3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun

Sope with Refried Beans

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCKF

Program Code: KCKF190006S

00:03 Oh, Julie, the campers are here!
00:05 Ah!
00:07 Hey! Campers! We need you to unlock the door.
00:12 Julie, they can't unlock the door.
00:14 Oh, right.
00:16 We went outside to go get the tomatoes
00:17 for the recipe we're making today,
00:19 but Julie forgot to grab the keys
00:21 to let us back in.
00:22 Oops.
00:24 Well, at least we didn't turn on the oven.
00:25 Wait.
00:26 Did we? I can't remember.
00:28 I don't know.
00:29 Well, there must be a spare key around here somewhere, right?
00:33 Oh, I got it.
00:34 Oh, excuse me.
00:36 Okay, There's not much room.
00:37 Go.
00:38 I found it!
00:40 Now I know it's definitely one of these.
00:44 But there's so many.
00:46 Julie, we don't have time for this.
00:47 The program is about to start.
00:49 Oh, okay.
00:53 Julie, do you hear beeping coming from in there?
00:56 Oh, did you turn on the oven?
00:59 I think I turned on the oven. Oh, no!
01:01 Campers, we need you to turn off the oven.
01:05 They can't turn off our oven.
01:07 Oh, yeah!
01:09 - In there... - Hello!
01:10 Okay, cut, cut.
01:13 Girls, how many times have I had to tell you,
01:16 you are in a television set, so you can just walk around.
01:19 - We can walk... - Oh, yeah.
01:20 Go, go, hurry. Go.
01:23 Go! Get in.
01:28 - That was a close one. - Yeah.
01:30 - We shouldn't do that again. - Oh, no.
01:32 Oh, it's about time for "Kitchen Fun" to start.
01:35 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do...
01:38 Do it all to the glory of God.
01:40 "Kitchen Fun" is up next.
02:05 Oh, boys and girls, who is ready to cook?
02:11 Me!
02:13 And, boys and girls,
02:15 you are going to have fun today.
02:17 And we have some boys and girls with us
02:19 that are gonna have fun today.
02:21 So let me introduce them.
02:24 Let's start right here.
02:26 Hello, my name is Gavin and I'm from Southern Illinois.
02:30 Welcome, Gavin.
02:31 My name is Tyziah and I'm from West Frankfort.
02:34 Welcome, Tyziah.
02:36 My name is Crystal and I'm from Idaho.
02:38 Welcome, Crystal.
02:42 My name is Christopher and I'm from Idaho.
02:44 Welcome, Christopher.
02:46 My name is Elayne and I'm from Tennessee.
02:49 Welcome, Elayne.
02:54 My name is Amanda and I'm from Illinois.
02:56 Welcome, Amanda.
02:58 My name is Kadence and I'm from Illinois.
03:00 Welcome, Kadence.
03:05 My name is Jaxson and I'm from Tennessee.
03:08 Welcome, Jaxson.
03:10 My name is Maia and I'm from Michigan.
03:12 Welcome, Maia.
03:16 My name is lannah and I'm from Illinois.
03:19 Welcome, lannah.
03:21 My name is Faith and I'm from Tennessee.
03:23 Welcome, Faith.
03:24 Who would like to know what we're cooking today?
03:27 Oh, everybody.
03:29 Well, this is what we're cooking today.
03:34 We call this sopes, sopes.
03:39 Can you guys say sope?
03:41 Sope.
03:42 Look, does that look good?
03:45 You're gonna...
03:46 It's like a real thick corn tortilla.
03:50 And you're gonna get to learn how to make them.
03:53 And then you can go home
03:54 and make them for your families.
03:57 So to get started...
04:00 Oh, you guys, this is gonna be a fun one.
04:02 So to get started,
04:04 we want to get your big red mixing bowls.
04:08 And, boys and girls,
04:10 don't worry about getting the recipe
04:12 and writing down really fast what I'm telling the kids,
04:17 just sit back and enjoy and learn how we're doing it
04:20 because you can always go to
04:24 3ABNKidsCamp.tv
04:29 and get the recipe, okay?
04:32 All right, so get your red bowls.
04:34 Now here, Gavin,
04:35 I'm gonna move you over
04:37 and let you do mine for me, okay?
