Let God Speak

More Lessons from the Master Teacher

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS200406S

00:01 Hello, I'm Lyle Southwell.
00:02 Welcome to Let God Speak.
00:04 Today, we focus on the only solution
00:06 to our greatest problem, the problem of ourselves.
00:10 We are going to study the life
00:12 of the master teacher Himself, Jesus.
00:40 Well, on our panel today,
00:42 we have Morgan Vincent and Danny Milenkov.
00:44 And as we begin our program,
00:46 as always, let's start with prayer.
00:49 Father in heaven, we thank You so much
00:50 that we have the privilege of being able to read
00:53 and study Your Word
00:54 and to hear Your voice speaking to us.
00:57 We pray that as we do so today,
00:59 that Your Holy Spirit will be here to guide us
01:01 and to draw us into Your presence.
01:03 We ask in Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
01:07 So modern education today
01:09 and modern philosophy really teaches us
01:12 to focus on ourselves.
01:14 You know, we hear these mantras
01:15 that go around, you know, you deserve it, you can do it.
01:18 And I guess, you know,
01:19 my pet peeve is the one that says,
01:21 you know, be true to yourself.
01:25 Morgan, isn't this kind of like the very first thing
01:29 that Satan ever sent to Eve in the Garden of Eden,
01:32 the first great temptation?
01:33 Yeah. Absolutely, it is.
01:35 And, Lyle, we'll go straight to the Bible.
01:36 And it says in Genesis 3, we find the words
01:39 that the serpent says to the woman.
01:42 And in Genesis 3, and we read verses 5 and 6,
01:46 the Bible says, "For God knows that in the day
01:47 you eat of it your eyes will be opened,
01:50 and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
01:53 That's this lie.
01:55 And that's what you were saying earlier
01:56 that modern thought is,
01:57 will you be like God, you'll advance,
01:59 you get to this place where you'll be like God and...
02:02 It's all about you. Yeah.
02:03 It's all about... You're the center of evidence.
02:05 That's right. You have a solution.
02:06 Exactly.
02:08 In verse 6 it says, "So when the woman saw that
02:10 the tree was good for food,
02:12 that it was pleasant to the eyes,
02:13 and the tree desirable to make one wise,
02:16 she took of its fruit and ate.
02:18 She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate."
02:22 So again, it's all about themselves.
02:25 Focus is there on themselves. Okay.
02:27 Now, of course, their lives were vastly different.
02:29 Danny, was it improvement
02:30 when they decided to be like gods
02:33 and to receive all of this information that,
02:36 you know, Satan was promising them
02:37 as a result of eating the fruit.
02:40 It was certainly different, was it better?
02:42 It was a disaster, to put it in a word.
02:45 Unfortunately, they recognized
02:48 what God had told them
02:50 that the day that you eat in this,
02:51 you will die and that day,
02:54 they had a spiritual sever from God,
02:59 in a way that they had never experienced before.
03:01 They experienced shame
03:03 and pain and guilt and ultimately,
03:06 they held the death of their son Abel,
03:09 not so long afterwards.
03:11 And they experienced the true fruit
03:13 of what it means to sin,
03:15 of what it means to live in separation of God,
03:17 of what it means a distrust the Word of God.
03:21 And to me, it's really interesting that
03:24 the serpent tempted Eve into believing that
03:28 God was withholding something from her and Adam,
03:31 that would be to their good.
03:33 And that has been a temptation that has gone all the way
03:35 down through history, where you cannot trust God,
03:38 that He doesn't have Your best interest in,
03:41 you need to take matters into your own hands,
03:44 you need to do, as you pointed out,
03:47 you need to do it your way was Frank Sinatra
03:50 saying that very popular song, you know, I did it my way.
03:53 And we experienced, sadly,
03:55 the consequences of doing things our way.
03:58 That's right. Absolutely.
04:00 And, you know, I started off by mentioning
04:01 that mantra that we have today, you know, be true to yourself.
04:05 And we hear all the time,
04:06 we even hear Christians make this statement.
04:09 You know, the last thing in the world
04:11 I ever want to do is to be true to myself.
