Cook 30 for Kid's

Tuscan Lentil & Butternut Stew

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon (Host)


Series Code: KCT

Program Code: KCT000020B

00:01 If you've just joined us on Cook:30 for Kids,
00:02 we're cooking up a storm in the kitchen
00:04 with Toby from Chicago and Anjali from Arkansas.
00:08 What's on the menu today?
00:10 Well, we have tuscan lentil and butternut stew
00:12 with Thai green curry rice.
00:14 And for dessert, we have cranberry-oatmeal balls.
00:17 That sounds really good.
00:20 We've made amazing progress.
00:23 So we've got the lentil stew is underway.
00:26 The pumpkin or the butternut
00:27 is probably not quite soft but it won't be too far away.
00:30 How can you tell if it's ready?
00:33 They are basically soft.
00:34 So basically you just put a knife in
00:35 and they basically come out.
00:37 We can just tell how soft they are.
00:38 Okay.
00:40 So the next ingredient we want to add to this is
00:41 because it is heating up nicely is lentils.
00:44 If you can grab some cans of lentils...
00:46 I'll grab it. Okay.
00:48 Toby's got his hands, so let see
00:49 if we can grab that one.
00:51 Yeah, don't worry, I'll get this one here.
00:52 So you want to open that without cutting yourself?
00:53 You're right with it. How do you do this?
00:55 So this one, you just kind of lift up like this,
00:56 push it in that way and then lift it up.
00:57 And if you can go to the sink with these
00:59 and just hold your hands in front of them
01:02 and pour them through so the water goes out
01:04 but the lentils stays inside.
01:06 Okay. That's great.
01:07 It's a lovely ingredient.
01:09 We're going to also add a little bit of honey
01:11 just for sweetness in this dish.
01:13 We're using tomatoes.
01:14 Tomato is quite acidic so you generally
01:16 want to add a little bit of sweetness
01:17 so adding a tablespoon of honey,
01:19 you could add agave, date puree, or any kind of,
01:21 you know, healthy sweetener.
01:24 That is going to be wonderful.
01:27 So lentils go in there.
01:29 The next ingredient
01:30 we're going to be looking at is...
01:33 Where can we find it? Coconut cream.
01:35 Just a little bit of coconut cream,
01:36 so we're just gonna shake this and we're going to just
01:37 basically put this in this to make it
01:39 a little bit creamy.
01:40 So give it a bit of a shake.
01:42 Is that actually from a coconut?
01:43 It's actually from the coconut.
01:44 Basically they get the sides of the coconut,
01:46 scrape it down,
01:47 squeeze it through them, make a cream,
01:48 something like that.
01:50 But basically island nations in the pacific
01:51 where I come from,
01:53 coconuts are just everywhere, it's amazing.
01:54 Coconut is an amazing, amazing food.
01:56 Whole communities live on it.
01:57 they can use it for food, they can use it to...
02:00 They make clothing out of it,
02:01 it's just a very, very versatile...
02:03 How do you make clothing out of coconuts?
02:05 All the husks and things and the different...
02:08 I'm not sure exactly
02:09 but they make lots of stuff out of them.
02:10 Basically it's a very, very important product.
02:12 Excuse me. Good question there.
02:16 So we just need to put the lentils in.
02:18 So if you can put those in, Anjali.
02:20 It's great. And I cannot, this is what I was looking for.
02:24 So do we put it in here? Right in here?
02:26 Sorry. Yep, put it right in there.
02:28 Just pour it in.
02:30 I'll try and find the missing can.
02:31 Now, here it is, right in front of me as usual.
02:35 So you can cook lentils up yourself if you want.
02:37 Beans are really easy to cook.
02:38 You just basically cook them for about
02:39 half an hour
02:41 because we have only limited time here,
02:43 it's much easier with lentils, so it's the kind of ingredient
02:45 you want to have in your pantry at home.
02:47 Lentils or any kind of beans
02:49 'cause they're really quick, really good for you
