Matthew 24

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MAT

Program Code: MAT000014S

00:21 Father in heaven,
00:23 we thank You so much for Your multiple blessings,
00:26 especially we thank You for Your Word,
00:28 a sure guide in a world that is so confused.
00:32 I ask that as we study Your Word
00:34 that You will help us to handle it reverently,
00:38 and respectfully,
00:39 that we will hear Your voice speaking,
00:42 and not impose on Scripture our own ideas.
00:45 So please be with us
00:46 through the ministry of Your Holy Spirit.
00:49 Bless those who watch this program,
00:51 open their hearts that they might receive,
00:54 we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.
01:00 After Jesus gave the signs of His soon coming,
01:05 He went on to warn His people
01:08 that they needed to watch,
01:10 to pray, and to work
01:13 while they were waiting for Him to come.
01:16 When Jesus said that no one knew the day
01:19 or hour of His coming,
01:21 was He referring to the Second Coming?
01:24 Or perhaps is there a deeper truth
01:28 to this expression,
01:29 no one knows the day or the hour?
01:32 Let's read Matthew 24:36-44
01:36 which is the next passage in the chapter
01:39 that we are studying.
01:41 It says there in verse 36,
01:43 "But of that day and hour no one knows,
01:48 not even the angels of heaven,
01:50 but My Father only."
01:54 This is Jesus speaking.
01:56 "As the days of Noah were,
01:59 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
02:02 For as in the days before the flood,
02:05 they were eating and drinking,
02:06 marrying and giving in marriage,
02:09 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
02:12 and did not know until the flood came
02:16 and took them all away,
02:18 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
02:22 Then two men will be in the field,
02:24 one will be taken and the other left.
02:28 Two women will be grinding at the mill,
02:32 one will be taken and the other left.
02:35 Watch therefore, for you do not know
02:38 what hour your Lord is coming.
02:41 But know this that if the master of the house
02:44 had known at what hour the thief would come,
02:49 he would have watched and not allowed his house
02:51 to be broken into.
02:53 Therefore you also be ready,
02:56 for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
03:01 So the question is, is this coming of Jesus
03:05 as a thief referring to the Second Coming of Christ?
03:08 Or is that referring to something
03:10 that will happen just
03:11 before the Second Coming of Christ?
03:14 Now the formula that you have here
03:17 as it was in the days of Noah so also will be
03:20 at the coming of the Son of Man,
03:22 is what theologians call typology.
03:25 In other words, the flood story is the type.
03:28 And what happens at the end of time
03:31 is the antitype or the fulfillment.
03:34 So in order to understand the antitype,
03:37 we must understand the type,
03:38 we must go back to the flood story
03:41 in the Old Testament.
03:42 And that is found in Genesis Chapters 6-9.
03:48 I want you to notice four key points of time
03:52 in the flood story.
03:54 First, we have the preaching and the building period.
03:59 This is a probationary period for everyone on earth.
04:04 In other words, during this time,
04:05 the door of probation is open for a period of 120 years.
04:11 During this time,
04:13 Noah preached empowered by the Holy Spirit.
04:17 In fact, he did not preach a smooth message,
04:20 a politically correct message
04:23 he denounced the sins of the antediluvians
04:26 and called them to repent
04:28 and to straighten out their ways.
04:31 During this time, the spirit
04:33 strove with the antediluvian race,
04:36 attempting to lead them to repentance.
04:39 This is what were said what is said in Genesis 6:3.
04:43 "And the Lord said,
04:45 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
04:49 for he is indeed flesh,
04:51 yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'"
04:55 So God says My Spirit is not going to
04:57 strive forever with human beings.
04:59 I'm giving them 120 years of opportunity or grace,
05:03 to repent,
05:04 and to straighten out their ways.
05:07 The word that is used here strive,
05:09 actually is translated most of the time
05:12 in the Old Testament as to plead a cause,
05:16 to contend, or to judge.
05:19 In other words, the message of Noah
05:20 was a message of judgment.
05:22 His message would divide the world
05:24 into two groups,
05:26 those who are inside the ark,
05:29 and those who are outside the ark.
05:31 So he preached a judgment hour message
05:34 under the power of the Holy Spirit.
05:38 Actually, the flood story doesn't tell us
05:40 that Noah preached, but the New Testament does.
05:43 In 2 Peter 2:5, we find that,
05:47 "God did not spare the ancient world,
05:51 but saved Noah, one of eight people,
05:55 a preacher of righteousness,
05:58 bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly."
06:02 So Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
06:05 He called the world to repent
06:08 and to live righteous lives.
06:12 But Noah not only preached, he also worked, he built.
06:17 In Hebrews 11:7, we find these words,
06:20 "By faith Noah,
06:22 being divinely warned of things not yet seen,
06:26 moved with godly fear,
06:28 prepared an ark for the saving of his household,
06:32 by which he condemned the world
06:34 and became heir of the righteousness
06:37 which is according to faith."
06:40 Noah backed up his words by his actions.
06:44 He had a faith that worked.
06:47 He invested all his time,
06:49 his efforts, his strength, his talents, his resources
06:54 into the building of the ark.
06:57 Everybody else was saving for a rainy day.
07:02 Building the ark for Noah
07:03 was not one priority among many,
07:06 it was the top priority.
07:10 And I would say the only priority.
07:14 Hebrews tells us that Noah condemned the world,
07:17 not by his preaching, but by his building.
07:21 His actions proved that he believed his message.
07:25 You see building a gigantic ship on dry ground,
07:30 when it had never rained, took great faith.
07:34 It shows that Noah believed God,
07:37 he trusted God's Word even though every evidence
07:41 showed that there could not be a flood.
07:44 Faith simply means trusting God enough to do what God says.
07:50 However, you cannot trust God unless you love Him.
07:55 And you cannot love Him unless you know Him.
07:58 And you cannot know Him unless you spend time with Him.
08:04 So Noah preached,
08:05 and Noah showed that he believed what he preached
08:08 because he built a ship on dry land.
08:11 Judged by numerical standards,
08:14 Noah's evangelistic crusade was a tragic failure.