04:15 I want to be true to Jesus Christ.
04:17 I want to die to self.
04:19 But, you know, Morgan moving on from here,
04:22 God comes to Adam and Eve,
04:25 after they have fallen for this temptation.
04:27 And He asks, "Where are you?"
04:30 Isn't that the strangest
04:32 kind of question for God to ask?
04:33 I mean, doesn't God know where we are all the time?
04:36 He knows that we are right here, right now.
04:38 Yeah, absolutely.
04:40 It seems strange, and it's not as that
04:41 God's asking it
04:42 because He needs to acquire information
04:44 or know their geographical location
04:47 but rather God's asking
04:49 it because sometimes if you were to ask
04:52 someone a question a family member or friend,
04:54 you ask that question in the hope
04:56 that the person you're asking it to
04:59 will come to a realization.
05:01 And so God here is asking this question
05:02 where are you, not for His benefit per se
05:05 but more so that Adam and, the woman,
05:08 Eve can know, "Hold on, we're distant from God.
05:12 We've been running from God."
05:14 That's why He's asking the question.
05:15 And you can kind of imagine,
05:16 you know, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,
05:18 as you know, this question is asked,
05:20 they're hiding,
05:22 but they know that God knows where they are.
05:25 And then God asks the question,
05:28 you know, that would hit
05:29 pretty close to home wouldn't it
05:31 if you sort of just put yourself
05:32 in that kind of a situation?
05:34 Okay.
05:35 So, Danny, what does this tell us about
05:36 the results of sin?
05:39 Well, as I shared earlier,
05:40 the result of sin is experiencing that
05:43 which God never intended for the human race,
05:45 it was always God's plan
05:46 for the human race to enjoy the abundant life,
05:49 to enjoy a holistic life where they grow physically,
05:55 spiritually, emotionally, socially, in every aspect,
05:58 that was God's plan.
05:59 And so when sin comes into this world, it's a virus,
06:03 it's a rotten virus, and we're very well familiar
06:05 with a rotten virus doing the rounds
06:08 around the world right now.
06:10 And so as this sin problem comes into this world,
06:13 we discover the consequences of sin.
06:15 And as I pointed out earlier,
06:17 there's guilt, there's shame which comes into the story,
06:21 there's suffering, there's pain,
06:23 and the ultimate consequence of sin
06:26 is alienation from God, that separation from God,
06:30 which brings about with it, you know,
06:35 the greatest consequences that one can imagine
06:38 because God is the life force of the universe.
06:41 He is the one that gives the abundant life.
06:42 So ultimately, sin separates from God.
06:45 It's like a cancer. I illustrate it like a cancer.
06:47 Cancer separates loved ones from one another.
06:51 It brings pain, it brings hurt,
06:53 it brings suffering, and all of us at one time
06:55 or another have experienced either cancer ourselves
06:59 or someone who we love has had cancer.
07:01 And that's what sin is. It's a cancer.
07:03 So you're a pastor, and no doubt
07:05 you've come across people on occasion
07:06 who deny the existence of sin.
07:08 I mean, after all, if we come from an evolutionary process,
07:11 how can sin exist?
07:13 Do you think people who deny the existence of sin
07:16 actually are able to sidestep those feelings
07:20 of shame and guilt?
07:21 No, I don't think so.
07:23 Because we know firsthand
07:27 what it feels like to suffer pain,
07:30 we just know that that's part of the human experience,
07:34 and sin brings about pain and suffering.
07:38 And so whether you denied or not is irrelevant.
07:43 You can deny that if you jump off a cliff,
07:46 that you're going to end up in not such a good place
07:48 at the bottom of that clip, you can deny that
07:50 but the reality is that's what's going to happen.
07:52 And so regardless of what we might think or...
07:56 What we think or don't think,
07:58 the reality is that sin separates us from God
08:02 and the consequences of that follow.
08:04 Absolutely.
08:06 Now, you know, while we're talking about that
08:07 because that's an interesting subject.
08:08 You know, what is the modern notion
08:11 of sin today?
08:12 What kind of, Morgan, ideas are you finding
08:15 when you go out to the community?
