:10 and you can make this at home.
24:13 How are we doing over here, Christopher?
24:15 Oh, Christopher, I'm so proud of you.
24:17 Nice even rows.
24:20 Boys and girls, aren't they doing a good job?
24:25 Who's gonna try and make this for their families at home?
24:29 Oh, good.
24:31 Your families are in for a real treat, aren't they?
24:35 Oh, man, Jackson.
24:39 They're gonna love this, aren't they?
24:41 I think your little brother's gonna love this.
24:44 Well, I'm making it for my brother,
24:46 and my mom, and my dad.
24:47 Oh, good job.
24:49 And my big sister.
24:51 She's right over there with Maya.
24:53 Oh!
24:55 I just can't get this.
24:56 How about let's take one that's not broke, Jackson?
24:59 And how about if I hold it for you?
25:03 You know what?
25:04 Well, I'll help you fill this one then.
25:06 Here 'cause it's okay,
25:08 if we put a filling in, it'll stay together.
25:12 Here you go, Crystal.
25:13 Can you put some right in there?
25:14 I need a one that's really open.
25:16 You need one that's really open.
25:18 'Cause I can't get one there like that.
25:20 Now do you see
25:21 why I call them Lil Italian boats?
25:24 Don't they look like a boat?
25:27 They do. Don't they?
25:28 They look just like a little boat.
25:30 Oh, that's okay, Jackson.
25:32 And mommy.
25:33 You know, there's no dairy in this.
25:36 So you're welcome to just lick your fingers.
25:38 You know that? Here you go.
25:40 There you go. Who needs a napkin?
25:44 Well keep going.
25:45 I'll bring you some but keep going
25:47 because your fingers are
25:48 just gonna keep getting dirty so...
25:51 And you know what it means when you get your hands dirty
25:55 in the kitchen.
25:57 We're having fun.
25:58 Exactly, Crystal.
26:00 And who's having fun?
26:01 Me!
26:03 Boys and girls, I know you're gonna have fun
26:05 if you anytime you're in the kitchen
26:09 because look how much fun we're having.
26:13 And also, it's nutritious.
26:16 You know what? That looks good enough to eat.
26:18 I'm not gonna eat it.
26:20 You're gonna wait and bake it.
26:21 I'm saving it up for my mom.
26:23 Well, very good.
26:26 And, you know, we're gonna bake these.
26:29 And after we...
26:31 You're gonna sprinkle some cheese
26:32 when you get your whole dish full.
26:35 Then you can sprinkle your vegan cheese on it,
26:37 boys and girls.
26:39 And then Miss Cinda will put it in the oven for us,
26:42 okay?
26:43 But Miss Cinda has some already baked
26:47 that you kids can try.
26:48 What do you think of that?
26:52 That looks good enough to eat, doesn't it?
26:53 Christopher, you're doing an awesome job.
26:55 Now you can sprinkle some cheese over yours
26:57 if you'd like.
26:59 And also you need to spoon some sauce.
27:01 Take your spoon.
27:03 Oh, you know, Christopher, Miss Cinda forgot to tell you.
27:07 Put some sauce over that first.
27:09 Put some... Put your...
27:11 Pour your extra sauce over the top of your shells.
27:15 You can spoon or pour, whichever you want.
27:17 Yes, nope, that sauce, your red pasta sauce
27:22 if you have it all full.
27:24 Boys and girls, remember,
27:26 anytime you can be in the kitchen, it's fun.
27:30 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do...
27:33 Do it all to the glory of God.


Revised 2021-01-13