Matthew 24

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MAT

Program Code: MAT000023S

00:01 Music...
00:20 Shall we pray?
00:22 "Father in heaven,
00:24 as we near the end of this Series
00:26 and speak about marriage customs in Scripture,
00:31 we need your special wisdom and guidance.
00:35 Marriages in Biblical times
00:38 were different than marriages today,
00:40 so give me the wisdom to explain the Biblical customs.
00:45 Give those who are watching this understanding
00:49 that the lessons we learn might be instrumental
00:52 in our personal walk day to day with Jesus.
00:55 We thank you for hearing our prayer,
00:59 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:02 There's a big difference between eastern weddings
01:07 and western weddings.
01:09 Today we're going to talk about wedding customs as they existed
01:14 in the days of Jesus Christ.
01:17 The customs were very different
01:20 than the customs for weddings today.
01:22 Now, in our next lesson, we are going to study
01:26 about the parable of the ten virgins.
01:29 We're going to dedicate an entire session
01:32 just to that one parable.
01:33 However, today I am going to make reference
01:37 to the parable of the ten virgins
01:39 so that we are introduced to what we are going to study
01:44 more fully tomorrow.
01:46 So, first of all let's go through the process
01:49 of a wedding in the times of Christ
01:53 and in the Old Testament.
01:55 First of all, you have the betrothal or the engagement.
01:59 The engagement between the bride and the groom
02:03 took place at the home of the bride's father
02:08 and at that place, when the engagement was made,
02:12 the groom paid the dowry to the bride's father
02:18 for having the bride.
02:21 Then, after this,
02:23 the groom would return to his father's house
02:27 to prepare a home... a permanent home
02:31 where he and his wife-to-be were to live out their lives.
02:36 During the period of preparation,
02:39 the bride, at her home, also prepared for the wedding.
02:44 Of course, it was necessary to send out invitations
02:48 so that the guests to the wedding would be able to come
02:53 and so invitations were sent out after the engagement
02:58 inviting those who would be guests
03:02 or invitees to the wedding.
03:05 Now, it needed to be determined
03:09 once the people were in the wedding chamber
03:13 who had a right to be there...
03:15 who was a legitimate guest who had received the invitation.
03:20 So, in some cases,
03:22 the groom's father would send out a special wedding garment
03:27 that the invitees had to wear
03:30 in order to be in the wedding chamber officially.
03:34 In a moment we're going to see some examples of this
03:39 and then, the wedding would eventually take place
03:44 in the father of the groom... the father of the groom's home.
03:50 That's where the wedding would actually take place.
03:53 And then of course, following the wedding,
03:56 you had the celebration... you had the wedding reception.
04:00 Now, the parable of the ten virgins
04:03 gives us some idea of what eastern weddings were like.
04:08 The story is found in Matthew chapter 25
04:12 and verses 1 to 13.
04:15 Now, Jesus instructed His individual followers
04:21 to be ready to go in with Him
04:24 to the wedding chamber as invited guests to the wedding.
04:29 In other words, the individuals who were followers of Jesus
04:33 they are invited to be guests at the wedding.
04:36 We'll unpack that further as we move along.
04:40 Now, let's take a look at the parable of the ten virgins.
04:44 All of the ten virgins claimed to be believers
04:48 in Jesus Christ
04:50 but five were genuine believers
04:53 and five were counterfeit believers.
04:56 Now, the virgins were supposed to light the way
05:00 to the wedding chamber.
05:01 This represents the fact that God's people
05:05 who have accepted the invitation to the wedding
05:09 need to lighten the way to the wedding chamber.
05:13 They need to provide light so that other people
05:16 will join in going to the wedding
05:20 and the wedding chamber.
05:21 But you find in the parable of the ten virgins... a delay.
05:26 The groom does not come for the wedding
05:30 as soon as the virgins were expecting
05:34 and so, they slumber.
05:36 But then, when the groom is about to arrive
05:41 to enter the wedding chamber,
05:43 you have what is called the midnight cry.
05:46 There's a cry: Behold the bridegroom commeth,
05:49 prepare to receive Him.
05:52 And so, now, all of the virgins wake up.
05:55 Five of them have extra oil in their vessels
05:59 and five of them had oil in their lamps
06:02 but no provision for extra oil.
06:05 And so, the groom arrives...
06:09 the wise virgins enter the wedding chamber
06:12 and the door is shut.
06:14 Meanwhile, the foolish virgins have gone to try and buy oil
06:20 but when they come back,
06:22 they realize that the door is shut.
06:25 The wedding takes place behind closed doors
06:30 and the foolish are left outside.
06:33 In fact, they are sent into outer darkness
06:37 where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
06:41 Now, it's very important for us to understand
06:45 that Jesus told His followers to watch
06:49 because they did not know when the groom was coming.
06:52 Now, we need to understand that that is not referring
06:56 to the second coming of Christ.
06:58 That is referring to the moment that Jesus comes to His Father
07:03 to marry His bride or to receive the kingdom.
07:07 In other words, when Jesus says,
07:10 "You know, watch...
07:12 because you don't know when your Lord is coming... "
07:13 it's not talking about His coming to this earth
07:16 in His second coming,
07:17 it's talking about Jesus going to the Father
07:21 for the marriage to His kingdom or to His bride.
07:24 We will unpack this more as we move along.
07:28 Now, another wedding parable that Jesus gave
07:32 is found in Matthew chapter 22 and verses 1 through 14.
07:38 I want to read a short statement from Ellen White,
07:40 Great Controversy page 428
07:43 where Ellen White sets the stage for a very important event
07:47 in this particular parable.
07:48 This quotation says,
07:51 "In the parable of Matthew 22
07:53 the same figure of the marriage is introduced... "
07:56 as in the parable of the ten virgins... that is...
08:01 "and the Investigative Judgment is clearly represented
08:05 as taking place before the marriage. "
08:07 So before the marriage... before Jesus is in the wedding chamber,
08:10 and He marries His bride... or He marries the kingdom
08:13 there is an investigation of the guests
08:16 to see if they have the wedding garment
08:19 and they are actually authorized to be there
08:23 for the wedding.