02:51 and they are great vegetarian protein source
02:53 that you can use.
02:54 This smells really good.
02:56 I just finished it, so should put it the oven?
02:58 Yeah, put in the oven. Okay.
02:59 So we're gonna put this in the oven.
03:01 These take about probably 10 to 15 minutes to cook.
03:04 So just put them in there and they will just simmer away,
03:07 be just kind of combined together
03:09 and kind of be like a oat cookie,
03:11 except we haven't got sugar or white flour in there.
03:13 It's kind of like a really
03:15 healthy oat version of a cookie so...
03:17 I'm having an awesome time. Oh, great, that's cool.
03:20 You're doing very well, so give that a good stir,
03:22 stir underneath as well.
03:24 So the next thing we'll look at is the rice.
03:28 So we're gonna serve this on rice.
03:30 Rather than just cook up rice as normally as heade by itself.
03:32 We're gonna make this rice a bit more exciting.
03:35 So in the fridge,
03:37 I'm actually gonna use leftover rice.
03:39 So whenever we cook rice, cook a bit more
03:41 and you got leftovers and the beauty is,
03:43 it's so easy to make a rice to start.
03:45 So here's this rice.
03:46 Smells good, that brings about probably a day or so old.
03:49 And as you can see, what does it look like?
03:51 Does it look nice and soft? Yeah, kind of.
03:53 It's kind of very hard. Kind of. Yeah.
03:55 Oh, yeah.
03:56 So what we wanna do is actually make this nice and soft.
03:58 There's a very simple technique for this.
04:00 I'd like to learn that technique.
04:01 It's very simple, just pour boiling water over it.
04:03 So what happens is this is dehydrated.
04:05 See it's very kind of very, very, dry.
04:08 So what we're gonna do is
04:10 put it in a bowl over here and...
04:13 Shall I get the water?
04:15 Yeah, get the boiling water.
04:16 And we're just gonna put some boiling water over it.
04:20 Yeah, just pour it over.
04:23 It's such a simple method, I didn't even know.
04:25 Yeah, we'll just pour the water over it.
04:27 Okay. Go hard, push on here.
04:29 And we'll just give it a couple of minutes in there,
04:33 and this will just kind of hydrate nicely,
04:35 and we are almost as good
04:36 as if we cooked just fresh rice.
04:38 So rice, it will probably keep in the fridge
04:40 about two to three days.
04:41 And you gonna make sure
04:42 if you do keep them in the fridge,
04:44 it's got to go straight away and because you can't grab it,
04:45 two or three days it's great
04:47 and that will just be a lovely, lovely, fresh.
04:50 Can you smell it?
04:51 You need to smell that lovely rice smell coming through.
04:52 Do we need more water in that? No, that's still enough.
04:55 This is just enough just a bit, just to get it hydrated.
04:57 We're also gonna add another ingredient.
05:00 There is some frozen peas. Oh.
05:02 So this is another thing you wanna have in your freezer.
05:06 Will they get soft in the water as well as the rice?
05:08 Yeah, basically, these are frozen peas,
05:10 generally you cook them in boiling water,
05:11 but they just need to be just slightly defrosted.
05:13 So in that boiling water they would just
05:15 become just nice and soft and that'll be very good,
05:19 just to make this rice more interesting
05:20 rather just boring rice.
05:23 Yeah, the white and green really looks good.
05:25 Exactly, yeah, and that's awesome.
05:27 So this is there, so if you can,
05:28 that's ready to go now.
05:30 So, Toby, if you can just
05:31 strain that through the strainer?
05:32 And cut back and put back into the bowl.
05:34 So is there a strainer around?
05:36 Well, there is a big one floating around.
05:37 Here we go. Use this nice big one here.
05:40 Strain it through this and take the water out of it.
05:43 I've heard that colorful cooking makes you eat more.
05:45 Exactly.
05:47 Well, people eat with their eyes,
05:48 so if it looks good, you gonna
05:49 want to eat it more, don't you?
05:51 So garnishing is really important.
