Cook 30 for Kid's

Moroccan Spiced Roasted Vegetables

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon (Host)


Series Code: KCT

Program Code: KCT000027A

00:01 Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh
00:08 Whoa-oh-oh-oh
00:11 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh
00:15 Whoa-oh-oh-oh
00:18 Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh
00:20 Yay!
00:23 Welcome to Cook:30 for Kids.
00:26 I'm Chef Jeremy Dixon from the Revive Cafes
00:29 at Auckland, New Zealand.
00:30 And today, I'm going to share with you
00:32 some chef quality meals that you can cook at home.
00:35 They're gonna be quick, healthy, and delicious.
00:39 If you're sitting on the sofa there,
00:41 never cooked before, don't think you can cook,
00:43 well, you're wrong, think again.
00:45 Today, you're gonna wanna try this recipe at home
00:47 because it is so easy.
00:49 Today, we have two very special people with us.
00:52 We have Toby from Chicago, and Anjali from Arkansas.
00:55 Welcome to Cook:30 for Kids.
00:57 Hello, Mr. Jeremy Dixon. Hello.
00:59 Great to see you guys. We too.
01:01 We're just gonna ask these guys a few questions
01:02 so you can get to know them.
01:04 So I'm gonna start with Toby.
01:05 So I'm gonna ask him a question,
01:07 he doesn't know what's coming.
01:08 So, Toby, what is your favorite animal?
01:11 Oh, my favorite animal is probably a leopard
01:14 just because I like those kind of animals.
01:16 A leopard. Well, excellent. That's cool.
01:17 Did you ever met one?
01:19 Yeah, I have at the New Zealand zoo.
01:21 Oh, great, excellent. Very cool.
01:23 And what about you, Anjali, what's your favorite animal?
01:25 I love puppies and dogs. Puppies and dogs.
01:27 Do you have a puppy? No.
01:29 Your mummy hasn't brought you a puppy?
01:30 Not yet.
01:31 Mum, you need to buy Anjali a puppy.
01:34 After the show, go out and get one for her
01:35 'cause she's gonna do a great job.
01:38 Excellent.
01:39 Okay, second question is,
01:41 so what's your favorite food to cook at home, Toby?
01:45 I really like making pancakes
01:46 in the morning for my entire family.
01:48 Fantastic. That's great. What about you?
01:50 Well, I come from an Indian family,
01:52 so we cook a lot of curries, but my favorite is okra curry.
01:56 Okra curry? Yeah.
01:58 Fantastic. That's great.
01:59 Well, welcome along, we're gonna have
02:01 a lot of fun in the kitchen today.
02:02 So what is on the menu?
02:04 Well, on the menu we have
02:06 Moroccan-spiced roasted vegetables
02:08 on fruity oven couscous.
02:10 That sounds really good.
02:12 And for dessert we have gingerbread ice cream,
02:14 I can't wait to try that.
02:18 Fantastic. Well, let's get started.
02:20 Before we head, there's a few things
02:21 we have to do, we've washed our hands.
02:23 Washed your hands? Yes.
02:25 Lovely, we've got a clear surface,
02:26 we've got our vegetables and ingredients out ready.
02:29 Chopping boards, knives, pans,
02:32 water in the jug boiled, and we're ready to cook.
02:35 Let's get started, guys. Yeah. Sounds good.
02:37 So the first thing we gonna do,
02:38 we've got some roasted vegetables to do.
02:40 And they can take a little bit of time
02:41 so we're gonna get that under way first.
02:42 So I'll get Toby to first work on this
02:45 because this is probably the big
02:46 and tougher one to have.
02:47 So we're gonna roast some butternut
02:49 and we're gonna roast it with the skin on.
02:51 So leave the skin on.
02:52 We're gonna cut the butternut into almost half.
02:55 This side has seeds in it through there.
02:57 We're gonna put that aside
02:59 because we just haven't got time.
03:00 I'm gonna use this side so we're gonna
03:02 just slice this there and get rid of him.
03:05 And basically cut it into strips like that,
03:10 into big circles.
03:13 And then we can take that. Take the...
03:15 Better take the label off. Oh, we don't want to eat that.
03:17 That's really funny.
03:19 It is not the special spice, the label.
03:21 And you're just gonna easily just chop it
03:22 into cubes kind of that size,
03:26 and just come this way again as well.
