Body and Spirit (New)

Strength Training 101

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeanie Weaver (Host), LaDonna Terrill, Tim Tiernan


Series Code: NBAS

Program Code: NBAS000011

00:01 The following program is designed
00:03 to demonstrate simple workouts
00:04 that you can use to improve your health.
00:05 Be sure to consult your physician
00:07 before beginning any exercise program.
00:11 Welcome to "Body and Spirit."
00:13 I'm Jeanie McDonald Weaver,
00:15 and you're gonna do Strength Training
00:16 one-on-one with me today, don't be afraid.
00:41 Welcome to "Body and Spirit."
00:43 Today, we're gonna be doing Strength Training one-on-one.
00:45 We're gonna take all the fear away.
00:48 I've got Tim, that's gonna be working with us,
00:50 and LaDonna and she has two little boys
00:54 and she walks a lot, runs a little bit,
00:57 but doesn't do any appreciable strength training.
01:00 She has told me that she's already lost
01:01 two inches of height doesn't know why?
01:04 Well, we want try to load up those bones a little bit.
01:07 So, if any of you are out there and you thought
01:10 and you've just written off strength training
01:12 because it's too hard
01:13 or you just don't care about big muscles.
01:15 This program is for you today,
01:18 just put whatever you've got down
01:21 and come work with us because we're gonna do very simple,
01:25 but very effective strength training moves
01:28 to help grow those bones
01:30 and to stay off Sarcopenia and osteoporosis.
01:36 Sarcopenia is simply muscle wasting,
01:39 and your muscles gonna leave you if you don't use them.
01:42 So, we're gonna start using them,
01:43 are you ready? I'm ready.
01:44 They wanna stay sitting down, but they can't.
01:46 So you are gonna standup here with me.
01:49 So, we're gonna start from the very first,
01:50 what I'm gonna do about eight to ten basic moves,
01:54 but we're gonna use weight since so forth today?
01:57 We're gonna use some ankle weights
02:00 some of you have ankle weights
02:01 you don't know what to do with them.
02:02 Some of you have free weights
02:05 you don't know what to do with them.
02:07 I'm gonna show you how to load with the band,
02:10 we've used bands on here.
02:12 Before so there is all kinds of weights
02:14 that you can do this.
02:15 If you don't have any of those things
02:16 simple give some soup cans.
02:19 It could be just a soup can that you gonna use.
02:21 If you gonna start during some strength work
02:25 if you don't have your weights, so don't be afraid that.
02:27 So we've got little balls,
02:29 and we're gonna start doing a little bit of warm up
02:31 and the warm up is actually gonna be one of our moves.
02:34 So, our chairs are right behind us,
02:36 and we are just gonna taken it first,
02:38 I'm gonna put my hands right here on my legs,
02:40 and I'm gonna make sure I get my hip hinge working.
02:44 So whenever I push back,
02:46 I want to see everybody to do a hip hinge,
02:50 and then you are gonna come down
02:51 and then you are gonna hold your chair,
02:53 and then you are gonna come down into the chair, okay.
02:56 Now we're gonna come back up
02:58 and we're just gonna raise backup
03:00 and then we're gonna come back down
03:01 and if you need to put your hands here,
03:04 put your hands on your chair.
03:05 If you don't need that swing that rear end back,
03:08 way back come down and hover over that chair
03:12 and sit back down.
03:14 And we're gonna do that again,
03:16 come back up take a big breath push back,
03:20 hip hinge, come back down and sit
03:24 and then you're gonna come back up.
03:25 So, we're gonna do this several times
03:28 because this is using the big muscles in your body,
03:33 your legs, your gluteal, back up, take a big breath.
03:38 This time, we're gonna use
03:39 a little bit of lift with our arms,
03:43 so as I come up I'm gonna press I'm gonna push up.
03:46 And we come back down,
03:48 right now I wanna really be pushing that hip hinge back
03:51 and I want to bent my knees.
03:53 Push that hip hinge back little bit more
03:54 because I wanna see that back extended.
03:57 That means straight out breath.
03:59 How are you doing, Tim? I'm doing great.
