3ABN Now

Signs of the Times - Pt. 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NOW

Program Code: NOW210024S

00:15 This is 3ABN NOW, with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz.
00:22 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN NOW.
00:24 You know, I'm sitting here with a Bible in my hand.
00:27 And I find it the most,
00:29 one of the most incredible books that I've ever read.
00:32 It's a book that really not only tells and reveals a God,
00:35 but He also has a concern for you who are watching.
00:38 So that you know as we come to the closer time,
00:42 the close of the chapter of this earth's history,
00:44 God has revealed many things to us,
00:46 especially the events prior to Jesus coming.
00:50 And we've been so happy to talk with Pastor Danny Milenkov.
00:53 Thank you, Danny, for being here,
00:55 looking at the signs of Jesus' coming,
00:58 looking at the events that are going to transpire
01:00 just before he comes.
01:02 And I'm excited because today we kind of put all the dots
01:06 together so to speak, Danny.
01:08 And it's a real privilege to know that God
01:10 hasn't got dots so far
01:12 apart that you won't be able to join them together.
01:15 And I'm sure as we reveal,
01:17 Danny reveals the things that are advertised in the world,
01:22 you know, the events that are foretold
01:24 and have been spoken of.
01:26 They are real, they are absolutely real.
01:29 And I think that today's program,
01:32 which is the last of a four part program,
01:35 there's many more I'm sure to come,
01:36 Danny, because every week now something new
01:39 is being revealed that really shows us that God
01:42 is spot on with everything He said.
01:45 And so thank you for being on the program
01:47 and sharing with us.
01:48 Thank you, John and Rosemary.
01:50 Yeah, it's a privilege to be here
01:52 and to be able to share with our viewers
01:54 how soon the coming of Jesus really
01:58 is and it's even at the door, as Jesus said,
02:01 and we're just really excited about that
02:02 because that's what it's all about.
02:04 That's what we have been looking
02:06 forward to for the last 2000 years.
02:08 That's right.
02:09 Pastor Danny is a student of prophecy
02:11 and keeps abreast of the current
02:15 events in the world that are foretelling us,
02:18 they were foretelling what the Bible is saying
02:21 and showing it's true.
02:22 And before I read our theme
02:25 verse for these four programs,
02:29 I would like to lead us in prayer.
02:31 Father in heaven,
02:33 we pray for the Holy Spirit to speak through Pastor Danny,
02:38 for the Holy Spirit to help me and to help John
02:40 as we respond as we discuss these vital topics.
02:45 But also I pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to those
02:50 who are watching and listening.
02:52 I pray that their souls
02:53 will be ignited that they will be excited to see
02:56 what is happening in this earth.
02:59 And to know that you are in control.
03:02 So bless us as we discuss,
03:05 and as we listen and watch
03:08 and see the things that are put on the screen.
03:11 Draw us closer to yourself through
03:12 my praying in Jesus' name.
03:14 Amen. Amen.
03:15 Now the theme that we've had for these four programs
03:18 is 1 Thessalonians.
03:21 Sometimes your tongue gets in the way
03:22 when you say that, Thessalonians 5:1-6.
03:27 And they say,
03:29 "But of the times and the seasons, brethren,
03:33 ye have no need that I write unto you.
03:36 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord
03:39 so cometh as a thief in the night.
03:43 For when they shall say, peace and safety,
03:47 then sudden destruction cometh upon them,
03:49 as travail upon a woman with child,
03:53 and they shall not escape.
03:56 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness,
03:58 that that day should overtake you as a thief.
04:01 Ye are all the children of light,
04:04 and the children of the day:
04:06 we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
04:09 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others,
04:14 but let us watch and be sober."
04:18 They're beautiful verses so full of meaning.
04:21 They indeed are.
04:23 And thanks for reading our theme passage, Rosemary.
04:27 And the reason why it's our theme passage
04:29 is because the Apostle Paul says
04:31 the cry at the end of time before the coming of Jesus,
04:35 that's the context of these words
04:38 will be peace and safety
04:39 seeking for world unity, seeking for world peace.
04:43 And obviously it will be a time of crisis on planet earth
04:47 just before Jesus comes.
04:49 Otherwise, you know, what's the point
04:51 of crying out peace and safety if everything is going well.
04:55 That's right.
04:56 I was thinking of that myself, turmoil brings us to that point
04:59 where we want peace and safety.
05:00 Absolutely. Absolutely.
05:01 So I just want to, you know, once again,
05:04 personally welcome each and every one
05:05 of you for joining us on this fourth
05:08 and final program of the signs of the times
05:10 Jesus told us that we ought to be mindful
05:13 of the signs of the times.
05:15 And you can read about that in Matthew 16:1-4,
05:18 where He spoke to His disciples
05:21 and to those who were gathered
05:23 around Him on that particular occasion.
05:26 He said, "You are not mindful of the signs of the times,"
05:29 in connection with His first coming,
05:31 which were very clear and evident.
05:34 You can understand the signs of the times
05:36 when it comes to the weather.
05:39 But why can you not understand the signs
05:41 of the times in connection with My ministry,
05:44 and My coming as the Messiah.
05:46 And so in the same way, we have the scriptures,
05:49 the sure word of prophecy that enables us to know
05:52 and understand where we are living in a stream
05:55 of prophetic time.
05:57 And I've been studying these subjects for the last
05:59 two decades.
06:00 And as I've been viewing
06:02 the front page headlines that we all have access to,
06:05 and comparing it with the prophecies of the Bible,
06:08 I am coming to the growing realization
06:12 and conclusion that we are indeed living on the very
06:15 edge of eternity.
06:16 We are living at the very doors of Jesus Christ
06:20 and His second coming.
06:22 As you talk about both verses in Matthew 16.
06:26 Yes.
06:27 And the Pharisees not accepting Jesus as the Messiah,
06:30 though all the signs were there, but they did not
06:33 see the signs.
06:35 And I'm thinking to myself,
06:36 are we any different to them in,
06:41 in really seeing the signs of Jesus' soon coming?
06:45 Or are we oblivious to them to say
06:46 we're not wanting necessarily not wanting to know?
06:51 Yeah, that's true.
06:52 Well, the Apostle Paul here is very clear.
06:53 And you read the words, you know,
06:55 he says in 1 Thessalonians 5:6.
06:58 It says, "Therefore let us not sleep,
07:01 as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
07:04 You know, for we are sons of light and sons of the day,"
07:07 verse 5, "you know, not sons of darkness."
07:11 And so we are admonished to be watching,
07:15 and Jesus over and over again said,
07:17 "Watch and pray, watch and pray,
07:19 watch and pray," to His disciples.
07:22 On the eve of His crucifixion,
07:24 when He invited them there into the Garden of Gethsemane,
07:27 He said, "Watch and pray,
07:28 lest you enter into temptation."
