Live to Be Well

Special Treasure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190030S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect
00:09 that of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin, and welcome to Live to be Well.
00:54 What is live to be well?
00:55 It's about us having wellness,
00:57 feeling good about ourselves and treasuring ourselves.
01:01 Today our topic, special treasure.
01:03 I want to welcome this beautiful couple
01:06 Roy and Lisia Sadler.
01:07 Welcome to Live to be Well.
01:08 Thank you. Thank you.
01:10 We're so happy to be here. We are really excited.
01:11 I remember the first time I met you.
01:14 You were at City Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:16 here in Detroit.
01:18 And you were talking with my husband
01:19 and one of you recognized him on the pulpit
01:22 from the Dare to Dream Network.
01:24 Lisia, you did.
01:25 And then you were like,
01:27 his wife has to be somewhere around here, all right?
01:29 And Arthur signaled me and I met you all.
01:32 You were so kind, so gracious
01:34 and even, Lisia, you came over to the home
01:36 and sang with Arthur,
01:38 you know, before he passed,
01:40 it was just so lovely of you to take the time.
01:42 So I wanna talk about a special treasure.
01:45 I've had a special treasure
01:47 and I know what it felt like, and I still do,
01:49 but you all have each other.
01:51 Roy, why is Lisia so special?
01:54 And why is she that treasure?
01:56 I think it's because I like reality.
01:59 You know, a lot of people,
02:02 they don't mind people being pretentious
02:04 then they have to work through layers and things like that.
02:06 One of the really cool things about her
02:09 that made her a treasure for me
02:10 is that she always set me straight,
02:12 if I was doing something that didn't make sense.
02:15 I appreciated the correction.
02:17 I appreciated someone who could let me know,
02:19 you know, lot right.
02:21 Oh, right. Lot right.
02:23 Was this in the dating period?
02:25 Yeah. This is right.
02:26 Wow. Okay. So I appreciate it.
02:27 That's something I wanted.
02:29 I didn't wanna just be all over the place.
02:31 So I treasure that a lot. You treasure that a lot?
02:33 Lisia, why is Roy a treasure to you?
02:37 He's a treasure to me because
02:39 I feel like he takes the time to understand me,
02:42 to care about what I'm thinking,
02:45 what I'm doing,
02:46 what I'm putting inside my body,
02:48 if I'm resting.
02:50 And we do that for each other, you know?
02:53 I check, did you drink enough water today?
02:55 He does the same thing for me.
02:56 And I know that
02:59 there are other people out there
03:00 that probably would make great husbands,
03:02 but Roy is the best choice in a husband for me.
03:06 And a treasurer is something that's very, very special.
03:09 It's something that's rare.
03:11 And the relationship I think that we have
03:13 with each other is rare.
03:14 And so that's why I treasure him.
03:16 I wouldn't... I couldn't think of anyone else
03:20 that I would want to be with other than him.
03:22 Yes.
03:24 Recently you were at my home church,
03:26 you are at special music and you were singing this song
03:30 and I was trying to videotape you
03:31 at the same time watching Roy.
03:33 And it just brought tears to his eyes,
03:35 the way he looked at you,
03:37 the way he smiled, the way he was just so blessed.
03:40 You ministered to him sitting there.
03:42 Let's talk about, we see divorce in our communities
03:46 and our Christian communities,
03:47 but we're seeing it in the Adventist Church.
03:50 Roy, what is happening?
03:53 I think it's an overall reflection
03:55 of what's going on in society.
03:57 And people think that the church is immune,
03:59 but it's not.
04:00 And I think it's from letting down our guard
04:04 and straying away
04:06 from what we were brought up with, you know?
04:09 I remember visiting some of my mates
04:11 from high school and college
04:12 and, you know, you wanna approach them
04:14 and talk and catch up, haven't spoken 10, 15, 20 years
04:17 or whatever the case may be.
04:19 And you get timid
04:20 because you don't want to broach church.
