Live to Be Well

Protect to Serve

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190038S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect
00:09 that of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, and welcome to Live To Be well.
00:54 What is live to be well?
00:55 Well, mind, body and soul,
00:57 but most of all,
00:59 having God as a center of our lives.
01:02 Today, I am blessed to have the topic
01:04 protect to serve.
01:06 And with me, Chaplain Arthur Berry,
01:08 who is a member of my church,
01:10 and also served as an elder in my church.
01:13 And then we have Errol Sir Franklin.
01:15 Welcome to Live To Be Well. How are you doing?
01:18 Wonderful. Great, how are you?
01:19 Well, listen, I am excited about this broadcast,
01:22 this program.
01:23 Now I'm going to start with you, Officer Franklin.
01:25 How long have you been an officer
01:27 of Detroit Police Department?
01:29 I've been a police officer for 21 years now.
01:32 And what was the deciding factor
01:33 for you to become a police officer?
01:35 The deciding factor for me to become police officer
01:38 was when I was younger, you know,
01:40 my parents or friends said don't become a police officer,
01:42 you might get shot and killed.
01:45 And so I was like, you know what?
01:46 I'm going to live my life.
01:47 I'm, you know, do what God said do.
01:49 So I ended up being a police officer at the age of 23.
01:53 And since then, yes.
01:55 So what are some of the challenges that you faced,
01:57 you know, dealing with the public,
01:59 you know, the community in court,
02:01 do you have to do all of that?
02:03 Yes.
02:04 Some of the challenges are growing up,
02:08 like I work in the neighborhood that I grew up in,
02:11 so I see some of the people that I grew up with,
02:14 and they still respect me and stuff.
02:16 So go back, For instance, one of the young men,
02:20 he was in my wedding and I go back on that block,
02:24 used to check upon him, you know, he was selling drugs.
02:27 So I know he was selling drugs.
02:28 So I tried to give him a heads up,
02:30 you know, man, don't be doing that,
02:32 you know, talking to him, you know,
02:34 trying to minister to him, but he wouldn't listen.
02:36 So one, one day he got shot in the head
02:41 and ended up living and he was blind in one eye.
02:46 So, you know, I still go back over there
02:47 and talking to him, you know, him and his mother
02:49 and stuff because they still stay over there.
02:52 So what ended up happening a year later,
02:56 you know, he was back to doing the same thing.
02:58 So got that phone call such and such been shot,
03:03 this time he didn't make it.
03:04 He didn't make it. He didn't make it.
03:06 So he went right back to the same lifestyle.
03:07 Same lifestyle.
03:09 And he didn't make it, and how old was he,
03:10 do you know how old he was?
03:11 He was at the time 26.
03:15 His early 20s? Yes.
03:17 So that is so unfortunate.
03:20 I hear you mentioning God and your faith
03:22 and your walk with God.
03:24 You know, how important is that to you
03:26 as you go out into the community?
03:28 It's very important because I'm dealing with
03:31 the community, you got to have patience
03:33 and that's one of the big, biggest aspects.
03:36 You know, this patience because sometimes
03:38 people get in your face,
03:39 you know, they try to curse you out
03:42 and sometimes you got to just stand back
03:44 and be patient, sometimes you got to just listen.
03:46 So can I give you a little role play here,
03:48 suppose you are trying to arrest me.
03:50 All right. And I'm like, you can't arrest me.
03:52 I haven't done anything.
03:54 Who do you think you are,
03:55 thinking you going to arrest me?
03:57 And you're not going to even think about arresting me,
03:58 you know, I have rights.
04:01 What do you do in a situation like that?
04:03 Just let them voice their pain. Really?
04:05 Let them see.
04:06 Yes At the end of the day though,
04:07 I make sure at the end of the day,
04:09 I make sure my camera's rolling.
04:10 Turn on my camera.
04:12 So if she does do anything disorderly,
04:13 as she start cursing me out, drawing a crowd,
04:17 inciting a riot, and then that would give me
04:19 probable cause to lock her up.
04:21 Wait a minute. You all wear cameras?
04:22 Yes. That's a camera.
04:23 Yes.
04:25 So how long have you been wearing cameras?
04:27 We been wearing body cameras for,
04:29 I want to say about four years now.
04:31 Now I heard about the highway patrols,
04:35 they have the cameras.
04:36 Yes.
04:38 But you have body cameras and then you push that button
04:40 and it goes right to the station
04:42 and is recording.
