Off the Grid

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTG

Program Code: OTG000016

01:08 We are standing on the shores of the main island here in Palawan
01:13 My mind drifts back in time when Jesus called His disciples
01:17 to become fishers of men. Mark chapter 1 verse 17 says
01:25 Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
01:29 On the island of Palawan here there is a good portion of the
01:32 population that survives off of fishing.
01:35 The rest is agricultural.
01:36 So when we are talking about seed sowing and fishing,
01:39 the people know exactly what we are talking about.
01:42 and it means something to them. So when we come here, and we
01:47 share the verse that Jesus said in Mark chapter 1 verse 17
01:51 He says, come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
01:54 it resonates with them.
01:56 You know it is important to lead souls to Christ,
01:59 but it is also important to let them know, that there are others
02:03 out there, who love them, in fact the only way to lead a soul
02:06 to Christ is by letting them know that there are others
02:09 that care. That surrendering to Jesus Christ isn't something
02:13 that's just about theology, or about learning the Bible.
02:17 Anybody can learn verses in the Bible, but to show
02:23 the love of Christ, that is where the rubber meets the road.
02:26 That is what really means something to everyone everywhere
02:30 So here at Adventist World Aviation we've come down
02:33 here to Palawan to show them the love of Christ.
02:35 Adventist World Aviation does it in a variety of different ways
02:38 We do it through medical services, delivering goods
02:42 products, medical supplies, air dropping things in
02:47 that are needed on a daily basis
02:50 But the thing that the people come away with, they watch us
02:53 and they say, wow why would you want to help us?
02:56 The answer to that question is that because we love you,
02:59 because you are a son or a daughter of Jesus Christ.
03:02 That's what we are doing here right now.
03:04 Adventist World Aviation was invited to Palawan
03:07 by our mission president here not too long ago and asked us
03:11 if we would consider doing evangelistic efforts here.
03:14 The idea was to reach the unreached.
03:16 Not everybody in our team is an evangelist, but there are
03:19 those of us, that have done that and we are willing to share
03:23 the work experience that we have with the folks in Palawan.
03:27 Adventist World Aviation typically is a vehicle to get
03:31 the evangelists there. But we are also willing to do the work
03:34 of an evangelist as Paul told Timothy.
03:36 So we come in, we work, we love people, we share the gospel
03:41 message with them. We go into areas that under normal
03:45 circumstances you just couldn't reach.
03:47 Adventist World Aviation's primary focus is to reach the
03:51 unreached in this world with the love of God
03:54 and the gospel message.
03:57 One of the many ways they do this is by holding evangelistic
04:00 meetings, both domestically and internationally.
04:04 On today's episode of Off the Grid, we travel with an AWA
04:10 evangelistic team to the Philippine island of Palawan.
04:26 My name is Delmar Austin. I am ministerial director
04:29 for the Illinois conference. I got a call from Ric Swaningson
04:33 to come and participate in this. I was just really pleased.
04:38 I felt that God was giving me a call and an opportunity to come
04:42 and be active in the great harvest, that is taking place.
04:46 For the next 2 weeks, this team of 7 evangelists will spread out
04:51 each hold meetings every night all across the area of Narra.
04:56 Each nights, there will be 7 meetings held simultaneously.
05:00 We have the privilege of working with the Narra church,
05:04 the church that is downtown in the town of Narra.
05:08 We had good attendance from church members
05:12 and interest alike.
05:13 We probably had 70 to 80 people that were coming
05:17 on a regular basis, to our meetings - and probably 20 to 25
05:23 interest, or visitors, that were part of that group.
05:27 The people seem to be very open and responsive to the preaching
05:34 of each Bible presentation.
05:37 The laymen in the church of Narra just did an outstanding
05:41 job, a spectacular job of working with the people there,
05:46 but also in the programming, the music every night
05:50 was well coordinated. The prayers, the introductions
05:55 just seem to be a really good part of the service
06:00 and it kept the whole program flowing very well.
06:02 I was really blessed to be in the Narra Church.
06:07 Evangelism and soul winning is the focus of each of the
06:10 Adventist World Aviation Evangelists.
06:13 They have each been called here to be "Fishers of Men"
06:17 just as Jesus instructed us in the Bible.
06:22 Pastor Delmar is been in ministry for many years now.
06:26 He is a seasoned evangelist and is continually looking for
06:30 opportunities where he can use his gifts of evangelism.