04:38 You think you can handle that?
04:40 - Yep. - All right.
04:42 This is called instant corn masa.
04:46 Okay?
04:47 It's instant corn...
04:48 It's like a corn flour.
04:50 So get your corn flour.
04:54 Measure two cups and into your red bowl.
04:58 And when you measure, remember to level off.
05:02 So you can take the handle of your wooden spoon
05:06 or flat handle or your hand, level your cup off.
05:10 Okay?
05:12 'Cause you want to make sure you get the right amount.
05:14 Very good, Elayne.
05:16 Very good, Maia and Jaxson.
05:19 Very good, Ilana and Faith.
05:20 Very good over there.
05:25 Okay, two cups.
05:28 You can use this too.
05:30 If You can use your spatula if you need to,
05:33 if you're having trouble
05:34 getting it out of your little bowls.
05:36 Okay?
05:37 You can use your spatulas.
05:39 How are you girls doing?
05:41 Good.
05:42 Oh, that's a good job, Amanda and Kadence.
05:47 Here, how about if we go like this?
05:50 But you know what, messes in the kitchen are okay.
05:54 There you go. We'll go like this.
05:56 And now you can hold it over the bowl
05:58 and, flat, even it out.
06:00 That's okay.
06:01 Good job.
06:02 All right, Now you're gonna take two teaspoons of salt.
06:08 Do you see your salt?
06:10 Here's yours.
06:11 Two teaspoons of salt and put your salt in there.
06:18 Okay, stir that together.
06:21 Once you get your salt, stir it together,
06:26 and then put your gloves on.
06:28 You will need gloves for sure for this.
06:33 And, our assistants,
06:38 if you can just move there...
06:40 Just remove the teaspoons to the other tray
06:44 and let's move this out of their workspace
06:46 so that they have more work, places to work.
06:50 Thank you.
06:52 Okay.
06:54 Oh, I'm sorry, Gavin.
06:55 Did I move your other glove?
06:57 Yeah.
07:00 Thank you. You need two gloves.
07:03 Okay, now take your spoons out of your bowls
07:06 'cause you will not use your spoons.
07:09 You will just use...
07:13 your hands.
07:16 Okay.
07:17 Now what I want you to do
07:20 is you have two cups of water.
07:23 I want you first to start off with only one
07:27 and three-fourths cup of water.
07:30 Pour it into your bowl.
07:32 So just look at the three-fourths,
07:34 make sure you get...
07:36 Just go down to the one-fourth line.
07:38 Pour everything in down to the one-fourth line.
07:41 Pour everything in down to there.
07:44 You have it.
07:45 Pour everything in, down to the one-fourth line.
07:47 Down here. Right down there.
07:50 And then I want you to get your hands in there.
07:53 You see the one-fourth line?
07:56 You may use it all, boys and girls,
07:59 but we don't want to get it too wet
08:02 because then you won't be able to work it into a dough.
08:05 We're gonna move this over for you.
08:08 Is this good, Miss Cinda?
08:12 You can add just a touch more 'cause you're on the...
08:16 See, you're on the half line.
08:18 Boys and girls,
08:20 when you are measuring a liquid,
08:22 make sure that you put your liquid,
08:25 the measuring cup down.
08:27 Now let's get down and look.
08:29 Do you see how it's really a half?
08:32 So let's turn it over,
08:35 and then you need to go down a little bit more.
08:38 Because if you're holding it, it doesn't,
08:41 you cannot get an accurate measurement, okay?
08:44 Good. Now get your hands in.
08:47 Oh, yes.
08:48 You've only added half of your water.
08:51 So add down to your one-fourth line.
08:54 And you may need to add it all.
08:57 But if it's too dry, you'll add more water.
09:03 You need more water, too.
09:05 If it's too dry, let's add more water.
09:09 Yes.
09:13 Okay, let's not use this.
09:15 I want you to use your hands, so scoop that off your hand.
09:17 Scoop that off.
09:19 And now I want you to get your hands in there
09:21 and do it.
09:22 Okay. Miss Cinda.
09:23 Yes. I just too watered or...
09:26 Work it with your hands.
09:27 You're gonna want to work it into a dough.
09:28 I should need some more water?
09:30 Let me see.
