Living to Be Well

Not Looking Back Pt 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW000011A

00:35 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim and welcome to Live to be Well.
00:39 I am so excited because
00:41 we're going to be talking about "No looking back"
00:43 and what that means
00:45 but I have a very special guest
00:46 he's the Assistant to the General Manager...
00:49 our very own Dr. Yvonne Lewis
00:51 but... her son... her youngest son, Jason Bradley,
00:54 he's agreed to be here today and I'm just excited
00:57 so, let's talk with Jason Bradley.
01:00 Welcome Jason.
01:01 Thank you, thank you, it's a pleasure to be here.
01:03 How are you doing?
01:04 I'm doing well... I guess it depends on what you ask.
01:07 Laughter.
01:10 Listen, I am excited that you're here
01:13 we're doing Live to be Well...
01:16 a new program for Dare to Dream.
01:18 Yes.
01:19 But I want to talk about you,
01:20 I had an opportunity to really be blessed
01:23 by your testimony on Dare to Dream
01:25 and on Urban Report
01:27 and then I was able to read about it
01:31 in the 3ABN Magazine
01:33 and it was just... I couldn't put it down...
01:36 and you see people
01:38 but you never know what they're going through
01:42 so, let's talk about your humble beginnings,
01:44 you're born and raised Seventh-day Adventist.
01:46 Jason: Yes.
01:48 Kim: Where were you born? Jason: New York...
01:49 Kim: No way. Jason: I was born in Manhattan,
01:51 yes, yes.
01:52 Kim: See you look like you fit Manhattan, you know.
01:55 Do, you like New York?
01:57 Jason: I do, I love New York,
01:58 there are so many great places to eat in New York...
02:02 so many great places.
02:04 Kim: Now, you didn't say, museums and all that,
02:07 you said, "Eat" okay.
02:08 So, you enjoy good food.
02:10 I love good food.
02:11 Okay, great, all right, so, from New York...
02:13 how long did you live in New York?
02:14 So, I lived in New York for my first ten years,
02:18 we moved... my mom was married to my dad, George,
02:21 and we moved to Upstate New York
02:24 which is like, Poughkeepsie, Pleasant Valley
02:26 when I was, I think, three years old.
02:28 Okay.
02:29 And then we lived there... and they ended up getting a divorce
02:33 probably when I was around six or seven,
02:38 somewhere... somewhere around there...
02:39 Hmmm...
02:41 And I remember not really understanding
02:44 the whole "divorce" thing and at first, I didn't like it
02:47 but my school had... what they called, "Banana Splits"
02:51 and so it was a coping type of therapy
02:55 that they provided at the school
02:58 and it was during lunch time... there was food involved
03:00 so, it kept me engaged...
03:02 Hmmm... of course it did because they had food, all right.
03:04 And then also... I mean they...
03:07 they really just dealt with the students
03:08 and talked about different issues
03:10 and tried to help the transitional period.
03:13 That's wonderful,
03:15 did they include the parents in there
03:17 or was it just for the children?
03:19 It was just for the children.
03:20 Kim: At school time... Jason: Yes.
03:22 Kim: Okay, all right then... on to your journey after that.
03:26 So, then, they were, of course, divorced and in separate places
03:30 and we ended up moving from the house that we were living in
03:33 to a townhouse... still in New York...
03:37 and I enjoyed the separation...
03:42 the divorce... after a while for selfish reasons
03:44 because I didn't have gifts coming from just...
03:47 collective... as one parent...
03:50 one parent as a whole
03:52 and then, I had two places to go...
03:55 with that... my dad wasn't Adventist...
03:58 he's not Adventist now either
04:00 but there was... and my mom was Adventist...
04:02 Okay.
04:03 So, when... when she married my dad,
04:07 she was out of the church at the moment...
04:09 Okay.
04:11 And then, shortly after they had been married,
04:14 she came back into the church.
04:15 And so, my dad was probably kind of wondering like,
04:19 "Whoa, what happened?"
04:22 You know, what I mean? "Where?"
04:24 Because his lifestyle was a little bit different...
04:26 Sure.
04:27 And now, hers was different too,
04:29 she was living with the Lord,
04:30 and so, now, you have a situation where
04:33 you have a mother that is following the Lord...
