3ABN Now

Full Circle to Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NOW

Program Code: NOW019037S

00:01 Music...
00:15 This is 3ABN Now...
00:17 with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
00:20 Rosemary: Hello, and welcome to today's Program,
00:23 I'm really excited about what we're going to talk about today.
00:26 John: It is a special Program isn't it?
00:28 Rosemary: It is... we have a testimony for you today
00:30 which I know you're going to enjoy
00:33 and if you are wondering what to do about your health,
00:36 you will enjoy today's Program too.
00:39 We have a young person...
00:40 someone that we used to know in Bangkok
00:44 when she was 14 years old
00:45 and she has breezed into our lives again
00:50 and it's been such a joy
00:51 and we have Kathlyn Wolpin... welcome Kathlyn.
00:55 Kathlyn: Thank you so much,
00:56 it's so good to see you guys after all these years.
00:58 Rosemary: Yes, and it's really good to have you here...
01:00 you have a testimony that I...
01:04 I know people are going to enjoy hearing
01:06 and people are going to get a lot of information out of it
01:08 especially young people who may even be going through struggles
01:13 but parents will appreciate it as well.
01:16 John: Kathlyn's special too because...
01:18 you know, in fact, most...
01:20 a lot of people go out into the mission field
01:22 and they live their lives there...
01:25 the families have children...
01:26 parents have children and... and they live their life there
01:29 we often wonder, "How do the kids take all of this
01:32 and what impact does it make in their lives?"
01:34 And Kathlyn is a missionary kid and...
01:38 and so, you've spent most of your life in the mission field,
01:41 would that be right?
01:42 Kathlyn: Absolutely, so six years
01:44 my parents were missionaries in Hong Kong
01:45 at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital
01:47 and then 17 years at Mission Hospital
01:49 which is where we met your family
01:51 in Bangkok... in Bangkok, Thailand
01:53 yeah, so, definitely I'm a third-culture kid...
01:55 I lived in Thailand with my parents for five years
01:58 and then I went to boarding school in the States
02:00 and finished Academy and college
02:03 at Seventh-day Adventist Institutions
02:05 so, I definitely feel like for most of my life,
02:08 I was in an... in a Seventh-day Adventist bubble...
02:11 learned the health message and then kind of thought
02:15 that the whole world was given this gift too...
02:17 left... totally kind of turned my back on the faith...
02:21 turned my back on the health message...
02:22 went into the world and realized
02:24 that we have something very special
02:26 and that health is the greatest wealth that any of us can have
02:29 so, it's kind of my mission now is to share that.
02:31 Rosemary: And dad was right all along.
02:33 Kathlyn: Yes, my dad who was into health
02:35 ever since I was young...
02:37 he started juicing carrots and apples
02:39 when it wasn't cool to do so...
02:41 like now, Hollywood's doing it...
02:42 everyone is doing it... it's like the cool...
02:43 like athletes are doing it.
02:45 Rosemary: Dad is cool.
02:46 Kathlyn: My dad's so cool but when we were younger,
02:47 I thought he was trying to ruin our lives,
02:49 because he started taking different things out of the home
02:52 when...
02:53 John: You said that quick, Kathlyn,
02:54 you said, "tried to ruin your lives"
02:56 and that's how young people perceive things...
02:58 you know, really, mom and dad only have one goal in their life
03:01 is to see you succeed and be healthy and well.
03:04 Kathlyn: Yeah, yeah yeah.
03:06 John: So, you know, but we... we kind of think
03:07 that chocolates and all those other things...
03:08 "Hey, we're missing out on those... "
03:10 Kathlyn: Yeah.
03:11 Rosemary: Let's... let's find out
03:12 what the chocolates are in the Bible.
03:14 John: Yeah, you've chosen a text...
03:15 Rosemary: You've got two texts...
03:17 John: Two texts... and one is found in Jeremiah chapter 30
03:20 and verse 17 and it goes like this,
03:22 it says, "For I will restore health unto thee,
03:26 and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD... "
03:29 now, you obviously chose that for a specific reason,
03:32 tell us a little bit about how it applies to you.
03:35 Kathlyn: Well, for the past couple of years,
03:37 I've been struggling with digestive issues
03:40 after I had Adult Acne
03:41 which we'll get into a little bit later
03:42 and then, I was put on antibiotics for a year
03:44 and I had got Candida and a plethora of other issues
03:47 and so, I went on a path of healing
03:50 and there is this whole health movement
03:53 that is trying to take Jesus out
03:55 and I started to realize that Jesus is the health message
03:57 and so, I started to find different verses in the Bible
04:00 and kind of insert my name... and that verse...
04:03 the reason why I chose it is because
04:04 I would dwell on that when I was in pain
04:07 or trying to figure out what was wrong with me...
04:10 I would just... I would put my name there.
04:11 John: I like that where you would put your name
04:14 and it says, "For Kathlyn will restore health...
04:17 Rosemary: "I will restore health unto Kathlyn. "
04:19 John: "And I will heal thee of thy wounds. "
04:21 Kathleen: Yeah. John: So, it really is...
04:23 you need to put your name in there sometimes.
04:25 Kathlyn: Yeah... yeah.
04:26 Rosemary: Well, then, I've got another verse
04:28 and it's Psalm 13 verse 6, I'll read it two ways...
04:32 okay, first of all, how it says here,
04:34 "I will sing unto the Lord,
04:36 because He hath dealt bountifully with me. "
04:39 But then, "Kathleen will sing unto the Lord,
04:42 because He hath dealt bountifully with her. "
04:47 Kathlyn: Yeah, I just feel like that verse
04:51 is my gratitude to God
04:53 because in my mid-20s, I kind of was... like...
04:57 "Oh, God, why this have to happen?"
04:58 and "Why couldn't I've gone to... "
05:00 "Why couldn't my life been this way or that way?"
05:02 and "Why did these health issues have to happen to me?"
05:04 And then, I realized how good He was to me
05:06 and how... how blessed I was
05:08 to have been born in the family I was born in
05:11 and raised in the faith I was raised in.
05:13 So, it's kind of my song of gratitude.
05:15 Rosemary: Yeah, that's... that's beautiful.
05:17 You know, when we... we went to Bangkok in 2001
05:21 and your family was there, what was your dad doing?
05:25 My dad was the VP for Finance, at Mission Hospital...
05:29 and yeah... my family...
05:31 John: What about your mom... what was she doing?
05:33 Kathlyn: My mom... she did...
05:34 she was the Hostess for the hospital
05:36 for all the guest rooms and...
05:37 of course, you know, every Sabbath she was the main cook
05:41 for all the potlucks...
05:42 so, my mom is Filipino and surprise, surprise...
05:45 Filipinos love to eat and love food
05:48 and love to cook... Rosemary: And they love Karaoke.
05:50 Kathlyn: And they love Karaoke yes...
05:52 my mom and I just flew here to Australia...
05:53 it was my first time and went for a wedding in Tasmania...
05:56 believe it or not... our friend from church
05:57 at Mission Hospital in Thailand...
05:59 just got married in Tasmania...
06:01 you guys know Leanne... she married a Tasmanian man
06:03 and so we... we went to her wedding in Tasmania
06:05 and you'd better believe our Karaoke machine came with us.
06:08 All: Laughter...
06:09 Kathlyn: Yes... my mom was like...
06:11 we were like, "Passport" check...
06:12 "Karaoke machine" check...
06:14 Rosemary: Your tickets... check.
06:15 Kathlyn: Yeah, for me it was also, like,
06:16 "digestive enzymes... " check
06:18 like, all of my... like, health stuff
06:20 but for my mom, it was the Karaoke... yeah.
06:21 All: Laughter.
06:23 John: So, where were you born?
06:24 Kathlyn: I was born in the Philippines...
06:25 Manila, Philippines... I never lived there
06:27 my parents were actually living in Saudi Arabia at the time
06:30 and they were working at...
06:31 Rosemary: And that's where they met.
06:33 Kathlyn: They met... yeah... and they were working
06:34 at King Fahad Hospital and when I was...
06:37 when I was about to be born,
06:38 my mom and dad went to the Philippines...
06:40 so, I was there for about a month
06:41 but I have a... I'm US Citizen... so...
06:42 I... I don't have that...
06:44 Rosemary: And so, did they go back to the Philippines then
06:47 or is that when you went to Hong Kong?
06:48 Kathlyn: Then they went back to Saudi Arabia
06:50 and then, I think they went to Florida for a year
06:55 and then went to Hong Kong for six years.
06:57 Rosemary: Hmmm... hmmm... John: Hmmm...
06:59 Rosemary: And then to Bangkok?
07:00 Kathlyn: And then, to Washington State
07:02 which is kind of our home base in America
07:05 and that's where my dad's relatives live
07:08 and then... and then to Thailand, yeah.
07:09 Rosemary: And your mom...
07:11 we were talking about your mom and dad just before
07:12 and what they were doing,
07:14 your mom was also the Dean of the Nursing Students.
07:16 Kathlyn: Oh that's... yes... true...
07:17 my mom wore a lot of hats...
07:19 yeah... sorry mom...
07:20 Rosemary: I had to take over for her
07:23 when she went away for a bit.
