Living to Be Well

Not Living with Excuses

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW000013A

00:35 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim
00:36 and welcome to Live to be Well.
00:38 Today we're going to talk about: No Excuses.
00:42 My special guest is Ms. Nikki Williams.
00:45 Welcome Nikki, how are you?
00:46 I'm great and you?
00:48 You look wonderful.
00:49 Thank you, you look nice yourself.
00:50 Well, thank you.
00:52 Listen, we're talking about no excuses,
00:53 in today's society,
00:55 individuals are making excuses why they can't do this,
00:58 can't do that... can't get things accomplished
01:01 well, you are a single mom
01:02 and your son is how old?
01:04 My son is 11 years old.
01:06 Eleven years old, all right
01:08 and what's his name?
01:09 Dominic.
01:10 Dominic... can you tell us what is it like raising a son,
01:16 African-American son
01:17 and I'm not saying it's any different
01:20 but we have more challenges,
01:22 we've seen our African-American males
01:24 being in the spotlight of the news constantly...
01:28 being murdered...
01:30 being brutalized for no reason
01:33 are you worried about those kinds of things
01:36 and what is it like
01:37 and what has been the challenges for you?
01:39 Well, I am worried about those things as a single mom
01:43 or even... a single mom of a black little boy
01:47 because there are certain things that I didn't have to go through
01:50 as a little girl
01:51 so, that's what...
01:54 that's... can't think,
01:57 it's really important to me
01:59 that he has a relationship with his father
02:01 because his father can give him experiences
02:03 and things that I cannot
02:04 even though things have not always been perfect
02:07 between he and I
02:09 I do try to make sure
02:10 that he still keeps a relationship with our son.
02:12 Do you think a mother can raise excuse me...
02:15 a mother can raise a son?
02:17 I do, yeah.
02:18 But you want... because he has a father...
02:21 you want him in his life,
02:22 and he sees his father on a regular basis.
02:24 Yes.
02:25 All right, let's talk about discipline...
02:27 how do you discipline your son?
02:30 He's 11 years old and is he tall?
02:32 Yes, he's almost as tall as me now.
02:34 All right, and he is kind of going through the pre-teen thing
02:38 where...
02:40 Is he talking back?
02:42 Not really just talking back but just challenging things
02:45 or, you know, wants to know
02:46 why it has to be this way, yeah.
02:48 Hmmm...
02:49 He's not my little baby anymore,
02:51 he does get spankings... punishments...
02:54 Well, the Bible says,
02:56 "You spare the rod, you spoil the child"
02:57 you'd better... yeah, do what you have to do.
02:59 Yes, and I don't feel bad, yeah.
03:02 Are you a tough mom?
03:03 Yes, I'm very tough.
03:05 All right, can you define a tough mother
03:07 versus a mother not as tough or laid-back mom.
03:11 Well, I only have one child
03:16 but I have seen other friends raise their kids
03:19 and they did spare the rod
03:22 and unfortunately their kids had ended up in jail
03:26 or just in bad situations.
03:28 I don't want that for my son,
03:29 I don't know exactly what the future holds
03:32 but I do... I'm very strict on Dominic,
03:35 I'm aware of where he is at all times,
03:38 I go through his iPads, his phones,
03:41 so, I'm just a very hands-on mom
03:45 but me and my son have a relationship
03:46 to where I don't feel like he has to sneak around
03:49 or do anything... he comes to me...
03:51 he can talk to me because it is just me and him
03:53 so he's like my little best friend.
03:56 Oh, little best friend but you are yet still mom...
03:59 you have boundaries because I know a lot of people,
04:02 parents... "Oh no, call me by my first name"
04:05 does he call you by your first name?
04:06 No... not at all.
04:07 Oh, would you ever allow that? Nikki: No.
04:09 Kim: Neither would I, I wish you would...
04:11 now, if I'm in a crowd sometimes,
04:13 my oldest daughter... if I'm... I'm busy...
04:15 she'll say, "Kim Denise"
04:17 because everybody... once you say, "Mom... "
04:18 everybody turns around and she'll get my attention
04:22 but I had to definitely put her in check about that
04:24 let's go back to something,
04:26 when you talked about seeing other parents
04:30 raise their children and now their children are in prison,
04:34 they're not doing as well
04:36 and you are... you have that hands-on with your son,
04:40 what do you say to someone who says,
04:43 "I feel that I can just let him be free
04:46 he's going to do what he wants to do anyway. "
04:49 Well, I really feel like you can't tell anyone
04:53 how to raise their child,
04:54 some people get offended by that.
