Life Discovery Series

Revelation's Cosmic Warrior

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Reinking


Series Code: LDS

Program Code: LDS000003

00:34 This is gonna be one of the most important
00:35 presentations I'm gonna be making
00:37 during the course of this seminars series.
00:40 It's a vital subject and certainly if you were
00:42 with us last night we discovered in our study
00:46 that a cosmic war involving the angelicas of heaven
00:49 broke out in the very presence of God himself.
00:53 And at the head of the forces of evil
00:55 was one of the highest ranking angels.
00:59 Remember, his name as studied it in Isaiah Chapter 14.
01:03 What was his name?
01:04 Lucifer, and in initial conflict Lucifer
01:07 and a third, we discovered from Revelation 12,
01:10 a third of the angels numbering in the tens
01:14 if not in the hundreds of millions were defeated
01:18 and forced to continue their struggle here on planet earth.
01:21 Where they usurp dominion over the planet from the human race.
01:25 God had a problem.
01:29 For now humanity was infected with the spirit of the evil one
01:34 instead to remain true to him
01:36 they had rebelled and accepted Satan's lies.
01:40 And in His love God sort to find a means
01:45 to not only defeat the forces of the evil
01:48 but to save mankind from the ravages of rebellion.
01:52 His solution was to send a powerful magnificent being
01:56 to our planet to engage and defeat the forces of evil.
02:01 And we find a description
02:03 on this extraordinary being in the Book of Revelation.
02:07 In Revelation Chapter 1 and beginning with verse 12
02:10 we're gonna move through verse 18.
02:12 As he appears to John envision
02:15 you will find that in the New Testament,
02:17 the New Testament page 189, 189, Revelation 1
02:24 and as I said we're gonna begin with verse 12
02:27 moving right on down to verse 18.
02:30 And as very typical to Book of Revelation
02:32 we're gonna find that the language is prophetic
02:35 and in many ways symbolic.
02:38 But this is how it reads.
02:39 It says "Then I turned to see the voice
02:41 that was speaking with me.
02:43 And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands
02:48 and in the middle of the lampstands
02:49 I saw one like a son of man,
02:52 clothed in a robe reaching to the feet,
02:54 and girded across His chest with a golden sash.
02:58 His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow
03:02 and His eyes were like a flame of fire.
03:06 His feet were like burnished bronze,
03:09 when it has been made to glow in a furnace,
03:12 and His voice was like the sound of many waters.
03:15 And in His right hand He held seven stars,
03:18 and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword
03:22 and His face was like
03:23 the sun shining in its strength."
03:25 I mean this is quite a description isn't it.
03:28 And then it says verse 17 "When I saw Him,
03:30 I fell at His feet like a dead man.
03:32 And He placed His right hand on me, saying,
03:34 'Do not be afraid I am the first and the last,
03:37 and the living one and I was dead, behold
03:42 I am alive forevermore,
03:44 and I have the keys of death and of Hades."
03:48 That is of the grave.
03:50 "I have the keys of death and of Hades."
03:54 Well, who is this being in whose overpowering presence
03:58 John felt prostrate like a dead man.
04:02 Well, the answer tonight will give us
04:03 a thrilling new insight into God's immeasurable love.
04:07 For you see it-- certainly tonight is
04:10 one of love it is through a revelation of God's love
04:14 that the race was to be rescued from the power of the evil one.
04:19 So let us talk about that love, shall we.
04:22 You know, it cost us something to love.
04:24 That always cost us something to love.
04:27 There's always a price to be paid
04:29 when we truly love someone,
04:30 genuine love is a giving of ourselves to another
04:34 and to give ourselves
04:36 to another will costs us something.
04:39 Love is willing to sacrifice, willing to endure hardship,
04:44 dwell in pain for the sake of another,
04:47 as the Apostle Paul put it
04:48 so very beautifully in 1 Corinthians 13.
04:51 Love bears all things, believes all things,
04:55 hopes all things, endures all things,
04:59 love never fails.
05:02 But love must go beyond mere words
05:04 which can be meaningless and empty.
05:07 Love always reveals itself in practical
05:11 and meaningful ways.
05:13 And so we asked the question,
05:16 what did it costs God to love us?
05:19 Remember what Jesus said in John 3:16
05:23 "For God so loved the world,
05:24 that He gave His only begotten Son,
05:26 that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
05:29 but have eternal life."
05:32 My friend, God's love is measured
05:34 by His gift to us in Jesus.
05:37 And we can appreciate God's love for us
05:40 and that's break the power the evil one over us
05:43 only as we comprehend
05:45 and accept this gift of His love.
05:47 His love was and continues to be manifest
05:51 to us through His Son in giving us His Son
05:55 to come to this earth to live and die among us.
05:58 He was really giving us Himself.
06:01 Who is this Jesus?
06:04 Who is this person who was willing
06:05 to die that we might have life?
06:08 And if you think you've heard it all before you want
06:11 to take a new fresh look with me tonight.
06:14 And interestingly we're going to begin as we get
06:16 to the heart of our subject now.
06:18 We're gonna begin in the Old Testament in the Book of Micah.
06:22 I invite you turn you to turn to the Old Testament page 660.
06:26 Micah 5:2, as we come to Micah 5,
06:32 Micah towards the end of the Old Testament.
06:36 We're going to, beginning with Micah,
06:38 we're going to be looking at a series of prophecies.
06:41 We call them messianic prophecies
06:44 that are embedded in the Old Testament.
06:48 And when we talk about messianic prophecies,
06:50 we are talking about specifically
06:51 those prophecies in the Old Testament
06:54 that predicted the coming of Jesus.
06:57 In fact, our word Christ really is the word Messiah,
07:03 Messiah the anointed one.
07:05 So in actuality when we talk about Jesus Christ
07:08 we actually are saying Jesus the Messiah.
07:13 As we come the Micah 5:2 it says
07:15 "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
07:18 too little to be among the clans of Judah,
07:22 from you one will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
07:26 His goings forth are from long ago,
07:29 the days of eternity."
07:32 That's what the prophecy tells us.
07:35 Now I remind you, I remind you of the story
07:38 of how the wise men came from the east.