07:24 Kathlyn: Oh... okay... okay, so that's how you remember, yeah,
07:26 I do remember that... for the nursing students,
07:28 hmmm... hmmm.
07:29 Rosemary: Yes, inspecting their rooms every day
07:31 and making sure they kept everything clean and tidy
07:33 et cetera, et cetera,
07:34 I had to go and do that inspection.
07:36 Kathlyn: Yes, and you kind of had to be the bad cop
07:38 sometimes, right?
07:39 Rosemary: Yes. Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:41 John: So, when you were 14, you left your mom and dad's shelter
07:45 is that right?
07:47 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:48 John: And where did you go?
07:49 Kathlyn: I went to the States and I finished...
07:51 I did my first year of High School
07:52 at Bangkok Adventist Church School
07:54 and then, there were a number grades left to continue
07:57 which was actually a blessing.
07:58 John: So, you had... most missionary kids have to leave
08:00 and go somewhere to get their education, don't they?
08:03 Kathlyn: Exactly and so, I ended up going to this Camp
08:05 called: Young Disciple Camp
08:07 and it was... when we were young my dad always ordered us
08:09 those: Young Disciple...
08:11 Rosemary: Yes, we had them too that was very good.
08:13 Kathlyn: And you could have like, Pen Pals,
08:14 you know in the back, like, you meet friends, and so,
08:17 that's probably why I still write letters to this day,
08:19 literally, my friends are like, "You're the only person
08:20 who still write letters... "
08:22 like, I love writing letters... that's probably why...
08:24 Young Disciple... I went to YD Camp
08:27 and then, I was 14...
08:28 and I already knew that I was looking for a school
08:30 and... anyway, I ended up graduating
08:32 from Fountainview Academy
08:33 which is in British Columbia, Canada... very beautiful
08:36 John: So you were singing and playing instruments?
08:39 Rosemary: They are the ones who do the videos... music.
08:42 Kathlyn: Yeah, yeah, if you just go on YouTube,
08:44 you'll find tons of their...
08:45 Rosemary: They've been on 3ABN. Kathlyn: Yes, of course.
08:47 John: So, were you singing or were you playing instruments?
08:49 Did you learn to play an instrument?
08:51 Kathlyn: Due to my father's influence,
08:52 I picked up the violin and I hate telling people that
08:56 because I don't play anymore
08:58 but I heard that the orchestra... that they travelled
09:01 so, I wanted to travel... so, I... you know...
09:04 but I loved Fountainview,
09:06 they have a large organic carrot field
09:09 which is really funny with the background that I come from
09:11 because my dad was making carrot juice and apple juice
09:14 and then, all of a sudden, I go to a High School
09:16 where they have organic carrots
09:18 and it's like the largest organic field, I think,
09:21 in British Columbia.
09:22 John: Did he make you drink the carrot juice and...
09:24 and the rest when you were with him or...?
09:26 Kathlyn: Well, when we were younger, he just said,
09:27 "This is good for you... " and you know what?
09:29 and deep down inside I knew it was too
09:30 and when we were young,
09:32 we weren't allowed to drink caffeinated soda pops and stuff
09:35 and we would sneak it behind my dad's back
09:37 because all our friends were doing it,
09:38 we thought it was cool
09:40 and so, I remember drinking Coca Cola and Pepsi
09:42 but deep down inside, like, I knew
09:44 that the carrot and apple juice was good for me
09:46 so, it's not like he had to force us
09:48 but we would just like, roll our eyes and then drink it
09:50 but then we go to Fountainview
09:52 and I'm literally... we had to work four hours a day
09:53 to help pay our school bills.
09:55 John: Now you're growing the carrots.
09:56 Kathlyn: Yeah, now I'm like, spending hours
09:58 weeding the carrot fields
09:59 and like... like sorting carrots and...
10:01 Rosemary: Really getting to hate carrots
10:02 because you have to weed.
10:03 Kathlyn: But, you know, some of my best years of my life
10:06 were at Fountainview
10:07 and we, like I said, we had to work four hours a day
10:09 all the students so, you got to know your peers
10:11 not just in the school setting but in a work setting
10:14 and yeah... for Christmas, I would go home to Thailand
10:17 and I would bring a bag of organic carrots
10:19 from Canada to Thailand...
10:21 John: For your dad. Kathlyn: For Christmas...
10:22 like, the best Christmas gift ever... like... why not?
10:26 Rosemary: I... I... in your little bio you sent me
10:29 I remember there was a story about pizza.
10:31 Kathlyn: Oh, yes.
10:34 Rosemary: Yes, just tell everybody about pizza.
10:36 Kathlyn: So, we'd have friends over and we'd order pizza.
10:38 Rosemary: This is in Bangkok?
10:39 Kathlyn: This is when we were in Hong Kong...
10:41 my dad started us early with the health stuff
10:43 and all of a sudden one night he ordered pizza with no cheese
10:46 and we all just looked at him like,
10:48 "You are officially ruining our lives... "
10:50 like, "No one's ever going to come to our parties anymore... "
10:52 but he was like, "Oh no... "
10:54 he's like, "I've been reading on it...
10:55 up on it... and cheese is causing acne, it's causing... "
10:58 Rosemary: Heart disease.
11:00 Kathlyn: Yeah, all these kinds of health issues
11:02 and as a young person, you don't really understand
11:04 and so... yeah.
11:06 John: Well, you don't want to do really
11:07 because sometimes you're going to spoil what you're doing.
11:09 Kathlyn: And you know, back then there weren't as many
11:10 cheese alternatives and now,
11:12 because I had acne and I struggled with Adult Acne
11:15 in order to heal that... I had to stop eating cheese
11:18 and I've found so many wonderful health alternatives...
11:22 there's cashew cheese... there's nutritional yeast...
11:25 you can do a carrot... like a carrot...
11:28 like nutritional yeast flax-seed-oil cheese...
11:31 I mean, but I love nutritional yeast...
11:33 that's you know, and... Rosemary: Yeah.
11:34 Kathlyn: There's just so many different...
11:35 John: Things. Kathlyn: Yeah... yeah...
11:37 Rosemary: Yeah, I'm... I like the cheese story
11:39 because I didn't have a trouble...
11:41 any trouble at all giving up cheese.
11:42 Kathlyn: Okay.
11:44 Rosemary: And I enjoy pizza without cheese.
11:45 Kathlyn: Yeah... yeah.
11:47 Rosemary: It's... it's perfectly good.
11:49 Kathlyn: Yeah and you just put on a ton of veggies
11:51 and... I mean... yeah...
11:53 cheese is causing a lot of problems and...
11:55 Rosemary: So, your dad is trying to get the family...
11:58 well, actually, let me... let me tell everybody
12:01 Kathlyn's dad... Bruce... he's six foot four
12:05 Kathlyn: Six foot six.
12:06 Rosemary: Six foot six... I thought he was six foot four,
12:08 Six foot six... he's taller than I remember.
12:10 He was actually a Jew who converted to Christianity
12:15 and Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.
12:18 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm... yes.
12:20 Rosemary: And so, he's learning the health message.
12:21 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:23 Rosemary: And he's trying to get your family
12:25 to do all the right things
12:27 but you're not appreciating it as a young person.
12:30 Kathlyn: No... yeah... well.
12:31 Rosemary: And with your friends, you're doing all the things
12:33 your dad doesn't know that you're doing.
12:35 Kathlyn: Yeah, well, you know Bangkok... Thailand...
12:37 grew up in the city
12:40 and there's all that street food...
12:42 all that meat-street food and...
12:44 and... you know, he used to talk about MSG
12:46 and I didn't understand it then
12:47 but I became addicted to street food
12:49 because they were putting, like, the noodles and
12:51 you know, I was eating like meat off the street
12:53 Rosemary: Off the street?
12:55 Kathlyn: Off the street vendors yeah.
12:59 John: We knew... we knew it.
13:01 Kathlyn: Yeah and, you know, I just think that
13:04 because all my friends were eating it
13:07 and they made, you know, kind of fun of vegetarians...
13:08 I didn't understand
13:10 but my dad would then take us on all these trips...
13:12 we traveled a lot
13:14 and he would take us to all these like, institutions
13:16 with like, vegan food and... and vegetarian food
13:19 and so, I was exposed to it
13:21 and I did appreciate it... like...
13:22 you know, I tell you in my bio I was, like, off rolling my eyes
13:25 but deep down inside, I knew it was special, you know,
13:27 and I liked... I liked that... I kind of was exposed to that.
13:31 John: Hmmm...
13:33 Rosemary: Yeah and at Fountainview
13:35 what did they have there
13:36 apart from the carrots and the music?
13:38 Kathlyn: Yeah... it's a... I worked in the cafeteria too
13:40 and we had a vegan cafeteria
13:42 and we had vegan pizza...
13:44 we had vegan stir fry...
13:46 for breakfast, we had toast... cereal... crisp...
13:50 pancakes... waffles... I mean...
13:52 look... you go on the internet, you can veganize anything...
13:55 you can pretty much veganize anything, you know.
13:58 Rosemary: But you didn't know that.
13:59 Kathlyn: Well, I knew it, I mean, I just was so young...