06:35 I was drawn here by the fact to because it gave me
06:41 an opportunity to personally do some evangelism.
06:45 Many of my duties have to do with working with pastors
06:50 and working with churches. Sometimes I don't have a lot
06:54 of time to do more personal direct work with people.
06:57 So that gave me an opportunity again to get my feet wet
07:03 doing public evangelism and also doing personal work with people,
07:08 which is required in making connections.
07:12 That's the work that God called us to,
07:14 to try to reach others and to tell them of the goodness of God
07:19 And so we do evangelism in many different ways.
07:23 The evangelism of course is not just public evangelism
07:26 Evangelism is witnessing to people around us.
07:29 It's showing them God's love. It's ministering to the needs
07:34 of people, then it's taking the opportunity
07:39 to bid them to follow Jesus Christ.
07:42 We do that when we preach and teach the word of God.
07:46 Here in Palawan we had the opportunity of doing evangelism,
07:51 public evangelism. We had the opportunity every night
07:56 of preaching Biblical messages and making calls
07:59 and seeing people respond to the bidding of the Holy Spirit.
08:04 We've been very pleased with the results that we've
08:08 seen from that. But evangelism has to do with the whole way
08:12 that we live. It has to do with the way that we relate to people
08:16 We need to have the Spirit of Jesus in everything that we do.
08:21 We need to be concerned about the world and about reaching
08:24 out to them and connecting with them
08:27 in practical and helpful ways.
08:30 Each of the AWA evangelists is partnered
08:33 with a local Bible worker.
08:35 The local pastors and Bible workers have been working
08:39 diligently for the past few months
08:42 preparing these Evangelistic meetings.
08:44 Pastor Delmar is partnered up with Mar and they will both be
08:49 working in the Narra church. They unite their efforts and
08:54 work well together to reach the people of Narra.
08:57 Evangelism is not just preaching certain doctrines.
09:01 It is coming close to people, relating to people, caring about
09:07 their needs. Understanding them. And by doing that, having the
09:12 opportunity of leading them to Jesus.
09:14 Showing them what Jesus is like. I think we had the chance
09:19 to do that we've taken time almost every day.
09:23 To go out to someone's home and to sit down with them,
09:29 talk with them and open the Bible with them.
09:31 And of course pray with them. Just these short times that we
09:36 had together with them has helped to create
09:39 a very important bond.
09:41 It's quite clear that evangelism is Pastor Delmar's passion,
09:45 and he whole heartedly devotes himself to soul winning
09:49 here on the Palawan Island.
09:51 Pastor Delmar's ministry is not limited to his nightly meetings.
09:55 In fact, he dedicates the entire day to evangelism
10:00 while he is here on the Palawan Island.
10:03 His interactions with the native people extend far beyond the
10:07 evening church meetings. Pastor Delmar and Mar
10:11 schedule daily home visitations to reach people that might
10:15 need some special ministry.
10:17 We are doing home visits because we want to
10:20 get to know the people the we are preaching to every night.
10:23 If we want to get to know them better, we want to
10:24 get to know them on a personal basis. We want to sort of
10:28 evaluate where they are in their spiritual life.
10:30 What kind of level of interest that they have
10:34 in following Christ. And where they are in their understanding
10:38 of Bible truths. Because then we can be more helpful to them
10:42 We can know where to share certain truth with them.
10:46 But also we can connect better with them.
10:50 One of the things that we were trying to do, in our visitation
10:54 was to visit church members, that had not attended
10:59 church for some time. And we got the name of a couple
11:04 the wife was a church member, but has not been to church
11:08 in several months. Her husband is an agnostic,
11:13 doesn't believe in God. And that always creates
11:17 a lot of difficulty for a believer to be living
11:21 in that kind of environment.
11:23 It's easy to become discouraged spiritually in your own life.
11:26 But we wanted to go by and encourage her and if possible
11:30 have the opportunity of talking with her husband.
11:33 So we stopped by one day and asked to visit
11:38 and meet her husband. So she graciously let us come
11:42 into her home. We talked for a while
11:45 and then her husband joined us. And we talked with him
11:50 and asked a little bit about his interest.
11:53 Well interestingly enough he had some interest in Bible prophecy.
11:58 And that actually opened the opportunity for us than to give
12:02 a full presentation about Bible prophecy.
12:06 So we took our projector and computer along and were able to
12:10 open up one of the presentations that we have given
12:13 at the meetings, and go through this study about Bible prophecy.
