Live to Be Well

Restored By Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190041S

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlan and welcome to Live to Be Well.
00:53 What is Live To Be Well all about? Mind, body and soul but
00:58 a connection to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today I
01:02 want to welcome Jelani Grady. Welcome Jelani. How are you?
01:05 I'm doing well. Thanks for having me.
01:07 Oh, you're very welcome. I'm excited because we're going to
01:10 talk about restored by faith. Yes. Well, I'm just going to let
01:14 you talk about what God has done for you. Tell us your journey.
01:18 Sure. Well you know when I was young I was probably around
01:22 three years old my parents have pictures of me preaching from
01:27 the word of God, just preaching very hard and telling people
01:32 about Jesus. I was about two or three years old. And I remember
01:36 at an early age then God really spoke to me and wanted me to be
01:40 in the ministry or to have influence, a positive influence
01:43 over people. But you know growing up I had the wonderful
01:48 parents, Dorothy and Ed Grady, beautiful people. I love my
01:52 parents. I remember them teaching me all about the love
01:56 of God and I had a true love for God and my passion was to serve
02:01 him. But as you get older you start to have influences on you
02:06 and the decisions start to have to be made of which way you're
02:09 going to go. And I remember that I wouldn't completely commit my
02:14 talents and my love for God. I would have one foot in the
02:18 church, you hear that saying, and one foot out. I would
02:22 contribute with music and things like this but I didn't
02:25 necessarily give 100 percent of my talents to God. So I remember
02:30 I went to Great Lakes Adventist Academy, a boarding school, and
02:35 I remember it was my senior year and it was almost two months
02:39 before graduation. I was to graduate and I remember that I
02:43 started to feel funny. I didn't start to feel well. And I
02:47 remember that I started to get real tired. I was a really good
02:51 athlete. I was 18 years old. I was in the prime of my life and
02:56 I used to play basketball, you know, flying up and down the
02:58 court. And I would just love basketball and athletics and I
03:02 remember that I went down the court one time and I had to come
03:06 out of the game and sit down. And I remember I couldn't catch
03:10 my breath and I knew something wasn't quite right. And I
03:13 remember that I started to get really fatigued during the week.
03:19 I didn't have a lot of strength to move things around and I
03:22 would sleep a lot. And I started to itch all over my body, just
03:27 started to itch, itch, itch. Even in my sleep I was
03:30 scratching, my roommate said. I remember going to the nursing
03:33 staff and they said, Well we can't really figure out what's
03:36 going on with you but we gave you some anti-itch medicine, see
03:40 if that would help. Eventually that died down but I started to
03:44 just get so fatigued I really couldn't go about my day without
03:49 having to go and sleep and rest. And so I phoned home and I
03:53 called my parents and I said, Listen, you know, I really don't
03:56 feel well and I started to explain my symptoms to them and
03:59 they said, Well see if you can make it to graduation and we'll
04:02 deal with it when you get back home. They really didn't know
04:06 how serious it was at the time. And I didn't even know. Nobody
04:09 really understood what was going on. So I remember graduation
04:14 came and my parents came up to Great Lakes. It was a weekend so
04:18 they arrived on Friday. So I was supposed to have all my things
04:21 packed away and packed up and all of my books and all of the
04:26 things to go back home. But I remember I couldn't do it.
04:29 Didn't have the strength. And when they came into the room
04:32 and they saw all of my things not packed, they said, Son why
04:35 didn't you pack your clothes. You know, we're leaving on
04:38 Sunday. And then they saw my condition and they saw that I
04:42 had lost weight and they saw that I didn't have the energy
04:45 and they were really worried at that time. I could just see it
04:48 on their faces. I remember after graduation came that Sunday we
04:52 were ready to leave and someone had to help pack my things in
04:56 the car. And I remember sleeping all the way home. They had to
05:00 physically wake me up to get me out of the car. So they knew
05:04 something was seriously wrong. So I found myself at the
05:06 doctor's that very next day. And I remember coming home after
05:11 they took blood work and these things and probably about two
05:14 hours later we get a phone call saying you need to come back and
05:18 you need to go to the hospital there's something wrong with
05:21 your creatinine. Well I had never heard of that before, I
05:24 didn't know what that was. My parents didn't know what it was.