08:19 Just imagine there were millions of people
08:21 that lived on this planet before the flood,
08:24 and only eight persons responded to his message,
08:27 and all were members of his own family.
08:30 If the story of Noah represents
08:32 what will happen at the end of time,
08:35 do you suppose that the majority of human beings
08:38 will be on the Lord side,
08:40 or perhaps it will be the minority.
08:43 Noah's message was contrary to historical, empirical,
08:48 sensorial, rational, and scientific evidence.
08:54 The idea of a universal flood was absolutely preposterous
08:59 in the minds of those who live before the flood.
09:02 You see, before creation week,
09:04 we're told that the earth was filled with water
09:07 that's in Genesis 1:2.
09:10 On the second day of creation,
09:11 God took part of the water and placed that under the earth
09:14 and took the other part of the water
09:16 and placed it above the earth,
09:18 kind of like a canopy to create a climate
09:23 that was uniform all over the world.
09:26 You say, how was the earth watered then
09:28 if it wasn't watered by rain?
09:31 Well, Genesis 2:5-6 tells us that
09:35 the earth had kind of an automatic sprinkler system,
09:38 at certain times of the day,
09:40 a mist rose from the earth to water the entire earth.
09:45 God did not have to create water
09:47 when He brought the flood.
09:49 All He had to do was bring the water from above
09:51 and the water from below to fill the planet
09:54 as it had been before creation week.
09:58 And so we're told that
10:00 God broke up the fountains of the great deep,
10:02 and He opened the windows of heaven
10:05 brought down the water
10:06 that He had placed up there and brought up the water
10:09 that He had placed beneath.
10:11 Let us just imagine for a few moments,
10:14 what the experts in the world must have said
10:18 when they heard Noah preaching his message
10:20 and building the ark.
10:23 Let's imagine the Department of Natural Sciences.
10:28 The people probably said it has never rained before.
10:32 Everything has continued uniformly
10:34 as from the beginning.
10:36 What Noah is preaching is contrary to sound science.
10:41 It is preposterous to believe that
10:43 water could fall from heaven and rise from the earth.
10:47 It's a scientific impossibility.
10:50 I imagine what the theology departments were saying.
10:53 Noah focuses too much on our sins.
10:56 God is a God of loves.
10:58 He loves the world too much to destroy it.
11:03 Besides rain from heaven would require a miracle,
11:06 and nature works on the basis of fixed laws,
11:10 so there can be no such things as miracles.
11:13 What would the history department
11:15 have been saying?
11:16 There is no historical record of any flood in the past.
11:21 So why should we believe that there could be one now?
11:24 What would the Department of Behavioral Sciences
11:27 have to say?
11:29 Well, Noah is suffering an imaginary mental delusion,
11:33 he is confusing reality with fantasy,
11:36 he is mentally deranged.
11:39 The sociology department might say,
11:42 "We must not allow a lunatic like Noah
11:45 to disrupt the stable order of society."
11:49 And the philosophy department might have said,
11:52 "Noah is suffering
11:53 because of an existential void in his life."
11:57 What's truth for Noah is not necessarily truth
12:00 for everyone else.
12:02 Perhaps arguments such as these were being
12:05 used to try and prove that the flood would never come.
12:11 These were the voices of the experts of that day.
12:15 So the first point of time is the preaching
12:18 and the building of Noah,
12:20 while the door of probation is open.
12:23 God is judging the world by the response that
12:27 people give to the message that Noah is preaching.
12:30 Now we come to the second point of time,
12:34 the moment when the door shuts.
12:37 When Noah concluded his preaching in his building,
12:40 he and his family entered the ark.
12:43 The Spirit then ceased to strive with human hearts,
12:48 the Spirit of God was withdrawn,
12:51 preaching had come to an end.
12:53 Everyone's choice was final.
12:57 The world at this moment had only two groups,
13:00 those who were inside the ark,
13:03 and those who were outside, the sealed inside,
13:07 and those marked for destruction outside,
13:10 but before the door was closed,
13:13 God gave one last spectacular sign to try
13:16 and convince the people before the flood
13:18 that the flood was going to come.
13:21 And that is when the animals
13:23 came into the ark in perfect order.
13:28 It wasn't the case is in the Hollywood version
13:30 where Noah's sons are roping the animals
13:34 and pulling them to the ark.
13:35 No, they came and they marched into the ark in perfect order.
13:40 We find that in Genesis 7:16.
13:43 "So those that entered, male and female of all flesh,
13:47 went in as God had commanded him,
13:50 and the Lord shut him in."
13:53 In other words, the Lord shut the door.
13:55 Ellen White in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 98
13:58 had this to say about the shutting of the door.
14:02 "Noah was shut in,
14:04 and the rejecters of God's mercy
14:06 were shut out.
14:08 The seal of Heaven was on that door,
14:12 God had shut it, and God alone could open it."
14:17 This reminds us of Matthew 24,
14:20 when the first destruction of Jerusalem took place.
14:23 There were two groups,
14:25 those that had stayed and were destroyed,
14:27 and those who fled.
14:29 In the same way in the days of Noah,
14:30 those who entered the ark had the seal of God,
14:33 they were saved, and those who were
14:36 outside the ark were destroyed.
14:38 At the end, the faithful will have the seal of God
14:41 and the unfaithful
14:43 will have the mark of the beast.
14:45 So when that door shut, probation closed.
14:50 Why did God shut Noah and his family in the ark?
14:53 For two reasons.
14:55 First of all, to protect them
14:57 from the rage of the people of the lost outside the ark,
15:02 and secondly to spare them from the destruction
15:05 that would come as a result of the flood.
15:09 Once Noah was inside with his family
15:12 and the wicked were outside, there was no changing sides.
15:16 All cases had been decided.
15:18 The judgment hour message of Noah
15:21 had divided the world into two groups.
15:24 Now we go on to point number three.
15:27 After the door of mercy closed, Noah remained inside the ark
15:31 with his family, and the wicked
15:33 were outside for a period of seven days.
15:38 Notice Genesis 7:4,
15:41 "For after seven more days
15:43 I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days
15:47 and forty nights,
15:48 and I will destroy from the face of the earth
15:51 all living things that I have made."