09:31 'Cause it's kind of like a paste.
09:33 No.
09:34 You need to work all that flour in there,
09:36 and it's gonna be like a paste.
09:39 It's gonna be kind of like Play-Doh, you guys.
09:42 How's yours?
09:45 Oh!
09:47 You did.
09:48 So let's put all this in.
09:50 So, boys and girls,
09:51 they have too much water in theirs.
09:53 So what they're gonna do is put all their leftover masa in.
09:58 Miss Cinda. Yes.
09:59 Is this right?
10:02 Yes, that's perfect.
10:04 Now work it into a bowl
10:06 and then divide the bowl into two,
10:09 so each of you has one.
10:11 Do you need more masa in yours?
10:13 Because let me see.
10:18 Now work it into a bowl. Let me look.
10:20 You girls may need some more.
10:23 Now work it into dough and they're gonna bring you...
10:26 Oh, here's some more here.
10:28 So you're gonna just keep adding the corn masa
10:31 if you add too much flour because the recipe calls for.
10:36 You want equal amounts of your corn masa
10:39 and equal amounts of water.
10:41 Okay?
10:42 So if you're at home
10:44 and you want to just do a little batch,
10:46 you do one cup of masa flour, one cup of water,
10:49 but you might just need a...
10:52 They're bringing this more.
10:54 Okay?
10:55 So, yeah, you probably need a little bit more, too.
11:00 That's perfect.
11:02 Okay, let's move this over.
11:05 That's perfect.
11:07 Now break that into four, like four little balls.
11:13 Did you guys... Do you guys need some more?
11:15 I think add a little bit more to you guys.
11:18 Here, Elayne.
11:19 Put it all back in
11:21 and add a little bit more to that.
11:22 Say miss... Excuse me, Miss Cinda.
11:24 - Excuse me, Miss Cinda. - Yes, Jaxson.
11:26 I don't know how to roll this.
11:29 Let me see if you have enough.
11:33 Oh, that's okay.
11:34 So now let's make...
11:36 Pinch it off like this.
11:38 And let's make four of this.
11:40 Can you, boys and girls, see this?
11:41 I'm pinching it off like this
11:44 and I'm making it into four balls.
11:48 Each one of you.
11:51 Thank you, Miss Cinda. You're welcome.
11:52 Now let me go get another... some more dough.
11:55 Is that good, Miss Cinda?
11:57 Oh, perfect.
12:00 Okay, this is a little bit sticky still.
12:04 Let's add a little bit more.
12:06 The consistency...
12:08 You need it to be, the consistency of,
12:10 like a Play-Doh.
12:14 You want it tender
12:15 but you don't want it really sticky, okay?
12:19 Okay, so I'm gonna give you half,
12:22 make your half into a ball.
12:23 So, boys and girls,
12:25 we're gonna make this into a ball.
12:26 We're gonna pinch off and make about four of these.
12:31 Now you really can make these bigger if you want
12:34 because there's no specific size.
12:37 If you wanted to make someone a really big one,
12:41 you can do that.
12:43 In fact, I think I'll make a little bit bigger one.
12:45 How about that?
12:46 Okay, here, if I stand here, can you all see me?
12:49 Yeah.
12:51 Kids, if I stand here?
12:52 Okay, I want you to... I worked that into a ball.
12:57 It's started to ball. I'm working it into a ball.
13:00 Now I'm gonna flatten it a little bit
13:02 with my hand, like that.
13:04 You want them thick.
13:05 And now I'm gonna make a little edge all around,
13:09 so I'm making it almost like a little...
13:13 Bowl.
13:15 Well, bowl.
13:16 That's good. I like that, Tyziah.
13:18 A little bowl.
13:21 Now, see, Tyziah's right.
13:23 I'm making it like a little bowl.
13:24 See I'm putting...
13:26 And you know why I'm making it like this?
13:28 Because I'm gonna put my refried beans in here
13:32 and my tomatoes and avocados.
13:37 Who likes avocado?
13:41 Anybody else?
13:43 Who likes tomatoes?
13:46 Oh, wow,
13:47 you kids are doing really good.
13:51 Who likes salsa?
13:54 Who likes jalapenos?
13:56 Whoa, Jaxson, you love jalapenos?
