Life Discovery Series

An Ancient Cosmic Code Rediscovered

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Reinking


Series Code: LDS

Program Code: LDS000007

00:34 Tonight, we are studying a subject
00:36 which has caught up many in the web of deception
00:40 and that is the place of the law,
00:42 the commandments in the born again Christian's experience.
00:46 You know, some will tell us that as Christians
00:48 we are to keep the law
00:50 while others will stress that we are released
00:53 from obligations to its requirements.
00:56 And we want to know in other way
00:57 what does the Bible actually teach?
01:01 Well, we have to face it tonight.
01:04 We live in an age in which honesty and integrity
01:07 are all too often a rare commodity.
01:11 All around this we find moral values
01:13 been undermined or simply ignored.
01:15 And some years ago I picked up this article
01:18 that really illustrates a little bit of
01:19 what we're talking about,
01:20 as if you need an illustration of this.
01:22 But I picked to the part of the newspaper.
01:25 It was entitled honesty,
01:26 "honesty brings repayment, ridicule."
01:29 And it was reported at Ridgecrest, California.
01:32 And this is how it read,
01:33 "Two auto repairman say
01:35 all that they got for their honesty was a lot of ridicule.
01:39 Clifford Don and John Thatcher
01:41 this week found more than $30,000
01:45 stuffed inside a used tyre
01:47 that they were getting ready to sell for $17."
01:50 Well, that would be a fine, wouldn't it?
01:52 "And so they turned the money over to the police
01:55 and signed affidavits swearing they did not know
01:58 who owned the money.
02:00 Under California law they must wait 19 days
02:03 advertise the find in the newspaper for one day
02:08 and wait another week to see if anybody answers.
02:11 And if no one does they get the money."
02:14 I never saw a follow up to this,
02:16 so I don't know if they got the money or not.
02:18 But anyway it went on to say
02:20 "the main result of their find so far said the two
02:23 has been congratulations for their honesty
02:25 but ridiculed from their friends."
02:28 You see, it all-- it seems like all too
02:32 often the prevailing attitude is be honest,
02:35 if you think somebody is looking off your shoulder
02:37 but if not, don't sweat.
02:41 Does that seem to be the attitude of many today?
02:45 And some of these kids awfully close at home.
02:47 I remember hearing about a classmate of mine
02:49 from my college days,
02:50 who sat in her pastor's study
02:54 and said of her living situation with her boyfriend
02:57 that it was holy and blessed of God
02:59 and this inspired with the teaches
03:00 about fleeing fornication.
03:04 And we could go on and on, couldn't we?
03:06 Sad to say even among professed Christians
03:09 we find the same trends as we see in the world around us.
03:13 What was once called sin
03:15 is no longer considered to be so today.
03:17 And I ask you the question, has God changed?
03:20 Has He changed? What do you think?
03:23 No, maybe we've changed but God has not changed.
03:27 Why is it that we see these things happening all around us?
03:31 My friend, the answer lies
03:32 in the disregard of the commandments,
03:35 a departure from God's appointed way.
03:38 If you see the general Christian teaching today,
03:41 is that the law has been done away with?
03:43 We are no longer under obligation
03:45 to its requirements.
03:47 And in thus undermining
03:49 the bulwark of God's moral standard
03:51 and thus failing to uphold those eternal principles
03:54 of righteousness in our Christian witness,
03:57 we have suddenly seized that a born fruit
03:59 in the disregard for our moral values.
04:03 So let's really find out what the Bible teaches
04:05 about this matter of the commandments.
04:07 Take your Bibles and turn with me
04:08 to 1 Corinthians 7, the New Testament, page 133,
04:13 New Testament, page 133
04:15 and its 1 Corinthians 7:19.
04:21 First Corinthians 7:19,
04:23 Paul is writing to the believers in the church in Corinth.
04:27 This is-- Corinth was a major city
04:31 in what we call Asia Minor.
04:34 And this is what he had to say to the Corinthians.
04:36 Again it's 1 Corinthians Chapter 7
04:39 and we want to look at verse 19, verse 19.
04:44 What he says, "Circumcision is nothing,
04:46 and uncircumcision is nothing,
04:49 but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God."
04:54 My friend, whenever you find
04:55 that kind of a phrase in the Bible what matters,
04:58 you know, what follows has to be significant, right?
05:03 And so Paul says it right here in his letter to the Corinthians
05:07 that what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.
05:11 And so right off we see
05:13 written in the New Testament an indication
05:15 that the commandments haven't really been done away
05:18 with though there're many even among Christians
05:20 who are teaching that, that's exactly what has happened
05:22 the commandments were done away with.
05:24 They were nailed to the cross when Jesus,
05:26 you know, when Jesus came and lived on this earth
05:28 and He lived the perfect life
05:30 He eliminated our need to be
05:32 concerned about the commandments.
05:35 And we have a word in the world of theology for this teaching,
05:40 this idea that the commandments were done away with,
05:43 we call this antinomianism.
05:46 It comes from the Greek word, nomos,
05:48 that we translate commandments.
05:51 So antinomianism is an anti-law is teaching again
05:55 that the commandments have been done away with.
05:58 And my friend, again we want to be clear, don't we?
06:01 We want to be absolutely clear and sure
06:05 that what we believe is in keeping
06:08 what the Bible teaches.
06:10 And that's exactly what we're gonna find
06:11 as we go further into our study.
06:14 Take a look at Matthew 5,
06:16 the New Testament page 3, page 3.
06:20 Matthew 5:17-19.
06:23 Let's take a look at what Jesus
06:25 said about this matter.
06:26 It's a part of the Sermon on the Mount
06:28 and we will remember in the Sermon on the Mount,
06:30 Jesus is establishing the principles of His kingdom.
06:35 And you know something about Jesus too,
06:37 when it came to the established traditions,
06:40 of the religious leaders of His day.
06:42 My friend, He did really give very much regard
06:44 at all to their religious traditions.
06:48 He just kind of ignored them
06:49 and you know, that's important
06:51 why He got in so much trouble with them.
06:54 And I think that here as you look at this passage
06:57 Jesus is seeking to make it very clear
07:00 in regards to where He stands
07:02 when it comes to the commandments.