04:56 Yes.
04:57 I may say my piece but I really won't
04:59 put any pressure or interject myself on them
05:03 because I'm raising my child the way I'm raising mine
05:05 and you're going to do what you do with yours.
05:08 Do you... do you say to Dominic,
05:11 "See, this is what I'm trying to prevent you from becoming"
05:14 do you bring that to his attention?
05:15 I do because there are some male figures in our...
05:19 our own family
05:21 who did not have the best upbringing from their mothers
05:24 and so, like when he is doing something wrong,
05:26 I'm like, "You want to end up like him
05:28 or you want to end up like him?"
05:29 And he'll be like, "No mom, I don't. "
05:31 But I'm glad that he does have those people around
05:34 so he can see, like, "This is what happens
05:36 when you don't do what you're supposed to do. "
05:38 Now, I like what you said, "I check his iPad,
05:41 I go in his room, I know what's going on. "
05:44 A lot of parents... they don't do that...
05:46 they don't go into the rooms,
05:47 they don't go into their iPads, their book bags,
05:50 you need to know what's going on...
05:52 what they're watching, what they're listening to,
05:54 you know, you're the mother,
05:56 but they tend like they're timid... they're afraid...
05:58 "Well, I don't want to trespass. "
06:00 What? And the next thing you know,
06:03 your child is out there selling drugs
06:05 or you know, some things are going on
06:08 that could have been preventable you could have prevented it
06:11 so you're trying to stop your son now
06:14 before he makes those mistakes.
06:15 What kind of grades is he making?
06:17 Well, that's the thing, Dominic went to University Prep
06:20 they didn't give out grades,
06:22 K through 5th Grade they just got "Developing"
06:25 "Accomplished things"
06:26 or things of those nature so, he was accomplished...
06:28 he's going to the sixth grade
06:30 but they didn't give out letter grades, unfortunately.
06:32 Really, that's interesting,
06:33 all right, so is he going back to that school?
06:35 We're still...
06:37 I'm still undecided
06:40 because he wants to go back to the...
06:42 he wants to go to the Middle School
06:43 but I want to put him in a different school.
06:44 Because his friends are there.
06:46 Yes.
06:47 Is he a sociable child?
06:48 Very sociable.
06:50 Social butterfly.
06:51 Yes, he is, everywhere... everyone is his friend.
06:54 Kim: Everyone... Nikki: Yes.
06:56 Kim: So, he's a very, very outgoing person
06:58 so you have to be careful.
06:59 Have you ever not known where he was...
07:02 like, when you went to the store
07:03 I have to tell you the story,
07:05 you know, keep that thought,
07:06 I had Erin with me, she was only like, two years old
07:10 and my husband said, "Now, you sure you can do this
07:12 because when you go shopping, you get distracted. "
07:15 I said, "How am I going to lose a baby?"
07:17 All right, so he said, "Okay, don't lose my baby. "
07:20 So I get to the store
07:22 and I'm looking at something, so I set her down,
07:25 I say, "You stay right here"
07:26 so she was playing with the tags and everything
07:29 you know, and... I walked away...
07:31 I totally forgot about the baby, I get to the cash register
07:36 and I'm like, "No, I had a baby"
07:39 and I went back, Nikki,
07:41 and there Erin was still playing with it...
07:44 and I said, "I am so thankful you cannot talk"
07:47 but then she gets home and she was like,
07:49 playing with the tags... playing with the tags
07:52 and Arthur said, "What happened?"
07:53 and I said, "I forgot that I had a baby
07:57 all right... "
07:58 so, praise God that I didn't lose her,
08:01 I just kind of forgot about her, all right,
08:03 so, I was... it was all new,
08:05 I might have been 18 years and I had another baby...
08:07 so, have you ever been somewhere where...
08:09 you know,
08:11 when you are at the store or mall
08:13 it's like, "Where are you?" Do you kind of...
08:14 Me, personally, no...
08:16 I've never ever forgotten that I was with Dom.
08:20 Okay, make me feel bad... okay.
08:21 But, no, my mother has
08:23 like when I first move back to Detroit from...
