Matthew 24

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MAT

Program Code: MAT000009S

00:20 Shall we pray?
00:22 Father in heaven, we come before Your throne once again,
00:26 to continue this very important series
00:29 on Matthew 24 and 25.
00:31 We need the special guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
00:34 So we ask that You will be present here
00:37 through the Spirit that we might understand,
00:40 and we might apply the teachings that we learn.
00:44 I ask, Lord, that You will take away
00:46 every obstacle from our hearts
00:48 that would keep us from embracing the truth.
00:51 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
00:53 for we ask it in Jesus' name.
00:56 Amen.
00:58 The title of our ninth study in this series is Matthew 24,
01:03 and the False Prophet.
01:05 No, it's not a typo.
01:07 It's not the false prophets.
01:09 It is the false prophet.
01:11 And you'll see the reason why.
01:13 Matthew 24 refers to false prophets
01:17 twice in the chapter.
01:19 The first time in verse 11
01:22 and the second time in verse 24.
01:26 But there's a difference.
01:27 Whereas the reference in verse 11 says that
01:30 God's people would have tribulation,
01:33 in verse 24, actually, verse 21 through 24,
01:37 it refers to Great Tribulation.
01:41 So the first tribulation is just tribulation,
01:44 the second tribulation is the Great Tribulation.
01:49 Now, in order to understand these references
01:52 to false prophets in verse 11 and in verse 24,
01:56 we need to take into account two things.
01:59 First of all, we need to look at the context
02:04 in which these false prophets appear
02:07 in Chapter 24 of Matthew.
02:10 And secondly, we need to look at the Mosaic legislation
02:15 concerning false prophets.
02:18 I want to read the two references
02:20 in Matthew 24 to false prophets.
02:22 And then we will continue our study
02:25 by looking at these two contexts.
02:28 Matthew 24:9-11 reads as follows.
02:33 Then, notice, then is used three times.
02:35 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you,
02:40 and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.
02:44 And then many will be offended,
02:47 will betray one another, and will hate one another.
02:51 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."
02:57 Three sequential events, tribulation for God's people,
03:01 some will die, because they're being blamed
03:04 for all of the calamities that are mentioned
03:07 in verses 6 through 8.
03:09 Then when persecution comes, many are offended,
03:12 and they abandoned the faith.
03:14 And number three, then, many false prophets
03:18 who really are those who were offended by the message
03:21 will rise up and deceive many.
03:24 The second reference in Matthew 24
03:26 to false prophets is in verse 24.
03:30 This is in the context of the Great Tribulation.
03:34 It says, "Therefore false christs,
03:36 and false prophets will rise and show,"
03:40 listen now carefully,
03:41 "will show great signs and wonders to deceive,
03:46 if possible, even the elect."
03:49 So notice the false prophets show great signs and wonders
03:54 to deceive, if possible, the very elect.
03:58 Now in our study, we're going to find
04:00 that these false prophets do not appear in a vacuum.
04:05 Neither are they secular prophets
04:08 that prognosticate silly things
04:12 that have nothing to do with Bible prophecy.
04:15 What kind of false prophets
04:17 are these in Matthew Chapter 24?
04:20 Are they the Jeane Dixon or David Koresh types
04:25 that deceive practically no one or is there deception,
04:30 more deceptive, so to speak?
04:34 So let's examine first of all the biblical concept
04:38 of what a false prophet is.
04:40 We have to go back to the Mosaic legislation
04:43 to the writings of Moses.
04:45 So let's go back to Deuteronomy Chapter 13:1-5,
04:51 and I'm reading from Today's English Version,
04:55 which I like this particular translation.
04:58 Says the following,
05:00 "A prophet or an interpreter of dreams
05:03 may promise a miracle, or a wonder,"
05:07 same words that we found in Matthew 24,
05:11 "in order," now notice
05:12 what the miracle or wonder is for,
05:14 "in order to lead you to worship and serve gods
05:19 that you have not worshiped before."
05:21 In other words, that leads you into false worship.
05:24 "Even if what he promises comes true,"
05:28 that is the prophet
05:30 who performed a miracle or wonder,
05:32 "do not pay any attention to him.
05:35 The Lord your God is using him to test you,
05:38 to see if you," now notice several synonymous ideas,
05:43 "to see if you love the Lord with all your heart.
05:46 Follow the Lord and honor Him,
05:49 obey Him and keep His commands,
05:53 worship Him and be faithful to Him."
05:58 Now, this was very serious in the Old Testament,
06:01 because verse 5 continues,
06:03 "However, put to death any interpreter of dreams
06:08 or prophet that tells you to rebel against the Lord,
06:12 who rescued you from Egypt, where you were slaves.
06:15 Such a man is evil and is trying to lead you away
06:20 from the life that the Lord has commanded you to live.
06:23 He must be put to death
06:26 in order to rid yourselves of this evil."
06:28 Wow, solemn false prophets, according to this
06:33 were to suffer the death penalty.
06:37 This is during the Hebrew theocracy.
06:40 Now let's summarize
06:41 the characteristics of false prophets
06:43 according to the Mosaic legislation.
06:46 First of all, both the true and the false prophet
06:49 rise among the people of God.
06:51 They are not foreigners, they claim to serve the Lord.
06:55 Secondly, the false prophet is able to perform signs
07:00 and wonders as evidence
07:03 that what this false prophet is saying is true.
07:07 Number three, the false prophet encourages God's people
07:11 to practice false worship.
07:14 Number four, the false prophet seeks to entice God's people
07:19 to break the commandments of God.
07:22 Next, the false prophet entices the faithful from the way
07:28 that the Lord commanded His people to walk.
07:30 And finally, the true prophet rebukes sin
07:35 and teaches the people to walk after the Lord their God,
07:39 to fear him, to keep His commandments.
07:43 Remember this because Revelation 12:17
07:45 speaks of a remnant who keep
07:47 the commandments of God,
07:48 and to obey His voice and to serve
07:52 and hold fast to him.
07:55 So the false prophets are not outsiders,
07:57 they are insiders.
07:59 They claim to serve the Lord.
08:01 They claim the name of the Lord,
08:03 but they lead God's people astray.
08:07 They tell them to break God's commandments,
08:09 and to practice false worship.
08:13 Now, in contrast to the false prophets in Israel,
08:17 true prophets were the conscience of Israel.