08:16 What do people actually think of that sin?
08:18 Yes, some can just straight out deny it
08:20 and say that there's no such thing
08:22 as a like a moral fall or,
08:24 you know, a separation from God.
08:26 Of course, if you don't believe in God,
08:27 then there's nothing like sin
08:29 that surely would exist in terms of morality,
08:31 evil, these kinds of things, pain, suffering,
08:34 well, it's just a fact of life,
08:35 and we better just get used to it.
08:37 But if you come from a worldview of faith,
08:40 then you see it as something serious.
08:42 There's consequences, separation from God.
08:44 And when we read
08:46 the first few chapters of the Bible, the first six,
08:49 we find just the spiral downhill.
08:52 And just everything
08:53 that could go wrong, does go wrong.
08:55 Yes, absolutely.
08:57 Now as believers,
08:58 we recognize that humanity is the source of the problem.
09:02 We recognize our own depravity as human beings.
09:05 Danny, do you think that that solved the problem,
09:07 that recognition?
09:09 It would be nice if I could say yes.
09:14 But... Just recognize it.
09:17 The truth is right there in the garden,
09:19 when you read Genesis 3,
09:22 you discover God has to intercede
09:28 on behalf of Adam and Eve,
09:30 God has to intervene in order to help them understand
09:34 that they have sinned,
09:35 that the consequences of sin are horrible and horrendous.
09:41 And God has to help Adam and Eve recognize their sin
09:46 because what's their natural response is to blame.
09:50 And that's not how we deal with sin.
09:52 We don't deal with sin
09:53 by blaming someone or blaming the situation.
09:57 We deal with sin by confronting it,
09:59 realizing that, yes, I have sinned,
10:02 I need a Savior. I need a Savior.
10:04 And that's ultimately what God was trying
10:07 to help Adam and Eve understand,
10:08 what God is trying to help us understand.
10:11 So Adam and Eve were able to, you know, to learn
10:13 and to understand about God's grace.
10:16 And we have other examples in the Bible.
10:17 We're going to look at another example here
10:19 for just a moment.
10:20 And this is in Genesis 28 verse...
10:24 Let me say, starting in verse 10,
10:25 the Bible says,
10:26 "And Jacob went out from Beersheba,
10:28 and went toward Haran.
10:30 And he came upon a certain place,
10:32 and stayed there all night because the sun was setting.
10:35 And he took a stone of that place
10:37 and put them for his pillow,
10:39 and lay down in that place to sleep."
10:40 You know, interesting story right here.
10:42 I don't know how good of a sleep
10:45 he had that particular night.
10:48 What was Jacob doing sleeping with a stone for a pillow
10:51 under the stars.
10:52 I mean, he just gone on a camping trip
10:53 and forgotten his swag.
10:55 What's going on here, Morgan?
10:57 Well, he's basically doing the same thing
11:00 that Adam and Eve did as soon as they sinned.
11:02 He's running.
11:03 He's running from his family from what's familiar to him.
11:07 And that's the strange thing about sin.
11:10 In that selfishness, what we're talking about today
11:12 is that he's running away.
11:14 He's deceived his father, he's wronged his brother,
11:16 and now he's wanting to just get away from it,
11:18 hoping that the consequences will go away as well.
11:21 But obviously, it doesn't. No, it doesn't.
11:23 I mean, Danny,
11:24 what an epic sinner you've got right here.
11:26 Can you believe that God calls himself
11:27 the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
11:31 It's interesting, someone once pointed out to me
11:34 that the lower you are, the worse your condition,
11:40 the further God is willing to go in order to rescue you
11:44 and to save you.
11:45 And that's what we find all the way through Scripture.
11:48 And once again, you know,
11:49 like Morgan pointed out, Jacob here is running away.
11:53 And then we find ourselves
11:56 as humans running away from God.
11:58 And I remember, I think it was Dwight Nelson,
12:01 Pastor Dwight Nelson coined the phrase back in 1998,
12:04 many years ago,
12:05 God is not someone to be afraid of,
12:07 someone to run away from but God wants to be our friend,
12:11 someone to be a friend of.