08:26 from Ypsilanti... from school
08:29 my mother had to watch my son for like, maybe a year,
08:31 and she didn't...
08:33 they didn't tell me until like years later
08:35 but one time they were sitting on the porch
08:37 mama turned her head,
08:39 the mail lady walked down the street
08:40 and Dominic followed the mail lady
08:42 all the way down the street.
08:43 What? How old was he?
08:45 Nikki: He was like, two... Kim: No...
08:46 And she had to bring him back.
08:47 Kim: The mail lady did... Nikki: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:49 Kim: Oh oh oh oh... and they didn't tell you for a year.
08:52 Nikki: Yeah, they didn't tell me until...
08:53 Kim: That was so wrong, they knew you would be livid.
08:55 Nikki: I would flip.
08:57 Kim: Okay, what do you do or what are your...
09:00 how do you discipline him
09:02 when he does get a little beside himself
09:04 or he's not doing what he's supposed to do,
09:06 does he do chores?
09:07 He does chores sometimes not consistently like he should.
09:11 The most important thing right now is
09:15 he loves his video games, like, iPads
09:17 anything online, any Wi-Fi.
09:20 Kim: So you take that away.
09:23 Nikki: So I have to take that away, yes.
09:24 Kim: So, being a single mom and you're working
09:27 and you're doing a lot of different things.
09:29 Now, something new has just happened in your life,
09:32 and how is this going to impact your son?
09:35 Why don't you tell us what God has done for you.
09:38 Well, recently I had...
09:40 I was off of work for a couple of weeks
09:42 because I had a major surgery
09:44 and during that time period...
09:46 before... like maybe a week before
09:48 I was getting ready to go back to work,
09:49 I was like, "Oh, I do not want to go back to work,
09:51 I'm tired of sitting at a desk,
09:53 tired of looking at this computer
09:55 I'm just tired of being still here... "
09:57 so, I prayed and I asked God for something different
10:01 and He told me to apply for Flight Attendant positions
10:07 so, May 11th I filled out my first
10:10 job application as a Flight Attendant,
10:13 I went on an interview...
10:15 I went on several... I went on three interviews total
10:18 and... well, video interviews...
10:21 and to one person
10:22 but on... well, as you know,
10:24 June 14th I went to a face-to-face interview
10:27 and I got the position.
10:30 Kim: And God is so good. Nikki: Like a month later.
10:33 Kim: Yes, so now you're getting ready to transition
10:36 to the training to become a flight attendant
10:40 and then be out there doing what... a new avenue...
10:45 now, how did your son feel about this?
10:47 Well, my son is probably going to be a little happy
10:51 because I am so strict, so, he'll have a little freedom.
10:57 Kim: Uh hmmm... not too much.
10:59 Nikki: Not too much because he'll be with his dad...
11:00 between my mom and his dad. Kim: Okay.
11:03 Nikki: But that is a big thing right now,
11:05 just trying to transition on whose...
11:08 I'm going to be gone, initially, for over a month
11:11 and then, whatever my schedule permits afterwards, so...
11:14 not being there... that's going to be different.
11:16 Kim: Hands on.
11:18 Nikki: Yeah, I think that every day and...
11:21 Kim: Well, you can do video chat and things like that.
11:23 Nikki: Yeah. Kim: I want to go back...
11:25 I remember when you first came to see me
11:28 and you wanted me to become your Therapist
11:31 and had some real challenges
11:33 and I've seen you become...
11:35 you have just evolved, Nikki, and I'm so proud of you
11:38 and I'm not just saying that because
11:39 you know... you and I have battled in counseling
11:41 and let them know how you say my name
11:44 when you get upset with me, go ahead and say it.
11:47 Nikki: Dr. Logan...
11:48 Kim: Dr. Logan... Dr. Logan, I love it,
11:50 no one says it like you
11:51 and we can deal with certain issues
11:55 and we have to go there
11:56 so, I remember when we talked about...
11:59 and the reason why the Lord put it in my heart, no excuses,
12:01 you would say, "I hope... I hope... "
12:04 I said, "You have the job"
12:06 and I told you that,
12:07 God would not even open that door for you
12:11 and allow it...
12:13 He doesn't tease us and just dangle things in our way
12:16 and say, "Oh I think I might give you this"
12:18 when the door opens and you know it's the Lord
12:21 because we prayed...
