
Ellen Whites Later Years and the Sda Church (Behin

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LIN

Program Code: LIN000020A

00:15 In this place
00:16 where Ellen White spent the last 15 years of her life,
00:19 she found a home that suited her perfectly.
00:22 Here in this house,
00:23 she had a place where she could read,
00:25 write, pursue her hobbies,
00:27 and spend time with her family who lived nearby.
00:30 We see the contrasting side of Ellen White
00:33 during her time in this house.
00:36 We see her as a grandmother
00:37 taking time to spend with her grandchildren
00:40 and be involved in their lives.
00:42 We also know that in this house,
00:44 the angels of God came to minister to her
00:47 and she heard the voice of God speaking.
00:54 On one occasion,
00:56 she reported an extraordinary experience
00:58 that happened on the night of the March 2, 1907,
01:02 here in this very room.
01:04 The room was full of light,
01:06 she awoke to see a bright cloud white as snow
01:10 with the edges tinge in deep pink.
01:12 Angel sang for her,
01:14 and she heard a voice that said, "Fear not.
01:17 I am your savior.
01:19 Holy Angels are all about you."
01:21 She wondered if she was in heaven,
01:23 and if her work on earth was done,
01:25 she inquired, "Is this indeed heaven?
01:28 Am I one of God's little children?
01:30 And shall I always have this peace?"
01:32 The voice replied, "Your work is not yet done."
01:41 According to Ellen White,
01:43 her sleep here was often broken a little after midnight,
01:46 and sometimes before
01:47 as the Lord spoke to her in visions,
01:50 while her mind was free from cares
01:52 and surrounding influences.
01:54 Seldom does she stay in bed after a vision.
01:56 She usually dressed and with kerosene lamp in hand,
01:59 walk down this hallway to her writing room
02:02 to record what the Lord has shown up.
02:08 Here in this spot,
02:10 Ellen White would write her letters and books,
02:12 a work that would have worldwide influence.
02:16 Under the impression of the Holy Spirit,
02:18 she would convey the messages that had been revealed to her.
02:22 However, Ellen White never forgot her human side
02:25 and was ever mindful that she had grandchildren
02:28 who lived nearby who liked nothing more
02:31 than to see their grandmother.
02:35 Ellen White had an assistant named Sarah McEnterfer,
02:39 who was particularly vigilant in ensuring
02:41 that she wasn't disturbed when she was writing.
02:44 If you didn't have an appointment,
02:46 then you couldn't see her, even if you were a grandchild.
02:50 She would often tell the grandkids,
02:52 "Run along, run along."
02:53 The grandkids, however, soon worked out that
02:56 there was a backdoor that they could sneak in,
02:58 and they could come up this back staircase right here.
03:01 They knew that their grandmother's work
03:03 was important,
03:04 but they wanted to see her and so she worked out
03:07 assigned for them.
03:08 If she was holding her pen in her hand and writing,
03:11 then they had to wait at the door.
03:13 But once she laid her pen down,
03:15 then they could run across and see her.
03:22 She would often tell them
03:24 in the short but precious moments,
03:26 "Remember that your name is White,
03:28 you must always keep it that way.
03:30 And there is a heaven to win and a hell to shun."
03:33 These visits would only last maybe two to three minutes,
03:36 and then they would quietly sneak back down the stairs
03:39 and out the back door.
03:40 The kids were happy.
03:42 Grandma was happy.
03:43 And Sarah was happy
03:45 because she didn't know what had happened.
03:50 Well, she was the messenger of God
03:52 and took this role very seriously,
03:55 from the age of 17 until her death.
03:57 She was also an attentive loving
03:59 and caring grandmother
04:01 able to blend family life and ministry together.
04:04 It's not always an easy balance to achieve
04:07 and something that many of us struggle with.
04:10 Maybe not excel in one to the detriment of the other.
04:14 But may we be able to find harmony
04:16 between these two areas in our lives.