07:40 Remember, they were following that star
07:42 they have been studying the prophecies
07:45 and they had comprehended
07:47 that there was going to be a new born king.
07:50 That's why they were following that star.
07:53 And eventually that star led them to Jerusalem
07:55 and then it disappeared.
07:57 And so they came into the city
07:58 and they were asking the question where is He.
08:02 And, you know, King Herod finally got word
08:04 that they were these fascinating individuals
08:08 from the east that were creating quite a stir in Jerusalem
08:12 with the questions about where is the new born king
08:14 and they asked him the question,
08:16 where is he to be born.
08:19 And Herod turned to his counselors
08:23 and some of them were Jewish counselors
08:25 and they referred to this specific prophecy.
08:29 They said the prophecy said He will be born in Bethlehem.
08:32 And that's exactly where we found
08:35 but there is something else that is important
08:36 as we're looking at this prophecy
08:39 and it tells us something about where He came from.
08:42 Notice, what it says here.
08:44 "His goings forth are from long ago,
08:46 from the days of" what?
08:50 The days of eternity."
08:54 Now that's just kind of may be a little bit difficult for us
08:56 to wrap our minds around, isn't it,
08:58 this idea of coming from the days of eternity.
09:02 I don't know if you are like me
09:03 that I have much easier time comprehending forever
09:08 into the future that is you'll never die, always existing.
09:13 It's harder for me to grasp the idea
09:17 that there is something or someone in this case
09:21 in the universe that has always existed.
09:25 And I think we struggle with that
09:26 because in our existence everything seems
09:29 to have a beginning, right.
09:32 But nevertheless when we think about it philosophically
09:35 at least we know that there's had
09:37 a there's has to be something that has always been.
09:41 Here, we talked about this a little bit on Friday night
09:43 when we talked about the origins of the universe.
09:45 If we go back in time to when there was nothing
09:48 you can't get something out of nothing.
09:52 There had to be something that was always there.
09:54 It just has to be.
09:55 Science doesn't really have an answer for that
09:58 but the Bible gives us the answer, doesn't it.
10:00 God has always been
10:02 and, my friend, Jesus has always been.
10:06 And we're gonna be looking at part
10:07 at in part again tonight at the preexistence of Jesus.
10:11 And why I say preexistence?
10:13 We're talking about His existence
10:15 before He was born as that baby in Bethlehem
10:19 when He came to this earth.
10:21 It's a fascinating story as we take a look at it.
10:24 Turn with me to Isaiah 7, the Old Testament page 492,
10:30 492 Isaiah 7:14,
10:34 Isaiah is often described as the gospel writer
10:38 of the Old Testament.
10:41 And that's because much of the Book of Isaiah we'll find
10:45 in this book many of these messianic prophecies
10:49 referring to the coming of Jesus.
10:51 And we find one right here
10:52 will be in Isaiah several times tonight
10:55 but we find one of those messianic prophecies
10:58 right here Isaiah 7:14 where it says
11:01 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign Behold,
11:06 a virgin will be with child and bear a son,
11:09 and she will call His name Immanuel."
11:13 Now, we know for certain that these prophecies of Isaiah
11:19 were given 700 years before the coming of Jesus.
11:25 And that was so great fascinating
11:27 as you look at prophecy, were among the things
11:30 that we discover here is that it predicts
11:32 the virgin birth of Jesus 700 years before it happened.
11:38 And it also speaks of a very unique name
11:41 in association with Jesus
11:43 and that is His name would be called Immanuel.
11:46 There are number of names actually associated with Jesus
11:50 as you look at it scripturally
11:51 but this is really an important and vital one.
11:55 Let's compare this passage to Matthew Chapter 1
11:59 that's gonna be the New Testament and page 1.
12:04 Matthew 1:22, 23
12:10 because this prophecy is referred
12:12 to right here in Matthew 1
12:14 and we're given some important insights
12:18 into the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14.
12:22 So Matthew 1 and beginning with verse 22
12:25 where it says "Now all this took place
12:27 to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord
12:29 through the prophet Behold, the virgin shall be
12:33 with child and shall bear a Son,
12:35 and they shall call His name" what? "Immanuel."
12:40 There is the reference.
12:41 "Which translated means, 'God with us.'"
12:48 I say it again there are some interesting names
12:51 associated with the Lord Jesus Christ.
12:53 But this is a unique one as you take a look at it
12:56 because, you know, and the meaning behind the name.
13:00 You know, names particularly in a Jewish economy
13:04 had very deep meanings.
13:07 When a, a Jewish couple when a man and woman anticipated
13:12 the birth particularly at the first born son
13:15 they very carefully considered the name
13:18 that they chose for that first born boy.
13:21 And they often would choose a name with meanings
13:25 that represented the hopes of those parents
13:27 for that child and for its future life.
13:30 I think probably we all of us gone through this.
13:32 I, you know, my wife and I have been married
13:35 some 12 years before we decided
13:37 either we're going to have children or we're not.
13:40 You know we just went put it off.
13:42 You know all the schooling we have to go through
13:45 and getting establishing the ministry
13:48 and but here we found ourselves in our early 30s
13:51 my wife is a couple of years older than I
13:53 so she was beginning to reach here mid 30s
13:57 and we knew either we're gonna have children
13:59 or it just wasn't going, we're just, we're gonna do it.
14:02 And so we made that decision.
14:03 And it was a wonderful decision.
14:05 And it was one of the best decisions that we probably
14:07 have made outside our commitment to Jesus Christ.
14:11 And I remember as we found that Donna
14:14 was expecting our first born
14:16 she had an amniocentesis she is little bit older.
14:19 And you know they want to be sure
14:22 that the child was gonna be all right
14:24 and so we knew it was gonna be a boy
14:27 and so we begin to go through the name books.
14:31 Anybody else gone through the name books
14:33 or this process so you know what I'm talking about.
14:36 So we have got number of name, name books
14:38 and we were going through all of these names.
14:40 And we're looking only name that sounds good
14:43 but we're looking at the meanings of the name.
14:46 And finally, my wife and I agreed that we were
14:50 going to name him David which means beloved.