04:39 Kim: Yes. Jason: And serving the Lord...
04:42 and then you had my dad... who's a great guy
04:44 but he's not following the Lord,
04:46 so, his way of doing things is different
04:50 than someone who's walking with the Lord.
04:53 Hmmm...
04:55 So, that kind of creates a confusing environment
04:58 because there are some things that I can get away with
05:00 with my dad
05:02 that I can't get away with... at home with mom
05:04 or, you know, and stuff like that, so...
05:06 I understand, now, you have siblings?
05:08 I do, I have two older brothers.
05:10 All right... and your relationship with them...
05:12 are you close to your brothers?
05:13 Yes, we're close, we're close,
05:15 we don't talk, like, every single day
05:17 but when we talk, it's just like yesterday,
05:20 we're just picking right back up.
05:21 So, all right, so now,
05:23 how old are you now, during this time?
05:25 30... oh at that time?
05:26 Okay, at that time...
05:28 I was probably,
05:31 at that time, seven or eight...
05:34 about eight years old... something like that...
05:36 So you're still in New York, so, are you in school?
05:39 Are your grades... were you doing pretty good in school?
05:40 Yes, I was doing pretty well in school,
05:43 I don't think that my grades
05:45 suffered as a result of the divorce or anything,
05:47 I didn't have, like a traumatic experience
05:49 like some kids go through.
05:51 Oh yes.
05:52 But, it was just... I didn't really understand everything
05:57 but then I grew to... I guess enjoy some of the differences.
06:03 The Grand-kids... Yes.
06:04 Yeah, and I think that maybe that could be a potential area
06:10 where my life started to slip in the other direction
06:13 because I could do some things at my dad's
06:19 that I couldn't do at my mom's...
06:20 then... so, I had to be one way kind of... around my mom,
06:23 then I could be a little bit different around my dad
06:26 so it's like, the Bible says,
06:28 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways"
06:30 well, I was double minded in the sense like,
06:34 I might go eat certain things at my dad's house...
06:37 Okay.
06:38 That I definitely wasn't going to be able to eat
06:41 at my mom's house. Kim: Yes.
06:42 And maybe watch some movies that might have some profanity
06:48 or something like that,
06:49 whereas, I couldn't do it at my mom's house...
06:52 she was not going for that.
06:53 That's right... that's right.
06:55 So, I mean, there was... there were those differences
06:57 and then we ended up moving to Texas...
06:59 Hmmm... that's a long way from New York.
07:02 Yes, a long way and that's something that
07:05 I really commend my dad on is...
07:07 we moved to Texas, my mom got remarried
07:10 when I was about ten years old, we moved to Texas
07:14 and a few months later my dad actually just picked up,
07:19 uprooted himself and moved out there
07:21 to finish raising me.
07:23 What?
07:24 I was the only reason,
07:25 he had a good job and everything in New York
07:28 but he moved to Texas to finish raising me.
07:30 In being in your life.
07:32 Yes, and so I was very appreciative of that...
07:34 that... that meant a lot of me.
07:35 Like my dad's not really like, I- love-you type
07:39 but you know... he shows in his actions that he loves you.
07:43 Is your father still living?
07:44 Jason: Yes, he is. Kim: Okay.
07:46 So now you're in Texas,
07:47 so you finished junior high and high school in Texas?
07:50 I did...
07:52 Okay, were you in a Seventh-day Adventist school
07:53 or a Public School?
07:54 I was in Seventh-day Adventist School.
07:56 Hmmm...
07:57 And then, during my freshman year though, I was...
07:59 I tried to go to public school
08:00 and my mom let me go to public school,
08:03 but she said, "If you do one thing
08:05 that is like, outside of the Adventist belief system,
08:09 you're going back to private school.
08:11 Okay.
08:12 Yes she did, so, two weeks later I was yanked...
08:14 Laughter...
08:16 Because I wanted to the dance...
08:18 I wanted to go to the dance... and she was not going for it.
08:21 And you had the nerve to ask...
08:22 did you sneak and go or did you ask?
08:24 No, I... I asked...
08:25 And she said, "Now why would you even bring that to me?"