12:20 A Biblical perspective of why Bible prophecy
12:25 is important and necessary.
12:26 The gentlemen, his name is Bob, was very intelligent man
12:32 quite knowledgeable about many different topics.
12:35 He had read a lot in Bible prophecy.
12:38 So he had a lot of questions. He was coming from a perspective
12:44 of not being a believer, but believing that there must be
12:48 some truth in what he is reading So mainly what we wanted to do
12:54 was to give him some confidence and assurance in the Word of God
12:58 We wanted to help him to understand that Bible prophecy
13:03 does tell us about, not only about the future,
13:07 but there is a reason behind Bible prophecy, that helps to
13:12 remind us of the importance of knowing God and living for Him.
13:16 Bob had several questions about current world events
13:21 and how they fit into the picture.
13:22 And we had some good discussion about how that goes along with
13:27 what Jesus has said about the last days.
13:30 At the end of his 2 week outreach in the Narra area,
13:34 Pastor Delmar makes a call for baptism.
13:37 The church comes alive and people stand to their feet and
13:41 choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
13:44 It is very clear that these meetings here in Narra
13:48 have had an eternal impact.
13:51 This area, this church and these people are changed forever.
13:57 Reaching the unreached is the Adventist World Aviation's
14:00 primary goal; to deliver hope and love to those on this planet
14:05 that are not easily reached for Jesus.
14:08 I feel that we had in a special way, an opportunity to come
14:14 and be fishers of man here in Palawan. And to be part
14:18 of the harvest that is taking place. We had the opportunity
14:22 visiting men and women. We had the opportunity of talking
14:26 to them about Jesus. We had the opportunity of giving them
14:31 calls to surrender their lives to Christ and to be baptized.
14:35 And we've just rejoiced at the numbers that have responded.
14:43 and of the large harvest that we see that is taking place.
14:47 So we just praise the Lord that God called us here to Palawan.
14:51 To be a part of this work. We are just excited about
14:54 being a part of this effort. And I want to thank Adventist World
14:58 Aviation for planning this project and making it possible
15:03 to bring all these people together for this event.
15:14 We're down here now sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
15:18 Making people not only drawing fish in, and drawing them closer
15:23 to the throne of Christ, but the idea is also that once we
15:26 baptized them, led them to the throne of grace, than also
15:30 teaching them too, to become fishers of men.
15:34 It was once said that you do not have to be an expert to
15:37 show the love of Jesus Christ. You just have to be kind
15:39 and loving and know that Jesus died on the cross for us.
15:42 Really that's all it takes, that's all it's necessary.
15:46 If you show the love of Christ sincerely to somebody,
15:49 they can see it, they can see it in your eyes,
15:51 and in the sparkle of your smile
15:53 And so we are here to share the love of Christ in our smile,
15:57 in our friendliness, in our kindness
15:59 and in the generosity of folks at home, who made this possible.
16:04 We've invited laymen, professional evangelists,
16:07 ministerial directors. People of all shapes, sizes, intellect.
16:13 And we are doing just what the Bible commission says
16:16 Come, I will make you fishers of men.
16:19 Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 said
16:22 Go ye therefore into all the world, teaching them, baptizing
16:27 them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit.
16:29 and teaching them to observe all things.
16:31 So we go, we teach, we baptize and then we teach them
16:35 to observe all things. The idea is to lead souls to Christ.
16:39 Reach the unreached and we are doing that today.
16:43 The Adventist World Aviation evangelistic team came
16:46 to Palawan to reach the unreached;
16:48 To be fishers of men.
16:50 However not everyone can be reached the same way.
16:55 People are in different walks of life, and therefore must be
16:59 approached by different methods.
17:02 Pastor Ric Swaningson president of Adventist World Aviation
17:06 is one of the evangelists conducting meetings
17:10 here in Palawan.
17:11 However his evangelistic meetings are somewhat
17:14 more none traditional than the rest of the teams.
17:18 The local church leaders and AWA board members agreed
17:22 to hold meetings that were geared towards the influential,
17:27 the leaders of the community.
17:29 Pastor Ric agreed to focus his meetings on what the Filipino's
17:34 refer to as "type A" people:
17:37 The leaders, the professionals of the community.
17:41 In Puerto Princesa we are going to be holding
17:44 a little bit of different type of meetings.
17:46 I don't think I have ever done a series of meetings
17:48 quite like this before.
