Body and Spirit (New)

The Core Of The Matter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeanie Weaver (Host), Donna Hall, Betsy Sajdak


Series Code: NBAS

Program Code: NBAS000016

00:01 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:03 simple workouts that you can use
00:04 to improve your health.
00:06 Be sure to consult your physician
00:07 before beginning any exercise program.
00:11 Welcome to Body and Spirit. We're glad you tune in today.
00:14 I'm Jeanie McDonald Weaver, and we're gonna get
00:16 to the core of the matter
00:18 how to strengthen yours today.
00:41 Welcome to Body and Spirit. We've glad you joined us.
00:44 We're gonna work your core today.
00:46 What we're going to do is a little melding
00:49 of what you see out there with core workouts.
00:52 You've heard of Pilates and things like that.
00:54 We're gonna do a melding
00:56 of some physical therapy and Pilates.
00:58 We're gonna make it very doable for you, okay.
01:01 I'm working today with Donna and Betsy.
01:05 And we have a runner and a past exerciser
01:10 and they both have little kids and they are ready
01:12 to strengthen their core, right.
01:14 Right. Yes, we're gonna do it.
01:17 And what we're doing,
01:18 we're standing here on one foot.
01:19 We look like flamingos, right.
01:22 I'm gonna bring that leg up
01:23 and I'm gonna try to hold it for as long as I can.
01:26 Who is gonna fall first Donna, Betsy or me.
01:29 And I hope you're doing this at home.
01:31 So, I'm tight in my what?
01:35 Core. Core is right, and I'm holding it.
01:38 How are do you doing? Great.
01:39 You can put that foot down, okay.
01:42 Did you feel that calf working in all your foot,
01:45 yeah, and you had to tight here.
01:47 One of the best ways to work core is standing.
01:52 However Pilates and as we do,
01:55 as I explain this we're go on the other leg
01:58 and we're gonna tax the other legs.
02:00 So get on the other leg,
02:02 you people that are in audience, okay.
02:04 So I'm right there and when I point here,
02:07 I want you to really key in that belly button.
02:09 Then I'm gonna bring that toe up.
02:12 Pilates really came about because an exercise
02:17 physiologist wanted to help injured,
02:21 injured athletes and they couldn't be on their feet.
02:25 So he developed a whole system
02:27 of how to keep strong in their legs
02:30 and in their stomach and their back
02:33 without being on their legs.
02:35 But eventually, how you are doing?
02:38 Pretty solid, go ahead and put those legs down.
02:41 Eventually you have to stand,
02:44 so we're gonna be spending a lot of time
02:47 on the ground today because we are gonna meld,
02:50 and we're gonna work that core.
02:51 Because many of you I know need
02:54 to do some core strengthening on the ground
02:57 and we're going to do that.
02:59 However just remember that you want to
03:02 as you starting to do some weight work and just loading.
03:05 If you are doing the dishes, or you are standing
03:08 and reading or watching
03:10 or talking on the phone get on one leg.
03:12 Cue up that core that's ways you can
03:15 work it in all through the day.
03:17 And as a runner Betsy really needs to work on her core
03:20 and she really needs to work on her leg strength,
03:22 so she doesn't injure herself in running.
03:25 Because that's one of the biggest reason
03:27 we have injuries in runners is they're too week.
03:29 They just run, right. Yeah.
03:31 So, we're gonna, we're gonna change that today.
03:33 So stay with us.
03:35 So, we're gonna come down
03:36 and Betsy and Donna are gonna follow me, all right.
03:41 And you follow me out there
03:42 and if you have any questions just let me know
03:45 and we will slowdown
03:47 and move it a little different way.
03:48 So, we're gonna come down and we're gonna come down
03:51 at a three-point stance, okay.
03:55 And we're gonna crawl out there
03:57 and we gonna put our knees down.
03:58 And we're gonna be on all fours,
04:00 right stay right where you're at you're doing good.
04:02 I'm gonna turn just slightly,
04:03 so they can see what we're doing.
04:05 So, we're gonna start right here.
04:08 And if you don't have time to get down
04:10 and do the whole work on the floor,
04:13 at least do a couple on your hands and knees.
04:15 So now I'm gonna just bring that leg up
04:17 just like I was doing standing a while ago.
04:19 And I'm gonna take my opposite hand
04:22 and just put it out there.