08:21 They were not revolutionary innovators,
08:24 bringing in new truths
08:26 that had not been taught before.
08:28 Rather true prophets were the restorers
08:32 of the old landmarks.
08:34 They took people back, so to speak,
08:36 to the old time religion.
08:40 In fact, they were God's attorneys in divorce court,
08:44 because they had followed other gods,
08:45 they were disobeying God's commandments.
08:47 They were practicing false worship.
08:49 So the prophets, the true prophets
08:52 were God's attorneys
08:54 in divorce court saying, I want to divorce Israel.
09:00 Elijah is a prime example
09:03 of the quintessential true prophet.
09:06 He called God's people back to the way
09:10 that they had forsaken.
09:12 He repaired the altar of the Lord
09:14 that the sun worshipping Baal priests had torn down.
09:19 Notice how we find the mission of Elijah
09:23 in 1 Kings 18:37.
09:27 Here he is on Mount Carmel
09:29 and he's making a plea to Israel.
09:32 "Hear me, O Lord," in fact, he's praying to the Lord
09:35 in the presence of the people.
09:37 "Hear me, O Lord, hear me that this people may know
09:41 that You are the Lord God, and that," now the key part,
09:45 "and that you have turned their hearts
09:49 back to You again."
09:52 In other words, Elijah turns the people
09:54 back to the Lord their God
09:56 because they've gone astray from him.
09:59 Jesus also spoke of Elijah as the great restorer.
10:04 Elijah did not come to bring new truths,
10:08 but to bring people back to the old landmarks
10:11 that they had forsaken back to keeping God's commandments,
10:15 back to true worship.
10:17 Matthew 17:10, Jesus said, "Indeed,
10:22 Elijah is coming first and will restore all things."
10:28 In other words, he's going to restore what already existed
10:31 because the people had gone astray
10:33 from the religion of their fathers.
10:37 When Elijah sought to restore the truth of God,
10:41 enemies arose against him.
10:45 Probably the best known is Jezebel,
10:48 who was the leader of the false prophets.
10:51 Jezebel by using her false prophets
10:54 persecuted Elijah mercilessly.
10:58 It bears noting that Jezebel had this group
11:02 of 400 false prophets
11:04 that did the bidding of Jezebel,
11:08 and we know this because we are told
11:11 that the false prophets ate from Jezebel's table.
11:16 And, of course, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
11:21 I want you to remember the story of Elijah,
11:23 because in the Book of Revelation,
11:25 we're going to find a counterfeit Elijah.
11:28 You see the true Elijah brought fire from heaven,
11:31 but the counterfeit prophets of Baal could not,
11:34 but at the end of time,
11:36 the deceitfulness is going to be far greater,
11:39 because we're told that the false prophet
11:41 will bring fire down from heaven
11:43 in the sight of men.
11:44 He will do what the prophets of Baal,
11:47 the sun worshiping prophets of Baal were not able to do.
11:52 Now it's helpful for us to examine the message
11:56 of the false prophets that arose immediately
12:00 before the first destruction of Jerusalem
12:04 in the year 586.
12:07 It bears noting that Jeremiah, the prophet Jeremiah
12:10 was God's prophet immediately
12:13 before the Babylonian captivity.
12:16 And as we examine the Book of Jeremiah,
12:19 we find that repeatedly Jeremiah denounces
12:24 the false prophets, whose main trait
12:27 was to tell the people,
12:29 "Peace, peace, Jerusalem will not fall,
12:33 everything will be well."
12:36 And they did not rebuke the people
12:38 for disobeying God's commandments,
12:41 and for practicing false worship.
12:45 They arose among God's people to deceive the people
12:48 into thinking that they could
12:50 continue to practice false worship,
12:52 they could break the commandments of God,
12:54 and still everything would go well.
12:58 You see, Jerusalem was full of abominations,
13:01 and yet the false prophets cried peace, peace,
13:05 and predicted that Jerusalem
13:08 would never fall because it was God's city.
13:12 Notice Jeremiah 6:13-15,
13:17 "Because from the least of them,
13:20 even to the greatest of them,
13:22 everyone is given to covetousness,"
13:25 here we find a description of what was happening
13:27 among the people, "and from the prophet
13:30 even to the priest, everyone deals falsely."
13:35 Wow!
13:36 So where was this taking place?
13:39 The prophet and the priest, everyone was dealing falsely,
13:44 even the religious leaders.
13:45 Verse 14,
13:47 "They have also healed the hurt of My people
13:49 slightly, saying, 'Peace, peace!'
13:54 when there is no peace.
13:56 Were they ashamed
13:57 when they had committed abomination?
13:59 No, remember he's talking about the false prophets.
14:02 "They were not at all ashamed, nor did they know how to blush.
14:07 Therefore they shall fall among those who fall,
14:10 at the time I punish them,
14:12 they shall be cast down, says the Lord."
14:17 Saw the false prophets promised peace, peace
14:21 to those who despise the Lord.
14:24 They assured those who followed the impulse,
14:26 Paul says of their own hearts, that no evil would befall them.
14:30 Let's read that in Jeremiah 23:17.
14:35 Here God speaks,
14:36 "They continually say to those who despise me,
14:40 'The Lord has said, 'You shall have peace,'
14:44 and to everyone who walks according to the dictates
14:47 of his own heart, they say,
14:49 'No evil will come upon you.'"
14:52 So those who are following their own heart
14:55 and those who wanted peace and disobedience to God,
14:58 we are told that the false prophet said,
15:01 "No evil shall come upon you."
15:04 Jeremiah wrote that the false prophets
15:06 spoke in God's name,
15:09 and yet they were liars.
15:11 They assured the people that no evil
15:13 would come upon Jerusalem.
15:15 Notice Jeremiah 14:13-16.
15:19 And I'm reading many texts from Jeremiah to make a point,
15:23 because this is dealing with the false prophets
15:26 immediately before the destruction of Jerusalem
15:29 the first time.
15:30 False prophets are also mentioned
15:32 before the destruction of Jerusalem
15:33 at the second time.
15:35 And we know that at the end of time,
15:37 there will also be false prophets.
15:38 So we need to look at all three events.
15:41 Jeremiah 14:13-16,
15:44 "Then I said, 'Ah, Lord!
15:47 Behold, the prophets say to them,
15:50 'You shall not see the sword, nor shall you see, have famine,
15:55 but I will give you assured peace in this place.'
