Life Discovery Series

Power At The Throne And The End Time Temple

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Reinking


Series Code: LDS

Program Code: LDS000011

00:34 And I'm going to begin
00:35 with the couple of questions this evening.
00:37 How, how were people in the Old Testament saved?
00:42 Were they saved any differently
00:43 than individuals under the New Testament?
00:46 You know, some people want us to believe
00:48 that there're going to be 2 groups of people
00:50 in the kingdom of heaven.
00:52 In the first group will be men and women
00:54 like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David
00:57 and you know, you can put quite a list
00:59 together from the Old Testament.
01:01 Who are there because of their obedience to the law?
01:05 Somehow they were good enough to make it.
01:08 They were really who looked at the Old Testament
01:10 where that being a legalistic system.
01:12 But if you were good enough,
01:14 you're gonna make it,
01:15 you're gonna be there in heaven.
01:17 Well, in the second group will be those
01:20 who were saved by faith in Jesus Christ.
01:25 And in this view the scriptures and of the covenants,
01:29 the old covenants seen as a covenant of works,
01:31 while the new covenant is seen as a covenant of faith
01:34 without reference to works.
01:37 But I'm here to tell you this evening
01:40 that there will be no one in heaven,
01:42 no one in heaven who has not found
01:44 Jesus as their personal savior.
01:48 Now how can I make such a bold assertion,
01:52 while there's a biblical reason's
01:53 why I can make that assertion?
01:55 Beginning within Acts 4:12, where it says,
01:59 "And there is salvation in no one else,
02:02 for there is no other name under heaven
02:04 that has been given among men,
02:06 by which we must be saved."
02:09 There simply is no other way
02:12 and I would add to that text this one
02:14 as we find it in 1 John 5:12, where it says,
02:19 "He who has the Son has the life,
02:23 he who does not have the Son of God
02:24 does not have the life."
02:26 And my friend, very simply
02:28 put Jesus is the dividing line between life and death.
02:33 Without that relationship
02:35 that saving relationship with Jesus Christ,
02:38 my friend, we will not be saved.
02:41 And I--I'm going to add one other text,
02:44 Romans 6:10.
02:46 Where it says, of Jesus,
02:47 "For the death that He died, He died to sin,"
02:53 What's the next phrase?
02:55 "Once for all."
02:59 Jesus didn't died just for those who follow the cross.
03:03 He didn't die just for those
03:05 who are under the new covenant.
03:08 My friend, He died for them all.
03:12 In fact as you imagine
03:13 Jesus hanging on the Cross of Cavalry
03:15 with those outstretched hands.
03:17 Imagine on one side he is embracing those
03:20 that lived before the cross and on the other
03:22 He is embracing those who lived after the cross.
03:26 Jesus died once for all
03:30 that includes every last one of us.
03:32 From the very inception of sin down to the end of it all.
03:37 Jesus said and yet I can hear "something be saved."
03:40 But Jesus didn't die down in 31AD.
03:42 How can anyone believe in Him before they,
03:45 you know, before He'd actually come.
03:47 Well, let me take you to another text
03:50 that is Luke 24,
03:52 Luke 24, take your Bibles and open them up.
03:55 Luke 24:25-27, it's right after the resurrection
04:01 and there are two disciples unaware
04:03 that Jesus has been resurrected.
04:05 They are on the road to Emmaus.
04:08 And this stranger begins to walk with them
04:11 its Jesus but they don't recognize him
04:15 and they begin to share with Him.
04:18 There are really horrible things
04:20 that just happened in Jerusalem,
04:21 the death of their Master,
04:23 they thought it was,
04:24 you know, it was the Messiah.
04:25 They thought it was
04:27 you know, their Lord, their Savior.
04:29 And notice how Jesus responded, verse 25.
04:32 "And he said to them,
04:33 'Oh, foolish, oh, foolish man
04:36 and slow of heart to believe in all
04:38 that the prophets have spoken,
04:40 was it not necessary,
04:43 not necessary for the Christ
04:45 has suffered these things,
04:46 and to enter into his glory?'
04:49 Then beginning with Moses
04:50 and with all of the prophets,
04:52 he explained to them
04:53 the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures."
04:57 And so Jesus was reasoning with them from the Scriptures.
05:01 Wasn't it not necessary for the Christ to suffer?
05:06 And then what, he referred to the Scriptures,
05:08 in the Scriptures all the things
05:10 in reference to Himself.
05:12 What scriptures did they have at this period of time,
05:14 this point of time?
05:17 The Old Testament Scriptures.
05:20 The first book of the New Testament
05:21 wouldn't be written for another 10 years.
05:24 And so Jesus opened up
05:25 the Old Testament to explain the things
05:28 that were written there by Himself,
05:30 we call these messianic prophecies.
05:34 And then I'm going to tell you there
05:35 those who look at the Old Testament
05:36 and they think it has,
05:38 oh, from little of anything
05:40 he said to us about our savior, about Jesus Christ.
05:43 We're gonna discover there's a lot
05:44 that is embedded in the Old Testament
05:46 about in regards to Jesus.
05:49 But you see, my friend,
05:50 Jesus is revealed in the Old Testament
05:53 in types and symbols through which an individual
05:56 was to find a saving experience.
05:59 Jesus revealed in both covenants
06:01 as the only possible means
06:03 by which an individual could possibly be saved.
06:06 And tonight, we're going to discover
06:07 there was primarily through the temple system,
06:10 the temple system that Jesus was revealed
06:13 to God's people under the Old Testament period.
06:17 Our study tonight is a vital part
06:19 of the old covenant that is little understood
06:23 and frankly often misunderstood.
06:26 Now when we talk about the temple,
06:28 there are several terms
06:29 we will find in the Old and New Testament
06:32 that are used synonymously to talk about the temples.
06:36 Sometimes it's referred to as the sanctuary,
06:39 same system or the tabernacle
06:42 or the tent of meeting
06:44 that is the portable temple.
06:47 The tent of meeting that they carried with them
06:49 as they were traveling from Mount Sinai,
06:52 the 40 years and they wonderings
06:54 through the wilderness as they were making
06:57 their way to the Promise Land
06:58 and tell, Solomon was entrusted
07:02 with a task of building an actual,
07:04 you know, largely stone structure,
07:07 the temple there in Jerusalem.
07:09 As we continue on in Psalm 77:13, it says,
07:13 "Thy way, O God is in the sanctuary."