08:24 So, let's go through this parable in Matthew 22
08:28 verses 1 through 14
08:30 and I'm only going to synthesize...
08:32 we don't have time to go into all of the details...
08:36 I did one entire presentation that lasted an hour
08:39 on every detail of this parable,
08:42 but I'm only going to give you the highlights.
08:43 In the parable,
08:46 a first invitation is given to the Jewish theocracy.
08:50 They reject the invitation.
08:52 Then the fatted cattle are killed...
08:55 a symbol of the death of Christ
08:57 and then a second invitation goes out
09:00 to the same group of people... to the Hebrew theocracy.
09:04 But the Hebrew theocracy rejects the second invitation as well.
09:09 So, then in the year 70,
09:12 God the Father sends His armies... the Roman legions
09:16 and they destroy the city of Jerusalem and the temple
09:19 in the year 70.
09:21 Now, the wedding has not taken place at this point.
09:24 Invitations are being sent out.
09:26 So, because the first two invitations were rejected,
09:30 it's necessary for now the invitations to go more broadly
09:36 and so, now the message...
09:38 the invitation goes to the Gentiles...
09:41 to the uttermost parts of the earth.
09:44 And so, through the lighting of the way to the wedding chamber,
09:48 through the preaching of the gospel,
09:51 many people are accepting the invitation
09:54 to come as guests to the wedding.
09:57 In fact, in Matthew 22 and verse 10, we are told,
10:01 "So those servants went out into the highways,
10:04 and gathered together all whom they found,
10:07 both bad and good:
10:10 and the wedding hall was filled with guests. "
10:14 So, throughout the Christian era...
10:16 throughout the Christian dispensation,
10:19 invitations are being sent out.
10:21 People are accepting the invitations to the wedding
10:25 that will take place later on.
10:27 And now, comes the next event in the parable
10:31 and that is the examination of the garments
10:35 of those who accepted the invitation
10:37 to see if they had the right to be in the wedding chamber
10:40 where the wedding will take place.
10:44 We find in chapter 22 and verses 10...
10:48 actually 11 and 12 the following words.
10:51 "But when the king came in to see the guests... "
10:56 now that word "see" is very interesting.
10:59 There's a common word in Greek for see...
11:02 it's the word "blepo. "
11:04 That is not the word here.
11:05 The word here is "theaomai" which is better translated
11:10 that the king came in to examine or to scrutinize the guests.
11:16 It continues... "The king saw a man there
11:21 who did not have on a wedding garment. "
11:25 In other words, he was in the wedding chamber
11:28 but he didn't have a wedding garment.
11:29 At this point, the wedding has not taken place.
11:32 It's the examination of the guests
11:34 to see if they have the garment for the wedding.
11:37 Verse 12, "So he said to him... "
11:41 the king says to him, "Friend, how did you come in here
11:45 without a wedding garment?"
11:47 And he was speechless.
11:51 You see, the groom's father
11:53 sent out an invitation to the wedding
11:56 with a special garment for each guest.
11:59 Once in the wedding chamber,
12:01 the father examined the garments of the guests
12:07 to determine if each was wearing the wedding garment
12:10 that the father had sent out.
12:12 We find in the book Great Controversy, page 482,
12:17 a very interesting passage explaining the fact
12:23 that the invitation is given during the gospel dispensation.
12:27 The guests who accept the invitation
12:30 are believers during the gospel dispensation.
12:33 However, the wedding... we're going to find
12:36 takes place in heaven
12:37 while the invited guests are still on the earth.
12:41 In other words, their garments are examined
12:44 in a heavenly Investigative Judgment
12:46 because their names are up there...
12:48 their records are up there...
12:50 the records are examined up there
12:52 but believers are here.
12:53 They've gone to the wedding by faith... not physically.
12:58 In other words, the examination of the garments
13:00 does not take place after the second coming of Christ.
13:03 It would be absurd to think that Jesus comes the second time...
13:07 He takes His followers...
13:10 those who had accepted the invitation to heaven
13:12 and then in heaven, the King comes out
13:14 and He finds an individual who doesn't have the wedding garment
13:17 and says, "Sorry Buddy, you got to go back to the earth. "
13:20 That's not what this is talking about.
13:22 You see, the examination comes before the wedding
13:25 and once the examination is finished,
13:27 the wedding takes place in heaven... in the chamber
13:31 Jesus marries His bride... He takes over the kingdom
13:34 but His Followers are on the earth.
13:37 Here's the statement from Ellen White.
13:40 "Those who in the judgment are 'accounted worthy'"
13:43 that is... those who have the wedding garment,
13:46 "will have a part in the resurrection of the just.
13:49 So, those in the examination who are found to be worthy
13:54 because they have the garment,
13:55 will have a part in the resurrection of the just.
13:58 Jesus said... "
14:00 and now she is going to quote Scripture, Luke 20:35 and 36.
14:04 "They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world... "
14:08 that is the world to come...
14:10 "and the resurrection from the dead,
14:11 are equal unto the angels;
14:14 and are the children of God,
14:15 being the children of the resurrection. "
14:19 She continues, "And again... "
14:22 she's going to quote another verse...
14:24 John 5:29...
14:25 "And again He declares that 'they that have done good'
14:28 shall come forth 'unto the resurrection of life. '
14:32 John 5 verse 29."
14:34 Then she comments,
14:37 "The righteous dead will not be raised until after the judgment
14:41 at which they are accounted worthy
14:43 of 'the resurrection of life. '"
14:45 In other words, the righteous are not going to resurrect
14:48 until their garments have been examined in heaven
14:52 through their records
14:53 and then, if they are accounted worthy,
14:56 they will resurrect from the dead.
14:58 So, she once again says,
15:01 "The righteous dead will not be raised until after the judgment
15:03 at which they are accounted worthy
15:05 of 'the resurrection of life. '
15:07 Hence they will not be present in person
15:11 at the tribunal
15:13 when their records are examined and their cases decided. "
15:16 In other words, they're going be on earth.
15:18 But their cases are examined
15:21 in the pre-Advent Investigative Judgment in heaven
15:25 and so, then the wedding takes place in heaven.
15:27 Jesus marries His kingdom.
15:31 Jesus marries the totality of His people.