05:26 Come to find out that it's what measures your kidney function,
05:31 how good you kidneys were functioning. Well my levels were
05:35 high. So I came back to the doctor's. They explained to me,
05:40 they said listen, Your son's creatinine is elevated and we're
05:44 going to need to do a biopsy of both his kidneys to see what's
05:50 causing this level to rise. So I remember going in and then
05:54 having a biopsy done. And the report comes back and
05:58 fortunately your son has a kidney disease and not just one
06:01 kidney, but both of them.
06:03 Both kidneys?
06:04 Both kidneys. So I'm in the prime of my life, just graduated
06:07 high school, was ready to go to college. But now this health
06:11 crisis is now presented. And so my whole life is put on hold.
06:16 I remember they're saying listen we're going to try to stop the
06:19 damage that's being caused. So they said you need to come and
06:23 get this intravenous medication called prednisone. Now I don't
06:28 you've ever known prednisone. Have you ever heard of it.
06:31 I've heard of it.
06:32 It is probably one of the worst medications that I've ever been
06:36 on. And at that time they gave it to you intravenously, but
06:40 you're supposed to take it in pill form. But they were trying
06:43 to stop the damage that was being done to my kidneys. So I
06:47 remember taking it intravenously and I was real sick. You know,
06:51 it was almost like a chemo reaction like to a chemo drug.
06:54 I was getting nauseous and ready to vomit and these things. And I
06:59 had to do that for two weeks. So at the end of that thing
07:02 they were like you need to go on medication. We're going to keep
07:05 you on this medication for a whole year. And so prednisone
07:09 gives you mood swings, it makes you gain weight, you get hunger
07:15 like you get so hungry that you almost lose your mind. I mean
07:19 this is what I was going through
07:21 Side effects.
07:22 Side effects are just awful but the end of this thing at the
07:26 year my mother was like listen he's got to come off of this
07:29 medication. It literally was changing my personality. That's
07:32 how bad it was. Wow! So I remember telling her I don't
07:35 care what happens, I got to get off this stuff. I can't live
07:38 like this. So going to the doctor, he said Listen, we're
07:42 going to give you... the rate that your kidneys are being
07:46 damaged you only probably have about two years, before you
07:49 have to be on dialysis and have a transplant. So I remember my
07:52 mother looking at the doctor and telling him, You know I
07:56 understand your timeline, but we're Christians and we believe
07:59 in God's timeline. And I remember he chuckled and to this
08:03 day he chuckles at my mom and said, You know, I understand all
08:06 that but you know we're the doctors and this is the timeline
08:09 we're giving him. So we left that office expecting that this
08:15 thing would happen in two years. But my mother was a praying
08:18 mother and so she was praying over my life and she said, I
08:21 don't believe that this is the case for my son. So I remember
08:26 that each year went by. So year one goes by, year two goes by,
08:30 three, four, five, 21 years goes by and my kidneys do not
08:36 fail like that doctor said that it would in two years. So during
08:41 this time God is really trying to speak to me saying I need you
08:46 to work with me. I need you to work for the kingdom, I need you
08:50 to give 100 percent to me. And so still unwilling to do it,
08:56 still fighting him on this thing And so I remember in 2013, my
09:02 son was three months old and I remember that we had to take my
09:05 daughter to a doctor's appointment. And I remember we
09:08 were on the way. I remember that day it snowed really bad. So we
09:12 were on the way to my daughter's doctor's appointment and
09:16 something came over to me where I felt like I was going to die.
09:19 And I remember telling my wife I need to go to the ER
09:24 immediately. So she turned the car around and headed straight
09:28 to the emergency room. So when I arrived the doctors came in and
09:32 they took blood work. A person's kidney function, the normal
09:35 kidney function is 0.6- 1.0. Mine was at 11. And so I was in
09:43 serious trouble and I needed dialysis right away. I remember
09:46 being in the hospital for a month...
09:50 From that day going to the emergency room?