15:59 And the Lord said to me,
16:01 'The prophets prophesy lies in My name.'"
16:04 See that problem, they claim to serve the Lord.
16:07 "The prophets prophesy lies in My name.
16:11 I have not sent them, commanded them,
16:14 nor spoken to them,
16:16 they prophesy to you a false vision,
16:19 divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.
16:25 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
16:28 who prophesy in My name once again,
16:31 whom I did not send,
16:33 and who say, 'Sword and famine shall not be in this land.
16:37 By sword and famine,
16:39 these prophets shall be consumed,'
16:41 says the Lord.
16:42 And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out
16:46 in the streets of Jerusalem,
16:48 because of the famine and the sword."
16:50 Two things mentioned in Matthew Chapter 24.
16:53 "They will have no one to bury them, them,
16:57 nor their wives, their sons nor their daughters,
17:00 for I will pour their wickedness on them."
17:05 You see, the prophets prophesied to the people
17:07 what the people wanted to hear.
17:09 They lied and told the people of God,
17:12 that they should trust their word,
17:15 that everything would be fine.
17:17 Jeremiah 27:9-10 and verses 14 and 15 says the following.
17:23 "Therefore, do not listen to your prophets,
17:25 your diviners, your dreamers, your soothsayers,
17:29 or your sorcerers who speak to you, saying,
17:32 'You shall not serve the king of Babylon.'
17:35 For they prophesy a lie to you,
17:38 to renew, move you far from your land,
17:41 and I will drive you out, and you will perish."
17:45 Therefore do not, this is verse 14,
17:47 "Therefore do not listen to the words of the prophets
17:49 who speak to you saying,
17:51 'You shall not serve the king of Babylon,'
17:53 for they prophesy a lie to you.
17:56 For I have not sent them, says the Lord,
17:59 yet they prophesy a lie in My name,
18:02 that I may drive you out, and that you may perish,
18:06 you and the prophets who prophesy to you.'"
18:09 Once again the same idea, they prophesied a lie.
18:12 God had said to the, to Israel, you need to accept the idea
18:17 that you're going to serve the king of Babylon,
18:19 Nebuchadnezzar, that's my plan.
18:21 But the false prophet said, "Forget it.
18:24 We're not going to serve Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar.
18:27 This city is never going to fall.
18:29 God is going to intervene to deliver us."
18:32 Notice Jeremiah 23:14,
18:35 where we're told that the false prophets
18:37 actually strengthened evildoers.
18:40 In other words, they turned a blind eye
18:42 to what was happening.
18:44 It says there, "Also I have seen a horrible thing
18:47 in the prophets of Jerusalem.
18:50 They commit adultery, and walk in lies,
18:52 they also strengthen the hands of evildoers,
18:56 so that no one turns back from his wickedness.
19:01 All of them are like Sodom to Me,
19:03 and her inhabitants like Gomorrah."
19:07 So far astray from the Lord had they gone.
19:11 The prophet wrote that the false prophets
19:12 did not turn the wicked from their evil ways
19:15 back to the Lord.
19:16 Jeremiah 23:20-22 reads like this,
19:22 "The anger of the Lord will not turn back
19:25 until He has executed and performed
19:27 the thoughts of His heart.
19:29 In the latter days, you will understand it perfectly.
19:32 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.
19:36 I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
19:39 But if they had stood in my counsel,
19:42 and had caused My people to hear My words,
19:45 then they would have turned them from their evil way
19:50 from and from the evil of their doings.
19:53 In other words, a true prophet turns people away
19:56 from their evil doings, from their evil practices
19:58 and brings them back to obey the commandments of God,
20:02 and also keeps them away from practicing false worship.
20:07 The false prophets did not turn people from their wickedness.
20:12 Notice Jeremiah 23:14.
20:15 And then we'll read verses 31 and 32.
20:19 "Also I have seen a horrible thing
20:21 in the prophets of Jerusalem."
20:23 Notice what the prophets were doing.
20:25 "They commit adultery and walk in lies."
20:28 These are the religious leaders, folks,
20:30 the people who claim to serve the Lord,
20:32 the people who claim to speak in God's name.
20:35 "They commit adultery and walk in lies,
20:37 they also strengthen the hand of evildoers,
20:40 so that no one turns back from his wickedness.
20:43 All of them are like Sodom to Me,
20:45 and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.
20:47 Behold, I am against the prophets,
20:49 says the Lord, who use their tongues and say,
20:53 "He says,' Behold,
20:55 I am against those who prophesy false dreams,
20:58 says the Lord, and tell them
21:00 and cause My people to prophesy,
21:03 and cause my people to err by their lies,
21:06 and by their recklessness.
21:08 Yet I did not send them or command them,
21:11 therefore they shall not profit this people at all,
21:14 says the Lord.'"
21:16 Jeremiah even mentioned
21:18 a single prophet that is called Hananiah
21:21 who taught lies and rebellion.
21:24 The story is in Jeremiah
21:25 28:15-17.
21:30 "Then the Prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet,
21:34 'Hear now, Hananiah, the Lord has not sent you,
21:38 but you make this people trust in a lie.'
21:41 Therefore thus says the Lord:
21:42 'Behold, I will cast you from the face of the earth.
21:46 This year you shall die,
21:48 because you have taught rebellion against the Lord.'
21:51 So Hananiah the prophet died the same year,
21:55 in the seventh month.'"
21:57 Those who profess to be the people of God
22:00 practiced abominations in the house of the Lord,
22:03 that was called by God's name.
22:05 And they set up high places for the worship
22:08 of the sun god Baal.
22:11 In other words, they were claiming to serve the Lord,
22:13 but they were telling people to serve
22:15 and to worship the sun god Baal,
22:17 which would be a violation of the commandment that says,
22:19 you shall have no other gods before Me.
22:21 Also, you shall not make any graven images.
22:24 Also the commandment says,
22:26 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
22:28 which shows that there's only one true God,
22:30 the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
22:32 Notice Jeremiah 32:31-35.
22:38 Notice what the prophets, the false prophets were doing.
22:41 "For this city has been to Me a provocation of My anger
22:45 and My fury from the day that they built it,
22:48 even to this day.
22:49 So I will remove it from My face,
22:52 because of all the evil of the children of Israel,
22:55 and the children of Judah,
22:56 that they have done to provoke Me to anger."
22:59 They, now notice who was involved in this.