04:01 All right, did you get warm yet,
04:03 get warm yet, LaDonna,
04:05 are you feeling pretty good? Good.
04:07 Yeah come back down,
04:08 so I'm check LaDonna's back here just on this because
04:10 when you're doing this at home,
04:14 you think that this might be a simple move it's not, okay
04:18 and as you're coming up and down
04:20 some of you avoid doing this repeated
04:22 because your knees hurt,
04:24 your knees hurt because your are not pushing
04:26 your rear end, back far enough
04:28 and getting into your heels as you're coming down.
04:31 So as you did this next, I'm gonna just gonna check,
04:34 take a big breath, so I wanna feel that hip hinge,
04:37 I wanna gonna feel that back really go extended, that's good.
04:41 And as you come up,
04:43 where are you putting your pressure, LaDonna,
04:45 in your feet? On the heel.
04:47 Heel that's we wanna do heels back,
04:50 so we want get where we can do about ten, so start with.
04:53 So, we're using our own body weight.
04:56 Now on this last one because we've got to about ten.
05:00 We're gonna come back, we're gonna pulling that stomach
05:04 and when this position I don't want have locked legs,
05:08 I want those legs bent, I want this tight.
05:11 We're come down, we're gonna hold it,
05:13 so I'm gonna drop my chin in,
05:15 I'm gonna put the weight, where, where?
05:19 We gonna put the weight in my heels,
05:21 yeah keep it down in there keep it down there,
05:24 drop a little bit lower,
05:25 I want you to really feel this grab,
05:27 get that rear end down little bit more, yes.
05:30 So it's like your skiing down a hill,
05:32 so you are stayed down in there.
05:34 How are you doing Tim?
05:35 I'm doing good, it's really getting
05:36 Are you working on? Yeah, really get tight.
05:37 Yes, yes that's what we want,
05:38 hold it, hold it and then comes sit down, big breath.
05:42 So how that feel? Okay did you feel these?
05:45 Burning a little bit.
05:46 That's what you want,
05:47 you want them to start burn and just a little bit, okay.
05:50 Now I'm gonna take that ball put it down.
05:54 And I'm going to be in the chair,
05:57 and I'm gonna do free leg,
06:00 they are gonna have some weights on.
06:02 And so I'm gonna invite them to get their leg weights.
06:07 And I wanted to show you these.
06:10 These are little bars that are in these legs weights.
06:15 It just a simple Velcro
06:17 and these bars can be taken out quickly,
06:20 you can lighten them up and you can put them back in,
06:25 so that they are heavier.
06:27 So, it's a very quick fix,
06:29 so if you have are we having for a knee
06:33 you will be starting it like two pounds
06:35 if you have really that hips are knees or sound like that,
06:40 you want to go to two, three pounds
06:41 and work up to five pounds,
06:42 they're both putting on five pounds.
06:45 Now after you get were
06:46 you can do two to three sets of this work,
06:50 you are going to take the five pound,
06:52 maybe take a few bars out
06:54 and you're gonna load up that leg
06:56 and you go to seven, okay.
06:58 And that's fine, you can use this.
07:00 Now, you're gonna sitting here, you can hold here
07:02 and you wanna lean back
07:03 just until you feel your stomach kick in or work. Okay,
07:09 so I want to lean back just a little bit,
07:10 you wanna keep that back extended
07:11 and you're gonna hold this and you're gonna just take this
07:14 and you're just gonna press it out till you feel this again.
07:19 So, we're coming right on the edge of innovating this
07:22 or getting it working with the squats
07:25 that we did, the chair squats.
07:26 Now, we're pressing it up, we're doing one at a time
07:30 and I've had you lean open
07:32 so that this is working at the same time.
07:36 Now could you do this leaning back in the chair
07:38 and totally resting, sure?
07:41 You see I want you to get your moneys worth here.
07:44 So, I don't want you to really lean into that chair
07:48 I want you to open hold yourself off that chair
07:51 and then really take that weight up,
07:54 but when you bring back don't rest it,
07:56 so I'm doing with free
07:58 so let say you don't have weights at home.
08:00 Well, you don't have any excuse not to work is
08:03 I'm look in without the way.