04:25 And I'm gonna drop my chin under
04:27 and keep my neck neutral,
04:28 and then if I were with working
04:31 with anybody individually I would come over here
04:34 and I would check to see
04:36 how tight that core is right Betsy.
04:40 Yeah. And we're stretching out there
04:42 stressing out there right Donna.
04:44 And we're holding, holding, holding
04:46 we just gonna hold to ten,
04:47 then we're gonna bring that in and tighten up.
04:52 And we're gonna really flex the back now.
04:57 I'm flexing the back right now
04:59 because I'm not asking it do any work, so it's okay.
05:03 So I'm gonna flex it up stretch it,
05:05 come back to neutral, drop my chin.
05:08 Now, I'm gonna take my other leg back,
05:11 my other arm and stretch it out.
05:16 And at this point that I'm gonna say Donna,
05:19 did you got that stomach in.
05:20 Yeah. Yes, and we're holding
05:23 and we're holding it to about ten to fifteen counts.
05:26 So we want just hold there and keep that chin tucked.
05:29 And hold, hold, hold, hold, hold
05:34 then I'm gonna bring it in and bring it in.
05:37 Now, I'm gonna roll to the side
05:40 and I'm gonna roll to the back
05:42 and they're gonna be facing me
05:43 and following right along just like you're at home.
05:47 So we're gonna come here to the side to the back
05:49 and we do a little check of our posture.
05:53 We're gonna lay flat down,
05:55 and we want to feel that our gluteus
05:57 are just little bit squeezed in,
05:58 our shoulder blades are in, shoulders down
06:01 and we have like a spinal press going.
06:04 So, I'm gonna come right here,
06:05 I'm gonna help myself down right here with the leg.
06:09 Roll down, I'm gonna be right down on the ground.
06:15 For some of you at home and maybe I'm not sure
06:19 Betsy or Donna you might need to keep one knee bent
06:24 because that helps keep the pressure off the back
06:27 if you are not strong enough
06:29 to keep it down yourself, okay.
06:32 So if you need to bend one knee
06:35 like I said that's fine, but if you need
06:38 to bring both of them up that's even
06:41 that's fine just a little bit bent.
06:44 But here what you need to hear,
06:46 you got to squeeze the gluteal.
06:48 Then you need to pull those shoulder blades in,
06:51 because you're fixed into brace the core,
06:54 lift your head and just reach the opposite foot,
07:00 the opposite knee, I'm sorry.
07:02 And then you just gonna roll,
07:04 see I'm rolling and I'm holding
07:07 and I'm rolling and I'm holding
07:12 and I'm rolling and I'm holding.
07:15 So I'm keeping that core tight the whole time now.
07:18 Right here, if you need to rest your head
07:21 you can because this gonna be
07:23 a lot work through the neck, the stomach.
07:26 And if you need to I would put two hands,
07:29 two fingers right behind the head to ease up that neck.
07:34 So that you can continue to work through the core, okay.
07:38 So you just gonna turn, you just gonna switch like that.
07:42 Switch and you gonna try to keep that neck neutral,
07:46 so I'm gonna be here I'm just gonna reach
07:49 on the other side, reach on the other side.
07:52 If that's too difficult you bring your hands here
07:56 and you just lift like that, see that.
08:00 So go ahead and bend your knees
08:02 after you've done a little bit,
08:03 you gonna feel a lot pressure here.
08:05 Okay now go down.
08:07 This is the time when somebody would say,
08:09 oh that's way too harder,
08:10 hurt's my neck, I can't do it.
08:12 No you can, you have modify.
08:14 So, see I bent my knees, I got my hand back here.
08:18 I'm going to just tighten in my stomach
08:21 and I'm gonna reach and touch.
08:24 Now, I'm gonna switch keep my hand there
08:27 tighten reach and touch.
08:31 And I'm gonna stay there until
08:32 I can get at least ten good holds
08:36 and reach and touches, got it.
08:40 So, you want to stay in that move
08:42 and you don't want to keep contracting
08:45 forward you are rolling.
08:46 You wanna roll and keep contracting right here.
08:51 Use those fingers on your neck
08:53 as much as you need to,
08:55 to give a little a little work for the neck,
08:57 but not so much that you forget
08:59 this right here in the middle.
09:01 So, we are gonna do that, okay.
09:04 And then we're gonna put the head down.