07:30 So this idea of watching and praying
07:32 is all the way through the New Testament.
07:34 And, in fact, the last time that word watch appears,
07:38 is in Revelation 16:15, where Jesus Himself says,
07:43 you know, watch, you know, watch,
07:46 so that, you know, the thief does not come
07:49 and say that your garments,
07:51 you know, they said you're not left naked,
07:53 and that your shame is revealed.
07:56 You know, so watching and praying, being alert
08:00 is so important in the scriptures.
08:02 Jesus, the Apostle Paul, John the Revelator,
08:05 they all have that very same message.
08:07 And I'm so today, in this fourth
08:09 and final program, we're going to look to join the dots.
08:13 And so out of coincidence,
08:14 I've got to tie that is filled with dots.
08:19 It just struck me, as we were talking, there.
08:22 Indeed, in this fourth program,
08:24 we're going to seek to join all these prophetic dots,
08:27 so that you have an understanding
08:30 of what the Bible has to say regarding this final conflict
08:34 that will break out upon the world.
08:36 And the sure roadmap.
08:37 And the sure roadmap indeed.
08:39 The sure roadmap indeed.
08:41 You know, Danny, we're told in Scripture,
08:43 that knowledge will increase in the time of the end.
08:45 So really, we are in a situation
08:48 that probably never been in before because
08:50 when we look at the computer age,
08:52 the IT age, and the information that's available.
08:55 Now, God said these things will increase in intensity
08:58 and frequency.
08:59 Well, when you look, you can now go on the...
09:03 On Google and you can find out
09:06 what's happened with earthquakes,
09:08 what's happened with fires, what's happened with floods.
09:10 And you'll notice something very interesting.
09:12 Because since 1985,
09:17 the growth, the increase has been a steady line
09:20 like that slowly increasing, but from that time on,
09:24 we use the word exponential it took off,
09:26 and it's gone up like that to where we are in 2021.
09:29 So there's no real excuse, God has revealed to us,
09:32 He's told us these things.
09:33 You can go and check it out on Mr. Google.
09:36 That's exactly right.
09:37 So now everyone has access to this information.
09:40 We have access to the scriptures.
09:42 We've got access to Google, to compare what Scripture
09:45 is saying with what is taking place.
09:47 And yes...
09:48 And all the news items that we're talking
09:50 about are all there for you to pick it up.
09:52 They're all there and they're major headlines,
09:54 it's not like where we're taking,
09:57 you know, headlines from some kind of,
10:01 you know, hidden, hidden, hidden kind of articles
10:05 and so forth, we're dealing with like front covers
10:07 of Time Magazine, you know, the front page headlines
10:10 of our newspapers and TV programs,
10:13 you know, TV, newspaper, so.
10:14 They're not conspiracy theories.
10:16 So what we're saying, what I'm saying is, Danny,
10:17 you can go and check out what we're saying.
10:18 Oh, absolutely.
10:20 And I'd encourage you to do that.
10:21 I'd encourage you to, to check out
10:23 what we're looking at and to discover
10:25 is this really taking place.
10:26 And in our last program, we looked at this worldwide
10:32 initiative that was established in the year 2000.
10:36 And then once again, revamped in 2015,
10:39 there's the Sustainable Development Goals,
10:42 you know, from the United Nations,
10:44 this plan to transform our world, 17
10:50 goals that are worldwide.
10:53 This is not just for a few countries,
10:55 this is worldwide, just like the climate change goals
10:59 which are worldwide
11:01 and a number of them at the head of the list,
11:04 they are indeed, you know, focused on,
11:06 you know, people and planet.
11:08 And so we have, we have this plan from world leaders.
11:12 And as we pointed out in our previous program,
11:14 there is nothing wrong with this,
11:15 because God designed us to live in a world
11:20 that was filled with peace and safety.
11:22 That's right.
11:24 And God wants us is through the Bible, Old Testament,
11:27 New Testament, God wants us to look after other people,
11:31 because that's what love, true love is all about.
11:34 But we need and we need to take care of the planet,
11:36 you know, we need to take care of the planet.
11:38 God gave Adam the responsibility
11:42 of taking care of the garden.
11:44 It says very clearly, you know, you need to take care
11:47 of this garden that I have blessed you with.
11:50 And so God's plan has been for humans to take care
11:53 of the environment.
11:55 You know, as stewards, that's our responsibility.
11:58 And so, I'm all for taking care of the environment.
12:01 I'm all for that.
12:02 However, sadly, we will discover that this climate
12:07 change agenda will potentially, I'm not saying it will,
12:10 but it appears based on everything
12:13 I'm saying that potentially this will lead to that
12:17 which is not in harmony with God's plan,
12:19 which is coercion when it comes to worship
12:22 and when it comes to allegiance.
12:24 You know, this is what Revelation talks about.
12:26 You know, it's interesting, we're seeing,
12:28 it's gaining momentum,
12:30 the nations are coming on board.
12:32 And we're seeing everyone
12:33 saying there's not a lot of
12:34 time, we got to do something now.
12:36 So the momentum is there, and it's going to carry through
12:39 very quickly I believe.
12:40 That's right. That's right.
12:41 And just to sum up,
12:43 what we looked at in our last program,
12:45 in particular, we discovered two world
12:47 powers that are identified in Revelation 13,
12:50 we have the Roman papacy,
12:52 and the United States of America.
12:53 And Revelation 13 says, they come together
12:56 and the United States of America
12:58 gives its authority
12:59 and its power to the Roman papacy
13:01 and leads the world in establishing
13:05 the template for peace and safety
13:07 that is rolled out by the Roman papacy
13:11 at the end of time.
13:13 And so, I didn't mention this in the last program.
13:16 But not only the United States
13:18 and the Vatican coming closer together,
13:21 but they are in bed with one another.
13:24 I didn't share this in the last program, but in 2015,
13:27 when Pope Francis made his inaugural
13:30 visit to the United States of America,
13:32 he not only visited the White House,
13:34 which the previous two pontiffs have also done.
13:39 But he also did something that no other pontiff
13:42 has ever done in all of US history,
13:46 and that was to address both houses of Congress.
13:51 It was a joint session of the two houses of Congress,
13:54 and he gave an address.
13:56 They're in the house of power
13:58 and authority in the United States of America,
14:00 never happened before.
14:02 He was there on the front lines at the United Nations
14:05 at its 70th anniversary
14:06 when they were looking to roll out these 17 Sustainable
14:10 Development Goals to transform the world,
14:12 which we've looked at just a few moments ago.
14:15 And Pope Francis had the opening address
14:20 before they tackled those 17 Sustainable Development
14:24 Goals over those three days between September 25 to 27.