07:17 In the temple.
07:18 What does it mean, god way is in the sanctuary temple.
07:21 My friend, God's way in reference to what?
07:24 In reference to how he relates to us as sinners.
07:28 How he relates to us
07:31 in regards to the Plan of Salvation
07:34 is what we will discover
07:35 as we look at the sanctuary or temple system.
07:39 God's way is revealed there.
07:42 The temple you see was a living illustration
07:45 of how a sinner was to find forgiveness
07:49 and how an individual was to find acceptance before God.
07:53 And through the use of prophetic symbolisms
07:57 God's people were instructed
07:59 in the Plan of Salvation is what we find.
08:03 Now let's--let me take you to Hebrews 9,
08:06 the New Testament page 173.
08:11 Hebrews is a vital book in our study tonight.
08:14 And I want you to notice
08:15 it is a New Testament book, okay.
08:19 But as you look in up Hebrews 9,
08:21 if you look at the illustration on screen,
08:24 we have what we call the tent of meeting
08:26 or it's called the Sanctuary Tabernacle
08:28 as I've already mentioned.
08:30 And as again there were wandering
08:32 through the wilderness.
08:34 You know, it was right
08:35 in the middle of their encampment,
08:38 all the tribes of Israel had their appointed place
08:41 where they were to pitch their tents
08:44 and the sanctuary was right in the middle of it.
08:47 And when--and I'm gonna share with you
08:50 through this embosses what they to do
08:52 when they were guilty of sin.
08:54 Now let me tell you this is not just a nuts
08:57 and bolt subject tonight.
08:58 There is some of that
09:00 but it has such practical application to us
09:05 as New Testament believers.
09:08 I've got to get this all together
09:10 on what this system in the Old Testament
09:12 really-- was really about.
09:14 The first thing if a individual sin
09:16 the first thing they would do
09:17 as they made their way to the sanctuary
09:19 is they will make their way to the place of sacrifice,
09:22 the Altar Of Sacrifice.
09:23 And in Hebrews 9:22, this is what we find.
09:27 It says "And according to the Law,
09:29 one may almost say,
09:30 all things are cleansed with blood,
09:32 and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
09:36 No one is talking about the law
09:38 it's not talking about the Ten Commandments.
09:41 There is the Ten Commandment, the moral code
09:44 we've already that a week ago,
09:46 we were into that subject.
09:47 But there is the law we usually refer to it
09:51 as the Levitical Code or the Ceremonial Law
09:55 that related to the sanctuary and its system,
09:59 the whole book of the Leviticus lays down the specifics
10:03 and the particulars about the rituals
10:06 and the things that were to be done in reference
10:09 to the sanctuary service. Okay.
10:13 And what he is saying here
10:14 and I don't think it's probably
10:15 Paul that wrote the book of Hebrews.
10:18 "That without the cleansing of blood
10:20 there is no forgiveness."
10:23 Why would that be?
10:26 Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
10:29 Why can't God just say,
10:31 "It's all right, I know you're sorry.
10:34 I know that you're--you know,
10:36 you feel horrible about the sins in your life.
10:40 It's forgiven."
10:42 Why is the shedding of blood necessary?
10:47 Oh, remember what the Bible says
10:48 in Romans 6, "the wages of sin."
10:50 Is what?
10:52 "Death."
10:53 Now is God being obituary
10:54 when He says the wages of sin is death?
10:56 My friend, God is never arbitrary.
10:59 But in the final analysis in the universe
11:01 there is no place for sin.
11:04 God is going to eradicate sin.
11:07 And my friend that all comes
11:09 forth from the Cross of Cavalry.
11:12 That is where God in the person of Jesus
11:14 is dealing with our sins.
11:19 And my friend, we can't just you know,
11:21 take our sins as insignificant,
11:23 it required the death of Jesus on the Cross of Cavalry,
11:27 to us stoned for our sins
11:29 so that we might find forgiveness
11:31 and so that we might find cleansing.
11:35 And let me take you to Leviticus 1 on the screen.
11:39 Now verses 3, 4,
11:40 this is what an individual who was guilty of sin,
11:43 what they were required to do when they sinned.
11:46 It says, "If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd,
11:50 he shall offer it, a male without defect,
11:53 he shall offer it at the doorway of the tent of meeting,"
11:56 at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
11:58 "That he may be accepted before the Lord."
12:02 So the offering, the offering was an animal,
12:04 usually it was a lamb, it had to be a male,
12:06 it had be a year old
12:08 according to the Levitical Code.
12:10 Though they were other animals
12:12 that were used on occasion
12:14 and depending on the circumstances
12:17 and the rituals that were involved.
12:19 And notice it was to be offered,
12:21 the animals would be offered
12:22 so that they might be accepted before the Lord.
12:26 To be accepted
12:27 in the New Testament terms is to be justified.
12:30 That's what, what it means,
12:32 justified means to be accepted.
12:34 We who had been tainted by this knowledge of evil,
12:38 this knowledge of sin
12:41 and therefore in a strange relationship to God,
12:47 this Goth of sin has interposes up between us and God.
12:52 And through the offering of this animal
12:55 an individual can find acceptance.
12:57 It goes on to say,
12:58 "And he shall lay his hand
12:59 on the head of the burnt offering."
13:01 And so doing they were confessing
13:03 their sins over the head of this animal.
13:08 And then it goes on to say,
13:09 "That it--" that is the sacrifice,
13:12 the sacrifice to be of that animal.
13:14 "That it may be accepted for him,"
13:19 in New Testament terms
13:20 we call this substitution.
13:22 The animal was a substitute
13:24 for the individual who had sin,
13:26 and the wages of sin is death.
13:28 And so the animal died in the place of the individual
13:32 in the Old Testament sanctuary system.
13:35 "So that maybe accepted for Him
13:37 to make atonement on his behalf."
13:40 Now there's one of those terms
13:41 that you at least have to spend a year
13:43 or two at seminary to really understand
13:45 that's the word atonement.
13:48 Not actually, just break it down.
13:51 Look at the two words that are in the word, atonement.
13:56 The word is at-one-ment.
14:01 At one, remember what sin has done.
14:05 Sin has it interposed itself between us and God.
14:08 It has separated us from the life giver.
14:12 But by the sacrifice of this animal
14:14 that was you know, accepted on His behalf
14:18 that is a sinner, one found atonement,
14:21 one was made one.