15:34 See, the bride is not the individuals...
15:37 the bride are the totality of the saved.
15:40 Those who accepted the invitation and had the garment
15:44 and those individuals who profess Jesus
15:48 but their records show
15:50 that they did not live as followers of Jesus,
15:53 will be cast out into outer darkness
15:57 where there was wailing and gnashing of teeth.
16:01 We find in Matthew 22 verse 13, the following words,
16:06 "Then the king said to the servants,
16:09 'Bind him hand and foot,
16:11 take him away... "
16:13 this is the man without the garment...
16:15 "and cast him into outer darkness;
16:17 there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "
16:21 So, the wedding takes place in heaven.
16:24 Jesus marries His bride
16:26 which is the totality of saved believers...
16:29 which is the same as Jesus taking over the kingdom
16:32 because His kingdom is complete.
16:35 It's been revealed who are subjects of His kingdom.
16:38 His kingdom are His people.
16:40 His bride are the totality of His people.
16:43 Now, let's notice other enlightening texts
16:47 that help us understand this.
16:49 Go with me to Luke chapter 12 and verses 35 to 37.
16:54 Luke 12:35 to 37.
16:57 Here Jesus tells His disciples... His followers,
17:01 "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning... "
17:06 so, the lamps burning connects actually
17:09 with the parable of the ten virgins.
17:11 "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning;
17:14 and you yourselves be like men... "
17:17 now, here's an important point,
17:19 "who wait for their master,
17:21 when he will return from the wedding,
17:24 that when he comes and knocks
17:27 they may open to him immediately. "
17:28 Now, did you notice something interesting here?
17:32 It says that the followers of Jesus are waiting
17:35 for the Master to return from the wedding.
17:38 So, the wedding must take place in a different location.
17:42 The wedding takes place in heaven
17:44 but the individual followers of Jesus are on earth
17:47 and the totality of the followers of Jesus
17:50 are His kingdom or His bride.
17:53 Now, it continues saying in verse 37.
17:57 "Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes,
18:02 will find watching. "
18:05 And then notice that after this, you have the wedding supper
18:09 or we call it the Reception after the wedding.
18:11 It continues saying,
18:13 "Assuredly, I say to you that he... " that is Jesus...
18:18 "will gird himself and have them sit down to eat,
18:23 and will come and serve them. "
18:26 Now, let's notice another passage in Scripture
18:30 that helps us understand this.
18:31 Daniel chapter 7 verses 9 and 10 and verses 13 and 14.
18:38 Now, I need to give you a little bit of context
18:40 so you understand.
18:42 In Daniel chapter 7, you have a lion
18:45 which represents the kingdom of Babylon.
18:47 You have a bear... Medo-Persia.
18:49 You have a leopard... Greece.
18:51 You have a dragon beast which is the Roman Empire.
18:54 Then, the dragon beast sprouts ten horns
18:58 which means that the Roman Empire was divided
19:00 and the division was complete in the year 476 after Christ.
19:05 And then, among the ten rises a Little Horn
19:09 and rules for 1,260 years.
19:12 That Little Horn represents the Papacy from 538 to 1798
19:18 and after this, you have a judgment scene.
19:22 In other words, the judgment has to take place
19:24 sometime after 1798.
19:27 Notice, Daniel chapter 7:9 and 10,
19:31 after speaking about the 1260 years that the Little Horn
19:34 basically did whatever God allowed it to do,
19:37 we find these words.
19:39 Verses 9 and 10, "I watched till thrones were put in place,
19:43 and the Ancient of Days was seated:
19:46 His garment was white as snow,
19:48 and the hair of His head was like pure wool.
19:52 His throne was a fiery flame,
19:54 it's wheels a burning fire;
19:57 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him.
20:00 A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
20:03 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
20:06 The court was seated, and the books were opened. "
20:11 That means that the judgment is going to begin
20:14 sometime after 1798
20:16 and it's actually in 1844.
20:19 Now, this doesn't end the story.
20:22 You see, the Father lives in heaven.
20:26 We pray, "Our Father, which art in heaven... "
20:27 So, the Ancient of Days is in heaven.
20:31 He's surrounded by all the angels by 10,000 times 10,000
20:35 and thousands of thousands.
20:37 The angels live in heaven
20:39 and now... once the Father is seated
20:42 and the judgment is to begin, you have another scene
20:46 and that is in verses 13 and 14.
20:50 Here Daniel describes...
20:52 "I was watching in the night visions,
20:55 and behold, One like the Son of Man,
20:57 coming with the clouds of heaven!"
21:00 Now, some people say,
21:02 "Well, yeah, see, that's the second coming... "
21:04 no, it's not the second coming.
21:05 We need to read the text carefully.
21:08 It says, "He came to the ancient of days... "
21:12 The Father is in heaven... He's coming to the Father.
21:15 What is He coming to the Father for?
21:17 Let's continue...
21:19 "He came to the Ancient of Days,
21:20 and they brought Him near before Him... "
21:23 "they" is the angels bring Jesus near before the Father.
21:26 Why does He go there?
21:28 Verse 14, "Then to Him... " that is... to Jesus...
21:31 "was given... "
21:33 and obviously the Father's the one who's giving it,
21:34 "to Him was given dominion and glory
21:38 and a kingdom
21:40 that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
21:44 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
21:47 which shall not pass away,
21:49 and His kingdom... the one... which shall not be destroyed.
21:53 So, this is the beginning of the Investigative Judgment.
21:57 The Father sits... the books are opened...
21:59 and now, Jesus Christ moves to the Father
22:02 because Jesus is going to receive His kingdom
22:04 which is the same thing as Jesus marrying His bride.
22:08 Let's notice another text which explains this.
22:13 Luke 19 verses 11 and 12.
22:16 Luke 19:11 and 12.
22:18 This is the parable of the pounds.
22:21 "Now as they heard these things,
22:24 He spoke another parable, because He was near Jerusalem
22:28 and because they thought
22:30 the kingdom of God would appear immediately.
22:32 Therefore He said... " now this is a short parable,
22:35 "Therefore He said,
22:37 'A certain nobleman... '" this is Jesus...
22:40 "went into a far country... " that is heaven...