12:13 And so this is quite interesting.
12:16 It's just the consequences of sin,
12:18 we just run away from God
12:19 instead of running to God who is our only solution.
12:24 Of course, we have the story
12:25 of how God visited with Jacob that night.
12:27 And that tells us something
12:28 about the grace of God right there because, you know,
12:31 God hasn't gone anywhere.
12:32 God is with him the whole time.
12:34 And here in verse 16, the Bible says,
12:36 "Jacob woke out of his sleep and said,
12:38 'Surely the Lord is in this place,
12:40 and I did not know it.'"
12:42 More do you resonate
12:43 with Jacob's response to the dream
12:45 that God gave Jacob that night?
12:47 Yes, definitely.
12:48 You know, there are times in my life
12:49 where all I'm thinking about is myself.
12:52 And there is no solution to myself,
12:55 if I look to myself.
12:57 And he, Jacob, you know, he's alone,
12:59 he's faced with the trials, he's going through.
13:02 But then he realizes that God is actually with him.
13:04 And the lesson for each of us
13:06 and for those who're watching is that
13:07 God is with us in our trials, and maybe perhaps,
13:11 shame and guilt isn't something to separate us from God.
13:15 But God uses it as a bridge to bring us back to Him.
13:18 That's what I found...
13:20 Okay, we're just following this story through.
13:22 Danny, where does Jacob go in his life
13:25 from this particular point?
13:26 What impact is this event have on Jacob's life?
13:32 Well, this has a huge impact on him,
13:34 in that he makes a decision right there and then,
13:37 that he wants God to journey
13:40 with him all the way through.
13:42 And I might just continue reading here
13:44 from Genesis 28:20-22,
13:49 where it says, "Then Jacob made a vow,
13:51 saying, 'If God will be with me,
13:53 and keep me in this way that I am going,
13:56 and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on,
13:59 so that I come back to my father's house in peace,
14:02 then the Lord shall be my God."
14:04 Verse 22.
14:05 "And this stone, which I have set as a pillar,
14:08 shall be God's house, and of all that You give me
14:11 I will surely give a tenth to You."
14:13 So here Jacob makes a promise to God
14:18 and it's almost as if he's reaching out to God,
14:21 he wants a covenant with God.
14:23 He's, "God, you have revealed Your grace to me
14:26 in a powerful way,
14:27 and I want to make a decision today."
14:31 Here is a stone and stones are very symbolic.
14:33 In the Bible, we have stones established
14:36 and we have altars established in different places
14:39 as visible signs of a decision to follow God
14:43 and to be faithful to Him and to make that connection
14:46 with Him to make a covenant with Him.
14:48 And this is what Jacob does.
14:49 And he talks about tithe here.
14:51 I mean, at a time like this when he is penniless,
14:56 he's talking about tithe.
14:58 Morgan, any comments on that?
14:59 Yeah, it does seem a strange thing
15:00 but to follow on from what Danny was saying that,
15:02 you know, God wants our entire lives.
15:05 And this is he what God is wanting,
15:06 in what Jacob is to respond by doing.
15:09 And so then by giving a tithe or a tenth
15:11 of what he has as income, you know,
15:14 it's a test of his loyalty to God will God provide,
15:17 will God be with me, and he knows that to be true.
15:20 But we have a saying, you know,
15:21 put your money where your mouth is.
15:23 That's right.
15:24 And if you really believe in something, you will do that.
15:28 And even Jesus said, you know, where your treasure is,
15:32 that's where your heart will be also.
15:34 So you know, we know full well that,
15:37 you know, finances are important part of life.
15:40 But often, individuals will put their finances ahead of God.
15:44 But here, he had Jacob places his finances in the context
15:48 of being faithful to God.
15:50 "And, God, You have everything You have my life,
15:52 You have my finances, You have everything,
15:54 it's all belongs to You.
15:55 I want to be faithful,
15:57 and I want to have union with You
15:58 in every aspect of my life."
15:59 And what an experience, you know,
16:01 when you are feeling so far from God,
16:02 and suddenly realize that God is right there that
16:04 God is chasing you down.