14:23 Oneness between God and the sinner was attained
14:28 through the offering of the sacrifice
14:31 of that animal that substitution
14:34 that we're talking about.
14:37 And so, and we have a picture too on the screen again
14:40 when an individual sin, they brought this animal.
14:42 Priest would be there to officiate
14:45 and they will lay their hand
14:47 as we already took note in Leviticus 1.
14:49 They would lay their hand on the head of that animal,
14:51 they confess their sins
14:54 and then were required
14:56 with their own hand to take a knife
14:58 and slit the throat of the animal.
15:01 The priest would be there with a bowl
15:03 to catch some of the blood,
15:06 the blood was necessary for forgiveness.
15:08 We just read that in Hebrews 9:25 didn't we?
15:11 There is no forgiveness without the blood,
15:13 the shedding of blood.
15:15 And the priest does something with the blood,
15:17 we will come to that in just a moment.
15:19 But let me tell you,
15:22 let me tell you this place of sacrifice,
15:25 the Altar of Sacrifice was not a pleasant place.
15:31 The stench of death hung in the air at this place.
15:37 As individual, after individual would bring their animal
15:41 and they will sacrifice.
15:43 You know probably the closest thing
15:45 that we could get to it
15:46 is that we went to a slaughter house.
15:50 I mean the temple system as built by Solomon,
15:54 you know, from the Altar of Sacrifice,
15:57 they actually have this tells
15:58 that were underground
15:59 that would take the blood away.
16:01 Or else it would be pulling
16:02 all around the Altar of Sacrifice.
16:06 So it just plain stuck,
16:08 there was this smell of death
16:10 that was in the air.
16:12 Now we're gonna discover
16:13 what this was all symbolic of.
16:16 And by the way do you think
16:19 an individual thought twice before they sinned,
16:23 when they knew that this is
16:25 what was gonna be required of them?
16:28 That they were gonna have to bring an animal
16:30 and they were gonna have to kill it themselves.
16:34 I think they thought twice about it.
16:37 And then let's go on to Hebrews 10,
16:39 the New Testament page 173.
16:42 You see the book of Hebrews
16:44 was written to explain to us
16:46 as New Testament believers the significance
16:49 of the Old Testament temple system.
16:53 And my friend it only makes sense
16:55 if there's a whole book in the New Testament,
16:57 the book that is to explaining
16:58 what this all means to us.
17:01 Then we really ought to understand it, right?
17:04 We need to really comprehend
17:06 what is-- was being taught here.
17:07 But in Hebrews 10, beginning with verse 4,
17:10 it's talking about the sacrificial system
17:12 in reference to the coming of Jesus.
17:14 It says, "For it is impossible for the blood of bulls
17:18 and goats to take away sin."
17:21 Oh, my friend if that was possible
17:23 by the sacrifice of those animals
17:26 to take away sin and to find forgiveness,
17:29 Jesus Christ need not come to this planet,
17:32 He need not have to died.
17:34 All we would do is what they did before.
17:37 We would just bring an animal
17:39 and we would sacrifice
17:40 when we're guilty of sin
17:41 and it would take care of that.
17:43 The blood would be shed.
17:46 But it says here it is impossible
17:48 for the blood of these animals to take away sin.
17:51 Verse 5, "Therefore when He comes,"
17:53 speaking of Jesus into the world,
17:55 he says, "Sacrifice and offering,
17:57 you have not desired
17:58 but a body you have prepared for me.
18:01 In both offerings and sacrifices for sin
18:05 you have taken no pleasure."
18:07 Again the sacrifices of these animals could not really,
18:10 truly satisfy the requirements of God
18:14 that justice be done, justice required death.
18:20 We come on down to verses 9 and 10.
18:22 Verse 9, "Then he said,
18:23 'Behold, I have come to do your will,
18:26 he takes away the first
18:29 in order to establish the second."
18:31 What does that mean?
18:32 He took away the first to establish the second?
18:36 That is He took away the first earthly system
18:39 that was based upon the sacrifices of those animals,
18:44 He did away with the first to establish the second.
18:48 What will be the establishment of the second?
18:52 What would be the second that would take its place?
18:55 The true sacrifice and what is the true sacrifice?
19:03 Yes, the sacrifice of Jesus, you got it.
19:06 Those--those sacrifices of those animals
19:10 prophetically and symbolically
19:13 we're pointing forward to the sacrifice of Jesus
19:16 on the Cross of Cavalry.
19:18 And so when He came to do
19:19 the will of God to die in our place,
19:23 He did away with the whole earthly system
19:26 that was built on sacrifice.
19:28 That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
19:31 Because the true sacrifice had come.
19:33 And in first, in fact in verse 10 it says,
19:35 "By this will we have been sanctified
19:37 through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ."
19:40 And notice the phrase again, "Once for all."
19:46 So it's the offering of the sacrifice of Jesus.
19:50 It is the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ
19:55 that brings forgiveness
19:57 that brings therefore salvation to every one of us.
20:02 And again on the Old Testament,
20:03 all of those animals that they were sacrificing
20:07 were pointing forward to the true sacrifice,
20:10 they had it in the Old Testament
20:12 symbolically, prophetically they had it.
20:15 And so, "Takes away the first to establish the second."
20:22 We will bring this up on the screen
20:23 and I want you to remember this phrase,
20:25 "He takes away the first to establish the second."
20:29 Because this also has some deep,
20:32 some deep prophetic implications
20:35 because there are some who are predicting
20:38 a restoration of the temple in the end time.
20:40 I'm gonna come to that little bit,
20:42 it's not you know, central to my subject tonight
20:45 but it has implications on this whole thing
20:47 as we talk about it again the fact
20:49 that he takes the first one to establish the second.
20:53 Remember when Jesus came to the River Jordan
20:55 to be baptized by John.
20:57 And when John saw Him,
20:59 remember what he said,
21:00 what he declared here.
21:01 It is found in John 1:29
21:04 where he declared, "Behold, the Lamb of God
21:06 who takes away the sin of the world."
21:10 Why did John refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God?
21:16 Because John understood
21:19 that Jesus was a fulfillment
21:21 of the whole sacrificial system under the Old Testament.
21:27 He was the Lamb that would be sacrificed, you see?
21:34 He was the lamb that would be sacrificed.
21:37 Years ago on the west coast
21:39 somewhere here in the west coast,
21:40 Pastor W.D. Frazee was called upon to officiate
21:43 at a particularly sad funeral.