07:04 At last there will be some
07:05 who were conclude that as Jesus did,
07:08 you know, did-- not did consideration
07:10 to the traditions of the elders
07:12 that maybe He didn't really believe in the commandments
07:15 to keeping them as well.
07:17 Take a look at Matthew 5:17,
07:20 Jesus said, "Do not think,
07:23 that I came to abolish the law or the prophets,
07:25 I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."
07:30 So the first thing we take note of
07:32 from the New Testament, the words of Jesus,
07:34 He did not come to abolish the law, right.
07:38 That's pretty clear.
07:40 He didn't come to abolish but to fulfill.
07:43 And did Jesus fulfill the law?
07:46 Did He?
07:47 And how did He?
07:49 He kept it perfectly, didn't He?
07:51 And again the phrasing there is,
07:54 "I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."
07:56 So this idea that when Jesus fulfilled the law
08:00 that He released us from keeping the commandments
08:02 is so contrary to the statement of Jesus.
08:06 He said don't you think that in fulfilling the law
08:08 that I abolished it, right.
08:11 That's what it says.
08:13 And then verse 18,
08:14 He says, "For truly I say to you
08:16 until heaven and earth pass away
08:18 not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away
08:21 from the law until all is accomplished."
08:25 I've got a question for you, is heaven and earth still here?
08:29 I know, feels pretty solid under my feet.
08:33 So what does that say about the integrity of the law?
08:37 And in furthermore Jesus said here in verse 18,
08:40 "Not the smallest letter or stroke
08:42 until all is accomplished."
08:45 While has all been accomplished?
08:48 Well, much has been accomplished
08:51 among the significant things that been accomplished,
08:53 Jesus has come to this earth,
08:55 His died for our redemption
08:58 but my friend,
09:00 Jesus is yet to return in power and in glory.
09:04 The eternal kingdom is yet to be established.
09:08 We have yet to see
09:09 the elimination of sin and rebellion
09:11 so not all has been accomplished.
09:13 And again what does that say about the integrity of the law?
09:17 What Jesus said, and not the smallest letter
09:20 or stroke that's like a crossing of a "T"
09:24 has been eliminated from the law.
09:27 And then finally verse 19,
09:28 He says, "Whoever then annuls
09:29 one of the least of these commandments,
09:31 and teaches others to do the same,
09:33 shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven
09:36 but whoever keeps and teaches them,"
09:39 and by implication the least of them,
09:41 "he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
09:46 So my friend, we are in--
09:48 on solid New Testament foundations
09:51 and we are perfect accord with the teachings of Jesus here
09:56 to have the night in which we talk about
09:58 the importance of the commandments
10:01 and they are important.
10:02 You know, this has become an issue in recent years.
10:06 I mean, you know something about this,
10:08 I-- you know, going back to who was it,
10:11 there was a chief justice of Alabama back in 2003.
10:15 I think his name was Roy Moore remember,
10:17 he had erected a 2.5 ton replica of the commandments
10:24 in the state house there in Alabama
10:30 and this became, this became an issue
10:32 that went before the Supreme Court
10:34 of the state of Alabama.
10:37 And remember the Supreme Court said,
10:38 you got to take out that religious,
10:42 that religious object out of this the courthouse.
10:46 And you could see the picture here
10:48 where they're removing it because of that.
10:51 And this thing eventually--
10:53 this whole issue eventually worked its way up
10:56 to the Supreme Court of the United States.
10:59 Do you remember this in 2005,
11:02 they finally made the determination
11:04 because there was an issue again in a very similar way
11:08 they have posted the commandments
11:10 in the courthouse of Kentucky
11:13 of the Supreme Court of Kentucky and of Texas.
11:17 And the Supreme Court said you got to get those replicas
11:20 of the commandments out of those courthouses.
11:25 And yet, you know this is down in the Bible about it.
11:29 And there are many actually who are teaching
11:31 that commandments were done away with and yeah
11:33 this was stirring people,
11:35 this idea of the commandments being done away with.
11:39 Well, Jesus said in John 15:10,
11:42 again coming back to how Jesus related to the commandments.
11:45 He said, "I have kept My Father's commandments,
11:48 and abide in His love."
11:51 Jesus gave us an example, didn't He?
11:53 And notice the connection
11:55 between His keeping the commandments
11:57 and His relationship to the Father.
12:01 He says, keeping the commandments
12:02 and I abide in His love.
12:05 And so it is in our relationship with Jesus Christ,
12:08 when we love the Lord Jesus Christ,
12:10 we will see a similar pattern in our own lives
12:15 is what the Bible indicates.
12:17 But then do you recognized this fellow right here?
12:21 That's Ted Turner, yes. You got it, Ted Turner.
12:24 And Ted Turner had something to say
12:27 about this matter of the commandments.
12:28 Back in 19-- I think it was '89,
12:30 he determined that
12:32 the Ten Commandments were obsolete.
12:34 Oh, wonderful they have that commentary from Ted Turner.
12:37 So he put into place
12:39 his 10 voluntary initiatives is what he called them,
12:43 voluntary initiatives to replace the Ten Commandments.
12:47 I bet you, you never even heard of that thing, you know.
12:51 So people being tampering with this matter
12:53 but take a look at what the Bible says
12:55 in Psalm 111:7, 8.
12:59 It says, "The works of His hands are verity and judgment,
13:03 all His commandments are sure.
13:05 They stand fast for--" how long?
13:09 "for ever and ever,
13:10 and are done in truth and uprightness"
13:13 is what the Bible teaches about the commandments.
13:16 And then I want to take you on the Matthew 19,
13:18 the New Testament page 16.
13:21 Page 16, Matthew 19.
13:24 Now there's something deeply spiritual
13:26 about this whole matter
13:28 that we want to get to sooner than later.
13:33 You know in almost any subject there are gonna be well,
13:35 I call the nuts and bolts,
13:37 that's when you're getting down to the essential teachings
13:41 or what is actually being taught.
13:43 And it's easy to miss
13:45 the deeper spiritual implications of the teachings
13:48 that we don't take time to take note of them.
13:50 So here we are as we come to Matthew,
13:54 Matthew 19, to begin with verse 16.
13:57 It's the story of the rich young ruler.