08:05 And I'm feeling here and I'm feeling it here, okay.
08:09 How are you doing?
08:11 How are you doing? I'm doing.
08:12 You keep your stomach tight? No.
08:14 Little, I caught LaDonna did I catch you?
08:18 I know, its okay,
08:20 we are here to help you right? In love.
08:24 We are here to help you in love, okay.
08:27 So, we're work it on we are right at ten now.
08:29 So, I'm gonna come up, and I'm gonna release that.
08:32 I'm just gonna lean forward for a second.
08:35 You have to keep your quadriceps guys,
08:38 you just have to, the squat, great.
08:41 But now we're gonna work specifically here
08:44 and I'm adding the opening here
08:48 so that we work our quads the same time,
08:50 if that's too hard for you
08:51 just lean back into the chair, bring that leg up.
08:56 Now we're on the other leg
08:58 and press out when you bring it back
09:00 don't put that leg down
09:01 just keep come and just like that.
09:03 You can hang on here
09:06 that's fine take big breath
09:08 turn out to touch that back can, you can if you need to,
09:12 that's fine
09:13 everybody has a different place
09:15 you want to be effective for you, okay.
09:18 So, you can take a breath, little breath out.
09:21 So, you don't want to hyperventilate,
09:22 so you don't have like blow,
09:24 you just have to keep breathing that' kind of important.
09:27 Don't you think? Keep breathing,
09:29 don't stop breathing, take a big breath.
09:33 If you start to crunch in, don't do that,
09:35 keep your shoulders up, keep this up.
09:37 Now, you're getting,
09:39 if it's getting really hard go ahead and lean your back,
09:42 back and continue this,
09:44 because I want to really work that,
09:45 these up here, good, you're doing good?
09:48 Doing great, and I'm fifteen already.
09:50 Okay, fifteen? Yeah.
09:51 He's reminding me fifteen, we're only supposed to do ten,
09:54 or you can do two sets of ten right now
09:56 so that's able for you to do.
09:58 So, we're gonna follow this in succession.
10:00 Let me just tell you out there,
10:02 we are following a program
10:03 that's call Strong Women and Men Stay Young.
10:07 And you can, this is a national researcher
10:12 who has done Strength Training to help with osteoporosis, okay.
10:16 And this book is everywhere.
10:18 We're gonna stand up now
10:19 and we were at the opposing muscle,
10:21 so we're gonna carefully as we come up
10:23 push that rare end back come up
10:26 we're gonna step to side
10:29 and I have them stand side holding here,
10:33 so that you can see from the side
10:35 what they are doing with your leg.
10:36 If you at home you go ahead
10:38 and step behind your chair, okay.
10:41 But they are gonna be leaning on the side
10:43 because I want them to see your leg
10:46 you gonna put that leg back
10:48 the front leg is what? Not locked.
10:52 Not locked, right not locked
10:54 and I have got this here by need it.
10:56 Not leaning into it, but I got her to hold me
10:59 or if I'm home I'm here don't lean into it, okay.
11:03 So, I'm gonna key up right here right.
11:06 So, I'm gonna tighten in, got my leg back here
11:09 you gonna bring me heel to my hip
11:11 we, okay bring it back down, take a big breath.
11:15 So, if I lean I'm gonna lean from my hip hinge,
11:18 I don't want arch my back, back.
11:20 So, I'm gonna lean in from that hip hinge,
11:22 so after you've leaned in
11:24 and you're pulling that heel to your hip
11:27 really well, you wanna to notice.
11:29 Tim has got his leg way back opening at the hip.
11:33 LaDonna started at stage one,
11:37 the knee is right in line with the other knee
11:40 and she is just bringing her heel to her hip.
11:43 Tim has his hip open, he's in stage two,
11:48 and is pointing that heel to the hip same positioning.
11:51 If you wanna lean you lean from the hip
11:54 then you pull that heel up and back.
11:57 So this is plenty for here,
11:59 she would do this to two sets for,
12:03 is it natural to be shaky,
12:05 yes that's what we want, that's when I feel really shake.
12:09 That's we know we're at the right weight for you
12:12 and the right positioning.
