Cook 30 for Kid's

Cauliflower & Mint Fritters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon (Host)


Series Code: KCT

Program Code: KCT000012B

00:01 If you just joined us on Cook:30 for Kids,
00:02 we're cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
00:04 We have Anjali from Arkansas,
00:07 we have Chiang from China, and Tim from Illinois.
00:10 So, guys, what is on the menu today?
00:13 Well, we have cauliflower and mint fritters.
00:15 With tangy quinoa salad.
00:18 And for dessert, we have watermelon
00:20 and strawberry slushy, that's great.
00:23 Sounds great. Yeah. Brilliant.
00:25 Okay, so we've made excellent progress on our meal,
00:28 so we already started the fritters.
00:29 I'm just gonna get a paper towel.
00:31 I'm just gonna wipe this pan.
00:33 We don't need to use a new pan, we can just use the same one,
00:36 and we just gonna wipe it out here like that
00:41 and just to kind of give it a mini clean.
00:44 I'm sure that saves you time for washing dishes later.
00:47 Sure, it does exactly. Yes.
00:48 Less dishes. Exactly.
00:50 I've got some oil spray down here.
00:52 And oil spray is great to use
00:54 'cause you can get a really even coating of oil.
00:58 There you go. We're not using too much.
01:00 Would any kind of oil work?
01:01 Any kind of oil would work, yep.
01:03 And we're just gonna get these fritters,
01:04 and I'll do the first one,
01:05 so as you can see they look really yummy, don't they?
01:07 Mm-hmm.
01:08 And we're just gonna basically put these on the oil like this.
01:12 Oh, I better turn the gas on that might help.
01:14 Yeah.
01:15 Actually before I do, this is looking,
01:17 it's not quite fresher enough,
01:19 I'm gonna actually add little more water.
01:22 Let me just get this out here. Oops!
01:24 As you can see chefs make mistakes sometimes too.
01:26 Just a touch more water
01:29 and just to give it a bit more of a,
01:30 you kind of wanna make sure
01:31 it's kind of got a creamy texture
01:33 so it will stick together.
01:34 There we go.
01:35 Just a little bit of water makes a difference
01:37 and we're just gonna put this in here on the oil.
01:40 And these will take a couple of minutes per side.
01:42 Oops.
01:44 If they kind of fall off, put it with the spoon.
01:46 So you want about one big tablespoon
01:47 kind of dollops like that.
01:49 Yeah.
01:51 These are really kind of original,
01:52 you probably never had cauliflower mint fritters
01:53 before so these are really, really nice.
01:55 I never have. Me neither.
01:58 That looks good. Yeah, they look good.
02:00 So couple of minutes per side and they'll be done.
02:01 So hopefully they'll hold together,
02:03 the hardest part is keeping them whole together,
02:04 so hopefully they're gonna hold together well.
02:06 Okay, let's have a look at this quinoa,
02:07 is this finished now?
02:09 Yeah.
02:11 Okay, yes, I think it will, we've got to turn down,
02:13 it's kind of overcooked I think and it should be good.
02:15 So as you can see the quinoa is nice and cooked now.
02:17 Yeah.
02:18 So now we can make a salad out of it.
02:19 So this bowl here is a really nice rustic wooden bowl,
02:22 what do you think?
02:23 That's awesome.
02:25 So we're just gonna put lots of ingredients in this
02:26 so we've got this quinoa.
02:27 Oops. Looks like you got salad bowl.
02:29 It's my most favorite, salad bowl is brilliant.
02:31 So we're just gonna grab the quinoa
02:33 and we're gonna tip this out into the bowl.
02:35 And quinoa looks really hot.
02:37 It's good, there we go.
02:39 It's hot. Pretty good.
02:40 As you can see it's all kind of puffed up,
02:42 that's a beautiful little ingredient for salad.
02:44 So we just gonna put some really yummy ingredients in it.
02:47 So firstly, Tim, as I need you to just take the lid of that
02:49 and drain the liquid out of the olives.
02:52 And if you can get it with the same, Chiang,
02:54 if you can just drain them up, put your fingers over the end.
02:56 Yeah, okay.
02:57 And I'll let you chop up some red pepper here.
03:00 Okay.
03:01 So if you can just chop it up
03:04 and dice it just kind of fine as you can.
03:06 Okay. That would be great.
03:08 How about these?
03:09 So just kind of half it and dice it up. Cool.
03:11 Yep so pour them into the quinoa.
03:13 Red Greek olives. Yep, all of the olives.
03:16 They're Kalamata olives and they're pitted
03:17 so they haven't got pits on them,
03:19 they're kind of the nicest ones.
03:20 Again, if you don't like olives, it's not,
03:22 you can leave them out if you want.
03:23 And that's the best thing with salad,
03:24 you can just put your favorite ingredients.
03:26 Tim, can you open this can?
03:28 There should be can opener behind the blender there.
03:30 Yep, just into that. Okay.
03:32 So those are capers
03:33 and they're really yummy little kind of ingredients
03:35 that we're adding in here.
03:36 You does wanna try one, try caper.
03:39 Try one of those and see what you think.
03:45 Nice in flavor, right? Pretty interesting.
03:46 It's quite tangy.
03:48 Quite tangy, so capers are really nice,
03:50 they're kind of like an olive I suppose.
03:52 Oh, we better put these here.
03:54 Yeah.
03:56 Yep, just put in the bin here.
03:57 So, Chiang, so if you can put these,