14:29 And he encouraged, he pleaded
14:31 with all 193 nations that were represented
14:36 there at the United Nations to adopt
14:39 and accept these sustainable development
14:42 goals that would take us from 2015,
14:44 well, I guess from 2016, all the way for the next
14:48 15 years to 2030.
14:49 So we have these two powers
14:51 and President Obama he was the president at the time.
14:55 He was very much in line with Pope Francis
15:00 and ensuring that this agenda went through.
15:02 And sure enough, you know, the climate change summit
15:05 came along a number of months later,
15:08 they're in Paris at the end of that year.
15:11 And their climate agenda
15:14 was ratified by all the nations of the world,
15:18 by and large, there might have been
15:19 a couple that were hesitant, but they all came on board,
15:23 or certainly all the world major powers.
15:25 And so, this leads us to Revelation 13,
15:28 where we discover a worldwide initiative,
15:33 a global reset, if you want to call it that,
15:36 which we looked at in our last program, Revelation 13:16-17.
15:41 If you want to read that for us please, John?
15:43 Yes.
15:45 And it says in verse 16, "And he causeth all,
15:47 both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
15:51 to receive a mark in their right hand,
15:54 or in their foreheads:
15:56 And that no man might buy or sell,
15:59 save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
16:02 or the number of his name."
16:05 Well, so as we pointed out in our last program,
16:08 the whole world will be implicated.
16:11 Just like the COVID pandemic has swept throughout
16:16 the whole world.
16:17 And every nation, pretty much every nation,
16:20 there are some we're not sure about.
16:21 But it appears that certainly all the world's major nations
16:26 and economies have been hit by the global pandemic,
16:29 every single one.
16:30 You know, our lives have been completely tipped upside down.
16:34 And so the Bible here describes a time
16:37 when this world as we know it, and even with the pandemic,
16:40 we haven't seen anything yet,
16:42 when it comes to global changes.
16:44 What we're seeing here is a global change such
16:48 as we cannot even begin to envision or even picture
16:51 a time when unless you get on board this train,
16:55 this new world order train,
16:57 you will not be able to buy or sell,
17:00 regardless of who you may be,
17:02 regardless of whether you're in the first world,
17:04 the third world, the second world,
17:06 or in whatever world, rich and poor.
17:10 As long as you're on earth.
17:12 Exactly, anyone who is on earth will be implicated.
17:15 And it's going to get even
17:17 more serious than simply economic sanctions.
17:20 If you want to read verse 15, please?
17:22 And it says, "And he had power to give life unto the image
17:25 of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak,
17:29 and cause that as many as would not worship
17:32 the image of the beast should be killed."
17:34 Well, that's really our absolute authority to take
17:37 someone's life if you don't follow.
17:39 Absolutely, so this is as serious as it gets.
17:42 And so we're dealing here with those who will not worship
17:46 the image of the beast or the beast,
17:48 or received the mark of the beast
17:50 in their right hand or in their forehead.
17:53 We're going to look at the mark of the beast right now.
17:55 We're going to look at the mark of the beast right now,
17:59 because people are asking the question,
18:01 is this current pandemic, you know,
18:04 are the vaccine mandates that are being
18:09 rolled out in Australia, and in many other parts
18:13 of the world whereby if you don't receive
18:16 the vaccine mandate, sorry, if you don't receive the...
18:19 Yeah, if you don't receive the vaccine,
18:21 you may potentially lose your job.
18:23 Yep.
18:24 You may potentially not be able to go to certain places,
18:27 including houses of worship.
18:30 And so, people are asking, have we arrived?
18:34 Is the COVID pandemic the mark of the beast?
18:38 If I receive the vaccine, does that mean I have received
18:42 the mark of the beast?
18:44 There's a lot of...
18:45 'Cause some people think that there's something
18:46 in the vaccine that puts the mark of the beast in you.
18:50 So with the internet... Well, that's what they say.
18:52 You know, you pointed out earlier with Google,
18:54 you know, with the internet,
18:56 you know, every man and his dog can literally
18:59 put something up, they can put up
19:00 whatever they want to, YouTube, website, whatever, you know.
19:05 So there are millions and millions of websites
19:09 regarding COVID, all sorts of different information.
19:12 And so people are confused.
19:15 They're wondering, and so I just want to come straight out.
19:19 I want to cut to the chase, get to the point,
19:21 not leave you wondering or thinking or hanging.
19:24 The mark of the beast is not the vaccine.
19:28 Amen.
19:30 It's not the vaccine.
19:31 The mark of the beast is not the vaccine.
19:35 Can I underline that?
19:36 Can that being bold?
19:38 Can that been capitals in your mind and in your heart?
19:41 Italics, whatever.
19:43 How do we know that, why can I say conclusively
19:46 that the mark of the beast is not the vaccine.
19:50 It's because the Bible says the mark of the beast
19:52 is in connection with worship.
19:55 The vaccine whether you choose to be vaccinated or whether
19:59 you choose not to be vaccinated
20:01 has nothing to do with your worship,
20:03 with your allegiance to God.
20:06 The Bible is very clear here in Revelation 13 and 14,
20:09 it uses the word worship.
20:11 The word worship is in the context
20:13 of the mark of the beast.
20:14 And as we'll discover, the opposite of the mark
20:17 of the beast, which is the seal of God,
20:19 you either have one or the other at the end of time,
20:21 and the issue is worship.
20:24 And so we want to take a look at what the mark
20:26 of the beast is from Scripture.
20:28 We want to let Scripture tell us
20:30 what the mark of the beast is.
20:32 So let's go to, well, before we do that,
20:38 we've got the three angels' messages,
20:39 and I'm just simply going to summarize them in six words,
20:45 Revelation 14:6-12.
20:47 We don't have time to read the entire passage,
20:49 we will read parts of it, but Revelation 14:6-12
20:52 is God's final message of love to the world.
20:55 And in six words, the first angel's message,
20:59 God shares with us His truth.
21:01 So the first angel's message equals God's truth.
21:04 In the second angel's message, we have a call from God that
21:08 Babylon has fallen.
21:10 And so, I call it Satan's lies.
21:12 So we have God's truth in the first angel's message,
21:15 Satan's lies in the second angel's message.
21:18 And in the third angel's message,
21:20 the third and final angel's message,
21:22 we have those who received the mark of the beast,
21:25 and we have those who keep God's commandments that have
21:29 the faith of Jesus.
21:31 Keeping God's commandments, they have the faith of Jesus,
21:33 they're called the patient saints, your choice.
21:37 First angel's message, God's truth, second angel's message,
21:41 Satan's lies, in the third angel's message,
21:43 God says, it's your choice.
21:44 Are you going to receive My truth
21:47 or are you going to receive Satan's lies?
21:49 It's your choice.
21:50 So that's the three angels' message in six words.
21:53 Danny, well done.
21:54 And so in Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus here described
21:59 what the issue will be at the end of time.