12:13 I'm a little shaken,
12:15 'cause you want to overload that muscle,
12:17 okay, okay.
12:18 We started you at stage one. Okay,
12:22 so we're gonna do that for ten lifts
12:25 and maybe that's all.
12:26 Then we're gonna next week try to do
12:29 maybe two sets of Tim, okay
12:31 so have you done both legs yet?
12:33 So, we're gonna go the other leg,
12:35 so go ahead and just switch your legs
12:36 so that bring him down
12:39 and you gonna take that on right back.
12:40 Yup just like that.
12:42 So she starting with your knee in position
12:46 and Tim is got is way back.
12:47 So, I'm gonna start here,
12:48 this is stage one, well I'm no weight.
12:53 So, if I had injury or I'm very weak in my legs,
12:58 I'm stage one right here and I'm just bring that heel up
13:01 and squeezing that hamstring, okay.
13:04 You're gonna count ten,
13:07 big breath, exhale, blow. Ten.
13:12 Oh that is it, how you're gonna do? Okay,
13:16 so two positions, good load hamstrings,
13:20 good load quad, got warmed up for the squats now,
13:23 we're ready for the next move.
13:24 We're gonna keep the leg weights still on
13:26 I'm gonna do mine without.
13:28 So those of you at home, don't think you can't do this
13:32 because you don't have these weights no, no, no,
13:34 you don't get of that easy,
13:36 right. Absolutely.
13:37 Right, so stand in a position you are,
13:41 soften the knees
13:42 now we go out to the side with that leg weight.
13:46 So, I'm gonna soft my knees.
13:47 I got my chair here if I need it,
13:49 my belly button is what? In.
13:52 She is good, LaDonna, she's got it.
13:55 Now I'm gonna come right to there,
13:58 and I'm gonna bring it back in.
13:59 And see I'm doing these
14:00 very progressively and very slow,
14:02 you don't have to do this quick and jerky.
14:04 This is Strength Training One-on-One.
14:06 I want to make sure my positioning is good,
14:09 so I don't hurt my back or a joint,
14:12 I want to help my joint.
14:15 So as you are coming up, you're gonna notice some of you,
14:19 now these two are doing very well
14:20 as I'm watching them.
14:21 You do not want to turn your toe up.
14:25 Now you can go further,
14:26 but we don't want you to go further.
14:28 We want, we don't want you up like that.
14:32 We want you straight out with that toe
14:35 and the other leg is what? Bent.
14:39 Bent, it's soft, and shaky.
14:41 Yeah that's good, that's what we want. Okay,
14:44 tight tummy, bring that right up to the side,
14:49 it's okay if you don't have weights.
14:52 I want you to start thinking about somehow getting a good.
14:55 You can even put a heavier boot on your foot
14:57 if you don't have leg weights,
14:58 so you don't want to spend any money for it's fine,
15:00 put a boot on it.
15:01 Nineteen and twenty.
15:05 Okay, so that's good. That's wonderful.
15:07 So, you should feel quite a lot of tension
15:09 right out here, okay.
15:11 So that's on our ab ductors and our air ductors.
15:13 So, now I'm just gonna move to the other side.
15:19 And I'm going to just ready to bring that other leg out,
15:24 So, I'm gonna soften my leg, pull my tummy in, not gonna arch
15:30 and I'm gonna bring that ankle leading right out to the side.
15:36 And I almost want to turn my toe in,
15:39 because some of you have... It's going out.
15:40 Yeah you have a propensity to turn it out
15:43 andthe reason is because
15:45 you're want the stronger muscles to take over.
15:48 You don't want to use those weaker muscles.
15:49 And so you had a tendency to turn your toe
15:52 even a little bit and then you're gonna be off onto muscles
15:56 we've already worked.
15:57 So, I'm almost keep your toe in,
15:59 keep it soft not locked, there we go.
16:04 Now, you're gonna be really feeling here, right.
16:07 Yes, yes, that's we want.
16:09 These are very simple, very effective.
16:14 I was working with a 72 year-old woman
16:18 and we worked for a year.