12:22 and certain things... you...
12:24 you began to change certain behaviors and lifestyle
12:28 and God began to open doors for you
12:31 and giving your life to Christ your son was baptized,
12:35 he is on the Usher Board. Nikki: Yes.
12:37 Kim: He serves as an Usher and, you know...
12:39 so, working with your relationship with God...
12:42 how important is God in your life
12:45 as you begin to take this new journey.
12:47 Nikki: God is very important in my life,
12:49 the one thing that you said to me that clicked the most
12:53 and I don't know why it was so important was...
12:55 when I was like, "How do you know when God is listening?"
12:58 Or, "How do you know when God wants something for you?"
13:00 And you just nonchalantly said, "He opens the door
13:03 and if He doesn't open the door,
13:04 it's not for you, go somewhere else. "
13:06 And even though that was so simple,
13:08 it was so big for me because that's what I follow now,
13:12 like, if I want something, I ask for it,
13:14 if a door opens... it's for me,
13:16 if it doesn't open, it's not for me.
13:17 Kim: Yes.
13:19 Nikki: Before, I think, I used to just wait...
13:20 wait, wait, wait, trying to figure out...
13:21 you know, I didn't know what I was doing,
13:23 but just... me having this better relationship with God
13:26 and praying...
13:27 me coming to you... helping me...
13:29 Kim: Praise the Lord.
13:30 Nikki: Just makes everything a little bit more clearer now
13:33 and He is number one in my life right now.
13:36 Kim: I still hold you accountable
13:37 because we are still working through our treatment plan
13:40 of accountability
13:42 also, our standards... our values...
13:44 also, our measurement...
13:46 how do you measure
13:48 the Nikki... where she was and Nikki now?
13:51 I don't really know how I would measure myself
13:55 but I do see a difference...
13:56 I was broken when I first came to you
14:00 and...
14:01 Kim: I remember. Nikki: I don't want to cry.
14:04 Kim: That's all right, you're just being real.
14:06 Nikki: I was broken and
14:08 I didn't know what I was going to do,
14:10 I was just hurt... betrayed...
14:11 and I just felt I'm a stronger person now
14:14 like, what I came to you for... I can laugh about it now.
14:17 Kim: Yes you can,
14:19 so, on a scale of zero being the lowest... ten being the highest,
14:22 where is Nikki now in her measurement of her growth?
14:25 Nikki: I would say, like an eight and a half.
14:27 Kim: Eight and a half... you know,
14:29 listen, your tears are real...
14:30 God has done a marvelous work in your life
14:34 and there's nothing to be ashamed about
14:37 because I know your journey and I'm just...
14:40 I'm proud to be a part of that journey.
14:42 It's like, put your hand right here,
14:44 all right... and... that's how I can tell you
14:47 if God opens it, it connects...
14:49 if it doesn't connect,
14:51 then God says, "I've got something else for you"
14:53 God is very clear what He has for you
14:56 and as I sat in the back office with you
14:58 listening to you
15:00 and you were just going on and on...
15:01 I said, "Nikki, stop... stop... "
15:03 and I said, "God is in control,
15:05 He's just waiting for you to trust Him...
15:07 to lean on Him... and believe Him"
15:10 that's why I love that Scripture Proverbs 3:5 and 6,
15:12 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
15:15 and lean not to thine own understanding.
15:18 In all they ways acknowledge Him,
15:19 and He will direct your path. "
15:21 He's making your path,
15:22 so now, you're going to be flying
15:25 all over the place,
15:26 you love to travel, don't you?
15:28 Nikki: I do, I love to travel.
15:29 Kim: Yes, you're getting ready to go,
15:30 where are you getting ready to leave to now?
15:32 Nikki: In two weeks, I'm going to Cuba.
15:34 Kim: Cuba! Hmmm...
15:36 Nikki: And then a week later, I have to go to Vegas.
15:37 Kim: And Vegas, yes, and then you're off to your training
15:40 you know,
15:42 do you have any concerns now that God has opened the door
15:45 you will pass all your tests.
15:46 Nikki: No concerns... just in God's hand...
15:49 like you said, "If he brought it to me,
15:50 He'll bring it... me through... all the way through it. "
15:52 And He will bring it...
15:54 you put all that information in your mind,
15:55 He will bring it back to your remembrance.