14:55 And we took this solemn oath
14:57 that it was gonna be David not Dave,
15:00 not Davy it's gonna be David.
15:02 Now taking into account that in time
15:04 you know many of his classmates so called him Dave or Davy
15:09 but he is still David to us.
15:11 And we chose for a middle name that name Michael
15:15 which means who is like God.
15:19 Okay, so names, names to us are important.
15:23 In fact, we ask what is in, the name.
15:26 Well, the name comes to stand for the character
15:29 and the personality of the individual, right
15:34 and how true that has to be
15:35 when we talk about this name as it relates to Jesus.
15:39 We find two important things in this name Immanuel.
15:42 First of all, it identifies who He is.
15:44 It identifies Him as God and it identifies
15:48 the purpose for which He would come
15:49 that is He would come to be with us.
15:52 God was not satisfied to love us from afar.
15:56 This was a part of the divine plan that Jesus would come.
16:01 He who was one with God to come
16:05 to represent the God had as He came to this planet
16:10 and to reveal to us what God was really like.
16:16 And that's vitally important as you think about it
16:19 to know who God really is like.
16:21 Take a look at Colossians 2:9
16:23 and you have been looking at your notes
16:25 you know we are gonna covering some territory
16:27 in the meaning tonight, aren't we.
16:29 In Colossians 2:9 it says, of Jesus
16:32 "For in him dwelleth
16:33 all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
16:39 In bodily form we call this the incarnation.
16:44 This process by which God in the person of Jesus
16:49 took upon himself our humanity, this was,
16:56 you know, this was well part of the divine plan
16:58 in which God determined to identify himself
17:02 very specifically with us in our need.
17:06 And in the midst of this tragedy
17:08 that it overcome us this matter of sin.
17:12 And I would add to this Hebrews Chapter 1
17:15 turn with me to the New Testament page 169 to Hebrews 1
17:21 and we are gonna be looking at verses 1-3.
17:26 Hebrews 1, we're gonna find this
17:30 to be a fascinating book in nights to come.
17:34 It's a book I find that many Christians
17:36 really haven't spent much time in
17:38 but here we are,
17:39 we are looking at Hebrews Chapter 1
17:40 as I said we're gonna be looking at verses 1-3.
17:44 Where it says, "God, after He spoke long ago
17:47 to the fathers in the prophets
17:50 in many portions and in many ways,
17:52 in these last days has spoken to us in His Son."
17:58 And it's true.
17:59 I mean we have the record of the prophets
18:01 and the things that will reveal to them by God.
18:04 That's what we're studying as we open
18:06 the Word of God night by night.
18:07 But it says in verse 2
18:09 that God now has spoken to us in His Son.
18:11 That is that God has a message for us in the person of Jesus
18:18 when He came to this planet of ours.
18:21 And it goes on to speak of Jesus
18:23 "Whom He appointed heir of all things,
18:25 through whom also He made the world.
18:28 And He is the radiance of His glory."
18:31 This is speaking of the relationship
18:33 between the Father and the Son.
18:35 Jesus "is the radiance of His glory
18:38 and the exact representation of His nature."
18:45 And I want to prattle little bit at this matter
18:47 of the relationship between God
18:50 as we call Him God the Father and God the Son."
18:55 He is the radiance of His glory and immediate illustration
18:59 that comes to mind is that of the sun.
19:02 The sun, you know, some 93 million miles away
19:06 from this planet traveling at a speed of light
19:08 186,000 miles a second.
19:10 It takes a beam of like eight and a half minutes
19:13 to reach the earth
19:14 ones it leaves that, that heavenly body.
19:17 So that is a long distance out there.
19:20 Now here is the question
19:21 how do we know that the sun is out there.
19:25 That's not tricky question.
19:28 How do we know that it's out there
19:31 because it emanates light, right.
19:35 It provides light.
19:37 And further more, light radiates
19:40 particularly in the summer time heat.
19:44 As that ray stands in relationship to the sun
19:49 so Jesus stands in relationship to the Father.
19:54 He is the radiance of His glory.
19:58 He is the Revelation of the person of God.
20:02 He is the Revelation of what is
20:04 within the heart of God towards us as sinners.
20:08 And that is the message it's a vital one.
20:12 In 1 Timothy 3:16 its says of Jesus
20:14 "He was revealed in the flesh."
20:18 He came and took our humanity upon Himself
20:20 and as I mentioned we call this the incarnation,
20:23 the process by which God took upon Himself
20:26 the lamentations of our humanity.
20:29 And I don't think you and I can be really begun
20:31 to appreciate what God was willing to do,
20:35 God in giving his Son and God the Son as we know Him.
20:40 What it meant for them to put into place
20:45 the plan of salvation that required Jesus
20:48 to come down here to this earth
20:51 and to take our form upon Him.
20:54 Probably the best illustration I could share with you
20:57 is the story about Marilyn Laszlo
21:00 and that may not be name that your acquainted with
21:01 but Marilyn and this is story
21:03 that happened just in recent times.
21:04 But Marilyn as a young person had this burning desire
21:09 to get involved in missionary work.
21:12 And she made the determination
21:14 I'm not sure how that all came about.
21:16 She made the determination
21:17 that she was going to go specifically
21:19 to this epic one tribe in Papua New Guinea
21:25 and she spent the next 20 years among this primitive people.
21:31 She had this burning desire
21:32 to share the love of God with them.
21:34 And in the process she determined
21:36 that she was going to put the Bible,
21:39 translate the Bible into their language.
21:42 Now that was gonna be a tough thing to do
21:44 because among the other things she had to do
21:46 she had to learn the language and furthermore
21:50 they didn't have a written, they have the alphabet,
21:54 they didn't have a written language.
21:56 She had to spend time to develop a written language
21:59 which also met that if she was going to translate
22:02 the Bible into that, that language
22:05 she was going to have to teach them
22:07 how to read that language.
22:09 Think of, think of the dedication
22:12 and the commitment that, that meant for her.
22:15 In fact it was in 1990 that it was published
22:21 the Bible in the language of this people.
22:23 But think what she was,
22:25 think about what she was willing to do.
22:27 She was willing uproot herself from her culture.