21:45 I know every few funeral is sad.
21:47 The funeral was being held at the church
21:50 and the family was in the--occupying
21:52 the first few rows of the church.
21:55 There's a little casket up there
21:57 and the father was weeping aloud unashamedly,
22:02 just crushed with grief.
22:05 It had been just a few days
22:07 as he had gone on so many other occasions,
22:11 he was backing his car down to driveway
22:13 not realizing that his little son
22:15 evidently had followed him up to the car,
22:18 he didn't know it.
22:19 And when he saw backing down the driveway,
22:21 he couldn't see him
22:23 and he ran over his son
22:26 and crushed the life out of him.
22:30 That's pretty horrible, isn't it?
22:32 I don't know how one lives with that.
22:36 And I know that happens every year,
22:38 those kinds of tragic things happen to too many families.
22:43 Just crushed with grief knowing that as his father
22:48 he was responsible for the death of that boy.
22:52 You know, my friend, it in a very similar fashion
22:54 when we realize it's because of our sins
22:57 that Jesus was crushed there
22:58 on the Cross of Cavalry.
23:00 That we're responsible for the death of Jesus Christ
23:03 because we are sinners.
23:06 My friend, we just can't stand back just,
23:08 you know, disconnected to what that really means to us.
23:14 And what it cost the Son of God
23:17 to offer Himself up on the Cross of Cavalry.
23:20 I say it, we say this so glibly,
23:23 Jesus died for my sins.
23:27 And we need to stop to consider
23:29 what Jesus did when He hanged on the cross bearing our sins.
23:34 We're gonna get into that as we move on to Isaiah 53,
23:38 the Old Testament page 525-525.
23:45 Isaiah 53 and beginning with verse 3,
23:47 I can well imagine as Jesus was on the road
23:50 to Emmaus talking to those disciples
23:52 and sharing from the Old Testament
23:54 the things written there
23:55 considering Himself that most likely.
23:59 I don't know the--you know,
24:00 the particular passages
24:02 that Jesus referred to but I would guess
24:05 that this would be one of the passages
24:08 that he shared with him about himself
24:10 and showing that it was necessary
24:12 for the Messiah to come and to suffer as He did.
24:16 And to die on the Cross of Cavalry
24:18 and remember this was crushing to the disciples,
24:21 I mean, they had up
24:23 they're following Jesus for three-and-half years.
24:26 They certainly had an understanding
24:28 of what Jesus teachings were all about.
24:30 But they had with in common with much,
24:34 with many of their own people
24:36 they had a miscomprehension
24:39 of the prophecies in the Old Testament.
24:42 As it related to the coming of Jesus
24:45 and when He came what He would be,
24:47 what He would do.
24:50 You know, there's important lessons in that.
24:53 You and I as New Testament believers
24:57 cannot afford to miscomprehend
25:01 the prophecies as they did.
25:06 And do not understand
25:07 what they really are about.
25:09 If--you know, the world's gonna
25:10 come to an end, it just makes sense
25:12 that by means of the Holy Spirit
25:14 as we study the Bible we ought to have
25:15 some understanding about these things.
25:17 They miscomprehended it,
25:19 they didn't understand it
25:21 even after three-and-half years of Jesus' ministry.
25:23 They still didn't get it when He finally died
25:25 on the Cross of Cavalry.
25:27 But let me tell you they started to get it
25:29 in the aftermath of the tragedy
25:33 what represented tragedy to them,
25:35 when Jesus died on the cross.
25:36 So here's the verse, let me read verse 3.
25:39 It's a messianic passage.
25:41 It says of Him,
25:43 "he was the despised and forsaken of men.
25:46 A man in sorrows and acquainted with grief
25:49 and like one from whom men hid their face.
25:52 He was despised and we do not esteem Him."
25:56 Verse 4, "surely."
25:58 Notice this verse, "Surely, our grieves,
26:01 He Himself bore and our sorrows He carried."
26:07 What is that really about?
26:10 Oh, we sing the song sometimes,
26:12 no one understands like Jesus.
26:17 But I don't know that
26:18 we really can fully comprehend,
26:19 we ought to comprehend more than we do.
26:22 Now you see when Jesus bore our sins
26:24 on the Cross of Cavalry
26:25 and again, how glibly we can refer to the fact
26:28 that Jesus bore our sins there.
26:31 Now realizing it really
26:32 what that really meant for Jesus.
26:34 In the innocence of his heart and of his soul,
26:37 they enter into the darkness of evil as a divine substitute.
26:42 So that he could save us and redeem us.
26:47 You know, the sins of our whole world
26:51 were pressing upon His heart and upon His mind.
26:57 The grief and the sorrow
27:00 that sin has brought to this planet
27:02 this the grief and the sorrow
27:04 that sin has brought into your life and my life
27:07 because of sin Jesus experienced
27:10 it all the totality of it all was right upon Him.
27:15 And my friend this is what crushed Him,
27:17 this is what killed Him.
27:19 It was not the nails that were driven
27:21 through His hands and His feet.
27:23 It was our sins that brought about the death of Jesus.
27:29 Jesus died of a broken heart
27:30 you know that, don't you?
27:33 We live with it.
27:36 And I tell you sin was particularly
27:37 painful to the Son of God.
27:40 And so let me tell you,
27:41 this even it gets even more personal than you know,
27:44 He bore our sorrows and grieves
27:45 because of what sin has brought into our lives
27:47 that means your life that brings my life.
27:50 Whatever sorrow, whatever grief
27:53 sin has brought into your life, brought into my life.
27:56 Jesus bore at the Cross of Cavalry,
27:59 He's been through that experience already.
28:01 Since we live after the cross
28:03 He has already been through that experience.
28:09 I share a little bit with you the tragic circumstances
28:12 that my family had to go through the--
28:14 you know, it's been two years ago.
28:17 Ah, I mean it was horrible
28:19 the hate, the anger, the threatening,
28:23 the determination to destroy.
28:27 It was painful, there was a lot of sorrow,
28:30 there were tears, there was grief.
28:33 Jesus understood it all because Jesus bore it all.
28:39 He went through all of that.
28:43 When he died for me at the Cross of Cavalry.
28:47 And he understands whatever grief and sorrow
28:50 you have experienced in your life because of sin.
28:53 Maybe you're going right through it, right now.