15:59 He heard your cry, He heard your plea,
16:01 He says, "I'm going to move my daughter"
16:03 because... and remember what I told you,
16:05 He is not allowing you to become a Flight Attendant
16:09 for your glory,
16:10 it is for His glory... for you to witness...
16:14 for you to be a vessel,
16:15 when people walk on that flight,
16:17 they're going to see that beautiful smile
16:18 that Nikki had, yes...
16:20 "Welcome, how are you?"
16:22 while you're serving beverages, while you're engaging...
16:26 someone may need to hear a word from God
16:29 and God is going to allow you to do that
16:33 because someone could be hurting...
16:35 someone could be on their way to... to go through a divorce
16:39 or their child just passed away
16:41 and you may see that person's head down...
16:44 you may say, "Is there anything I can do?"
16:46 "Is there anything I can get you?"
16:48 "Are you all right?"
16:49 And I think you have the type of discernment
16:52 to key into that
16:53 and I think you're going to be an absolute phenomenon.
16:55 "Don't be on my plane"
16:57 and I'm going to be like, "Excuse me...
16:58 I need this... it's to... "
17:00 "Hmmm... hmmm... don't Dr. Logan"
17:02 "Oh, excuse me, isn't your name Nikki?"
17:04 Okay...
17:05 So, I am excited,
17:07 what other avenues are you now looking at for your life,
17:12 you know, your education,
17:14 another type of business
17:17 because you had a business in mind
17:18 but that... we're going to keep that quiet
17:21 because it still may happen... it is a phenomenon...
17:24 my General Manager, Dr. Lewis, would love it, all right,
17:27 so we can share it with her afterward
17:29 but anything else on the table for Nikki?
17:32 Well, I still want to do my business,
17:33 for instance, because my niece...
17:35 I was with her the other day, she did mention like,
17:37 "When are you starting that?"
17:38 And I was like, "Oh, I am... just hold off"
17:42 of course, you know, I was studying for the LSA...
17:44 but I put that on the back burner for right now
17:46 up until after I'm accustomed to the Flight Attendant position
17:52 because I know I would have free time to study for that
17:54 but I don't know exactly what I'm going to do,
17:56 right now, my main concern is
17:58 preparing Dominic for a new school
18:00 and to be responsible
18:04 while I'm not in his presence.
18:06 Okay and then passing everything doing everything
18:09 and you're friendly, you're going to meet a lot of people.
18:12 Let's talk about Counseling.
18:15 Why is Counseling or how did it help you?
18:18 I feel like it helped me because I just needed someone to talk to
18:24 I needed someone to give me a better point of view
18:29 whether it was you telling me,
18:30 "Nikki, that's not worth you crying about"
18:32 or "Nikki, he was beneath you. "
18:35 Did I say that? I did say that, hmmm.
18:37 I was having self-esteem issues.
18:40 Yes, you're so beautiful.
18:43 And I just felt like... that just really helped me...
18:45 I needed, basically, just to talk to someone.
18:47 You can't talk... you can't always go to your friends
18:49 or even your parents,
18:50 you need someone that's unbiased, basically,
18:53 that doesn't even know you.
18:54 And I didn't know you, I did not know you,
18:56 I didn't... I've been in a relationship with you,
18:58 the only one in your family,
18:59 but I wanted to help you
19:01 and the first day you came in, you spoke to me
19:03 and I'm like, "Oooh, we're going to be here awhile. "
19:06 It's been years...
19:08 Two years.
19:09 Two years... and you're still with me
19:11 but that's a good... that's good because
19:14 you did not come just to hit or miss
19:17 and "Thank you for a few sessions"
19:20 if you really are going to work with changes in your life
19:23 and I recommend everyone go to counseling,
19:25 Premarital Counseling... when you're married...
19:28 if you're single, single parents,
19:30 as an individual,
19:31 and even now, myself, being in Counseling
19:34 after losing my husband,
19:35 there's so many things inside of me
19:37 that I'm pouring out and it's good to go to someone
19:41 who does not know you
19:43 and I went back to my previous therapist...
19:46 psychologist that I knew
19:48 when my grandmother passed away and my brother...
19:51 so, how has this also helped you
19:55 because you sometimes get very agitated with your father
19:59 and how old is your father?
20:01 My dad is 86...
20:03 Why do you get so agitated with him?
20:06 Pause.
20:08 I don't have an answer for that.