05:49 And so after more than 70 years,
05:52 the active ministry of Ellen White
05:54 would come to a close.
05:55 Her public ministry started at the age of 17
05:59 in the State of Maine in the north easterly tip
06:01 of the United States of America.
06:04 Never could she have imagined way would take her from there
06:07 to its close in California.
06:09 She spoke to congregations large and small
06:12 in nearly every state in the union.
06:15 She also spent two very active years in England,
06:19 France, Switzerland, Norway,
06:21 and other parts of Europe,
06:23 as well as nine years in New Zealand and Australia.
06:30 Whether travelling by horse and carriage
06:33 across the New England states,
06:35 by canal boat across New York State,
06:38 or across the great plains states
06:39 of Texas, and Oklahoma,
06:41 or by tourists train to the state of California,
06:44 or by ocean steamer across the Atlantic or Pacific,
06:48 wherever she was, she sought every opportunity
06:51 to speak to people the words of life.
06:57 Despite only having a third grade formal education,
07:02 Ellen White would go on to become
07:03 the most translated American author,
07:06 and the third most translated author of all time.
07:10 Her words would have an impact far beyond the life
07:13 that she lived, leaving a legacy of missions,
07:16 educational institutions, health centers,
07:19 and in the church at large.
07:21 She always sought to uplift Jesus in her sermons,
07:25 in her life and through her writings.
07:28 When she finally died here in this home,
07:31 she was sure in whom she believed.
07:38 It is interesting to contrast Ellen White's death
07:41 with that of the other people.
07:43 When lying there dying one is often brought
07:45 to contemplate life, and how successful it has been.
07:49 Ellen White had no such thoughts.
07:51 Two days before her death, here in this very room,
07:55 her last words were,
07:57 "I know in whom I have believed."
08:00 Confident in her Savior, right until the end,
08:03 even though death is never easy
08:05 when you live a life in Jesus,
08:08 you can die with a peace and assurance.
08:15 Ellen White would have three funerals.
08:18 The first one was here in the Elmshaven area,
08:21 the second one was in Oakland, California,
08:23 and the third one was in Battle Creek, Michigan.
08:26 The third one took place at 11 am on a Sabbath morning
08:30 in the Dime Tabernacle,
08:32 and there were 3,000 people in attendance.
08:35 Even her bitter critic, DM Canright came
08:38 and went through the viewing line twice,
08:40 and commented that she was a woman of God.
08:43 At the request of Ellen White,
08:45 her longtime friend and colleague in ministry
08:48 from across the United States and around the world,
08:51 SN Haskell delivered the funeral sermon,
08:54 after which she was taken to the Oak Hill Cemetery
08:57 and buried alongside her husband and sons.
09:06 The words written about her
09:08 in the newspapers after her death
09:11 illustrate the kind of person that she was.
09:13 The St. Helena Star wrote on the July 23, 1915,
09:19 "The life of Mrs. White is an example
09:21 worthy of emulation by all.
09:23 She was a humble, devout disciple of Christ,
09:26 and ever went about doing good.
09:28 Honored and respected by all who appreciate noble womanhood,
09:31 consecrated to unselfish labor for the uplifting
09:34 and the betterment of mankind.
09:36 She showed no spiritual pride,
09:39 and she saw it in a filthy lucre.
09:41 She lived the life and did the work
09:43 of a worthy prophetess,
09:44 the most admirable of the American succession."
09:52 She died confident in her Savior
09:55 and confident that she would see Him
09:57 on the resurrection morning.
09:59 When our life draws to a close,
10:01 it doesn't matter
10:02 how many continents we have lived on,
10:04 how many houses we have own,
10:06 how many books we have written, or how much money we have made.
10:10 Ultimately, it matters if we have accepted Jesus
10:13 into our lives and made Him our personal Savior.
10:33 When I was growing up, if you wanted to study history,
10:36 or do research on a particular topic,
10:38 there was really only one option that we had,
10:40 and that was to read a book.