22:44 "to receive for himself a kingdom... "
22:47 where is he going to receive the kingdom?
22:50 In the far country where he went.
22:52 So, it says, "A certain nobleman went into a far country
22:56 to receive for himself a kingdom... "
22:59 but that doesn't end...
23:00 it says, "to receive a kingdom and to return. "
23:03 So, He receives the kingdom in the far country
23:07 and then He comes... according to this.
23:09 Ellen White understood this very well...
23:11 that the marriage... is Jesus taking over the kingdom.
23:15 The marriage of Jesus with the bride... means
23:17 that all of the garments have been examined.
23:20 It's been revealed who are true subjects of the kingdom...
23:24 Christ's kingdom is complete...
23:25 His bride is complete
23:27 and after the bride is complete, then the door closes...
23:32 as we'll see the time of trouble comes
23:34 and then Jesus will return to pick up His people.
23:38 Ellen White wrote in Early Writings, page 280.
23:42 "Every case had been decided for life or death. "
23:45 This is when Probation closes.
23:47 "While Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary,
23:51 the judgment had been going on for the righteous dead,
23:55 and then for the righteous living. "
23:57 Now, notice this,
23:59 "Christ had received His kingdom,
24:02 having made the atonement for His people
24:05 and blotted out their sins. "
24:06 And now notice what she means by:
24:09 Christ had received the kingdom.
24:11 She explains, "The subjects of the kingdom were made up. "
24:16 So, notice clearly that after the Investigative Judgment,
24:20 the subjects of the kingdom have been made up
24:24 because the judgment has revealed
24:26 who has accepted the invitation to the wedding
24:29 and who is genuine.
24:30 And then, she goes on to say,
24:33 "The subjects of the kingdom were made up. "
24:36 And then, she uses another illustration,
24:38 she says, "The marriage of the Lamb was consummated. "
24:41 So, taking over the kingdom...
24:43 which is the bulk of all His people,
24:45 is the same as Jesus marrying His total people.
24:50 Now, the quotation continues,
24:53 "The marriage of the Lamb was consummated.
24:55 And the kingdom, and the greatness of the kingdom
24:58 under the whole heaven,
24:59 was given to Jesus and the heirs of salvation,
25:03 and Jesus was to reign as King of kings
25:06 and Lord of lords. "
25:08 Now, the Lamb's bride in the Bible is the New Jerusalem
25:12 which is the capital and symbol of His kingdom.
25:17 So, we know that Jesus marrying the New Jerusalem
25:21 is the same as Jesus taking over the kingdom.
25:25 Notice Revelation chapter 21 and verse 2.
25:29 Here it refers to the New Jerusalem
25:31 as the kingdom of Christ...
25:34 as the bride of Christ.
25:36 It says there in Revelation 21 verse 2,
25:38 "Then I John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
25:43 coming down out of heaven from God,
25:46 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. "
25:49 So, it says here, the New Jerusalem
25:52 is like a bride prepared for her husband.
25:55 What does that mean?
25:57 Is the New Jerusalem just as a physical city
26:01 the bride of Christ?
26:03 Does Jesus marry brick and mortar and gold and silver?
26:09 No... He's marrying the New Jerusalem
26:13 with all of the citizens of the city inside.
26:16 In other words, He's marrying His kingdom...
26:19 His people that are found within the city.
26:23 Notice Luke chapter 19:41 to 44
26:26 where Jesus referred to Jerusalem
26:29 as the people in Jerusalem.
26:30 It says there in verse 41 of Luke 19,
26:33 "Now as he drew near, He saw the city and wept over it,
26:38 saying... "
26:39 now, He's talking... He's talking to the city
26:41 as if the city is... is a person.
26:44 "If you have known, even you,
26:46 especially in this your day,
26:48 the things that make for your peace!
26:50 But now they are hidden from your eyes.
26:52 For days will come upon you
26:54 when your enemies will build an embankment around you,
26:57 surround you and close you in on every side,
27:00 and level you... " and now notice what is included,
27:03 "and level you, and your children within you. "
27:07 So, it's not only the city, it's the children in the city.
27:11 "And they will not leave in you one stone upon another,
27:14 because you did not know... "
27:17 that is... the city of Jerusalem
27:18 and, of course, the children within it,
27:21 "you did not know the time of your visitation. "
27:25 So, the city of Jerusalem is not only the physical city...
27:28 it is the people within the city... the kingdom of Jesus...
27:32 the conglomerate of God's people.
27:34 Notice also Matthew 23 and verse 38,
27:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
27:40 the one who kills the prophets... "
27:41 did the physical city of Jerusalem
27:43 the brick and mortar...
27:44 mortar killed the prophets? of course not.
27:46 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets
27:50 and stones those who are sent to her!
27:52 How often I wanted to gather your children... "
27:54 see, the city has the children.
27:56 "How often I wanted to gather your children together,
27:59 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,
28:02 but you were not willing!"
28:04 Now, let's talk for a few moments
28:07 about the wedding reception.
28:09 We've talked about the wedding taking place in heaven,
28:11 we've talked about the invited guests individually are on earth
28:16 the totality of God's people on earth are the kingdom
28:21 or the bride...
28:22 whereas the individuals are the invited guests
28:25 to the moment when Jesus marries the totality of His kingdom
28:29 or His bride.
28:31 Revelation 19 verse 9 reads as follows:
28:34 Then he said to me, "Write:
28:37 'Blessed are those who are called
28:39 to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'
28:41 And he said to me, 'These are the true sayings of God. '"
28:47 So, we find that after the wedding,
28:50 you have the wedding reception or the marriage supper.
28:54 Now, let's put all of these things into perspective.
28:59 Let's look at the composite picture of this.
29:02 I'm going to go through several points here.
29:04 First, those who preach the gospel
29:08 are inviting the guests to the wedding.
29:11 There are many who accept the invitation to the wedding.
29:14 There are genuine believers and counterfeit believers.
29:18 But they all receive an invitation to the wedding
29:21 and they receive a garment.
29:22 But they have to wear the garment
29:24 in order to be accepted as invitees to the wedding.
