Live to Be Well

A Sister's Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190037S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect
00:09 that of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, and welcome to Live to be Well.
00:54 What is live to be well?
00:55 Mind, body, and soul,
00:58 but without God being the head of our lives,
01:01 where would we be?
01:03 When I think about a song,
01:05 if it had not been for the Lord on my side,
01:09 where would I be?
01:12 Today I have two special guests.
01:15 You know, I was blessed to have a sister
01:18 and her name is Renee Logan Humphreys,
01:21 love her dearly.
01:22 She's my baby sister, my only sister.
01:25 And I nurture her and I care for her.
01:28 She's a school principal. She lives in Virginia.
01:31 So I don't get a chance to see her often.
01:33 Then I was blessed to have my oldest child,
01:37 a baby girl.
01:39 And when she found out that
01:41 Arthur and I were expecting our second child,
01:43 mommy, you can't have a boy.
01:45 I said, well, I don't think it's up to me.
01:48 She said, well, please, mommy.
01:49 I want a sister.
01:50 And nine months later, or eight months later,
01:53 a baby sister came forth.
01:55 So it's something special.
01:58 No offense to brethren and having sons.
02:02 And I love them too, because where would we be
02:04 if we wouldn't have children?
02:06 But the bottom line is,
02:07 there's something special about a sister's love.
02:10 Today I have Annette Green
02:13 and I have Jeanette Minley, welcome ladies.
02:15 Thank you. Identical twins.
02:18 I love it. Yes.
02:19 You are my first twins on Live To Be Well.
02:23 I am really excited about this.
02:26 Well, let's talk about what is it like to be a twin?
02:30 All right.
02:32 Annette, what is it like being a twin?
02:33 It's awesome.
02:35 It's all that we know.
02:37 We do have other siblings, but the bond that we have as twins,
02:42 we've overcome so much because we have that closeness.
02:45 Yeah.
02:47 How do you keep Jeanette, that closeness?
02:49 Communication. Okay.
02:51 And it's an unspoken vibe that we have
02:55 and we're very close.
02:57 Very close. Very close.
02:59 So do you guys travel together?
03:01 Do you talk every day,
03:03 spend time together on the weekends?
03:05 You do that? We do all of it.
03:07 All of it.
03:08 Now, let me ask you this, growing up,
03:10 tell me some of the things that you had to go through,
03:12 like in school, did you matriculate all the way through
03:16 elementary, middle high school together?
03:18 Did they separate you
03:19 because you were identical twins?
03:21 Well, we started school in the 60s.
03:25 So our first class together
03:31 was a preschool
03:32 and they allowed us to sit together.
03:34 Okay.
03:36 Our first episode was kindergarten.
03:38 They separated us and that didn't go very well
03:42 while we were clinging on to each other.
03:45 My parents had to, you know,
03:47 talk to us and that was the first time
03:51 that we actually had to separate.
03:54 They separated you. Right.
03:55 That was a trauma.
03:56 It was a trauma.
03:58 And I don't think we shared any classes after that.
04:00 No.
04:02 Stayed in the same schools?
04:03 Same schools.
04:04 But no further interaction in the same classes.
04:07 Right. Different classes.
04:09 I mean, we've had some situations
04:11 where the teachers would get us mixed up.
04:14 And I think that was the first time
04:16 that we realized we were twins.
04:20 My parents had to tag us. We looked so much alike.
04:25 And you know,
04:26 I had a bracelet with my name on it.
04:29 My sister had one with her name on it
04:31 because the teachers would just pull us
04:32 when we were, you know, much younger.
04:35 So we've had some interesting situations in school.
04:38 Could your siblings tell you apart?
04:42 Our siblings could.
04:43 They could. Yeah, sometimes.
04:44 Sometimes. Yeah.
04:46 Okay.
04:47 Not over the phone. Not over the phone.
04:49 You sound just alike over the phone?
04:50 Yes. Yes.
04:51 That's like my sister and I, we try to fool our children.
04:55 Mom, we know it's you. All right.
04:57 Or she'll call, hello, hello, Micah.
04:59 Aunt Renee, what are you trying to do?
05:01 Right. Right.
05:02 So being in the same school, see each other.
05:05 Did your friends, you know, did you have the same friends,
05:08 you had different friends?
05:09 Both.
05:11 We share a lot of our friends, the majority,
05:13 but we do have individual relationships.
05:17 Friendships that we built in different classes.
05:22 Even now our friends at work.