04:21 You know, you don't know if they're still active or,
04:24 you know, so it becomes this kind of thing.
04:27 You know, you don't know what...
04:28 so I think that's just a reflection of society
04:31 and we need to work on that I think,
04:33 you know, to re-church our companions and our cohorts,
04:38 the people that we came together with, so...
04:41 What do you think, Lisia, is happening in our family,
04:43 because you just celebrated 28 years together?
04:47 Yes. Praise the Lord.
04:49 But we're not seeing that any more in our young couples,
04:53 so what do you see?
04:56 I see a lot.
04:58 I see couples
05:00 not willing to work at marriage.
05:05 I think that media television
05:08 sometimes, books,
05:10 whatever it is that's out there
05:13 has people having a view of marriage
05:16 as something that they can just get in and out of.
05:20 If you don't like what someone's doing,
05:22 or saying, or not doing,
05:24 you can just get out of it and marry someone else.
05:27 And the way Roy and I were brought up was that
05:30 when you make a vow, it's a vow.
05:34 It's something that you mean to carry through with.
05:37 And it's your word and your bond.
05:42 You said that you would be with this person
05:45 till death do you part.
05:47 That's serious.
05:49 You know, when we went into our marriage,
05:51 it was till death do us part.
05:53 And it wasn't easy, the first three years,
05:56 five years, seven years, eight years
05:59 after year eight or nine
06:02 is when we really started to really gel.
06:06 And we could have easily gotten divorced our first,
06:09 second or third year.
06:10 I remember going home once, and my mom sent me right back.
06:14 She sent you back? She sent me right back.
06:16 So, you know, and it wasn't that
06:18 I was thinking of divorce.
06:21 But if I didn't have that foundation
06:24 that this is till one of us passes,
06:29 it would have been easy to just quit
06:31 and move on to someone else and move on to someone else
06:34 and keep moving on.
06:35 So it really takes having that commitment
06:40 that I gave my word
06:42 that this is something I'm gonna do,
06:43 and I'm gonna do it.
06:44 And stick with it mentality. Stick with it, yeah.
06:47 You know, you both, tell me where you're from, Lisia.
06:49 Where were you born? Port of Spain, trini.
06:51 You were gonna say, all right, Trinidad.
06:52 Trinidad, trini to the bone.
06:53 Trini to the bone. All right.
06:55 And where were you from?
06:57 I'm from Jamaica, West Indies.
06:59 Now, where did you all meet,
07:00 you're on two different islands here?
07:02 Where did, how did you all meet?
07:03 Well, we both came here when we were really young.
07:05 Yes.
07:07 I came here when I was about five
07:09 and I was, I had left Andrews.
07:12 I graduated from Andrews
07:13 and I was in Huntsville doing graduate work
07:17 and I liked to always blow off steam.
07:20 I grew up roller skating a lot. Yes.
07:22 You know, and so that was one of the ways
07:24 I blew off steam after exams
07:26 and met her at the roller skating rink.
07:28 In Huntsville?
07:29 An open roller skating rink on a Saturday night.
07:32 Are you kidding me?
07:33 Yeah. Yeah, a true story.
07:34 Now Andrews University
07:36 again is one of our Seventh-day Adventist universities
07:39 that is in Berrien Springs, Michigan
07:41 and Oakwood University is in Huntsville, Alabama,
07:44 but both a Seventh-day Adventist training institution,
07:47 educational institution.
07:49 So did you bump into her?
07:52 Almost.
07:53 So what was it that attracted you to her?
07:56 Well, that's really interesting that you ask.
07:59 I'm just a kind of a geeky friendly guy
08:01 who will talk to anybody.
08:02 And I was just being friendly.
08:05 Was she nice?
08:08 I'll let her take that one.
08:09 So he kept trying to talk to me that evening
08:13 and I wasn't feeling that well.
08:15 I really wanted to go home
08:17 and he kept trying to talk to me.