03:59 if you can just basically do this.
04:00 Oh, yes.
04:01 And then just flip it like that, what do you think?
04:03 Yeah, that's good. You can do that?
04:04 Yeah, I can do, it's easy. Should drain this?
04:05 That looks delicious.
04:07 Yep, so drain the corn, we got some can corn
04:08 and we're just draining that, putting your hands over the end
04:10 and drain a liquid out.
04:13 Look at that lovely diced capsicum there.
04:16 And then we're going to, yep,
04:18 throw that in the salad there, Tim.
04:20 That's great. Oh, the color is awesome.
04:23 Brilliant. Wow, I like the color.
04:24 And then, Tim, I need you to put some lime juice in,
04:28 lime juice is really yummy,
04:29 so if you can squeeze those into the salad.
04:32 Instead of making a dressing,
04:33 we're just gonna put a few ingredients
04:34 so they gonna make it yummy,
04:36 so lime juice is kind of part of the dressing.
04:37 We're gonna put a dash of olive oil in as well.
04:42 Here we go.
04:43 And I wanna put in just little bit of salt.
04:46 There is a lot of salty things here
04:47 with the olives and the capers
04:48 but just a little bit of salt on there just to...
04:52 Help her go around with some color happening here
04:54 and we got some avocado coming up here,
04:57 so I'm just gonna get this avocado.
04:59 Avocado's probably a great ingredient
05:01 to make any salad taste amazing.
05:02 It's really nice. I love the colors.
05:05 Exactly, it's great.
05:07 So we just gonna take the skin off the avocado.
05:10 I'm so glad God made colors. Me too.
05:12 God made some amazing colors, isn't He?
05:14 He's amazing.
05:15 Just twist off the...
05:18 Can't get it off, I'll just chop it off.
05:20 Make sure to get the stone out before I am to that.
05:25 I'm just gonna chop this up into little...
05:30 One thing there. It's great.
05:33 I think you can do another lime, Tim.
05:35 That'd be good. I'll just cut it for you.
05:38 Here we go. Okay.
05:40 We got congestion on the chopping board,
05:41 you know, things are going well then.
05:43 Do some roughly chopped avocado.
05:46 I can't wait just to sit down and eat.
05:48 Me too. This is gonna be good.
05:49 It's brilliant.
05:51 So I'll just wash my hands, wash this off.
05:55 So it's really yummy, that's great.
05:57 Look at that, so you can put that on this platter.
05:58 Oh, it's done.
06:00 And okay, you just do another batch,
06:02 so just put them into there, just put them into there.
06:05 And see if you can do another batch here.
06:07 There is nice some more for you.
06:09 Just like way, you can put that one there,
06:11 give it a little station here.
06:15 So just put a little bit of spray before you start.
06:17 Do we add the bell peppers into the salad?
06:20 We do, put the bell peppers in.
06:22 So, Tim, we're gonna do the smoothie now so, Tim,
06:24 if you can grab the watermelon and some strawberries.
06:26 And we're gonna make a really nice slushy
06:28 to go along with this.
06:29 Yeah.
06:31 So if you can use this spoon here
06:32 and just start mixing, mixing it up.
06:35 Okay. And we got a watermelon here.
06:39 Thanks, Tim, and if you can get some frozen strawberries
06:41 as well.
06:42 I'm just gonna wipe the knife 'cause we don't any onion stuff
06:46 on the watermelon.
06:47 Wow. This looks delicious.
06:48 Throw it in the middle here like that.
06:50 Yeah.
06:51 Wow, look at that, I expected to get a red watermelon
06:56 and I ended up getting yellow watermelon.
06:58 Probably what's the chance of that?
07:00 How cool.
07:01 But we're just gonna make it cool
07:02 so what we do if something like this happens...
07:04 Yellow watermelon is good. We just change the...
07:06 Exactly, we just change the name of the recipe,
07:08 it still gonna be a watermelon and strawberry slushy.
07:11 So it's not gonna be very yellow and very red
07:13 so it's gonna look different, that's pretty funny.
07:16 I never tasted yellow watermelon before.
07:18 Neither have I. I have once.
07:19 How does it taste like, just have a look.
07:21 Tastes really good.
07:25 That tastes exactly like red watermelon.
07:27 Wow. That's amazing.
07:29 So, Tim, if you can put about half of the strawberries
07:31 into the blender?
07:33 Okay. Is this well mixed?
07:34 I'm just gonna roughly cut this here.
07:36 That is really well mixed.
07:37 So if you can give it, rather press it down
07:39 I think you give a bit of a fluff up
07:40 so it's kind of sits naturally.
07:42 You don't wanna press salads down,
07:43 you want things to fall with gravity.
07:45 Here we go.
07:47 Another, some more lime juice for the smoothie as well,
07:49 the slushy, and it's just a really nice cool drink.
07:55 That looks much better. It looks beautiful.
07:58 It does and we add a bit of herb to it shortly
08:00 and we're just gonna blend it.
08:01 Tim, if you can push the go button,
08:03 hit the high button and we'll blend the slushy.
08:08 You keep down your weight there.
08:10 Okay.
08:12 It's done.
08:15 It's going.
08:25 I think we need to stop now
08:27 and here we go the slushy is finished.
08:29 Yeah.
08:30 The fritters haven't got long to go,
08:32 we'll finish those in the break and this salad is done.
08:33 This meal is gonna be delicious.
08:35 Yeah. Yeah. That's probably is good.


Revised 2017-07-31