09:06 And I wanna reposition,
09:08 I want to get that stomach in,
09:10 so we're gonna work it that
09:11 for during try, do ten of them.
09:14 Two sets of ten, that's good.
09:16 Now, we just gonna bring this leg right here
09:19 and just point that toe right out there from the knee.
09:22 See that, got it, just like that.
09:26 Okay, I'm gonna keep my hands here,
09:29 but I could put one hand under my neck
09:32 because I want you to tighten in
09:34 and I want you to just lift the head.
09:37 That's all I want you to do is lift that head
09:39 and you gonna bring that leg down
09:41 and bring it back up and hold breath,
09:44 breath, breath, breath, hold right there,
09:48 hold, breath and back down with the head
09:52 and put that leg down.
09:54 We're gonna bring the other leg right off
09:56 the knee like you're shooting right off the knee, okay.
10:00 You gonna tighten on that tummy
10:02 you will lift the head, you gonna hold it
10:04 right there in that position with my shoulder blades down.
10:07 Okay holding it right there holding right there.
10:10 So, I want you to really engage that core
10:12 if you need to put your hands behind that head,
10:15 so that you are really working the core
10:18 and that back is down, all right.
10:21 And we're gonna bring it back down and down, okay.
10:25 Now just as you see after you've done that,
10:29 that kind of a thing and you are holding it
10:31 like that the progression is and I don't want you to do
10:34 right now but we come up like that
10:37 and we're holding, holding, holding, holding.
10:40 You are gonna try it, you can.
10:43 But you Betsy, you need to put your hand
10:46 behind your head because I know you have neck issue
10:50 that we're trying to strengthen.
10:51 So put one leg up, we'll just try this,
10:55 okay this is our little progression.
10:58 And those of you at home
10:59 if you are not ready to do this,
11:01 you continue to just hold here
11:03 count to ten bring it down, hold,
11:06 count to ten and bring it down.
11:08 Okay so if you are just lifting your head
11:11 you're squeezing in the rare end, that leg is up,
11:14 bring the other leg up and just hold two,
11:16 three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
11:23 Keep holding okay let me tell thirteen, fourteen, okay.
11:28 Okay bring them in how is this.
11:30 Working. Yeah, so I wanted you to see though
11:34 and those of you at home, I mean it was hard for you,
11:37 okay so we're working on that baby
11:42 and all that laxity in our stomach
11:45 from having babies and don't push the progression
11:48 too hard too quick, do the one leg at a time
11:51 and get where you can hold it.
11:53 Okay now we're just gonna roll over,
11:56 I'll be right here and we're gonna lay right down, okay.
12:01 And our elbows gonna be right
12:02 underneath us, just like that.
12:05 Okay and we gonna push into our back.
12:08 Feeling pretty good push right
12:11 into that back right there, its right.
12:13 No problem so it's nice little cobra work.
12:17 So, I'm just right in here.
12:18 And I'm...and where you're feeling that stretch?
12:20 On you're back.
12:23 Now you need to pull your stomach in right now
12:26 and drop your shoulders, so that your shoulders
12:28 are down and into the back, okay.
12:30 Now, we're just doing step by step.
12:32 We're doing it a little more careful.
12:34 And all I want you to do is pull those shoulder blades in,
12:38 drop your chin, and I'm gonna
12:41 pull my belly button in, that's it.
12:44 Just gonna pull my belly button in
12:46 until I'm lifted from my knee,
12:50 see I'm holding it right there.
12:52 Pull that belly button in so that you right there
12:55 and your quadriceps are off the mat.
12:59 Should your legs be together?
13:01 Yeah, you can have your legs together
13:03 just like that, okay.
13:06 How are you feeling? Good working.
13:08 Can you push it up?
13:09 Yeah that's what I want, that's what I want.
13:11 Now hold, hold, hold, press hold it right in there.
13:15 This is the position that you want to try to hold
13:18 and you want to try to get where you can hold it
13:20 for two minutes, okay.
13:22 Now don't be discouraged,
13:24 you are just gonna count to ten,
13:27 then to twenty, then to thirty right now.
13:29 Okay, and this doable from the knees right. Right.
13:34 Okay, now we're gonna come down
13:36 and we're gonna stretch that back again.
13:38 So release, drop the shoulders
13:40 and then just push into it.
13:42 If you want to push into your hands
13:44 and come up little bit you can,
13:45 it is not necessary.
13:47 We're working in a normal functional range.