28:57 And my friends just think of it all the sorrow
29:00 and pain and suffering
29:02 that's going on in this planet right now
29:05 in this moment and time.
29:07 Among those heart that is broken
29:09 because she's lost a son or daughter,
29:12 murdered, maybe horribly abused
29:16 and it will go on and on.
29:18 My friend, that all touched the heart of Jesus
29:22 in a very real in a very specific way.
29:27 Lot of part of verse 4,
29:29 "Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
29:31 Smitten of God, and afflicted.
29:33 But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
29:37 He was crushed for our iniquities.
29:38 The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
29:41 And by His scourging we are healed.
29:44 All of us like sheep have gone astray,
29:48 Each of us has turned to his own way."
29:51 What a commentary of the human condition.
29:55 But the Lord has caused
29:58 the iniquity of us all To fall on Him.
30:00 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
30:03 Yet He did not open His mouth.
30:05 Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,
30:08 And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,
30:11 So He did not open His mouth.
30:14 By oppression and judgment He was taken away.
30:18 And as for His generation, who considered.
30:20 That He was cut off out of the land of the living.
30:23 For the transgression of my people,
30:25 to whom the stroke was due?"
30:28 The stroke, what is that talking about?
30:32 For my people to whom the stroke was to do--
30:34 what was that stroke?
30:36 My friend, it is the stroke of death.
30:40 The wages of our sins
30:42 and what Jesus did for us
30:44 as he hung upon the Cross of Cavalry
30:46 was to interject Himself
30:48 between us and the death stroke.
30:51 He took it upon himself in our place.
30:56 So that we can have life eternal
30:59 and there's an pretty deep stuff here
31:03 in the Old Testament.
31:06 I tell you this is one of the clearest passages
31:09 in both Old and New Testaments
31:11 in regards to what Jesus would have accomplish verse
31:13 on the Cross of Cavalry.
31:14 Will you agree?
31:16 It just you know,
31:18 and I've been missing this, somehow they--
31:20 have missed the whole point of Isaiah 53.
31:24 And the point is so telling.
31:28 Oh, it's been not quite two years ago,
31:30 probably 10 months ago
31:31 I was in the Modesto holding a series of meetings
31:33 and James was attending those meetings
31:37 coming night after night.
31:39 I remember initially first few couple of weeks
31:42 at the meetings he said, "I'm not sure,
31:43 I'm really comforted of being here."
31:46 There were some issues going on in his life.
31:50 He had a pretty tough life as it turned out.
31:53 And I remember several weeks in this series
31:56 probably about a month in this series
31:57 visiting with James in his studio apartment,
32:02 he didn't have a lot of the things of this life
32:05 but he had a place to sleep
32:06 and you know, to survive.
32:09 And as we were visiting,
32:11 you know, he was telling us about his life,
32:13 telling us about his childhood.
32:15 And he began to tell us this story about you know,
32:19 this tragic thing that happened
32:20 between he and his brother.
32:23 And I think it was his older brother,
32:25 two years separated them.
32:26 They were just kids.
32:29 And he said, you know,
32:32 and he pulled up his shirt at this point
32:36 and there was the ugliest scar
32:38 I think I've ever seen on anybody.
32:41 And for me the story of how as kids,
32:45 his brother has a rifle in his hand raised it up
32:49 and pulled the trigger straight at him.
32:53 And here these many, many years later
32:56 this big old ugly scar that was left,
33:00 he said this was for,
33:02 you know, thereafter in the family
33:04 it was called the accident.
33:09 He said that it was some bitterness, the accident.
33:13 Because he was there,
33:14 he knew for whatever is the reason
33:17 his brother pulled the trigger.
33:21 James made his decision,
33:24 to commit his life to Jesus Christ.
33:26 And I remember as he was in the class
33:28 preparing for his baptism,
33:30 one evening it was just the last week of our meetings,
33:34 the baptism was the final night of the meetings.
33:38 He was sitting there, he begin to talk
33:41 and he begin to tell us
33:43 just spontaneously began to tell us
33:45 how two or three days earlier
33:49 the Lord had taken away all of the grief
33:53 and all of the pain of that experience
33:57 that he had been carrying for all of these years.
34:01 He was at last free of this burden
34:05 that oppressed him, it really have oppressed him
34:08 that his brother shot him.
34:10 He'd felt released from it.
34:12 And my friend, the same thing happens to us
34:15 when in response to the claims of Jesus Christ
34:19 as we experience these love, there is healing
34:23 that takes place in a person's life.
34:27 Healing that throws
34:28 from the Cross of Cavalry for us.
34:30 Let me take you to Zechariah 13:1.
34:34 For there is--there's something else,
34:36 there's a place of sacrifice
34:37 we spend a longtime talking about this place of sacrifice
34:40 but it is foundational to the whole system you see.
34:44 And the priest was there
34:45 and he would catch some of the blood
34:46 in that bowl, remember.
34:47 And then he will make his way
34:49 to the temple to the sanctuary
34:51 and before entering the temple
34:53 there he would pause,
34:55 there was a large brass bowl of water,
34:59 it was called the labor.
35:01 Our word laboratory comes from it.
35:02 And there he would ritualistically cleanse himself.
35:05 So we got blood and we got water.
35:07 Ritualistically cleanse himself
35:09 and what did that represent?
35:11 Well, we will see as we turn to Zechariah 13,
35:14 you're already there, aren't you?
35:16 Zechariah 13 and looking at verse 1.
35:21 Zechariah, well, that's almost
35:23 at the end of the Old Testament, isn't it?
35:25 And listen what he says,
35:27 "In that day a fountain will be opened
35:28 for the house of David
35:30 and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
35:32 for sin and for impurity."
35:33 A fountain.
35:35 You see water, I mean, water represents,
35:38 you know, there's something,
35:39 it something that is so every day to us.
35:43 Because we use it everyday for the purpose
35:46 of physical cleansing, right?
35:49 Ever tried a shower without water?
35:53 Ever trying throw some clothes
35:54 into a washing machine without water?
35:57 And there's a word very well.
36:00 And so biblically and spiritually
36:03 the Bible takes something
36:04 that is so common and uses this matter
36:07 of water to represent the spiritual cleansing
36:10 that comes to us through Jesus Christ.
36:13 And as such represents, in New Testament terms
36:17 the cleansing that comes as by faith
36:19 we embrace Jesus through the act of baptism
36:23 as we go through the waters of baptism.
36:25 It represents the cleansing that takes place.