29:28 So, you have those who preach the gospel
29:32 inviting the guests to come to the wedding
29:34 which will take place near the very end of time.
29:38 Once again, I cannot emphasize enough
29:40 that the bride is the totality of God's people...
29:45 the kingdom is the totality of faithful believers.
29:49 In 1844, Jesus came to His Father... this is in Daniel 7,
29:54 to begin the process that would eventually make it possible
30:00 for Jesus to receive the kingdom
30:03 or to marry His bride... the church as a whole.
30:07 Since 1844, the king has been examining the garments
30:12 of each person individually
30:15 who has accepted the gospel invitation to the wedding
30:19 to determine if they have a right
30:22 to remain in the wedding chamber for the wedding.
30:26 The judgment began with those who first lived upon the earth,
30:30 that is, with Adam... the first being to live on this earth
30:34 and this judgment will end with those who are alive
30:38 just before the close of probation.
30:41 I repeat once again, these persons as individuals
30:46 are the invited guests to the wedding.
30:49 However, the people as a whole, the faithful church of all ages
30:54 in its entirety...
30:56 both those who died and will be resurrected
30:59 and those who are alive at the second coming of Christ,
31:01 they are Christ's kingdom or Christ's bride.
31:07 I want to read a statement that we find
31:10 in Christ's Object Lessons, page 307
31:13 where it explains that the wedding
31:16 is the wedding between Jesus and humanity...
31:19 that is... faithful humanity.
31:21 It says there, "The parable of the wedding garment
31:24 opens before us a lesson of the highest consequence.
31:27 By the marriage is represented
31:29 the union of humanity with divinity...
31:32 that is... all of humanity with Jesus Christ.
31:36 "The wedding garment represents the character
31:39 which all must possess who shall be accounted
31:43 fit guests for the wedding. "
31:45 Now, people say,
31:47 "Well, why would Jesus want to do an investigation?"
31:50 Isn't everybody who has accepted Jesus Christ a genuine believer?
31:55 Absolutely not.
31:56 The Bible tells us that in the church
31:58 there are wheat and tares.
32:00 Both the wheat and tares claim Jesus as Savior.
32:03 There is foolish and wise virgins.
32:05 There are those who have a wedding garment
32:08 and those who don't in the wedding chamber
32:10 and there are also those who are good fish and bad fish.
32:15 There are those who have a form of godliness
32:17 and people who have true godliness.
32:20 You see, not everyone who has claimed Jesus Christ
32:23 as Savior and Lord has been true and faithful.
32:26 Those who are found without a wedding garment
32:29 are removed from the book of Life.
32:33 However, God's faithful people
32:36 who have been purged and examined...
32:38 they will be pure and faithful and clean.
32:43 At the time when the probation closes,
32:46 the bride has made herself ready.
32:49 She is complete
32:51 and Jesus will marry His kingdom...
32:54 Jesus will marry His bride.
32:57 After the marriage takes place,
33:00 then, the door of Probation shuts...
33:05 actually before the wedding takes place...
33:07 the door of Probation shuts
33:09 and those who are left out are lost.
33:13 They're cast into outer darkness
33:17 where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
33:20 So, at the moment when the marriage takes place,
33:24 the marriage is about to take place,
33:27 the door closes... the chamber is shut
33:31 and those who arrive late, are not saved.
33:35 However, after the wedding takes place,
33:39 God's people will still be on earth.
33:42 There will be a time of trouble such as never has been seen
33:46 in the history of the world.
33:47 Matthew chapter 24 verses 21 and 22 tells us
33:52 that it's a worst time of trouble
33:54 in the history of the world.
33:55 We're told that the beast and his image
33:58 will try to impose the Mark of the Beast
34:01 and those who do not comply,
34:03 they will be under death sentence...
34:05 they will not be able to buy or sell.
34:07 But Jesus will come from heaven
34:09 and He will rescue His people
34:12 and when He rescues His people,
34:15 He will gather His elect from the four winds of heaven
34:19 and take them to heaven for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
34:25 Let's notice this quotation from Adventist Home, page 503.
34:32 "To the mind of Jesus,
34:34 the gladness of the wedding festivities
34:37 pointed forward to the rejoicing of that day
34:40 when He shall bring home His bride to the Father's house. "
34:45 The bride is all of His people.
34:48 "And the redeemed with the Redeemer
34:51 shall sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb. "
34:54 So, you notice Jesus goes to His Father...
34:58 does the work of examination...
35:01 those who have the wedding garment,
35:03 they become part of Christ's kingdom...
35:05 permanently Christ marries His kingdom... marries His bride,
35:10 then the time of trouble ensues,
35:13 Jesus returns to this earth and He picks up His bride
35:18 and takes His bride to heaven
35:20 for the celebration of the wedding supper.
35:22 Once again, "to the mind of Jesus,
35:24 to the gladness of the wedding festivities
35:27 pointed forward to the rejoicing of that day
35:29 when He shall bring home His bride to the Father's house,
35:32 and the redeemed with the Redeemer
35:34 shall sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb. "
35:38 We also find in Counsels to the Church, page 36,
35:42 "Soon we heard His lovely voice again, saying,
35:47 'Come, My people,
35:49 you have come out of great tribulation... '"
35:52 this is after they've gone through the time of trouble,
35:54 "and done My will; and suffered for Me;
35:57 come in to supper,
36:00 for I will gird Myself, and serve you. "
36:03 Ellen White who is seeing this in vision says,
36:07 "We shouted, 'Alleluia! glory!'
36:10 and entered into the city.
36:11 And I saw a table of pure silver;
36:15 it was many miles in length,
36:18 yet our eyes could extend over it. "
36:20 Obviously, God is going to fix our eyes
36:23 if we're going to see a table many miles in length
36:26 and our eyes could extend over all the table
36:29 and then she speaks of the fruit that is going to be on the table
36:33 for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
36:35 Most of these products are California products
36:38 because Ellen White retired and died
36:41 in the Napa Valley in California.
36:44 But, she has a caveat...
36:46 she says that there's going to be other kinds of fruit
36:48 besides the ones that she mentions, let me read it,
36:51 "I saw the fruit of the tree of life,
36:55 the manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates,
36:59 grapes... "
37:01 and for those who love tropical fruits...