05:52 So you just check, what we do here
05:54 is just check this butternut.
05:56 Oh, yep, see how I put the knife in here.
05:59 How it goes through really easily.
06:00 It looks really soft and good. Which means...
06:02 It's really, yes, it's really soft.
06:03 So you wanna serve kind of soft,
06:05 you don't want to serve too mushy,
06:07 but this is just done and ready to go.
06:08 Where should I put the rice and peas?
06:10 Just put it back in that bowl
06:12 and we're gonna mix in more flavors with it as well.
06:14 I'm sure that's gonna be some flavorful rice.
06:16 That's gonna be good.
06:18 So if you wanna give that a little bit of a stir.
06:20 Check it's not burning on the bottom.
06:21 Thanks, Toby.
06:23 I want you, Toby,
06:24 since you're the colander person,
06:25 if you can grab this pumpkin.
06:27 Now, the handle is really hot,
06:28 so if you wanna use this tea towel here
06:30 just to hold it, and don't burn yourself,
06:31 and see if you can drain it through so just see it.
06:34 It's great, strain it through the colander.
06:37 Now we're gonna add one of my favorite ingredients
06:39 that's really good is green Thai curry paste.
06:43 Curry paste are amazing.
06:44 You can make your own,
06:45 but just these little jars of wonderful flavor
06:48 can just transform it.
06:50 So we're just gonna add just a teaspoon of this
06:52 green Thai curry paste into this here.
06:55 I'm just gonna mix in with a little bit of water
06:58 just because to make sure it kind of flows better.
07:01 Should I turn off the fire? What's the paste made of?
07:04 You tell us, it'll be great. So the paste, isn't it?
07:06 Great question, it has like garlic,
07:08 and ginger, and chilies, and all that type of things.
07:11 So we're just gonna add this in here.
07:13 So you just gonna make a little paste
07:14 and just add it to the rice,
07:16 and just give a just a little bit
07:17 of just wonderful, wonderful, flavor.
07:20 Anjali, you like the pumpkin.
07:23 Pumpkin, if you can just pour it
07:24 straight into the lentil dish.
07:25 So look at the way, Anjali. Okay.
07:28 Just pour it in and stir that through.
07:31 Oops, there's a little bit of rice got in there.
07:33 Just, no one noticed, just keep stirring.
07:35 They didn't see anything here. Stir that through.
07:39 Well, the pot is really full. It's getting full.
07:42 We gonna add a little bit of honey here as well.
07:45 Yep, you can put that in the sink actually.
07:48 A little bit of a honey,
07:49 we gonna add a little bit of salt
07:51 with the sautéing up going.
07:52 Do I keep on mixing? Keep on mixing...
07:56 Like that.
07:58 I'm just gonna give it a little bit of a stir
07:59 and I'll probably add
08:01 a little bit of cilantro to it as well.
08:03 Is cilantro spicy? Well, cilantro is just a herb.
08:06 So we're gonna add some fresh herbs.
08:08 And I'll keep it in the refrigerator,
08:11 so basically it's nice and fresh.
08:13 Keep it in some wet paper towel.
08:15 We're just gonna slice the ends up
08:17 which are particularly flavorsome
08:19 and just slice those really thin.
08:21 My mom uses a lot of cilantro in her kitchen.
08:23 Cilantro is great.
08:25 And we're gonna add this to the rice
08:26 and we're gonna use that as a garnish
08:27 on the other dish as well.
08:30 So, Toby, if you can grab that wooden bowl off the table.
08:32 You have to mix more or is this good?
08:34 Yeah, that's cool, just a few minutes
08:35 for those flavors to mingle.
08:37 And then we're gonna add this coconut cream.
08:38 Here we go on there, put that there.
08:42 So we're gonna add some coconut cream
08:44 so that lentil thing there and that will be finished
08:47 and we'll go over to garnish,
08:48 and this lovely rice is ready to go.
08:50 Oh, it looks delicious. Wow!
08:51 The oaty balls are few minutes in the oven
08:53 and we are now finished our meal in just 30 minutes.
08:56 That was really quick. Yeah.


Revised 2017-09-26