22:30 From, you know, from the United States
22:32 she was willing to go
22:34 and live in a very primitive society.
22:39 And I tell you, that's a represents our power
22:42 for motivation doesn't it.
22:44 But my friend, that is just a faith representation
22:48 of what Jesus did for us when He left the courts of glory
22:52 and came down to this earth.
22:56 He did that of course because He loves us.
23:00 Now while we are still in Hebrews in chapter 1
23:03 and if you've missed and watch your place
23:06 it's a New Testament page 169 we find in Hebrews 1:5
23:11 it says "For to which of the angels did He ever say,
23:15 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You?'
23:19 And again, 'I will be a Father to Him
23:21 and He shall be a Son to Me?'"
23:25 Now this idea of Jesus being the only begotten of the Father.
23:30 This phrase we find several times in the New Testament.
23:33 This idea of the only begotten Son
23:36 that He is the Son, He God is the Father
23:40 is one that has been confusing for lot of people.
23:44 I have to mean even in my early ministry
23:46 I still was pondering this even though
23:47 I knew in the Greek the word actually meant the unique one
23:51 and He is very unique but this idea that began
23:54 because just a suffice reading of it seems
23:57 to give the impression that He had a beginning of days
24:02 and there is some take that position.
24:05 But then as I, you know in time it began
24:09 to become clearly this is talking about
24:12 when Jesus came to this earth and was incarnated.
24:17 When He was born that helpless baby in Bethlehem
24:22 taking our human nature upon Himself.
24:24 He was begotten of the Father in that sense.
24:28 And that just pulled up on
24:30 you know it just cleared up the whole issue for me.
24:33 And that's what it is talking about
24:35 because as we already read in Micah 5:2
24:38 He comes from the days of eternity
24:40 I mean that's the dimension of time
24:42 without beginning or end.
24:45 Because again as we know He is always existed.
24:49 Another text I would share with you is here on the screen
24:52 Philippians Chapter 2 and beginning with verse 5.
24:56 As we try to take some measurement
24:59 of what it meant for Jesus to come.
25:02 It says "Have this attitude in yourselves
25:05 which was also in Christ Jesus,
25:07 who, although He existed in the form of God,
25:10 did not regard equality with God
25:12 a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself."
25:15 Just think about that phrase.
25:16 Jesus was willing empty Himself empty Himself
25:19 of all of those prerogatives that were His by nature.
25:24 Those prerogatives that have belong to God alone.
25:27 And it goes on say,
25:28 "Taking the form of a bondservant,
25:32 and being made in the likeness of men."
25:37 Interesting term, in the likeness of men
25:39 because there is something again very unique about Jesus.
25:43 Yes, He had our humanity.
25:46 He took our humanity but He was human
25:50 but yet He was God.
25:54 So it took "the likeness of men.
25:56 And being found in appearance as a man,
25:58 He humbled Himself by becoming obedient
26:00 to the point of death, even death on a cross."
26:06 Oh, my friend, there is sense
26:07 in which the incarnation of Jesus
26:09 must always remain a mystery for how can we explain
26:14 how the all powerful eternal God
26:16 could take upon Himself the lamentations of human flesh.
26:21 But that's exactly what He did.
26:23 Think of what He was willing to do out of His love for us.
26:26 Think of it being conceived in the womb of Mary
26:29 that nine-month gestation period as His human body was forming.
26:34 This is God and then to be born to be that
26:39 and as I've said several times that help us little baby.
26:43 You know did He need to have diapers changed?
26:46 Do they have diapers back then?
26:48 Well, he must have something.
26:51 And to be as totally depended upon His parents
26:54 as any other little baby this was God.
26:57 And again we ask the question what was the motivation
27:01 that God will be willing to do that for you and for me?
27:04 And, my friend, it is in one word it is out of love
27:08 that He was willing to do that.
27:11 And then to grow and mature and then finally you know,
27:16 finally they took Him and crucified Him
27:19 and put Him to death.
27:22 It just kind of takes your breath away
27:23 when you begin to really think about it.
27:25 So how far is it from sitting in throne
27:28 the majesty of the universe
27:30 to be in that little baby in Bethlehem?
27:33 Well, my friend, it is immeasurable
27:36 and yet it is the measure of God's love
27:38 for the human race.
27:40 It is the measure of God's love for you and for me.
27:45 My friend, nobody has ever loved us
27:47 as fully and as completely as God has loved us.
27:51 And its humbling its, its breathtaking,
27:54 its hard to really wrap on minds around that God,
27:58 the eternal one, all powerful one
28:01 that He would love me that I would manner
28:04 that He would be willing to sacrifice
28:06 and give off Himself as only He could do
28:09 and as He has done and continues to do.
28:13 I'll tell you its understanding that,
28:15 that wins so many hearts over
28:20 because as I have been saying it's a revelation of love.
28:23 Take a look at John 1, the New Testament page 71.
28:27 John 1:18.
28:31 Another interesting, I will tell you the Bible
28:33 is just full of interesting truths and revelations.
28:38 And one of the things we're gonna be discovering
28:40 and may be you have discovered already.
28:42 This book is such a dynamic book.
28:46 You can spend a lifetime studying this book
28:48 and yet there will be new, new answers and new revelations
28:53 that will come as the Holy Spirit
28:56 opens our understanding about what God,
29:01 who God is and what He has done for us.
29:03 Here in John 1:18,
29:05 we find this verse, this statement.
29:09 "No one has seen God at any time,
29:11 the only begotten God
29:13 who is in the bosom of the Father,
29:16 He has explained Him."
29:19 You see because of sin we were separated from God.
29:24 And sin, you know, sin always does us,
29:27 sin always separates.
29:30 And so God became, you know, I share with you
29:33 in Genesis Chapter 3
29:35 when Adam and Eve sinned the first thing
29:37 that we'd know that took place is their whole view about God
29:40 went through a fundamental change.
29:42 When we remember when they heard God
29:44 coming into the garden in the cool part of the day
29:47 they found themselves running from Him.
29:49 They would overcome with fear.
29:53 And so God, you know, this whole misapprehension
29:57 of who God is,
29:58 God seems so distant and so far removed.