16:06 You know, the Bible study takes us to John 1,
16:10 "In the beginning was the Word,
16:11 the Word was with God, the Word was God.
16:14 The same was in the beginning with God,
16:16 all things were made by Him,
16:18 and without Him was not anything made
16:21 that was made."
16:22 How important are these truths in actually doing this, Danny,
16:27 in giving our life completely to God?
16:29 Well, this for me is just an incredible passage
16:32 that reminds us of Genesis 1,
16:36 where it says, "In the beginning,
16:38 God created the heavens and the earth."
16:40 And here you have that same language,
16:42 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God."
16:45 God wants to be with us from the very beginning.
16:49 When I read these passages, I discover the beautiful truth
16:52 that God wants to be in union with us 24/7.
16:56 That was God's original plan for Adam and Eve.
16:58 But sadly, they chose a different route,
17:00 but God wants to be with us.
17:02 And this is God in human flesh,
17:04 coming to this earth in order to restore us
17:07 back to himself.
17:08 I think it's just a beautiful picture.
17:10 It is.
17:11 And it's something that John the Baptist,
17:13 I think, understood really well.
17:14 When you go a little bit further down here in verse...
17:16 Let me see, where are we?
17:18 Verse 26, the Bible says, "John answered them saying,
17:20 'I baptize with water,
17:22 but there's One among you whom who you do not know.
17:25 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me,
17:29 whose shoe laces I am not worthy to unloose."
17:34 Morgan, what is it that John is saying right here?
17:37 You know, he's acknowledging how good,
17:39 how great how amazing God is in the flesh of,
17:43 you know, humanity being Jesus Christ.
17:45 And then interesting, I'll read on while
17:48 and it says in verse 29, it says,
17:50 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward Him,"
17:53 note that Jesus is coming toward John,
17:58 it's not the other way around, "And he says,
18:00 'Behold the Lamb of God
18:01 who takes away the sin of the world.'"
18:03 Verse 30, This is He of whom I said,
18:05 'After me comes a Man who is preferred before me,
18:08 for He was before me.'
18:10 He calls out and realizes that
18:12 Jesus is the one to fix this sin problem.
18:16 Danny, how did he know that?
18:18 Well, the Bible says, as you continue to read,
18:21 that the Holy Spirit impressed that upon him.
18:25 And I just wanted to pick it up in verse 33,
18:29 where he says, "I did not know Him,
18:32 but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me."
18:36 Okay, this is speaking of the Holy Spirit,
18:38 and he was imbued with the Holy Spirit,
18:39 the Bible says, from his birth, from his mother's womb,
18:43 "Upon whom you see the Spirit descending
18:46 and remaining on Him,
18:48 this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit."
18:50 And then he goes on,
18:52 "And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God."
18:55 Indeed.
18:56 And you can see here, you know, when we think about Jacob,
18:59 he's recognized this,
19:01 John the Baptist recognized this.
19:02 One of the things I love
19:03 about the story of Jacob is, you know,
19:05 when he wrestles with the angel,
19:06 which turns out to be Jesus Christ,
19:09 and there's that persistence, you know,
19:10 "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
19:13 And that comes through
19:14 in another one of these stories right here,
19:16 in if we go over to Matthew 15.
19:19 The Bible says, "And behold, a woman of Canaan,
19:22 who came out of the same coast cried to him saying,
19:24 'Have mercy on me, O Lord, son of David.
19:29 My daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
19:33 But He answered her not a word.
19:36 And His disciples came to him and beseeched him
19:38 and besought him saying, 'Send her away,
19:40 for she cries after us.'"
19:41 Now if we go down through
19:43 this story a little bit further,
19:44 and we continue on to verse 25.
19:47 Then she came and worshiped Him,
19:49 saying, "Lord, help me!"
19:51 And of course, skipping ahead, down to verse 28,
19:55 "Jesus answered and said to her,
19:57 'O woman, great is your faith,
19:59 be it unto you even as you will.'"
20:03 I mean, what a story of faith God taking place right here.
20:08 What's God's attitude here, Morgan?