22:02 And I never really picked this up until very recently.
22:05 And so, we want to go to Matthew 24, Matthew 24.
22:09 And, Rosemary, if you could read for us,
22:14 Matthew 24?
22:16 And this is speaking of the time that we are living in.
22:21 And from verses 9 to 14.
22:24 It's fascinating the language here that Jesus uses.
22:27 So Matthew 24:9-14.
22:30 Starting at verse 9,
22:31 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,
22:34 and shall kill you."
22:36 Well, we read about the mandate to kill before.
22:38 "And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
22:42 And then shall many be offended,
22:44 and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
22:48 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
22:52 And because iniquity shall abound,
22:54 the love of many shall wax cold.
22:57 But he that shall endure unto the end,
23:00 the same shall be saved.
23:02 And this gospel of the kingdom
23:04 shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto
23:07 all nations, and then shall the end come."
23:10 Okay, thank you.
23:11 So here in this passage, Jesus is describing
23:14 the days that we're living in, and there's a lot
23:16 of connecting points with Revelation.
23:19 We looked at deception. There's deceive there.
23:23 Revelation 13 talks about deception.
23:24 We talk about coercion.
23:27 It's also here in the words of Jesus,
23:29 you know, through the tribulation,
23:31 you're being hated by all nations, yes, death.
23:37 We also have here, you know, the commandments, lawlessness,
23:41 that word there iniquity, lawlessness,
23:44 which a definition of that in 1 John 3:4 is,
23:47 you know, transgression of the law is iniquity.
23:51 So it also talks about false prophets.
23:53 False prophets? Exactly right.
23:54 So...
23:56 It's a false prophet in the Book of Revelation.
23:57 Exactly, there is a false prophet in the Book
23:58 of Revelation.
24:00 And that's a symbol of the United States
24:01 of America in Revelation as the false prophet.
24:05 We have the gospel going to all the world,
24:07 where in Revelation 14:6,
24:08 you know, the, the three angels' messages
24:12 is God's final message of love to the world.
24:14 That's the everlasting gospel, to go to all the world
24:17 and we have love here.
24:18 We've got those who are committing lawlessness or,
24:23 you know, turning their back on God's law,
24:25 and we have those who love God's law, you know?
24:29 And it's interesting because in Revelation 14:12,
24:32 it speaks of those who love God's law,
24:34 they keep the commandments,
24:36 and the devil is the one who is seeking to destroy them
24:39 according to Revelation 12:17.
24:41 In verse 13, it says, "He that shall endure unto the end,
24:44 the same shall be saved."
24:45 Well, in the Book of Revelation,
24:46 we have those who overcome.
24:48 Yes. Those who stay faithful to God are saved.
24:51 Yeah, in Revelation 14:12,
24:53 "Here is the patience of the saints."
24:54 That word patience and the word here endures are very
24:58 similar in the original Greek,
25:00 you know, they're from the same family.
25:02 So it's interesting here that Jesus said that the law
25:05 of God will be front and center at the end of time.
25:10 Now why is that?
25:11 It's because the law of God is a transcript of His character.
25:14 The law of God is the foundation of His government.
25:18 We discovered that the law of God
25:21 is where the seal of God and the mark
25:24 of the beast are played out at the end of time.
25:27 It's the law of God.
25:29 And so that's what we want to take a look at right now.
25:32 Because Jesus said, "If you love Me,
25:34 keep My commandments."
25:35 That's right. Yes.
25:36 And that's the opposite to what we find
25:38 here in Revelation 14:12, where lawlessness will abound,
25:42 and the love of many will grow cold.
25:43 Isn't that fascinating?
25:45 The opposite to what Jesus said in John 14:15.
25:47 Because what does Romans 13:10 say?
25:52 Love is the fulfilling of the law.
25:55 So it's the love of many shall wax cold.
25:57 They do not fulfill the law of God.
25:59 That's right.
26:00 And John says in 1 John Chapter 5, you know,
26:01 those who say, they know God,
26:04 but do not keep His commandments,
26:05 they're liars, you know.
26:07 So that's really interesting.
26:09 Now, it's interesting that the seal of God
26:14 is to be found amongst these people
26:16 right at the end of time.
26:17 Revelation 7:1-3, John, if you could read that for us,
26:21 please, so back to Revelation Chapter 7.
26:24 The Bible says, "And after these things
26:26 I saw four angels standing on the four corners
26:29 of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth,
26:33 that the wind should not blow on the earth,
26:35 nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
26:39 And I saw another angel ascending from the east,
26:42 having the seal of the living God:
26:44 and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels,
26:47 to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
26:50 saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea,
26:53 nor the trees, till we have sealed
26:56 the servants of our God in their foreheads."
26:59 Okay.
27:00 So here we have God's seal placed on the forehead,
27:04 not on the right hand, and we'll discover
27:06 why that's significant in just a moment.
27:08 But God's seal is placed on the forehead of His servants.
27:12 In Revelation 14:1,
27:15 we have another clue as to what the seal of God
27:20 is through that scripture.
27:22 Do you want to read Revelation 14:1, please, Rosemary?
27:26 Yes, I will.
27:27 It says, "And I looked, and, lo,
27:29 a Lamb stood on the mount Sion,
27:31 and with him an hundred forty and four thousand,
27:34 having his Father's name written in their foreheads."
27:36 Okay, so here we have, and we've spent a lot
27:39 of time on this in the past.
27:40 So we won't take the time to do that, people can do that,
27:43 if they choose, they can order some
27:45 of those programs that we've looked at in the past.
27:48 The seal of God
27:49 and the Father's name are synonymous.
27:51 They are one and the same.
27:52 They're both placed in the forehead.
27:55 Now why is that?
27:56 That is because the seal of God,
27:59 as we'll discover is in God's Ten Commandment law.
28:03 And the Father's name, a name represents character.
28:06 God's law is a transcript of His character.
28:10 God's name equals His character.
28:15 It's interesting what we read in Isaiah 8:16,
28:20 regarding the sealing of God's law, and these,
28:23 the words are up on the screen there
28:25 if you'd like to read them for us please, Rosemary?
28:28 Okay.
28:30 It says, "Seal the law among my disciples."
28:32 Notice, so what is to be sealed?
28:35 The law. The law.
28:37 So God's law is to be sealed.
28:38 That's why God's commandments are front and center,
28:42 at the end of time, in the Book of Revelation.
28:45 And it's to be sealed among His people.
28:47 That's right.
28:49 That's exactly right.
28:50 And it's fascinating that when it comes to a seal,
28:52 there are three key elements to a seal, in any seal.
28:56 And we have seals today, just like they did in ancient time.
28:59 So every single seal has three elements.
29:03 They are the name of the person,
29:06 their title, and their authority over
29:09 what is it that they have authority?