08:19 And so, I don't know
08:21 if you've ever been in Oakwood rink,
08:23 but they have this cable wire drums
08:25 with carpet on it.
08:27 So he was literally following me around.
08:30 Where you stalking her?
08:32 Okay. We're not gonna say stalking, okay?
08:34 Maybe a little.
08:37 It was a good meeting.
08:38 So did you give your number that night?
08:40 No, actually one of my girlfriends
08:44 invited him to my home the next day,
08:46 because I was having a barbecue
08:49 and he dropped us home that night,
08:51 but my girlfriend invited him,
08:53 but he ended up in the kitchen with me all afternoon
08:55 and it's been like that ever since.
08:58 Isn't it, I need some tissue, that's so beautiful.
09:01 That is really beautiful and the commitment.
09:04 All right.
09:05 So let's look at tools, communication, compromise.
09:09 What kind of tools do you use in your marriage?
09:11 I would say our togetherness.
09:14 We do a lot of little things together.
09:15 Okay, quality time?
09:17 Yeah.
09:18 Outside, working outside together.
09:21 Traveling, not necessarily to any special destination.
09:24 I just want you with me. Come on. Let's hang out.
09:26 Let's go.
09:28 You know, just, we just like each other's company
09:30 and we discovered that in the kitchen.
09:32 Yeah. Yeah.
09:33 So you have a real friendship? Yes.
09:36 That was the big thing. Yeah.
09:38 We... Roy and I,
09:41 we were friends for a long time.
09:45 We, like I said, he was in the kitchen
09:46 with me that day.
09:48 We became friends.
09:49 We, I would go to his place and swim.
09:51 He would invite my mom and my sisters to his house.
09:55 And we were just friends
09:56 and I was very attracted to him.
09:59 He was attracted to me,
10:01 but some of the things he was talking about
10:03 earlier about setting him straight,
10:05 I had boundaries
10:07 and I had those boundaries
10:08 because there were certain commitments
10:11 that I had made to myself and to God,
10:13 that activities I would not be involved
10:16 in prior to marriage.
10:17 And so it was healthy for us to be friends
10:21 because if we allowed ourselves
10:25 to express what we were really feeling,
10:28 I think we would have...
10:30 I would have broken some of those boundaries.
10:32 And so we chose to just be really, really good friends.
10:38 There was something deeper there,
10:40 but it was just easier for me
10:44 if we remain friends,
10:46 and then allow it to develop over time.
10:49 Yeah.
10:51 How do you incorporate God?
10:53 You know, your prayer time together.
10:55 A lot of couples because they're,
10:57 you know, Seventh-day Adventist,
10:58 but they don't pray together.
11:00 They don't study the Word together.
11:01 They don't even go to Sabbath school.
11:03 You know, they drive to church separately.
11:05 That was that a no, no clause in my marriage
11:09 because we look forward to the Sabbath.
11:11 So what do you incorporate to incorporate God
11:15 in your marriage?
11:17 Well, I think one of the first things
11:18 that I thought was really interesting about her
11:20 because she's very artistic
11:23 and she likes to set aside places.
11:26 And so we have,
11:27 our living room doesn't have a TV or whatever in it.
11:31 It's kind of our multipurpose, but it's our worship space.
11:35 So when we even look over there,
11:37 it's kind of like,
11:38 that's the place that triggers the fact that, oh, worship.
11:43 It even reminds me, I walk by
11:45 it and I go, oh, I need to ask her
11:46 would you make time for worship this evening,
11:48 although we're in a rush or something's going on,
11:50 that's the worship space and it's kind like a trigger.
11:52 Yes.
11:53 You know, and so that, that helps a lot.
11:55 Okay.
11:56 How important is praying together, you know?
11:58 And let me ask you this, hold this,
12:01 when you are angry,
12:02 because there's no perfect marriage
12:04 or have a disagreement, do you still pray together?
12:09 Can we be transparent?
12:10 Yes. Okay.
12:12 Sometimes it's difficult at first
12:15 and I would say that
12:17 in the earlier years of our marriage,
12:20 no, we did not.