04:43 No, it just start recording in our body.
04:45 Okay.
04:46 Once the light is red, it'll just start recording.
04:48 And that's your proof that
04:49 you did not ignite that argument
04:51 or that problem?
04:53 Correct. And also to protect you?
04:54 Yes. My goodness.
04:56 Now I see you have pepper spray,
04:59 you have handcuffs, you have...
05:01 Tasers. Tasers.
05:03 And that taser will just knock me out.
05:06 Yes, it will. Oh, my goodness.
05:08 It's not a pleasant feeling. It's not.
05:10 And you know, when you go out, do you,
05:13 sometime you have to go when you get home,
05:14 go back out again on call, back on duty?
05:18 No, because what I do is community policing.
05:21 So maybe a lot of times
05:22 we might have events on a weekend.
05:25 So we might have to come in to cover events like
05:27 they having something big at a church or something
05:29 or a big block party,
05:31 we'll come and assist them.
05:33 You know what I've noticed?
05:35 I'm going to the grocery store now, Chaplain Berry,
05:38 I'm going to the grocery store now.
05:40 And there are police officers in the grocery store,
05:44 armed police officers at the front door.
05:47 And it's like, has it gotten that bad,
05:50 I know we have mass shootings.
05:52 We have issues. We have problems.
05:54 But to have now police officers in grocery stores
05:58 and they are watching, they're walking.
06:00 They might maybe some who are undercover,
06:03 but these gentlemen are dressed just like you.
06:05 And one day I looked, I said,
06:07 well maybe they're just there talking.
06:09 Came back a couple of weeks later,
06:11 No, they were there again fully armed everything,
06:15 not checking receipts either.
06:16 All right?
06:18 So that is something
06:19 that is now moving into all our stores?
06:21 Yes. I explained that what it is called secondary employment.
06:25 So what we have is some of our vendors
06:27 like Meyers or Chrysler,
06:29 they'll pay the police officers to stay there.
06:32 Like they pay our salary and they cover us.
06:35 Like if something happened to us,
06:37 they have to pay insurance on us also
06:39 just in case something happened while we there.
06:41 So versus security guards now they're doing,
06:43 using police officers.
06:45 Yes.
06:46 I see because security guards didn't wear carry arm.
06:48 They weren't armed. Correct.
06:50 But you all are armed. Yep.
06:51 It's a liability with having securities.
06:53 But if you have somebody in the law enforcement
06:55 that knows the law and know when to draw,
06:58 when to use deadly force,
06:59 then you don't have a liability.
07:01 So it's a win-win situation for the police officer
07:04 who making extra money
07:05 and the company knowing that it's the law.
07:10 So when you went through the police academy,
07:13 was it rigorous for you?
07:14 Was it hard? Did you ever feel like giving up?
07:17 And, I never felt like giving up
07:19 because it was something I always wanted to do.
07:21 When I got in there, just stay motivated by my peers
07:24 and stuff and just kept fighting through,
07:26 even though it was rough,
07:28 you know, I was like, no,
07:29 I want to become a police officer
07:30 what I want to do so, you know,
07:32 just stay in motivating, motivated.
07:34 So even, you know, like when we run,
07:36 we'll do like maybe two or three miles a day running.
07:39 So we have to call out cadence like spiritual.
07:42 That's even now.
07:44 Yeah, they still do that. Yes, yes.
07:46 So, you know, me being spiritual,
07:48 being a Godly man and you know,
07:50 us calling out spiritual cadence.
07:52 So, you know, the saying,
07:54 you know, live right, live right.
07:56 Be safe, be safe, you know,
07:57 and then they repeat whatever you say.
07:59 So let's put a godly atmosphere in there through the academy.
08:02 That is wonderful.
08:04 Well, all right, hold on a minute.
08:06 Chaplin Berry,
08:07 now I learned something about you today,
08:09 I didn't know you were a police officer, you know?
08:12 I'm police chaplain, yeah.
08:14 Yeah, police chaplain,
08:15 and you did a marvelous job in the Word of God.
08:19 You spoke not too long ago for police,
08:21 our police day at church.
08:23 Is that what we had when we had all the police officers?
08:25 Yeah, law enforcement appreciation.
08:26 Law enforcement appreciation. Yes.
08:28 It was a beautiful program.
08:31 And so then you came back
08:32 and talked about the prison program.