14:00 Awesome.
14:01 Okay, so then I want you to do this
14:04 with each one of your sopes.
14:08 Okay?
14:10 I'm already on my second.
14:12 Good job, Jaxson.
14:14 Okay, assistants,
14:15 if you could put the electric skillets up.
14:18 And, kids, give them room to put the electric skillet up,
14:23 okay?
14:24 Is this good?
14:26 That's very good.
14:27 Little thin, little flatter.
14:29 See, you want to go down a little flatter.
14:33 You don't want a big bowl,
14:34 you want a flat bowl with just a little lip.
14:38 Okay?
14:40 And, kids,
14:42 if you kind of move over a little bit
14:44 and let the assistants...
14:49 be able to put your electric skillets on
14:52 because we're gonna cook these.
14:54 And then who wants to eat one?
14:56 Me!
14:59 Who? Who wants to eat one?
15:01 Me!
15:02 I thought you all did.
15:07 These are delicious, guys.
15:10 Okay, let me move you over here, Gavin.
15:14 And is this yours, Gavin, or is this yours, Tyziah?
15:16 I think its Gavin's.
15:18 That's Gavin's, okay.
15:19 Oh, let's get all of yours in here, Gavin.
15:21 Oh, yeah. You see there?
15:23 We don't want to leave all that good stuff.
15:28 Do you see, boys and girls,
15:30 how the dough doesn't stick to my hands?
15:34 And that's what you want.
15:36 You want a dough
15:37 that doesn't stick to your hands
15:38 and it's just a soft Play-Doh like consistency.
15:42 And that's when you know you've got a good...
15:46 you've done it right.
15:47 You add enough masa, corn flour,
15:50 and you have enough water.
15:52 Okay? There you go.
15:54 Now I'm gonna get our electric skillets up here.
15:59 We have our electric skillets hiding down here.
16:03 I'm gonna put this one long way so it'll fit.
16:07 Like this, Miss Cinda?
16:08 Yep, keep going.
16:11 I'm gonna put this one like this.
16:14 Now I'm turning the electric skillet up.
16:17 So don't touch this, okay?
16:19 It's sticking.
16:21 Then roll it into a ball and start again.
16:24 There you go.
16:25 Okay, excuse me, Tyziah.
16:28 I'm gonna move you guys over right here.
16:30 You're doing good, Crystal.
16:32 - Are you having fun? - Yeah.
16:33 You like this?
16:35 Okay, now, Tyziah and Crystal, I've turned your skillet on.
16:40 Kids, when we're in the kitchen,
16:43 what do we always have to remember
16:47 besides wash our hands, which you all did,
16:49 but we have to remember what?
16:52 Don't touch hot surfaces.
16:53 Excellent.
16:55 We have to remember safety.
16:57 Don't touch hot surfaces.
16:59 That was excellent, Tyziah.
17:01 So we have to remember to always be safe.
17:04 So if you were at home,
17:06 and you were making these at home,
17:09 and you're getting ready
17:10 to turn your electric skillet on,
17:12 400 degrees, by the way,
17:16 what are you gonna do?
17:19 Leave it to the side tray over here so.
17:22 No.
17:24 Who can tell me
17:26 before you turn your electric skillet on,
17:28 what are you gonna do? Gavin?
17:31 Have supervision.
17:33 Thank you.
17:34 Don't ever do this, boys and girls.
17:37 Boys and girls, also, I want to make sure,
17:40 you remember safety is the most important.
17:43 Don't ever turn electric skillet on
17:46 or any electrical appliance
17:48 unless you have an adult with you, okay?
17:51 So that's why we have a lot of assistants here
17:54 because, why do we have the assistants here?
17:57 Because the skillets are hot
17:59 and they don't want you to touch them
18:02 because your hand will get burned.
18:04 Thank you, Jaxson. That's right.
18:06 And we want to be safe.
18:08 Okay, when you get all these made up,
18:13 then we're going to start
18:16 putting them in our skillet and cooking them.
18:18 Now you don't have to use any oil.
18:22 Oops. We'll get you another one.
18:24 Okay, Elayne?
18:29 You don't have to use oil
18:31 and you don't have to use even a nonstick cooking spray
18:36 because we want just to...