14:02 I mean, I was just like,
14:04 "Where's that Snickers bar in my dorm room?"
14:05 You know, I just...
14:07 I just wanted to go to my dorm room and eat junk food
14:09 because I was a teenager and I was healthy
14:11 and I didn't have acne and I was young and fit,
14:13 you know, it's... it's... it's kind of...
14:14 we'll probably get to that...
14:16 it's when you start to lose your health and your energy
14:19 health really is your greatest wealth
14:22 and when you start to lose that, nothing else matters
14:24 and you will do anything... people...
14:26 you know, today people who are desperate...
14:27 people who are sick are desperate to get healthy
14:29 and I understand that because I was desperate to get healthy.
14:31 I was 25 when all my health issues started.
14:34 John: That's too young.
14:36 Kathlyn: That's too young and it's not normal...
14:38 it's not right and I... I just said,
14:40 "I was raised better than this... "
14:41 than to go down a path where I'm abusing my body
14:47 with bad food... alcohol... I'm not...
14:51 I said, "I was raised better than this... " so...
14:53 that's when I kind of turned my life around
14:55 and I saw a documentary called, "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"
14:58 which we'll probably get to... which an Aussie man...
15:00 Joe Cross made the film and I'm in Australia,
15:03 so, Joe Cross, if you ever watch this...
15:05 you know, shout out...
15:06 but... yeah... "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"
15:08 was kind of that turning point where I was like,
15:11 "Oh, my dad wasn't crazy... "
15:13 Rosemary: Yeah. John: Hmmm.
15:14 Rosemary: Before we get to that,
15:15 you had some interesting experiences
15:18 after finishing at Fountainview,
15:20 the different... you went to Southern...
15:23 you went to Pacific Union College...
15:27 you went... what were you studying there?
15:30 Kathlyn: Okay, so, yeah, I left Fountainview
15:33 and most of my friends and my family
15:35 were Southern people
15:37 so, I went to Southern... my freshman year...
15:38 I actually went to Newbold College my sophomore year
15:41 and then... I... that was in England
15:43 and I finished up at Pacific Union College in California
15:45 so, you know how people go island hopping...
15:47 I went college hopping, yeah,
15:49 and I pretty much went from a very conservative college
15:54 to very... kind of... I don't... I don't know...
15:56 I don't want to like, offend any colleges
15:58 but to a more liberal college to a kind of middle...
16:01 so, I just kind of felt like I had experienced it all
16:03 and I had kind of grown up in an Adventist bubble
16:06 and, yeah, you know like most Adventist young people,
16:09 when you get to college, you kind of go little wild
16:12 and you want to just live and party like the world does
16:15 and so, I started to party like a rock star
16:17 because, you know, I was in college
16:20 and looking back, I see what harm I did
16:23 to just not my body but my soul
16:25 and I've been five years sober now
16:27 and I haven't had any alcohol
16:28 and to tell you the truth, a lot of my friends
16:31 that aren't even Christian
16:32 are starting to see the benefits in that,
16:34 and alcohol is just kind of ruining societies...
16:37 ruining people's lives...
16:39 and I used to be afraid to speak up about it
16:41 because it's... you know,
16:42 you kind of don't want to be the person who does that
16:45 but with how many people are dying from drunk driving...
16:47 how many people are dying
16:49 because their killing their bodies...
16:51 it's... I just... how can I not... you know.
16:54 John: Yeah.
16:55 Rosemary: So, you've gone from a... a home
16:57 where your dad's teaching about eating carrot...
16:59 drinking carrot juice and apple juice... or both together...
17:03 eating pizza without cheese...
17:05 not eating in between meals...
17:06 Kathlyn: Okay, dad and mom didn't really do that...
17:09 that was... that was in Fountainview, yeah...
17:11 dad and mom used to tell me to work on that but... yeah.
17:13 Rosemary: That was at Fountainview...
17:15 you had to end up doing that,
17:16 but you had all the...
17:17 your dad was continually trying to teach you health habits...
17:20 you end up at college... you start drinking alcohol...
17:24 you're eating meat...
17:26 Kathlyn: Oh yeah... junk food, fast food... Taco Bell, yeah.
17:29 Rosemary: Everything your dad didn't teach you to do...
17:31 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:32 Rosemary: And so, you're living a completely different life
17:37 are you walking with God?
17:39 Kathlyn: You know, that's such a...
17:41 that's such a good question...
17:42 I never really...
17:44 I actually didn't really want to go to church anymore
17:48 and I didn't really want...
17:49 I was just so like, disillusioned by Adventists...
17:50 I thought they were all hypocrites
17:52 and I thought that Adventists were just too strict
17:55 and all that stuff...
17:57 but deep down inside, when I had some pain in my heart
18:01 or in my life, which we all do,
18:02 especially in college...
18:04 who would I pray to?
18:05 Who would I turn to?
18:06 I turned to God and I...
18:08 you know, because I went to schools like Fountainview
18:09 where we started every morning with devotionals...
18:11 that was still part of my life,
18:13 I remember, even when I was like, partying and like...
18:16 I feel like, "Oh, I want to read a devotional" you know,
18:19 and I have to add something I didn't put in my bio,
18:21 when I was in college, you asked me what I studied...
18:24 I started out with Broadcast Journalism
18:25 and then ended up at PUC where they didn't offer that
18:29 so I finished with Communications and
18:31 I worked in their PR Enrollment Department
18:33 but when I was a student, as a Communications Major,
18:36 we each had to take a Persuasive Communications class
18:40 and the teacher got to pick the subject
18:43 that we had to talk about
18:44 and the subject that the...
18:45 and you had to write at it, memorize and then deliver
18:49 a 10-page speech
18:51 it's not like a one-page speech, it was like...
18:52 Rosemary: Memorize?
18:54 Kathlyn: Memorize... write at it... research...
18:55 and he's like... and the topic...
18:57 and he didn't choose it actually,
18:58 it was like, this Organization called:
19:01 The Christian Temperance Union...
19:02 Women's Christian Temperance Union... they're not even SDA
19:05 but they're just a Christian Faith-based group...
19:07 they had different colleges send their kids
19:10 and they got to choose the topic and it was:
19:12 "Why should you completely abstain from Alcohol?"
19:16 John: That was your topic.
19:17 Kathlyn: That was their topic... they picked it for everyone
19:20 and so, I remember, some of the kids were like,
19:23 "Well, we don't want to write about that...
19:25 we don't want to have to persuade people to... "
19:26 then, well, he's like, "Well, that's the topic... "
19:28 and so, I had to write, edit, research
19:31 and then deliver
19:32 and if you won at your college, you got $500
19:36 and then if you won the $500 and they sent you to Nationals
19:40 I know it's funny...
19:42 and you go to Nationals
19:44 and then if you won there, you got a $1,000
19:46 and so, I was like,
19:47 "You know, I could use a little extra money... "
19:48 broke college student...
19:50 I was like, "I'm going to win this... "
19:51 so, I really put my heart and soul into it.
19:53 Rosemary: And meanwhile you're drinking?
19:54 Kathlyn: Meanwhile, I'm drinking alcohol
19:56 and I'm not proud of... to say that
19:58 because I felt like it was a little...
20:00 Rosemary: God is ironic sometimes...
20:01 Kathlyn: It's ironic and so I go from my college,
20:04 I won the $500
20:05 and then, they flew me to Kansas...
20:07 that Women's Christian Temperance Union
20:08 and when I met all these people
20:10 who were running the... the show,
20:12 they came from alcoholic homes where there was alcoholic abuse,
20:17 fathers that would come home...
20:19 and when they start sharing those stories, I'm like,
20:20 "This is not... these people are serious...
20:22 this is no joke... "
20:23 and here, you know, I am kind of making light of it
20:26 but... anyway long story short, I ended up winning in Kansas,
20:29 I won the $1,000 but my speech has stayed with me
20:33 I... I memorized it
20:34 and when I did the research, it's just kind of pointless...
20:37 alcohol is kind of pointless, so...
20:39 John: Hmmm... Rosemary: Yeah, that's right,
20:40 so where did you go, you finished PUC,
20:44 and they picked you up to work there.
20:47 Kathlyn: Oh yeah... okay, so I... I... I finished at PUC
20:52 and then, three months before I graduated,
20:54 they offered me a full-time...
20:56 I was working as student in the Enrollment Department
20:58 so, I was already working as a student
21:00 and I loved PUC... you know, I'm enthusiastic...
21:02 when I'm enthusiastic, I'm enthusiastic...
21:04 so, I loved it and they said,
21:06 "Do you want to be a College Recruiter for us?"
21:08 And I said, "Sure, it sounds like a fun job... "
21:09 but I took a gap year
21:11 and in that gap year, I... I went to Thailand...
21:13 did a bit of traveling,
21:15 I think I needed to take that break
21:16 and then, I kind of got a little bit more serious
21:18 in that gap year... came back...
21:20 oh, in that gap year is when I got Adult Acne...
21:22 it was like all my years of
21:25 kind of being not very good to myself,
21:28 caught up and I had like rashes on my face
21:30 and I... when you don't have acne and then you have acne,
21:33 it's really traumatic, did you guys ever have acne?