15:54 Have you ever wondered why God kept Noah
15:57 and his family inside that ark with all of those animals
16:01 for a period of seven days before it actually rained?
16:06 Could God have made it rain immediately?
16:09 Of course, He could have.
16:10 There must be a purpose for which God let them in the ark
16:15 seven days before it began to rain.
16:18 Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 98 and 99 explains.
16:22 "For seven days after Noah and his family entered the ark,
16:26 there appeared no sign of the coming storm.
16:29 During this period,"
16:31 listen carefully now, "their faith was tested."
16:35 Imagine one day passes, two, three, four, five, six, seven
16:38 because it started raining on the eighth day,
16:40 and nothing happens.
16:42 The people outside become more violent.
16:44 Those inside they're wondering,
16:47 perhaps were we wrong in coming into the ark,
16:50 their faith was tested.
16:53 "It was a time of triumph to the world without.
16:57 The apparent delay confirmed them in their belief
17:00 that Noah's message was a delusion,
17:02 and that the Flood would never come.
17:04 Notwithstanding the solemn scenes
17:06 which they had witnessed,
17:08 the beasts and birds entering the ark,
17:10 and the angel of God closing the door,
17:13 they still continued their sport and revelry,
17:16 even making a jest of these signal manifestations
17:20 of God's power.
17:21 They gathered in crowds about the ark,
17:24 deriding its inmates with a daring violence
17:28 which they had never ventured upon before."
17:31 So they were saved inside
17:33 from the violence of the multitude,
17:35 and also from the destruction that would come.
17:38 During this time,
17:40 the faith of those inside the ark
17:42 was severely tested.
17:44 God would fulfill His word they believed,
17:49 but they had to wait for God to act.
17:52 It was a day of victory for those outside the ark.
17:56 It was a day of apparent ridicule
17:58 and defeat for those who were inside the ark.
18:03 Ellen White compared
18:04 the shut door in the days of Noah,
18:06 with a shut door when probation closes.
18:10 This quotation is from Patriarchs and Prophets,
18:12 page 98.
18:14 "Likewise, when Christ shall cease His intercession
18:18 for guilty men, before His coming."
18:22 This is important.
18:23 "Likewise, when Christ shall cease
18:25 His intercession for guilty men,
18:26 before His coming in the clouds of heaven,
18:29 the door of mercy will be shut.
18:32 Then divine grace
18:33 will no longer restrain the wicked,
18:36 and Satan will have full control
18:38 of those who have rejected mercy.
18:41 They will endeavor to destroy God's people."
18:45 Notice, just like the wicked outside the ark
18:47 were furious with those who were inside.
18:49 "But as Noah was shut into the ark,
18:53 so the righteous will be shielded
18:55 by divine power."
18:58 You see, probation is going to close before Jesus comes.
19:02 And after probation closes comes the time of trouble,
19:05 such as never has been seen.
19:07 God's people will remain
19:09 on the earth during this period.
19:11 Their faith will be severely tested.
19:14 The wicked will surround them to try
19:16 and destroy them.
19:17 They will cry out day and night to God
19:20 for justice and for vengeance,
19:22 as we're told in the story of the widow,
19:24 the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8.
19:28 Let's go to point number four,
19:31 the actual destruction on the eighth day.
19:35 Genesis 7:11 describes this Cataclysm.
19:38 It says, "In the six hundredth year
19:40 of Noah's life, in the second month,
19:43 the seventeenth day of the month,
19:45 on that day all the fountains
19:47 of the great deep were broken up,
19:49 and the windows of heaven were opened."
19:52 In other words, the water that God placed above
19:54 was brought down and the water that
19:56 He placed beneath was brought up.
19:58 Ellen White in Patriarchs and Prophets,
20:00 page 99 actually saw this terrible destruction
20:05 while she was envisioned.
20:07 Here's the description.
20:08 "Water appeared to come
20:10 from the clouds in mighty cataracts.
20:13 Rivers broke away from their boundaries,
20:15 and overflowed the valleys.
20:17 Jets of water burst from the earth
20:19 with indescribable force,
20:21 throwing massive rocks hundreds of feet into the air,
20:24 and these in falling,
20:26 buried themselves deep in the ground.
20:29 As the violence of the storm increased,
20:31 trees, buildings, rocks, and earth
20:35 were hurled in every direction.
20:37 The terror of man and beast was beyond description.
20:41 Above the roar of the tempest
20:43 was heard the wailing of a people
20:45 that had despised the authority of God."
20:49 As I was reading this quotation had brought to mind the tsunami
20:53 that hit the North Eastern area of Honshu,
20:57 Japan on March 11, 2011.
21:01 The waves reached a height of 30 feet
21:05 as they barreled across the 18 foot restraining wall.
21:09 And the floodwaters moved England
21:13 as much as six miles.
21:16 The flood, and you remember seeing this,
21:19 many of you, the floods swept away buildings,
21:22 houses, cars, animals, people,
21:26 and in a matter of minutes, 20,000 people perished.
21:31 Now imagine an event like this, but not on a local scale,
21:36 but on a global scale.
21:39 You know, the normal word
21:41 for flood in the New Testament is potamos
21:44 where we get the word hippopotamus.
21:47 Hippopotamus means that it swims underwater.
21:51 However, Matthew Chapter 24, when it refers to the flood,
21:55 does not use the common word potamos.
21:57 It uses the word kataklysmos.
22:02 In other words, the flood was a cataclysm.
22:05 Now the question is what happened with Satan
22:08 during the flood?
22:10 In Patriarchs and Prophets, page 99 we find these words,
22:13 "Satan himself,
22:15 who was compelled to remain
22:18 in the midst of the warring elements,
22:21 feared for his own existence."
22:23 God bound Satan to this earth during the flood.
22:27 And we're told that
22:28 He actually feared for His own existence.
22:32 And during the time of the flood,
22:35 the heavens were dark,
22:37 the earth was totally covered with water at the beginning,
22:41 and not one human being was left alive on planet earth.