37:03 "and many other kinds of fruits. "
37:05 Perhaps, many of them that Ellen White was not acquainted with.
37:10 Now, we need to solve a potential problem at this point.
37:14 The Bible makes it clear
37:17 that the wedding takes place in heaven
37:20 before Jesus returns to this earth for the second time
37:23 to pick up His bride
37:25 and take His bride to heaven.
37:27 However, many modern versions leave the impression
37:32 that Jesus will gather His people
37:35 to take them to heaven
37:37 after the wedding supper has taken place.
37:40 These translations are confusing
37:43 because other texts as we have noticed
37:46 clearly affirm... that we will literally sit at the table
37:51 at the supper of the Lamb
37:53 and Jesus will serve us.
37:55 So, the question is,
37:57 "When is the marriage supper of the Lamb?"
37:59 Does it take place before Jesus comes
38:02 and He comes after the supper?
38:04 or does it take place
38:05 after He takes His people to heaven
38:09 and they will sit with Him?
38:10 Let me read you two versions of the Bible
38:14 that present different scenarios.
38:16 The New King James Version reads,
38:18 here Jesus is speaking,
38:21 this is Luke 12:35 to 37,
38:24 "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning;
38:27 and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master,
38:31 when he will return from the wedding... "
38:34 notice... when he will return from the wedding...
38:36 "that when he comes and knocks
38:38 they may open to him immediately.
38:41 Blessed are those servants whom the master,
38:43 when he comes, will find watching.
38:45 Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself
38:48 and have them sit down to eat,
38:50 and will come and serve them. "
38:52 So, you notice... you have here
38:53 the return of Jesus from the wedding
38:56 and then, the redeemed will sit down
38:59 to partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
39:01 The NIV, however, presents it differently.
39:04 Here's what it says,
39:06 "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,
39:12 like men waiting for their master
39:14 to return from a wedding banquet,
39:17 so that when he comes and knocks
39:20 they can immediately open the door for him.
39:22 It will be good for those servants
39:24 whose master finds them watching when he comes.
39:27 I tell you the truth,
39:28 he will dress himself to serve,
39:30 will have them recline at the table
39:33 and will come and wait on them. "
39:35 So, it gives the impression
39:36 that there's going to be two marriage suppers.
39:38 One before Jesus comes
39:40 and the one after Jesus takes His people to heaven.
39:43 It will be noticed that the NIV
39:46 and many other contemporary versions,
39:48 Jesus returns to the earth from the heavenly wedding banquet
39:52 to gather His waiting people.
39:54 In other words, the wedding takes place
39:58 in heaven before Jesus comes
40:01 and the wedding supper takes place
40:05 also before Jesus comes.
40:07 The question is: Which translation fits best
40:11 with all of the Biblical evidence?
40:13 We need to understand the use of terms.
40:16 The Greek words used for marriage
40:19 which are gámos and gameó
40:21 include both the wedding and the wedding feast.
40:24 In other words, the Greek words gámos and gameó
40:27 they're used for a marriage... they include both.
40:30 They include the wedding and the wedding feast.
40:33 In our times, we make a distinction between the wedding
40:37 and the wedding feast or the reception.
40:39 However, in Biblical times
40:41 the covenant vow in the marriage lasted very few minutes
40:46 but the celebration of the feast sometimes lasted days
40:51 even months
40:52 and in some rare cases, even years.
40:55 The Greek language does not have a word
40:59 that distinguishes between the wedding and the feast
41:02 as we do today.
41:04 We call it the wedding and the reception.
41:07 The Greek did not have two distinct words
41:09 for these two distinct things
41:11 because people at that time perceived
41:13 that the wedding and the reception
41:16 were actually part of one single event.
41:19 However, there's an interesting detail.
41:22 The Greek does have a word
41:25 that is used only for the feast...
41:27 only for the wedding feast
41:29 and that word is the word deipnon
41:33 and that word is used in Revelation chapter 19
41:37 and verse 9 where it says,
41:38 "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast. "
41:43 So, we know that Jesus will come to receive His people.
41:47 Those invited guests who prove faithful... who had the garment
41:51 and He will take them to heaven for the wedding feast.
41:55 So, this is the process.
41:57 Jesus will marry His kingdom in heaven.
42:00 The church or the kingdom is on earth.
42:03 Then Jesus will return from the wedding in heaven
42:07 and He will take His waiting people from earth to heaven
42:12 where there will be the reception
42:15 at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
42:18 I cannot emphasize enough Folks,
42:21 that the bride is the church or the kingdom as a whole...
42:26 all of the believers...
42:27 while the church members as individuals
42:31 are the guests to the wedding.
42:34 The bride is the New Jerusalem...
42:37 a symbol of Christ's entire kingdom...
42:40 all of His faithful people within the city.
42:44 Ellen White had a remarkable statement
42:46 where she puts everything together.
42:49 See, this woman had two and a half years of Primary education.
42:53 She's criticized by many
42:55 but how precise she was in what she said about
43:01 wedding customs and the processes
43:04 that we've been looking at.
43:05 This statement is long but I'm going to read the entire one
43:08 because it's very significant.
43:11 Great Controversy, 426 and 427.
43:14 "I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven.
43:18 An angel with a writer's inkhorn by his side
43:21 returned from the earth
43:23 and reported to Jesus that his work was done
43:25 and the saints were numbered and sealed. "
43:28 So, this is the end of the judgment.
43:30 In other words, all of God's people
43:32 are in the wedding chamber,
43:33 their cases have been examined, they had the garment
43:36 and now the wedding is going take place.
43:38 She continues, "Then I saw Jesus,
43:41 who had been ministering before the ark
43:43 containing the Ten Commandments,
43:45 throw down the censer. "
43:46 In other words, he was using the censer to intercede.
43:49 Now, intercession is ended.
43:51 She continues, "He raised His hands,
43:53 and with a loud voice said, 'It is done. '
43:57 Then all the angelic host laid off their crowns
44:00 as Jesus made the solemn declaration,
44:03 'He that is unjust, let him be unjust still;
44:06 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still;
44:08 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still;
44:11 and he that is holy, let him be holy still. '"
44:14 Then she continues,
44:16 "The marriage represents the reception by Christ
44:20 of His kingdom. "
44:22 See it really clear
44:23 but in order to receive the kingdom,
44:26 He has to show beforehand who belongs to the kingdom
44:29 by the Investigative Judgment.