10:42 And I never really used to like reading that much.
10:44 So we decided to create a resource
10:46 that will translate this written information
10:48 into the language of today.
10:52 My name is Adam Ramdin.
10:54 And my name is Clive Coutet.
10:55 And we are the cofounders of Lineage Journey.
10:58 Back in 2016, I was reading a Great Controversy
11:00 and I was really struggling
11:02 to find any relevant video resources
11:04 that I could use to aid me in my study.
11:05 So I decided to approach Adam about the possibility
11:08 of making some videos on the Reformation.
11:10 So we started filming in the end of 2016,
11:13 and in 2017 we released 48 videos
11:17 that covered the period of the early church
11:19 all the way through to the end of the Reformation.
11:22 Then in 2018 and 2019 we released another 52 episodes
11:27 on church history.
11:28 These have now been viewed all over the world
11:31 in over 100 countries covering about 50 different languages
11:35 and we have over 3 million views online.
11:38 These videos have been used as a resource
11:40 in both secular and Christian schools
11:43 as well as several church denominations
11:45 across the globe using Bible studies, study groups,
11:48 as well as play to the general congregation.
11:51 They also make a great online evangelistic tool
11:53 where people are able to share them,
11:55 and we've seen them go into countries
11:56 that we ourselves can't go,
11:58 countries that are Muslim
11:59 countries where the Christian message
12:01 cannot go.
12:02 One of the challenges we have though,
12:04 is that amongst our team of almost 10 people,
12:06 we are all volunteers on this project,
12:08 sacrificing our time, our effort and energy
12:10 in order to make these resources together.
12:13 Just to put things into perspective,
12:15 each Lineage episode as well as the filming
12:17 takes an additional two to three days
12:19 in post-production.
12:21 That is a lot of time and sacrifice
12:23 that this team has made
12:24 in putting 100 episodes together.
12:26 So we need to raise the funds
12:27 to cover the cost of the filming
12:29 as well as the continued production costs
12:32 that come after that.
12:33 So for as little as $1 a month,
12:35 you can help us to expand this ministry
12:37 to create new resources to reach more people
12:40 across the world.
12:42 Thank you for visiting this page and taking the time
12:44 to watch this video.
12:45 We really appreciate that.
12:47 Thank you for your support of the ministry so far.
12:49 And we ask that you would prayerfully consider
12:51 being a partner with us on this Patreon page.
12:55 May God bless you.
12:56 And we ask that you continue to keep this ministry
12:59 and our future plans in prayer.
13:35 What did they say?
13:37 There's no on there.
13:38 Go to the EasyJet main desk.
13:39 So no tripod. No.
13:41 You'll have to report it.
13:43 It may be able to get back tomorrow.
13:46 Anton? Anton.
13:47 Okay.
13:49 Eden. Eden.
13:50 Hello.
13:52 He is the pastor and director of the youth for SCR France.
13:58 Dr. Fred Nicholls.
14:00 Oh, I'm sorry.
14:18 Adam is the youth director of North England.
14:25 Get up. Where we're staying?
14:26 At UB.
14:28 No, no, we got accommodation.
14:29 You have to be there at...
14:32 5 o'clock, you're driving.
14:34 Come on.
14:35 Let's go guys.
14:36 Let's go. Let's go.
14:38 Hey, you wanted a picture.
14:41 Let's go. Let's go.
14:44 We got to get going.
15:02 You please stay down the road.
15:04 Amen.
15:05 Are we going to do the tape, Denver? Uh-huh.
15:07 Well, I am from the quartet Cleveland minister.
15:10 Yeah.
15:11 Sun's about to drop below the mountain.
15:13 I know. Yeah.
15:14 Where are we?
15:15 I think we're in Torre Pellice.
15:17 Torre Pellice.
15:18 Which is... Angrogna.
15:20 Angrogna.
15:21 Angrogna Valley. Chanforan.
15:23 Chanforan.