36:28 And Acts 22:16,
36:30 I'm reminded of the words of scripture
36:33 where it says, "And now why do you delay?
36:35 Arise, and be baptized,
36:36 and wash away your sins, calling on His name."
36:40 I want you to know it's the movement
36:41 as we continue following this priest
36:43 with this blood as he makes his way into the temple itself.
36:48 In fact I have an illustration right up here on the screen,
36:51 there were two rooms that comprised the temple,
36:54 the two compartments if you please.
36:58 The first was called the holy place,
36:59 you'll see it illustrated right here.
37:02 And then beyond that veil
37:03 if you just see to the left side there
37:06 the veil separates the two rooms
37:07 and beyond it was called the most holy place.
37:10 And you could see there's a number of items there,
37:12 there's the Seven-Branched Candlestick
37:14 that provided light to the interior of the temple.
37:17 On the far side was a Shewbread,
37:20 it was called the bread of the presence
37:23 which is an interesting, fascinating term to me.
37:27 It also was vital
37:29 and then just before the veil there was Burning Incense
37:33 that provided this beautiful fragrance throughout the temple.
37:38 I wonder if that somehow was covering the stench
37:41 that was coming from the place of sacrifice outside.
37:45 I think so, I think there's a correlation to there.
37:48 But those three items
37:49 and each of them is the work of the temple system
37:52 illustrating some important aspects
37:54 in regards to the life in ministry of Jesus.
37:58 So let's focusing on the table
38:00 where Shewbread is, we turn to John 6,
38:02 the New Testament page 77.
38:06 Page 77, John 6 and looking at verse 51.
38:10 And I want you to notice the declaration of Jesus here.
38:13 John 6:51, where He said,
38:18 where He said, well, let me turn
38:20 one more page and I'll be there, verse 51.
38:23 Where he says, "I am the living bread
38:25 that came down out of heaven.
38:27 If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever.
38:31 And the bread also which I will give
38:33 for the life of the world is my flesh."
38:35 My friend, the bread,
38:37 the bread of the presence there in the holy place
38:42 represented Jesus as the bread of life.
38:45 It means that if any of us hunger
38:47 for that which this world cannot possibly satisfy
38:50 Jesus alone will, right?
38:53 He's the bread of life,
38:54 He satisfied those heart longings, desires of our hearts.
38:58 Take a look at John 8
39:00 as we look at the Seven-Branched Candlestick.
39:03 New Testament page 78,
39:05 just a page or two over from where we're at.
39:08 As we're looking at the Seven-Branched Candlestick.
39:10 Notice what Jesus said here in John 8:12,
39:13 "Then Jesus again spoke to them saying,
39:15 'I am the light of the world,
39:16 he who follows me will not walk in the darkness
39:19 but will have the light of life.'"
39:21 So who is the light?
39:23 My friend, Jesus is the light.
39:26 That the world is engulfed in darkness because of sin.
39:32 And my friend, if you've been walking in darkness,
39:35 Jesus alone will bring light into your life.
39:41 He will enlighten us and He will show us the way.
39:48 And then we come to the Altar of Incense.
39:52 So what did that represent,
39:54 we'll take a look at Revelation 8,
39:55 the New Testament page 193, 193.
39:59 Revelation 8 we're looking at verses 3 and 4.
40:05 Yeah, imagery more than just imagery
40:08 actually here in the book of Revelation
40:11 in regards to the Altar of Incense,
40:13 it says here, Revelation 8:3,
40:15 "Another angel came and stood at the altar,
40:19 holding a golden censer;
40:21 and much incense was given to him,
40:24 so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints
40:27 on the golden altar which was before the throne.
40:30 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints,
40:34 went up before God out of the angel's hand."
40:37 Notice the location of the Altar of Incense here.
40:40 It was located before the throne,
40:43 just before the Throne of God.
40:45 And the incensing part represented
40:48 the prayers of God's people ascending before God,
40:52 if you have ever wondered
40:55 whether your prayers were getting through.
40:58 My friend, this gives us assurance.
41:00 If you've ever been through that experience
41:01 maybe you might be going through it now.
41:03 Where it seems like your prayers
41:05 are just bouncing off of the ceiling.
41:08 My friend, there is a God in heaven
41:12 who is interested in our welfare,
41:15 fantastic as that may seem.
41:18 In the vastness of the universe
41:20 the all powerful one, the all knowing one,
41:23 the one who has inhabited and will inhabit eternity.
41:27 He is interested in me.
41:29 He is interested in what is in my heart.
41:32 And entrusted when I get on my knees
41:34 and when I let my voice in prayer to Him.
41:37 My friend, immediately He gives us attention.
41:41 Is that pretty fantastic when you think of it?
41:43 Amen.
41:44 Like God will be interested in me
41:46 among the billions that are on this planet.
41:47 And this planet a little spec
41:50 way out there in the universe.
41:54 Who would think he would have so many other things,
41:57 bigger things to consider themselves, wouldn't you?
42:02 And my friend, this is the most important thing
42:03 I'm doing right now.
42:05 You and me are just, it was just strictest term,
42:12 it just sometimes just kind of blows me away
42:15 to think that God looks at me so intimately
42:20 interested in my life and what's going on.
42:25 But He would take to time to hear me.
42:28 But that's what it telling me.
42:29 Aren't you just great for have a God, aren't you?
42:32 That-- that hears our prayers.
42:36 And my friend, we ought to be praying
42:38 but we must, we must move on
42:39 because you know, the Seven-Branched Candlestick
42:42 we mentioned, the incense
42:44 we representing the prayers of God's people.
42:46 But beyond the veil,
42:48 in the most holy place where it's just one item
42:50 it was called the Ark of the Covenant
42:53 that knows Ark now.
42:54 The Ark of the covenant and it was highly significant to
42:58 as we will see the Ark of the Covenant.
43:02 In fact I have a little bit video clip right here of it.
43:05 You know, two golden angels
43:06 that was chastened overlaid with gold.
43:09 And within the Ark of the Covenant
43:11 while we're coming to it
43:12 the Ten Commandments was placed among other things.
43:16 But what did that represent?
43:19 Well, I'm gonna take you
43:20 to the Old Testament, to 1 Chronicles 13:6,
43:23 "And the Israelites foolishly had taken the Ark into battle."
43:28 I think they believed that somehow miraculously
43:30 God will give to them the victory.