29:11 Okay, there is only one place
29:14 in the Ten Commandments in God's holy law
29:16 where we find these three elements,
29:18 and that is in the fourth commandment.
29:21 Sorry, in Exodus 20:11.
29:23 John, if you could read that for us
29:25 where we discover God's seal?
29:26 It says, "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
29:30 the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:
29:35 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,
29:37 and hallowed it."
29:39 Name, title.
29:40 So we have it there, we have the name, the Lord,
29:43 we have His title, He's the Creator, He made,
29:46 and then we have His dominion, the heaven and the earth,
29:48 the sea and all that is in them.
29:50 So the Sabbath is the only commandment,
29:53 the only commandment of the 10
29:55 where we have God's clear seal and,
29:59 you know, to make it absolutely conclusive,
30:04 to go beyond any shadow of a doubt,
30:07 let's go to one more scripture that makes it so plain
30:11 as plain as the nose on your face.
30:13 And this time I'm going to invite you, Rosemary,
30:15 if you could read Exodus 31:12-13 for us, please?
30:19 Okay, and it says, "And the Lord spake unto Moses,
30:22 saying, speak thou also unto the children of Israel,
30:26 saying, verily my sabbaths ye shall keep:
30:30 for it is a sign between me
30:33 and you throughout your generations,
30:36 that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth
30:40 sanctify you."
30:41 Well, so here, it's clear, isn't it?
30:44 We have God's Sabbath seal to be placed in the mind
30:49 and in the heart of His people.
30:51 So the Sabbath is God's seal at the end of time.
30:54 In the Book of Ezekiel 20:12, once again,
30:59 God says as you know, the seal is My Sabbath.
31:03 And this is talking about the weekly Sabbath.
31:05 This is the weekly seventh day Sabbath.
31:07 Because it said, verily My Sabbaths, plural,
31:11 you shall keep, for it is a sign
31:14 between you and me, between me and you.
31:16 That's right.
31:17 So the Sabbath is a sign between God and His people.
31:19 And you know, we don't have time to read the rest
31:21 of that passage there in Exodus Chapter 32.
31:24 But if you were...
31:25 Exodus 31, I should say, but if you were to read
31:27 the rest of that passage, you discover that,
31:29 that the quote there is directly from
31:32 the fourth commandment.
31:33 And he says, again, in verse 17, "It is a sign
31:35 between me and the children of Israel forever.
31:38 For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth."
31:40 So it's very clear.
31:42 That's very clear too when you read Exodus 20,
31:44 the fourth commandment, it's...
31:47 The first word, it says remember.
31:48 That's right.
31:50 So, you know, God is not just saying this out of the blue,
31:52 He's saying, remember it.
31:53 And each one of us, I believe, understands what remember is.
31:56 That's right.
31:58 The seal of God, we don't have time to look at it.
31:59 We have in previous programs, but the seal of God
32:02 is found in the creation account of the Sabbath.
32:07 It's found in Revelation 14:7,
32:10 you know, where we speak of worship Him
32:13 who made heaven and earth, the sea
32:14 and the springs of water.
32:15 It's there as well.
32:17 So if the Sabbath is God's seal at the end of time,
32:21 and the seal of God is the direct
32:23 opposite to the mark of the beast,
32:27 then what would the mark of the beast,
32:29 what would the special sign or the mark of the Church
32:33 of Rome who is the beast of Revelation 13,
32:36 What would that be?
32:37 Some counterfeit of the Sabbath.
32:39 It would have to be the counterfeit.
32:40 It have to be the counterfeit of the Sabbath.
32:42 Exactly right.
32:44 So let's have the Church of Rome tell us
32:46 what its seal or what its mark is.
32:50 And here we have a statement
32:53 from The Catholic Record of London,
32:58 back in September 1, 1923.
33:01 And they simply state,
33:02 "Sunday is our mark of authority.
33:05 The church is above the Bible,
33:06 and this transference of Sabbath observance
33:09 is proof of that fact."
33:10 So the church just openly admits that.
33:13 Notice this statement that we find in the Convert's
33:16 Catechism, page 50.
33:18 I have this in my possession at home,
33:21 from Reverend Peter Giermann, published in 1957.
33:26 Question and Answer, here we have it.
33:28 Which is the Sabbath day?
33:30 Saturday is the Sabbath day.
33:31 Well, why do we observe Sunday instead of Sabbath?
33:34 Well, good question. And here's the answer.
33:36 We observe Sunday instead
33:38 of Saturday because the Catholic Church
33:39 transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.
33:44 Very clear. Very clear.
33:45 I mean, the church openly admits that it changed
33:48 the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.
33:51 And this is the mark of her own authority,
33:55 just as Revelation said, would be the case
33:58 at the end of time between the Sabbath and Sunday,
34:01 the seventh day and the first day of the week.
34:03 It's not just a matter of changing the day of worship
34:06 and say, we'll go to church on Sunday.
34:08 It says there they transferred,
34:10 the church transferred the solemnity.
34:13 That's right.
34:14 And solemnity is something that is holy,
34:15 something that is sacred.
34:17 Something that God has instituted.
34:18 That's right.
34:19 So they changed what God had instituted.
34:21 That's right.
34:22 Now did this catch God by surprise?
34:24 What do you think? No.
34:25 No. Of course not.
34:26 Two and a half thousand years ago,
34:28 notice what God shared through His servant Daniel.
34:30 Daniel 7:25.
34:32 And, John, this time, if you could read that for us,
34:34 but it's on the screen.
34:35 Okay.
34:36 "And he shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
34:39 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
34:42 and shall intend to change times and law.
34:46 Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time
34:50 and times and half a time."
34:52 So here we have God telling us very clearly 2,500 years ago
34:57 that this politico-religious system that we refer to as
35:01 the Roman papacy, that it would seek to change
35:05 God's times and laws.
35:07 This is how the enemy will work.
35:09 Satan will work, he's the dragon,
35:11 he works through this end time
35:14 religio-political system, the Roman papacy,
35:18 in order to receive that worship
35:21 that belongs to God and God alone.
35:23 As creator. As creator.
35:24 God alone is the creator, and He alone,
35:28 He deserves to be worshiped.
35:30 That's right.
35:31 But the enemy seeks to, he seeks to receive worship,
35:34 so he has his counterfeit day.
35:36 Now, as we sort of come towards the end of this program,
35:39 let's ask the question,
35:40 is there a growing movement to make Sunday special,
35:45 to bring about Sunday sacredness,
35:48 to bring about this day that the world
35:51 will come together on in order to celebrate
35:54 and promote peace and safety?
35:57 Is there a growing call?
36:00 Let's take a look at a few headlines.
36:02 Here's the first one from the European Sunday Alliance,
36:05 June 1, 2021.
36:07 "The right to disconnect and the need for a European
36:11 weekly common day of rest."