22:46 So just like before creation, darkness covered the earth,
22:50 the earth was totally covered with water,
22:52 and there were no inhabitants yet.
22:55 Now why have I told all this story,
22:57 because we're dealing with the typology
22:59 as it was in the days of Noah so also will be
23:02 at the coming of the Son of Man.
23:04 In Matthew 24:36-39, we noticed that Jesus applied
23:10 what happened at the flood to the end of time.
23:13 Let's read Matthew 24:36-41,
23:19 "But of that day and hour no one knows,
23:22 not even the angels, but My Father only.
23:26 But as the days of Noah were,
23:28 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
23:31 For as in the days before the flood,"
23:34 notice, "as in the days before the flood,
23:37 they were eating and drinking,
23:39 marrying and giving in marriage,
23:41 until the day that Noah entered the ark."
23:45 Very important, verse 39,
23:47 "And did not know," that is those outside the ark,
23:50 "did not know until the flood came
23:53 and took them all away,
23:55 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
24:00 Then two men will be in the field,
24:02 one will be taken and the other left.
24:05 Two women will be grinding at the mill,
24:08 one will be taken and the other left."
24:12 Did you notice that in these verses
24:14 the word until appears twice.
24:19 Once again, I review,
24:20 it says that they were carrying on business
24:24 as usual before the flood.
24:26 They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage
24:29 until the day that Noah entered the ark.
24:31 There's the first until, until the day that Noah
24:34 entered the ark and they did not know
24:37 until the flood came and took them all away.
24:40 Two points of time
24:41 just like we notice in the story
24:43 in the Old Testament.
24:45 You see, at the end of time
24:47 the door of probation is going to close
24:50 before the destruction comes,
24:53 just like happened at the time of the flood.
24:57 Now let's notice the way that
25:00 Jesus referred to this particular experience.
25:05 Let's go to Matthew Chapter 24,
25:07 and we'll read verses 42 through 44.
25:11 Jesus said, "Watch therefore, for you do not know
25:16 what hour you Lord is coming."
25:17 So the question is,
25:19 is that talking about the Second Coming?
25:20 We don't know the hour of the Second Coming.
25:23 That's true. But there's a deeper truth.
25:25 We don't know when the door of probation
25:28 is going to close either.
25:29 Like those before the flood, the door closed,
25:32 they didn't realize they were lost
25:33 until it started to rain.
25:35 So Jesus says, Watch therefore,
25:38 for you to not know what hour your Lord is coming.
25:41 But know this that
25:43 if the master of the house had known
25:45 what hour the thief would come,
25:48 he would have watched
25:49 and not allowed his house to be broken into.
25:53 Therefore, you also be ready,
25:55 for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
25:59 So here Jesus is comparing His coming
26:02 with the coming of a thief at night,
26:04 when everybody is sleeping in the house,
26:06 they're not watching.
26:08 What is the point here?
26:10 Once again, the coming of the thief
26:13 has two points of time.
26:15 You say what do you mean two points of time?
26:17 Well, imagine everybody's sleeping in the house.
26:21 And deep in sleep, I might say.
26:24 And so the thief comes,
26:26 and he finds the door of the house open.
26:31 And he comes into the house and steals all of the valuables
26:35 that he finds in the house.
26:37 He goes out the front door quietly,
26:40 everybody in the house is totally unaware that
26:43 the thief has come.
26:45 When do they discovered that
26:46 the thief has visited them.
26:49 It's the next morning when they wake up,
26:51 but it's too late.
26:53 So it is with the coming of Jesus.
26:56 First of all the door of probation closes,
27:00 the world will be unaware that
27:02 the door of probation has closed.
27:04 And then we have a period of tribulation during
27:06 which the wicked will be totally oblivious to the idea
27:11 that the door of probation has closed
27:12 because they weren't watching.
27:14 They will only realize that
27:17 they were lost when the destruction
27:20 comes upon the world.
27:23 Let me read you
27:25 from the book Patriarchs and Prophets,
27:26 pages 98 and 99
27:29 about the antitype of the closed door.
27:33 Ellen White wrote, and she's now
27:35 applying the experience
27:37 before the flood to the end of time.
27:40 "So when Christ shall
27:41 cease His intercession for guilty men,
27:44 before His coming in the clouds of heaven,
27:47 the door of mercy will be shut.
27:50 Then divine grace
27:52 will no longer restrain the wicked,
27:54 and Satan will have full control
27:56 of those who have rejected His mercy.
27:59 They will endeavor to destroy God's people,
28:01 but as Noah was shut into the ark,
28:04 so the righteous will be shielded by divine power."
28:07 She continues.
28:09 "For seven days after Noah and his family entered the ark,
28:12 there appeared no sign of the coming storm.
28:15 During this period their faith was tested.
28:18 It was a time of triumph to the world without.
28:21 The apparent delay confirmed them
28:23 in the belief that Noah's message was a delusion,
28:26 and the Flood would never come."
28:31 Now it's very interesting to notice that
28:34 the order of events in Matthew 24
28:37 and the order of events in the flood story
28:40 run parallel.
28:42 Let me just go through this quickly.
28:45 First of all, Matthew 24:14,
28:48 you have the preaching of the gospel to all the world,
28:50 and then the end will come.
28:52 That's parallel to Noah preaching the message
28:56 before the closing of the door,
28:58 and before the destruction of the flood came.
29:02 In Revelation,
29:04 we find also a parallel in the Book of Revelation,
29:07 we are told that the everlasting gospel
29:09 will be preached by the first angel
29:11 to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
29:14 So there's a parallel between Matthew 24,
29:17 Revelation Chapter 14,
29:19 and the flood in the days of Noah.
29:22 Let's notice another parallel.
29:25 You have in Matthew 24:15.
29:29 After the preaching of the gospel,
29:31 you have the abomination of desolation set up.
29:34 This divides the inhabitants of Jerusalem into two groups,
29:38 those who are saved and those who are lost,
29:42 those who flee the city and those who stay.
29:46 In other words, the abomination of desolation,
29:48 the sign divides the world into two groups.
29:52 If this happened in the days of Noah, it most certainly did.