23:02 "They, their kings, their princess, their priests,
23:07 their prophets, the men of Judah,
23:09 and the inhabitants of Jerusalem."
23:11 No one was excluded.
23:12 Notice, they, their kings, their princes, their priests,
23:16 their prophets, the men of Judah,
23:18 the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
23:19 Verse 33,
23:21 "And they have turned to Me the back,
23:24 and not the face,
23:25 though I taught them rising up early and teaching them,
23:30 yet they have not listened to receive instruction.
23:33 But they set their abominations
23:35 in the house that is called by my name to defile it."
23:39 They were defiling even the holy temple of God.
23:42 Verse 35, "And they built the high places of Baal,"
23:46 who was the son God, incidentally.
23:48 "So they built the high places of Baal,
23:51 which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom,
23:53 to cause their sons and their daughters
23:55 to pass through the fire to Molech,
23:57 which I did not command them,
23:59 nor did it come into my mind
24:01 that they should do this abomination
24:03 to cause Judah to sin."
24:06 On the other hand, there were true prophets
24:08 that called Judah to walk in the law,
24:11 to heed the words of the true prophets,
24:13 and to turn from their wicked ways.
24:16 Jeremiah 26:4-6.
24:20 "And you shall say to them, 'Thus says the Lord:
24:23 'If you will not listen to Me, to walk in My law
24:27 which I have set before you,
24:29 to heeds the words of my servants the prophets,
24:33 whom I sent to you,
24:35 both rising up early and sending them,
24:37 but you have not heeded,
24:39 then I will make this house like Shiloh,
24:42 and will make this city a curse to all nations of the earth."
24:47 Jeremiah 35:15-16.
24:50 You see while you're reading all these verses,
24:52 I want you to catch the picture
24:53 of what the false prophets were saying
24:56 leading up to the siege and destruction of Jerusalem
24:59 the first time in the days of Nebuchadnezzar.
25:02 Jeremiah 35:15-16,
25:05 "I have also sent to you all my servants the prophets,
25:10 rising up early and sending them saying,
25:13 'Turn now everyone from his evil way,"
25:16 see, it's to return to the Lord,
25:18 "amend your doings,
25:20 and do not go after other gods to serve them,
25:24 then you will dwell in the land
25:26 which I have given you and your fathers.
25:28 But you have not inclined your ear,
25:31 nor obeyed Me.'"
25:33 The Prophet Ezekiel,
25:35 who was somewhat of a contemporary of Jeremiah,
25:40 and wrote his book just a few years after Jeremiah
25:44 also had some words for apostate Israel.
25:48 In Ezekiel 22:25-26.
25:53 God spoke through his Prophet
25:54 Ezekiel these very strong words.
25:57 "The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst
26:01 is like a roaring lion tearing the prey,
26:04 they have devoured people," that's the prophets,
26:07 the false prophets, "they have devoured people,
26:10 they have taken treasure and precious things."
26:12 In other words, they were in it to make money
26:15 to make precious things,
26:16 a prosperity gospel, if you please.
26:19 "They have made many widows in her midst."
26:22 Her priests, notice who is doing this,
26:24 her priests, that's a religious leaders.
26:26 "Her priests have violated My law
26:29 and profaned My holy things,
26:32 and they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy,
26:36 that is not holy and the common,
26:38 "nor have they made known
26:40 the difference between clean and unclean,
26:44 and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths,
26:47 so that I am profaned among them."
26:51 So they were even profaning the Sabbath.
26:53 They were making no distinction
26:54 between the holy and the common,
26:56 between the regular secular things,
27:02 and the sacred things of life.
27:04 Let me just make a short parenthesis.
27:06 Has God established a holy day of worship?
27:09 Yes, He has.
27:10 The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
27:13 But what does most of the Christian world say?
27:15 No, it's not Sabbath.
27:17 It's Sunday.
27:19 So let me ask you this, is Sunday a holy day?
27:23 Of course not.
27:24 Sunday is a work day, six days you shall labor.
27:27 So how does look up...
27:29 God look upon the idea that religious leaders say
27:32 Sunday is holy, and the Sabbath is not holy.
27:36 That is what the Prophet Ezekiel is talking about.
27:41 They have violated My law, profaned My holy things,
27:44 and not distinguish between the holy and the unholy,
27:48 which means the holy and the common or the secular.
27:51 Ezekiel 8:16, tells us
27:53 what the greatest abomination was that was being practiced
27:56 in the city of Jerusalem.
27:59 "So He brought me into
28:00 the inner court of Lord's house,
28:02 and there at the door of the temple of the Lord,
28:05 between the porch and the altar,
28:07 were about 25 men," now notice this,
28:10 "with their backs toward the temple of the Lord,
28:14 and their faces toward the east,
28:17 and they were worshiping the sun toward the east."
28:20 This was just a few years
28:22 before the destruction of Jerusalem.
28:23 Instead of keeping God's holy Sabbath,
28:26 they were teaching the people to worship the sun
28:29 by turning their back to the temple of Lord.
28:32 Daniel, after the captivity reminisced
28:35 about what happened with Israel,
28:37 and how the false prophets deceived the people.
28:40 Daniel 9:10,
28:42 Daniel is praying to the Lord and he says,
28:44 "We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God,
28:47 to walk in His laws,
28:48 which He set before us by His servants the prophets."
28:52 So notice the prophets told Israel to walk in God's laws.
28:57 The Prophet Zechariah also had something to say
29:01 about the apostasy of Israel.
29:03 The refusal of the people
29:06 to listen to God's true former prophets.
29:10 It says in Zechariah, 7:12, "Yes,
29:16 they made their hearts like flint,"
29:18 in other words, hard,
29:20 "refusing to hear the law
29:23 and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit
29:27 through the former prophets.
29:29 Thus great wrath came from the Lord of hosts."
29:33 So they refused to listen to the law and the words
29:36 of the true prophets,
29:38 because they were teaching people
29:39 that they could break God's commandments,
29:42 and they did not necessarily need to follow
29:45 what God had taught them.
29:47 So you say, well, most of the blame
29:49 then was with the religious leaders,
29:52 with the kings, with the priests
29:53 and with the theologians of the day,
29:55 who were telling the people that they were okay,
29:58 that there was going to be peace.
29:59 They didn't need to keep God's laws,
30:01 and that they confirmed that these people
30:04 are in their wickedness.