21:35 Rosemary: Yeah... yeah. John: Smiling.
21:37 Kathlyn: But, you understand, it's, you know, it's not fun.
21:40 Rosemary: It's not nice.
21:42 Kathlyn: It's not nice and I was 22... 23...
21:45 "Why is this happening to me now?"
21:46 And so, I was... I went to a Dermatologist,
21:49 she put me on antibiotics for almost a year...
21:51 John: For a whole year?
21:53 Kathlyn: Yeah, hmmm... hmmm... and creams...
21:56 I did chemical face peals...
21:57 where, like, layers of my... it was...
21:59 and I was just trusting this Dermatologist
22:01 thinking that she had my best interests in mind...
22:03 she barely even looked at me when I went into her office,
22:05 she just kind of... it was... it was like...
22:07 "Da... da... da... this is what you do... "
22:08 and my dad... I called my dad...
22:10 and I was telling... I sent him pictures
22:12 because he was still in Thailand and I was in the States,
22:14 and he said, "Kat, you need to change your diet
22:15 and your lifestyle... "
22:17 and I knew he was right but I was stubborn
22:19 and I'd rather take a pill... antibiotic...
22:21 Rosemary: Yes, it's easier...
22:22 Kathlyn: It's easier than changing my life
22:25 and so, I finally heard from a co-worker
22:29 about this documentary called: "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"
22:31 while I was recruiting
22:32 and I watched the documentary about how this man
22:35 healed himself by doing a juice fast
22:37 and he had health issues way more serious than mine
22:41 and I remember, like, I wanted to cry at the end,
22:44 it was so moving, it really touched me
22:46 and it gave me hope and I... I said,
22:48 "You know, I think I need to focus on my health a bit"
22:50 and I quit my job...
22:52 oh and... meanwhile when I was recruiting for PUC,
22:54 they flew me to Oahu, Maui... oh, Oahu, Hawaii,
22:57 to recruit and I went to Hawaii Mission Academy
23:00 and I grew up in Asia and I'm half American
23:03 and I never really felt that I belonged anywhere
23:06 but when I went to Hawaii, I was like, "I totally... "
23:08 John: You came home. Kathlyn: I came home...
23:09 I walked into the airport and they were like,
23:11 "Hey, the local girl... welcome home... "
23:12 and I was just like, "Oh, I love this... "
23:14 Rosemary: You must have looked Hawaiian.
23:15 Kathlyn: Yeah, I felt the aloha
23:17 and you know what? PUC... they said,
23:18 "Kat, we're sending you to Hawaii to recruit
23:22 because you kind of look Hawaiian... "
23:24 and I was like, "Man, they're totally using me for my looks
23:26 and I'm okay with it...
23:27 it's okay, you know, I look Hawaiian...
23:29 I can go to Hawaii... I am okay with it. "
23:31 So, anyway, yeah, that was...
23:33 just, I had to throw that in there
23:34 because that job at PUC
23:36 was one of the best things that ever happened to me,
23:38 I loved recruiting for PUC...
23:40 I got to meet Seventh-day Adventist High School kids
23:42 from all over the United States...
23:43 I went to Hawaii and it was because of that job
23:46 that I ended up living in Maui for four years.
23:48 John: Hmmm...
23:50 Kathlyn: So, PUC changed my life and I love...
23:52 I love PUC deeply...
23:53 I... I'm still in touch with all of my friends
23:56 most of my friends from... from the college
23:58 and the staff there are great, yeah.
24:01 Rosemary: Even learning bad habits...
24:03 you... it was still a great experience.
24:05 Kathyln: Of course, yeah, and you know, I just...
24:07 I have to say... I didn't learn my bad habits at PUC...
24:09 Rosemary: You're already... Kathlyn: People are partying...
24:11 people were partying at Southern... at Newbold...
24:13 like, I... you know, as a college recruiter...
24:15 and I'm just going to say this, young people will be like,
24:17 "Oh, you mean like California, the party State...
24:20 the party schools are there... "
24:21 no, you can... people party everywhere...
24:23 people party in Tennessee...
24:24 people party in Kansas... like,
24:26 you'll find what you want wherever you go, and so...
24:29 whatever you want... you'll find wherever you go
24:32 so, I... I loved PUC and I... I really enjoyed my time there.
24:36 Rosemary: Is other things that they find necessarily
24:37 fun and okay and good?
24:39 Kathlyn: I'm... I'm sorry...
24:41 Rosemary: Are the things that they find at college
24:42 necessarily good or can they be bad?
24:46 Kathlyn: Oh, they can definitely be bad...
24:47 I mean, you can go to the most conservative Adventist College
24:50 and you'll... if you want to find crack cocaine...
24:52 you will find crack cocaine...
24:54 do you know what I mean? Like...
24:55 if you go to the most liberal Adventist College
24:57 and you want to be a vegan, vegetarian, hippie,
25:00 earth-loving... you can do that too, you know,
25:02 and so, you'll find what you want.
25:05 Rosemary: So, it sort of depends on who you find
25:06 your friends to be?
25:08 Kathlyn: Oh, yeah, I just read a book called: Friendfluence...
25:10 it's not even Christian but it's saying,
25:12 "You're the average of the five people
25:13 you spend the most time with... "
25:14 and I read this about five years ago
25:16 and started to really think about who I spend time with
25:18 and who you date in college will influence your habits incredibly
25:22 who you spend time with... I mean...
25:25 the influence is powerful.
25:28 Rosemary: It's interesting you say that
25:29 because right towards the beginning you said
25:32 that your dad was telling you this
25:34 but your friends were doing this...
25:37 and so, you know, drinking soda
25:40 when your dad wanted you to drink carrot and apple juice
25:43 but your friends were drinking soda
25:45 so, you drank soda.
25:47 Kathlyn: Yeah.
25:48 Rosemary: So, that had a great influence.
25:50 Kathlyn: Yeah... yeah... definitely.
25:52 So, where were we?
25:54 Rosemary: You were in Maui.
25:55 Kathlyn: Okay, Maui... no, but where we in my story?
25:57 Oh no, so the "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" thing happened,
25:58 can I share that real quickly?
26:00 I watched the documentary... I bought it for my dad...
26:03 I was like, "Merry Christmas, you're right...
26:05 I had to change my diet this whole time... "
26:07 but I bought a juicer an Omega 8006...
26:11 I don't know if anyone cares,
26:12 but I bought a juicer and I started juicing...
26:14 I went totally plant-based...
26:16 cut out meat... cut out cheese, cut out wheat...
26:18 and I know that it sounds like I'm cutting a lot of stuff out
26:21 but then I started to eat, like, zucchini and mint
26:24 and eggplant and tomatoes, like there's so many vegetables
26:27 and you know in Thailand... so many fruits...
26:29 mangoes and pineapple and dragon fruit...
26:31 Rosemary: Rambutan... Kathlyn: Rambutan...
26:34 Rosemary: Mangosteen and... and Custard Apples.
26:37 John: And Durian.
26:38 Kathlyn: And Durian... I was going to say that
26:39 so, I never have really eaten or liked durian
26:41 and then, when I became, like, health conscious,
26:43 I can... I can eat a little piece of durian.
26:45 Rosemary: I can't... Kathlyn: You can't?
26:46 Rosemary: No.
26:48 John: You can eat a little piece I'll eat the rest
26:49 because I really like it.
26:50 Kathlyn: You sound like my sister, yeah
26:52 but... there's so much, you know, healthy...
26:53 but anyway, I sent my... I started to follow the blog
26:57 that Joe Cross had on his reboot website
26:59 and one day his Producer sent out a mass e-mail
27:02 to all the people and she's like,
27:03 "We're flying out 12 people to New York City
27:06 to share their health testimony...
27:08 how much weight did you lose juicing
27:10 after watching: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
27:12 and how did the documentary change your life?
27:14 And I thought, "Well, I didn't really lose weight juicing
27:18 and I didn't... but I did it to heal my acne
27:20 and my acne was healed by the way
27:22 I said, "Maybe I'll send my story
27:24 and put a little twist on it... "
27:25 and so, I sent her my story,
27:28 she said, "Kat, your e-mail gave me goosebumps...
27:29 we'd love to fly you out to New York to be in our commercial
27:31 and to meet Joe Cross. "
27:33 so, I got to meet him in New York...
27:34 I did the commercial...
27:36 and we all sat in a circle before we did
27:37 and everyone in the circle was like,
27:39 "I lost a 100 pounds... "
27:41 John: A 100 pounds?
27:42 Kathlyn: Yeah, and another person's like,
27:44 "I lost 80 pounds... "
27:46 and they all look at me, like, waiting
27:47 and I was like, "I lost 10 pounds
27:49 but that's not why I'm here... "
27:50 and they all looked at me. Rosemary: I lost acne...
27:52 Kathlyn: I'm like, "I lost my acne... "
27:54 and then they were like, "Why are you here
27:55 if you lost ten pounds?"
27:56 You know, and I was like, "Oh no... "
27:58 and then I shared my pictures and they understood
27:59 but there are a lot of young girls
28:01 that are struggling with acne
28:02 and a ton of money is going into all these harsh creams
28:04 and... I mean... you know,
28:06 there's nothing wrong with wanting to have a smooth face,
28:08 but people are just going...