29:56 In the days of Noah, when the door closed,
29:59 you had two groups.
30:01 You have those who were inside the ark,
30:03 and those who were outside the ark
30:05 when the preaching ceased.
30:07 What about in the Book of Revelation?
30:09 Do you also have the saved and the lost?
30:13 Yes, we have the seal of God, which the righteous will have,
30:17 which by the way
30:19 is the observance of God's Holy Sabbath.
30:22 And then the lost had the mark of the beast
30:24 when the door of probation closes.
30:26 So you have the two groups also.
30:29 Do you also have the tribulation symbolized
30:33 in all three sources in Matthew 24,
30:36 in the days of Noah, and in the Book of Revelation?
30:39 Absolutely.
30:40 You'll notice in Matthew 24:16-21
30:44 that God's people flee,
30:46 and they go through the Great Tribulation.
30:49 What about in the days of Noah?
30:51 They're inside the ark, seven days,
30:53 the wicked outside
30:54 are ever more violent every day,
30:57 and then what about the Book of Revelation?
30:59 Yes, God's people are going to go through
31:01 the time of trouble,
31:02 the wicked will surround them, and intend to destroy them,
31:05 but they will be shielded by divine power,
31:08 just like those who fled from Jerusalem, just like Noah
31:12 and his family were protected inside the ark.
31:16 And then, of course,
31:17 you have the destruction of the wicked
31:19 at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
31:22 And you have also the destruction of the world
31:26 where the wicked are destroyed, and the saved are spared.
31:30 And at the days of Noah,
31:32 you have also those who survived,
31:35 Noah and as family and those who were destroyed
31:37 those who were outside.
31:40 So you'll notice that there's a parallel
31:41 between these three events, Matthew Chapter 24,
31:46 and the days of Noah, and the Book of Revelation.
31:51 Now this story is given as a warning to us.
31:55 I want you to notice this rather lengthy statement
31:58 that we find in
31:59 the Book Great Controversy, page 491.
32:03 It's lengthy.
32:05 And I hate to read because people get distracted,
32:07 but this is a powerful statement.
32:09 So I'm going to take the time to read it.
32:12 "When the work of
32:14 the investigative judgment closes,
32:16 the destiny of all will have been decided
32:20 for life or death.
32:23 Probation ends a short time
32:26 before the appearing of the Lord
32:27 in the clouds of heaven.
32:29 Christ in the Revelation, looking forward to that time,
32:33 declares, 'He that is unjust, let him be unjust still,
32:37 he which is filthy, let him be filthy still,
32:40 and he that is righteous let him be righteous still,
32:43 and he that is holy, let him be holy still."
32:47 And then we have the Second Coming.
32:49 "And, behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me,
32:52 to give every man according as his work shall be.'"
32:56 And then she comments.
32:58 "The righteous and the wicked will still be
33:00 living upon the earth in their mortal state,
33:04 men will be planting and building,
33:06 eating and drinking,
33:07 all unconscious that the final irrevocable decision
33:12 has been pronounced in the sanctuary above."
33:16 So they're unaware that
33:17 probation is closed in the sanctuary above.
33:20 Just like those outside the ark
33:21 were unaware that probation had closed
33:24 when the door closed.
33:25 They thought that those inside were wrong in their belief.
33:29 So she continues.
33:31 "Before the Flood, after Noah entered the ark,
33:35 God shut him in and shut the ungodly out,
33:40 but for seven days the people,
33:42 not knowing that their doom
33:46 was fixed, continued their careless,
33:49 pleasure-loving life and mocked
33:51 the warnings of impending judgment.
33:54 'So," says the Savior,
33:56 'shall also the coming of the Son of man be.'
34:00 Silently, unnoticed as the midnight thief,
34:05 will come the decisive hour
34:07 that marks the fixing of every man's destiny,
34:11 the final withdrawal of mercy's offered to guilty men."
34:15 So notice, silently unnoticed as the midnight thief,
34:19 probation will close.
34:22 And the lost will be
34:23 totally oblivious to the fact that
34:26 the door of mercy is no longer open.
34:30 The quotation continues,
34:31 now she's going to quote from Mark 13:35-36.
34:36 "Watch ye therefore,
34:38 lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping."
34:40 People think, well,
34:41 this is the Second Coming of Christ.
34:43 No, it's not.
34:44 You see, it's when Jesus
34:45 comes to the Father to change His garments
34:49 to return to the earth
34:50 as King of kings and Lord of lords
34:52 because He's no longer a priest to intercede for people.
34:57 She continues.
34:59 "Perilous is the condition of those who,
35:02 growing weary of their watch,
35:04 turn to the attractions of the world.
35:07 While the man of business is absorbed
35:09 in the pursuit of gain,
35:12 while the pleasure lover is seeking indulgence,
35:14 while the daughter of fashion
35:16 is arranging her adornments,
35:18 it may be in that hour
35:21 the Judge of all the earth will pronounce the sentence,
35:24 'Thou art weighed in the balances,
35:27 and art found wanting.'"
35:30 Now I want to read the parallel passage
35:32 that we find in Mark 13:33-37,
35:37 parallel to the passage that
35:39 we began with in our study today
35:41 from Matthew 24.
35:43 This is how it reads.
35:44 Mark 13:33-37,
35:48 "Take heed, watch and pray,
35:50 for you do not know when the time is.
35:53 It is like a man going to a far country,
35:57 who left his house
35:58 and gave authority to his servants,
36:00 and to each his work,
36:03 and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.
36:06 Watch therefore, Jesus says, for you do not know
36:09 when the master of the house is coming."
36:11 You say well, we don't know the hour of the Second Coming.
36:13 Yeah, we don't know the hour of the Second Coming,
36:15 but we also don't know
36:17 when the door of probation is closing.
36:18 And this is talking about the close of probation.
36:20 I'm going to show you in a moment.
36:22 Verse 35 again, "Watch therefore,
36:24 for you do not know when the master of the house
36:26 is coming in the evening,
36:28 at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster,
36:32 or in the morning,
36:33 lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.