15:24 I think it was in this place in 1592 when the bar...
15:28 Well, I'm reading the same.
15:32 Let me pretend to be Adam.
15:34 On this spot in 1532,
15:37 it was, and the people had in this place
15:40 a six day complex.
15:42 See that.
15:44 I'm sorry, sorry. My neck, my neck, sorry.
15:54 And not this...
15:55 Slideshow. Yep. Leg up.
15:57 Yeah.
15:58 Give him some leg.
16:00 Adam, I'll probably recommend
16:02 not leaving your hand on there too long
16:04 'cause it's crawling with ants.
16:06 So are you.
16:07 They're on the underside.
16:09 Eden's so diplomatic, gonna highly recommend.
16:12 All right.
16:14 We got to go quick 'cause we're losing light very quickly.
16:16 So now 6% of the sunlight.
16:18 Let's pray.
16:22 Man, that sunlight is going so quick.
16:43 It is beautiful in there.
16:44 Ah!
16:45 DonĂ¢t see welcome.
16:47 That's amazing.
16:49 Hey, you got to get this one.
16:53 What is this?
17:08 Sir Jeremy?
17:09 Yes. What exactly is this?
17:12 This is a school. School.
17:14 It is a school of eight children.
17:17 You know, only eight.
17:19 And... It's a museum as well.
17:22 It's a museum as well.
17:23 Yes. Yes. Now it's museum.
17:25 Right.
17:26 And it's the first group of movement.
17:28 Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
17:30 And the picture you see here... Yeah.
17:32 It's the English had this time,
17:35 and they need a cross to put a cross
17:37 because of the law and the marriage,
17:40 the picture to be half where it's emerging, you know.
17:44 Yeah, yeah. So, that's right.
17:47 You know this place?
17:48 Yeah.
17:51 It's the place.
17:53 Have you been here before, Jeremy?
17:54 No, not here.
17:56 But I know people who went there in September.
18:00 All right.
18:01 Oh, yeah.
18:08 Can we go in?
18:17 Wow!
18:19 Way to go.
18:24 My photo. My photo.
18:26 Come on, it is time to check.
18:28 Time to check. Yeah.
18:34 Watch out for that massive spider here.
18:36 There's a massive spider here.
18:37 Oh, my goodness! Look at all these spiders.
18:39 There's load of them.
18:55 Come on guys.
18:57 All right, guys. It was short.
19:00 You woke up in here.
19:02 Before the cars.
19:03 Yeah.
19:18 Ramdin, where are we?
19:21 We are in Pradeltorno.
19:23 This is a Waldensian Church.
19:24 Lovely church.
19:26 It's sits right on the edge of the cliff.
19:27 The more famous place historically we're near,
19:29 it's just up the hill, is the College of the Barbs,
19:33 an example of one of the Waldensian training schools
19:35 that would have littered the valley
19:37 before where they trained their pastors
19:38 to be missionaries.
19:40 Today, this is,
19:41 I think it's a functional Waldensian Church.
19:43 It's always open, so you could come here
19:45 and go in any time and enjoy the view.
19:49 We're at the end of the valley.
19:50 Road doesn't go any further.
19:52 And it's quite stunning really.
20:13 Yeah.
20:14 I think it's college.
20:20 Ha, at end of the cleft of the rock.
20:35 Oh, I see here, in French.
20:38 You know what,
20:40 because it's the language of here.
20:48 Guess what?
20:49 You can go back and see a lot of people.
20:51 They were California, these Adventists.
20:55 You know them? Yeah.
20:56 Wow.
20:58 And I'm sure there are others.
21:26 There is an oft-repeated quote that says,
21:28 "We have nothing to fear for the future,
21:30 except we forget the way the Lord has led us
21:33 and His teaching in our past history."
21:36 As we look back, we can see God's hand guiding
21:39 through the various chapters of earth's history
21:42 and leading His people from generation to generation.