08:28 Yeah, she wasn't going for that one.
08:29 And it was on a Friday night.
08:30 No, I think it was...
08:32 I think it was actually not on the Sabbath
08:34 but it was just a dance and she wasn't...
08:37 she was not down for the dance...
08:39 So, back to the Adventist School... you went.
08:41 And I went right back to the Adventist school.
08:43 So, how was the transition,
08:46 because you've been in an Adventist School...
08:47 So you finished your...
08:49 you matriculated all the way through your senior year.
08:51 Jason: I did. Kim: Okay.
08:52 Jason: And, really, I remember being at the school
08:56 till... like in 8th grade
08:58 and I was approached by some guys that I knew
09:01 and they were in High School... maybe freshman... sophomore...
09:05 or somewhere around there...
09:07 to try Marijuana...
09:09 and I told them, "No, I'm good, I'm not... I don't... "
09:14 And this was in the Adventist School?
09:15 This was in the Adventist School.
09:16 Kim: Really. Jason: Oh yeah...
09:18 the devil can find his way anywhere.
09:19 Kim: Come on now... can't he?
09:21 Jason: So, I was in the Adventist School
09:23 and they approached me and I was like,
09:25 "You know what? That's not for me... because I'm an athlete"
09:27 I played basketball through... throughout school.
09:31 Oh really, were you good?
09:32 I had a little skills... I have a little skills...
09:34 but I wasn't like NBA... going to NBA...
09:40 but... so they approached me for that and I turned them down.
09:45 It wasn't until my freshman year...
09:47 is when I started smoking Marijuana
09:50 and I decided that I want... up high school...
09:52 and I decided that I wanted to try it.
09:54 I had been listening to...
09:57 the Bible says, "By beholding you become changed. "
09:59 Kim: That's the Scripture I had right here...
10:01 Jason: Really?
10:02 Kim: Right here, I wrote it down here...
10:03 You know, 2nd Corinthians 3:18.
10:06 Hmmm... hmmm...
10:07 So, it's true, by beholding we become changed
10:10 and that works both in spiritual... with God,
10:13 if we focus on His Word,
10:16 we're going to become more like Christ,
10:18 if we're following His example, we'll become more like Christ
10:21 but if we're filling our heads with the Hip Hop... with the Rap
10:23 with the...
10:25 with the R and B of today's time
10:29 with the movies that are promoting the use of drugs
10:33 and the sale of narcotics and all that stuff
10:36 if we're filling our heads with garbage,
10:39 garbage in equals garbage out.
10:40 So, and I was filling my head with this, so...
10:44 so I was watching movies
10:45 where people might be selling drugs
10:48 or trying drugs
10:49 and I was listening to music
10:51 where they were promoting selling drugs and using drugs
10:54 and... and the exploitation of women
10:58 and just the whole nine... and listening to all that...
11:02 taking all that in...
11:03 I started to copy that lifestyle a little bit.
11:08 I started smoking weed and I loved it... to be honest
11:13 which is why I kept doing it.
11:15 Did your mother ever know...
11:16 your step-father... or even your father?
11:20 At this point, my mom had received...
11:24 she got a divorce from the guy in Texas.
11:27 Hmmm... hmmm...
11:28 And so, we were living in some apartments in Arlington
11:33 and my mom didn't know at first...
11:36 she had thought prior to the time when I was smoking weed
11:40 she thought that I had smoked weed
11:43 but I wasn't even smoking it at that point.
11:47 And then I decided to try it after that
11:49 and it wasn't for a while until she ended up finding out.
11:53 How did she find out?
11:55 Honestly, I don't remember how she found out,
11:58 I think that... I think it was because
12:02 I ended up becoming a little sloppy too.
12:05 Ahhh...
12:06 And she's very... she is perceptive...
12:09 she... she knows... she is very perceptive
12:11 if anybody knows my mom... she's very perceptive.
12:13 But I guess, throughout the years
12:16 doing the double life thing
12:19 where I can do this here, like, I can do certain things
12:22 eat certain things or whatever
12:25 over the course of those years,
12:28 maybe that contributed to my
12:31 being able to hide certain things
12:34 or be a certain way around my mother...