36:36 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"
36:40 So in other words, watch,
36:41 so that when He comes suddenly He doesn't find you sleeping.
36:46 Is that talking about the moment
36:48 when the people discovered that the thief has come?
36:51 No, it's talking about the time when the thief comes.
36:54 And nobody knows it until the morning
36:56 when they realize that everything has been
36:59 stolen by the thief.
37:02 Now I've read this passage,
37:03 let me read you a statement from Ellen White,
37:06 she understood this.
37:07 You see people many times read Scripture,
37:09 and they're not careful in their reading.
37:11 They simply say, "Oh, well,
37:13 nobody knows the hour and day of His coming
37:15 so that's the Second Coming of Christ."
37:17 But they don't realize that
37:18 this is talking about the coming of the thief.
37:21 When the thief comes those who are not watching,
37:25 they're caught off guard.
37:26 They don't know the thief has come.
37:28 They find out later
37:30 when they wake up in the morning
37:32 and the thief has taken all of their goods.
37:34 This is a remarkable statement from Ellen White.
37:37 She understood that probation
37:38 closes before the Second Coming of Christ.
37:41 This is a rather lengthy statement also,
37:44 it's found in Volume Two of the Testimonies,
37:46 page 190 and 191.
37:49 She is going to quote the passage
37:50 that we just read from Mark 13.
37:53 "Jesus has left us word."
37:55 Now she quotes, "Watch ye therefore,
37:57 for ye do not know
37:59 when the Master of the house cometh,
38:01 at even, or at midnight,
38:03 or the cockcrowing, or in the morning, lest coming
38:07 suddenly He find you sleeping.
38:09 And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch."
38:13 She's quoting Mark 13 where it says,
38:16 "Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping."
38:19 She continues, "We are waiting and watching
38:22 for the return of the Master,
38:24 who is to bring the morning,
38:26 lest coming suddenly He find us sleeping."
38:29 And then she asked this question.
38:31 "What time is here referred to?"
38:34 That is when the return of the Master is?
38:37 What time is referred to here?
38:39 "Not to the revelation of Christ in the clouds of heaven
38:43 to find a people asleep.
38:45 No, but to His return from His ministration
38:49 in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary,
38:52 when He lays off His priestly attire
38:54 and clothes Himself with garments of vengeance,
38:58 and when the mandate goes forth,
39:00 'He that is unjust, let him be unjust still,
39:02 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still,
39:05 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still,
39:08 and he that is holy, let him be holy still.'
39:11 When Jesus ceases to plead for man,
39:13 the cases of all are forever decided.
39:17 This is the time of reckoning with His servants.
39:20 To those..."
39:21 Now I want you to notice the key words
39:23 that I'm going to read following.
39:25 "To those who have neglected, not rejected,
39:30 neglected the preparation of purity and holiness,
39:34 which fits them to be waiting ones to welcome their Lord,
39:38 the sun sets in gloom and darkness,
39:41 and rises not again.
39:43 Probation closes,
39:45 Christ's intercessions cease in heaven.
39:49 This time finally comes suddenly upon all,
39:53 and those who have neglected to purify their souls
39:56 by obeying the truth are found sleeping.
39:59 They become weary of waiting and watching,
40:03 they became indifferent
40:05 in regard to the coming of their Master.
40:07 They longed not for His appearing,
40:11 and thought there was no need of
40:13 such continued persevering watching.
40:16 They had been disappointed in their expectations
40:19 and might be again.
40:20 They concluded that
40:22 there was time enough yet to arouse.
40:24 They would be sure not to lose
40:26 the opportunity of securing an earthly treasure.
40:29 It would be safe to get all of this world
40:31 they could and in securing this object,
40:34 they lost all anxiety and interest in the appearance
40:38 of the appearing of their Master.
40:40 They became indifferent and careless,
40:43 as though His coming were yet in the distance.
40:46 But while their interest was buried in their worldly gains,
40:50 the work closed in the heavenly sanctuary,
40:53 and they were unprepared."
40:55 What a magnificent description that Ellen White
40:58 gives here based firmly on
41:01 what we have studied from Scripture.
41:04 Now let me ask you what is going to happen
41:06 after the Second Coming of Christ?
41:08 What is going to happen
41:10 with Satan during the 1,000 years?
41:12 You can read it in Revelation 20,
41:14 we're told that Revelation
41:16 that Satan will be bound to planet earth,
41:18 just like at the flood.
41:21 You remember Patriarchs and Prophets, page 99,
41:24 "Satan himself, who was compelled to remain
41:26 in the midst of the warring elements,
41:28 feared for his own existence."
41:30 So after the Second Coming as Satan
41:33 was bound to this earth at the flood,
41:35 Satan will be bound to this world for 1,000 years.
41:39 During this period, according
41:41 to the Prophet Jeremiah 4:19-23,
41:45 the earth will be without form and void,
41:47 like it was before creation,
41:50 and the planet will be in darkness,
41:52 all of the wicked will also be dead.
41:55 We find that in Revelation Chapter 20,
41:57 Satan has lost all of his followers.
42:00 So basically, you have a repetition
42:03 of what the world was in before creation week.
42:08 Now is it possible to be notified,
42:12 but surprised?
42:15 I want to talk to you now about an event that occurred
42:18 in the country of Colombia many years ago.
42:22 On Wednesday, November 13, 1985,
42:26 the eruption of the volcano, Nevado del Ruiz
42:30 caused an avalanche of mud
42:33 that buried the city of Armero in Colombia.
42:36 Some 22,000 souls perished in one night.
42:42 One wonders whether this devastating
42:44 loss of life could have been prevented.
42:47 Were there no signs that indicated that the volcano
42:52 was going to explode,
42:54 and that there was going to be an avalanche of mud?
42:57 The answer to this question is a resounding yes.
43:01 There were warnings.
43:03 In fact, the day after the disaster,
43:06 I read an article in one of the main
43:09 newspapers El Espectador,
43:11 published by Rodolfo Rodriguez Calderon.
43:14 The title of the article was on un desastre anunciado,
43:18 in other words, unannounced disaster.
43:21 The disaster was announced ahead of time in other words.