16:21 She increased her strength three fold
16:24 in that one year just by doing, yeah,
16:25 progressing up on this simple moves
16:27 that we're doing today Strength Training 101.
16:29 How many is that? Eighteen.
16:32 Eighteen, good about I think ten or twelve.
16:35 Pushing him. Okay,
16:36 so front extensions, curls, side lifts, all right.
16:41 So now we're gonna keep the weights on again
16:43 and we're going to just go up into our toes,
16:46 come back down, okay.
16:48 Now, I'm gonna add a wrinkle here.
16:50 You're ready for the wrinkle.
16:51 We want to start some kind of dance move or something.
16:54 No dance move no.
16:55 So I'm gonna up on my toe.
16:57 Now they got weights, I don't and if you,
17:00 if balance is an issue with you,
17:02 see I'm putting my hand right here on this chair,
17:05 just to catch myself a little bit.
17:07 So I'm gonna go up on those toes come back down
17:10 and my belly button is what and my knees are what?
17:14 Soft, soft okay...And I'm gonna use the chair if I need it.
17:17 I'm gonna go up on my toes, hold it and down.
17:20 Now if you're getting pretty good with this
17:22 and you're holding your balance, you can come like this
17:26 and like this and like this
17:28 and you're going up on your toes,
17:30 you're trying to hold balance while you're up on your toes.
17:32 And I'm gonna tell you to hold it upon your toes,
17:35 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
17:40 I'm on my toes, on my toes,
17:42 on my toes, on my toes, on my toes and down.
17:46 You're feeling that in your calves? I did,
17:47 yes that's what you want.
17:49 Now, I'm gonna invite you to pick up weights.
17:52 LaDonna is gonna start with five pound weights.
17:55 Some of you at home need to just have a soup can.
17:59 Any kind of can that fits in your hand.
18:01 Jeanie, how about an empty can.
18:04 Don't try me here Tim, not an empty can you all.
18:08 Yeah, get a can that has food in it.
18:10 Okay bring your weights right up here, okay.
18:13 And we're just gonna press come right over the head.
18:16 Now Tim has a shoulder issue, he is gonna take one hand up,
18:20 but he is gonnatake one hand and just hold it right here
18:23 because he is gonna built a lot of endurance
18:28 just by holding this here because he has weaker shoulder
18:30 because he has had a injury.
18:31 This one's gonna keep going,
18:33 he is gonna try to do ten reps.
18:34 And you're doing ten reps right LaDonna.
18:37 Sure, I think I feel kind of weak.
18:39 And as you come down you want those shoulder blades
18:43 to be squeezing, right there.
18:45 And as you go up that you can come right up over,
18:47 you need to do about three more.
18:48 Then you are gonna turn
18:49 and you're gonna come forward for the next move,
18:53 that looks really good.
18:54 And I'm just doing it free,
18:56 okay so if you order my soup cans,
18:58 not my empty soup cans, soup cans.
19:01 All right or veggie burger cans that will be really good.
19:06 It looks like six more, okay,
19:08 and I think good, am I drop.
19:10 So I'm right here and I'm gonna turn my weights
19:13 and I'm just gonna come down this way, okay.
19:16 And I can have my feet like this with my knees soft
19:19 or I can be standing in a split stance with one foot in front,
19:23 one foot in back, but I still have my knee soft.
19:26 So, I'm gonna pull up with those soup cans in my hands
19:29 and bring it down, pull it up, bring it down. Okay,
19:34 so don't swing it
19:35 and the reason we know
19:37 whether we're using this muscle correctly or not
19:39 is if I put my hand here I feel that muscle
19:43 but if it comes too far you loose the tension,
19:46 so I don't want to loose the tension, right.
19:48 And if I go down I don't want to swing it.
19:51 I want keep it right in there
19:52 make a muscle pull bring it down.
19:55 How are you doing? We're doing it.
19:56 Is that ten? Yeah, eight, nine.
20:01 Here like two cans, ten.
20:03 I don't think she did quite ten.
20:06 I will get right. It's new math.
20:08 We'll take the same weights
20:10 and the reason we're not changing weights.
20:11 The only reason you would change weights
20:13 is if you would have an injury
20:15 or you had you know that you have known osteoporosis,
20:19 and you're very weak.