36:13 Okay. We don't have the headline there.
36:17 But there is a website in the UK
36:19 and it's called keep Sunday special,
36:21 keep Sunday special
36:23 where families can come together,
36:25 and they can have special family time.
36:28 And we all know that we need a day off each week.
36:32 I mean, God put that within human DNA
36:35 right at the beginning of time.
36:36 So that is what God designed for us.
36:38 And it's simply seventh day.
36:40 It's every seventh day.
36:41 It's even other times in history,
36:44 people have tried to change the week,
36:45 even the French Revolution...
36:47 The French Revolution, yeah, end day week. That's right.
36:49 It didn't work.
36:50 They had to revert to seven again, because the seven
36:52 is what is built into our time clock.
36:55 That's exactly right.
36:56 Here's another interesting headline, this was from yeah,
36:58 back in 2009, September 17, from The Guardian,
37:01 I found this, Slow Sunday:
37:03 The simple solution to global warming.
37:06 And so here we have Sunday and global warming
37:09 being put in the same basket that they gonna work together.
37:12 The dots are joining up, Danny.
37:14 And that's why I'm wearing that special tie, John.
37:16 Notice these words from the article.
37:18 "Using Sunday as a day of rest
37:20 and renewal would be good for our personal health
37:24 as well as the health of the planet."
37:27 So we can clearly see, you know,
37:29 Sunday coming together for the sake
37:33 of people and for planet,
37:35 which is the growing call more and more.
37:39 Now Sunday, I want to suggest to you is being put forth
37:42 and these are my words, this is not any news headline,
37:46 this is Danny's summary of where he sees things
37:50 moving in the direction that I see things moving.
37:52 Sunday, a day for people and planet,
37:55 healing and restoration.
37:57 It's a day that will be set aside for the environment,
38:00 for the family, to promote equality, to promote health
38:03 and wellbeing, to promote spiritual connectedness,
38:06 world unity, world peace and safety
38:09 and a whole heap more, and a whole heap more.
38:12 So it's fascinating to me that this day that God
38:15 has blessed the seventh day,
38:17 which is designed to bless us in all
38:19 those areas that we've just looked at.
38:21 Six thousand years, it's been around, Danny. Exactly.
38:24 But God designed the seventh day
38:26 Sabbath to bless us in every single one
38:29 of those categories that I have listed there.
38:32 But the enemy knows that he can't come up
38:35 with anything new.
38:37 He is not able to come up with anything new.
38:39 He can't create.
38:40 He can't create a new
38:42 and better recipe than what God gave at the beginning of time.
38:45 So what he does, in his very cunning way.
38:49 And that's how the Bible describes him.
38:50 Master of deception.
38:52 The master of deception.
38:53 He takes the day that God has set aside
38:58 as a blessing to the entire world.
38:59 And he says, no, I'm going to create my own day,
39:04 my counterfeit day, the day of the sun,
39:08 in order to receive worship that belongs to God
39:11 and God alone.
39:12 So at the end of time, it's gonna boil down to the mark
39:15 of the beast, which will be Sunday sacredness
39:18 and Sunday being set aside.
39:20 And the global pandemic has provided
39:24 everything that we need now,
39:26 for this final worship war rollout.
39:30 You know, we have, you know, tracking
39:32 and tracing systems such as we didn't have before.
39:36 You know, we've gotten mandates.
39:38 We have coercion.
39:40 We have all sorts of things today,
39:42 in relation to the pandemic.
39:44 We've got the technology today.
39:46 I mean, you know, if you don't play ball,
39:48 you know, your bank account can be canceled in an instant.
39:52 And that's it, you can't buy and sell.
39:54 That's right.
39:55 That wasn't the case 200 years ago.
39:57 That wasn't even the case 100 years ago.
39:58 That wasn't even the case 50 years ago.
40:01 But we now have in place all the logistics
40:05 that are necessary for that final worship showdown.
40:08 They're all in place for the first time in human history.
40:12 What people once upon a time thought was impossible,
40:15 you know, how could this happen?
40:17 How could you mandate that every single
40:19 person on the planet rich or poor, free or slave,
40:24 you know, how could you mandate
40:26 each and every person to do something?
40:29 How could you do that?
40:30 It was impossible up until our day.
40:33 This is the first time in human history
40:35 where it's not only possible, but we are actually seeing it
40:38 rolled out through the logistics that have been
40:42 taken on board through the pandemic.
40:43 Fascinating stuff.
40:44 It is very fascinating.
40:46 Really, really fascinating stuff.
40:47 Now when it comes to this,
40:49 you know, the cry, I believe more
40:52 and more we're going to hear is save, save the world,
40:55 and preserve the family unit.
40:58 And so there's a book that I have here,
41:01 and it's up on the screen there.
41:03 Could it really happen?
41:05 Could it really happen?
41:06 And it's a book written by a Christian, by the name
41:09 of Marvin Moore, he is a Bible student and scholar
41:12 of end time events in Bible prophecy.
41:15 Could it really happen?
41:16 Speaking of the United States of America, that we've spent
41:18 a lot of time talking on Sunday laws, economic boycotts,
41:21 death decrees, religious persecution in America,
41:24 and down below Revelation 13, in the light of history
41:27 and current events.
41:29 Now, my dear friends, this book was written in 2007.
41:33 So you do the maths, you know where we are now.
41:38 2007, and he is asking the question,
41:40 could that really happen?
41:42 And as I'm reading this book, and I read it recently,
41:45 I'm like, we need to change
41:47 the title from could it really happen, too?
41:50 It is happening.
41:51 It is happening, as our things are rapidly changing.
41:56 You know, the things that God said would take place.
41:59 What Marvin Moore is asking, could it really happen?
42:03 We are seeing the logistics, I'm not saying that,
42:07 the Sunday rollout has happened.
42:09 But we are seeing the logistics, we are seeing...
42:12 The stage is being set.
42:13 We are seeing the stage being set.
42:15 That's a good way of describing it, Rosemary,
42:17 we are seeing the stage being set.
42:19 And it's fascinating to me that we have,
42:23 yeah, this interesting front cover of Time Magazine,
42:25 does the US Constitution still matter?
42:30 And here's another screen from that magazine.
42:35 If we go to our next screen, we have a survey of 1000
42:41 Americans that was asked back in...
42:43 Well, back in July of 2011.
42:45 That's of July 4, 2011 edition, interestingly enough, July 4,
42:49 Independence Day.
42:51 And they asked you know, the question,
42:53 they asked a number of questions in regarding
42:55 to the Constitution.
42:56 You know, we the people,
42:57 Americans weigh in on the founding document.
42:59 The first one was in connection with
43:01 how well do you understand the Constitution.
43:04 And as you can see from that graph,
43:07 the majority really didn't have a great deal of understanding,
43:12 like very good understanding.