12:37 so, like, when... when I was hiding... doing drugs
12:42 I'd come home and
12:44 I might say, "Hello"
12:46 but I'd be going straight to my room...
12:48 Kim: Isolation...
12:49 Jason: And going to take a shower.
12:51 Hmmm...
12:52 Yeah, so that I could wash the smell of Marijuana off.
12:53 Hmmm... hmmm...
12:55 And then, brushing my teeth or something along those lines.
12:59 Hmmm... hmmm...
13:00 And I kept a change of clothes or cologne
13:04 and all kinds of stuff to try and beat the system
13:08 and she ended up finding out that I was smoking Marijuana
13:12 and had a home drug test and all that stuff too, so...
13:17 During High School, were you dating...
13:20 were you seeing different young ladies?
13:23 I was, I was dating during High School.
13:25 Kim: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:27 So, how long did this continue with your using Marijuana
13:31 and did you use other drugs?
13:32 I did... I say, "Marijuana is a gateway drug"
13:36 and that's very true
13:38 pause...
13:39 you come across a lot of people that say,
13:43 "Marijuana is not addicting"
13:44 or addictive... addicting...
13:46 and if that's the case, then, why don't you stop?
13:50 Hmmm...
13:51 Why can't you stop and... and quit for... indefinitely?
13:56 I had been doing it for a while...
14:01 I started with smoking the Marijuana... then I was drinking
14:04 then I would take some pain pills here and there
14:08 or anxiety like, Xanax.
14:12 Kim: Hmmm... you had cross addictions going on.
14:14 Jason: I did... one thing led to another...
14:17 going to some different parties and stuff like that
14:19 and trying different things,
14:21 then, I started doing Ecstasy, I tried Ecstasy...
14:26 and I ended up liking that too...
14:29 and it just... it was just a downward spiral,
14:32 you know, I kept moving in that direction.
14:35 Really?
14:36 And that stuff's not cheap.
14:38 Oh no...
14:39 You have to pay for it somehow. Kim: Okay.
14:40 So now, I'm at the point where,
14:42 "Okay, I'm making a little bit of money... "
14:44 at whatever job I was working at the time
14:47 but I also needed to sell a little bit of drugs...
14:51 so I can make some more money... afford my habit...
14:54 and be able to do things that I might want to do
14:57 or buy things that I wanted to buy... and all that stuff
15:00 and it wasn't... it wasn't worth it
15:04 and I was a horrible drug dealer to be honest,
15:07 I wasn't good at it.
15:08 You weren't good at it at all.
15:10 I thank God I wasn't good.
15:11 All right, so then, were you ever arrested or...
15:14 any issues there?
15:16 I was... and... but prior to being arrested...
15:19 you know how...
15:21 now I'm a part of Prison Ministry and stuff like that
15:24 so I go into prisons, yeah.
15:25 Kim: Are you... all right and tell your story.
15:27 So, this is... prior to being arrested...
15:32 God allows certain things to happen in our lives
15:35 to get our attention.
15:36 He doesn't create the issues or cause the issues
15:39 but He helped place a little roadblock in the way...
15:42 saying, "My child, you are headed in the wrong direction. "
15:46 Just think about your life, evaluate your life,
15:49 I'm giving you an opportunity
15:51 to move in the right direction and follow me... "
15:55 Well, I was misdiagnosed...
15:57 I went to the doctor three times
16:01 but on the first two times, they sent me home,
16:03 my stomach had been getting bigger and bigger
16:06 and I was in a lot of pain,
16:07 and I went back on the third time...
16:10 my doctor was supposed to be on vacation
16:13 but he happened to be in that office
16:15 and he ran one more test on me
16:17 and he told my dad to take me to the ER right away.
16:20 Really?
16:22 And so, I went to the ER
16:23 and they had to perform an emergency surgery on me,
16:28 my appendix had ruptured inside of me...
16:30 Oh...
16:31 And it was sealing off my intestine,
16:33 I think it was my large intestine
16:36 that it was sealing off.
16:37 So, now, to this day I am scarred from up here
16:40 till a little bit below my belt and I almost died from that
16:46 in fact, my mom was very,
16:48 very worried about this,
16:50 she was in the hospital, she flew out the next day
16:52 and was in the hospital and you know, Carlton Bryd...