13:50 You don't have to bend yourself backwards
13:53 like a pretzel in order to be fully functional
13:56 and healthy in your spine, okay.
13:59 So stretching, now we're gonna come back down
14:01 and we gonna do that one more time.
14:03 So we gonna push into the elbows.
14:05 I'm gonna pull my belly button in,
14:07 until my knees are the only thing touching
14:10 and my elbows are touching, right.
14:12 Okay good, good. How are you feeling?
14:16 Okay. Pulling it tight, yeah.
14:18 Now, you stay right there, this is your progression
14:22 I'm gonna take one knee up, see that,
14:26 one knee and then I'm gonna get it quack
14:28 and hold that but I'm gonna keep my rear end down,
14:30 don't lift, don't bring that rear up.
14:32 When you bring that knee straight,
14:33 don't bring your rear end up, stay right there,
14:35 doing good holding it.
14:37 Now, I'm gonna put the knee down.
14:39 Okay I'm gonna straightening other.
14:42 Since I did one and other we can do them both, right.
14:45 How are you doing? You're working hard?
14:47 I'm working.
14:48 Okay, ten shall I go for nine.
14:54 That's you want.
14:55 Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
14:58 Okay we're right there.
14:59 Bring that knee down, okay and down.
15:03 Take a big deep breath.
15:06 Okay, here is your homework.
15:08 And those of you outside are out in the audience
15:13 if you get, if you don't have time to do hardly
15:16 anything from this segment
15:17 but this one try to get where you can do 30 seconds
15:22 from your knees, then a minute
15:24 and work up to two minutes, okay.
15:27 You can do that before you hit the shower, right.
15:30 Okay, so here is the progression
15:32 and you can come with me or and then
15:34 just hold it for a second,
15:35 but make sure your performance is really good.
15:37 So I'm gonna pull my belly button in right.
15:40 That's one, here's two, then I can't alternate it
15:45 so I'm not ready and there is three.
15:49 I'm gonna just drop that hip bend,
15:51 keep my head down, press and hold.
15:54 How are you doing? Yeah. I'm smiling.
15:57 Good. Okay, now pretend I'm tapping your belly
16:01 and also exhale when you're tired.
16:03 This is good when you're tired put your knees here
16:05 and finish the time out.
16:07 See that's how you get better.
16:09 You don't just think oh, I got to quit.
16:12 Go to your knees and then come back down, okay.
16:15 Come on back down, there you go,
16:16 very good, good, good, good.
16:18 Okay, so here is a little takeoff now
16:21 from typical of Pilates.
16:23 We're gonna turn to the side.
16:25 We can keep on the elbow,
16:27 so we're engaging into the shoulder.
16:31 So I don't want that shoulder to come out like that.
16:34 So many of you at home when you going
16:36 on your side you gonna do this.
16:37 So I'm telling you that's a mistake.
16:39 We want to put that in so that your shoulder
16:42 is right over that elbow
16:44 and the blade is in the back, got it.
16:46 Now we're gonna keep that chin down.
16:48 We gonna take the leg.
16:50 We gonna flex the foot
16:51 and we're gonna come forward as far as we feel we can
16:55 and then come back.
16:57 I'm gonna try to do it with just,
16:59 just the contact of the elbow.
17:01 So I'm gonna come just like that.
17:03 I'm gonna come just with my leg and may come
17:07 as far as I can forward
17:09 but I'm gonna stop it right there.
17:11 Yes, big breath.
17:14 So as you're doing this the thing
17:15 that you don't want to do is roll back on your hip.
17:18 So I'm watching your hip
17:20 and it's real easy to come here and roll back.
17:22 Don't do that because that's our core stabilization.
17:25 So this is very, very good one to do
17:27 and its very gentle on your joints.
17:31 But don't let yourself roll back
17:32 or forward or push like that, okay.
17:36 How are you doing?
17:37 So we're gonna bring it forward now,
17:39 this is about six isn't it?
17:41 Was that three, how many you have done?
17:43 Ten.
17:45 Okay, hold it right there, all right,
17:47 and we're just gonna point flex, point flex.
17:50 Don't let your shoulder come out here.
17:52 Yeah, that was a good correction,
17:55 good correction right there.
17:56 Breath, bring it back, so I'm right here,
18:00 straight out, straight out, straight out.
18:03 Now I'm gonna take it back, okay.