20:10 'Cause it kind of seems like a strange story, doesn't it?
20:13 Yeah, it does seem a bizarre story,
20:14 but it's a posture of one where He's wanting to help.
20:17 You know, God looks...
20:19 Jesus, He's looking and He's wanting to help.
20:21 He's wanting to listen.
20:23 And so similar to that
20:24 if we're praying people, we can be like,
20:27 Jacob, we can be like this woman
20:28 and know that God's actually here.
20:31 God actually wants to help us.
20:33 He's he and how good is it that He is.
20:36 I think Jesus...
20:38 I think His face and His body language
20:42 gave Him away.
20:43 Even though, even though he said,
20:46 "You know, I'm sorry, I didn't really come for you."
20:49 And He's trying to put her off.
20:51 But the thing is, body language, gave Him away,
20:54 I think just His smile,
20:55 just the love on His face, and so forth.
20:57 He wasn't able to hide that,
20:58 and this woman is able to see through His words.
21:02 And she's able to see, this is my only hope.
21:06 And He really does care for me, he really does love me.
21:09 And my faith in Him will be shown that,
21:15 yes, He will do for me what I've asked Him
21:17 because I believe by faith.
21:18 Yeah, absolutely.
21:20 And that really does illustrate,
21:21 you know, why she was so tenacious
21:24 in this particular situation.
21:28 So Morgan just a question here.
21:30 What do we do when things we pray about and, you know,
21:33 we pray for something
21:34 and doesn't turn out as we expect?
21:36 What should we do there?
21:37 Often, I find when I pray, it can be, you know,
21:40 give me what I want, Praise Lord, I need this,
21:41 I need this, I need this,
21:43 and the focus is all about me, right?
21:46 That will bring disappointment.
21:48 But I want us to turn in our Bibles
21:49 to the book of 1 John,
21:51 right at the end of the Bible in 1 John,
21:53 and I'll read chapter 5, and I'll read verses 14 and 15.
21:58 And here's this amazing passage of the confidence
22:02 we can have in prayer.
22:04 Verse 14, says, "Now this is the confidence
22:06 that we have in Him,
22:08 that if we ask anything according to His will,
22:10 He hears us."
22:12 It's important for us to know God's will.
22:14 And verse 15,
22:15 "And if we know that He hears us,
22:17 whatever we ask,
22:18 we know that we have the petitions
22:20 that we have asked of Him."
22:22 When we yield to God's will,
22:24 it will bring the results from God
22:26 that He wants and so, you know,
22:28 sometimes that involves patience,
22:30 which can be a challenge, but we know
22:33 and it can have confidence, it says in praying to God.
22:36 Amen. Yes, indeed.
22:38 There's another story of great persistence
22:40 that we find in the Bible.
22:42 And I love to read this story.
22:44 We find this one in Mark 10:46.
22:47 The Bible says, "They came to Jericho.
22:49 And as He went out of Jericho
22:50 with His disciples and a great number of people,
22:54 blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus,
22:58 sat by the highway begging.
23:01 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth,
23:05 he began to cry out and say,
23:07 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!'"
23:11 Here you got this interesting story
23:13 where you've got blind Bartimaeus,
23:16 he's blind, Jesus is nearby, there is no way that
23:20 he's going to let this opportunity
23:21 get past him.
23:24 Why so much persistency here? Morgan.
23:27 Yeah.
23:28 You know, sometimes,
23:29 we will only seek something to the degree
23:31 that we know our need.
23:33 You know, I'm only going to seek to see a doctor.
23:35 If I really know, I need to see doctor
23:38 because I'm sick, right?
23:39 And he will see Bartimaeus you know,
23:41 he's crying out, "Jesus,
23:42 son of David, have mercy upon me."
23:44 You know, this persistence.
23:46 I love it because we cannot burden God
23:49 with persistence in prayer, we cannot tie God
23:51 or make Him think, "oh, boy, he's Morgan,
23:54 again, praying,
23:55 why don't you just get over it?"
23:57 God will always answer our persistence,
23:59 and see the persistence in our heart.