21:45 Since the beginning, there has been a struggle
21:48 between good and evil
21:50 and this has played out in the Christian world
21:52 since its inception,
21:54 in particular since the time of Constantine.
22:04 Constantine was the one
22:05 who brought many practices into Christianity
22:08 that were pagan in origin and thus the battle
22:11 between truth and error was not just a matter
22:14 for the Christian world
22:15 to look for attacks from outside,
22:18 but now they had to look internally as well.
22:20 The Bible speaks about wolves coming into the flock,
22:24 giving us the imagery of wolves in sheep's clothing,
22:27 professing piety,
22:29 yet clinging to unbiblical practices
22:32 and thus corrupting the church.
22:41 During the year 1,260 year prophecy
22:44 from 538 to 798,
22:47 God's church was in the wilderness,
22:49 hunted, persecuted, and marginalized.
22:52 Groups such as the Waldensians in northern Italy
22:55 struggled to keep the gospel light
22:57 burning during the Dark Ages.
23:00 From the 1300s and the time of John Wycliffe onwards,
23:04 the light slowly started to pierce through the darkness
23:08 as the Bible was translated into the English language,
23:11 a huge and revolutionary advancement for the church.
23:21 As the Reformation journeyed on,
23:23 later reformers such as John Huss
23:26 and Jerome in Bohemia,
23:28 Martin Luther in Germany,
23:30 Zwingli in Switzerland, John Knox in Scotland,
23:33 and John Calvin in France,
23:35 each would be key in standing for truth
23:38 during their time
23:39 and once again showing the beauty of the Bible
23:42 as light was being unshackled.
23:44 Each reformer advanced truth,
23:47 but the problem was that their followers would often
23:49 only go as far as they did
23:51 in their rediscovery of the Bible.
23:58 In the early 1800s,
24:00 the Great Advent Movement looked for the return of Jesus,
24:04 but He did not come.
24:05 The tears of this bitter disappointment
24:07 would form the stream of Adventism
24:10 that would grow from these humble beginnings
24:12 into the church that it is today.
24:15 The challenge today is still to present
24:17 the beauty of God's Word and the love of Jesus
24:20 to a society that is indifferent,
24:23 ambivalent, hostile,
24:25 and ignorant of biblical realities.
24:28 The battle between truth and error,
24:31 good and evil still rages on.
24:38 Ellen White wrote so eloquently about the great controversy
24:42 between Christ and Satan through time,
24:44 and we still see it today on a daily basis.
24:48 Today, we stand on the precipice of time,
24:50 in the very feet and toes of the image of Daniel 2,
24:54 on the cusp of earth's history.
24:56 As we look back, we can see the amazing experiences
25:00 that God has led us through, but the journey is not over.
25:04 As a people we need to be clear on our prophetic identity
25:09 and committed to taking the message around the world.
25:12 As we look back, our legacy is assured
25:15 but there is still work to do.
25:22 The gospel still needs to go to every nation,
25:25 kindred, tongue, and people.
25:27 Matthew 24:14 says
25:30 that when, "This gospel of the kingdom
25:32 shall be preached in all the world for a witness
25:34 unto all nations, and then shall the end come."
25:38 Whilst there has been much growth in recent years
25:41 and decades and while many new areas
25:43 have heard the message,
25:44 there are still huge swathes of the world
25:47 that have yet to hear the good news.
25:54 The Bible still needs translation and distribution,
25:58 missionaries are still needed both in far-off lands
26:01 and also in the big cities.
26:04 The best days of the church
26:06 and mission service still lie ahead.
26:09 The best sermons have yet to be preached.
26:12 The best Bible studies have yet to be given.
26:15 The best health work has yet to be accomplished.
26:17 The best schools have yet to be built.
26:20 The character of Christ and His love still needs
26:24 a more complete revelation in His people.
26:27 Don't be an armchair supporter or a bystander,
26:30 but get involved in the work of God
26:33 that we can finish it together.


Revised 2020-04-23