17:50 Dr. Marvie and Namy are board of directors as well
17:55 as pastor Bautista approached me along with
17:58 the mission president, elder Melobad asked if I would
18:01 consider doing something a little bit unusual.
18:04 That unusual series of meetings would include what Dr. Marvie
18:10 calls type A interests. The idea is to attract the professional.
18:16 I was a little bit reticent at first to accept such a calling.
18:21 I have never really have done anything quite like it before.
18:23 Of course in our ministry we've baptized many doctors, and
18:27 lawyers and engineers throughout the years
18:29 in traditional evangelism, but I got to thinking, you know
18:33 she is right. It doesn't attract them on a mass scale.
18:38 If we can get 25 professionals out to listen to the Word of God
18:43 and present it in such a way, that they will be attracted
18:49 to the intellectual intelligents of the Word of God
18:52 And so interestingly enough as I started out the meetings
18:55 I stated out the meetings with the genius of God's Word
18:58 as not in it's complexities, but in it's simplicity.
19:02 That statement alone intrigued the ears of the listener.
19:06 The goal of pastor Ric's meetings is to present
19:09 the word of God to the leaders of society and in turn helping
19:14 transform the communities in which they govern.
19:17 I am here with our board chair Namy Marcelo. Namy tell us what
19:23 You had a vision, this is different here.
19:25 You had a vision for something different. Now our Adventist
19:29 World Aviation team came down here. We have a team of 6 or 7
19:33 other evangelists that are here working in the town of Narra
19:37 We are holding traditional evangelism down here
19:40 This is something different.
19:41 Tell us what your vision was here.
19:44 There have been several crusades done by westerners,
19:51 who come over to Philippines and there are less and less baptisms
19:56 But the problem is, we are not able to reach the upper class.
20:02 There is a chapter in "Ministry of Healing" that says
20:06 "Ministry to the Rich" and it's an opportunity
20:10 and lot's of people, who are here tonight are thankful.
20:14 for this opportunity to hear the gospel in a different way.
20:20 This rich segment of the population of Puerto Princesa.
20:24 And we are so happy that they responded.
20:28 Curious intellectual minds came to listen as they weighed the
20:33 messages coming from Pastor Ric.
20:35 Night after night, he unpacks the mysteries of the Bible.
20:39 The audience consists of doctors, lawyers, ministers,
20:45 and local government leaders.
20:47 Unarguably, everyone is equal in the eyes of God,
20:52 the rich or poor, master or servant.
20:56 The goal of these meetings isn't to elevate one group of people,
21:00 above another, but instead to reach a group
21:03 that is traditionally not attracted
21:05 by traditional style evangelistic meetings.
21:09 By holding these meetings geared towards professionals,
21:13 Adventist World Aviation hopes to greatly influence
21:16 this community by reaching the decision makers, the leaders;
21:21 then it's more likely, there will be change.
21:25 The idea for these meetings stemmed from the AWA
21:29 Philippine Board members.
21:30 They saw a great need for change in their society
21:34 and focused their efforts on reaching the catalyst for change
21:38 the leaders.
21:41 Dr. Marvie is on the AWA board here in Palawan.
21:46 She is a dentist using her dental chair
21:49 as a ministry platform.
21:51 It was while she was working in her office, that the vision of
21:56 reaching the "type A" people of the Filipino society
22:00 came to her.
22:01 In my practice I have a lot of patients. Most of them belong
22:07 to the "type A" in the society. I am thinking of how to give
22:15 them, or to disseminate to them the good news of salvation.
22:18 So first I though of giving them the Desire of Ages,
22:23 the Great Controversy and the rest of the religious books
22:27 written by E. G. White and that is where I started.
22:30 The goal of all Adventist World Aviation projects is
22:34 build the kingdom of God in the hearts of the people.
22:38 Sometimes this is done in partnership
22:41 with other organizations.
22:42 Adventist World Aviation is a strong supporter
22:46 of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.
22:50 Here in the Philippines, it is no different.
22:53 Adventist World Aviation works closely with the local Palawan
22:57 church leaders.
22:58 The Palawan Mission President and Pastor Ric partnered
23:03 to bring these meetings to a reality.
23:05 Adventist World Aviation, we are a self supporting ministry.
23:09 but we are not an independent ministry. We are not here
23:11 to serve the desires of our board of directors.
23:14 We are here to serve the Lord and our church
23:16 that we love so dearly. And we are very happy to be part
23:22 of Luzon and of course Palawan here specifically where our
23:28 airbase is here. We are happy to be part of that
23:30 and we appreciate you inviting us to work with you.