16:55 Dr. Bryd... any time I see him to this day, I thank him
16:58 because I was out of church, I wasn't in church,
17:00 I didn't want anything to do with God
17:03 and He came to the hospital in Atlanta...
17:05 I was living in Atlanta at this point
17:07 and he prayed with me.
17:10 Wow!
17:11 And he prayed with my mom.
17:13 That's when he was the pastor at Berean?
17:14 Yes, at Berean.
17:16 And he came and found out that you were in the hospital...
17:17 came and prayed with you.
17:18 And I didn't know him, I'd never met him
17:20 but he... he came and prayed with us
17:22 and so, to this day, I thank him every time
17:25 so I hope that he watches this
17:26 and he can see that I'm thanking him again
17:28 as this has been an ongoing thing... I'm grateful for that
17:31 and the devil tries to take us out in our sins
17:33 so the doctors did what they call...
17:37 leaving-it-open-to-close
17:38 which means, my wound was still open
17:40 and they covered it with gauze pads...
17:42 and so, I went home... had a visiting nurse and all that
17:47 and I remember thinking,
17:49 "Well, God if you get me out of this,
17:50 if you heal me... bring me... "
17:52 Kim: Bargaining.
17:53 Jason: Yeah, "I'll... you know. I'll do something different,
17:56 and I'll change... I'll be better"
17:58 and so, my stomach was healing
18:02 and it took... it basically got to where
18:06 it was like, that wide of an incision...
18:09 it was still long but that wide...
18:12 Kim: What?
18:13 Jason: And it was on this one particular day
18:17 I remember being at the mall with my ex-girlfriend
18:21 from Georgia... one of my ex-girlfriends from Georgia
18:24 and her friend
18:26 and just thinking,
18:27 "I'm going to go and make some money today...
18:28 I'm going to go hit the block
18:30 I'll see you guys a little later"
18:31 and I went down the street
18:34 to what happened to be a known-drug area
18:36 and I was out on...
18:38 you know... on the block
18:40 trying to make a little bit of money
18:42 and knew somebody that lived over there too
18:43 and all of a sudden these cops walk up from behind the building
18:48 and I saw them coming
18:51 and so I started walking inside
18:52 and acting like I'm on my cell phone
18:54 "Oh yeah, da... da... da... I'll talk to you...
18:56 whatever... whatever... " and nobody is on the phone...
18:58 I just see them walking up
19:00 and there's other guys outside and they tell them,
19:02 "Why don't you guys stay right here... "
19:05 and then they're looking at me and say,
19:07 "Hey, why don't you come on back outside?"
19:10 So I come back outside and have a seat
19:12 and they're saying, "If anybody has drugs on them
19:14 let's get this out the way right now. "
19:17 And I, of course, wasn't volunteering that
19:20 that I had drugs on me
19:22 but they ended up ID'ing people and searching people
19:25 and while they were searching somebody...
19:28 I tossed... I had 14 bags of Marijuana
19:31 and two Ecstasy pills
19:32 and I tossed it behind my back...
19:35 it was like a stoop-type of deal so... on the side...
19:39 and then they ended up finding my drugs... my Marijuana
19:42 and eventually they kept saying, "Is that yours... is that yours,
19:49 is this yours... is this yours...?"
19:51 And I finally just said,
19:53 "Yeah, it's mine, take me... let's go"
19:55 and I told them that my stomach was still open
19:58 do not slam me against the door, I'm going willfully...
20:02 take me... let's go...
20:04 and so, as we're going to the jail... I get to the jail...
20:08 they find my other drugs... my two Ecstasy pills...
20:11 I was facing... this is... this is by the grace of God...
20:17 Yes... yes.
20:18 I was facing... I could face
20:20 or could have faced 15 years in prison...
20:23 Hmmm...
20:25 the maximum sentence in prison
20:27 now, I did not want to be in anybody's prison.
20:30 Kim: Nobody's prison... Jason: I don't even want to...
20:31 I don't want to be in anybody's jail...
20:33 I spent one night in jail... I got bailed out the next day
20:36 but I slept on iron that night.