24:01 So when these stories of persistence,
24:03 and I guess this is the question, you know,
24:05 a major question of I've got, is it a situation where we are,
24:10 I guess, wearing God down
24:12 so that if we keep persisting enough,
24:14 sooner or later God will be like,
24:15 "Well, you know what,
24:17 I just can't handle these guys anymore.
24:19 I'll answer their prayer."
24:20 Is that what's going on here? No, I don't think so.
24:23 Or is it then a situation where God doesn't actually
24:26 know our need until you've asked him
24:28 like 20 times?
24:29 No, certainly not.
24:31 Is it then a situation that God doesn't want to help us
24:33 the first time that we asked?
24:35 Most definitely not.
24:36 So what's going on
24:37 with these stories of persistence.
24:39 This is for our own best.
24:42 God knows what's for our own best.
24:44 Like at the very beginning,
24:45 God knew what would bring the greatest joy, peace,
24:48 and happiness for Adam and Eve.
24:50 And He created that perfect environment.
24:53 So when it comes to asking and continually asking,
24:57 and it appears that God is not answering,
24:59 it appears that God is dead.
25:00 It's not that God is not interested,
25:03 it's not that God
25:04 does not want to answer us immediately.
25:06 But God knows that it's not in our best interest
25:09 just like a parent, a parent doesn't give in
25:11 to their child every single time,
25:14 they asked for something right away.
25:16 That's because the parent knows what the child doesn't know,
25:19 and that is they may need to wait
25:21 or they may need to understand a few more things
25:24 before they receive what they are asking for.
25:26 Or maybe they are best not to receive that.
25:29 So God is our heavenly parent.
25:31 So we need to trust in His timing, His ways,
25:34 and ultimately, His answer.
25:35 One of my favorite books
25:37 in the Bible is the Book of Daniel.
25:38 There's some great lessons in the Book of Daniel.
25:39 And in chapter 10,
25:41 you'll find the story of Daniel praying,
25:43 and he fasts and prays.
25:44 And of course, he's one of the great men
25:46 of the Bible, isn't he?
25:47 You know, when you think about Daniel,
25:48 he's fasting and praying,
25:50 you think, well, a great man like that.
25:51 He's just going to...
25:53 You know, God's going to answer his prayer on the spot.
25:55 While he's fasting and praying for three weeks,
25:59 and he sees nothing happen
26:02 for that entire period of three weeks.
26:05 And to me, that's a great illustration
26:07 because often we get discouraged
26:10 by God wants Him to keep praying.
26:11 You see, when we pray...
26:13 You know, if God just comes down
26:14 and intervenes in every little thing
26:16 in relationship to these people,
26:18 then Satan's going to have some accusations to make that,
26:20 you know, "God, you gave me this opportunity
26:22 to show what my plan looks like.
26:25 And you're just interfering all over the place."
26:29 But when we pray, God can turn up
26:32 and God can interfere
26:34 and Satan can come with his accusations.
26:35 And God says, "Look, I'm here by request.
26:38 Not only am I here by request, I'm here by persistent request.
26:44 Not only am I here by persistent request
26:46 but by persistent, earnest request."
26:49 And you kind of see that happening here
26:51 with the story of Bartimaeus.
26:54 You see, he's by the roadside,
26:56 and he is persistently earnestly asking for Jesus
27:00 to do something.
27:02 And he's crying out, you know,
27:03 he's not going to let this opportunity pass.
27:05 This is his one great opportunity.
27:07 He won't let it slip.
27:08 And of course,
27:10 you've got a great response to His healing right there.
27:13 When Jesus sets us free, like Bartimaeus,
27:16 we will want to follow Him.
27:17 We want to learn more from Him,
27:19 be like Him, we want to make our lives
27:21 to make a difference in the same way
27:23 His life made a difference.
27:25 Thank you for joining us on Let God Speak today.
27:29 If you would like to view any of our past programs,
27:31 go to our website, 3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:35 Teachers can download teaching notes there.
27:38 You can email us on lgs@3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:43 Do join us next time
27:45 and may God bless you in a special way.


Revised 2020-11-15