14:01 And this what it says,
14:02 "And someone came to Him and said,
14:04 'Teacher, what good thing shall I do
14:06 that I may obtain eternal life?'
14:08 And He said to him,
14:10 'Why are you asking me about what is good?
14:12 There is only one who is good,
14:14 but if you wish to enter into life,
14:16 keep the commandments.'"
14:18 Just a minute.
14:21 What did He say?
14:23 If you'd enter into life, what?
14:25 Keep the commandments.
14:28 You know, putting aside, if we did
14:30 we've to consider that Jesus was saying this
14:32 and I think it was more than it was in the Bible.
14:35 If anybody else had answered that question,
14:38 what must I do to inherit eternal life?
14:40 And they said, "Keep the commandments."
14:42 I would bet that some of us would very quickly say,
14:46 if ever that was a legalistic answer to that question
14:50 of what we must do to inherit the eternal life, that's it.
14:54 Where in the world do you come up with this idea
14:56 that we keep the commandment, enter into life.
14:59 It comes out of the personal commitment of the Jesus Christ.
15:02 Is that what some of us would be saying?
15:05 But yet Jesus said it, if you want to enter the life,
15:09 keep the commandments.
15:11 Now we're gonna see
15:12 how this relates to the relationship
15:14 and then it's gonna make it abundantly clear
15:17 that Jesus was not confused about this matter of salvation.
15:21 We'll never accuse Jesus of being confuse
15:23 about the matter of our redemption, would we?
15:26 But nevertheless it has an importance
15:29 as Jesus would not have responded the way that He did.
15:32 Verse 18, "Then he said to Him,
15:35 'Which ones? Lord, which ones?'
15:37 And Jesus said, 'You shall not commit murder,
15:39 you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal,
15:42 you shall not bear false witness,
15:44 honor your father and mother
15:46 and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
15:48 Clearly, Jesus was talking about the Ten Commandments,
15:51 he quoted them.
15:52 These are the ones that we are to keep,
15:54 if we are to enter in the life.
15:57 And so we have to again ask ourselves the question
16:01 not only should we keep them, are they relevant?
16:05 Well, let's take a look at this matter of the commandments
16:08 as we look at the record of it,
16:10 as we find it in the Book of Exodus
16:11 beginning actually in Exodus 19
16:15 and then in Exodus 20 of course,
16:16 we find the record of the Ten Commandments
16:18 but among the things that we take note,
16:20 we take note that the children of Israel
16:22 are there at Mount Sinai.
16:24 They spend a whole year at this mountain.
16:27 Moses is going up into the mountain,
16:29 he's in communion with God.
16:32 And it's in that context
16:33 that he receives the commandments.
16:35 But first of all we take note in Exodus 19
16:38 that God called for all of His people
16:41 to gather around the base of that mountain.
16:45 And then He spoke to them directly, audibly.
16:50 It is one of the most unique things recorded in scripture
16:53 that God spoke to His people.
16:55 And what was it that He said?
16:58 Well, my friend,
16:59 He gave them the Ten Commandments.
17:03 And so again for those who would just very casually
17:06 would do it away with the commandments,
17:08 my friend, here it's God Himself speaking from the mountain,
17:14 giving the commandments.
17:15 That says they are important,
17:18 they were important enough for God to come down
17:20 and to give them, right.
17:22 And then furthermore we take note that He--
17:24 that He wrote them on tablets of stone with His own finger
17:29 and still there are those who say
17:32 that the commandments have been done away with.
17:34 Well, again, let's take a look at them.
17:37 As it recorded in Exodus Chapter 20,
17:38 looking at the relevancy of the Bible way
17:41 there is a preamble to the Ten Commandments
17:44 that's often overlooked.
17:46 It's right here on the screen, Exodus 20:2,
17:51 where God declares, "I am the Lord your God,
17:55 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
17:57 out of the house of slavery."
18:00 So the first thing we take note of before
18:02 we really get to the Ten Commandments,
18:03 God declares, I am the Lord, I am your God.
18:08 And what else?
18:10 I've delivered you out of the house of bondage,
18:14 out of the house of slavery.
18:17 My friend, He still is in the business
18:20 of releasing slaves, slaves to sin
18:26 from their bondage. Amen.
18:28 He is still in the business of delivering
18:31 us from the bondage.
18:34 And so this is really a vital point
18:37 to understand and to appreciate
18:38 before we get it down to the thou shalt not.
18:42 They understand who God is, and how He has related to us.
18:48 Our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer He is all of that.
18:52 So again, we're going to be looking
18:54 at the relevancy of the commandments
18:55 as we began with the very first one of them where God says,
18:58 "You shall have no other Gods before Me."
19:03 Oh, was that relevant
19:05 in the day and age that we live in?
19:07 Oh, come on, we are sophisticated,
19:09 we are just too sophisticated in western culture, right?
19:12 We don't have Gods.
19:14 Maybe in ancient times, maybe in primitive,
19:18 you know, civilizations
19:20 but not in ours western civilization or do we?
19:25 Do we have our Gods? What is it God?
19:28 My friend, anything that we put first place in our lives
19:33 we effectively have made up it
19:36 or that someone a God.
19:39 Can we make an individual God?
19:43 Can we make a husband, a wife,
19:45 can we make a child, a friend a God?
19:51 We can do this with relationships.
19:54 That is where this relationship is more important to us
19:57 than our relationship to God.
19:59 And by the way, I am here to assure you
20:01 whenever we put God in first place in our lives
20:04 because we love Him and we appreciate the fact
20:07 that He loves us,
20:09 whenever God is in first place in our lives
20:12 all the other relationships are enriched.
20:19 They are.
20:21 The marriage relationship is enriched
20:23 when God has first place in our lives.
20:27 The family relationships are enriched
20:30 when we make God first.
20:33 Do you see that?
20:36 And then we move on into the second commandment
20:39 where it says, "You shall not make
20:41 for yourself a graven image,
20:42 or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
20:45 or that is in the earth beneath,
20:47 or that is in the water under the earth
20:48 you shall not bow down to them or serve them."
20:52 He's talking about graven images.
20:54 And again we ask the question,
20:56 is it relevant, does it relate to the times--
20:59 of the times that we are living in?