43:32 But they lost it to the philistines
43:34 who rejoiced until they discover what a crucial it was to them.
43:38 Plagues were falling in their midst
43:41 apparently they got the message and they sent it back
43:43 and David went up to claim it, the Ark.
43:46 It says, "And David went up,
43:47 and all Israel, to Baalah, that is, to Kirjathjearim,
43:50 which belonged to Judah,
43:51 to bring up thence the ark of God,
43:56 the Lord, that dwelleth between the cherubims."
43:59 Remember those two golden cherubims on top of the ark?
44:04 And between the Ark in the earthly sanctuary
44:07 God's presence was revealed right there.
44:10 It was called the Shekinah glory.
44:13 The Ark represents the throne of God.
44:17 That's what it represents the throne of God.
44:20 And as I mentioned in the Ark,
44:23 ever wondered what happened to those tablets written on,
44:26 you know, written by the finger of God on stone.
44:28 Well, they were placed into the Ark
44:31 and because this was His throne represented His throne.
44:34 It represented His justice
44:36 and the standard of His righteousness
44:39 which is foundational to the divine government.
44:42 But the lid was called the mercy seat.
44:46 And it was positioned in a place of ascendancy
44:49 the two major attributes of God,
44:52 His righteous character and His tremendous love and mercy.
44:58 And blood was essential in all of us.
45:03 As we've already taken note, Okay,
45:07 so let's pick that up as we go on the Hebrews 8,
45:09 the New Testament page 172, 172.
45:13 Hebrews 8:5.
45:18 Okay, Hebrews 8 and moving to verse 5.
45:22 The temple what did it represent?
45:25 Remember the priest was making his way
45:27 into the temple with that blood.
45:29 And when he went into the temple itself,
45:32 remember that veil, the Altar of Incense was just before it.
45:36 The priest would intercede on behalf of the sinner
45:40 and he would sprinkle some of the blood on the veil.
45:45 That's what he would do.
45:46 And again some of the rituals are gonna be very foreign to us
45:49 but in his role as a priest he would bear
45:53 the sin and guilt of the individual
45:56 into the sanctuary into the temple
45:59 and ritualistically the sanctuary the temple was tainted
46:06 because of the sins of God's people.
46:08 I've brought you to verse 4 and 5.
46:10 It says and speaking of Jesus now,
46:12 "Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all,
46:15 since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law.
46:20 Who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things,
46:23 just as Moses was warned by God
46:25 when he was about to erect the tabernacle;
46:27 for, "See," He says,
46:28 "that you make all things according to the pattern
46:31 which was shown you on the mountain."
46:34 That is the earthly temple was a copy,
46:37 it was a pattern that was given to Moses.
46:43 Oh, you know what? April's coming up.
46:47 April, taxes, taxes.
46:50 Oh, oh, my wife, bless her heart.
46:53 She started early with this when we were first married.
46:56 Somehow she began preparing our tax returns
47:00 and she's been doing it.
47:01 Now we have a friend who helps, he's becomes a friend.
47:06 I tell you it's good to have somebody that knows
47:08 how to prepare your taxes and he's your friend, you know.
47:12 So you know, when he comes over we got everything ready,
47:15 we got to have copies of all the receipts, you know.
47:18 We have a copy machine in our home.
47:20 And the copies are good enough for the RAS
47:22 that will accept them
47:23 even though they are not the originals,
47:25 have you noticed that?
47:27 And the earthly system is a copy
47:30 of that similarly of the heavenly system.
47:34 Are you catching this at verse 5?
47:37 That is the earthly temple
47:39 is a copy of the heavenly temple.
47:44 Let's look at in Revelation 11:19.
47:46 Where it says, "And the temple of God which is," where?
47:50 "Which is in heaven was opened, and the Ark--"
47:53 oh, this one has the ark too, but where's the ark?
47:57 The throne of God.
47:58 So we're appearing
47:59 into the inner recesses of the temple.
48:01 Into the throne room of God,
48:03 "And the Ark of His covenant appeared in His temple,
48:06 and there were flashes of lightning
48:09 and peals of thunder
48:11 and earthquake and a great hailstorm."
48:15 So the earthly temple system served a limited function,
48:20 it was symbolic of the heavenly temple
48:22 which is now the focus of God's people.
48:28 Okay.
48:30 So both covenants have in temple,
48:32 the old covenants had an earthly temple,
48:35 the new covenant has a heavenly temple.
48:39 Earthly system had sacrifices,
48:42 the heavenly system is based upon the sacrifice of Jesus.
48:49 See the parallelisms as we look at it
48:52 and there's even more as we go further into this.
48:56 I am going to take you on to Leviticus 4:6,
48:59 the Old Testament page 75.
49:02 Page 75, Leviticus 4:6.
49:05 Remember we're talking about the priest
49:06 how he go in with that blood
49:09 and how, you know, he bore the sin and guilt
49:11 of the individual into the temple.
49:14 And the-- you know, again,
49:16 the temple, the sanctuary would be polluted in a sense
49:19 by the sins of God's people.
49:21 Now we're being dealt with there
49:22 within the rituals of the temple.
49:24 Verse 6 says here, Leviticus 4,
49:26 "And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood
49:28 and sprinkle some of the blood 7 times before the Lord,
49:31 in front of the veil of the sanctuary."
49:37 And then ritualistically once a year
49:40 the temple had to be cleansed
49:43 of the guilt than the sins of God's people.
49:46 But the priest himself was prophetic
49:49 and symbolic of somebody significant to us.
49:53 Notice as again which it refer
49:55 to Hebrews 9 on the screen beginning with verse 11.
49:57 It says "But Christ being come a," What?
50:02 Becoming a high priest, Jesus was a sacrifice
50:06 but he is also our priest.
50:08 "By his own blood he entered in once into the holy place,
50:12 having obtained eternal redemption or us."
50:14 Just as in the earthly system one the blood will shed
50:17 the priest will go into the temple,
50:18 to intercede on behalf of the sinner.
50:20 So to is that once Jesus sacrificed himself
50:23 and shed his blood
50:25 he then ascended having gained victory over the powers of death
50:28 ascended into the presence of God
50:30 into the heavenly temple to intercede for us.
50:34 The parallels are so clear and it goes on to say
50:37 "For Christ is not entered
50:38 into the holy place made with hands,"
50:41 of a human creation,
50:42 "which are the figures, symbols of the true,
50:44 but into heaven itself, now to appear
50:47 in the presence of God for us."