09:52 From the emergency room I was in the hospital for a month. And I
09:55 remember that they had placed a port into my side, into what
10:00 they call it peritoneal where they would use this machine
10:04 to give me dialysis and it would fill my stomach up with fluid
10:09 and then it would drain it off and I would be on this machine
10:13 for six to eight hours at night. So this started my journey into
10:18 being on dialysis. So, mind you, my son is three months
10:24 and I have four children. So my wife has to continue now, she
10:29 has a sick husband and she has four children she has to take
10:32 care of and one is a newborn. And so the stress on her was
10:37 tremendous. I remember that being sick is probably one of
10:43 hardest things for a spouse to deal with because not only do
10:46 they have to still function but they may have to deal with the
10:51 spouse and help them to be healthy and take care of them as
10:55 well. So that True in sickness and in health came to play in
10:59 our marriage. So I remember at that time, I was fighting God
11:04 on doing the things that he wanted me to do all this time
11:07 21 years of talking to me, pleading with me to give
11:11 everything. So do you think I was ready to listen now? No.
11:14 Oh I was. I was ready at this time now. I'm in trouble. Now
11:21 I'm sick, now I'm near death. You know now these things are...
11:24 And I'm like, Oh my goodness. I hear you God, I'm ready now.
11:27 So a severe wake up call.
11:29 My goodness, I was then now ready to work for him. And I
11:32 remember going to my pastor, Pastor Ariel, and I remember
11:36 going to him, sitting in front of him. I'm like listen. I
11:38 remember grabbing his hands. I'm like I need to do something.
11:41 I gotta work for God now! I have to do something, my life is in
11:45 trouble. I don't know how much time I have on this earth, but
11:48 one thing I have got to do what God has asked me to do for so
11:52 so long now. I have got to do it now! So I remember him giving me
11:57 a Bible study to do. My first Bible study was a terminally ill
12:01 man. Can you believe that? A terminally ill man. So I
12:05 remember working with this man and eventually he accepted Jesus
12:09 Christ right before he passed away...
12:10 Oh wow, Praise the Lord!
12:12 Now this is my first experience into ministry. From then on I
12:15 began to give Bible studies and then I stepped into being a
12:18 deacon, then I became an elder, and I began to preach and to do
12:22 all those things and motivating people to give their heart to
12:25 Jesus Christ. So meanwhile I'm still on dialysis.
12:30 The peritoneal dialysis stopped working [Oh No!] and I had to go
12:33 into the hospital. I was in and out of the hospital. I couldn't
12:37 stay out. I was starting to get sicker and sicker so I remember
12:39 a doctor finally coming into my room and she said, listen, we
12:43 know you want to do the peritoneal dialysis, it's easier
12:46 for you but we think you need to switch to hemodialysis. Now
12:50 that's where they cycle your blood through the machine. [Ya]
12:53 And they put this thing in your arm, a port in your arm, and
12:58 this is what happens and they cycle your blood through and
13:01 that's called hemodialysis. And so I had to then switch to that.
13:06 Now that is very draining and I had to do that three times a
13:11 week. Now I was working three 12s at the time. And I remember
13:16 when I started that treatment I was unable to continue to work
13:20 so I remember going on disability. And I remember my
13:23 energy level was just awful. Like I would after... Treatment
13:28 would be probably around three-and-a-half hours. After
13:30 treatment I would come home and I would sleep for about five
13:34 hours and get up and start walking around again but still
13:37 laying around. The next day getting my energy back but then
13:41 having to do the cycle all over again. And so this continued for
13:45 two-and-a-half years. I remember at the end of the
13:48 two-and-a-half years I'm just like man I need to get a
13:51 transplant. I said, I can't live like this anymore. I remember
13:55 that I started getting anxiety when I was on the machine.
13:58 I started at the end of my treatment almost like I was
14:01 gonna go crazy. Things started to happen and I was like
14:04 starting to get discouraged. So I remember I said, Boy I need to
14:08 get a transplant. And just to be clear you're considered terminal
14:14 until you get the cure, which is a kidney transplant [Wow] And so
14:18 I was living like this for two- and-a-half years. So finally I
14:21 said, Boy I wonder if I could reach out to someone and maybe
14:26 they can donate to me. And I remember putting it on Facebook.