30:03 And that's one of the fundamental reasons
30:05 why God had to act to reveal and Satan was throwing
30:09 all of these lies out of who God was,
30:12 all of these misrepresentations about God
30:15 that He was a stern judge and He was harsh
30:18 and all of these things and arbitrary.
30:22 And so part of why Jesus came was
30:24 to set the records straight about who really God is
30:28 and what He is like and how He relates to you
30:31 and how He relates to me as marvelous revelation.
30:36 "No one has seen God at any time the only begotten God
30:40 who is in the bosom of the Father."
30:42 That's speaking of the intimate relationship
30:46 between God the Father as we know Him and God the Son.
30:51 "Has explained Him."
30:52 In the King James Version you will find
30:54 that it says "The only begotten Son."
30:57 And I'm gonna share a little bit up with you
30:58 about the Greek and Hebrew.
31:00 You know, back and they didn't have xerox machines
31:02 they didn't have printers they had scribes.
31:07 This was a profession that was dedicated
31:09 producing documents in a secular setting
31:12 and in a religious setting,
31:14 the scribes were used to copy the scriptures,
31:18 the words of the prophets.
31:21 And so what we really have
31:22 when we go back to look the original languages
31:25 what we really have our copies of copies of copies.
31:29 And in the process of time, inadvertently no matter
31:32 how carefully they were encopying the scriptures
31:36 inadvertently and they were some changes,
31:38 there were some differences not changes,
31:40 they were some differences
31:41 as you compare some of the manuscripts.
31:44 And I will tell you when you go through this
31:46 it doesn't fundamentally affect the message
31:50 that we find in the Bible whatsoever.
31:52 And this is gonna be good illustration of it.
31:54 Five hundred years ago when the King James translators
31:57 where going through this text
31:58 as they were seeking to translate it.
32:00 The very best manuscripts of that day
32:03 seem to point to the fact that the word in the Greek
32:06 was probably originally the word huios
32:09 that we translate son and so it went
32:11 into the King James Version as the only begotten son.
32:16 However in 500 years we have made further discoveries
32:21 of other manuscripts that are considered
32:24 to be even more accurate and in those manuscripts
32:28 the word is the word theos the word we translate God
32:33 our word theology comes from this,
32:35 from this word God.
32:36 It's the study of God
32:39 that's the theology is the study of God.
32:42 And so that's what the New American Standard translates
32:44 it the only begotten God that says something
32:52 because only He who was one with God
32:56 in that you know not only new God
32:58 but He was God could come
33:01 to explain or reveal Him to us, right.
33:08 Now could have angels been sent to this earth
33:11 to reveal something towards about God,
33:13 would they have anything to say towards about who God is?
33:16 Of course, they you know, they didn't have Him,
33:19 they know Him face to face.
33:21 They certainly would have something to reveal
33:23 but they're not one with God in the sense
33:25 that Jesus is one with God.
33:29 So whether it's to be only begotten God
33:31 or the only begotten Son,
33:32 does it make a fundamental difference.
33:35 No we know its talking about Jesus
33:37 whichever whatever term that you use.
33:40 But again the point is only He who was one with God to come
33:44 and really reveal what was in the heart of God
33:47 that's the point that we are making.
33:50 And I will take you on to John 14:8, 9 on the screen.
33:56 Where it says "Thomas said to Him."
33:59 Remember Thomas we call him doubting Thomas
34:01 but "Thomas said to Him, 'Lord, show us the Father,
34:04 and it is enough for us.'
34:07 And 'Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you,
34:10 and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip?
34:13 He who has seen Me has'" seen whom.
34:17 "Has seen the Father how do you say,
34:19 'Show us the Father'"?
34:21 Again it's an understanding of the fundamental mission
34:25 that brought Jesus to this earth.
34:28 "For God so loved the world
34:29 that He sent his only begotten son."
34:34 He was a divine emissary sent from heaven
34:38 to this earth with a message to all of us.
34:42 And Jesus said it "if you've seen Me
34:44 you have seen the Father."
34:46 If you want to know what the God the Father
34:48 is like my friend,
34:49 get acquainted with the Lord Jesus Christ.
34:52 And if you know anything about Jesus
34:53 you know something about what is within the heart of God.
34:56 Because what we see revealed in Jesus
34:58 is love and compassion and mercy and tenderness,
35:02 patience and kindness,
35:05 right, is that what we find in Jesus.
35:08 My friend, that comes straight out of the heart of God.
35:12 God is exactly like that which means
35:19 that it could have been God the Father
35:22 as we know Him that came to the earth
35:25 and God the Son, Jesus that remained in heaven
35:28 and if that had happened would the Revelation have been
35:31 any different than what it is in the person of Jesus?
35:36 Of course, not
35:39 because it's all about who He is.
35:42 And my friend, if we truly understand this
35:46 whatever doubts we have about God in His attitude
35:49 of towards us are to be cleared this,
35:53 this shadow of misapprehension about God
35:55 ought to be removed when we truly understand
35:58 the relationship between the Father and the Son
36:01 and the divine mission
36:03 that brought Jesus to this planet.
36:07 And by the way remember the title of the subject
36:10 Revelation Cosmic Warrior.
36:12 Who would the Revelations Cosmic Warrior be?
36:15 The son of God.
36:17 Remember, I mean again we were just saying last night
36:20 this whole mess begin in heaven,
36:22 this conflict broke out there in heaven,
36:24 this rebellion, this sin.
36:26 It came down to this earth.
36:28 It's a God to human race.
36:31 He was defeated in heaven.
36:32 He was forced out, He was forced down
36:34 to this earth but my friend,
36:36 God was not content just to let this thing play out
36:41 without His intervention.
36:43 God stepped right in the middle of the situation
36:47 and that is one of the fundamental reasons
36:48 why Jesus came to this earth to deal with it on our behalf.
36:54 And in the end to bring an end to it.
36:56 My friend, He was defeated in heaven
36:58 and let me tell you it is a given
37:02 because of the victory that Jesus gained
37:04 at the Cross of Cavalry
37:05 He is going to be defeated
37:07 in the end here upon this planet.
37:09 Amen.
37:10 And so Jesus came, came to reveal
37:13 you know again to set a record straight about who God was.