50:51 Jesus is sacrificed but He is our high priest.
50:59 Kindergarten-- oh, I remember kindergarten.
51:01 I was living as Moses Lake, Washington
51:03 any of you know Moses Lake Washington.
51:06 And I was a part of the baby boomer generation
51:10 and I was as mischievous kid I've already admitted it.
51:13 I've confessed it, I've made this all right with the Lord
51:17 but I got into trouble one day
51:19 and I knew my teacher was upset
51:20 because she said you're going to the principal.
51:23 And I knew when you went to the principal
51:24 you were in trouble,
51:25 I don't know what I did, and what I said
51:27 but I will never forget this.
51:29 In 86' I was doing a series of meetings there on Moses lake
51:32 and I went looking for that school
51:35 remembering this experience,
51:37 it in made an imprint of my thinking.
51:40 And it was still there vacated those doors leading up to the,
51:44 were the offices of the principal were,
51:46 were still there.
51:47 They looked big to me even as an adult back in '86.
51:51 But I remember making this long trip sobering trip
51:56 to the other side of the campus as a 16 year old.
52:00 I never met the principal but I knew you were in trouble,
52:03 I remember wish somebody big and strong
52:06 who would go in there with me.
52:07 And who would say "yes, he blew it
52:10 but give him another chance.
52:12 He's not really a bad of a boy."
52:14 And if I'd had somebody who would do that for me,
52:17 they would have interceded for me.
52:19 See that's what Jesus is doing for us in the presence of God,
52:24 This is not that he has to convince God,
52:26 it's because God loved us
52:28 that he sent Jesus to die as our sacrifice.
52:31 Take a look at Hebrews 8 the New Testament page 172.
52:36 Back in the Hebrews, I know who he been
52:38 a lot into the book of Hebrews.
52:40 But do you want to know what Hebrews is all about this,
52:43 this says at right here these two verses,
52:47 Hebrews 8:1-2, it says, "Now the main point,
52:51 and what is being said is this.
52:53 "We have such a high priest,
52:55 who is taken a seat at the right hand of the throne
52:57 of the majesty in the heavens.
52:59 A minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle
53:02 which the Lord pitched and not man."
53:04 That's the whole point of it,
53:06 And my friend it gives us great insights
53:08 into what Jesus has been doing,
53:11 since he left this planet.
53:14 He's not just up there building mansions for us.
53:17 He is intimately and intricately
53:20 rapped up in everything that affects us.
53:25 He represents us bearing
53:27 our human form before God the Father.
53:30 And yet there are those who are predicting,
53:31 'there is going to be a restoration
53:34 of an earthly temple in the end time.'
53:36 Think of what that means a restoration of sacrifice,
53:38 the restoration of priesthood.
53:42 My friend why would there be a restoration of sacrifices
53:45 which is foundational to the temple the end time.
53:48 When, we've already seen in Hebrews 10:9 it says,
53:51 "He takes away the first to establish the second."
53:54 The whole earthly system is obsolete
53:58 to us as New Testament believers
54:02 and that's why we're not in any temple, this is a church,
54:06 Gale and I were not priests we're ministers of the gospel
54:12 because the earthly priest have passed away
54:15 when Jesus ascended to be our high priest.
54:20 Okay? That's what it says.
54:23 And then I want to take you to Hebrews 10:19-22,
54:27 Lets draw some conclusions from this,
54:30 "since therefore, brethren,
54:32 we have confidence to enter the holy place,"
54:35 By faith now by reality in the future,
54:40 "By the blood of Jesus" we enter,
54:42 "By new and living way which he inaugurated for us
54:46 through the veil that is his flesh,
54:48 and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
54:52 let us draw near with a sincere heart
54:54 in the full assurance of faith
54:56 having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience
55:00 and our bodies washed with pure water."
55:03 My friend, the way had been obstructed
55:05 because of sin of rebellion.
55:08 But through the death of Jesus
55:10 and his intercession for us inaugurated.
55:12 That's the word that was used.
55:14 A newer living way into the presence of God.
55:20 He did this for us
55:21 through the shedding of His blood.
55:24 Take a look at Hebrews 4:14-16
55:30 the New Testament page 170.
55:34 "Therefore, since we have a great high priest
55:37 who has passed through the heavens
55:38 Jesus the Son of God,
55:41 let us hold fast our confession.
55:44 For we do not have a high priest
55:46 who cannot sympathize with us in our weaknesses."
55:48 And remember in English a double negative
55:51 is actually a positive assertion.
55:54 In other words we do have a high priest
55:56 who sympathizes with what?
55:59 Our weaknesses.
56:02 My friend, the heart of Jesus is tender,
56:07 He's approachable because He loves us,
56:10 paid the price of it, He proved it.
56:12 Didn't just say it? He acted on it, didn't He?
56:17 And then He says, "The one who has been tainted
56:19 in all things is we are yet without sin."
56:21 He is victorious.
56:23 Led the perfect life and a complete sacrifice
56:28 on the Cross of Cavalry for us.
56:30 Therefore let us draw near with confidence
56:33 through the throne of grace,
56:35 so that we may receive mercy
56:36 and find grace to help in time of need.
56:38 You see before the death of Jesus in a real sense,
56:41 the throne was a place of certain retribution
56:43 and judgment for the sinner
56:45 but because of His sacrifice and His intersession
56:47 it has become the headwaters for grace and for mercy.
56:54 Anybody knew a little bit of mercy tonight.
56:57 My friend let me tell you
56:59 there is mercy aplenty of all of us
57:03 at the throne of God and we would go come boldly
57:06 not in some insufficiency not because we're deserving
57:10 but because God has provided a way for us.
57:15 And there's grace of plenty in our time of need.
57:21 And so my friend we do in the Old Testament
57:24 the declaration He's coming and in the New Testament
57:27 He has come and He will come again
57:30 we must not forget that.
57:34 He's the center of that all.
57:36 And in Hebrews 7:25
57:38 it says "Wherefore He is able also to save them
57:41 to the uttermost that come unto God by Him,
57:46 seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them."
57:49 He can save us to the uttermost.
57:53 There's nothing going on in your life too big for him.
57:58 You may feel that you the devil has got you in his cross house
58:03 he's the tracking you he's got you under you his power.
58:07 But my friend, he is all sufficient
58:10 and he will save us to the uttermost.


Revised 2014-12-17