14:29 And I remember going in front of the church. People were saying
14:33 you know I needed help with a kidney transplant. And I
14:37 remember that approximately six people tried to donate.
14:41 You could donate anonymously. You can go get your blood tested
14:47 to see if you're a match with the person...
14:49 Okay let me ask you a question. Sorry to interrupt.
14:52 No, you're good.
14:53 You were on the donors' list at the hospital?
14:56 I was. I was on the donors' list
14:57 But nothing was coming in.
14:59 Well it's what happens is that I have O positive blood type and
15:04 so that's considered a rare blood type and so you're on the
15:09 list but the chances of you getting a kidney for O positive
15:13 was going to be very difficult and the timeline for that was
15:17 eight to ten years before I would get what they call a
15:20 cadaver meaning that someone would have to pass away before
15:24 I would be able to get the kidney. So what they encourage
15:27 you to do is not only get on the list but to look for a live
15:30 donor, someone who can give you a kidney. Some people may...
15:37 some people don't understand that you can live a normal life
15:41 with just one kidney. People are born with one kidney. And so
15:45 live donors are your best option sometimes just because your
15:49 kidney functions better. Coming to find out that in my situation
15:55 I was really sick and I needed to have a kidney to be able...
15:59 Because dialysis is not the cure Remember that's only keeping you
16:04 alive and assisting you to clean your blood, but that's not the
16:06 cure. Having an actual transplant or a healthy kidney
16:10 is what is the cure. So I remember then reaching out to my
16:15 best friend. He just came into my mind. I'm like why don't I
16:18 ask my best friend and see if he would get tested. And so I
16:22 remember I called him up and he was living in Cleveland.
16:25 His name is Zack Mattox. And I have to give him a shout-out.
16:30 He is so... he doesn't like the attention and all that stuff but
16:33 I will say his name over and over again, Zack Mattox.
16:36 Osachwai Mattox is his real name But he was living in Cleveland
16:43 at the time. So I remember calling him and saying, Hey do
16:47 you think you could donate or try to get tested and see if a
16:51 match that you can help. Because I was literally so sick...
16:53 Now this is not like asking somebody, Can I borrow your car?
16:56 You're asking for someone's kidney!
16:59 And remember now you're literally needed a lifesaving
17:03 measure here.
17:05 And you didn't know what... Did you know his blood type?
17:07 I did not.
17:08 That's why you wanted him tested [That's right] All right go on.
17:10 He never hesitated, never hesitated. He said Absolutely.
17:13 Meanwhile he has a family. He has three children and a wife
17:18 and he never hesitated. And I remember there's four cycles
17:21 that you have to pass in order to be a healthy donor. You have
17:25 to be healthy, one. [Be healthy] You have to be healthy. Then you
17:29 have to make sure that your kidney is functional meaning
17:34 that there's no defects or anything like that. So they have
17:37 to do an ultrasound. And then you have to see if your heart
17:40 is healthy and strong. You have to do an EKG. And the next thing
17:44 you need to know, Is your blood compatible with the other
17:48 person's blood type. So I remember he started the process.
17:52 And he would text me. Passed stage 1. I'm not really excited
17:59 this time because you know it's the beginning. So we don't even
18:02 know if he's going to be the same blood type. And I remember
18:04 he texted me again, Passed stage 2. I'm like wow this is really
18:10 happening. [All right] Texted me again a couple weeks later,
18:14 passed stage 3. So I'm like oh my goodness there's only one
18:17 stage left. [Yes] So this is where they see if you're the
18:21 correct blood type. And I remember he texted me the last
18:25 stage, he said, I am a complete match! I passed stage 4.