21:01 And my friend, when we realize
21:02 how materialistic we really are,
21:06 we began to see that really is a connection here.
21:10 Are we worshiping things above God?
21:15 Things?
21:17 You know, I really had a wonderful father,
21:21 he was not a Christian but boy, did he love his things
21:25 and he never did anything half way.
21:28 I remember the period of time
21:30 that he decided to get into the tropical fish
21:32 and he didn't do it in just a small way.
21:35 In fact this is almost like Washington.
21:38 He took and put into my sister's bedroom,
21:41 my sister's bedroom now a 100 gallon tank.
21:46 He was raising tropical fish and selling them off
21:50 to the local pet stores.
21:53 I remember and one Christmas after you know,
21:56 grandchildren were coming along
21:58 and we were coming home for Christmas,
22:01 we came home to find that he had put together
22:04 the tracks for a train that went under you know,
22:08 through the pres--
22:09 he stack the presents underneath the Christmas tree
22:12 and we had the train.
22:14 Before the year-- the next year so was out
22:17 he had taken over my bedroom,
22:21 of course-- you know, I left home by now
22:22 but he took over my bedroom and he had--
22:25 I mean, he had about nine different trains
22:28 and all these different tracks.
22:30 You had to crawl into that bedroom of mine
22:33 to find this little hole that you can come up
22:36 and where you could play engineer.
22:40 And I remember too, when my dad--
22:44 when VCRs first came out, this is the 1970s.
22:48 And you know they were $1500 back then
22:50 and they were these huge machines.
22:53 Well, my dad again,
22:55 he didn't have just one he had several of them.
22:57 He had TVs in the living room,
22:59 the family room and the bedrooms
23:02 and he'd gone under the house
23:03 and he had drilled holes through the floor
23:07 and he had all of those TVs
23:08 and all of those VCRs interconnected.
23:13 Anything of interest that would come on TV
23:15 that he possible would want to record
23:16 he could do it and he had this big library.
23:20 And you know, I like to tell you about cars,
23:23 my dad had this love affair with cars.
23:26 He love Cadillacs, everybody, every year or less sometimes
23:30 we were going through another automobile.
23:33 And then it was RVs, you know.
23:37 He went through a series of about
23:39 three or four motor homes
23:41 and each time they kept getting bigger
23:43 and more elaborate until he ended up
23:46 with this 35 food motor home
23:50 and he like to do all of this work.
23:52 I want to tell you, he spent so time
23:54 because he'd like to do his own mechanical work, you know.
23:57 Save a few bucks and he enjoyed doing that,
24:00 except something go right.
24:02 And so he would be spending all of this time
24:06 and all of these things
24:09 and we can end up doing the same things, can't we?
24:12 And we end up finding out
24:14 that we spent so much time on things
24:16 that we've been serving things, right?
24:20 We can do that.
24:23 You know, we are blessed
24:24 but we need to keep these things in proper perspective, don't we?
24:28 And then there's--
24:29 well, there's another commandment by the ways,
24:31 as we go through the third commandment where it says,
24:32 "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,
24:36 for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
24:38 who takes His name in vain."
24:40 And I ask you the question, what is in the name?
24:44 Well, what's in the name is what the name stands for,
24:47 it stands for the person, it stands for the character.
24:50 And the name of God stands for His holy--
24:54 He's God, He is holy, He's just, He's righteous,
24:57 He's loving, compassionate, He's all of those things.
25:03 And yet, I guess, there are many even among professing Christians
25:09 who evidently have decided, this commandment is irrelevant
25:12 the way that the name of Jesus,
25:14 that holy name of Jesus and that holy name of God
25:17 is taken upon ones lips today.
25:21 You know, those of us have been around for a little while,
25:25 I think many of us have observed
25:27 that our culture has increasingly through the decades
25:32 has become more and more crude.
25:36 Have you noticed that?
25:38 It's become more and more crude.
25:41 And so we have the third commandment.
25:44 And then we come to the fourth commandment,
25:46 it's the longest of them all but it says,
25:48 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
25:50 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
25:52 but the seventh day
25:53 is the Sabbath to the Lord your God.
25:56 In it you shall do you shall not do any work,
25:58 you, or your son, or your daughter,
26:02 or your manservant, or your maidservant,
26:04 or your cattle, or your stranger
26:06 who is within your gates.
26:07 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
26:10 the sea, and all that is in them,
26:12 and rested the seventh day.
26:13 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
26:15 and hallowed it."
26:18 So again, living in the times that we are,
26:22 is that commandment is called to rest?
26:26 This idea that God would take the seventh day
26:29 and once a week He would--
26:31 and He counsels us to cease from all our work.
26:36 Is that relevant today?
26:39 My friend, absolutely.
26:42 I mean, we keep-- you know,
26:43 we keep squeezing up more and more productivity
26:47 out of the average worker.
26:48 What happened to the 40 hour week--
26:52 work week anyway for some of us?
26:55 What's happened?
26:58 My friend, we're stressed out,
27:00 we're over-- many times over worked.
27:03 And God is saying, listen,
27:05 you know, for your own interest you need to rest.
27:10 And He does that out of love, doesn't He?
27:13 And then we move on to the next commandment,
27:15 "Honor your father and your mother,
27:17 that your days may be long in the land
27:19 which the Lord your God is gives you."
27:21 Who of us wants to say that,
27:22 that commandment is inconsequential,
27:25 has no relevance in the time that we're living?
27:28 And this is getting into the heartbeat,
27:30 you know, of the family structure
27:31 which is at the foundation of any society of any culture
27:37 and those relationships are vital, aren't they?
27:40 They truly are.
27:42 And then we move to the next one where it says,
27:45 "You shall not kill." You shall not murder.
27:49 I think all of us would be--
27:51 of course that would be relevant.
27:53 But you know in the Sermon of the Mount
27:55 Jesus even went back-- went deeper into the motives
27:59 behind some of these commandments.
28:01 He said, if you are angry with your brother
28:03 you have already committed murder in your heart.
28:07 That's getting down the motivation, isn't it?
28:10 You've already committed murder in your heart.
28:13 And then we come to the Seventh Commandment,
28:15 "You shall not commit adultery."
28:18 Adultery?