18:06 And we wanna turn that toe up
18:10 and then bring it back to center right there,
18:12 but I'm not gonna rock and roll in upper body,
18:15 okay, and getting me right back.
18:18 So this is total fulcrum is right here.
18:23 I don't want to rock forward and I don't want to roll back.
18:27 Tight, turn, bring it back in and back in.
18:32 So you gonna flex it, bring it back
18:35 as far as you can, turn it up, got it.
18:39 And then come back and come back.
18:41 And you've to keep tucking yourself
18:42 because real easy to go into this, real easy.
18:45 So back, so you guys have to be each other's coaches.
18:48 So you're back here and you gonna turn that toe up.
18:51 Take a little turn, yeah.
18:54 For a runner this is a really good one to do
18:56 because it's really kicking, okay.
18:58 So watch this, watch the shoulder go back,
19:02 now turn that toe up.
19:04 And stomach is what? Tight.
19:07 You can graduate now. Come back turn it up.
19:12 So you should be feeling it right through that hip.
19:15 You should be feeling it, okay,
19:17 because this all has to do with core stability.
19:20 Turn, turn that toe up, bring it back one more,
19:24 really good one, bring it back, turn that toe up
19:28 and bring it back and lay forward again.
19:32 So now we're gonna do our back extensions
19:37 and we're gonna do alternating ones.
19:40 So we'll do our little butterfly first.
19:42 So we'll come down and heads down,
19:43 we're gonna lift one hand out in front,
19:47 yeah just like that and we're gonna bring
19:49 one leg up and one arm up, okay.
19:53 We gonna hold it there, hold it there, hold it there,
19:55 hold it there, as high as you can,
19:58 bring it down, big breath.
20:01 Other hand this is gonna go up,
20:04 bring that chin under and you gonna...
20:07 Should our head be touching?
20:09 No, you lift the head up, good question, okay.
20:12 You want to keep that hand going up,
20:13 you wanna really squeeze that gluteal
20:16 and lift it high and hold it there keep your chin under.
20:19 Hold breath, hold breath, hold breath,
20:22 bring it back, good.
20:24 Okay, reposition, get ready and just do this.
20:28 See that my little ankle turns,
20:30 okay, that's kind of releasing a little bit, okay.
20:33 Now before you start I want you to tighten
20:35 that stomach, okay.
20:37 So I'm gonna go other hand now, gonna lift,
20:41 gonna lift opposite leg keep that chin tucked.
20:45 Breath, breath, lift it up, hold in that back,
20:51 gluteal's working hard, right.
20:54 Yes and back down and back down.
20:58 Last one on this, lift that hand opposite,
21:02 lift that leg hold, two, three,
21:06 flex your foot if you can, four, hold it,
21:09 five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
21:14 Come back, yeah, yeah.
21:17 Then we're gonna put our hands just like that,
21:20 put our forehead down, one leg up,
21:22 other leg up, click the heels open,
21:27 click the heels open and turn the toes out.
21:32 So touch, touch, touch, touch, touch.
21:38 Knees up, right? Yes, good question.
21:41 Knees are not touching,
21:43 trying to really tighten in that hip.
21:46 Now if that bothers you in the back
21:49 or into the iliac crest, this little bone right here
21:52 just get a towel or pillow
21:55 and put it right underneath your hip bones,
21:58 okay if that's uncomfortable.
22:01 Because this is a really good cementing move
22:04 in what we're doing, all right.
22:07 Now then we're gonna come back,
22:09 elbows in come right on up and in our,
22:17 our little core program that we're doing,
22:20 we're gonna put some good old fashioned pushups, okay.
22:25 So we're right here, you can take a big deep breath.
22:30 We did this off the chair in an earlier program.
22:33 But right now I want to let your back go way down
22:37 and let your head just drop, okay.
22:40 Now then you're gonna pull your belly button in
22:43 and you're gonna bring your back way up like a mad cat.
22:48 So real tight in the stomach go way up there,
22:53 big breath and come back down.
22:57 Okay, I'm gonna be right here
23:02 and I want stage one, stage two.
23:07 So stage one you gonna do this,
23:10 and you gonna come right here like that,
23:13 we'll come back up with big deep breath, okay.
23:17 So I'm hip hinged and I'm hinged at my knee, okay.
23:23 And I'm gonna bring that chest down, yeah.