03:28 So they're kind of small so they're gonna
03:29 roast reasonably quickly with the skin on.
03:31 It looks really hard to cut. They are quite tough.
03:34 So see if you can give that a go.
03:35 Put that knife there. Give that a go, Toby.
03:37 Okay.
03:38 And if you can just get some parchment paper out,
03:40 and put it on the tray. Okay.
03:42 So as we're using parchment paper or baking paper
03:44 that means it's gonna not stick to the tray,
03:47 it's gonna be easy to clean up afterwards
03:48 and it's just good all around.
03:50 So it's a great thing to have in your kitchen.
03:54 Chopping that, we're getting it under way.
03:56 Yeah. Cool.
03:58 And next thing we're gonna do
04:00 is we're gonna cut the sweet potato.
04:03 Another roasted vegetable so, Anjali, you're working on this,
04:06 so that's kind of similar
04:08 so basically just chop the end off
04:10 and cut it into strips and then just do that
04:13 over kind of into quarter.
04:15 You can do that? Yes, I can.
04:16 Brilliant, so, again with the knife,
04:18 make sure you're sliding the knife through,
04:20 you're not kind of going down, it's really hard
04:22 so make sure you're sliding through.
04:23 Okay. If you can work on those.
04:26 Very good. Great.
04:27 We have productive kitchen under way.
04:30 Making fast pace of things here.
04:33 So roasting vegetables probably takes around about
04:35 15 minutes as a rule of thumb.
04:37 So it's kind of the job we want to get under way first.
04:40 So what they're going for there.
04:42 It's great.
04:43 Now I wanna start cooking the couscous.
04:46 So where is the couscous? Here it is.
04:48 So couscous is like basically a wheat,
04:52 and it's really nice thing to have.
04:54 It's kind of a Moroccan kind of ingredient.
04:56 So should I use this here?
04:58 Put on the tray there. Okay.
04:59 Put on top of the parchment paper.
05:02 You can buy in bags
05:03 or sometimes comes in containers like this.
05:05 And it's just a really nice fluffy kind of a dish,
05:07 kind of similar to rice but different.
05:09 You can get whole meal,
05:10 so get it whole meal if you can.
05:12 And now we're gonna do is put in two cups.
05:14 I better find a cup to measure. Here we go.
05:18 Two cups of couscous is the recipe first.
05:22 So I measure in two cups.
05:26 Oh, what if I can't fit it all on here?
05:28 Well, just put it on. Just put it on till it fits.
05:30 Okay.
05:32 You're just gonna just squeeze in
05:33 to get the all the popcorn pieces
05:34 can get to know each other really well.
05:36 I'm just gonna reboil the jug because I want to make sure
05:39 I got boiling water to make this cooking
05:41 'cause we're actually gonna cook
05:42 we're just gonna add boiling water.
05:44 And we're gonna add some turmeric,
05:46 and turmeric is a really nice thing
05:48 to make things so yellow.
05:50 So it's kind of add little bit of color to it.
05:51 So we're gonna add half a teaspoon of turmeric.
05:54 This is going to the oven?
05:56 When you have the sweet potatoes
05:57 so not quite yet.
05:59 So just gonna mix this turmeric around there with that.
06:02 Toby, can you get some apricots here?
06:06 If you can slice them up into a kind of little cubes,
06:09 probably about half a cup.
06:11 So, Mr. Jeremy Dixon, can you use
06:13 just regular potatoes with this recipe too?
06:15 You could do.
06:17 These sweet potatoes are actually bit sweeter
06:19 so they're nice and they cook quicker as well.
06:21 So that's probably my favorite one of the two.
06:23 It's great.
06:25 Doing a great job with cutting, that knife just about
06:27 as big as you, you're doing an awesome there with that.
06:30 So get probably into quarters just little bit smaller.
06:32 Okay.
06:33 So we're gonna add some cranberries as well.
06:35 So we're gonna add little bit of dried fruit
06:37 to make this couscous a little bit more special.
06:39 So you probably want about a couple of fruit.
06:42 So there's some cranberries, we got apricots coming along.
06:45 I've got some raisins here as well,
06:47 so we're just gonna throw a lots of different flavors
06:51 into here to make the couscous extra special.
06:56 Also we're gonna just make a little bit kind of different,
06:59 we're gonna add some clove powder
07:01 just to give it a little bit of extra hit as well.
07:03 So probably about quarter of a teaspoon.