28:10 spending their money on the wrong things,
28:12 so, I just wanted to share with people that
28:14 it's... you are what you absorb
28:15 and what you put on your skin is also what you absorb
28:19 so...
28:20 Rosemary: And the antibiotics you're on
28:22 would have been causing more problems in your gut.
28:25 Kathlyn: Yeah, that is actually something I've struggled with
28:28 for the past five years... I'm not kidding...
28:30 the antibiotics was like a gut bomb... totally affected...
28:33 Rosemary: Eight months... Kathlyn: Almost a year, yeah,
28:35 like, it was a really long time
28:37 and you know when I did that commercial in New York,
28:40 that was like my first stage of healing...
28:42 my acne was healed but I remember still...
28:44 and I was learning about digestive enzymes...
28:46 and I was learning about probiotics...
28:48 I was learning about the microbiome
28:49 and since then, I've, like,
28:51 reached different layers of my health
28:52 but I became obsessed with organic fruits and vegetables,
28:55 as you know, we've been talking about
28:56 organic fruits and vegetables.
28:58 John: Hmmm... hmmm... so, you've...
28:59 you've... seeing you've gone through that experience,
29:02 you have a desire to let other people know.
29:05 Kathlyn: Yeah.
29:06 John: And I know there's probably a lot of young people
29:07 out there listening and wondering,
29:09 "Well, about college and what mom and dad are telling me,
29:12 to do and how... it doesn't seem fair... "
29:15 but in reality, you are looking now back in retrospect
29:20 and you're seeing that
29:23 there was a better choice you could have made
29:26 because it really amounts to what choices you make in life
29:29 and really, you've come now to the realization...
29:33 dad was right... you know...
29:35 and so, as a young person...
29:37 I'll say, you are still are a young person,
29:40 you want others to know that...
29:42 they don't have to go through what you went through, do they?
29:44 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
29:45 I told Rosemary when I e-mailed her,
29:46 I said, "My suffering was a cause of my own rebellion"
29:49 and you read that in the Bible,
29:51 and by the way, during this time period,
29:53 I started reading my Bible again...
29:54 and really following the NEWSTART Program
29:58 that we grew up with:
30:00 Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air,
30:02 Rest... Trust in God...
30:04 I really started to follow that like,
30:05 I became... not obsessed but like...
30:07 I wanted to make... purify my life as much as possible...
30:10 no more perfume...
30:11 I stopped eating chocolate...
30:13 I stopped wearing harsh... like, Makeups and stuff...
30:17 I started using essential oils...
30:18 I mean, I wanted to purify my life as much as possible
30:22 and I became obsessed with clean air...
30:24 clean water... and that's kind of why I moved to Maui...
30:27 Maui, Hawaii... and I was a WWOOFER
30:28 which is Worldwide Opportunity...
30:30 Rosemary: Yeah, tell us some of these stories in Maui...
30:33 Kathlyn: Yes, so because of PUC sending me to Oahu
30:36 as a College Recruiter,
30:37 I decided that I had to move to Hawaii some day
30:39 and I chose Maui because my family had gone there
30:42 when we were younger and I asked dad,
30:44 "What's the most beautiful place you've ever been in?"
30:45 He said, "Maui... "
30:47 and so, I... I kind of always had Maui in the back of my head
30:50 and my mom loved Maui and... yeah...
30:53 so, I wanted to move to Maui, Hawaii but I didn't know a soul
30:56 and I knew I wanted to be a WWOOFER because I was like,
30:59 "I want to learn how to grow my own produce... "
31:00 Rosemary: Okay, just explain for those who don't know
31:02 what is WWOOFER is.
31:03 Kathlyn: Yeah, it's a really funny word...
31:05 WWOOFER is: Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms
31:10 and my cousin had been a WWOOFER
31:12 and I had different friends...
31:14 and pretty much you go to the website and you pay 30 dollars,
31:17 I paid $30 for the year
31:19 and then you have access to all these organic farms
31:21 in North America and even the world, I think,
31:23 but I stuck to North America.
31:24 Rosemary: And you can go and look there.
31:25 Kathlyn: Yeah and you... you get to live there for free
31:28 but you have to put in a couple of hours each day...
31:30 you have to... you have to do your work...
31:31 like, you have to e-mail the family and say,
31:33 "What do you expect of me?"
31:34 "How many people are there?"
31:36 "How many hours each day?" blah, blah, blah...
31:38 and so, I knew I wanted to be a WWOOFER
31:40 when I moved to Maui.
31:41 John: So, you did that for four years?
31:43 Kathlyn: No, I did that for a month.
31:44 I saw... I wanted to be a WWOOFER
31:46 and then I wanted to work at a restaurant called:
31:48 Mama's Fish House Restaurant and that's another story
31:51 and I prayed to God that I wanted to do both those things
31:53 and both those things happened
31:55 but, I guess I'll start with the WWOOFing...
31:57 I wanted to be a WWOOFER and at this time,
31:59 I started wanting to keep the Sabbath again
32:02 and I said, "I want to start keeping the Sabbath again... "
32:04 and so, that was in my heart
32:06 and I started applying to different farms on Maui
32:08 and I applied to this one farm and it seemed really legit...
32:11 they had a website...
32:12 they had like 15 WWOOFERs at one time,
32:14 and I wrote them and they were writing me back,
32:16 they were engaged... they seemed interested...
32:19 and then I said, "Okay, but by the way,
32:21 I would like to have Sabbath... Saturday off
32:23 because I keep the Sabbath... " never wrote me back...
32:26 just completely stopped writing me...
32:28 and I was hurt... I was like, "What?"
32:30 And I talked to my dad and he's like,
32:32 "Kat, this door closed
32:34 because a better one is opening... "
32:36 and we went to the website and on their website
32:39 they were into stuff like talking to the dead...
32:42 Rosemary: Ah...
32:43 Kathlyn: Yeah, no... I mean it was very "spiritualistic"
32:46 kind of stuff and my...
32:47 my dad was looking at the website, he's like, "I don't"
32:49 John: I don't think it's a good place.
32:51 Kathlyn: He said, "This is a blessing that this door closed,
32:53 you don't really want to be there... "
32:54 so, I had to just have faith
32:56 that God had a better door opened
32:58 and so I... I went to the website the next day
33:01 and there was a new Ad that popped up that wasn't there
33:03 and it was like, "Hi, we're a couple from San Diego,
33:05 we're living in Maui now
33:06 we're looking for one WWOOFER... no partying... no drinking...
33:09 vegetarian... we have an ohana...
33:11 we have papayas, pineapples, coconuts... "
33:14 John: Sounds good.
33:15 Kathlyn: And the thing is... I had already...
33:17 I had been dorming for eight years at this point
33:19 and I was like, "I am done with the sharing
33:22 I'm done with the whole boarding-dorming thing... "
33:24 and I wanted to be the only WWOOFER...
33:26 and they wanted only one WWOOFER
33:28 and so, I called them and I was like, "Hi... "
33:31 and it was... their names were Gordie and Sharon
33:33 and I was like, "Hi... I saw your Ad... "
33:35 and Gordie's like, "We just posted it last night"
33:37 I was like, "Okay, whatever... I'm your girl...
33:39 I don't care when you posted it,
33:40 I'm your girl to be your WWOOFER."
33:42 I was their first WWOOFER and they tell...
33:44 and to this day... four years later,
33:45 I still house-sit for them...
33:47 I go over to their house all the time when I'm on Maui... "
33:50 and they've adopted me as their daughter...
33:52 they tell everyone else I was their first WWOOFER
33:54 and so, it was meant to be...
33:55 God opened that door, that wasn't by chance.
33:57 John: Hmmm...
33:58 Rosemary: Hmmm... and so... what did...
33:59 so you were only with them for a month?
34:01 Kathlyn: Okay, yeah... and I have to add something,
34:02 I wrote them and told them about the Sabbath
34:04 and they were okay with it.
34:05 So, I said, "I'll do... I'll garden... whatever...
34:07 but on... on Saturday, I want to go to church
34:09 and I want the Sabbath off... "
34:11 and I remember thinking, like,
34:12 "I wonder if they even know what that is?"
34:13 I go to their house
34:15 and they tell me that they used to live on Molokai...
34:17 Molokai is a smaller island off of Maui
34:20 and they're like, "Yeah, so when we lived on Molokai,
34:22 we had to do all of our shopping before Saturday
34:25 or after Saturday because all of the shops closed
34:28 because they were all Seventh-day-Adventist owned.
34:30 John: Is that right? Rosemary: Smiling.
34:32 Kathlyn: I said, "That is too funny... "
34:33 like, I said, "So, guys don't think that I was... "
34:36 like, I didn't want them to think I was like,
34:37 "I need Tuesday and Saturday off because I... "
34:39 you know, I didn't want them to think I was making stuff up
34:41 but they were like, "Yeah, no... closed on Saturday... " so...
34:43 so, if you ever go to Molokai...
34:45 Rosemary: Yeah and so, you were only there for a month
34:48 but you really enjoyed it and you...
34:50 you learned how to grow things?