05:25 So, but for the most part we interact.
05:28 So we share a lot of our friends
05:30 Are you best friends?
05:31 Yes.
05:33 You say it with such tenacity, yes, without a doubt.
05:36 Without a doubt.
05:38 What do you do when you do have a conflict?
05:40 What happens then? How do you handle it?
05:42 Conflict with each other.
05:44 In your relationship where you disagree.
05:45 Do you ever disagree? We always disagree.
05:47 You always disagree? Oh, yes.
05:49 But we respect each other's differences.
05:51 Okay.
05:53 Set some boundaries? Absolutely.
05:54 Okay.
05:56 And so from that, you're able to enhance the relationship.
05:59 What are some of the challenges that your parents had with you?
06:04 We were so close that
06:06 if she was scolded, I would take it personally.
06:10 And so that right there was a challenge.
06:14 Yeah.
06:15 If we, one got punished for something,
06:17 you might as well punish us both.
06:19 Yes.
06:20 It started out early like that. Oh, yeah, for sure.
06:23 So did you ever say to yourself, okay,
06:26 you're my sister, I look just like you,
06:29 you look as like me and you...
06:33 Did you ever say to yourself,
06:34 well, I look a little different than you.
06:37 Did you ever find any difference
06:39 in the way you looked as you were growing up?
06:43 Teenagers.
06:44 We that's, when we wanted to be our own individual person.
06:49 That's where the struggle happened,
06:51 where I wanted to be me
06:52 and come out of this dressing alike.
06:55 She wore dresses all the time.
06:57 I just, I had a little sporty edge
06:59 and that's when we started to fight for our individuality.
07:02 Right.
07:04 Because our parents, our grandparents raised us,
07:07 so they wanted to dress us alike
07:10 and we put our foot down.
07:12 However, it wasn't until graduation.
07:15 Graduation Day
07:16 Graduation day you stopped.
07:18 Yeah. That was the last day.
07:19 That was the last time.
07:21 Okay. Okay.
07:22 And then what happened?
07:24 We had creative.
07:27 We were just different. Just different.
07:28 Yes. Yeah.
07:30 And we started to cling on to who we were,
07:32 but it took after graduation to figure that out.
07:36 And develop our own styles.
07:38 What happened with your teachers
07:40 when they would see you all because graduation,
07:42 you graduated together?
07:43 Yes.
07:44 You know, and there you were marching in,
07:46 you came in right behind one another
07:48 when they called your names?
07:49 No, together. Together.
07:51 We held hands. You held?
07:53 Yes. Yeah.
07:54 Across the stage? That's right.
07:57 No. Yes.
08:01 Oh, my goodness.
08:02 That must have been really cute to see you all do that.
08:05 It was emotional.
08:06 It was, and it was important to us
08:08 because we moved from Michigan to California
08:12 and they gave us such a hard time
08:14 with our records.
08:16 And so when we finally graduated,
08:18 it was such a tremendous feeling.
08:22 An accomplishment. A big accomplishment.
08:24 It's something we share together
08:25 at the same time.
08:27 I'm getting emotional thinking about it.
08:29 Yes.
08:30 Because some siblings graduate before after,
08:31 but never together.
08:33 You know, my mom
08:35 my brother's name is Kirk, I'm Kim.
08:38 And I said, mom, were you trying for twins?
08:40 And she said, I think so, but it didn't work out.
08:43 My brother and I are 10 months apart.
08:47 And so we are the same age for like 29 days.
08:52 Okay.
08:53 I'm September the fifth.
08:55 He's October the 19th.
08:57 So when he calls me, we're the same age.
08:59 So we say, hey, twin.
09:00 Hi, twin.
09:02 And we do that during those 29 days
09:05 because we are the same age
09:06 and people would say, how is that possible?
09:09 And I said, you know, my mom
09:11 had me 10 months after my brother.
09:14 And so she named him Kirk and here I came Kim.
09:17 And so we, she said I wanted those twins,
09:21 but she still gave us those names.
09:23 So in that, and he and I are close.
09:25 We're very close.
09:27 The relationship, you know, that you have with God.
09:30 Tell me about that
09:31 as sisters and as an individual,
09:34 your relationship with God?
09:37 So together we've had some challenges in our past
09:42 as children.
09:43 I mentioned our grandparents raised us
09:46 and they instilled, they instilled
09:51 a lot of that in us
09:53 and we grew to understand it.
09:57 We have a strong relationship
10:01 with God separately and together.