28:20 Oh, that really is old fashion,
28:22 this idea of adultery for some people evidently.
28:25 My friend, the Seventh Commandment
28:26 is a call to sexual purity.
28:30 And my friend, we ought to take note,
28:31 I assume most of us understand,
28:34 it is God that made us male and female,
28:36 it is God therefore that created sex.
28:41 You know it's interesting what we talk about publicly
28:43 and in church
28:45 today you know, on a way that
28:47 we probably wouldn't have done 20, 30, 40 years ago.
28:51 You know things have become so much more open
28:53 but you know God created sex.
28:56 It is a good thing within the framework
28:58 in which God created it, right?
29:02 And what framework did He created in?
29:05 My friend, He created it in the framework
29:08 of a committed relationship, a married relationship.
29:13 Look at Hebrews 3:5
29:16 where we are instructed and counsel
29:18 that we ought to hold marriage in honor.
29:23 And yet, you know,
29:26 how just this last year Eliot Spitzer,
29:28 the former governor,
29:30 now the former governor of New York
29:32 got caught spend $80,000 on call girls had to resign
29:39 from his governorship of New York
29:40 and here he is in the press conference announcing it.
29:44 And I look at the face of his wife
29:47 and I just wondering
29:48 what in the world did he take her through,
29:50 what in the world is she thinking
29:54 having this come out so publicly?
29:59 My friend, God still calls for sexual purity.
30:02 He does, and then his Lt. Governor that took over,
30:06 David Patterson in his press conference,
30:10 God, he better did it right out up front
30:13 that he had been guilty--
30:14 he and his wife had both been guilty of affairs.
30:23 You know where this all began in our culture?
30:27 This all began down in The Bay Area.
30:32 It all began in San Francisco with the summer of love.
30:39 Now for some of you that's just gonna be
30:40 kind of ancient history.
30:42 But those of us who are little older,
30:44 we're going to remember the summer of love is not 1968,
30:47 it's a part of the hippy movement,
30:49 the anti-establishment movement
30:53 and the determination of the anti-cultural movement
30:58 of that period of the '60s.
31:00 That one was not gonna be obligated
31:02 to the moral restrictions,
31:06 inhabit the restrictions that had been largely,
31:11 you know, a part of other culture that period of time.
31:16 And then we began to see people beginning to live together.
31:21 I remember little bit about this.
31:24 You know, it was kind of a shock
31:25 when this first began to take place
31:28 and then over time it has become almost the norm.
31:33 You know, people living together
31:36 outside of a married committed relationship.
31:41 It has undermined the institution of marriage,
31:44 hasn't it?
31:45 It has.
31:47 And, but my friend, though it is the norm,
31:52 some what the norm today it was not always that way.
31:56 Those of you who may remember the pre-1960s,
32:00 it was not the norm.
32:02 Did it happened?
32:03 It happened, yes, on occasion it did happened
32:06 but it was frowned upon.
32:07 It was not, it was not looked upon favorably
32:11 and now we just hardly brink and eye.
32:13 I tell you, there's been a lot of stuff
32:15 coming out of San Francisco.
32:17 I mean, just a year or two ago
32:19 they started in with homosexuality,
32:23 you know, gay people marrying.
32:27 I tell you, what's going on in the Bay Area.
32:31 My friend, look at it historically.
32:34 And some of the things we have come to accept today.
32:39 Again, let's go to the next commandment,
32:40 the eight one which says, "You shall not steal."
32:43 Certainly living in a materialistic society
32:46 we will all say that you know,
32:48 we ought to respect the property of others.
32:51 Of course, not everybody agrees to that ideal,
32:55 that moral value.
32:58 I was holding a series in Portland, Oregon
33:00 I send some years ago in the--
33:01 oh, could be six, seven, eight years ago and down in,
33:08 I would say Glisan area.
33:09 Glisan, is that a part of Portland, Glisan?
33:12 Anyway, I was there
33:13 and I was in an RV right next to the church
33:16 and outside was parked my Ford Aerostar.
33:19 I got up one morning and went out jogging
33:21 and when I came back it was only then
33:23 that I noticed it was missing.
33:26 Well, I just had noticed it
33:27 when I went out because during the night
33:29 somebody had come and stolen my Aerostar.
33:33 I reported it to the police of course,
33:35 I just couldn't believe.
33:36 I was sleeping within feet of that vehicle
33:40 then somebody would come in the middle of the night
33:41 and steal it.
33:44 And within a couple of days they found it.
33:47 They had taken out the transmission
33:49 and some other things
33:51 and they have done a lot of damage
33:53 but it was not quite totaled.
33:55 If they were going to do it
33:56 I wish they'd totaled it, you know.
33:58 But anyway I had to get it repaired,
34:00 I just, you know, I just you couldn't believe
34:03 that somebody would do that.
34:06 And then the Ninth Commandment,
34:07 "You shall not bear a false witness against your neighbor."
34:10 False witness, we call that lie.
34:12 That's misrepresenting our neighbor, the reputation.
34:17 We have another word for this, we call this backbiting.
34:20 Backbiting is a part of this idea,
34:22 misrepresentation people.
34:24 And my friend, it's a horrible thing,
34:26 if you have ever gone through that vicious gossip
34:29 that can destroy ones reputation.
34:33 I know how important it is,
34:35 this idea that we ought to guard the reputation of others
34:39 and to misrepresent others,
34:43 to lie it's just really not a part of the moral values
34:47 that as Christians we really ought to hold to.
34:49 And then we come to the last of the commandments,
34:52 the tenth one which says,
34:53 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house,
34:55 you shall not covet your neighbor's wife,
34:58 or his manservant, or his maidservant,
35:00 or his ox, or his ass,"
35:02 or his Cadillac or his boat or his house.
35:06 You could go got in the list, can't you?
35:09 "Or anything that is in your neighbors."
35:12 Now it's one thing to admire
35:14 something that somebody has,
35:16 but it's something else to covet.
35:19 Covet is one step away from stealing.
35:23 Coveting is not only I like it but I got to have it,
35:28 I've got to make it mine
35:30 and that really is getting into the intent of the heart,
35:32 isn't it?
35:33 this matter of covetousness?