34:53 Kathlyn: Well, what I learned from Sharon and Gordie
34:55 was the beauty of growing your own food.
34:58 This couple they... they grew their own food
35:00 their whole lives... their kids never went to the...
35:02 like, doctor really...
35:04 they just kind of healed their kids through nutrition
35:07 and they grew corn... they grew coconuts, like I said,
35:10 kale, ginger, turmeric, papaya...
35:12 they had... oh, and they sold the papayas
35:14 to the health food stores in Maui,
35:16 so, they were like, legit.
35:17 I was there for a month
35:19 because that was the agreement on their WWOOFER website,
35:20 they said, "We're only looking for someone for a month. "
35:21 I WWOOFed for a month then I left
35:24 and then, about a week after that,
35:26 they said, "Come back... " so I came back
35:28 but then I was working at Mama's Fish House Restaurant
35:30 at that point,
35:31 which was my other dream come true.
35:32 Rosemary: How did you get that job?
35:34 Kathlyn: Okay, so when I knew I wanted to move to Maui,
35:37 I called my dad and he was in Thailand
35:39 and I said, "Dad, I want to move to Maui,
35:41 do you have any friends over there that know of jobs...
35:43 like, do you know anything?"
35:45 And he said, "Well, if I hear of anything, I'll let you know. "
35:48 Next thing I knew, he e-mails me and says,
35:50 "Kat, call me... a businessman from Maui came to the hospital
35:53 Mission Hospital in Bangkok trying to sell us something,
35:57 and he says he knows where you need to work
35:59 when you go to Maui... "
36:00 and so, I called my dad,
36:02 my dad said, "Yeah, this man Bill Riker... "
36:04 I don't know if he's ever going to watch this
36:05 but Bill Riker is kind of the reason why I ended up there,
36:07 said that this man said,
36:09 "If your daughter is going to go to Maui,
36:11 and work in hospitality... "
36:13 because that's what I said I wanted to do
36:14 because Hospitality is huge there
36:15 and that's like, the only thing you can do there, really,
36:17 unless you have... you know...
36:18 so, he said, "There's only one restaurant she should work at,
36:21 and it's Mama's Fish House Restaurant"
36:23 and I said, "Okay... "
36:25 and so I... I looked it up
36:27 and it's a restaurant right on the beach
36:30 300 employees... a 1,000 guests come through daily.
36:32 Rosemary: A 1,000 guests a day!
36:35 Kathlyn: Yeah... and... Rosemary: Amazing.
36:37 Kathlyn: A family called Floyd and Doris Christenson started it
36:39 lovely family...
36:41 I met some of the best friends I have to this day
36:43 at that restaurant...
36:45 I worked in the office so, I worked in the office,
36:47 and I also worked as a hostess
36:48 and it's a very busy...
36:50 it's the number one restaurant on Maui
36:51 and anyway, so that door opened and so I did that.
36:54 Rosemary: That's exciting.
36:56 Kathlyn: Yeah, it was really exciting.
36:58 Rosemary: Is that when you gave up eating fish?
36:59 Kathlyn: That's when I gave up eating fish, yeah,
37:01 when I said I went totally plant based,
37:03 I guess I was eating fish a bit and eggs
37:05 and even now, I'm not a 100% vegan
37:07 because I do eat the eggs, it's the Filipino in me,
37:10 but... but I did stop eating fish at Mama's Fish House
37:14 because the stench... and I just...
37:15 the mercury in the fish and... I don't know.
37:17 Rosemary: Yeah, that's right. Kathlyn: Yeah.
37:20 Rosemary: A lot of people don't think about it
37:22 but fish actually are said to be full of toxin.
37:24 John: After listening to you, you walked your way through life
37:26 and you've experienced all these things
37:28 and I'm sure someone's out there,
37:29 maybe somewhere on the road where you've been through
37:32 you know, but the end result is
37:34 you've changed your life...
37:36 you're... you're... you're acknowledging...
37:39 in the Bible there's a commandment...
37:41 the fifth commandment, it says,
37:42 "Honor thy father and thy mother:
37:44 that thy days may be long upon the land
37:45 which the LORD thy God giveth thee... "
37:47 that's with a promise...
37:48 so, you can live longer because you're healthier.
37:50 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
37:51 John: You know, God wants that for you
37:53 if you listen to your mom and dad
37:54 yeah, you've gone through experiencing it,
37:57 now, looking back,
37:58 do you think you would have done things differently now?
38:00 Kathlyn: Oh of course, absolutely, I... there...
38:03 you know, I don't want to look in the rear-view mirror too much
38:06 because then you're not going to look forward
38:08 but, I am one of those people...
38:10 there's a quote I love, it says,
38:12 "You should only look back to see how far you've come. "
38:14 So, I look back to see how far I've come
38:15 but I also want to help people, you know,
38:18 and most recently, I've been in... at...
38:21 kind of... you can call it interning at a Gerson Clinic
38:23 the Gerson Therapy is something that...
38:25 is now my new layer of health that I've reached
38:28 and it's in Mexico and it's Northern Baja Gerson Center
38:31 and when I was at that clinic
38:33 I kind of reached a new level of health
38:36 because I was in taking 13 juices a day,
38:38 and there's just so many other different health protocols
38:42 that I learned there and the... the...
38:45 there was an interview that I heard
38:48 with the man who started the clinic, Dr. Vickers,
38:51 and also, one of the patients who healed his cancer
38:54 by doing the therapy for a year,
38:55 and he said, "A healthy man has many ambitions...
38:59 a sick man has only one and that's to get healthy. "
39:03 Rosemary: That's right.
39:04 John: It's a very profound thing isn't it? Profound thought...
39:06 Kathlyn: It is.
39:07 John: And it's true because when you...
39:09 when you're suffering from an illness,
39:10 what do you think about continuously?
39:13 "I wish this wasn't happening to me...
39:15 I wish I could do something about it. "
39:18 Rosemary: Well, a lot of the time what you think about is,
39:20 how sick you feel. John: Yeah, that's right.
39:22 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm... and so, when I heard that quote,
39:24 it was almost like... I was like, "Oh, now I... "
39:25 like, just because sometimes, you know,
39:28 I felt I have to explain to people, like what I'm doing...
39:31 like, "Wait, you're going to be a WWOOFER on Maui?"
39:33 "You're going to some Gerson Clinic in Mexico?"
39:36 like, "What are you doing with your life?"
39:37 What people don't understand is when you're not well,
39:39 all you want is to be well
39:41 and I want to have kids someday,
39:43 I want to have babies... I want to get married...
39:45 I have to be well before that happens, you know,
39:48 and I started reading "Country Living" By Ellen White
39:51 and I started reading, "Diseases and Its Causes"
39:53 and those two books really changed my life
39:55 and I encourage everyone to read: Diseases and Its Causes
39:58 and Country Living
39:59 and if you don't like Ellen White, read it
40:01 because I didn't like Ellen White for most of my life,
40:02 I didn't...
40:04 John: She was an author... wrote many, many books,
40:08 and the knowledge that she recorded in her books
40:13 really are now being proven by Science.
40:15 So, you know, the evidence is there...
40:17 we only need to open our eyes and have a look...
40:20 you know, I thought of this thought,
40:22 you said, I heard this saying once,
40:24 "You are what you eat, don't eat dead meat... "
40:27 you get it?
40:28 Kathlyn: I like that.
40:29 Rosemary: That was on a T-Shirt from the Vegan Society
40:32 in the USA and Dr. Winston Craig was wearing it
40:36 when he had his 50th birthday quite a number of years ago,
40:38 and I just loved that T-Shirt...
40:41 it just spoke amazing words,
40:44 "You are what you eat... don't eat dead meat. "
40:48 Kathlyn: Yeah, eat raw living foods
40:50 and I'm not a 100% raw foodist
40:52 like, there are a couple of those on YouTube,
40:53 I've seen their stuff, that's kind of hard for me,
40:56 like, I want to eat Quinoa sometimes or baked potato
40:58 I don't have a problem with cooked food
41:00 but I do think that you can eat a lot of raw fresh foods
41:03 and that's kind of, you know...
41:05 I turned 30 two years ago, I'm 32 now,
41:07 people think I'm 19 and I just say, "Thank you"
41:10 but when I turned 30... a woman asked me if I was 16
41:15 and I'm telling you, like,
41:16 people are looking for this, like, fountain of youth
41:19 it starts with what you put in your body.
41:21 John: Yeah. Kathlyn: And in your mind.
41:23 John: That's right. Rosemary: Hmmm...
41:24 and what you put in your body,
41:26 affects what you put in your mind.
41:28 Kathleen: Absolutely.
41:30 Rosemary: It affects your mind in a very dramatic way
41:33 and that's something we've been finding out
41:34 even on this Program,
41:36 we've interviewed people like Chad and Fadia Kreuzer
41:39 and Dr. Carly Enjuku
41:42 and people who have learned a lot...
41:45 Eddie Ramirez... Dr. Eddie Ramirez from Wiemer
41:48 and they're finding more and more
41:51 that your gut has to be healthy
41:54 for your brain to function properly.
41:56 Kathlyn: Absolutely, yeah.