18:28 And I tell you, a just unbelievable feeling of just
18:33 being so sick and now I have the possibility to be healthy
18:36 again. I just couldn't contain myself. I remember weeping on
18:39 the side of my bed, just incredible tears because I was
18:42 like wow! Being sick for so long having this issue from 18 and
18:47 for 21 years now I've been struggling with this thing and
18:51 to think that I could possibly have a cure. And I remember that
18:56 he called and he said, Man, I did it man, I did it. And I
19:01 remember that his wife was going through nursing school. She was
19:04 actually a nurse but she was going through NPR, nurse
19:08 practitioner school. So I did not want them to stop that
19:11 process until she was finished. Because she was in the school
19:14 and you know if you come out of the program it's very difficult
19:17 to get back in to where you were I said listen don't worry about
19:21 that. Let her finish. Six months later on June 22nd, 2016 we went
19:28 and had the transplant surgery and I just celebrated my third
19:32 year anniversary June 22nd of this year.
19:35 Praise the Lord. Oh I'm glad... (Indistinct)
19:37 And he's doing wonderful!
19:39 He's doing wonderful!
19:41 His wife is well?
19:42 She's doing great.
19:44 The Lord is good. [Yes he is] And you're feeling well?
19:47 Listen, I promise you the energy that I have. The amazing... From
19:55 age 18 I never had the same energy. I was always tired.
19:59 But now I don't get tired anymore. I'm able to run around
20:02 with my children. I'm able to do things that I could not do
20:05 before. And I'm in wonderful health. My labs are doing great
20:09 and the blessing that God has... And he didn't just save me.
20:14 I tell people... I did a sermon and I called it Saved to Serve.
20:17 [Come on now] He didn't save me just so I could be here and
20:21 enjoy life. He saved me so I can serve someone else. [Yes!]
20:25 And my family taking care of them and then taking care of
20:28 others who don't know Jesus Christ. That was the purpose and
20:31 that's the reason why he saved me and so from henceforth until
20:36 I die I'm going to be sharing the love of Jesus Christ with
20:39 anyone I can and encourage them to have a relationship with
20:42 Jesus Christ.
20:44 So Saved to Serve. I have to write that down. Saved to Serve.
20:48 I can only say that truly God is in your life. You were born and
20:54 raised Seventh-day Adventist? [Yes, yes ma'am] and you are
20:57 a member of the Oakwood Seventh- day Adventist Church? [I am]
20:59 And this is where you are a deacon? [I'm an elder] You're an
21:02 elder. Elder Grady. [Yeah] Thank you. And serving God.
21:07 How many children do you have?
21:10 I have four children. My oldest is 19, her name is Hannah.
21:15 And I have a 10-year-old, her name is Halani. Then I have a
21:19 seven-year-old, her name is Hadassah and my son, finally got
21:24 a son in there, is five years old and his name is Josiah.
21:28 Josiah. When you think about your dear friend... Were you
21:32 classmates?
21:33 This is a great... I'm glad you asked that question. It's funny.
21:36 Back when a teenager his family moved from New York to Michigan,
21:42 all of a sudden they moved there and I was actually visiting
21:46 Oakwood Church, I didn't go to that church back then, but I was
21:49 actually visiting that church and he had just moved there
21:53 and his family was visiting that church. And I remember I met him
21:56 in the hallway and something told me to go up to him, now I
22:00 know it's the Holy Spirit, but something told me to go up to
22:04 to him. So when I went up to him I said, Hey man my name is
22:06 Jelani. Hey my name is Zack. We were teenagers so we were
22:09 talking all ridiculous. But then I was like, Hey what are you
22:13 doing here? He said, Hey man I just moved here. And from that
22:17 moment on we were inseparable. [What?] And we spent summer
22:22 after summer, we became so close And he remembered when I was
22:27 diagnosed. He was there. He remembered when I was diagnosed.
22:30 And to think 21 years later he's the one that saved my life.
22:34 It's just amazing what God did. Just amazing.
22:37 Why do you love life now?
22:41 You know, when you're sick and when you have something that
22:48 is debilitating you start to lose focus and the devil uses
22:52 those things to discourage and now looking back on it and I
22:58 see where I was to where I am now and all of the vigor of life
23:03 that I have and all of the time that I get to spend with my
23:08 children where I'm healthy and I'm strong, all those things,
23:12 they matter now more than ever. So each second I get, each week
23:18 I get, each month I get, each year I get it's just amazing.