37:17 Jesus came to remove, remove this misapprehension
37:21 about God this shadow
37:23 that keeps from really understanding
37:25 who God is and He came and He removed the shadow
37:30 by the Revelation of God's incomprehensible love.
37:35 And my friend, its promise to come in our hearts
37:37 and remove that shadow misapprehension
37:39 about who God really is.
37:41 He will do that for us.
37:43 And that's why it says in 2 Corinthians 5:19
37:46 "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself."
37:50 And let me tell you God took the first steps.
37:52 Sin had separated us
37:54 God stepped right into the breach.
37:56 He said this is not going to stand.
37:59 I'm gonna intervene in this whole situation.
38:02 You guess because remember He could not let you and me go.
38:07 Amen.
38:10 It's fantastic when you really begin to take,
38:13 again the measure of it.
38:15 And so much that could be really said about this
38:17 and yet we just fall short of really,
38:20 you know, I think we'll spend the ages of eternity,
38:24 you know, deepening our understanding
38:27 of what God has done for us.
38:29 Take a look at Isaiah 40 the Old Testament page 513,
38:35 513, we're gonna be looking
38:36 at another messianic prophecy right here.
38:40 Isaiah 40, I told you we're gonna be in Isaiah
38:43 several times tonight
38:46 and this is an interesting prophecy
38:48 as you will see the 40th chapter that we're coming to,
38:54 and verse 3 this is what we find.
38:56 It says "A voice is calling,
38:59 'Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness,
39:02 make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.'"
39:07 Now I want you take a look at the word LORD.
39:10 Take a look at it.
39:12 Notice that the letters are all uppercase.
39:17 Whenever in the Old Testament
39:19 in the New American Standard or in the King James
39:22 when you see the word LORD written that way
39:26 know that in the original language it would be Hebrew
39:29 the word is actually the word Jehovah,
39:32 one of the unique names associated with God.
39:36 Probably, better pronounced, Jehovah.
39:40 So again it's talking about
39:42 "A voice is heard, clear the way for Jehovah,"
39:47 His voice is heard in the wilderness.
39:49 "Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God."
39:52 Compare this now to John 1
39:55 we will find this in the New Testament page 71,
39:57 page 71, John 1:21.
40:03 Now as we come to this chapter and to this text
40:06 the background of this is a story of John the Baptist
40:10 and I will tell you this spirit filled man preaching a message
40:15 of repentance with creating quite a stir
40:19 among the people of God.
40:21 And finally a delegation was set by the leaders
40:25 there in Jerusalem out into the wilderness
40:27 they saw John the Baptist out
40:28 and they had some questions for him.
40:30 Who are you anyway and what you're about?
40:33 And I want you to notice how he responded
40:36 as we come to verse 23, he said.
40:39 This is what he said to them
40:40 "I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness,
40:43 'Make straight the way of the Lord,'
40:45 as Isaiah the prophet said."
40:47 John clearly understood that his mission
40:50 was a fulfillment of this prophecy
40:52 that we just read in Isaiah 40.
40:56 And then we drop on down
40:57 in context of verse 27 because it goes on.
41:00 He bears witness to them
41:03 "It is He who comes after me,
41:05 the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie."
41:09 It says "These things took place in Bethany
41:11 beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
41:14 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said,
41:17 'Behold, the Lamb of God
41:18 who takes away the sin of the world.'
41:20 This is He on behalf of whom I said,
41:24 'After me comes a Man who has a higher rank than I,
41:28 for He existed before me.'
41:30 I did not recognize Him,
41:32 but so that He might be manifested to Israel,
41:36 I came baptizing in water."
41:39 Clearly John when he saw Jesus
41:43 he recognized the uniqueness of Jesus.
41:46 He recognized Him as the Lamb of God.
41:50 He recognized that this was the reason
41:52 why He was sent with this message to His people.
41:56 It was to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus.
41:59 And when you put these two verses together
42:03 my friend, it clearly identifies Jesus as Jehovah God.
42:09 Right, absolutely.
42:11 A name which we usually associate with God the Father
42:14 that often these names are actually
42:16 used interchangeably in the Godhead.
42:20 He is Jehovah God that came down to this earth
42:26 as we have already noted
42:28 on this divine mission on our behalf.
42:31 In Hebrews 2:14 it says
42:34 "Since then the children share in flesh and blood,
42:37 He Himself likewise also partook of the same,
42:40 that through death He might render powerless him
42:43 who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
42:47 And my friend, this is one of the fundamental reasons
42:49 another that is given to us in the scriptures
42:52 why Jesus took our humanity upon Himself.
42:54 It was for the purpose of the fact
42:56 that as a representative of the human race
43:00 that He would die as the divine substitute in our place.
43:06 He will take the consequences of sin upon Himself
43:09 so that we might have life.
43:11 But the problem was God
43:13 in His divinity cannot die, right.
43:19 God cannot die.
43:21 It is again one of the fundamental reasons
43:23 why He took our humanity upon Himself.
43:27 It was in our humanity that He offered up
43:31 His life as a sacrifice on Cavalry.
43:35 This is really fantastic stuff
43:37 that has been revealed to us in the Word of God.
43:39 And then I take you back to John 1 back
43:41 because we were there just on Friday night
43:44 in the different context as you may remember.
43:47 But in John 1 it says that
43:48 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
43:51 and the Word was God.
43:53 He was in the beginning with God."
43:55 And then it says "All things came into being by Him," by Him
44:01 "and apart from Him nothing came into being
44:03 that has come into being."
44:05 And remember, we dropped down to verse 14
44:06 as we are gonna do again
44:08 because it identifies who the word is this,
44:11 you know, all things came into be by Him it says.
44:15 It says "And the Word became flesh,
44:16 and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,
44:19 glory as of the only begotten from the Father,
44:22 full of grace and truth."
44:24 And currently we understand that the word was Jesus.
44:29 But verse 3 again indicates that all things
44:32 came into being by Him.
44:35 And apart from Him nothing came into being into existence
44:40 that exists which means He is the Creator,
44:44 that's the point we made on Friday night.