08:34 I want to do. I want to get involved with prison ministry.
08:37 Okay. I really do, you know?
08:39 Let's talk about what you do in your role
08:41 with these gentlemen?
08:42 Okay. Well, I'm a chaplain.
08:45 Actually I'm the commander of the police centers,
08:47 spiritual commander.
08:48 So I have six chaplains under me
08:51 that we take care of all the spiritual needs
08:52 of all the officers.
08:54 It's about 150 so officers there on all three shifts.
08:57 So we just attend to their needs and we,
09:00 I do roll call, whatever they need
09:02 from sometimes we marry them, sometimes we have to bury them.
09:06 So whatever we need to do, we do everything in between.
09:09 Wow.
09:10 Give me an example of a day,
09:12 you know, of your life there at the precinct?
09:14 Give me an example?
09:16 Well, it starts off at roll call,
09:18 You know, you get roll call,
09:19 you hear about what's going on for the day
09:21 and what happened the previous day.
09:23 And then we pray for the officers,
09:25 then we all go out.
09:26 Sometimes I go out, sometimes I don't,
09:28 I just come in and do roll call,
09:29 but then I walk around the precinct,
09:31 talk to the officers
09:32 and see what's going on with them.
09:33 If I notice somebody kind of standoffish a little bit,
09:36 I go over and talk to them and try to see
09:37 what's going on with them.
09:38 So when you say buried, do you also go
09:40 and minister to the family?
09:42 Yes.
09:43 You know, is that difficult for you?
09:44 It is.
09:46 Especially if you, and you know these officers
09:48 and there'll be, and they're killed
09:49 in the line of duty?
09:50 Well, not necessarily killed in the line of duty,
09:52 but some of them just pass on,
09:53 you know, for other illnesses and stuff like that.
09:55 Other illnesses too.
09:56 And so, and then when you minister to the family,
09:58 sometime, you know what the last officer
10:00 that ministered today,
10:01 the family asked me to do a service.
10:02 Wow.
10:04 So, you know, when I don't see you in church
10:06 is that you're busy ministering to these officers
10:09 or you're in other churches speaking,
10:11 I know, but you know, and I know I see you at church
10:14 often, and I know you've been praying for your mother also.
10:17 Yes, thank you.
10:19 So your role, why did you want to do this?
10:22 Why? Well, I...
10:24 It's ironic, it's strange because the precinct
10:27 that I'm now serving,
10:29 I was also locked up in that precinct
10:30 some years ago.
10:32 So, but as God called me to do ministry,
10:36 I was reluctant to do it.
10:38 But then after so many years I said yes to the Lord.
10:41 So I went to ministry school and then I asked God,
10:44 what did He want me to do?
10:45 And that was to be a public servant.
10:48 So I started doing ministry for the hospitals,
10:51 the nursing homes and stuff like that.
10:52 And then my dean asked me one day he said,
10:56 I looked at you, and I said,
10:58 I know what kind of personality you have.
11:00 This kind of ministry would be good for you.
11:02 So he asked me to sign up
11:04 for the Detroit Police Department and I did.
11:06 I went to the academy. Yeah. Okay.
11:07 You kind of ran over something real fast
11:09 and you minister to us about it on Sabbath.
11:12 Then you said the same precinct
11:13 where you are, you were locked up.
11:15 Can you tell us why?
11:16 Well, it's domestic violence you know,
11:19 going through some changes in life,
11:21 went through a divorce and so I had some issues
11:23 and trying to leave a divorce
11:25 and I was trying to leave that marriage
11:28 and I didn't do it successfully.
11:30 So I got into some trouble trying to leave
11:33 and I wind up getting locked up.
11:34 And then, so I was actually in the same precinct.
11:36 So I said, you know, I said, God must have a sense of humor.
11:40 So, but now I look at it in a different light.
11:44 I said, God has something for me to do.
11:46 But I thought if you have been arrested,
11:48 but you weren't a felon?
11:50 I wasn't a felon.
11:51 So you could apply to the academy?
11:53 Correct. Okay.
11:54 Now you mentioned something else in church
11:55 that we had the statistic rates of women now being arrested.
12:00 Can we talk a little bit about that?
12:02 Well, women are being charged with crimes more
12:05 so than in the past.
12:06 You know, we know that women are being called to do
12:10 with these men to do these armed robberies
12:13 and other similar crimes.