30:06 But you see, the people had a lot of blame too,
30:09 because in Jeremiah 5:31, we find these words.
30:12 "The prophets prophesy falsely,
30:16 and the priests rule by their own power,
30:19 and My people love to have it so.
30:23 But what will you do in the end?"
30:25 So the people were not guiltless
30:28 because they piled up false prophets
30:30 with because they had itching years.
30:32 And they got prophets that would tell them
30:35 what they wanted to hear.
30:37 I wonder whether in the Christian world
30:39 the same type of thing is happening today.
30:42 The Prophet Isaiah explained that the reason
30:44 why the false prophets prophesied falsely,
30:48 is that they imbibed intoxicating drinks
30:52 that did not allow them to think straight.
30:55 You see, drunk people cannot think straight.
30:58 Everything becomes blurry.
31:00 The distinction between right and wrong is gone.
31:03 Notice what we find in Isaiah 28:7.
31:08 "But they also have erred through wine,
31:12 and through intoxicating drink are out of the way,
31:15 the priest and the prophet
31:18 have erred through intoxicating drink,
31:22 they are swallowed up by wine," and what is the result?
31:26 "They are out of the way through intoxicating drink,
31:29 they err in vision, and they stumble in judgment."
31:35 That's why God told the priest
31:36 not to drink intoxicating drink.
31:38 Now, the big problem at the end we're going to notice
31:41 is not drinking intoxicating alcohol literally,
31:45 but drinking the wine of the harlot Babylon,
31:49 which does not allow them to discriminate
31:51 between right and wrong, good and evil,
31:54 between what God calls holy
31:57 and what God calls common.
31:59 Matthew 24, returning once again,
32:02 now that we've seen
32:04 the Mosaic legislation and the prophets,
32:06 the false prophets before
32:07 the first destruction of Jerusalem.
32:09 Matthew 24 describes the work of the false prophets
32:12 who spoke their false message
32:15 before the second destruction of Jerusalem.
32:19 So you see, before the second destruction,
32:20 there were also false prophets.
32:22 These prophets like those before the first destruction,
32:26 were comforting the people
32:28 with the idea that Jerusalem would never fall
32:31 because it was God's city,
32:33 and they could continue rejecting the Messiah
32:37 who had come to them.
32:39 Matthew 23:37
32:43 through 24:3,
32:45 directly links the destruction of Jerusalem
32:49 with the rejection of the Messiah.
32:51 Instead of receiving the Messiah
32:53 during the 40 years after the crucifixion,
32:55 they continued their conduct of rejecting the Messiah
33:01 and persecuting those who were preaching the gospel.
33:05 Ellen White wrote in Great Controversy, page 22.
33:09 And we've noticed this before.
33:12 The great sin of the Jews was their rejection of Christ.
33:16 The great sin of the Christian world
33:18 would be the rejection of the law of God,
33:20 the foundation of His government
33:22 in heaven and in earth.
33:24 And you say, "Well, those are two different sins
33:26 to reject Christ, and to reject His love.
33:28 Those are two different things."
33:30 They're not two different things.
33:32 The law, as I've mentioned before,
33:34 is a transcript of God's character.
33:36 It's a transcript of what God is like.
33:39 So how can you say that you accept Jesus
33:41 but you reject the transcript?
33:44 You see, the problem with the Jews in Christ's day
33:47 is that they claim to love the law or the transcript,
33:50 but they despised the Lord revealed in the transcript.
33:55 On the other hand,
33:56 professed Christians at the end of time
33:58 will claim to love the Lord,
34:00 but they will reject the transcript.
34:03 As I mentioned before, the Jewish nation
34:05 thought that by getting rid of Christ,
34:07 they would save their nation,
34:10 but they caused what they wished to prevent.
34:13 The Romans did come and destroy their nation.
34:16 Likewise, at the end,
34:18 we're going to find that the United States
34:20 by the influence of apostate Protestantism
34:24 will think that by getting the getting rid
34:26 of those who keep the Sabbath, they will save the nation,
34:31 but the result will be national ruin.
34:34 They will cause what they wished to prevent
34:37 by persecuting those who keep God's holy Sabbath.
34:41 Now let's take a look at what Jesus had to say
34:44 about false prophets because it is relevant here.
34:48 Matthew 7:15-16, and then verses 21 to 23.
34:54 And, of course, this has to be in harmony
34:56 with the Mosaic legislation,
34:58 and what was happening leading up
35:00 to both destructions of Jerusalem,
35:03 Jesus had some very important things to say
35:05 about false prophets.
35:07 When we put all the evidence together,
35:10 we find that the false prophets of the New Testament
35:13 bear the same characteristics
35:15 as the false prophets in the Old.
35:18 The foundational passage I mentioned,
35:20 Matthew 7:15-16, and verses 21-23.
35:24 Here Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets,
35:29 who come to you in sheep's clothing."
35:33 Don't think that they're going to come,
35:34 you know, and say I'm a false prophet.
35:37 They're not going to be obvious.
35:38 They're going to be deceptive.
35:40 "Beware of false prophets
35:41 who come to you in sheep's clothing,
35:43 but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
35:47 You will know them by their fruits."
35:49 And then notice verse 21.
35:51 "Not everyone who says to Me,
35:53 'Lord, Lord,'" they must be Christians,
35:54 because they're saying, Lord, Lord.
35:56 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
35:58 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
36:00 but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
36:03 Many will come to Me in that day and say,
36:05 'Lord, Lord.'"
36:07 These are individuals
36:08 who claim to be Christians, folks,
36:10 "Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
36:13 have we not prophesied in Your name,
36:16 cast out demons in Your name,
36:19 and done many wonders in Your name?'"
36:24 So is it possible that people will utter prophecies
36:27 and cast out demons and also perform miracles
36:31 whom Jesus is not going to recognize?
36:33 Absolutely.
36:34 Verse 23, "And then I will declare to them,
36:38 'I never knew you,
36:40 depart from Me, you who practice,"
36:42 listen carefully, "lawlessness."
36:45 In other words you who transgress the law
36:48 is a better translation.
36:50 So summarizing, false prophets
36:52 give the appearance of being true prophets,
36:55 and yet they are ravenous wolves
36:57 in this passage.
36:59 False prophets prophesy in the name of Jesus,
37:02 so they must claim to be Christians.
37:05 False prophets do not do the will of a Father in heaven.