41:58 Rosemary: And if your gut's not healthy,
41:59 your brain is only going to...
42:01 it's... it's not going to work properly...
42:03 it's going to affect you badly.
42:04 John: Even more and more Science is revealing the gut
42:05 and brain connection,
42:07 there is definitely a connection between it
42:08 and I know from my own experience,
42:10 I grew up eating lots of flesh-food products as a kid,
42:15 I've changed that now and, you know, it's...
42:18 it's really encouraging to know that if you eat well...
42:22 you drink water
42:23 and you keep all those things that are pure and good for you,
42:27 foremost... your health really improves.
42:30 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
42:32 John: And the lifestyle...
42:33 most of the diseases now are lifestyle...
42:35 it's what we eat that causes the problems
42:36 and we don't exercise... we don't do those sorts of things
42:39 that's what's causing the issues now in this... you know,
42:42 in this... in this century now that we live in.
42:44 Kathlyn: Yeah.
42:45 John: It's lifestyle-related diseases and...
42:48 and I see the importance of it
42:50 you know, and I like the idea that you want to share
42:52 what you've learned
42:54 because young people need to know that, you know,
42:56 chocolate... oh, it tastes nice and it's very addictive
42:59 but you know it's not good for you.
43:00 Rosemary: I was a chocoholic. Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm... me too.
43:04 Rosemary: And I am really grateful
43:05 that when I decided... chocolate is bad for me,
43:10 it's full of a lot of bad stuff, let alone the caffeine,
43:14 and I shouldn't eat that...
43:16 God gave me the ability cold turkey...
43:20 to go off chocolate...
43:22 to take away that desire completely,
43:24 God can do that if we want to do the right thing...
43:27 that's 24 years ago.
43:29 John: The other thing too is we... going extreme on one thing
43:32 even vegan food and juicing...
43:34 if you're extreme on those things,
43:36 it still can be harmful to you.
43:37 What God is saying... He's giving us a balanced view,
43:41 you know, in the eight laws of health that you talk about,
43:44 it's not only food, it's talking about rest,
43:47 how much rest do you have...
43:48 how much water you drink... fresh air...
43:50 and, you know, there's another one...
43:52 Rosemary: Sunshine...
43:53 John: Sunshine... all those aspects...
43:55 would say a Creator God who made us...
43:57 He knows what's best for us,
43:59 and we've just got to be willing to say,
44:01 "Well, God, if You made me,
44:02 what is it that You want me to do in my life
44:07 so that I can live healthfully?"
44:08 And you know what, it's very simple...
44:10 God's diet is very simple,
44:12 His whole... you know He gave us rest...
44:15 you know, sleep the normal hours
44:16 that you're required to sleep,
44:18 all the pressures and anxieties disappear... they do...
44:21 they disappear when we follow those basic principles
44:24 that God has given to us
44:25 to be a happy, healthy and normal person.
44:28 Kathlyn: Yeah, isn't there that verse,
44:30 "Taste and see that the Lord is good... "
44:31 John: There is.
44:32 Kathlyn: Taste... not just eat... taste...
44:34 God wants us to taste...
44:35 imagine how good the mangoes are going to taste in heaven,
44:37 you know...
44:38 Rosemary: I know I think about that.
44:39 Kathlyn: I tell myself the same thing when I struggle with...
44:41 because I had a sweet tooth... I was a sugar addict...
44:44 no, really... I... skittles and snickers and like,
44:47 I realize... my acne was probably all sugar related
44:49 and I had to find alternative desserts
44:53 and just ask my family...
44:55 I was just at the Gerson Clinic I told you in Mexico
44:58 and it was my boyfriend's birthday
45:00 and we made... I helped the Chef make
45:01 a carrot cake made with carrots
45:04 and apple sauce... and it was vegan.
45:06 John: It's delicious.
45:08 Kathlyn: It was delicious and it was so healthy
45:09 and just put a little bit of maple syrup...
45:10 I put a little bit extra because you know...
45:12 but you know, like, and I make an avocado chocolate mousse,
45:16 have you tried it yet?
45:17 Rosemary: No... John: No...
45:18 Kathlyn: I might have to make it for you while I'm here.
45:20 Rosemary: Chocolate mousse? Kathlyn: It's avocado...
45:21 and I use carob. Rosemary: Yes, so do I.
45:22 Kathlyn: Carob or Cacao...
45:24 but you know, honestly, the caffeine in cacao
45:25 makes me kind of ooo at night, like, I can't sleep.
45:27 John: Sign difference.
45:29 Rosemary: It's the same thing like taking the chocolate.
45:31 Kathlyn: Oh it is? Rosemary: Hmmm...
45:32 Kathlyn: Well, yeah, I just learned something, okay, yeah,
45:34 so, carob... I do carob...
45:35 and then you get the avocado, maple syrup
45:37 and you put a little bit of coconut...
45:38 you know, even though I learned,
45:40 I was eating a lot of coconut butter and coconut oil,
45:42 and at the Gerson Clinic, I realized...
45:44 I found out that coconut...
45:45 too much coconut oil isn't actually very good for you.
45:47 John: That's what I was saying earlier, it's a balance.
45:49 You can have too much... even if good
45:52 as well as bad...
45:53 so, it's really knowing what is best for you
45:57 and staying with that
45:58 and it's not extremes...
45:59 it's just being moderate in all things.
46:01 Rosemary: Yeah, well, actually it's
46:04 moderation in that which is good
46:06 and abstinence in those things that are not good.
46:09 Kathlyn: Yeah.
46:10 Rosemary: So, even those things that are good,
46:11 don't overindulge and don't get so hooked on one aspect
46:18 that you become really obsessive about it
46:23 and it takes over your life and becomes your god.
46:25 Kathlyn: Yeah.
46:26 Rosemary: You have to balance everything
46:28 and do everything in moderation.
46:30 John: Hmmm...
46:31 Kathlyn: Isn't there a verse,
46:33 "Let your moderation be known unto all men...
46:34 the Lord is at hand. " Is it Philippians 4: 7 or 8?
46:37 Yeah, "Let your moderation be known to all men... "
46:39 Rosemary: Not 7 or 8 though, not Philippians 4:6, 7 and 8,
46:42 I know they're in but they're not the ones
46:44 but there is a verse that says that.
46:45 Kathlyn: Okay, okay and so I love that verse
46:48 because I think that we live in a very gluttonous society
46:51 and it's, you know, people are overeating
46:55 like, themselves to death
46:56 and so, it's very important that and you know, the whole,
46:59 not eating in between meals...
47:00 that's something I've really tried to incorporate
47:02 into my life... and that's hard because...
47:04 hmmm... should I eat now?
47:07 Because if I eat now, then can I eat lunch in two hours?
47:10 because I want four hours of... you know...
47:12 so, that's something I still struggle with
47:13 because the eating in between meals, you know,
47:15 but I don't want to so...
47:16 Rosemary: I... I actually haven't found it that hard.
47:19 Kathlyn: Okay, yeah, I think it's because
47:22 when I was working in the restaurant industry,
47:23 it was very hard to find a regular...
47:25 John: Hmmm...
47:27 Rosemary: Your dad told me one time when he rang,
47:29 he's rung a few times and we've rung him a couple of times
47:34 and he was saying that when you were working at the restaurant
47:38 in Hawaii
47:40 that he was really proud of you for telling them
47:45 that you wanted the Sabbath off.
47:47 Kathlyn: Oh wow, I never knew that he felt that.
47:49 Rosemary: That's what you did isn't it?
47:50 Kathlyn: Yeah, I did, I told the restaurant...
47:52 because if I was going to tell the WWOOFing people
47:54 then, I'd have to tell the restaurant
47:55 and I said, "I want to... "
47:57 Rosemary: And that's really hard to do in a restaurant...
47:58 to tell them.
47:59 Kathlyn: Yeah, and it's really hard to do
48:01 when you are alone and you don't have...
48:03 like, your Principal... like, I grew up in Adventist schools...
48:05 Adventist bubble...
48:06 my dad always made that decision for me
48:08 or the schools always made that decision for me, all of a sudden
48:09 John: Now you have to do it yourself.
48:11 Kathlyn: I had to do it for myself
48:12 and people were like,
48:14 "Okay, so you're like some kind of Cinderella...
48:15 like, as soon as the sun goes down... like, you can't work...
48:18 but then you come back on Sunday like, all refreshed,
48:21 like, what's going on?"
48:22 And... so a lot of my friends didn't understand it at first
48:25 but you know, it was very important for me
48:28 and it still... the Sabbath is still very important for me
48:30 and to tell you the truth,
48:31 I still find myself struggling with,
48:35 "Okay, can I do this on the Sabbath... can I do that?"
48:37 But I have tried my best to follow from what I've learned
48:41 how to keep the Sabbath, you know.
48:42 John: I like that in the NEWSTART Program,
48:44 the eight laws of health, there's: Trust in God
48:47 there's a spiritual side to our well-being also
48:50 and, you know, when we understand that,
48:52 we can call upon God if there are problems
48:55 and He can do extraordinary things,
48:57 he's a miracle-working God and He can heal people.
48:59 Rosemary: And He can help us get the Sabbath off...