12:15 And they get locked up just like the men
12:16 do because they committed a crime,
12:19 not as much as the men, but they do have
12:21 a small increase in their numbers
12:24 of being incarcerated now.
12:26 Are they still building prisons, Officer Franklin.
12:30 I mean, we have an issue of population
12:33 being overcrowded?
12:35 No.
12:36 So what they did now,
12:37 all the precincts used to have jails.
12:39 Yes.
12:41 But they shut them all down and centralized them down
12:42 at the Detroit Detention Center.
12:44 Really?
12:45 So whenever we get arrest, we all have to take them
12:47 down to the Detroit Detention Center.
12:49 Is that right? Yes.
12:51 Okay. Now they're building a new jail downtown...
12:55 Yes. They're doing that.
12:57 You know, crime is still on the rise.
12:59 So what can you say to me as a woman,
13:03 I'm out and about at night,
13:05 I'm out and about during the day,
13:06 I go to church, I come to my office.
13:08 How can I protect myself better?
13:10 I say protect yourself better.
13:12 Be honest to make sure you always be alert.
13:16 Even when pumping gas,
13:18 you know, pump your gas like this to your back,
13:21 not in front where you're not alert where you can't see
13:24 nobody coming from behind you.
13:25 So if you're pumping your gas, just like this,
13:27 just to be, you know,
13:29 make sure nobody's trying to come up behind you.
13:31 Wait a minute. I'm confused.
13:32 So I'm standing in front of the pump.
13:34 My car is here, I'm pumping,
13:36 oh, but stand behind.
13:38 Yes.
13:39 Don't stand in front of it, stand behind the gas tank.
13:41 Yes.
13:43 So if somebody approaches me.
13:44 You'll be able to see him.
13:46 And I'm going to spray that gasoline on them.
13:48 All right? So, all right, so be alert.
13:51 Yes. The way I should pump my gas.
13:53 Yes. Of course during the day time.
13:55 Yes. During the daytime.
13:56 And I don't know if you noticed about the green light,
13:59 do you know about the green light program?
14:00 Yes. Do you know who told me about the green light?
14:02 Who? My daughter.
14:03 She said, mommy only go to gas stations
14:06 and stores with the green light.
14:07 And I said, well, what's that?
14:09 She said, that's linked into the police department.
14:11 Yes. I didn't know that.
14:13 Yes. I just thought it was cute.
14:14 And we monitor it 24 hours. Two four hours?
14:16 Yes.
14:17 And with us, with the neighborhood
14:19 police officers just say a run, come out Finkel
14:23 and Grand River gas station.
14:25 We've got a green light location.
14:26 It's like a high priority.
14:28 So they'll send a squad car out there immediately.
14:30 So on our phones, we could pull up the camera
14:33 and see what's actually going on in there.
14:34 Wow! Yes.
14:36 Well, I'm happy to hear that.
14:37 Now what about, you know,
14:39 places where I shouldn't go like gas stations,
14:42 they say like on Southfield and where's this, Southfield?
14:47 Seven mile. Seven mile.
14:49 Don't go places like off the freeway.
14:52 Yes. Why?
14:53 It's an easy getaway.
14:55 If somebody robbed you, they jump right on the freeway.
14:57 And they're gone. There you go.
14:59 So it's better to go to one on, in a community?
15:03 Yes. Like I said, the green lights.
15:05 The green light. Green light gas stations.
15:06 Well, there is a green light I saw one on Southfield
15:10 and Vinco or is it a Six Mile, they got a green light?
15:14 Yes.
15:16 But it's right there by the freeway.
15:17 I mean, the thing is, you know what the cameras and stuff,
15:21 we could get license plate, get their face.
15:24 So if something do happen, it's a high...
15:26 Priority.
15:27 Yes, a high priority, and we will be able to catch them.
15:29 All right.
15:31 What else do you recommend for me to protect myself
15:33 if I'm alone?
15:34 Have a CPL. I should get one.
15:37 Yes. Tell them what that is, a CPL?
15:38 A CPL is a pistol license
15:41 where you go take some classes
15:43 and they teach you how to use a weapon.
15:44 It's just in case somebody tried to rob you and...
15:48 But as Christians, should I carry a gun though?
15:52 Should I not have faith in God to protect me?
15:54 You know, I had that big argument before also.
15:57 I used to then believe that,
15:58 man, God going to protect me,
16:00 carrying guns in the church and stuff.
16:02 Is that a sin to carry a gun?