20:38 Hmmm...
20:39 Iron... no mattress pad... nothing... iron... that night,
20:42 stomach still open...
20:43 it was crazy on my part to do the things that I was doing
20:46 but that's what happens when you're living in a live of sin
20:49 and you're following your own will instead of God's.
20:51 Yes...
20:53 And so, I got out... I got bailed out...
20:55 I was embarrassed... I had to call my dad...
20:58 he came and got me...
21:00 the biggest thing too
21:02 was that I had a family that loved me...
21:04 that rallied behind me
21:06 that supported me...
21:07 my mom didn't abandon me... my dad didn't abandon me...
21:09 they contributed to my... my rehab...
21:14 like, helping me go to rehab before I had to go to court...
21:17 just all kinds of...
21:20 my lawyer fees... everything like that
21:22 my family members that supported me and surrounded me,
21:26 now, if I would have done the same stuff again,
21:27 it would have been... well, you got to figure it out.
21:30 Kim: For yourself.
21:31 Jason: Yeah, I mean, you got to... you got to learn
21:33 but they rallied behind me...
21:35 they loved me... they supported me...
21:37 and I still did not give my heart to God at that very moment
21:41 but that was the last time I touched drugs
21:45 and that was over... about 10 years ago...
21:46 Kim: Praise God.
21:48 Now, did mom bail you out of jail in Atlanta?
21:50 Jason: No, my dad did.
21:52 My dad was living in Atlanta.
21:53 Kim: And mom was in Texas.
21:55 Jason: Mom was in Texas at the time.
21:56 Kim: So, you called your father.
21:58 Jason: I did.
21:59 Kim: And he came and got you.
22:01 Jason: Yes, the very next day so, I spent the night in there,
22:04 I ended up getting bailed out
22:07 and the first thing I did when I went home
22:11 you would have thought I would have been in jail forever
22:13 because I was just opening and closing doors...
22:15 opening and closing doors... and going in the refrigerator...
22:18 Kim: To have that freedom.
22:19 Jason: Yes, going in the refrigerator and all that stuff
22:21 but it wasn't... nothing scary happened,
22:26 nothing... it just...
22:27 your freedom is taken away from you,
22:29 your choices are taken away from you,
22:31 your... your... your food selection is taken away from you
22:35 you got to eat whatever they're giving you.
22:37 Kim: Yes.
22:38 Jason: And I wasn't raised that way.
22:41 My parents didn't raise me to sell drugs...
22:43 my parents didn't raise me to do drugs...
22:45 my parents didn't raise me to go out and do those things
22:50 I ended up choosing that lifestyle
22:54 after what I was beholding, you know,
22:57 I beheld... and I had all different walks of friends
23:01 but I had friends that...
23:03 some friends that were in that lifestyle
23:05 I was listening to the music, I was watching the movies
23:09 and I was filling my head with poison, basically,
23:12 and then, I was also filling my body with that poison as well
23:17 and so, I ended up not touching drugs,
23:19 I got sentenced to two years' probation
23:21 and deferred you... deferred...
23:24 first offenders deferred adjudication
23:26 which... that's a mouthful but basically what it is
23:29 is that... it was my first offense
23:31 and if I completed my probation successfully,
23:34 then it wouldn't...
23:36 I wouldn't be convicted of anything...
23:38 So, was your record expunged?
23:39 Just recently, my record actually got expunged
23:43 so there's nothing that shows up on Arrest History which is...
23:46 Kim: It's all God's doing. Jason: Oh yeah, and that's what
23:47 and that's the beautiful thing is...
23:49 that's what God wants to do for each and every one of us sinners
23:53 is expunge our record,
23:56 He wants to seal our record for us.
23:59 Kim: Hmmm...
24:00 Jason: So, after those...
24:01 that whole little time, I ended up managing a restaurant
24:04 it was a Sports Bar...
24:06 because I still wasn't... and I doing club promotions
24:09 but I wasn't touching drugs.
24:11 Kim: Wasn't touching the drugs... okay.
24:12 Jason: I smoked cigars back then but I didn't smoke weed.
24:16 Kim: Did you use alcohol? Jason: I did...