43:13 But that second graph was fascinating in that,
43:16 they asked,
43:17 should the Constitution be reinterpreted
43:19 based on what is happening in the world today?
43:22 And what's happening in the United States of America?
43:25 Should it be reinterpreted?
43:27 And notice, the majority of people said, yes,
43:30 it needs to be reinterpreted based on
43:32 the changes that are taking place.
43:35 That's dangerous. That is very dangerous.
43:37 Very, very dangerous.
43:39 Now, when it comes to this whole idea
43:43 of mandating and prescribing,
43:47 you know, worship or prescribing
43:48 legislation to set aside one day each week for rest
43:54 and relaxation and for the family,
43:56 for the planet, for people and for planet.
43:58 There was an interesting headline that came
44:00 through that I picked up
44:02 and we have it there from this Roman Catholic
44:07 Jesuit priest and he has, he has a blog called Signs
44:11 of the Times, interestingly enough,
44:12 and he has a website, The Earthbeat.
44:16 And it was reported in the National Catholic Report,
44:19 August 6, 2021.
44:21 And this was his title COVID-19,
44:23 global warming and diminishing Catholic guilt.
44:26 I won't go through and read, because we don't have
44:29 time to sort of read the article.
44:31 It's fascinating to read, I'd encourage our readers
44:34 and our listeners to maybe take a look at that,
44:37 they can Google and they can find it.
44:38 But what he was saying is,
44:40 what a shame that the church does not have
44:43 the power and the authority that it did
44:45 have in the Dark Ages, when the church mandated,
44:49 you know, certain things,
44:50 and people were condemned to hell,
44:53 if they did not go along with what the church said it
44:55 had political authority.
44:58 And it demonstrated that through its religious laws
45:01 that it enacted.
45:03 And if you didn't do what the church said,
45:05 you know, or else, and so...
45:07 I think he wishes it was like that.
45:09 He wishes it was like that now when it comes to the climate,
45:11 so that the church could mandate to its 1.23 billion,
45:17 you know, Roman Catholics around the world,
45:19 that you are to take care of the environment
45:21 that you must or else.
45:24 Now, let's get back to Pope Francis.
45:26 Pope Francis in his encyclical back in 2015.
45:30 And we've highlighted this in a previous program,
45:33 Laudato si', which is on the common
45:37 care for our common home.
45:39 This is what he had to say.
45:41 "On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist
45:44 has special importance.
45:45 Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath is meant to be a day
45:48 which heals our relationships with God,
45:51 with ourselves and with others and with the world.
45:54 Sunday is the day of the Resurrection,
45:56 the first day of new creation,
45:59 whose first fruits are the Lord's risen humanity.
46:02 The pledge of the final transfiguration
46:04 of all created reality.
46:06 It also proclaims man's eternal rest in God.
46:09 It, that is Sunday, protects human action from becoming
46:13 empty activism.
46:14 It also prevents that unfettered greed
46:17 and sense of isolation which make us seek
46:20 personal gain to the detriment of all else.
46:23 The law of weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day.
46:27 He goes on.
46:28 So that your ox and your donkey may have rest,
46:31 and the son and sorry, and the son
46:33 of your maidservant, and the stranger,
46:35 maybe refreshed."
46:37 Now he's quoting from Exodus 23:12,
46:39 "Rest opens our eyes to the larger picture
46:41 and gives us renewed
46:43 sensitivity to the rights of others.
46:44 And so, notice these final words,
46:46 and so the day of rest centered on the Eucharist,
46:51 which is the Lord's Supper in the Roman Catholic Church,
46:54 sheds its light on the whole week
46:57 and motivates us to greater concern for nature
47:00 and the poor."
47:03 This is fascinating, fascinating, because what Pope
47:06 Francis is saying in his,
47:09 you know, epic 2015 encyclical,
47:13 which is shaping and leading the climate change agenda,
47:17 make no mistake about that.
47:19 This 2015 encyclical on the eve
47:23 of the Paris Climate Change Summit in 2015,
47:28 shortly before the United Nations Summit,
47:32 where they rolled out those 17 Sustainable Development Goals
47:36 that Pope Francis urged all 193 members
47:41 of the United Nations to accept and adopt.
47:44 This document is very clearly outlining,
47:49 I believe,
47:51 based on what I read here from Pope Francis,
47:53 the beginnings or the foundations
47:56 being laid for this climate change Sunday movement
48:01 that I believe possibly
48:03 it seems that the dots are moving in that area.
48:06 The evidence is moving in that area,
48:08 that this will be that Sunday will be the day that the entire
48:11 world rallies around in order to preserve the family,
48:17 preserve the environment,
48:19 preserve our world for peace and safety,
48:25 and to transform our world as a better place.
48:28 We can clearly see the writing on the wall.
48:31 It's absolutely fascinating, absolutely fascinating.
48:34 I find it as a Protestant, very interesting
48:37 and the seventh day Sabbath Protestant.
48:41 He says that the day of rest,
48:44 if it is centered in the Eucharist,
48:47 that's got nothing to do with the day of rest.
48:49 It doesn't.
48:50 The day of rest is centered in creation.
48:52 That's right.
48:54 It's not centered in the Eucharist.
48:55 You know, the Lord's Supper, as we call it,
48:59 or as they refer to as the Eucharist.
49:00 That's centered in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
49:03 Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of Me,
49:05 in remembrance of My sacrifice."
49:07 The Eucharist or the Lord's Supper
49:09 is centered in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,
49:12 not in creation, not in creation.
49:15 Not in rest. Not in rest.
49:16 Not in rest.
49:18 It's fascinating that at the beginning of time,
49:19 God blessed this world in three ways.
49:23 He blessed the animals and the environment.
49:25 You can read about that there in Genesis Chapter 1,
49:27 and also Genesis Chapter 1,
49:29 He blessed in a marriage and the family.
49:31 And God also blessed the third blessing,
49:34 the seventh day and communion with the Creator.
49:37 And the seventh day is really the apex
49:41 of those three blessings.
49:42 And the seventh day Sabbath brings those two blessings,
49:46 marriage and the family, you know,
49:48 the environment, our world together.
49:50 So every seventh day, we come together to celebrate
49:55 and to remember the important things in life,
49:58 which are people and planet.
50:00 I agree with that.
50:01 But, excuse me, the enemy
50:04 is taking the seventh day Sabbath blessing.
50:09 And he is transferring it to the first day
50:12 of the week, so that he, instead of the Creator God,
50:16 will receive that worship and that allegiance,
50:18 and that homage that belongs to God
50:20 and God alone who is the creator.
50:22 That's right. We can clearly see that.
50:25 Now, it's fascinating that Ellen White described
50:29 the final events of human history.
50:32 And in the chapter on the impending conflict,
50:35 Chapter 36, she wrote these words.