16:06 No, it's not. No.
16:08 No. well, that's your job though.
16:10 The criminals carry guns.
16:12 The Bible said use wisdom.
16:14 Use wisdom. Pray and watch His will.
16:17 So I don't know.
16:18 I can somebody coming at me, I'll just throw my purse,
16:22 take it and I'll run the other way.
16:24 I took a class like that.
16:25 We had a workshop at one of my Live To Be Well conference.
16:28 And we had a police officer to come in and to talk.
16:31 And he told us if they come at you going,
16:34 you're going in your trunk.
16:35 Your purse is in your trunk.
16:37 He said, throw the purse.
16:38 They're going to go after the purse.
16:40 And you go the other way, you know?
16:43 And I remember when I got attack once
16:45 and my little girl said to me,
16:47 mommy, don't get out of the car.
16:49 But they had on suits and ties.
16:50 They look nice and they almost beat me to a pulp.
16:54 And the only thing that saved me,
16:56 I took off my heel and I beat them so bad.
17:00 And the man said, she crazy take her purse.
17:03 And it was just, I saw my life
17:07 just flashed in front of me.
17:08 Yes.
17:09 And my mother had told me,
17:12 you know, to cut the bushes in front of the house.
17:15 This is before I moved into my home.
17:17 And I didn't listen.
17:19 And I almost died that night
17:23 and that was right after my brother had passed away.
17:26 And that was just a few months I was attacked
17:29 and I didn't listen, out of the mouth of babes.
17:32 So, but I don't feel comfortable carrying a gun.
17:35 I just don't feel comfortable.
17:37 Yeah. A lot of people don't.
17:38 And then the thing is,
17:39 you know, like you said, the guy came after you,
17:41 but now what they're doing, not only are they robbing you,
17:46 there's a lot of human trafficking.
17:47 A lot of women,
17:49 little girls are getting snatched up.
17:53 Women my age? Women your age.
17:56 Yup. Younger kids.
17:58 Yeah. A lot of it don't go on the news.
18:00 The human trafficking is big in Detroit.
18:02 I knew that, but you could just be somewhere
18:05 it's going to snatch it and then they are marketing
18:08 you somewhere else in another part of the country, you know?
18:11 Here, actually here, It's right here.
18:14 Yes. You're staying right here.
18:16 And they're using you here, drugged up
18:18 using you to do whatever.
18:20 And no one can find you. Yes, Chaplain Berry?
18:22 Also in Canada, because you have right there,
18:24 another country right across the water.
18:26 So they're trafficking back and forth over in Canada,
18:29 very easily.
18:30 How they going to get a human being over in Canada?
18:32 That's why I say stay away from vans.
18:34 They snatch you up in a van
18:35 and you can just cross the border easily.
18:38 So stay away from van.
18:39 So you see a van come up to you, run, move quickly.
18:44 Be cautious, just be aware. Yes.
18:47 Be aware. Okay.
18:49 Chaplain Berry, let's go back,
18:50 you know, you being Seventh-day Adventist,
18:53 you know, how did you become a Seventh-day Adventist?
18:56 Well, my mother was a Seventh-day Adventist,
18:57 but my grandmother started, she came from California
19:01 with the message with the Seventh-day Adventist
19:03 message and brought it to the family.
19:06 And then my brother and my mother
19:08 and my grandmother started going to City Temple.
19:10 And so, it kind of migrated into the family from there.
19:13 Do your officers know you're Seventh-day Adventists?
19:16 Yes.
19:17 You know, and are there any conflicts that you see being,
19:21 you know, as a Seventh-day Adventist
19:23 Christian police officer, chaplain?
19:25 No.
19:26 It's sort of like a doctor, you know,
19:28 you have to go in and save lives.
19:29 And so that's kind of how I look at it.
19:31 So when we get that call, we on 24 hour calls,
19:33 when we get that call,
19:35 especially no one want to get that call officer down,
19:37 but that's a mandate for everybody to go to that area,
19:41 go to the hospital.
19:42 But you know, we have to be,
19:44 somebody has to do the work.
19:45 So I think with what I'm doing now,
19:48 it's nondenominational.
19:50 So we doesn't look at denomination,
19:51 we just look at manpower,
19:52 who's available to do the job when it's needed.
19:55 So when you have someone call you and say,
19:57 we need you here, you know,
19:59 like recently I had to go to a suicide.