10:05 Amen. Amen.
10:06 Yeah.
10:08 Being able to growing up and even now,
10:11 do you pray together?
10:12 Oh, yes.
10:14 You should see your faith. Your faith is right.
10:16 And you're like, lady
10:18 why are you asking me questions,
10:20 you know, my sister and I are just close
10:22 with God in everything.
10:24 So you all pray together? Oh, yes.
10:26 Yes. Why do you pray together?
10:28 Strength in numbers.
10:29 And if something's going on with me in my life,
10:33 my sister comes with me and we come,
10:36 we go to God
10:37 and we lay it all out and we pray.
10:40 And it's worked for us.
10:43 It's worked for our other siblings.
10:46 It's just what we believe in.
10:49 Yes.
10:50 When I first talked to you, Jeanette,
10:52 so sweet on the phone and just in your communication,
10:56 couldn't wait to meet you and that, and just lovely.
10:59 And you could just feel the presence of God
11:01 in your voice,
11:03 the way you took time to talk with me,
11:06 your work,
11:08 you're a coordinator in a mental health clinic.
11:11 You see people day in day out with mental health illness.
11:14 Yes.
11:15 I am a mental health specialist.
11:17 How do you handle that as a coordinator
11:19 in your job and being able to,
11:22 you know, utilize the power of prayer
11:25 and you see the turmoil in people's lives?
11:31 I have Christ in my life.
11:34 I have that.
11:36 I'm strong when it comes to that
11:38 and I have compassion
11:39 and I see that people are struggling
11:43 and I see some people don't have him in their life.
11:47 So I try to be as understanding as possible.
11:51 And it's like a guide, it guides me through.
11:54 I pray when I get to work in the morning.
11:56 I pray when I leave.
11:58 anything, I have,
11:59 I leave at the door and I pick it right back up.
12:03 Yes, yes.
12:04 You look at the climate of our world today.
12:07 We can't even walk into the supermarket
12:09 without seeing armed police officers now.
12:13 We see what happened in El Paso, Texas.
12:16 We can go into, I had gone to a mall
12:20 and just before I got there I saw the police
12:23 and I said, what's going on?
12:24 They said, there has been a robbery
12:26 in the store.
12:27 And so right now we're not letting anyone in the mall.
12:29 We're only keeping those who are inside.
12:32 I got in my car and I left, you know,
12:35 what do you see And how does it impact you
12:38 as sisters the climate of change
12:41 that's happening in our world today
12:43 with all the mass shootings, people are losing children,
12:47 people lost siblings, you know.
12:50 And I can't imagine for me to pick up the phone
12:53 and get a call my sister was at a store
12:56 and she was shot.
12:57 And I'm like, what?
12:58 I can't even fathom that. Yes.
13:00 But it's happening in our society, you know?
13:03 And that's why I think it's so important that I
13:05 talk to my sister.
13:07 I talk to my loved ones, you know?
13:08 So what do you think, or you see
13:11 is happening in our society today,
13:13 where people are at heart.
13:14 The Bible said in the last days,
13:16 hearts will wax cold.
13:18 Do we see that happening now?
13:19 Oh, yes. I see it every day.
13:23 And if, I think if I didn't have that in my life,
13:28 the strength of God in my life,
13:31 I would not be able to
13:34 go about my daily business at work.
13:39 And we talk to each other all the time
13:41 about what's going on in the world
13:43 and how...
13:45 It seems people don't have the faith
13:46 they should have.
13:48 And people ask me all the time.
13:49 Aren't you scared to work with?
13:51 No, I'm not. No.
13:52 I have no fear of it. Come on now.
13:54 I have no fear.
13:55 but of power and sound mind. That is correct.
13:57 Do you a have a buddy called like
13:59 if something happens to you,
14:01 you check in with each other at certain times?
14:03 Always. For sure.
14:04 That has been for a long time. First thing in the morning.
14:06 Check in. That's right.
14:07 Okay.
14:09 We know we're each not only do we know where each other
14:12 is, we know where our children are.
14:17 We have a strong foundation and our children,
14:21 we build that foundation with them.
14:24 My daughter lived in Europe for a while,
14:27 and that was hard.
14:29 When she was in college, she said, mother,
14:31 I'm the only one that talk to her parent every day.
14:35 I have another one.
14:36 Every day. Every day.
14:37 I said, If I had... You need to take my cell phone.
14:39 That's right.
14:40 If I had 10 children,
14:42 I would speak to each one every day.