12:21 We would argue and fuss and we would be separate,
12:26 but as we've grown together,
12:30 after that, I was saying like,
12:32 after that year eight, year nine
12:34 there would be times where I would have to compromise,
12:37 like I know I'm right in this argument
12:40 and I go to him and I say, I'm sorry.
12:43 Okay. And humility.
12:46 Yeah. Yeah.
12:47 And we would say, okay, let's come together.
12:50 And I don't wanna go to bed angry tonight.
12:53 Let's pray, you know, let's have worship
12:55 and something about
12:57 having that time with God together,
13:00 even though you're upset,
13:01 it's like, it just washes...
13:02 It breaks barriers. It washes everything away.
13:05 It's like, you know,
13:06 you know what you might've been arguing about,
13:08 but it doesn't even really matter
13:10 that much anymore.
13:12 And you just start compromising and saying, you're sorry.
13:14 And...
13:16 I think for men, it's a big thing too, that,
13:17 you know, we need to grow and learn
13:20 to be humble in our relationships,
13:21 whether it's in marriage or in any relationship,
13:25 men have strong ego.
13:28 And so, maturing in Christ I think is dying to self
13:33 and learning to suppress that ego
13:37 and just say, hey, I was wrong.
13:40 Or I even think I'm still right,
13:42 but I need to capitulate a little bit
13:45 and just kind of bring it down
13:47 and say, I'm sorry and move forward,
13:48 because without humility,
13:50 I don't think there's any forward movement.
13:52 And Christ talked about that.
13:54 He always expressed that,
13:56 you know, humility is the first order.
13:59 That's it.
14:00 So you would be open to her apology?
14:02 Yeah. Yeah. I would accept it.
14:04 Who is more stubborn?
14:10 I'm very stubborn in my own way,
14:12 but we're both stubborn in different ways,
14:14 I think, right?
14:16 That's true.
14:17 We're kind of both stubborn in different ways.
14:18 Who is a better communicator?
14:20 I think she is. I am. I think I am.
14:22 Better chef?
14:24 She is, but I'm not too bad.
14:27 He's really good. He's really good.
14:28 Organization.
14:30 He is. Yeah.
14:31 Definitely. He's meticulous.
14:33 Very meticulous. Yeah, very meticulous.
14:35 Okay. Timely.
14:37 Time management, who has best time management?
14:40 I think we're...
14:41 She is more efficient than I am because,
14:43 because I'm so, you know,
14:45 schedules and the way things should go.
14:46 Yes.
14:48 She's more willing to move on the flow
14:49 and you know, how women are, can do
14:51 a thousand things at one time.
14:53 I'm more linear, like a guy, you know, A, B, C this slot,
14:57 this slot, you know, so she's more efficient.
15:00 I might be a little more organized
15:02 with slotting time,
15:04 but I think it's a good...
15:05 It's a good mix. Right.
15:07 Yeah. The balance is there.
15:08 All right. Financial management?
15:11 That's always a challenge.
15:13 And it has been for us in the last five years
15:17 due to a lot of illness.
15:20 Yeah, And losing my job.
15:25 But it was so funny.
15:27 My mom was visiting us recently and she said,
15:31 "Your husband is a great manager.'
15:35 I don't know how he's managed all of this
15:37 because the loss of my income was,
15:41 it was major,
15:44 and not to diminish Roy's role
15:49 as a financial provider.
15:50 But for the last decade,
15:52 I had a substantial more income than he has
15:56 because of the role that I played in what I did.
16:00 And so it was taking a huge head away from us.
16:03 So I think he's done pretty well
16:06 managing with the simple fact
16:09 that we haven't had my income,
16:12 you know, so, you know, it's been a challenge,
16:14 but God has been good.
16:15 God has taken care of us.
16:17 He pays tithe faithfully.
16:19 And I think that that is always a covering
16:24 when you pay your tithe faithfully.