44:47 It means that He is the source of our life
44:52 which helps us to comprehend how it could be
44:55 that the forfeiture of that life on the Cross of Cavalry
44:59 could stand in substitution for the billions
45:01 that would inhabit this planet.
45:04 My friend, it was not a mere man
45:06 that hung upon the Cross of Cavalry it was God.
45:10 It was He who was the source of all life
45:13 that you led up Himself upon the Cross of Cavalry.
45:16 That is powerful, isn't it? Amen.
45:18 The life giver yielding up His life for us
45:22 and again the depths of love that it speaks of in 1 John 3:8.
45:28 It says "The Son of God appeared for this purpose,
45:31 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
45:36 Again on they are just really we could spend a couple hours
45:40 really going into this even into greater detail
45:43 looking on what the Bible reveals to us
45:46 about why Jesus came.
45:48 But it is fundamental He came to destroy
45:50 the works of the devil.
45:53 Satan has come into this world and he sowed all of these,
45:57 you know, the seeds of sin
45:59 and disruption and rebellion upon this planet.
46:02 Jesus followed, He came to this planet
46:06 and He sowed the seeds of love,
46:08 than of truth and of revelation of who God really is.
46:11 And my friend, the consequences of what Jesus
46:15 has done for us had been reverberating down
46:18 through the ages of time to our own day
46:22 and will continue I believe to do so
46:24 down to the ages of eternity.
46:29 Let me take you to Hebrews 3
46:30 you're gonna find this to be an interesting passage.
46:32 Hebrew, Hebrews 3 the New Testament page 170
46:37 beginning with verse 14.
46:38 We're gonna be looking at verses 14-17.
46:42 Now, you know, I think most of us
46:43 know this,by the way when we study the Bible
46:47 there are just some verses they're so clear,
46:49 you know, the gems in truth
46:50 you can just pick them up
46:52 and then there're other passages of scriptures
46:54 you have to do a little bit of digging.
46:57 You have to, you know, examine it
46:59 in light of, what the Bible has taught
47:00 and I tell you when you dig and really find out
47:04 what really is been taught often.
47:06 You know just these wonderful revelations
47:08 and I think you will find this to be one of those verses.
47:11 So Hebrews 3:14 it says
47:14 "For we have become partakers of Christ."
47:19 And notice the object here right off is who, is Christ.
47:25 Okay, I want you to follow this.
47:27 "For we have become partakers of Christ,
47:28 if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance
47:31 firm until the end, while it is said
47:35 'Today if you hear His voice,'"
47:38 whose voice would that be?
47:40 Has the object changed?
47:43 So it's speaking of whose voice?
47:45 Of Christ voice, Jesus voice.
47:48 "'Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts,
47:51 as when they provoked Me.'"
47:54 Again the object has not changed
47:56 and then take a look at verse 16 talking about provocation.
48:00 "For who provoked Him." Who can them be?
48:05 Again the object has not changed has it,
48:07 it still is talking about Jesus about Christ.
48:09 "For who provoked Him when they had heard?"
48:12 Now what is this talking about?
48:14 "Indeed, did not all those
48:15 who came out of Egypt led by Moses?"
48:21 Jesus had something to do with those Israelites
48:27 that had been locked in Egyptian bondage
48:30 and delivering them from bondage
48:33 that's exactly what the text is indicating
48:38 and it is verified, its verified as we go to statement
48:43 that Paul makes in his letter
48:44 to the Corinthians, the first letter.
48:46 Its chapter 10 and beginning with verse 1
48:49 now this is what Paul says.
48:50 "For I do not want you to be unaware,
48:52 brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud."
48:56 Remember, as they were traveling through the wilderness
48:58 say have gone through the Red Sea,
49:00 the path had been opened the Egyptians had tried
49:03 to follow through and then,
49:04 you know, the waters engulfed them
49:06 and the whole army was destroyed.
49:09 And so they are out into the desert,
49:11 interesting they-- it calls the desert of sin.
49:15 Hot dreary place and there was this cloud
49:18 that God provided for them as they were traveling
49:21 some two million of them
49:23 on their way to the Promise Land.
49:25 The cloud provided shade, a cover for them, okay.
49:31 So that's what he is talking about.
49:32 "Our fathers were all under the cloud
49:34 and all passed through the sea."
49:36 The Red Sea.
49:38 "And all drank the same spiritual."
49:40 the same spiritual rock.
49:43 "For they were drinking from a spiritual rock
49:46 which followed them."
49:47 Remember that when they needed water,
49:49 you know, they began to complaint of Moses
49:51 and he took the staff the first time
49:53 and struck the rock and water followed out for them.
49:56 Well, Paul is making his spiritual application here.
49:59 "Were drinking from a spiritual rock
50:01 which followed them and the rock was"
50:04 Whom? "Was Christ."
50:06 So who was with His people in the wilderness
50:10 as they were wandering on their way to the Palestine?
50:13 It was Jesus which brings up some fascinating views
50:19 as we put this all together from the Word of God.
50:22 Jesus was the appointed agency
50:25 through which God interacted with creation.
50:29 When it came to the creation of this planet
50:31 it was through Jesus that God acted.
50:35 And so with the universe when it came to creation
50:37 of the universe because all things came into being
50:39 by Him and it was through Jesus that God acted.
50:42 As we just read when we came to bringing His people
50:45 and delivering the mount of Egyptian bondage
50:47 it was through Jesus that God acted.
50:50 When it came to the salvation
50:52 and the redemption of the human race
50:54 it was through Jesus that God acted.
50:57 When it comes to the destruction of sin and rebellion
50:59 and darkness and pain and suffering
51:02 it is through Jesus that God will act.
51:05 When it comes to the establishment
51:07 of the everlasting kingdom
51:09 it is through Jesus that God will act.
51:13 And one more messianic prophecy again back to Isaiah Chapter 33
51:19 and we're gonna be looking at verse 22.
51:24 And this one is packed full we're going to see
51:26 the corresponding text in the New Testament
51:29 but Isaiah 33 and here it is as we come to verse 22.
51:34 And again notice how the word Lord is written here.
51:37 The word is actually Jehovah Yahweh.