24:18 Kim: Okay. Jason: I was... I was drinking,
24:19 I kind of altered my drug of choice a little bit, to alcohol.
24:22 Kim: Okay.
24:24 Jason: But I didn't... I wasn't touching the other stuff,
24:26 all of it is bad,
24:28 so I don't want anybody thinking...
24:30 and it's against God's will for us.
24:33 So, none of that is okay but I switched
24:38 and I was managing the sports bar
24:39 and I was doing this the first few years... I had a house,
24:43 I had a girlfriend that was living with me at the time
24:46 and we had a nice house and everything,
24:49 like, I was making decent money and I had stuff
24:54 and I was still empty
24:57 and being raised Adventist I knew that...
25:03 what that emptiness was
25:04 and so, I remember going out to 3ABN on a day of prayer
25:09 and I remember the President and Founder, Danny Shelton,
25:13 saying that, "If you leave this place
25:15 and you can't get it out of your mind,
25:17 then, this is where God would have you to be. "
25:19 Kim: What?
25:20 Jason: And I was like... "Ooooh... okay... "
25:23 you know, I'm from New York,
25:25 I lived in Dallas, I lived in Atlanta...
25:26 Kim: Big cities...
25:27 Jason: You've been to 3ABN... it's not like...
25:30 there's no skyscrapers out there.
25:32 Kim: There's a General Store... that was exciting.
25:34 Jason: Yes, yes, so, I leave there...
25:38 I was working 70 hours a week at this restaurant
25:40 and I go back... and I just kept thinking, 3ABN, 3ABN, 3ABN...
25:46 I could not shake it, I couldn't get it out of my mind
25:49 and I had already broken up with that girlfriend
25:52 that I was living with
25:53 our lease had been up on the house...
25:55 we were renting the house...
25:56 the... the lease had been up,
25:58 I had moved back to my dad's house for a little while
26:01 before I was going to move out
26:04 and I decided, instead of just going on
26:09 and doing my own thing,
26:11 I was going to stop fighting God as I had for the 14 other years
26:15 and surrender my life fully to Him
26:18 and that was the best decision that I could have ever made
26:22 and now I'm walking in my purpose.
26:24 Kim: Praise the Lord,
26:25 because now, you've moved from Atlanta to 3ABN.
26:29 Jason: Yes. Kim: Oh my goodness.
26:31 Jason: It was a huge culture shock but it was...
26:34 but it was well worth it, we get to do Prison Ministry,
26:38 we get to do all kinds of stuff, fun programs,
26:41 I get to be out here with you.
26:43 Kim: Yes, I love it, I love it.
26:44 Jason: And then there's... there's so...
26:46 it's so much better on this side.
26:48 Kim: Oh yes.
26:50 Jason: You know, Jeremiah 29:11,
26:51 I always read this
26:52 eventually I'm going to memorized it...
26:55 it's just like, I don't want to butcher it,
26:57 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
26:59 "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
27:02 plans to give you hope and a future. "
27:04 And that's the truth,
27:07 like, we don't see the end from the beginning but God does
27:10 and He knows what He has for each of his children,
27:13 He knows what He wants to give us,
27:14 and it's way better than anything that any of us
27:18 could ever want or... or expect for ourselves.
27:22 I know your mother and your father... your family
27:26 they're just ecstatic...
27:28 and you get to work side by side with your mom...
27:30 Jason: Yes. Kim: In your ministry,
27:32 so, when are you going to become vegan?
27:35 Jason: Um, well, Jesus is coming back soon
27:39 and I don't... right now... I really don't have any plans to
27:45 yeah, well, when I can't...
27:48 I know I won't be able to eat meat in heaven.
27:49 Kim: You're right, but you got to get used to it.
27:51 Jason: Yeah.
27:52 Kim: Well Jason, I want to thank you
27:54 for coming on Live to be Well
27:55 what a testimony,
27:56 I ask that the Lord continue to bless you...
27:59 keep you... and continue to live to be well,
28:01 and to you,
28:02 it is important that you don't look back
28:05 but go forward as Jason Bradley has done.
28:08 I'm Dr. Kim... live to be well.
28:11 God bless.


Revised 2018-04-26