16:26 You return your tithe, because it belongs to God.
16:27 All right.
16:29 When you return your tithe faithfully,
16:30 God covers you. Oh, He does.
16:31 And your health and others.
16:33 You lost your father.
16:35 Let's talk about that?
16:36 How was Roy's support during that time to you?
16:39 It was awesome during that time.
16:43 You know, God has a way of timing things.
16:47 And you don't understand His timing
16:50 around the time that my dad became ill,
16:53 I lost my job.
16:55 And so my time was free
16:58 and Roy works from home.
17:01 So we packed up our car.
17:02 We drove down to Lithonia, Georgia,
17:05 and I helped my mom take care of my dad.
17:08 I cooked for him,
17:10 you know, helped her around the house.
17:12 She did most of the medical nursing stuff.
17:15 She and my younger sister who has more medical training,
17:19 but I made sure that everybody was cooking,
17:22 eating healthy every day.
17:23 And just spending time with him,
17:25 reading the Bible to him, singing to him.
17:28 So the fact that he packed up his computers
17:32 and packed up all his gear and brought a desk
17:35 so that he could work
17:36 while he was at my mom's house.
17:38 And I could be with my mom and my family
17:39 and help with my dad.
17:41 That was awesome.
17:42 He was so supportive during that.
17:44 And we did that twice while he was ill.
17:47 I don't know a lot of spouses.
17:50 Maybe they wouldn't be able to do it
17:52 because of their work situation,
17:54 but some wouldn't want to do it.
17:56 You go, I'll be here when you get back.
17:58 When he was there, he, my dad grew his beard out
18:02 and he hadn't worn a beard for many years
18:04 because it was all gray.
18:06 And my dad liked,
18:07 you know, he has a,
18:09 had a way with his personal aesthetics.
18:10 He'd like to love them, you know, very groomed.
18:12 So he didn't wear a beard, but due to the illness,
18:15 he had like a little lump on the side of his neck.
18:18 And so he grew a full beard and Roy trimmed him up
18:21 and cut his hair and had him looking slick,
18:24 even though, even though he was ill.
18:28 So those are the things like he takes care,
18:31 not just of me, but of my parents.
18:33 When my mom comes, she's like,
18:36 "Son, can you give me a haircut?"
18:38 And he gives her a haircut.
18:39 So he is just loving and supportive.
18:43 Very, very, I think.
18:45 And I had the privilege of meeting your father.
18:47 I did.
18:48 Let's talk about the direction of your marriage.
18:52 You know, Jesus is soon to come
18:55 and preparing your mindset
18:58 and the cycle of change
18:59 because we see what's going on in our world today.
19:02 How are you preparing yourselves
19:04 to be ready for Jesus to come in this world that we live in?
19:09 I think when you look at accumulating
19:15 and saying, I want, I want, I want,
19:18 you change your perspective
19:19 when you see the things
19:21 that are happening around the world.
19:23 You know professionals, you know, you study hard,
19:27 I should be able to do
19:28 and by and do this, that and the other,
19:30 but your perspective changes
19:32 as you see things that are happening.
19:34 And so that's one of the discussions
19:35 we have had recently, you know?
19:38 Hmm.
19:40 Do we do this?
19:41 Or can we do this in a different way
19:44 and shuffle that money towards something for God?
19:50 You know, you just really change your perspective
19:52 and you try with prayer
19:54 to make decisions that honor the fact
19:58 that we are in the last days.
20:00 We're in the last days.
20:01 So that's something
20:03 that I think is channeling
20:05 how we look at things, you know?
20:07 Go ahead, Lisia.
20:08 I was gonna say for me recently
20:11 just to kind of get back into the workforce.
20:13 I obtained my real estate license.
20:17 And what I'm finding is that this is not about,
20:21 what I'm doing is not about real estate.
20:23 I've been witnessing a lot.
20:26 A lot of people want me to take them out on Sabbath
20:29 and I tell them no.