07:09 Good work on the apricots. Thanks.
07:12 Some part of this recipe seems really easy.
07:15 It is, yes.
07:16 More of the recipe is pretty easy.
07:18 I'm not the type of cook that like to spend hours
07:19 in the kitchen, everything is really, really simple.
07:22 So this is what I need, about half teaspoon of salt.
07:29 Let's give it a good mix up.
07:30 How that's apricots coming along?
07:32 Good. I'm almost done. Brilliant.
07:34 I'm just gonna need a plate or the lid and...
07:40 Lovely, that should be...
07:41 That's enough to be going with this, it's plenty there.
07:44 So we got all these apricots.
07:46 So what we wanna do at the same time
07:47 is hydrate the fruit
07:49 so it becomes nice and plump and delicious.
07:52 So it's generally one to one so two cups of couscous
07:55 have two cups of boiling water, plus we've got the dried fruits
07:59 so we'll probably put little bit more.
08:00 So what we do is two cups of boiling water like that.
08:06 Is this dish kind of sweet?
08:08 And about half a cup, little bit for the fruit.
08:10 The couscous side will be sweet,
08:12 so what you do is a quick stir.
08:16 Get it mixing around like that.
08:19 And then we quickly put the lid on.
08:21 And we'll let that sit there, here we go, for probably around
08:25 about 10 minutes and it will cook by itself.
08:28 Wow.
08:29 So I'll just move this out the way
08:31 because it's gonna get in the middle of our...
08:32 Is it really that easy? Stuff we're gonna get shortly.
08:34 Yes, it is that easy. That's how easy couscous is.
08:37 Nice job on the roasted veggies.
08:39 Thank you. And, Toby...
08:41 If you can grab that olive oil spread
08:42 there in the green thing.
08:43 If you can spray some of it over these vegetables there?
08:46 Olive oil spray is a great thing to have
08:48 because you get a really even coating over the vegetables.
08:52 Try to hold up so you kind of get it all in the dish.
08:53 Lovely.
08:55 Bit more, probably twice as much.
08:57 Get even amount on it and you don't use too much.
09:00 If you just top some olive oil on it,
09:02 lean up with kind of few blobs here and there and here we go.
09:05 So you're gonna throw in the top oven over there
09:07 which is on at 400 degrees.
09:09 If we use regular olive oil on this, will it work?
09:12 It will work.
09:14 But what you have to do is put into a bowl
09:15 and mix it around
09:16 and kind of making sure it's coated evenly.
09:18 And that takes bit of extra time
09:20 so usually cook this with regular olive oil,
09:21 but olive spray is just kind of
09:23 a bit of a short cut to make it go quicker.
09:24 Okay. Great questions you guys have.
09:27 Two jobs done. Look at that.
09:29 So now we're gonna make it
09:31 really nice combination of vegetables,
09:32 so some of the vegetables
09:34 we're kind of roasting in the oven,
09:35 and some of them we're gonna pan fry here.
09:37 Okay.
09:38 You guys are great on the knife
09:40 so we're gonna keep chopping here.
09:41 So we wanted some eggplant. So, Toby, you can do that one.
09:44 So an eggplant, it is also called aubergine.
09:47 What do you guys call them?
09:48 No, eggplant. Eggplant. What you...
09:50 In India we call them brinjal.
09:51 Brinjal. Wow.
09:53 There is lots of different names
09:54 for every ingredient.
09:56 So what we're gonna do just basically
09:57 same thing again just...
10:00 This knife is just little blunt,
10:02 we'll use this is like sharper, just kind of cut it like that.
10:05 And then just chop it into cubes.
10:08 Can we eat the seeds in there?
10:09 Those seeds, absolutely fine, they are part of it.
10:12 So, Toby, if you can just kind of chop that up
10:14 and put it in the pan.
10:16 So I'll put the heat on so we'll get it really hot.
10:18 And some olive oil in there, put about a tablespoon.
10:22 So how long will the vegetables take to fry in the pan?
10:25 They are all kind of different, the eggplant will take
10:26 the longest so we'll put it in first.
10:28 They're probably around about only probably 5 to 10 minutes.
10:30 Okay.
10:31 So if you can work on the asparagus.
10:34 I think we've washed it before.
10:36 So with asparagus what you do
10:39 is you basically this end of the asparagus
10:42 is really, really woody and hard and chewy,
10:44 not very nice and this end is really, really nice.