23:23 I meet so many people, but men who get frustrated when they
23:29 spend time with their children or I need my ME time. Now we all
23:34 need our me time. Or they're spending time doing things that
23:40 is not pleasing to the Lord and some are bound by sin. And I
23:45 hear you say that because of your relationship... You see
23:49 people don't understand, it's not just attending church but
23:53 it's a relationship. It's not just being married, it's a
23:56 relationship. It's not just what I'm doing with Live to be Well
24:01 but it's a relationship with the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network.
24:04 It's a relationship that I have with Jason Bradley, my program
24:08 director. It's that relationship that I have with my family.
24:11 So you have to put the time in. So you value being a husband?
24:17 [Right] And value being a father? A servant in your church
24:21 Now are there any restrictions at all with your health?
24:25 You know, the Seventh-day Adventist church has a great
24:27 health message and I believe that the reason why I was able
24:32 to last so long as well is because I took care of myself.
24:35 And I believe that I exercised and I did those things but also
24:39 the restrictions I place on myself now is that I still have
24:43 to be proactive with my health. [Yeah] Even more so now because
24:47 I have something so precious. So working out, eating right,
24:50 getting rest and drinking your water, all those things that we
24:54 teach and preach that has to be lived even when you have the
24:59 cure. You still have to monitor your health. You still have to
25:02 be very careful and calculated when you're dealing with your
25:05 health.
25:07 So even though we know there are other people who believe in
25:10 the word of God, they believe that Jesus is coming again but
25:14 they put things in their bodies. So you're saying you stay away
25:17 from tobacco [Yeah], you stay away from alcohol, you stay away
25:21 from anything that could bring harm to your body, your kidney.
25:25 One hundred percent, and there's also medications, they're called
25:29 antirejection medications that you have to take and that you
25:34 have to be faithful with. But alcohol and smoking and those
25:39 type of things would literally destroy your kidney. And so
25:43 before that, I believe I lasted for 21 years because I didn't
25:47 engage in those things.
25:48 All those you did before.
25:50 Absolutely 100 percent. And even afterward to be healthy and
25:53 keep your kidney functioning. You have to be very vigilant
25:57 when dealing with your health. And those things such as smoking
26:00 and drinking or alcohol abuse, all those will absolutely kill
26:04 your kidney.
26:06 And your organs, it takes its toll. They said to me the reason
26:09 I was able to get through my breast cancer so quickly and
26:11 radiation because I did not consume substances in my body.
26:17 [100 percent] and 100 percent. You want to thank somebody. Who
26:21 is it that you want to thank?
26:22 You know, first of all, I want to thank God for never giving up
26:25 on me. That's first of all. God was so patient and he was so
26:31 loving and so kind. You know the verse, Yea though I walk through
26:35 the valley of the shadow of death, you know, I literally was
26:38 walking that path. But God said son, you'll have to go through
26:42 these things. You may have to have these issues and problems.
26:46 But I'll be there right with you. So I just wanted to thank
26:49 my best friend as well. If he had not been willing and if he
26:53 didn't know God, if he had not been willing to sacrifice... The
26:57 Bible says that greater love hath no man than this, that he
27:02 lay down his life for his friend He was willing to risk his
27:07 health and well-being to save mine. What an example. What did
27:11 Jesus do for us?
27:13 He laid down his life.
27:14 He laid down his life that we might live. That's what my best
27:17 friend really did for me.
27:18 And the organization, real quickly.
27:20 National Kidney Foundation. You can get all the information on
27:24 that website if you want to look into that. Also on your license
27:29 there's a box in behind there that you can check to be a
27:32 donor and literally you can save someone's life. I'm a living
27:36 witness. Someone invested in me and here today because someone
27:39 chose to donate their kidney to me and I'm now living.
27:43 Let me say Jelani we're so happy that you are alive. And we thank
27:47 you for being a part of the Dare to Dream Network, the
27:50 family. And I thank God for the vision. Let's be a donor because
27:55 it could be you or I next time. God has a reason for us to live
28:00 and that is to live to be well so that we'll be a blessing.
28:04 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlan and remember Live To Be Well.
28:08 God bless.
28:09 ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-09-21