20:20 Then you might change weights a little bit.
20:22 Otherwise we're using the big muscle groups
20:24 that can take it more weight.
20:25 So now I got these right here in front,
20:28 I'm gonna soften my knees
20:29 and do what with my belly button, put it in.
20:31 Very good, it's still shaken, little bit.
20:34 That's what we want, we want you to shaken.
20:36 And now I'm going to just pull up
20:39 just like I'm washing some clothes.
20:41 Yeah, use to.
20:43 big breath.
20:44 I'll get the washing machine.
20:45 Not a washing machine, so I got my soup cans.
20:49 How far up are we supposed to go?
20:51 That's a good question.
20:52 You want to just come up just under your chin.
20:54 And you want to let your elbows come as far as you can
20:57 and you can look Tim is doing a little different
21:00 because he is not going up quite so far
21:02 because of his shoulder.
21:03 He still has the strength in his upper body, probably,
21:07 especially so because of his shoulder injury.
21:09 So, he's just changed the position
21:12 and he doesn't go up quite so far with his shoulders.
21:15 Breath, how are you doing? Doing good.
21:18 How many is that? That was ten.
21:21 Oh, we need to do some more.
21:23 Take a big deep breath, okay.
21:25 Knees are soft, tummies are in tight. Okay,
21:29 remember to keep correcting your positioning
21:32 because this kind of move done standing
21:34 like the three we've just done.
21:36 You're using your whole core to get strong,
21:40 because you have to be the stability
21:43 for this move that they're doing.
21:46 That's why working with some free weights, soup cans,
21:49 could be two rocks, okay,
21:52 it could be a van. Okay.
21:56 how is it doing? Eighteen.
21:58 Oh, that's good, we'll get twenty.
22:00 Yes, I'm doing my two. Right.
22:03 Is that twenty?
22:06 I'm going have them hold on to their weights.
22:08 If you want to put your weights down right now,
22:10 that's fine.
22:11 We're going to add the last move.
22:13 And the last move,
22:15 you generally do leaning with a wall behind you
22:18 because you're gonna pull your toe up.
22:20 When you pull your toe up,
22:21 you tend to want to lock your legs.
22:23 So, we want pull our toes up, we don't want lock our legs,
22:26 you want to keep our knees just a little bit soft.
22:28 Ooh that's difficult.
22:30 Yeah, because we're working balance.
22:32 We work like I'm rocking.
22:33 All kinds of stuff with pulling that toe up
22:37 and you've got the weights to balance
22:39 and you are hanging on.
22:40 And again remember at home,
22:43 if you want to take the leg weights off your thing.
22:45 Wow these are heavy, take them off.
22:47 Do this toe lift,
22:50 where you're on your heels against the wall
22:53 and you're going to fall off balance,
22:54 but you'll fall into the wall kind off.
22:57 And you want to get where you can hold those toes up
22:59 in count to twenty or thirty.
23:01 Okay, are you counting? Not yet started.
23:03 I'll try it. I'll try to keep my heel.
23:05 How are you feeling with all, you're still shaken.
23:07 I made three seconds on my feet.
23:08 Okay, that's all right,
23:10 that's all right and put them back down.
23:11 That's good.
23:12 I just want to do the whole program for you.
23:16 This is Strong Women and Men Stay Young.
23:18 Miriam Nelson is the Researcher, MD,
23:21 who did all this research that showed that within eight weeks,
23:25 you would be able to get your strength up,
23:30 so that you could actually have better function.
23:33 And they showed this not on young people,
23:36 but they showed this on 70, 80, 90 year-old people.
23:41 Okay, now I'm going to invite Tim and LaDonna to come down,
23:44 sit down, go ahead, put your weights down.
23:48 Down, so if I've soup cans put them down or a band.
23:53 So, I'm just going to recover a little bit.
23:55 I'm gonna put one leg out like that
23:57 and I'm just going to kind of let my hands
24:00 slide down the leg, I'm going to sit right at end,
24:02 so it doesn't hurt my leg under here.
24:04 I'm just gonna let my hands slide down.