37:10 They even perform signs and wonders
37:12 to try and prove that their message is true.
37:15 And yet the false prophets teach people
37:18 to transgress God's law.
37:22 We immediately see in this list that I just shared with you
37:25 a parallel to the Mosaic legislation,
37:28 in Deuteronomy 13.
37:30 In His Olivet Discourse,
37:32 Jesus warned about the deceptive character
37:36 of the false prophets,
37:38 and one salient characteristic is lawlessness,
37:42 comforting the people and leaving them in their sins.
37:47 Let's read now Matthew 24:11-12.
37:52 This is the reference to false prophets
37:55 in Matthew Chapter 24.
37:59 "Then many false prophets will rise up
38:03 and deceive many."
38:05 And now listen carefully,
38:07 and because lawlessness will abound,
38:09 so what are the false prophets teaching in Matthew 24?
38:12 Lawlessness, folks, the same thing that we found
38:15 the Mosaic legislation,
38:17 the false prophets before the first destruction,
38:19 the false prophets before the second destruction,
38:22 the false prophets in the end time,
38:24 they teach lawlessness.
38:25 They teach people to transgress in some way the law of God,
38:29 saying that it was nailed to the cross,
38:31 that it applied primarily to the Jews,
38:33 that we no longer have to keep the Sabbath
38:35 because the Sabbath is Jewish, et cetera.
38:38 Verse 12, "And because lawlessness will abound,
38:41 the love of many will grow cold."
38:46 And in Matthew 24:24,
38:49 we're told that the false prophets
38:50 will even perform signs and wonders,
38:53 as we noticed in the Mosaic legislation.
38:55 It says there in Matthew 24:24, "For false christs
39:00 and false prophets will rise and show great,"
39:03 here it is, "signs and wonders to deceive if possible,
39:08 even the elect."
39:10 So all these things, lawlessness, signs and wonders,
39:14 et cetera all are in the course of all of Scripture,
39:17 Old Testament and New Testament.
39:19 In Luke 6:26,
39:21 Jesus warned the religious leaders
39:24 that prophesied like their fathers,
39:27 in the days of the Old Testament prophets,
39:29 these prophets spoke what the people wanted to hear,
39:33 and the people loved to have it so.
39:36 Notice what we find in Luke 6:26,
39:40 "Woe to you when all men speak well of you,
39:45 for so did their fathers to the false prophets."
39:49 So what does a false prophet do?
39:50 He speaks well to be everything is fine.
39:54 You know, just get along with everyone,
39:55 doesn't matter what you believe.
39:57 It doesn't matter what you practice.
39:59 Everything is okay, peace, peace when there is no peace.
40:03 So if you find a preacher that is very popular,
40:05 every person loves that preacher.
40:07 You know, he's probably not doing his job,
40:10 because true prophets ruffle feathers
40:13 because they tell the truth.
40:14 They tell people what they don't want to hear.
40:18 The Bible commentator Albert Barnes
40:20 wrote the following words.
40:22 Men who pretended to be of God,
40:25 who delivered their own doctrines
40:28 as the truth of God
40:30 and who accommodated themselves to the desires of the people.
40:34 He's describing the false prophets
40:36 that are spoken of in Scripture.
40:38 Of this number were the prophets of Baal,
40:42 the false prophets who appeared in the time of Jeremiah.
40:47 In the Bible Commentary, Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown,
40:50 we find these words.
40:52 "Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you!
40:55 For so did their fathers to the false prophets,
40:58 paying court to them because they flattered them
41:03 with peace when there was no peace."
41:06 There is no peace for those who transgress God's holy law.
41:10 There is no peace for those who do not make a distinction
41:14 between good and evil, between right and wrong,
41:17 between the holy and the common.
41:20 In the Old Testament professed people,
41:22 the professed people of God loved the false prophets,
41:25 because they told them what they wanted to hear.
41:28 But true prophets are politically incorrect.
41:32 In John 15:19,
41:35 Jesus explained the reason why false prophets or true prophets
41:39 are hated by false prophets and by the people.
41:42 Jesus said there in john 15:19,
41:45 "If you were of the world, the world would love its own."
41:50 In other words, "If you were of the world,
41:52 if you just accepted everything that the world does,
41:55 the world would love you.
41:57 Yet because you are not of the world,
42:00 but I chose you out of the world,
42:02 therefore the world hates you."
42:04 True prophets were never loved.
42:07 True prophets were despised because they told the truth.
42:11 Ellen White wrote in volume four of the Testimonies,
42:14 page 185 these very significant words.
42:17 "Those who cloak sin,
42:20 and make it appear less aggravating to the mind
42:22 of the offender
42:24 are doing the work of the false prophets,
42:27 and may expect the retributive wrath of God
42:30 to follow such a course.
42:32 The Lord will never accommodate His ways
42:35 to the wishes of corrupt men.
42:37 The false prophet condemned Jeremiah
42:39 for afflicting the people with his severe denunciations,
42:43 and he sought to reassure them
42:45 by promising them prosperity,
42:49 thinking that the poor people should not be continually
42:53 reminded of their sins, and threatened with punishment.
42:57 This course strengthened the people
42:59 to resist the true prophet's counsel,
43:01 and intensified their enmity toward him.
43:06 Today, you have these great evangelists
43:07 who are popular, multitudes follow them.
43:11 The question is,
43:12 why do people love them so much?
43:14 Is it perhaps because they're toeing the line
43:17 of what the people want?
43:19 The Apostle Paul spoke about before the close of probation,
43:23 those who would be saying peace, peace,
43:25 but sudden destruction would come.
43:27 In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, the Apostle Paul wrote,
43:30 "For you yourselves know perfectly
43:32 that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief
43:35 in the night.
43:36 For when they say, 'Peace and safety!'
43:41 Then sudden destruction comes upon them,
43:43 as labors upon a pregnant woman,
43:45 and they shall not escape.
43:48 Now we need to get dedicate the rest of our time
43:51 to the Book of Revelation.
43:55 We must now turn to this book
43:57 because it is the testimony of Jesus Christ.
44:00 The Book of Revelation, listen carefully,
44:03 without exception uses the plural word
44:06 prophets to refer to true prophets.
44:10 On the other hand,
44:12 it uses the singular word prophet three times,
44:16 and only three times to describe the false prophet.
44:21 Interesting.