51:39 It says "For the Lord is our judge,
51:41 the Lord is our lawgiver,
51:44 the Lord is our king, He will save us."
51:48 So let's take those elements
51:49 and look at the corresponding text in the New Testament.
51:53 The Lord beginning with the Lord is our judge
51:55 take a look at John 5, the New Testament page 75,
51:59 page 75 John 5:22.
52:03 It's a statement that Jesus makes.
52:06 It is astounding this statement that Jesus makes.
52:12 John the 5th chapter
52:14 make your way right down there to verse 22
52:17 where he says "For not even the Father judges anyone."
52:22 Did you know that statement was in the Bible?
52:26 It's not the God the Father that's going to judge us.
52:30 Jesus says that clearly for he it says,
52:33 has given all judgment to whom?
52:38 To the Son.
52:39 So you see the one who created us
52:41 is the one who died for us.
52:43 And is the one, who in the end who will judge us.
52:48 And my friend, does that term
52:49 because that gives us a deeper understanding
52:51 about the judgment.
52:54 My friend, do we need to worry
52:56 and concern ourselves about the judgment?
52:58 Oh, my friend, if He loved us enough
53:00 to give up His life for us
53:02 we can trust Him that He is going
53:05 to take us through the judgment.
53:08 And then remember it says "the Lord is out judge.
53:10 The Lord is our lawgiver."
53:11 I am sorry.
53:12 Take a look at that one as turn to James 4:12
53:17 the New Testament page 178, 178 James 4.
53:22 It's just past the Book of Hebrews
53:24 where we were earlier.
53:27 And notice what we find here James 4:12 it says
53:34 "There is only one Lawgiver and" what?
53:39 "Judge." What does that mean?
53:41 There's only one lawgiver and judge.
53:43 It means that one and the same.
53:45 So who is the judge? Jesus would be the judge.
53:49 Which means who was the Lawgiver?
53:52 Jesus.
53:53 It was Jesus.
53:54 It's because of the transgression of the law
53:57 that is on that basis that we'll be judged.
54:00 "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge,
54:01 the One who is able to save and to destroy."
54:06 The power of the description
54:07 of our God came down upon that mountain
54:10 the hosts of Israelites who gathered around Mount Sinai
54:13 that talks about how the mountain
54:15 just shook at the presence of God.
54:17 How the rocks and the mountains melted in His presence.
54:21 And then God spoke one of the most unique things
54:24 that have ever happened in history.
54:26 God audibly spoke to His people
54:28 and what He gave them as He spoke was
54:31 what we called the Ten Commandments, right.
54:34 And then He wrote them on tablets of stone
54:36 with His own finger, who was it.
54:40 My friend, it was Jesus.
54:44 This is, you know, I said again
54:46 it's just a powerful thing
54:47 when you study this from the Bible.
54:50 And then let's look at Revelation 19,
54:52 the New Testament page 199, Revelation 19:16 for it say
54:57 "The Lord is our king."
55:00 And I know, you know, where I'm going with this
55:02 but lets, lets get the passage together revelation 19:16
55:06 where it says "And on His robe"
55:08 its speaking of Jesus "
55:09 and on His thigh He has a name written,
55:12 'King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.'"
55:16 Indeed, He is our King.
55:18 And then He is one that will save us
55:20 and when I think about that I think of Acts 4:12
55:23 where it says "There is no other name under
55:26 having given among men."
55:27 Speaking of Jesus "by which we must be saved."
55:32 He is the only name that is been given
55:34 to us by which we must be saved that worthy name of Jesus.
55:42 You see my friend, it is Jesus from Genesis
55:45 to Revelation from that first record of creation,
55:49 well, without him was about anything made
55:51 to the closing promise in Revelation 22
55:54 "Behold I come."
55:55 Quickly we're reading of His words
55:58 and missing to His voice.
56:00 It was Jesus the one who in the very beginning
56:03 created this world in His primeval beauty
56:06 and lovingly and tenderly breeding the man
56:08 the breath of light that yielding in Himself
56:11 as an atonement for sins
56:13 so that we might have life though Him.
56:15 It is Jesus one with the Father
56:17 that led His people from Egyptian bondage.
56:21 Who were yet deliver His people from the slavery of sin.
56:26 It was Jesus who descendant upon Sinai
56:29 in awesome glory to record the commandments
56:32 on tablets of stone with His own finger
56:34 who then returned again to this earth
56:37 to reveal those principles through His life
56:42 who finally died on the Cross of Cavalry
56:47 because of the consequences of our transgressions.
56:51 It is this Jesus both Lawgiver and Savior
56:55 who will at last damned as judge of all of the earth.
56:59 It is Jesus that one who declared
57:01 that if you have seen Me you have seen the Father.
57:05 They're laid aside the regal robes of the sovereignty.
57:09 The diatom of His glory to be born a helpless baby
57:14 in Bethlehem to trot this earth the lovely son of a carpenter
57:19 and finally to submit Himself to the cruel mockings
57:22 of the people that He come to save
57:25 who ended His life on the Cross of Cavalry.
57:28 It is the same Jesus who will return in all power
57:32 and glory to this earth to destroy sin and rebellion
57:36 and to establish the everlasting kingdom.
57:39 So what did it cost God to love us and to save us?
57:44 And my friend, the answer clearly
57:46 is it cost Him His very self.
57:49 For in giving Jesus He was giving us Himself.
57:52 Notice what it says in 1 John 4:9, 10
57:55 "By this the love of God was manifested in us,
57:59 that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world
58:03 so that we might live through Him.
58:05 In this is love, not that we loved God,
58:08 but, that He loved us
58:10 and sent His Son to be the propitiation."
58:13 The sacrifice, the substitution if you please.
58:16 "For our sins."
58:19 And then I would add 1 John 3:16
58:22 "We know love by this,
58:25 that He laid down His life for us."
58:28 Amen.
58:30 And so my friend, the question is do we know Him tonight?
58:34 That's the question to be answered,
58:35 do we trust Him, do we love Him?
58:38 And so I invite you,
58:41 I invite you to look into the face of Jesus.
58:43 If I not only a loving and dependable friend
58:47 but a compassionate and understanding God.


Revised 2014-12-17