35:35 Again, as we look at the principles,
35:37 my friend, they are practical,
35:40 they cross cultural lines, they are universal
35:45 and then we're reminded that what Paul says
35:46 in Romans 13 and what is in verse 10.
35:49 He says, love is the fulfilling of the law.
35:52 The basic fundamental principal of the law is love.
35:58 The first four commandments described for us
36:01 what it means to have love for God,
36:03 the love Him supreme.
36:04 You won't have other gods,
36:06 your reverence His name, et cetera et cetera.
36:08 The last six commandments define for us
36:11 what it means to love one another.
36:14 I mean, if you love somebody you are gonna be caring them
36:17 and if you love somebody
36:18 you are not going to be committing adultery
36:20 and et cetera, et cetera, right.
36:22 This is what love is all about.
36:25 And my friend, they're more spiritual
36:27 than sometimes we give then credit for.
36:30 But the problem is with us.
36:33 You know always natural feel that,
36:35 naturally feel that way.
36:36 Take a look at James 2, The New Testament, page 178.
36:42 James 2 and let's look at verses 10-12.
36:50 I haven't really
36:51 gotten into the deeper spiritual side of this
36:55 and but we will.
36:57 Here in James 2, and beginning with verse 10,
37:00 this is what we find written in the scriptures.
37:04 It says, "For whosoever keeps the whole law,
37:06 and yet stumbles in one point,"
37:09 is doing really pretty good.
37:10 I mean, one out of ten, breaking one out of ten,
37:13 you are getting 90% of them right.
37:15 Okay, 90% depending on how your teacher
37:20 would grade the curve
37:22 would get you almost an "A" to an "A," right?
37:27 So one out of ten, you know.
37:29 But that's not the way the Bible looks at this or God.
37:32 "For whosoever keeps the whole law,
37:33 and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all."
37:38 We have transgressed all
37:39 because the fundamental principal
37:41 really comes down to our relationship to God
37:44 and our respect for His authority
37:47 when it comes to this matter of moral values.
37:51 Because verse 11 he said,
37:52 "For he who said, do not commit adultery,
37:54 also said, do not commit murder.
37:56 Now if you do not commit adultery
37:58 but do commit murder,
38:00 you have become a transgressor of the law,
38:02 you have broken it."
38:03 And then verse 12, and remember,
38:06 are we in the Old Testament or New Testament?
38:09 We are in the New Testament, it says,
38:10 "So speak and so act as those
38:13 who are to be judged by the law of liberty."
38:18 We are to speak and act as those who will be judged.
38:22 My friend, it doesn't make sense if something's been done away
38:24 with that we find in text it says,
38:26 we would be judged by it.
38:28 And notice it say, it's the law of liberty.
38:30 It doesn't describe as the law of bondage
38:32 it's a law that gives liberty.
38:34 And who is really,
38:36 who is really experiencing liberty?
38:39 The transgressor or the one who by the grace of Jesus is seeking
38:42 to live in harmony with the commandments?
38:46 My friend, it's the one that is seeking to live in harmony,
38:49 that's not breaking the commandments.
38:51 The one who is breaking the commandments
38:52 is really experiencing bondage,
38:57 bondage to sin.
39:00 And then we come to James 1:23-25.
39:04 In a moment I am gonna take you through several texts
39:06 that will lay down the parameters
39:08 of this matter of the commandments.
39:11 You know the limitations of the commandments.
39:14 But look at this, James 1:23, where it says,
39:17 "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,
39:21 he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror,
39:26 for once he has looked at himself and gone away,
39:28 he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."
39:35 Now I want to ask a question,
39:36 how many of you looked into a mirror
39:37 before you came down to the meeting tonight?
39:39 Let me see your hands.
39:42 Okay.
39:44 Some of you have not raised your hands,
39:45 maybe you should have looked before you came.
39:49 Maybe you should have looked.
39:51 I did, you know.
39:55 You know I had a mirror behind and you know,
39:58 it's now little bit hair so I have to pick the way
40:00 out the little bit to fill it in and you know, how it is.
40:04 But what would you think of me
40:06 if looking in the mirror and I found my face was dirty,
40:09 if I took that mirror and I started you know,
40:11 doing this with it?
40:13 You think I've lost it.
40:16 Now I look in the mirror
40:18 and I see reflected back to me an image of myself.
40:23 And if my face is dirty,
40:24 I turn the water on and I reach for the soap
40:28 and you know, I get cleaned up.
40:30 Okay, that's what we were talking about.
40:33 It continues, "But one who looks intently
40:36 at the perfect law, the law of liberty,"
40:40 not burnish the law of liberty
40:42 "and abides by it,
40:43 not having become a forgetful hearer
40:45 but an effectual doer,
40:47 this man shall be blessed in what he does."
40:53 My friends, if you want to be blessed in your life
40:55 by the grace of Jesus seek to do the right thing
40:59 for the right reason.
41:01 Motivation is very important with God,
41:04 not legalistically but out of love.
41:07 Seek to do the right thing
41:09 and you will be blessed in what you do.
41:12 So the law is talking about
41:14 one who looks intently at the perfect law,
41:16 the Spirit of God is you know,
41:19 examining our hearts as we're looking
41:21 at the principles of the commandments
41:23 and there are gonna be some points
41:25 in which we're gonna convicted,
41:26 we're gonna be convicted of sin within our lives, okay.
41:30 And so it's talking about looking intently.
41:33 We see reflected back
41:35 what sin has done to the human heart.
41:39 We see how we've been corrupted and tainted by sin.
41:44 Okay.
41:45 So the law, this is the point I want to make out of this text,
41:49 the law is diagnostic.
41:53 It's like going to the doctor when you are sick.
41:57 I mean, it's been about two years, three years ago
42:01 somebody I've known for a very long time since 1986,
42:05 a member of my Bible class at church
42:10 I've know, Sharon, as I said, a very long time.
42:13 And she had been ignoring something
42:15 that were going on in her life,
42:16 she was getting a little bit older
42:17 and you know, she wasn't feeling quite right
42:20 but she was getting older.
42:22 And she was ignoring certain symptoms.
42:27 Finally, she went to the doctor
42:29 and went through all of these tests.
42:31 She went through the diagnostic process
42:34 and discovered that she had advance cancer.