44:22 Four questions face us at this point
44:25 when we read from Revelation.
44:27 Is the false prophet a single individual
44:31 or a system in the Book of Revelation?
44:34 Second, who is this false prophet?
44:37 Third, does the false prophet claim to be Christian?
44:42 And number four,
44:44 what characteristics does the false prophet have?
44:48 First of all, I would like to say that the false prophet
44:51 of Revelation, prophet singular is not an individual,
44:56 but it is rather a prophetic system
44:59 composed of many individuals who are false prophets.
45:02 You say, "How do you know that?"
45:04 Well, simply because Revelation Chapter 16 mentions
45:09 three enemies of God's people at the end of time.
45:12 I want to read that verse.
45:13 And you'll notice that Babylon,
45:14 the end time system that is alienated from God,
45:18 and at enmity with God has three parts.
45:21 It says in Revelation 16:13,
45:24 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs,"
45:28 now notice this, "coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
45:32 out of the mouth of the beast,
45:35 and out of the mouth of a false prophet.
45:38 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs," notice,
45:43 "which go out to the kings of the earth
45:44 and of the whole world, to gather them to battle
45:47 of that great day of God Almighty."
45:51 So you have a trilogy of powers mentioned here.
45:53 You have the dragon, you have the beast,
45:56 and the false prophet that are going to perform signs
45:59 through spiritualism,
46:00 and they're going to gather the entire world
46:03 against God's people, against God.
46:06 Now, in order to understand this trilogy of terror,
46:10 we must go back to Revelation 12 and 13.
46:13 In Revelation Chapter 12 and 13,
46:16 we have this same threefold power.
46:19 You have, first of all, in Revelation 12, the dragon,
46:23 the dragon tried to slay the male child when he is born,
46:26 that is Satan trying to slay Christ
46:29 by using the power of Rome.
46:32 In other words, Satan working through
46:35 the civil power of Rome.
46:37 And then you have in Revelation 13,
46:39 the very next chapter, you have the beast,
46:43 from the sea,
46:44 the beast from the sea rules then 42 months,
46:49 which is 1260 years,
46:53 and that beast represents the Roman Catholic papacy.
46:57 So you have the dragon, which represents Satan working
47:00 through the civil power of Rome.
47:03 Then you have next, the papacy,
47:06 the beast that rises from the sea,
47:08 persecutes the saints,
47:09 speaks blasphemies against the Most High,
47:12 things that can change God's law,
47:14 etc, very significant detail.
47:16 This represents the Roman Catholic papacy.
47:19 And then, at the end of Revelation 13,
47:22 the second half of the chapter,
47:24 you have a beast that rises from the earth.
47:27 This beast that rises from the earth
47:28 has two horns like a lamb, but it speaks like a dragon.
47:32 It's deceptive because the lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ.
47:35 This is a deceptive power, whereas it professes one thing,
47:40 the two horns like a lamb,
47:41 it actually speaks like the dragon.
47:44 What power is represented by this particular beast
47:48 that rises from the earth?
47:50 This beast represents apostate Protestantism
47:54 in the United States of America.
47:56 Now, I don't have time to prove all of these points here.
47:59 I've done it in another series called God's prophetic chain.
48:03 So if you go to our website,
48:07 and you go to the section that has the study notes,
48:10 you'll find an entire set of study notes
48:13 on God's prophetic chain.
48:15 In there, I studied this threefold power,
48:17 the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
48:20 So this trilogy of terror at the end of time
48:22 that is going to gather the whole world against God
48:25 are Satan working through the civil powers of the world,
48:29 the Roman Catholic papacy that has resurrected
48:31 from its deadly wound, and apostate Protestantism,
48:35 as represented
48:36 in the United States of America.
48:38 But now there's a very important point.
48:41 If you compare Revelation 12 and 13
48:44 with Revelation 16:13,
48:46 and with Revelation 19:20,
48:49 you'll find a variation in the details.
48:51 In Revelation 12 and 13, you'll notice the dragon,
48:55 the sea beast, and the earth beast.
48:59 In Revelation 16:13, you have the dragon,
49:02 the sea beast, and the false prophet.
49:06 So who is the earth beast?
49:08 The earth beast is the false prophet.
49:10 And then you have in Revelation 19:20,
49:12 it speaks not of the dragon it says the kings,
49:16 the sea beast, and the false prophet.
49:20 So you'll notice here that you have a variation
49:23 in the description, dragon, sea beast,
49:26 earth beast in Revelation 12 and 13.
49:28 Dragon, sea beast, false prophet
49:30 in Revelation 16:13,
49:32 and kings, sea beast and false prophet
49:35 in Revelation 19:20.
49:38 This means that in Revelation 19:20,
49:40 the dragon represents the kings
49:43 or the political powers of the world.
49:45 It also means that the earth beast
49:47 in Revelation 12 and 13 is the false prophet
49:51 because it is called the false prophet
49:53 in Revelation 16:13, in Revelation 19:20.
49:58 You say, "Well, doesn't the dragon represent Satan?"
50:01 Yes, it does represent Satan.
50:03 But it's Satan working through the civil powers
50:05 of the world.
50:06 Let me read you this statement
50:08 from Testimonies to Ministers, page 39.
50:10 Kings and rulers and governors.
50:13 These are political leaders, right?
50:15 Kings and rulers and governors have placed upon themselves
50:19 the brand of antichrist,
50:21 and are represented as the dragon
50:24 who goes to make war with the saints,
50:27 with those who keep the commandments of God
50:29 and who have the faith of Jesus.
50:33 So you'll notice here that the dragon
50:35 represents kings, rulers and governors.
50:37 Satan working through the civil powers of the world.
50:41 Now, there's a very important point.
50:43 In Bible prophecy, a beast
50:46 does not represent a single individual.
50:49 So this false prophet that is mentioned here,
50:52 which is the same as the earth beast
50:54 cannot be a single individual because a beast represents
50:58 a kingdom or a nation
51:00 that has a succession of individuals that rule in it.
51:04 For example, a lion in Daniel 7 is not just Nebuchadnezzar,
51:08 a single king, it represents the whole dynasty of kings
51:10 of Babylon.
51:12 The same with Medo-Persia,
51:13 and Greece, and Rome.
51:15 So this false prophet of Revelation Chapter 13,
51:18 and Revelation Chapter 16, and Revelation Chapter 19
51:23 is not a single false prophet,
51:26 it is a beast which represents the fact
51:28 that it is going to be a nation that has many individuals
51:33 who share this false prophetic scenario.