14:43 And this is the same thing with her two sons.
14:46 And we communicate with our children.
14:49 And that's the key with us is communicating
14:52 with our other siblings.
14:54 Yes.
14:55 And I think the bond that we have,
14:57 we've given that, or the kids see that,
15:00 and they have been with each other
15:03 and their cousins.
15:04 I'm sorry. They're cousins.
15:05 Are your sons twins?
15:07 No. All right.
15:08 So no twins. No twins.
15:09 No.
15:11 Okay, you know, so that bond is there
15:13 because from generation, see now this is something
15:16 you're going to have generational curses
15:18 which I feel are generational choices
15:21 and then having that bond with God
15:23 to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
15:28 See people say, ah, that's just tradition.
15:30 No, that's a foundation
15:32 that's been, you have it laid by our families.
15:36 You know, you think about slavery
15:38 and all that our ancestors went through.
15:41 Remember they weren't allowed to read,
15:43 but they could sing the old folk hymns swing low,
15:47 sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home.
15:50 Amen. Amen.
15:51 Amen.
15:53 But those were codes,
15:54 you know, for, so journey is on her way back.
15:57 You, you know, you need to make sure
15:59 you're at that pole, that place
16:01 where she is going to get you.
16:03 And I remember hearing a song
16:05 and it was just, you know, amazing grace,
16:08 you know, how sweet the sound.
16:10 So that same grace that God
16:12 has given you to, He's protected you.
16:14 Oh, yes.
16:16 Covered you, kept you close.
16:18 Have you ever not spoken?
16:21 You got mad at each other said, you know, a day?
16:23 Oh, yeah, for sure.
16:24 No. Five minutes.
16:25 Five minutes.
16:27 That's as long as it's gone, five minutes, it won't last?
16:29 No.
16:31 And if our children find out we've had a disagreement,
16:33 they call the other one.
16:35 Oh, yes.
16:36 They're in the business.
16:38 Her sons, hey, just checking on you.
16:40 Why?
16:42 Why? What was going on?
16:44 But they know if my daughter called me
16:47 and I don't sound the same,
16:51 she'll ask what's going on.
16:52 And even if I don't share with her
16:55 that I've had a disagreement with my sister,
16:56 she's calling my sister.
16:58 That's right.
16:59 Is all over, there's something wrong,
17:00 something not right? Absolutely.
17:03 You know, in the morning when I wake up,
17:05 I have worship.
17:06 I have devotion. I talk with God.
17:08 And when if my cell phone starts going off
17:11 and different things, I have to tell people
17:13 I need that moment or I cut it off.
17:16 Some people I had to block,
17:18 I've to literally block
17:19 because if I hear the phone buzzing,
17:21 it distracts me.
17:23 That's that kind of bond that,
17:25 you know, God wants us to have with Him,
17:27 that connection that if we're not connected,
17:30 something is off balance,
17:33 because you haven't talked to me today.
17:34 You haven't spent time with me.
17:36 I'm your Lord and savior.
17:38 I woke you up this morning,
17:39 started you on your way, you know?
17:42 So in that recognizing, now my dear sister,
17:45 you are interior designer.
17:47 I love the color, the patterns,
17:49 you know, and you've also designed
17:52 rooms or homes for celebrities,
17:55 you know, how...
17:56 Do you have to travel a lot?
17:58 Not yet. Okay.
18:00 I actually retired
18:03 as a logistics engineer a year ago,
18:06 Tell us what that is?
18:07 Tell us a little bit about that?
18:08 A logistics engineer,
18:10 I worked for United Parcel Service,
18:14 but I managed outbound for Ford Motor Company.
18:18 So when the vehicles leave the plant
18:21 until they get to the dealerships
18:23 all over the world.
18:25 So that was,
18:26 that was very different from what I'm doing now.
18:29 I retired early.
18:31 I went back to school years ago,
18:32 got a degree in interior design.
18:36 And just to back up a little bit,
18:37 when my daughter was in high school,
18:39 we had started having conversations about her future.
18:43 You know, what do you want to,
18:44 what profession do you want to go into?
18:47 And she told me she, one day she said, mother,
18:49 what do you want to do when you grow up?
18:51 And I was shocked.
18:53 Wait a minute, your daughter asked you?
18:55 My daughter asked me,
18:56 what do you want to do when you grow up?
18:58 She said, what you're doing now is what you have to do.
19:02 So I started thinking about it.