18:38 I mean, you could if you wanted
18:39 but we don't need to.
18:41 You can just put these in a dry nonstick skillet.
18:44 If your skillet sticks,
18:47 then you'll need to put something in it, okay?
18:52 And, you know, when you use this corn masa flour,
18:56 you could also...
18:57 If you didn't want to do this kind of it,
18:59 you can do it really flat
19:01 and make your own corn tortillas.
19:04 If you do it really flat or you can make...
19:07 Whosever heard of a pupusa?
19:10 A pupusa, you make a thicker flat,
19:14 and you can put some beans in the middle,
19:18 and you can put another flat, round disk on top,
19:22 and push them together on the edges,
19:24 and you can fry those up, and have a pupusa.
19:29 Okay, how are we coming?
19:32 See.
19:33 Very good.
19:35 How are you guys doing, Iannah and and Faith?
19:39 Very good.
19:41 This one's kind of thick, and this one's kind of thick,
19:44 and this one's kind of thick.
19:45 You're gonna have a hard time getting that in the middle.
19:48 So you either have to flatten them
19:49 and make them really...
19:51 Let me show you.
19:52 So, boys and girls, this, if you get it like this,
19:55 that's not gonna cook in the middle.
19:57 So you really need to...
19:59 If you want it that big,
20:00 you need to really flatten it out.
20:03 This is really gonna be a big one, you guys.
20:06 You wanted that big?
20:09 That's kind of big. That's kind of big.
20:11 I think you can make another one out of that.
20:13 Let's start all over,
20:15 and see, that's what's nice about this.
20:16 You can just start all over.
20:18 And let's go like this.
20:20 You want it about like, so squish it down.
20:23 So let me just show you how thick
20:27 because these are going to be in your skillet.
20:29 So about that thick, boys and girls.
20:33 Can you see that? Can you guys all see that?
20:35 You want yours about like this thick.
20:37 So if you have yours thicker than that,
20:39 you need to flatten them out more.
20:41 And then you can start putting your lip up.
20:45 See how I'm doing this?
20:47 I'm taking some from the middle and I'm putting a little lip.
20:51 You don't have to have a big one.
20:53 You can just have a little one.
20:57 See?
21:00 And that you will be able to cook much easier.
21:06 See the difference?
21:09 And you can even flatten them a little bit more
21:11 once you lay them down
21:13 because otherwise
21:15 it's not gonna cook in the middle.
21:18 How is you guys is?
21:20 Good.
21:21 Good.
21:22 Are they good?
21:25 How's it going over here?
21:28 These are little thick, Elayne.
21:30 So let's just...
21:31 We can just do like this
21:33 and flatten them out a little bit.
21:37 Has anybody ever had a sope before?
21:41 No.
21:42 No? No.
21:44 Oh, that's awesome.
21:48 Are you glad we're making this
21:50 instead of what I told you I was gonna make?
21:54 Yeah.
21:56 Tyziah, do you remember
21:58 what I told you we were gonna make today?
22:02 Something with sauerkraut and toast.
22:05 Do you remember? You remember, Gavin?
22:07 Cream of sauerkraut with toast...
22:11 and toast.
22:15 I was teasing them beforehand, boys and girls.
22:17 And I was telling them,
22:19 "We were gonna make cream of sauerkraut over rye toast.
22:24 They weren't real excited about that.
22:30 So was this a better surprise? Yeah.
22:32 Okay.
22:34 Okay, now put yours in the skillet.
22:38 And you want to get them really brown on the skillet.
22:41 Let's see how brown yours is.
22:44 That's a little...
22:49 Well, you could do a little bit more, a bit.
22:51 And then once they're brown on one side,
22:54 then you're gonna flip them over,
22:57 but they got to get nice and brown.
22:58 And be really careful, guys,
23:01 that you do not burn yourself,
23:03 okay?
23:06 Because...
23:07 Has anybody ever burned theirselves?
23:10 Yeah.
23:11 Yeah.
23:13 What did it feel like?
23:14 It just felt like a big huge sting and it...
23:17 And it hurt, doesn't it?
23:19 And it like stayed for a long times.
23:21 And it hurts, doesn't it?
23:23 Mm-hmm. It's not fun.
23:25 So that's why we always have safety in our minds.