20:10 Do you think you lack patience with him?
20:12 Probably so,
20:14 I think it's just now me being grown and having to...
20:18 I don't have to be there,
20:20 I'm there by choice... but to still...
20:22 You're living with your father. Nikki: Yes.
20:23 Which is really good because if anything happens to him,
20:27 you are there to help him.
20:29 Right, I think sometimes it's just frustrating
20:31 it all being on me
20:34 when I have other siblings that could help.
20:37 That could help, you recently lost your brother
20:39 and can we talk a little bit about that?
20:43 Sure.
20:44 How did you handle all of that?
20:47 I know you called, we dealt with it in therapy
20:49 and you just... you just celebrated his...
20:51 was it first-year anniversary?
20:53 So, how are you doing with that?
20:55 I'm doing okay,
20:57 although I love my brother, we were not that close
21:00 because of just issues that I felt,
21:04 things I disagree with how he raised his kids,
21:08 how he had kids and just not really...
21:12 we didn't see eye-to-eye on a whole bunch of subjects
21:14 but I still love my brother, I miss him dearly,
21:17 we didn't see eye-to-eye though.
21:19 He was your older brother. Nikki: Yes.
21:21 All right and how did he pass away?
21:23 Because you said he was... he was just...
21:25 why don't you tell what happened?
21:27 Basically, he just had a heart attack and died overnight,
21:31 I wouldn't say, "In his sleep" because he woke up...
21:33 but I guess it would be, essentially, in his sleep.
21:35 Hmmm...
21:37 48 years old.
21:38 48 years old... and then you got the call at night
21:41 or the next morning?
21:42 It was around midnight we got the phone call.
21:44 You got the phone call. Nikki: Yes.
21:45 Could you believe it, did you accept it?
21:47 No, even to this day I still don't believe it,
21:50 it still hurts to just think he's never coming back,
21:55 he was a truck driver so you just always assume
21:58 he's coming home... he's coming home.
22:00 Right, yes, I went through that with...
22:02 and I still, sometimes, I say...
22:04 but I know he's not on a golf trip
22:06 and I think that makes me do better...
22:08 "No, he's not coming back"
22:10 and I have to tell... and my therapist
22:12 excuse me, said to me,
22:14 "Kim, you have to say he's not coming back"
22:16 and I said, "I don't want to say that"
22:18 she said, "But Honey, he's not coming back. "
22:20 So, in therapy ten times
22:23 I had to say, "Arthur is not coming back"
22:26 "Arthur... " then she had me say,
22:28 "He's resting in the Lord... He's resting in the Lord"
22:32 and this is why, I wanted it also, a Christian...
22:36 and I have a Seventh-day Adventist Psychologist
22:39 so that it... it really helps me to focus in
22:43 on what the Word of God says,
22:44 and then soon the trumpet shall sound,
22:46 the dead in Christ shall rise.
22:48 What makes Nikki happy?
22:50 Pause.
22:52 Traveling.
22:54 Yes, you love to travel, shopping?
22:57 I'm not really a shopper,
22:58 you're a shopper, I'm not a shopper.
23:00 I only shop when I need to.
23:01 You know, those shoes look kind of familiar
23:04 I think so, I think they came off my stack
23:06 but I'm going to leave that alone.
23:07 Thank you for supporting the Arthur E. Nowlin Foundation.
23:10 I loved to.
23:11 I appreciate that, but traveling...
23:14 you enjoy going out... having nice dinners...
23:16 Yes.
23:18 You enjoy spending time with your family
23:19 specially with your son. Nikki: My son.
23:21 How do you and his father get along?
23:23 We have our moments, some days are better than others
23:28 but like today, we had a little orientation to school
23:34 I'm happy when he shows up,
23:35 I'm happy that he wants to be a part of Dominic's life
23:38 because I know there are some fathers
23:40 that are not a part of their kids' lives, so...
23:43 You don't like to use the term, "Deadbeat dads"
23:46 but where do you think that term came from?
23:49 Deadbeat versus non-existence... non-involved...
23:53 where do you think that came from?
23:56 Because there are so many deadbeat fathers out here,
23:59 there are plenty of dads that have kids
24:01 and they don't see them on a regular basis,
24:03 they don't call them, they don't interact with them
24:06 they just leave it totally up to the mom
24:09 to figure everything out.