44:30 So, the marriage represents the reception
44:34 by Christ of His kingdom.
44:35 The Holy City, the New Jerusalem,
44:37 which is the capital and representative of the kingdom,
44:42 of course, because all of His people are in it,
44:44 is called 'the bride, the Lamb's wife. '
44:46 Said the angel to John: 'Come hither,
44:49 I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. '
44:52 He carried me away in the spirit,' says the prophet,
44:55 'and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem,
44:58 descending out of heaven from God. '
45:01 Clearly, then, the bride represents the Holy City. "
45:05 That is the entirety of God's people in the city, Folks,
45:09 it's not the bare city...
45:11 the physical city of brick and mortar
45:14 if there is such a thing and gold and silver.
45:16 Once again, it says here, "Clearly then,
45:20 the bride represents the Holy City,
45:22 and the virgins that go out to meet the bridegroom
45:27 are a symbol of the church. "
45:28 That is... of the individuals in the church.
45:31 "In Revelation, the people of God
45:33 are said to be the guests at the marriage supper.
45:36 If guests, they cannot be represented also as the bride. "
45:42 So, as individuals, they are guests.
45:45 They cannot be represented as individuals as the bride.
45:48 The bride is the totality of Christ's kingdom...
45:51 the totality of His people.
45:53 She continues,
45:55 "Christ, as stated by the prophet Daniel,
45:58 will receive from the Ancient of Days in heaven,
46:01 'dominion, and glory, and a kingdom. '
46:04 He will receive the New Jerusalem,
46:07 the capital of His kingdom,
46:09 'prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. '
46:13 Having received the kingdom, He will come in His glory,
46:17 as King of kings and Lord of lords,
46:20 for the redemption of His people,
46:22 who are to 'sit down... '" now comes the wedding feast...
46:25 "who are to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,'
46:29 at His table in His kingdom,
46:32 to partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb. "
46:36 She continues,
46:38 "The proclamation, 'Behold, the Bridegroom commeth... '"
46:41 she's going back to the parable of the ten virgins,
46:43 "in the summer of 1844,
46:47 led thousands to expect the immediate advent of the Lord.
46:50 At the appointed time the Bridegroom came,
46:55 not to the earth, as the people expected,
46:59 but to the Ancient of Days in heaven,
47:02 to the marriage, the reception of the kingdom. "
47:05 Can't be any clearer...
47:07 Jesus went to the Ancient of Days in heaven...
47:11 to the marriage...
47:12 the reception of the kingdom.
47:14 The marriage is Christ receiving the kingdom.
47:17 She continues, "They that were ready went in with Him
47:21 to the marriage: and the door was shut. '
47:23 They were not to be present in person at the marriage... "
47:28 so, the guests are not there personally...
47:31 "for it takes place in heaven, while they are upon the earth.
47:37 The followers of Christ are to 'wait for their Lord,
47:40 when He will return from the wedding. "
47:42 She's quoting Luke 12:36.
47:44 "However, they are to understand His work,
47:48 and to follow Him by faith as He goes in before God.
47:53 It is in this sense
47:55 that they are said to go in to the marriage. "
47:57 So, people don't go physically into the marriage chamber...
48:02 they go there by faith
48:04 because the records are in heaven.
48:07 In another statement by Ellen White in Desire of Ages,
48:10 page 151, she wrote,
48:12 "In both the Old and the New Testament,
48:15 the marriage relation is employed to represent
48:18 the tender and sacred union that exists between Christ
48:23 and His people. "
48:24 That is... all of His people.
48:27 She continues, "To the mind of Jesus
48:30 the gladness of the wedding festivities
48:33 pointed forward to the rejoicing of that day
48:36 when He shall bring home His bride. "
48:40 Who is His bride?
48:42 Not individuals... but the entirety of God's people.
48:46 So, it says, once again...
48:49 "To the mind of Jesus
48:50 the gladness of the wedding festivities
48:52 pointed forward to the rejoicing of that day
48:54 when He shall bring His bride to the Father's house...
48:58 that's to heaven
49:00 and the redeemed with the Redeemer
49:02 shall sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb. "
49:07 It cannot be any clearer than this.
49:10 Well, let me give you another illustration
49:12 that Jesus presented as a parable.
49:14 It's known as the Parable of the Dragnet.
49:18 Let's read Matthew 13 verses 47 to 50,
49:21 this is another way of looking at the same teaching.
49:24 Matthew 13 verse 47,
49:27 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet
49:30 that was cast into the sea
49:33 and gathered some of every kind,
49:36 which, when it was full, they drew to the shore;
49:40 and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels,
49:44 but threw the bad away. "
49:46 And now comes the comparison.
49:48 So it will be at the end of the age.
49:51 Angels will come forth,
49:53 separate the wicked from among the just,
49:56 and cast them into the furnace of fire. "
49:58 And now, notice...
50:00 There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. "
50:04 Now, what does the "sea" in this parable represent?
50:08 The "sea" represents all the inhabitants of the world.
50:12 The "fish" in the sea represent
50:15 the individual members of humanity.
50:18 Individual persons...
50:20 the fisherman are those who proclaim the gospel...
50:25 those who have accepted the invitation
50:26 and proclaimed the gospel to others.
50:29 They are fishers of men according to Jesus.
50:32 The "net" is the gospel message.
50:36 The casting of the net
50:39 means the preaching of the gospel message
50:42 to catch the fish.
50:44 The boat represents the church.
50:50 The separation of the good fish from the bad fish
50:52 is the Investigative Judgment
50:55 and the casting out of the bad fish
50:58 and the gathering of the good fish
51:01 represents the execution of the judgment
51:04 when God's people will be received into the kingdom
51:08 and share in the marriage supper of the Lamb.
51:12 In Matthew chapter 4 verses 18 through 20, Jesus wrote...
51:16 Jesus said... Matthew wrote...