42:39 She survived one year and died.
42:43 Well, it's been almost a year ago,
42:45 not quite a year ago
42:47 because she had ignored the symptoms.
42:50 My friend, we can not ignore the symptoms of sin
42:56 and the law is diagnostic.
42:59 It convicts us and shows us
43:01 where we are out of harmony with the God
43:04 who loves us and created us
43:07 and long suspending eternity with us.
43:12 And so the law reveals to us, it's diagnostic.
43:14 The law is not therapeutic.
43:18 It's like getting an X-ray,
43:19 it's like going through and getting MRI.
43:22 You discovered there's a problem and if there's a problem--
43:25 I went through this, I felt you know,
43:27 had some back problems, found out
43:29 I had hernia of disc some years ago
43:31 and I went through the MRI
43:33 and I was sitting before surgeon,
43:35 he was looking at it, the MRI.
43:37 So you know, I've done diagnostic thing and he said,
43:41 well, I don't think you need surgery
43:43 but we're going to get you some injections, it was painful.
43:47 So it's diagnostic, it is not therapeutic.
43:51 The law is not therapeutic.
43:53 The law will save no one,
43:55 the law will change no one, right?
43:58 It just reveals to us how great our need really is.
44:03 And where do we find
44:05 the therapeutic process spiritually?
44:08 My friend, it is in the love and grace
44:11 of God in Jesus Christ.
44:15 It is through the wonderful plan of salvation
44:19 that we find the therapeutic process
44:21 that will save us form our sins
44:24 and the consequences of our transgressions,
44:27 is what the Bible tells us.
44:30 Well, oh, yes, I got to tell you about
44:33 the fish traders to the Fiji islands
44:35 who by the way brought among the things
44:38 to trade with those local natives, mirrors.
44:42 The queen of the island
44:43 professed to be the most beautiful women on the island
44:48 until she got to hold one of those mirrors.
44:52 And what she discovered she was not so happy about.
44:56 It disturbed her in fact,
44:58 she immediately acted by declaring
45:01 that they were outlaw.
45:02 She didn't want to see another mirror on that island.
45:07 And of course that settle the whole thing,
45:09 didn't it or did it?
45:13 No and my friend, that sometimes happens
45:15 as we study the Word of God
45:17 as we look at the moral standard that God has given us.
45:22 Sometimes we in the process
45:23 of the Holy Spirit working on us,
45:25 we begin to discover some things about ourselves
45:28 and there is some pain with the discovery
45:30 how sin has tainted us.
45:32 And there is this human tendency you know,
45:35 that well, I just don't look anymore,
45:38 I just gonna get rid of it.
45:40 My friend, that solves nothing and God never--
45:43 God never points out our sin without pointing out
45:48 how deeply we need His saving love and grace.
45:52 He's right there for us
45:55 to help us in our spiritual need, right?
45:58 Just like that physician, hopefully he's right there.
46:01 When we've got problems and it's been diagnosed
46:04 and hopefully he's got the treatment plan
46:07 that's gonna help us. It's the same idea.
46:09 Look at Galatians 5, The New Testament, page 149,
46:14 149, Galatians 5:4.
46:16 I am gonna lay down again the limitations of the law.
46:20 We've already taken notice, diagnostic,
46:22 it is not therapeutic.
46:24 And this is what we find, Galatians 5:4,
46:31 he says "You have been severed from Christ,
46:34 you who are seeking to be justified or saved by law,
46:39 you have fallen from grace."
46:42 And my friend, the Galatians evidently got into legalism.
46:46 They have determined that
46:47 they were gonna seek to measure up
46:49 to what God required of them.
46:51 They were seeking to be obedient to that
46:55 which God required to them-- required of them.
46:58 They sought to do this because
47:00 they thought by being good
47:03 that they would be saved or justified.
47:07 But my friend, you see,
47:08 that is depending upon what we can do.
47:11 And if what we can do could ever save us
47:14 then Jesus never needed to come 2,000 years ago to die for us.
47:18 All we would be saying and preaching here
47:20 is do the right thing, do what's right,
47:23 be obedience, stop doing the things
47:26 that you know that you shouldn't be doing.
47:28 And my friend, we would miss the whole point
47:31 because if we were depending upon what we can do.
47:35 Number one, we are saying "we don't need the savior,
47:38 we're just going to do a self improvement--
47:41 get into a self improvement program
47:44 and that's all we got to do."
47:47 My friend, there is no self improvement program
47:50 that is gonna save us from sin.
47:54 It's the relationship with Jesus Christ
47:57 that alone is going to save us from the sin.
48:01 And the Galatians are depending upon what they could do
48:05 to be saved had defectively severed themselves for Christ
48:09 because they were saying,
48:11 "we don't need Jesus for salvation,
48:14 we just are going to do what is right."
48:19 And my friend, it's good to want to do
48:21 what is right but again, we have to realize again
48:25 that only Jesus can do for us
48:28 what we cannot do for ourselves.
48:29 Take a look at Romans 10, the New Testament, page 125.
48:35 Romans 10:3-4.
48:38 again, looking at the limitations
48:39 of this matter of the law.
48:44 Romans 10:3, talking about God's people,
48:46 talking about the Israelites, the Jews.
48:49 Paul says of them,
48:50 "For not knowing about God's righteousness,"
48:53 they were ignorant about God's righteousness
48:55 "and seeking to establish their own."
48:58 And they were doing this by their own obedience.
49:01 "They did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God."
49:05 And then he says in verse 4,
49:07 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness."
49:11 And some put the period right there,
49:13 they don't finish the text.
49:16 And if you put the period there it kind of feeds into this idea
49:19 that the law has been done away with.
49:21 Don't you know that Christ is the end of the law?
49:24 No, it says, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness.
49:28 We do not drive our righteousness
49:30 from obedience to the law,
49:32 we drive our righteousness
49:35 through our relationship with God.
49:39 And it says, "To everyone who believes.
49:41 To the one who has faith."
49:43 And that faith is speaking of the relationship.
49:47 And my friend, you and I can not do it.
49:51 We cannot keep the commandments,
49:53 some go further its like
49:54 because you cant keep the commandment
49:55 you might as well do away with them.