20:02 So when they call me, when they send that text
20:03 and says, I need you to go to this address,
20:05 a young man just committed suicide.
20:07 You have to go.
20:08 Do you have a high risk of suicide among police officers?
20:11 Very, yes. It is.
20:14 Wow. Okay.
20:16 See, I need to be sitting next to you in church.
20:18 Now I know all this. Okay.
20:20 You know, you sit a row in front of me
20:22 on the other end.
20:24 You always have, and I'm sitting behind you.
20:26 But now that I know, but do we have enough manpower?
20:29 I see the deacons at our door at church,
20:32 but is that enough to protect our whole church?
20:36 No, not really.
20:37 But you know, if something is better than nothing,
20:40 they need to be more out there
20:43 and they need to be more identifiable,
20:45 like wearing the gear or wearing security
20:48 vest or something to let people know that we do have security.
20:50 They're in plain clothes, they just walk around.
20:53 They just look like a regular parishioner.
20:55 Have you brought this to the attention of our church board?
20:58 You know, suggested this to our church?
21:00 Well, I have not, but they did talk about security,
21:02 but it's a conference issue too,
21:04 about different things that goes on with security.
21:07 So you have to make sure that you legal
21:09 and that is something that can go to the conference.
21:12 Well, okay, Officer Franklin, you're married?
21:13 Yes.
21:15 How do you balance all of this?
21:16 You know and keeping your wife calm
21:19 and you coming through that door,
21:21 you know, how do you do it?
21:23 Communicate, it's a partnership.
21:25 This you know, we have five kids,
21:27 me and my wife, we've been married 22 years.
21:32 Both of us saved. That's the main thing.
21:34 Congratulations, praise the Lord.
21:36 That's the main thing is having
21:37 a relationship with Christ,
21:39 like we got to make sacrifices.
21:41 Like I might work quite a bit, but she understand
21:44 why we've got five kids to take care of.
21:46 My wife, she's a stay at home mom.
21:48 Okay.
21:49 She has a master's degree in math education.
21:52 She used to be a math teacher.
21:54 But as we had our five children,
21:56 she saw that the children was being neglected.
21:58 So she was like, no, no.
21:59 Somebody needs to be home with these kids.
22:02 So she made the sacrifice giving up her career
22:05 and I work and do what I have to do
22:07 to support the family.
22:08 That's so beautiful.
22:10 I act as applaud you,
22:12 I always wanted to be a stay at home mom,
22:14 but it didn't work out.
22:15 Arthur told me, go to work.
22:17 You know, but we didn't have five children either.
22:19 All right, you know?
22:21 Officer Franklin,
22:23 what happens when your wife is at home
22:25 and the concerns that she may have,
22:28 that you are not responding to her phone calls
22:32 or meeting her, you know,
22:34 like he's supposed to been here five minutes ago,
22:36 but he wasn't.
22:37 Has that ever happened between you and your wife?
22:40 Yes, Actually July 2nd, 2004,
22:45 it was coming from the Taste Fest,
22:46 downtown Detroit.
22:48 So we get a call bar being held up.
22:52 So me and my partner, we respond.
22:54 two officers going to the building.
22:56 So soon as they go into the building,
22:59 young man starts shooting at us.
23:01 So all I hear is gunshots.
23:03 So I get shot in the leg, fall to the ground.
23:07 Two bullets literally flew past my ear.
23:10 So I went and reached for my gun.
23:12 As I reached for my gun,
23:14 another bullet hit me in my thumb
23:16 broke my tendon in my finger.
23:17 So I grabbed my gun, pointed it towards the guy,
23:20 fired two shots at him.
23:22 So after I fired two shots at the guy,
23:24 I ended up telling my partner.
23:27 I was like, officer got shot. We got to go.
23:29 So he jumped in the car, I jumped in the car.
23:32 So I started driving towards the hospital.
23:33 So he was like, I thought you said the officer got shot.
23:35 I was like, I did. I got shot, man.
23:37 So he thought I was playing.
23:38 So he sort of holding my leg and my thumb bleeding.
23:44 So he's like man, do you want me to drive?
23:46 So he only had like probably a year and a half on.
23:49 I was like, man, I'll drive
23:50 because I didn't want him to panic.
23:52 So drive to pull up to Detroit Receiving Hospital.
23:55 So as soon as I pull up to the hospital,
23:57 you know, the doctors run to a side,
23:59 come on, we got to get them out.