23:30 We always have to be safe, boys and girls,
23:33 'cause you do not want to get burned.
23:35 That is not fun.
23:37 It isn't.
23:38 No.
23:40 Okay, you want to do a couple more?
23:41 Sure. And let's flatten it.
23:43 This one needs to be flattened out a little bit,
23:44 Gavin, or that's not gonna...
23:46 How's you guys...
23:48 You guys might need to flatten your sides out
23:50 a little bit more.
23:55 Well, you guys have...
23:57 We could put this one in, Elayne.
24:01 There, you can put that one in.
24:03 Excuse me, Miss Cinda.
24:06 Yes.
24:07 Ooh, Jaxson and Maia have some almost ready.
24:13 Look at this.
24:15 That's almost ready.
24:16 I'll show you, boys and girls, when theirs gets ready.
24:20 Are yours almost ready Kadence and Amanda?
24:22 Nope.
24:24 Nope?
24:25 It's taking a little longer.
24:27 Can I make a little tiny one?
24:28 Oh, you can make a little tiny one?
24:29 I did that one.
24:31 Amanda, show the boys and girls around the world
24:35 what you're making.
24:40 Look.
24:46 You can make all kinds of fun shapes.
24:50 I'm gonna flatten yours just a little bit more
24:52 because that's a little thick
24:56 and it's not gonna cook.
25:00 There.
25:02 Do we have any that are done?
25:05 Let's see.
25:06 I'm gonna make a little tiny one.
25:08 It is smoking.
25:10 Ours aren't done yet, Gavin.
25:13 Close.
25:15 You want one side to get...
25:17 You want one side,
25:19 this bottom side to be a little brown.
25:22 Let's look.
25:23 Nope, yours aren't ready either.
25:25 I think...
25:27 You have... Oh!
25:29 Show the boys and girls your little one, Gavin.
25:32 Look at this little tiny one he made.
25:38 Okay, who's got one ready?
25:42 Oh, Jaxson.
25:46 When you get them ready, boys and girls,
25:50 you can put your refried beans on it
25:54 and then you can put some tomato if you like,
25:58 you can put some avocado if you like.
26:01 Oh, oh, oh, not in the skillet, Jaxson.
26:03 Wait till she gets it out for you.
26:05 Let's see. Is that one ready?
26:08 Jaxson, I think this one's ready.
26:10 So let's put... Let's put...
26:14 Yep, here you go.
26:16 Let's put it on your paper towel.
26:18 Okay, I want you to put some beans on it.
26:20 Do you like avocado?
26:22 Oh, yes
26:23 And tomato?
26:25 I like a lot of stuff.
26:27 Okay.
26:28 Like my brother, he likes everything.
26:30 Your brother likes everything?
26:31 Mm-hmmm.
26:32 And you like everything?
26:34 Yes.
26:36 Not everything.
26:39 I don't like broccoli.
26:42 Oh, you don't like broccoli.
26:43 I like carrots.
26:45 You like carrots? Yep.
26:46 Okay.
26:48 You want some avocado on there and some tomato?
26:50 Yes. Maia, would you mind...
26:51 Would you please pass the tomatoes?
26:53 And, Maia, let's give you one to make too.
26:56 Here, Maia.
26:59 Okay, let Maia put some beans on
27:01 and then you put some tomato on.
27:03 And, boys and girls,
27:04 you can eat these as soon as you get yours all grilled up.
27:11 They smell good, don't they?
27:13 Boys and girls,
27:14 don't these look good enough for you to make at home?
27:17 You can put all kinds of toppings on them,
27:20 anything you want.
27:22 You could put even potatoes on them
27:24 because Miss Linda loves potatoes,
27:26 so she would put potatoes.
27:28 But you can put anything on you want.
27:31 Guys, you may need to turn yours.
27:36 Oh, yeah, that's a good one.
27:40 See, boys and girls, we're getting the bottoms done.
27:43 So, boys and girls, remember,
27:45 anytime you can be in the kitchen, it's fun.
27:53 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
27:56 do it all to the glory of God.
27:57 Good job.
28:00 Oh, that's a good one.
28:03 That's a good one.
28:07 Oh, you guys, these are good.
28:12 That's good.


Revised 2021-01-13