20:31 And recently I had the opportunity
20:34 of talking to a guy and his wife who are Muslim.
20:37 And we were in the last house.
20:39 I was showing them a home on a Sunday morning.
20:41 And the Holy Spirit said to me, explain to him
20:44 why you can't take him out on Sabbath.
20:47 And so I said, you know, so and so,
20:49 you've been asking me
20:51 to take you out on Sabbaths or on Saturdays.
20:54 And that's the Sabbath
20:55 from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown,
20:58 I don't do any work.
21:00 And so he says, "Are you a Jew?"
21:02 I said, "No, I'm not Jewish."
21:04 And so he says, "But you keep Sabbath?"
21:06 I said, "Yes."
21:07 He says, "Well, yes, God did tell us to keep the Sabbath."
21:09 And I thought that was surprising
21:11 because I know that
21:12 they keep Friday afternoons or evenings
21:14 Yes, Friday afternoon in Dubai, Friday afternoon.
21:16 Right.
21:18 So they know about the Sabbath.
21:20 So he says, "Well, do you believe in Jesus?"
21:22 And I said, "Yes."
21:24 And so we got into there's no one, but God,
21:26 there's no other God but God, and Jesus was a great prophet.
21:29 And I said, I said,
21:31 "You know, everyone believes what they believe,
21:33 but I just wanted to share with you
21:35 why I couldn't go with you on Sabbaths."
21:39 And I've had other opportunities
21:41 and other things that I'm trying to build
21:43 to explain to people
21:45 why I don't work
21:47 during the sunset Friday to sunset.
21:50 So it's been more of a witnessing tool, you know?
21:55 I am getting business and God is blessing,
21:58 but I'm finding that I'm witnessing more now
22:01 than I ever have.
22:03 And I'm more...
22:04 I feel more free and open to do so,
22:06 because I guess as an agent, it is your own thing.
22:12 But when you're working for a corporation,
22:16 they kind of frown on any religious activity,
22:20 but this is one-on-one
22:22 and they can choose to listen or not.
22:24 And everyone has been receptive.
22:26 It's like, they wanna know
22:27 what is this strange faith
22:29 where you believe in Jesus and you keep a Sabbath, right?
22:33 Yeah.
22:34 A lot of people don't know, and they don't know.
22:38 And they assume that they know, and they don't.
22:39 Right.
22:40 Because I go with my patients or clients,
22:43 Dr. Logan, can you see me on Saturday
22:44 and the Bible says good to do well on a Saturday,
22:46 there's emergency suicide.
22:48 But normally I need to be rebooted.
22:50 I have to be refreshed.
22:51 I need to hear a good word.
22:53 I need the Lisia sing, I need that.
22:56 But in that I recognize that
22:59 so many people are hungry for Jesus.
23:02 They are hungry for the Word of God.
23:04 Let's talk about and being a special treasure,
23:07 do you still, your me time together?
23:10 You know, are you still roller skating?
23:12 It's been awhile, but yes we do.
23:14 All right. But you still do.
23:16 All right. So what do you do, Roy?
23:19 And what do you do Lisia for your me time?
23:23 You mean individually?
23:24 Individually, your own personal space.
23:26 Yes, you appreciate yourself.
23:28 I like to work with my hands a lot.
23:29 Okay.
23:31 So when I can, I try to build something
23:33 or repair something or fix something,
23:34 I just enjoy that, you know?
23:36 Around the house?
23:37 Around the house or a computer,
23:38 I mean, I'm in the computer field.
23:40 And so I'll find an old computer
23:42 that needs fixing and I'll just fix it,
23:44 rebuild it or something like that.
23:45 Or if, you know, I grew up working on cars a lot.
23:48 If a friend needs help with a car,
23:49 I'll say I volunteer.
23:51 Hey, can I come help you with your car, you know?
23:52 All right.
23:54 Music. Music.
23:55 Yeah, that's true, music a lot.
23:56 Yeah, 'cause both of you, both sing,
23:58 you know, do you do duets together?