24:11 The responsibility... you know,
24:13 and then a lot of men...
24:14 and that... again, I'm not trying to jump on men
24:18 but they will quit their jobs
24:20 before they have to pay child support.
24:23 Yes, I know a few people that did that.
24:25 "I refuse to pay child support"
24:28 and I remember even an athlete who killed a woman
24:32 while she was pregnant
24:33 because he didn't want to pay child support...
24:35 but she lived long enough to name the person who shot her
24:38 and now he's in prison for the rest of his life.
24:40 It would have been easy...
24:42 easier to just pay the child support
24:44 and you would have been able to go on with your life
24:47 but again, the selfish modality of it.
24:50 I think that it's important
24:52 that as we continue the counseling process
24:55 because we're not done yet
24:57 and I can tell you...
24:58 why do you think we're not done with your counseling?
25:00 Um... I think there are some family issues
25:05 that we probably need to go over
25:07 that we probably haven't addressed...
25:09 because, you know, when I get mad,
25:11 I stop talking to people.
25:12 Yes, you do... you totally... Nikki shuts down
25:15 and I have never seen a person get...
25:18 you know, that look... give me that look.
25:21 I don't know...
25:23 You know that look you do, you're like...
25:25 your eyes... your eyes get real small,
25:27 "Dr. Logan, they shouldn't have done this"
25:30 and "Dr. Logan, well, I think I have this opinion"
25:32 and "Dr. Logan... this... "
25:34 And I'm like, "Uh huh, where does all this come from?"
25:37 And so, we have to get in there and resolve that...
25:41 so it doesn't pour into your son,
25:44 we don't want that to go on your son.
25:46 Do you... do you want to get married some day?
25:49 Yes.
25:50 Why do you say "Yes... yes?"
25:51 Because I don't know who doesn't want to get married.
25:54 There are a lot of people who don't
25:56 believe it or not, I didn't want to get married.
25:58 Well, I want to get married.
26:00 You want to get married, you know,
26:01 Arthur came from somewhere okay,
26:03 but God is good, because God knew that's what I needed
26:06 all right, so, you want to get married, all right,
26:10 let's talk about the type of man you are asking God for.
26:13 First of all, are you asking God...
26:15 or are you trying to find him?
26:17 I think before, I was trying to find him,
26:20 or make an Ex'd boyfriend be the one
26:25 but right now, I'm just letting...
26:27 I'm not really looking right now,
26:29 I have other things to worry about.
26:30 See, it's like this book,
26:32 it's like, all those X's have blown away,
26:34 you know, because I've got your file and all...
26:38 how many people...
26:40 but we had to let them all go, didn't we?
26:41 Yeah.
26:43 And I didn't... I never wanted to judge you,
26:45 you know, you never felt that way
26:47 but I just felt that God has something so much better for you
26:51 if you could just be patient and allow God to prepare you
26:55 and someone told me once,
26:57 "While you're waiting,
26:58 what did you bring in to the table?"
27:01 Work on you... let God work on you...
27:03 don't look for a man,
27:04 I remember my Pastor, Marshall T. Kelly
27:07 and he said to me,
27:08 when I was like, 11 years old,
27:10 "Kim, what do you want to be?"
27:11 And I said, "I'd like to be... get my Ph. D.
27:15 Psychologist... a Counselor... "
27:17 you know, he said, "Good"
27:18 because a lot of young ladies, leave... go off to school...
27:21 and they want to marry a doctor, marry a dentist, marry a...
27:24 but he... he taught us, "Become one"
27:27 become one... become independent"
27:29 so that you can take care of yourself,
27:31 and that's what I like about you...
27:33 you are able to take care of yourself,
27:35 Nikki, I am just excited about where your life is going,
27:39 I'm going to always be here for you,
27:41 I'm glad that you are waiting on God now,
27:44 and you're praying, you're reading your Word,
27:47 you're back in church, you have your son in church,
27:50 you're walking with the Lord,
27:52 so great things ahead
27:54 so, no excuses, say that...
27:56 "No excuses. "
27:57 We're done with excuses.
27:59 We are, definitely.
28:00 We are waiting on the Lord.
28:01 Well, listen, I'm waiting on the Lord
28:03 and I want you to wait on the Lord.
28:04 I'm Dr. Kim, continue to live to be well.
28:08 God bless.


Revised 2018-05-14