24:01 So I jump out the car like, no, I'm the one got shot.
24:04 So they ended up wheeling me in there
24:06 and set me down.
24:08 So everybody make the hospital, officer got shot.
24:14 So I was like, I'm just like, well, we got to make
24:16 contact with family member you want us to notify?
24:19 So I was like give them the address to my house.
24:22 So they make their way out to my house.
24:24 So I called my wife on the phone
24:27 and I told her what happened.
24:30 So I ended up being off of work for like six months,
24:33 had a bullet in my leg for about three months
24:36 because they couldn't move it.
24:38 And actually I still can't bend my thumb all the way
24:42 till this day from being shot in the thumb.
24:44 It was just an eye-opener.
24:46 Let's put it that way.
24:47 So that's why I said, it's good to know the Lord.
24:50 Is good to know the Lord.
24:51 Because at that time
24:54 three other officers got shot that year
24:57 and all three of them died.
24:59 And all three died? All three died.
25:00 Yup.
25:02 All I can say is live to be well.
25:04 Chaplin Berry, you worried about your officers,
25:06 aren't you?
25:07 Oh, yes.
25:08 I pray for them every day, not just the officers,
25:10 the first responders,
25:11 because it's more than just local police officers.
25:14 It's worldwide, you know?
25:16 What is your major concern, you know, for your officers?
25:19 What's your major concern?
25:21 Life, you know, safety,
25:23 you know, to be safety and to be aware
25:25 of their surroundings and always to watch their six,
25:27 watch their back and you know, like we told in roll call,
25:29 make sure that you take care of your partner
25:32 because there are normally its two individuals out there,
25:34 two or more, It depends on what assignment they have.
25:37 But sometimes you have officers out there by themselves
25:39 when they are at Adam car, that's a single car,
25:41 but you know, just to be cognizant
25:43 of their surroundings and not taking any chances,
25:47 that's the biggest thing, you know,
25:49 follow your first mile, let that instinct kick in,
25:51 you know, just be aware.
25:52 Be aware.
25:53 How do you find me time?
25:55 What do you do for me time? Officer Berry?
25:57 For me I go, I work out,
25:59 there's also a gym in the precinct.
26:01 So I just go to the gym and do stuff.
26:03 I'm a nature person.
26:04 So I go out for walks,
26:05 the bell out and stuff like that.
26:07 And just kind of, and you got to get into the Word.
26:08 So I read the Bible a lot and let God minister to me,
26:11 so I can be spiritually grounded.
26:13 So when I do get a call,
26:15 hopefully I never get a call but when I do get the call,
26:17 I'm spiritually ready for that.
26:21 Me time? Me time.
26:25 Play basketball,
26:27 spend time with the kids and wife
26:29 when I get a chance to.
26:30 Yes. Yeah.
26:32 So, praying, reading your Word,
26:36 communication.
26:38 Well, I've learned some things to keep myself safe.
26:42 How I'm going to pump my gas,
26:44 look out for vans because I never
26:46 thought about that.
26:47 I just didn't think about that.
26:49 And I think that God is protecting me.
26:50 I pray before I get in and out of my car,
26:53 but you know, I try to, I have a handicap license
26:57 and I park close to the stores going in and out,
27:00 but I'm going to be more aware
27:02 and I'm going to be and I, and Chaplain Berry,
27:05 I want to talk a little bit more about,
27:07 you know the impact of carrying a weapon.
27:11 And I have to maybe look at my life
27:14 and the protection of my life.
27:16 And so I want to be everything that God needs me to be.
27:22 I want to thank you both for coming on.
27:24 You shared a lot of information and my prayers are with you.
27:28 I thank God for you and you truly,
27:31 I applaud you because to protect and serve.
27:34 Because where would we be without you?
27:37 I want to thank you for viewing today on Live To Be Well,
27:39 because it's so important that we recognize
27:42 and that we appreciate.
27:43 If you see a police officer out and about,
27:46 go and shake their hand and say, thank you,
27:49 thank you for protecting me.
27:50 I'm going to treat Chaplain Berry differently
27:52 than and I'm nice to him anyway, right?
27:55 Yes, you are.
27:56 Just a different respect.
27:58 And I thank God that they both love God and serve God.
28:01 Remember, protect to serve and live to be well.
28:04 I'm Dr. Kim, God bless.
28:07 Thank you, officers.


Revised 2021-08-30