24:01 Funny you should ask.
24:02 I know, we're actually doing one this weekend.
24:05 Oh, at a church?
24:07 Okay.
24:08 At another not our home church, but another church in the area.
24:11 Oh, how lovely. How lovely.
24:13 So, and what do you do, Mrs. Sadler?
24:16 I like to get massages. Yes.
24:19 I try to get as many as those as possible.
24:22 So I'll go and I'll plan a facial
24:25 or I'll plan a massage.
24:27 Sometimes I have this infra red,
24:31 like it's a blanket
24:33 that I get into and I close it and turn it on.
24:36 And I just lay in there, get hot and purified,
24:41 get all the toxins and everything out.
24:42 So just, you know, anything that helps me to relax.
24:45 I like to read, I like music.
24:48 And then sometimes I just don't mind like a old,
24:51 I like old, black and white movies.
24:53 Yeah, those are romantic, very nice.
24:55 Yeah. So I love stuff like that.
24:57 You take walks together? Yeah.
24:58 A lot. A lot. We do that a lot.
25:00 Do you ever take walks in the rain?
25:03 I've tried to get her to do that a couple times
25:05 when the weather is just right for it,
25:06 because otherwise it can be challenging.
25:08 I've done that a couple times,
25:10 it's not like a normal thing.
25:12 Right.
25:13 'Cause I've seen couples, I've talked to couples
25:15 and I said, you walk in the grain.
25:16 And I said, that's interesting.
25:20 I don't even like being in the rain.
25:21 All right.
25:23 So cooking together in that kitchen together,
25:27 looking at your ministries in church.
25:30 Could anything ever pull you away from God, do you think?
25:36 Well, I think in the past,
25:38 you know, when you're less mature
25:39 in the Christian life, things can,
25:42 and I think each of us is in a different place,
25:46 you know, in our Christian walk.
25:48 So I'm hoping and praying that
25:52 nothing can take me away at this point
25:55 but I'm not gonna predict.
25:56 I just want to stay prayed up.
25:58 Yes. Lisia?
26:00 I can't imagine that.
26:02 It's hard for me to imagine a life without my faith,
26:08 without God.
26:09 It would seem very, very, very strange.
26:14 I know that when you're younger,
26:17 some of the things that you do as a Christian are habit.
26:20 If you choose to stay in the church,
26:21 because you're so used to doing the same thing,
26:24 but after awhile,
26:25 you need that in order to feel sane,
26:29 in order to feel whole.
26:31 And so I can't imagine ever leaving the church,
26:35 leaving God, leaving what I feel
26:38 and know to be true.
26:40 Yes.
26:41 Let me ask you this.
26:43 You know, we've about a minute left,
26:44 your favorite scripture, favorite scripture?
26:47 "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,
26:50 they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
26:53 they shall run and not be weary,
26:55 they shall walk and not faint."
26:56 Yes. I know it's in Isaiah, I cannot remember 58.
26:59 I can't remember the verse.
27:01 So don't look at me right now,
27:02 just got into the moment right now.
27:04 Yeah, that is my...
27:05 My dad taught me that text
27:07 and it had stayed with me.
27:08 Stayed with you. Roy, what is yours?
27:11 "Lean not unto thy own understanding,
27:13 but in all thy ways acknowledge Him
27:14 and He shall direct thy path."
27:16 That's a blessing.
27:17 That's one of my favorites,
27:19 but my favorite of all Hebrews 11:1,
27:21 "Faith is the substance of things
27:23 hoped for and the evidence of things not seen."
27:26 I just want to thank you both for coming on
27:28 and we're out of time
27:29 and continue to be a special treasure.
27:32 It's important that
27:34 we make Jesus our special treasure
27:36 and make sure that you have that walk,
27:38 without that we can't live to be well.
27:41 So I say to you,
27:42 I give you Christ as your special treasure.
27:44 I'm Dr. Kim and live to be well.
27:47 God bless.


Revised 2021-07-09