51:19 "And Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee,
51:22 saw two brothers, Simon called Peter,
51:26 and Andrew his brother,
51:28 casting a net into the sea;
51:30 for they were fishermen.
51:32 Then He said to them, 'Follow Me,
51:35 and I will make you fishers of men. '"
51:38 So, there's going to be a separation
51:41 of the good fish from the bad fish
51:44 just like there would be a separation
51:46 of the wheat from the tares...
51:47 a separation of the wise virgins from the foolish virgins...
51:52 a separation of those who have a form of godliness
51:54 from those who have true godliness
51:56 and we could go on.
51:59 Many parables of Jesus
52:01 speak of this idea of an Investigative Judgment
52:04 to determine if an individual
52:06 deserved to remain within the wedding chamber for the wedding.
52:10 The Bible is clear on this point.
52:13 Now, if there is one doctrine
52:16 that the Christian world rejects
52:19 that the Seventh-day Adventist church holds,
52:21 is the idea of a pre-Advent Investigative Judgment.
52:26 They say, "Why would Jesus have to make
52:28 an Investigative Judgment in heaven?
52:30 To examine all those who have professed His name.
52:32 Well, I think the answer is obvious after we've studied.
52:36 In the church, there are true and counterfeit believers.
52:39 So, the judgment has to determine
52:42 who is counterfeit and who is genuine
52:44 before Jesus comes to give His reward.
52:47 See, the Christian world... the problem is
52:51 that they believe that a person's situation...
52:54 a person's Sentence takes place when a person dies.
52:58 You know, the basic teaching is that when a person...
53:02 person dies...
53:04 person that accepted Jesus Christ...
53:07 well, they immediately... their soul flies off to heaven.
53:10 If the person did not receive Jesus Christ as Savior
53:14 and was considered a wicked person,
53:17 that person then goes... at the moment of death
53:20 to burn in the fires of hell.
53:22 So, in other words,
53:24 judgment has taken place when the person died.
53:27 Because if the person's soul goes to heaven when they died,
53:30 their case is decided.
53:31 If a wicked person goes to hell when they died,
53:34 their case is decided.
53:35 So, why would there be
53:37 a pre-Advent Investigative Judgment
53:40 that begins in 1844 in heaven,
53:42 if everybody's case is decided when they died?
53:45 Many Christians also believe
53:48 that the judgment is when Jesus comes.
53:50 You know, the Creed says
53:52 that He will come to judge the living and the dead.
53:55 Well, if He's coming to judge the living and the dead,
53:58 that means that their cases are going to be decided
54:00 when Jesus comes.
54:01 But the Bible does not teach that.
54:04 The Bible teaches that we go out and preach the gospel.
54:08 Those who hear the gospel accept the invitation.
54:11 Their names are written in the book of Life.
54:13 Then, a moment comes in history, 1844 where the judgment begins,
54:19 the examination of each person who professed Jesus.
54:21 It begins with those who first lived... beginning with Adam...
54:26 each successive generation...
54:28 ends with those who are alive
54:30 before the door of probation closes.
54:33 When every case has been decided,
54:35 the kingdom of Jesus is complete.
54:37 The bride is complete
54:39 and now, Jesus marries His kingdom...
54:43 marries His bride in heaven
54:46 while the members of his bride are here on the earth.
54:50 And then after the severe time of trouble
54:53 such as never has been seen in the history of the world,
54:55 Jesus... at the end of the tribulation...
54:58 when His beautiful bride is about to be destroyed
55:03 by the powers of the earth,
55:04 Jesus will come to the rescue.
55:06 Not one of God's individual people
55:08 will die during the time of trouble...
55:10 His entire bride...
55:13 His entire kingdom will remain alive
55:16 during the time of trouble
55:17 except for those, of course, who died in Christ
55:20 which will resurrect when Jesus comes
55:21 and then, Jesus...
55:24 as 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 tells us,
55:27 He will call forth the dead from the grave
55:30 and they will resurrect.
55:32 Those who are alive... He will catch up together
55:34 with those who die and resurrect
55:36 and He... they'll be caught up in the clouds
55:38 to meet the Lord in the air
55:40 and then, Jesus will take them to heaven
55:42 for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
55:45 And God's people will be there for a thousand years
55:49 and they will examine the cases of those who were left behind...
55:53 those individuals who were wicked...
55:55 who were found to be wanting,
55:57 they will remain on earth dead
55:59 and during the thousand years,
56:01 judgment will be committed to God's people
56:03 to do an Investigative Judgment of the wicked.
56:06 Their cases will be examined to see why they were excluded
56:11 from being in heaven at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
56:14 And then, after the thousand years,
56:16 the wicked will see their cases above the holy city.
56:21 Even God will convince them that He was right
56:24 in leaving them outside the holy city.
56:27 And after they see their cases,
56:30 they say, "Just and true are Your ways, O God. "
56:34 And then, of course,
56:36 the execution of the judgment takes place...
56:39 the judgment that was determined by the examination
56:42 of the records in heaven during the 1,000 years
56:45 and before the wicked... after the 1,000 years,
56:48 then the execution of the Sentence takes place
56:51 and God's people are secure in the city...
56:55 the wicked are destroyed...
56:56 and God makes a new heavens and a new earth
56:59 where righteousness dwells.
57:01 Now, one final point.
57:03 Our case... if we are alive will be decided
57:07 when Probation closes.
57:09 There is a close of Probation...
57:11 what I call the Corporate Close of Probation
57:13 at the end of time
57:15 where the door will be closed... no one can be saved.
57:18 This is right before the tribulation
57:21 and before the second coming.
57:22 But there's another close of Probation
57:24 and that's the individual close of Probation.
57:27 You see, if I should die
57:29 and not have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior,
57:32 my case is decided.
57:34 It only remains for my case to be examined
57:38 and to find that I'm found wanting.
57:41 This is the reason why I should always watch...
57:44 I should always pray...
57:46 I should always occupy...
57:48 I should always be awake.
57:50 My relationship with Jesus must be strong
57:53 because if I should die,
57:55 my Probation is closed.
57:56 I trust that God will bless us and keep us
58:00 and make us one of those who are ready
58:03 for the wedding supper.


Revised 2021-10-13