49:56 No, we wouldn't want to go there, would we?
49:58 because that's not what the Bible teach us.
50:01 So and then we look at Romans 6:14, 15
50:07 where Paul says, "For a sin shall not be master over you"
50:10 is that a beautiful promise?
50:11 "Sin shall not be master over you,
50:13 for you are not under law, but under grace.
50:16 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law
50:19 but under grace? May it never be"!
50:23 And again some will take this text say
50:25 you know there it is, Romans 6,
50:27 we're not under law,
50:28 but, my friend, it's not talking about
50:30 not being under the jurisdiction of the law,
50:33 it's talking about something quite different than this.
50:35 You see the law is God's perfect standard of righteousness,
50:39 it convicts us, it points out our sin,
50:42 it condemns us, it stands in judgment of us
50:45 because we are out of harmony with those divine principles.
50:50 But when we come to Jesus,
50:53 and He forgives us and accepts us,
50:57 we are no longer under condemnation
51:00 we are under grace, right.
51:04 Being under grace doesn't do away with the standard.
51:09 It's by grace by which we fulfill
51:13 that which God requires of this.
51:14 And Romans 8:1
51:17 I mean there's a part of the whole context here
51:20 that we're talking about.
51:22 It says "that those who are in Jesus Christ
51:25 are no longer under condemnation."
51:28 And further more it says here in Romans 8,
51:30 and I'm gonna look at verse 3 and 4 with you.
51:33 It says "For what the Law could not do,
51:35 weak as it was through the flesh"
51:37 and that's the limitation, it's us,
51:41 it's because we have been again deeply affected by sin.
51:45 "For what the Law could not do,
51:46 weak as it was through the flesh,
51:48 God did sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
51:52 and as an offering for sin,
51:54 He condemned sin in the flesh,
51:56 so that the requirement of the law
51:58 might be fulfilled in us."
52:02 What we can't do,
52:04 God did for us through his Son Jesus Christ
52:07 so that what again so that requirement of the law
52:11 might be fulfilled in us.
52:14 And that's deeply spiritual, isn't it?
52:18 Galatians Chapter 3 the New Testament page 148,
52:23 Galatians 3: 24,
52:28 this is what Paul tells us here in Galatians 3:24.
52:31 "Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ,
52:35 so that we may be justified by faith."
52:39 My friend, anything that leads us to Jesus
52:41 has to be important, doesn't it?
52:45 But, my friend, the law is limited,
52:47 the law, the function of the law the law cannot gives us life,
52:51 it cannot save us
52:52 but it can point out our need of Jesus
52:55 who yields life to us and who alone can save us.
52:59 And so it bears testimony of our need of Jesus
53:04 that's what we find.
53:05 And the beautiful promise of 1 John 1:9 is,
53:08 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous
53:12 to forgive us our sins
53:13 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
53:17 And my friend, that's all that He requires of us
53:19 as we come to Jesus is to confess our sins.
53:25 All right, I want to share with you two bible texts.
53:28 Matthew 1:21 where it says and speaking of Jesus
53:31 talk about Mary to began with,
53:33 "And she will bear a Son,
53:35 and you shall call His name Jesus,
53:37 for it is He who will save this people from their sins."
53:41 He will do what?
53:42 He will save this people from their sins,
53:44 that's why we call Him Savior.
53:46 But what is sin that He came to save us from.
53:51 And what is the New Testament definition on sin?
53:54 Well, it's I John 3:4.
53:56 "Sin is the transgression of the law."
53:59 And you put it together.
54:00 My friend, clearly Jesus came to save us
54:02 from the transgression of the law
54:04 instead of doing away with the law,
54:06 my friend, the death of Jesus shows
54:07 how vitally important the law is for it required
54:10 the death of God's Son on the Cross of Calvary
54:15 to atone for the transgression of the law.
54:19 That doesn't do away with it.
54:24 And then I want to take you to 1 John 2:3, 4
54:27 the New Testament page is 185, 1 John 2:3, 4.
54:34 This really puts it together.
54:36 Back here not far from the Book of Revelation
54:38 a three letters written by John,
54:40 who want the first its chapter 2 looking again,
54:43 this is 3 and 4.
54:44 It says, "By this we know that we've come to know Him,
54:48 if we keep His commandments."
54:50 The one who says, "I come to know Him
54:52 and doesn't I keep His commandments,
54:53 He's a liar and the truth is not in him."
54:57 The truth is not in him.
55:00 By this we know that we come to know Him.
55:02 How does that work?
55:03 What is keeping the commandments
55:04 have anything to do with now that we know Him.
55:08 My friend, it means this.
55:10 That only the one that knows Him
55:13 is able to keep His Commandments.
55:17 You see keeping the law is not the means of our salvation.
55:21 It is the evidence of our salvation
55:26 and those who would do away with the commandments,
55:28 my friend, in effect of giving the Christian a license to sin.
55:34 That's exactly what it means.
55:35 Take a look at 1 John 5, the New Testament page 186,
55:39 1 John 5:2- 3, where John adds.
55:44 He says, "By this we know
55:46 that we love the children of God,
55:47 when we love God and observe His commandments.
55:50 For this is the love of God,
55:52 that we keep His commandments
55:53 and His commandments are not burdensome."
55:55 My friend, this is New Testament.
55:58 This comes out of saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
56:02 As I share with you the other night
56:04 relationships are powerful
56:06 but this is the most powerful of them all.
56:08 And when we enter into a personal relationship with God
56:12 through Jesus Christ it is transformational.
56:18 And my friend, it goes to the new birth experience.
56:20 What does it mean to be born again?
56:23 My friend, it means where as I haven't dominated by my sins.
56:30 It means that as I come to Jesus confessing my sins,
56:33 He forgives me, cleanse me,
56:35 He accepts me and in that process
56:37 I receive salvation and I receive the Spirit of God
56:44 that works within me, a transformation
56:48 by which I am born again.
56:51 And my friend, its all that new birth experience
56:54 that haven't been lost in sin
56:56 that we can began by His grace
56:58 to keep the commandments.
56:59 My last text, John 14:15.
57:03 "If you love Me" Jesus said, "keep My commandments."
57:06 If you love Me.


Revised 2014-12-17