19:03 I always wanted to become an interior designer.
19:06 So I started taking steps.
19:08 I went back to school, got a degree.
19:12 And that's what I'm doing now.
19:13 Proud of you.
19:15 Thank you. I'm proud of you.
19:16 You know, let's talk about that as women
19:18 let's go there for a second?
19:19 Sure. Why are women stuck?
19:22 Why won't they make those transitions
19:24 and a paradigm shift?
19:26 What is going on?
19:28 It's not easy.
19:30 We get so caught up into working.
19:33 I had to step out on faith.
19:36 And it was a lot of prayer,
19:37 a lot of conversations with my sister.
19:40 I went to school for four years
19:42 and she was there with me,
19:44 you know, it'd be late nights
19:45 and she would have to help me to bed
19:48 because I was exhausted.
19:50 My goodness. Exhausted.
19:51 So she went through it with me,
19:53 but it's, it takes faith.
19:59 What that term stepping out on faith.
20:01 It really do.
20:03 My daughter, after she graduated from college,
20:06 she had to, you know, she thought
20:08 she was going to automatically land
20:11 that career, that job.
20:13 And she didn't.
20:14 And I talked her through that over the years.
20:17 She's just getting to where she has her,
20:19 what she calls a big girl job.
20:21 Big girl job.
20:22 And I'm doing the same thing. Oh, yes.
20:24 The same thing.
20:25 But I had a plan and I did my best.
20:29 Of course, it's all in God's hands,
20:32 you know, but I did my part.
20:34 Yes.
20:35 My grandmother used to say, man makes plans,
20:37 but God makes decisions.
20:38 Absolutely.
20:40 So, you know, faith is a substance of things
20:42 hoped for, evidence of things not seen.
20:44 But you, he said, I'll give you desires of your heart,
20:47 set up a plan, write it out,
20:50 get the blue, but God's blueprint is there,
20:53 but we must turn it over to the Lord.
20:56 And I agree with you, it's,
20:57 we have to put everything in God's hands.
20:59 Absolutely.
21:00 You know, I started getting speech pathology,
21:02 loved it because I had several speech impediments
21:05 and I wanted to understand more.
21:07 So I went to school for it, loved it.
21:10 Well, I, somehow I got transitioned
21:13 into counseling.
21:15 And I was like, well,
21:16 talking to people, counseling people.
21:19 And so they said, well,
21:21 what do you want to do your master's in?
21:22 And I said,
21:23 he said, well, do you want to do your PhD in?
21:25 And I was like, whoever said, I want to do and all that.
21:28 And next thing I know, well, we have a dual program.
21:30 I said, what's that?
21:32 Well, you can do your master's PhD, PhD.
21:34 I said, well, how many is that? A hundred?
21:37 And next thing I knew, God shifted me
21:40 because I had my own personal pain.
21:42 They say, we tend to pursue degrees that help us
21:46 filter through our pain.
21:47 And so here I am,
21:49 but this is all God from 3ABN Dare to Dream.
21:53 This is all God.
21:56 Being a therapist is all God,
21:58 you know, but being I love fashion.
22:01 I love shoes.
22:02 I love, you know, doing all
22:03 because it was given to us by my grandmother and mother
22:06 and our family.
22:07 But I know interior design is not my calling,
22:11 but it's my cousin Karen's calling.
22:13 I just had a fire in my home
22:15 and it went from wood, nothing to amazing.
22:20 So looking at all that God has done,
22:23 looking at all that God is doing for you.
22:27 What's next for you both?
22:30 Well, we're both writing books.
22:32 My book is about our life story,
22:35 our childhood from trauma to now,
22:39 you know, and how God brought us out of it.
22:42 He's always been there for us.
22:44 And so we were talking about it.
22:46 It's painful some days getting those memories,
22:51 but just as I told the twin, it's going to help somebody.
22:54 It's gonna help somebody.
22:56 Can you talk a little bit about your trauma?
22:58 What happened?
22:59 Well, my mom was 16.
23:04 She had just turned 16.
23:05 She had given birth to us.
23:08 She wasn't ready.
23:10 And she had a place on the west side of Detroit.
23:14 And let's back up,
23:16 imagine yourself, walking down the street
23:19 and something catches your eye
23:22 and you look up a two family flat
23:25 and you see a child with her head stuck
23:27 between the railing
23:30 and you go to go get that child,
23:32 but then you try to see what the child is looking at.
23:34 She's looking at another child crawling in the street.