23:25 In stage two you gonna open at the hip,
23:29 so you just gonna bring your knee down, okay.
23:32 So I'm tight in the gluteal and I'm gonna be right here,
23:35 shoulder blades over those wrist
23:38 and push back up, go.
23:40 So we've stage two, stage one,
23:44 good and when you keep really tight
23:46 in the stomach as we come down,
23:48 keep your hands right where they are at,
23:49 I'm gonna move you forward,
23:50 but keep your hands there now.
23:52 If you need to bend a little more in
23:55 with your knees you do that, yes,
23:58 because that will modify, okay.
24:00 So if there was anything that would be
24:05 really the second most useful thing
24:08 out of this whole tape even though
24:10 I hope you can master lot of it,
24:13 is starting out your pushups, okay.
24:17 Hip bend, knee bend, stay forward
24:21 and bring those knees forward if that's to,
24:24 if you go to, yeah.
24:26 Now you're at the very most modify,
24:28 now bring the chest down and come back up.
24:31 And you get to where you can do
24:32 three sets of ten of these.
24:35 It's just a good goal to do.
24:37 And then where you're doing it from your,
24:39 then your next stage is to open your knees back
24:41 a little bit until you're almost back there
24:44 where Donna is and you gonna drop your hip.
24:48 And you're gonna get tightened in,
24:50 and you just come down as far as you feel
24:52 you can and then press back, okay.
24:56 And if you can get some of this work
24:59 and do it slowly, you only have to do,
25:01 you only need to do about five to ten.
25:04 Because most time, I want you to hold
25:06 that body position, okay in that,
25:09 in that position for getting stronger in your shoulders.
25:14 That's good, now bring your legs in Donna.
25:17 So Donna was...
25:19 how are you feeling on that last one?
25:20 I was shaking. You were shaking.
25:23 That's when most people quit,
25:24 that's when you bring your legs in
25:26 and you finish up with the modified, okay.
25:30 Now at the end of your modified
25:31 if you wanna try one,
25:33 take your knees back stay forward,
25:37 tight tummy, go down as far as you feel
25:39 you can and come back.
25:41 How's that? Little harder, right.
25:45 Very important to get stronger
25:47 for a runner in their upper body.
25:50 Pull right, yeah you've to have that, okay.
25:54 So, we're gonna come back down, sit,
25:58 come right in here, big breath.
26:01 How are you doing? All right.
26:04 So our legs are right out there,
26:07 for some of you that's gonna be hard to do.
26:10 Okay, we hit some major areas for core.
26:13 We did some standing.
26:14 We started out standing,
26:16 on one leg, one leg challenges.
26:19 If you could just do that and keep good posture
26:23 and keep tucked in and get where you can do it
26:25 for a minute, two minutes you could be
26:27 on your way to a much stronger core.
26:29 Then if you start adding weight, wow.
26:32 Then we got down, we did some classic,
26:35 you know, moves but we also put some therapeutic
26:38 moves in there to ease up on those joints
26:41 and to ease into our core training, right.
26:44 So my challenge that I give my class at home is,
26:48 if you can challenge yourself to hold at each level
26:54 from the knees on up for two minutes.
26:58 And don't be discourage by that,
26:59 you're gonna start with what, ten seconds,
27:01 right, then 15, then 30 seconds and on up.
27:04 So remember that.
27:05 So as we're sitting here I'm kicking my hip hinged,
27:09 okay, and if you need to use your hand
27:11 that's one thing, but if you can come
27:14 forward just a little bit, okay, and sit up here.
27:18 And now if you need to bend one knee,
27:20 okay, the hinge forward,
27:23 because I want you to really
27:24 pull through the back of legs.
27:27 Yes, we're gonna stretch through this right now,
27:29 so I got my leg up and then I can change.
27:31 But see my back, my back is extended.
27:33 I'm gonna try not to use my hands if I have to,
27:36 keep my back straight.
27:38 So I want you girls to remember,
27:40 you are your best coheres in this.
27:45 Serve one another by love, okay.
27:48 Don't let each other just keep
27:51 carry around loose muscles.
27:53 Help each other to do this program, okay,
27:56 it will really help a lot.
27:58 Philippians 4:13, I can do everything
28:00 through Him who gives me strength.
28:03 You can do this, you really can do this
28:05 and you'll be stronger for it.
28:07 And I hope you are too.
28:08 Come and see us next time.


Revised 2014-12-17