49:02 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
49:03 John: But it's interesting because
49:05 having the Sabbath off is also a day of rest...
49:08 it's called, "A day of rest... "
49:09 and that's where we don't do the normal work that we do
49:13 in the other six days of the week,
49:15 so, we set aside to worship God...
49:17 that's the primary purpose to acknowledge Him
49:20 as our Creator and our God,
49:21 but at the same time, we receive a benefit from it,
49:25 we also receive the blessing of God from it
49:27 which I want above everything else.
49:29 Kathlyn: Yeah.
49:30 Rosemary: You know, I used to really enjoy our Sabbaths
49:32 in Bangkok
49:33 because we would have Sabbath School and church
49:36 and there was the choir
49:38 and sometimes I had to lead the choir
49:40 which I found really difficult myself
49:42 but then we would go to your place for lunch
49:45 then after lunch, we would go and sing in the hospital,
49:50 do you remember doing that?
49:52 Kathlyn: Oh yeah, I do... I do, yeah.
49:53 Rosemary: And every Sabbath,
49:55 we would be going to all the Wards
49:58 and singing in the... the hallways.
49:59 John: That was a big hospital too.
50:01 Rosemary: And praying for the patients... praying with them
50:05 and you know, there were two old ladies,
50:07 you may remember them,
50:09 one had been a doctor at one stage
50:10 but they were basically confined to their hospital bed now
50:15 as really old ladies... they were in the same room
50:19 and they always appreciated us going in there,
50:23 the one who had been the doctor was starting to lose her mind
50:26 but the other dear old lady used to love to see us
50:28 and we would pray with them...
50:30 they were Buddhists but they appreciated our prayers
50:33 and do you know, when we left Bangkok
50:36 and we went back...
50:38 in 2003... we left at the end of 2001...
50:44 we went back in 2003... and that old lady was still there
50:49 and on Sabbath, we joined the group
50:51 and we went and prayed... we sang in the passage ways...
50:55 the same Thai songs and English songs that we used to sing
50:59 and we... it was just a beautiful way to spend Sabbath,
51:03 it's a perfect way to spend Sabbath
51:05 and when we went into that room,
51:08 she lit up and she started speaking
51:11 and the Thais there said, "She recognizes you
51:15 and she's so excited to see you again... "
51:18 this is couple of... nearly two years later...
51:23 and she recognized us as having been going around
51:27 and singing all those Sabbaths when we were in Bangkok
51:31 and she was so happy.
51:32 Kathlyn: That's so special...
51:34 Rosemary: It was very special...
51:36 I didn't... I didn't think she'd ever recognize us.
51:38 Kathlyn: Wow, yeah, yeah, you know,
51:40 there's a lot of great things to do on the Sabbath,
51:42 like, you mentioned, singing...
51:44 and one thing I did when I was on Maui
51:47 because I sometimes didn't have a lot of people
51:49 to keep the Sabbath with,
51:50 I would just go on hikes
51:52 and I started to really appreciate my alone time
51:54 at this stage in my life and I just memorized Scripture
51:57 which I know... I got the Scripture wrong earlier, so...
51:59 I would say, I have some more work to do
52:01 in memorizing my Scripture
52:02 but I loved to memorize Scripture
52:04 and even some Ellen White quotes and just quotes
52:06 and go for a walk so... and like you said, you know,
52:08 singing for people who aren't well and
52:11 yeah, like you said, it's a day of rest
52:14 and it's...
52:15 Rosemary: It's a day to make other people happy.
52:17 Kathlyn: Yeah... yeah...
52:18 Rosemary: To worship God and to let people know
52:21 that God cares for them by showing them that care.
52:24 Kathlyn: Yeah, yeah... absolutely.
52:25 Rosemary: We like to visit people on Sabbath, don't we?
52:27 John: Yup...
52:29 Rosemary: But right now, it's time that we have to give
52:32 you our contact details.
52:34 I hope you're enjoying our talk with Kathlyn Wolpin,
52:37 I'm enjoying it
52:38 and if you want to contact us
52:42 whether it's about this interview...
52:43 things that we've spoken about...
52:45 or you just want to contact us anyway
52:48 and maybe donate to help us keep on going
52:51 then, these are the details where you can contact us.
52:54 Music...
52:59 If you would like to contact 3ABN Australia,
53:01 you may do so in the following ways:
53:03 you may write to: 3ABN Australia PO Box 752
53:08 Morisset NSW 2264 Australia
53:12 that's: PO Box 752 Morisset NSW 2264, Australia
53:18 or you may call: 02-4973-3456
53:23 that's: 02-4973-3456
53:27 from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday to Thursday
53:31 or 8:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. Fridays New South Wales' time
53:37 you may also e-mail us at: mail@3abnaustralia. org. au
53:42 that's: mail at the number 3 abnaustralia... all one word
53:47 .org. au
53:49 Thank you for all you do to help us light the world
53:52 with the glory of God's truth.
53:54 Pause...
53:57 Rosemary: I hope you wrote those details down
53:59 and that you do contact us
54:00 because we love to hear from people who are watching
54:03 any of our programs that we make here in Australia on 3ABN
54:07 and we're really glad that you enjoy this Program,
54:10 a lot of people tell us they do, don't they?
54:12 John: That's right.
54:13 Rosemary: So, please contact us.
54:15 We're talking with Kathlyn Wolpin from the US.
54:17 Kathlyn: From everywhere...
54:19 Rosemary: From everywhere... she's a missionary kid
54:23 and we're talking about how God has helped her
54:27 with her health by bringing her home
54:30 to His message of... of health.
54:33 I want to ask you a question,
54:36 "What do you think about your dad
54:40 and what he tried to teach you and what you have learnt now
54:46 as a... as you've grown up?"
54:48 Kathlyn: Hmmm... well, I think
54:50 the greatest role anyone can have is to be a parent
54:53 and I'm appreciative to both my parents
54:56 for the life that they've given me
54:57 and the faith and home that I was raised in.
55:00 What I think of my dad now is that he's...
55:02 like, the coolest person I know
55:04 and I know that he's going to be in heaven
55:07 and I sure want to be there with him, so...
55:10 Rosemary: And you were saying before to us
55:12 that he's the person you always call...
55:14 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
55:16 Rosemary: And he's always there for you.
55:17 Kathlyn: Hmmm... hmmm...
55:18 Rosemary: And the one person you can... you can rely on
55:21 to help you out in any situation.
55:23 Kathlyn: Yeah.
55:24 Rosemary: No matter where you are in the world.
55:25 Kathlyn: Yeah, sorry, I cry every time
55:27 I talk about my dad...
55:28 and my mom too... they're both very special.
55:30 Rosemary: Yes.
55:32 Kathlyn: But you know, a lot of people say,
55:34 "Why aren't you married
55:35 and how have you not been married yet?"
55:37 First of all, you know, just with the life I've lived,
55:40 I moved around a lot but my health issues
55:43 but also you know, it's hard finding someone
55:45 who's as amazing as your dad
55:47 and when I think about how wonderful and loyal he is
55:51 just not just to his family but to God first,
55:53 that's very special and I think that
55:55 the greatest gift I can give my child
55:57 is to marry someone who'll be as good as a father to them
56:01 as my father has been to me... so...
56:03 John: Hmmm... so he... you look back
56:05 and you look at the qualities of your dad...
56:07 those qualities really reflect the character of God.
56:10 Kathlyn: Oh absolutely.
56:12 John: And so, you know, if we as parents can emulate
56:15 to our children and reveal the character of God,
56:18 we've achieved a lot.
56:19 Sometimes, if we are blind as children
56:21 we don't see it...
56:23 you know, we don't see what God is trying to do for me
56:26 or what dad is trying to do for you
56:28 or your mom is trying to do for you,
56:31 they teach and do the best they can.
56:32 Kathlyn: Yeah.
56:34 John: You know, Kathlyn, there are probably some young people
56:37 that are watching this Program and you've gone through a lot
56:41 and you realize how important it is to listen to mom and dad,
56:44 what would you say to a young person now
56:46 if they are struggling with things
56:47 thinking they're missing out on the good things
56:49 this world is offering?
56:50 Kathlyn: Yeah, I think that what I would tell a young person
56:54 who probably wants to rebel
56:56 or doesn't appreciate their mom or dad is just to say
56:58 that go travel to some third-world country...
57:04 be alone for a bit... don't stay in the comforts of home,
57:08 do a gap year... see how most of the world lives
57:11 because we are so pampered in our first-world countries
57:14 and you'll see how hard your parents have sacrificed for you
57:17 and also read the Bible
57:19 because the Bible says to honor your parents...
57:21 to honor your father and your mother
57:23 and some day you're going to be a parent too
57:25 so... you know.
57:26 Rosemary: Well, what you need to do is
57:28 listen to your mom and dad
57:30 even if you want to do other things,
57:32 know that they're looking out for your best good.
57:34 John: Hmmm... Kathlyn: Yeah.
57:35 Rosemary: And trying to help you. Kathlyn: Yeah.
57:37 Rosemary: I hope you've really enjoyed this talk with Kathlyn,
57:39 I know that I have
57:41 and I appreciate what she has to say to us
57:43 and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2020-12-01