43:24 The article makes it clear that
43:26 every single person in the city of Armero
43:29 could have saved their lives if they had paid attention
43:33 to the signs of impending doom,
43:35 but they chose to ignore the signs.
43:39 What were the signs?
43:41 Eleven months before the disaster,
43:43 the mountain had begun spewing out smoke and ash.
43:48 The fluffy snow at the top of the mountain
43:51 became a solid sheet of ice due to the intense heat
43:56 within the mountain.
43:57 The water level of the rivers increased significantly
44:01 due to the melting snow.
44:03 The cloud of ash and gases
44:06 which rose 15 feet high the first day
44:09 increased to 750 feet the second day,
44:13 and the day before the eruption,
44:15 the cloud of ash and gases had reached
44:18 a height of 16,000 feet.
44:22 On September 11,
44:23 the earth tremors reached an intensity of III
44:27 other Mercalli scale.
44:29 On occasion, people could hear the mountain roar from inside.
44:33 The authorities had to close the access roads
44:36 to the mountain ski resort
44:38 because of the mudslides that totally covered them.
44:41 It was impossible for people to keep their houses clean
44:44 because of the volcanic ash
44:46 that blew into town day in and day out.
44:50 The people could smell sulfur in the air.
44:54 The evening when the volcano exploded,
44:57 there was a torrential rain
44:59 according to those who survived
45:01 with wind of hurricane proportions
45:03 that began around 9 pm.
45:06 According to the handful of survivors,
45:09 the darkness was unusual
45:12 in some eyewitnesses that survived said that
45:14 the darkness was virtually supernatural.
45:18 Were there enough signs
45:20 that a disaster was going to take place?
45:23 Absolutely.
45:25 So why didn't people flee
45:27 when they saw all these signs
45:28 move to some other place?
45:31 This is the sad part of the story.
45:34 In spite of the multiple signs 22,000 people
45:40 perished on that fateful night.
45:42 One wonders whether something similar
45:45 can happen with regards to the Second Coming of Christ.
45:49 Could the Second Coming catch people
45:51 by surprise in spite of all of the signs that
45:54 there are that Jesus is coming soon?
45:58 Why did the city of Armero choose
46:01 to ignore these signs?
46:05 Well, in the same article that
46:07 I mentioned from the newspaper El Espectador,
46:11 we have the following information
46:14 about the reason why the people
46:16 decided to stay within the city.
46:19 A priest in the city, Edgar Efren Torres,
46:24 came over the radio at 7 pm that evening,
46:27 and told the people there is no reason to panic.
46:31 Please stay calm.
46:34 The Civil Defense
46:35 in an official radio release affirmed,
46:38 there is no reason to be concerned.
46:41 The bishop of a town,
46:43 Augusto Osorio warned against fanatics
46:47 who were announcing gloom and doom for the city.
46:51 The mayor of the town said, "Don't worry."
46:55 The governor of the state of Tolima,
46:58 where Armero was found, said later,
47:01 "The disaster could not have been
47:02 predicted in advance."
47:05 Colombian scientist Jaime Vega Velasquez
47:09 confidently predicted,
47:11 this volcano is not going to erupt,
47:14 nothing is going to happen.
47:16 Beware of speculations and exaggerations.
47:21 The Secretary of Mines,
47:23 Ivan Duque Escobar asserted that nothing will happen.
47:27 Even United States geologist Darrell Hurd said
47:31 that it was very unlikely that
47:33 the cities could be buried by rocks, lava, or mud.
47:37 The Regional Emergency Committee,
47:39 that very evening sent out a message,
47:41 don't expect your windows to shatter,
47:44 don't expect darkness,
47:45 don't expect lava to run down the mountain,
47:48 don't expect large layers of ash,
47:50 among other things.
47:52 The people did not know that
47:54 probation had closed and destruction was on the way.
47:59 And very few of those who lived in the city were left.
48:05 Now this is something very interesting,
48:07 we need to talk briefly about those who are left
48:11 and those who are taken.
48:13 You remember that in Matthew Chapter 24,
48:15 Jesus says, one will be taken and the other will be left.
48:19 Now many, many scholars say that
48:21 the ones that are left are the ones that
48:24 stay on earth during the 1,000 years,
48:28 the lost.
48:29 And that those who are taken
48:31 are the ones who are taken to heaven
48:32 in the rapture at the Second Coming,
48:35 but I believe if you study Scripture carefully,
48:39 the ones who are left are the ones who survive.
48:43 The ones who are taken are the ones who are destroyed.
48:47 You know, for example, if there's a flood today,
48:50 and the flood takes away a whole town,
48:53 we say did the flood take everyone away,
48:56 wasn't anyone left?
48:58 You see, we don't have the time to go through this,
49:01 but the word left in the Old Testament
49:04 is a remnant word.
49:06 It's referring to those who are left
49:08 after a great calamity, after a great destruction.
49:13 You know, being that
49:14 this is talking about the Flood,
49:16 we need to go to Genesis Chapter 7
49:19 and notice something very interesting.
49:21 Who is that was left at the time of the Flood?
49:25 And who was taken at the time of the Flood?
49:27 Notice Genesis Chapter 7
49:30 and I want to read verses 23
49:32 and actually 22 and 23.
49:36 It says there, "All in whose nostrils
49:40 was the breath of the spirit of life,
49:42 all that was on the dry land, died."
49:47 So you have one group that dies.
49:49 Verse 23, "So He destroyed all living things
49:53 which were on the face of the ground,
49:56 both man and cattle,
49:58 creeping thing and bird of the air.
50:01 They were destroyed from the earth."
50:04 And now notice this.
50:05 "Only Noah and those who were with him
50:09 in the ark remained alive."
50:11 This is the New King James Version.
50:13 But if you read many other versions,
50:15 it actually says there in verse 23 at the end,
50:19 "Only Noah, and those who are with him
50:23 in the ark were left."
50:26 Jesus Himself said that
50:28 the flood took away all of the wicked."
50:31 So those who are left were Noah and his family.
50:36 This is a remnant word.