23:34 Yes, that is the reason why we extended our invitation to you.
23:39 because we want to work hand in hand with you.
23:44 We know that you have lots of committed Christians,
23:50 Adventist Christians in your area, who are very much willing
23:54 to come and help to support the work especially
23:57 in the soul winning program of the mission here.
24:01 Thank you so much and we appreciate that!
24:04 For 2 weeks, Pastor Ric shared the treasures of God's word.
24:08 Night after night, professionals with many different
24:12 belief systems came to listen.
24:14 Pastors from other denominations came regularly.
24:18 and listened attentively.
24:20 It was very evident that Pastor Ric was sharing a message
24:25 that most of them had never heard before.
24:28 Even the hotel service staff stopped and listened
24:32 to the message being presented.
24:34 All seemed captivated by the biblical truths being shared.
24:41 One of the audience was a pastor of another denomination.
24:46 After attending these meetings, his heart was convicted
24:49 of the Sabbath truth.
24:51 He declared that from here on, he would keep the Sabbath
24:56 and teach his congregation to do the same.
24:59 These meetings were a huge success. And we praise God!
25:05 Jesus said, Go ye therefore into all the world. Amen?
25:11 So He says go into all the world and teach about Jesus Christ.
25:16 By reaching the leaders, entire communities,
25:19 churches and regions will be changed.
25:21 The commission to be fishers of men was lived out
25:25 here in Palawan. By all team members called to fish.
25:30 As a result of 7 evangelistic meetings held simultaneously
25:35 in Palawan, more than 150 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ
25:42 Although the meeting styles were different the message
25:46 of the Bible touched people, young and old; rich and poor.
25:50 At the foot of the cross, everyone is the same;
25:55 A loved child of God. This is the goal of Adventist
26:01 World Aviation: to help reach those not yet reached
26:05 by the gospel message and bring them
26:08 to know and love Jesus Christ as Savior.
26:19 Jesus told us, come I will make you fishers of men.
26:22 Jesus wants us to understand that He gives us a food
26:26 that will cause us to live for ever.
26:28 And so by following Jesus' directive, we are enabling
26:34 life eternal.
26:36 John chapter 3:16 is probably the world's most famous verse.
26:41 In John chapter 3 verse 16 the Bible says,
26:44 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
26:48 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
26:50 but have everlasting life."
26:53 In that one verse there is a declarative statement that
26:58 Jesus is our life giver, He is our sustainer.
27:00 And as fisherman they understand the need for sustenance.
27:04 So Christ wants to sustain us for all eternity.
27:08 But the commission is given, not only in Mark, but it's also
27:12 given in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus says:
27:15 Go ye therefore, into all the world
27:17 So here we're at the Philippines right now, today, leading souls
27:22 to Jesus. Teaching them about Jesus, baptizing them
27:27 in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
27:30 Then our job is to teach them to observe all things,
27:34 which includes the great Gospel commission.
27:37 Won't you join us in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
27:41 Won't you join us in prayer in helping us get this message out!
27:46 There are some 7 billion people that live on planet earth.
27:50 Really, of those 7 billion people, two billion of them,
27:54 have never heard of Jesus before.
27:56 Somehow we have to get to those 2 billion.
28:00 It's easy enough to say we'll go out and reach men
28:03 but there are people, who we can't reach under normal means.
28:07 800 million of them can only be reached by means of
28:10 either boat or aviation.
28:12 Aviation is the most efficient way to reach them.
28:15 And we need to reach these people. If we don't reach out
28:20 to all the people throughout all the world.
28:23 Reaching the seemingly unreachable.
28:26 How can Jesus come? How could you as a parent leave
28:31 for vacation knowing that one of your children is missing.
28:35 How could you leave anywhere knowing that your child is lost.
28:40 When Jesus and our Father, Who is in Heaven
28:42 and He wants to save every one of us.
28:45 We recognize that not everyone will accept His salvation.
28:48 But we need to get the message out to those,
28:50 who are willing to listen. So we here at Adventist World Aviation
28:54 we're doing just that.
28:55 We ask you to come and join us, help us reach the unreached.
29:00 If you like more information about joining us
29:02 at Adventist World Aviation call your local
29:04 3 Angels Broadcasting Network. Call this station,
29:08 call your local station. Ask - how can I get involved
29:10 with Adventist World Aviation?


Revised 2015-01-27