24:06 I'm going to keep my knee bent
24:09 and I'm going to go down as far as I feel I can
24:11 without bending my back, right, right.
24:15 Now, I'm gonna straightened that leg down just a little bit
24:19 and I'm gonna reach down there,
24:21 until I feel a stretch in the back of the leg
24:22 and stretch to my back.
24:24 How is that doing? Stretch...
24:25 Now, I want you to drop the chin,
24:27 so that that neck is in neutral
24:29 and we're going really low stretch there just for a second.
24:32 There should be no stress on your back,
24:34 if you have stress on your back,
24:35 you need to pull your stomach in,
24:37 bent your knee just a little bit and hip hinge.
24:40 Now, I'm going to come back,
24:41 but I'm not going to make my back do it,
24:43 because it's worked hard today.
24:45 I'm gonna put my hands right here on my knee, push
24:47 and come up. Okay.
24:50 So, we want to move with purpose
24:52 and we want to move considering our joint
24:54 especially backs and knees. Okay.
24:57 Now I'm going lean forward if that hurts my leg at all.
25:02 Then I'm going to keep my knee bent,
25:03 I'm going to reach down, reach down,
25:06 reach down, reach down after I get down as far I think I can,
25:09 with my back extended yes, right.
25:12 Yes. Too good.
25:14 Then I'm going to straightened it,
25:15 pull that toe up, drop my body in,
25:17 so that I feel that stretch right up
25:19 through back of the leg, but I'm also stretching yeah
25:23 through the shoulder arms, feels good.
25:26 It shouldn't hurt your lower back at all,
25:28 shouldn't be any stress. Take a breath.
25:31 You want to count to about thirty on both of those. Okay.
25:35 Now, I'm gonna pull in my stomach,
25:37 and LaDonna you're going to pull yours in right.
25:39 And everybody out there is going to pull their stomach's in.
25:42 Tim is in all the time. Okay.
25:44 And we're going to put our hand right up here
25:45 and right here and push, right back up.
25:50 So, we're going to be right here and take my hands,
25:52 just gonna go over here and reach my ear, that's all.
25:55 I'm just going to touch my ear. See that.
25:58 Then we'll take the other hand
25:59 and I'm just going push it behind my head. That's all.
26:03 And it gives a total stretch to the whole lat
26:09 and the back part of the arm triceps,
26:12 and it should be very comfortable.
26:16 Yeah, all the way down, that's what you want.
26:18 Your stomach nice and tight
26:20 and then I'm going to release and come back down.
26:22 And then the other one and if I have a shoulder issue,
26:25 I'm going to go across like that.
26:28 And just pull that across like that.
26:30 So, if I can't go over my head like this
26:32 because of a shoulder injury, I'm just go across. Okay
26:36 So, you're fine, you just touch your ear,
26:39 put your hand up there, push the hand behind your back.
26:42 So, you have a nice stretch coming right down through there.
26:46 Right down there.
26:48 One of my favorite authors, keep stretching.
26:50 Yeah just keep doing that, do it once more time.
26:53 Just keep going.
26:54 One of my favorite authors that wrote in the 1800s
26:59 and she make the statement that our bodies
27:04 rushed out rather than we're out.
27:07 Modern Science is now confirming that.
27:11 Strength Training is one of the ways
27:14 that we can preserve our strength
27:17 and yes have more youthful movements
27:21 or I should say much more healthy movements.
27:24 And Strength Training 101
27:26 is a simple program in a progression
27:29 and you do have to progress, that you will become stronger
27:35 and much more functional.
27:37 And that's what we want for you here in Body & Spirits,
27:39 to help you make those steps progressing toward that
27:43 and it's a step by step thing
27:44 and that's what you want to remember.
27:46 We are here to serve one another in love
27:50 and it's hard doing Strength Training by yourself.
27:53 Those reputations get pretty shaky,
27:56 don't they LaDonna?
27:58 And LaDonna was just saying
27:59 I can't believe I'm feeling weak.
28:02 Looking weak, and because she hasn't really done
28:04 any work with weights.
28:06 We hope that you're going
28:08 to do this with us next time. Thank you.


Revised 2014-12-17