51:38 The false prophet, in other words,
51:39 must claim to be Christian,
51:41 and yet acts contrary to its profession.
51:45 After all, as I mentioned, it has two horns like a lamb,
51:49 which is always a symbol of Christ
51:51 in the Book of Revelation.
51:52 But it speaks like the dragon, which is Satan working
51:56 through the civil powers of the world.
51:58 The earth beast,
52:00 you'll notice very important point,
52:02 is actually the false prophet of the beast, of the sea beast.
52:06 You say, "Now, wait a minute,
52:08 you're saying that the false prophet,
52:10 or also called the beast that rises from the earth?
52:14 You're saying that that beast is actually a false prophet
52:18 for the previous beast?"
52:19 Absolutely.
52:21 You say, "How do we know that?"
52:22 Listen, folks, the sad thing is,
52:24 that is that the United States of America
52:27 is going to serve as the false prophet
52:29 of the papacy of the beast that rose from the sea.
52:33 And you say, "Well, where do you get that from?"
52:36 Let me just share with you
52:37 from Revelation Chapter 12 and 13,
52:40 the details of this particular beast
52:42 that rises from the earth, the false prophet,
52:44 which I repeat, once again,
52:46 it's not a single individual, because it's a beast,
52:49 it's a nation.
52:51 It is a nation that is composed of many false prophets,
52:54 just like Babylon had many kings.
52:57 Everything that this beast from the earth does,
53:00 it does to please the first beast
53:02 to return power to the first beast.
53:05 You say, really?
53:06 Well, let me give you the characteristics.
53:09 You can read it in Revelation Chapter 12 and 13.
53:11 We don't have time to read all the verses,
53:13 because there's so much material
53:15 in Matthew Chapter 24 that we need to cover.
53:19 First of all, we find in Revelation 13,
53:23 that we are told that this beast
53:25 exercises all of the authority of the first beast.
53:29 In other words, the authority of this beast
53:31 that rises from the earth,
53:33 exercise the authority of the first beast.
53:36 We are also told that this beast from the earth,
53:39 the false prophet,
53:40 actually commands every person to worship
53:44 the first beast.
53:46 We're also told that this beast from the earth,
53:49 this false prophet performs actions in the presence
53:55 of the first beast.
53:57 We are also told that this beast from the earth,
53:59 this false prophet,
54:01 composed of many false prophets,
54:02 I might say, makes an image of the first beast
54:05 in its honor.
54:07 And we are told that this beast from the earth,
54:10 the false prophet,
54:12 imposes the mark of the first beast,
54:15 so everything this beast is doing
54:17 is to please the first beast.
54:19 Folks, the United States of America
54:21 is going to ally itself with the papacy.
54:24 It's going to heal the wound of the papacy,
54:27 and is going to bring out persecution
54:28 against those who are faithful to the Lord.
54:31 Apostate Protestantism will join in this
54:35 uttering false prophecies that the day of worship
54:37 is Sunday instead of God's holy Sabbath.
54:41 Another interesting detail is,
54:43 that we are told in Revelation 19:20,
54:46 that this beast from the earth, this false prophet
54:49 worked signs and wonders
54:52 in the presence of the first beast.
54:54 And the purpose was to deceive the people
54:57 who worshiped the image of the beast
54:59 and received the mark of the beast.
55:02 We remember once again,
55:04 the false prophet in the Old Testament
55:06 perform signs and wonders.
55:08 We find in Matthew Chapter 24,
55:10 that the false prophets at the end of time
55:13 will perform signs and wonders
55:15 to deceive if possible, the very elect.
55:18 So if you're expecting a false prophet, saying,
55:20 well, the false prophet is Islam,
55:23 like many are saying, folks,
55:24 that's not someone who is within
55:27 the congregation of Christianity.
55:29 This is not an individual who claims
55:31 that Jesus Christ is God.
55:33 No, it can't be.
55:35 False prophets arose among God's own people.
55:39 They claim to prophesy in God's name.
55:42 Yet they taught the children of Israel
55:44 not to distinguish between good and evil,
55:47 between right and wrong,
55:48 and between what is holy and what is common.
55:51 Is that happening today?
55:53 Once again, folks, I return
55:55 to what we've been talking about previously.
55:58 There is a big test for the world
56:00 at the end of time.
56:01 God has said that His holy day of worship
56:05 is the seventh day Sabbath.
56:07 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
56:09 but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Lord your God.
56:13 As I've studied before, we're going to see
56:16 that the United States of America,
56:18 through its legislative powers is going to mandate,
56:22 is going to proclaim a national Sunday law
56:26 that everyone has to rest on Sunday,
56:29 everybody back to church.
56:31 You say, "Well, that would be unconstitutional."
56:33 Of course, that would be unconstitutional.
56:35 But in times of crisis, what is unconstitutional
56:39 many times is proclaimed to be constitutional.
56:43 And that's exactly what's going to happen.
56:45 It's seen in this beast has two horns like a lamb,
56:50 but it speaks like a dragon.
56:52 In other words, its conduct
56:54 contradicts the principles upon which it was built,
56:57 civil and religious liberty.
56:59 And so this is a time, folks,
57:01 when we need to lift up the truth of God,
57:04 not be politically correct.
57:06 Yes, we need to do it in love.
57:08 In fact, the prophet spoke these things
57:10 because they loved the people.
57:11 They knew that the people would be destroyed
57:13 if they did not listen to the counsel
57:16 of the true prophets.
57:17 So this is a time when we need to come back
57:19 to worshiping the Creator God, to worship Him, Him
57:23 who made the heavens and the earth,
57:25 and to keep the sign
57:26 that He has established of His worship,
57:29 which is the seventh day Sabbath.
57:31 As the fourth commandment says,
57:33 it gives a reason for keeping the Sabbath.
57:35 It says that God created the world in six days,
57:40 rested on the seventh day,
57:42 and therefore we are supposed to work six days
57:45 and rest the seventh day,
57:47 following the example of our wonderful Creator.
57:51 So I trust that what we studied is useful.
57:53 We did it in the context of the totality of Scripture,
57:56 and that we will choose not to follow
57:59 what false prophet say, but we will choose to follow
58:02 what God's true prophets have to say in this time.


Revised 2021-07-19