50:39 Let me just go to one other verse,
50:41 or couple of verses that use this very same word left
50:46 to show you that the left are the remnant that are saved,
50:50 the left are not those that are left behind,
50:53 according to the famous series of books, you know,
50:56 they're not the ones that are left behind,
50:58 while the ones that are taken out are the ones
50:59 that taken to heaven in the rapture.
51:01 You know, this idea of the rapture
51:03 is not a biblical idea.
51:05 Notice Isaiah Chapter 4 and let's read verse 2 and 3.
51:11 "In that day, the Branch of the Lord
51:14 shall be beautiful and glorious,
51:16 and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent
51:18 and appealing for those of Israel
51:21 who have escaped.
51:23 And it shall come to pass that he who is left in Zion
51:27 and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy,
51:33 everyone who is recorded among the living in Jerusalem."
51:38 So you'll notice here very clearly,
51:40 that we are told that those who are left
51:44 in Jerusalem are holy.
51:47 Now let's notice 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
51:50 Incidentally, I wrote a little book,
51:53 and you can get this book from Secrets Unsealed,
51:55 it's called Taken Or Left?
51:57 Where I deal fully with this, it's about a small book,
52:01 probably about 20 plus pages,
52:03 and you can get the full explanation of
52:05 what I'm sharing with you now.
52:07 So let's go.
52:09 Where did I say we were going?
52:12 Let's go in our Bibles to
52:17 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
52:19 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4, we've read before this passage,
52:23 but let's read it again in this new context.
52:26 4:15, "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
52:31 that we who are alive and remain
52:35 until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede
52:38 those who are asleep.
52:40 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
52:42 with a shout, with the voice of an archangel,
52:44 the trumpet of God.
52:45 And the dead in Christ will rise first."
52:48 Now notice this.
52:49 "Then we who are alive and," what?
52:52 "And remain or are left shall be
52:56 caught up together with them
52:57 in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
52:59 And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
53:03 The word left as I mentioned is a remnant word.
53:07 It's what remains after a great catastrophe,
53:11 after a great cataclysm, after a great destruction.
53:16 So when Scripture speaks about the taken and the left,
53:20 the taken are not those who go to heaven
53:22 in the rapture seven years
53:24 before the glorious coming of Christ,
53:25 and the ones who are left are left here
53:27 behind alive to suffer the Great Tribulation.
53:31 You say, how do we know that?
53:33 Well, I've shared several ideas with you.
53:35 Let me share another one with you.
53:38 In the period of Noah, before the Flood.
53:42 Let me ask you, when the Flood came,
53:44 how many groups were there?
53:46 Were there, first of all, those who survived in the ark,
53:52 then you have those who were destroyed
53:54 outside the ark.
53:56 And you had some people that remained alive outside the ark.
54:00 Is that the case? No.
54:03 You have two groups.
54:05 Those who were saved in the ark,
54:08 everyone else was destroyed.
54:11 There was no third group of survivors
54:13 that were on the earth during the Flood
54:16 that survived the Flood.
54:18 Now why do I bring this to you?
54:20 Because the rapture idea basically teaches that
54:24 when Jesus comes for the rapture,
54:26 He takes His people, His faithful people to heaven.
54:31 And some on earth will be destroyed
54:33 when planes crash and cars crash, etcetera,
54:36 but there will be a third group that are those who are alive
54:41 and remain on earth during the Tribulation.
54:45 Futurists call it the tribulation force.
54:48 So instead of the two groups at the Flood,
54:50 you have suddenly three groups, but there are not three groups.
54:54 There are two groups.
54:55 When Jesus comes in power and glory
54:58 there will only be two groups.
55:00 Those who are saved, and those who are lost.
55:03 And by the way, I repeat once again,
55:06 how important this is that
55:08 when the door of probation closes,
55:11 everybody is saved or lost,
55:13 there is no change in sides at that particular point.
55:17 Now let me end by mentioning one more thing.
55:21 There will be a corporate close of probation
55:24 for the entire world.
55:26 We don't know when that close of probation will be.
55:29 In other words, there's a close of probation
55:31 for everyone on planet earth,
55:32 it is a global close of probation.
55:35 But there's another close of probation
55:38 that the Bible speaks of.
55:40 And this close of probation is individual and personal.
55:44 It's not global, but it's personal.
55:47 And by the way, this close of probation
55:50 can occur at any time.
55:53 And you say, "What are you talking about?"
55:56 Well, the fact is that as long as a person is alive,
56:01 they are able to choose one of the two sides,
56:04 that is until the corporate probation
56:06 for the world closes,
56:08 people are able to choose to be on one side
56:11 or on the other side.
56:13 But when a person dies,
56:17 their case is closed forever.
56:20 Probation has closed for that person.
56:24 So if you don't reach into the time of the corporate,
56:28 global close of probation, and you should die today.
56:32 Your case has been decided forever and ever.
56:36 That's the reason why we need to be certain that
56:39 we are connected with Jesus Christ as our Savior
56:42 and Lord at every moment of every day.
56:45 We can say, "Oh, there's still time,
56:47 you know, I can still give my life to the Lord
56:49 because there's still time."
56:51 There's no guarantee that there's still time.
56:53 There's no guarantee that
56:55 we're going to be alive the next instant.
56:57 And so the Bible says,
56:58 "Today is the day of salvation."
57:01 Today, if you hear His voice, don't harden your heart.
57:04 Today, receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
57:08 Don't be caught by the close of probation
57:11 of individual personal probation
57:14 without being prepared.
57:17 And so folks, Jesus in Matthew 24
57:20 tells us in summary that probation will close,
57:23 the door will close
57:25 that's His coming as a thief closes the door.
57:28 Most of the world will be sleeping,
57:30 they won't be watching.
57:31 They're unaware that probation has closed,
57:34 until Jesus comes on the clouds of heaven
57:36 to destroy those who have not committed their lives
57:40 to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
57:44 My prayer is that we will take this seriously
57:48 and that we will commit our lives
57:51 to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
57:53 so that He will save us both after probation closes
57:59 and at His glorious coming.
58:01 May God bless us and may that be our experience.


Revised 2021-09-20