50:38 John, do you wanna read these words for us please?
50:39 Great controversy? Great controversy, page 588.
50:42 And by the way, if you haven't read that book,
50:43 I'd encourage you to get hold of it.
50:45 And we've been announcing it through
50:47 the programs that we've been doing.
50:49 But it says here, "Through the two great errors,
50:51 the immortality of the soul, and Sunday sacredness,
50:55 Satan will bring the people under his deceptions.
50:58 While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism,
51:02 the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome.
51:05 The Protestants of the United States
51:07 will be foremost in stretching out their hands across
51:10 the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism.
51:14 They will reach over the abyss to clasp hands
51:16 with the Roman power, and under the influence
51:19 of the threefold union,
51:21 this country will follow in the steps
51:23 of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.
51:28 Papists, Protestants,
51:29 and worldlings will alike accept the form
51:32 of godliness without the power,
51:34 and they will see in this union
51:36 a grand movement for the conversion
51:38 of the world and the ushering
51:41 in of the long-expected millennium."
51:43 Wow!
51:45 So here we have Ellen White under inspiration
51:48 more than a century ago in that classic,
51:51 that apocalyptic classic, as you rightly pointed out
51:53 The Great Controversy, describing how these final
51:57 rapid movements as we looked in our previous program,
52:00 these final rapid movements will unfold.
52:02 We have spiritualism
52:04 combining with the papal Sabbath,
52:09 together to bring about world peace
52:14 and harmony.
52:16 Ushering in the long expected millennial.
52:18 The long expected millennial. Time of peace.
52:21 Time of peace and safety.
52:23 And she says very clearly, that we have worldlings
52:29 will alike except this as papists
52:32 and Protestants, so everyone,
52:34 everyone will get on board.
52:35 And as we've already discovered the previous program,
52:38 the world will be of one mind,
52:40 of one purpose for one hour for a short time.
52:44 So we are heading there.
52:46 Those 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
52:49 they are telling us that we are on the verge
52:51 of the coming of Jesus, we're living in exciting times.
52:54 I believe so.
52:55 And at that, at this point,
52:56 I'd like to just pause for a moment because,
52:59 you know, we're talking about a subject in,
53:01 you know, in small detail, but we're giving you all
53:04 the evidence, but I just want to tell you,
53:06 we have a program taken by Dr. Allan Lindsay,
53:10 and it's God's last message to the world,
53:12 which encompasses everything we've been talking about here,
53:15 but looking at prophecy in the Word of God.
53:18 And if you would like to get us a series of these on DVD,
53:23 I'll give you the details
53:24 and maybe where you can contact us.
53:26 But more than that, you can actually go on YouTube
53:29 and look up God's last message to the world
53:31 and there are eight series.
53:33 Eight programs.
53:34 Eight programs, sorry, one series,
53:36 eight programs that will cover in absolute detail
53:39 what we've been talking about here,
53:41 just you will realize that what we're talking about
53:44 here is very right.
53:45 Please contact us if you would like these DVDs or if you have
53:49 any comments at this address.
53:55 If you would like to contact 3ABN Australia,
53:57 you may do so in the following ways.
53:59 You may write to 3ABN Australia, PO Box 752,
54:04 Morisset, New South Wales 2264 Australia,
54:08 or you may call 02 4973 3456,
54:13 That's 02 4973 3456.
54:18 You may also email us at mail@3abnaustralia.org.au.
54:24 That's mail@3abnaustralia.org.au.
54:31 Thank you for all you do to help us like the world
54:34 with the glory of God's truth.
54:38 We'd love to hear from you.
54:39 These are, these subjects that we're speaking on now
54:43 are of great importance.
54:45 And I'd encourage you to get hold of The Great Controversy,
54:49 get hold and have a look at like for the God's last
54:52 messages to the world by Dr. Allan Lindsay,
54:54 and put them together, join the dots,
54:56 they'll help you join them closer together.
54:58 We're talking with Danny Milenkov.
55:00 Danny, we've only got a couple of minutes left,
55:02 and I know you've got a lot of things to say,
55:04 so lead us on.
55:05 Okay.
55:07 Well, my dear folk in the last couple of minutes
55:09 of our time together, I just want to encourage
55:12 you to spend time in God's Word.
55:14 I want to encourage you to give your heart
55:16 and life to Jesus because indeed the coming
55:18 of Jesus is very near even at the door.
55:20 And I believe, my dear friend, soon we're gonna see Jesus
55:23 coming in the clouds of heaven.
55:25 There's a beautiful painting of the Second Coming
55:28 of Jesus that a good friend of mine Philip McCoy
55:30 has done and, yeah, we have that up on the screen for you.
55:33 And, you know, there's no reason
55:35 why you cannot be part of that gathering
55:39 when Jesus comes to usher in peace and safety.
55:43 Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
55:45 He alone can provide true peace,
55:48 genuine peace and safety.
55:50 He alone because the Bible says
55:53 in Isaiah 9:6 that He will be the Prince of Peace.
55:58 So I want to encourage you and invite you to give
56:00 your heart and life to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
56:02 And Jesus is the one that will reset this world,
56:06 He is the one that's going to transform this world.
56:09 There's a couple of scriptures that I'm going to invite,
56:11 Rosemary, to share with us before we close.
56:14 Okay, the first one is Titus 2:13.
56:18 And it says, "Looking for the blessed hope
56:21 and glorious appearing of our great God
56:23 and Savior Jesus Christ."
56:26 And the second one is 1 Timothy 1:1,
56:30 "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
56:33 by the commandment of God our Savior,
56:35 and the Lord Jesus Christ, our, well it's only hope."
56:40 Yes. Amen.
56:41 Amen.
56:42 Well, I've included that word only in there.
56:44 Because the reality is that Jesus alone is our hope.
56:48 He is our only hope.
56:50 We need to pray for our political leaders.
56:52 But the truth is, they do not have the answer.
56:55 They are not able to create a new world,
56:59 a world that is transformed from sin and suffering
57:03 and sorrow to joy, peace, and happiness forevermore.
57:06 My dear friend, as Jesus invites you today,
57:09 He's knocking on the door of your heart today.
57:13 Let Him come in.
57:15 Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, "Behold,
57:16 I stand at the door, and knock:
57:18 if any man hears my voice, and opens the door,
57:20 I will come in to him, and dine with him, and he with me."
57:23 May God bless you.
57:24 And thank you for being part of this journey.
57:27 You know, I started out holding up the Bible.
57:29 Well, the Bible is God's Word of Truth.
57:31 In it, you will find what we've been talking about,
57:34 but you have to take time to read it.
57:36 So I'd encourage you, open the Word of God.
57:39 Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you and he will.
57:42 May God bless you till we see you next time.


Revised 2021-10-28