10:46 So when you snap the asparagus it naturally snaps
10:49 and takes off the hard bud.
10:52 So you wanna throw way that and use the lovely bud.
10:54 Okay.
10:55 So you probably wanna grab like a handful at a time
10:57 and just kind of just grab it and snap it.
11:00 And that will snap in the right place
11:01 and you can now carry on.
11:03 So you can do that with all that asparagus.
11:04 Can we eat the hard bit of the asparagus?
11:06 You can but it might take you about a week to eat it.
11:08 It's really, really chewy and stringy.
11:11 So that's good.
11:13 That seems like a long time to eat some thing.
11:16 It's not very pleasant so that's why
11:17 you wanna do this job and you can cut it as well,
11:19 but it just naturally breaks at the point
11:22 where it's gonna be perfect so, let's help me,
11:25 I'll just chop these guys here, excuse me,
11:29 we're just gonna slice these into little half.
11:34 So we still want to, you saw the length
11:35 of the asparagus shape.
11:38 Actually I'm gonna lay these here, sorry,
11:39 the asparagus only takes probably about
11:41 one or two minutes to cook
11:42 where as the eggplant take the longest
11:43 so we're not gonna put in the pan just yet.
11:46 Brilliant, so I'll just chop those in half.
11:48 Do I use the whole eggplant? I'm sorry.
11:50 Use the whole eggplant.
11:51 The eggplant will reduce down
11:52 so it won't be as much as you think.
11:54 So I'll just put that there in the meantime
11:55 and we'll come back to that shortly.
11:57 That was really easy to just break like that.
12:00 It was. That is great.
12:01 And so I got some capsicum, I call them capsicum,
12:04 you guys call them bell peppers here.
12:06 So I'll just pull out the seedy bits.
12:09 And if you can just...
12:11 We're going to just kind of randomly chop them.
12:13 So probably if you chop this way
12:15 'cause it's easier to go through the skin.
12:16 So chop them into strips
12:18 and just kind of just chop them kind of randomly like that.
12:21 If you can kind of little random kind of things.
12:23 So if you can do that with all these three peppers.
12:28 So we got three, we got red, orange, and yellow one.
12:30 And, of course, if you guys watch me before,
12:32 everything about color is really important.
12:35 So we got just every color
12:37 of the rainbow involved in the dish.
12:39 It's really important. I love colorful cooking.
12:41 It just makes me wanna eat more.
12:44 It does, yes.
12:45 Let's get some of this into the pan,
12:49 get the eggplant cooking so it will soften down.
12:52 So what does it look like when it gets reduced?
12:55 So it starts like kind of big and spongy
12:58 and as it gets reduced it kind of looks,
13:00 it kind of gets very kind of mushy
13:03 and kind of very...
13:05 It's kind of got quite a comforting
13:07 kind of a texture to it.
13:10 So I'll turn it up.
13:13 Excellent. Wonderful.
13:15 So, Toby, if you can perhaps do one of these,
13:16 help out with these peppers as well.
13:19 Let's get these in the pan, so it's good to try
13:21 and keep a clean chopping board.
13:23 Oop, we got an apricot there.
13:26 We'll just give a little bit of a stir around.
13:28 You can shake it like this if you want.
13:33 And it will take a few moments just to kind of settle down.
13:38 Lovely. Great production line here.
13:42 So vegetables done, couscous is under way.
13:45 I'm tempted to have a little peak.
13:47 Let's have a little peak, let's have
13:48 a little look in here and see what it's like.
13:51 Wow, that looks really good.
13:52 Look at that, really look at that.
13:54 Where did the water go?
13:55 The water is basically soaked into the couscous.
13:56 Oh, I didn't know you can cook couscous that way.
13:59 Exactly, so it probably needs little bit more time to steam
14:01 and kind of get in there, but as you can see
14:04 it's very, very quick to kind of get that
14:07 really nice kind of a texture there.
14:10 Yeah.
14:11 And we're presenting this on a nice
14:12 big platter today so we're gonna put
14:14 the couscous on the bottom as kind of a bed.
14:16 And then we're gonna put these lovely vegetables on top.
14:18 And on top of that we're going to produce
14:21 a lovely Moroccan aioli to drizzle over the top of it.
14:24 So that's all gonna come together really nicely.
14:26 It sounds really good. Yes, exactly.


Revised 2017-11-02