23:37 Well, I was the child on the second floor
23:39 and Annette was the child in the street.
23:42 And so that was,
23:45 I guess our first trauma, you know, we were,
23:48 and Annette was always the go getter.
23:50 So I guess she was trying to find help.
23:54 We were about 10 months old.
23:55 We weren't quite walking yet.
23:58 And that was the first trauma.
23:59 And I think that's what we've always had each other.
24:02 We cling to each other.
24:04 And so that was the beginning of it.
24:07 And these are some of the things
24:09 that I have in my book, you know.
24:11 So we chose, we always choose
24:14 to walk with God that keeps us out of,
24:17 you know, we could have went a different way,
24:20 but it's, we're always winning,
24:22 you know, with a positive look about things.
24:26 And so that's some of the things that
24:32 that are in the book.
24:33 You know, you look at you, you look amazing,
24:37 you know, you look, your spirit is beautiful.
24:40 I don't see hardiness.
24:42 I see humility. I see kindness.
24:45 I see such a sensitivity, you know, you're just,
24:48 I feel my heart is so overwhelmed right now.
24:51 And I just thank God,
24:53 and for you all to have gone through that.
24:55 Oh, yeah, you know. It's just one thing.
24:58 Yeah.
25:01 We've been kidnapped three times.
25:03 What?
25:04 Three different situations we were in.
25:06 We were taken away from my mom
25:08 and we ended up in what do you call orphanage?
25:12 DJ Hayley. What?
25:14 You remember she was young.
25:16 Yeah. Yeah.
25:17 And so my grandmother adopted us
25:20 and that's how we ended up with my grandmother,
25:23 but my mom, she would get into trouble.
25:26 And that's where the kidnappings came
25:28 because she owed people money
25:31 and they would find those twins and kidnap us.
25:35 What? Yeah.
25:36 I can remember going to the store
25:38 for my grandmother once
25:39 and know we were so naive.
25:41 We're just birds, watching the butterflies
25:44 and the guy grabbed us
25:46 and threw us in the back of the limousine.
25:48 And we could hear it. That's when they had payphones.
25:50 We could hear him talking to my grandmother
25:51 saying, bring the money
25:53 or we're going to get these twins, you know?
25:55 And so, it's things like that.
25:57 I always tell people we've been through it.
26:00 I didn't say we were unscathed.
26:02 You know, we've been through it and we've been,
26:04 you know we have issues,
26:06 but we have God.
26:07 We've been covered a long time.
26:09 A long time,
26:10 while I was on that second floor,
26:12 and she was crawling to the street.
26:14 He always had His hands on us.
26:16 Always. That's right.
26:17 And we're thankful.
26:19 And you're thankful. That's the key.
26:20 You're both very thankful.
26:21 We have a little time left.
26:23 You know, what can you say
26:25 to women out there who may be envious
26:28 or jealous of their sisters,
26:30 or have hardened their heart against their sibling?
26:33 What can you say to, say to somebody just,
26:36 you know, come together?
26:38 Oh, learn from each other.
26:40 We share everything. Yes.
26:42 And we're so thankful
26:45 to have the relationship that we do as twins.
26:48 It's unique.
26:49 Our twin friends, same thing,
26:51 just this abundance of love, agape love.
26:55 And we share it with everybody that we talk to,
26:59 everybody that we interact with,
27:00 everybody that we touch and for women,
27:04 she talked about the books that we're writing.
27:06 I'm writing about the five generations
27:08 of the women in my family.
27:10 And then the lessons learned.
27:11 And that's what we have to do is learn from each other.
27:14 It's so much. It's so much.
27:17 I mean, I can't believe we're down to our last minute.
27:20 All I can say is I thank you both
27:23 for coming on Live To Be Well, and
27:25 we're going to keep this relationship.
27:27 Would that be all right? Oh, yes.
27:29 You know, I would love to sit down with you
27:32 and hear more about your experiences
27:34 and what you've gone through.
27:37 I want to thank them both for being here,
27:39 but I'm hoping that you gained so much
27:42 by viewing this broadcast today,
27:44 that this program will help you
27:47 to bridge the gap with your sibling.
27:49 Pick up the phone right now, call your sister,
27:52 call your brother, call your parent.
27:54 If they're still living, you're blessed
27:56 and let them know it's all right.
27:58 Let's forgive each other and let's move forward
28:01 because if you're not living well,
28:03 you can't live to be well.
28:05 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, and God bless.


Revised 2021-08-30