Off the Grid

Making Disciples

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Narrator: Chet Damron/Bill La Bore


Series Code: OTG

Program Code: OTG000036A

00:01 Adventist World Aviation has a mission outpost
00:03 in Guyana, South America,
00:04 servicing
00:06 the northwestern part of the country
00:07 with aviation services, such as medevacs,
00:11 delivering supplies, and spreading the gospel.
00:15 This mission outpost has been in existence
00:17 for well over 10 years now and just thriving.
00:20 They use airplanes as a vital tool
00:23 to serve the local Guyanese people
00:25 and share the love of Jesus with them.
00:29 There is such a great need for emergency flights
00:31 from deep in the jungle
00:33 that they need two aircrafts to keep up
00:35 with the flight request demands.
01:34 Friendship evangelism is the key for missionaries
01:37 who work in remote corners of the world.
01:40 Initially native people can be very skeptical,
01:44 so it takes time.
01:46 But once missionaries befriend them,
01:49 the doors are often opened wide
01:51 to share the good news of the gospel.
01:55 Jesus said that the harvest is ripe,
01:56 but the workers are few
01:58 and we experienced that here unfortunately.
02:01 The original plan of AWA in our role of the organization
02:04 was we're to come down
02:06 and set up an aviation operation,
02:07 and we were to provide the backbone for ministry.
02:11 An airplane would take people out,
02:13 volunteers from the States
02:14 or anybody that wanted to come and do ministry,
02:16 and we provide the vehicle to get them into those areas.
02:19 But after we moved to Mabaruma and we were here for a while,
02:22 we realized
02:23 that a lot of those volunteers weren't coming.
02:25 We weren't able to get people
02:26 that were willing to come and live among the people here
02:28 and teach them.
02:30 And so, after a period of time,
02:32 we began to realize that
02:33 and decided we have to start doing it ourselves
02:35 and doing what we can to reach people.
02:37 And so we began our own individual ministries.
02:40 Well, I've always said that you can fly all day,
02:43 but if you don't win anybody to Christ,
02:45 what are we doing here?
02:46 And in the beginning,
02:48 we are set up to be the helpers
02:51 or the providers for missionaries
02:53 that were here working.
02:54 We don't have anybody here that's here
02:56 just working as a missionary.
02:58 And so we found ourselves doing double duty.
03:01 We see such a need everywhere we look,
03:03 there's, it's almost overwhelming
03:05 with all the needs and all the opportunities,
03:08 things are just ripe here.
03:11 People coming to us
03:12 and just begging for us to come out
03:14 and do Bible studies with them.
03:15 Different areas have asked us
03:17 to come and do Bible studies with them
03:18 or start churches in their areas.
03:20 We just do not have enough time to do it all.
03:23 And we would love to have more people come.
03:25 You don't have to be a pilot to be with AWA.
03:28 We need volunteers that will come
03:30 and commit themselves for a long term like,
03:32 say, three to five years even
03:35 because it's all about developing relationships
03:38 with the people here.
03:39 And there's just,
03:41 it breaks our hearts to see
03:42 how many people really do want to know more.
03:46 And we just don't have the time to do it.
03:49 Having the airplane here has really opened the doors
03:51 and to the hearts and the minds of the people.
03:54 There's been times when I've flown people in
03:57 and they become more interested on to what we know.
04:01 And they've come to us
04:02 because of a direct response to a flight that we've done.
04:07 And just being here in the community
04:09 and people after a while knowing
04:10 that we are here
04:11 'cause we really do care about them
04:13 and we really do want to help and so because of that,
04:16 then the doors for evangelism have really opened.
04:19 Here in Guyana,
04:20 the same is true
04:22 for the Adventist World Aviation missionaries.
04:26 They've chosen to live among the Amerindian people
04:29 of Northwest Guyana
04:31 and serve them by providing life-saving aviation services.
04:36 But aviation is only a part of the work being done here.
04:40 Evangelism with local villagers comes naturally
04:43 once they see
04:44 how much the AWA missionaries love them.
04:48 Developing friendship with locals
04:50 has a transforming power in a village.
04:54 For example, here in Mabaruma,
04:57 a few of the natives have dedicated their lives
05:01 to ministry,
05:02 and now work alongside the AWA missionaries
05:05 to reach their fellow villagers.
05:08 We realize that the most effective way
05:12 to spread the gospel in the area
05:14 is to train natives.
05:16 They don't have a language barrier.
05:18 Even though they speak English,
05:20 there's words that mean slightly different things
05:23 that it can affect the way that the gospel's understood.
05:27 So what we decided we wanted to do
05:29 is find people who were truly interested
05:33 in doing God's will and getting to know God better,
05:35 helping them do that.
05:37 And then immediately as they're learning,
05:39 have them share it
05:41 with their friends or family or whatever.
05:44 And what we've been able to do
05:47 is we've got a handful of people.
05:50 Three right now actually,
05:53 that we've really focused a lot of time on
05:57 and they really get it.
05:59 I would say the ultimate goal as a missionary
06:02 is not to think that you're going to be here
06:05 for the rest of your life and be doing this work.
06:07 I mean, that's not what we're here to do.
06:09 We are here to teach,
06:12 and to train people locally,
06:17 who lived here their whole lives
06:18 to be able to begin to work and share this message.
06:24 The Adventist message is unlike any other message in the world.
06:27 It is the last message for a world
06:29 that is about to perish,
06:31 and the last call of mercy.
06:33 And the work that we're doing right now
06:37 among the people here
06:38 is we're trying to raise up leaders.
06:40 We probably have now
06:41 I'd say at least five or six of them,
06:44 that are being gradually trained
06:45 in the doctrines of this church and are understanding it.
06:49 And we're working with them to be able to teach it.
06:53 One of the individuals
06:54 that has taken a special interest
06:55 in spreading the gospel is, Rupert.
06:59 The VanFossens,
07:00 AWA missionaries here
07:02 have been mentoring and teaching Rupert,
07:04 grooming him for ongoing work
07:07 here in Guyana among his people.
07:09 I am Rupert John.
07:13 And I live right here at Mabaruma.
07:16 Yes, on Thomas Hill.
07:18 Well the first church I really am.
07:21 I was baptized in the Assembly of God.
07:23 So I went there,
07:24 I was a drunkard really, you know.
07:27 And they invited me, and I went
07:30 and he was preaching on drunkenness.
07:33 And that touched me.
07:34 That message touched me,
07:35 and I give my heart to the Lord.
07:39 So there I started.
07:41 And after a year, they put me,
07:45 you know, they put me to pastor church
07:47 and they...
07:49 We started studying the Bible a little too.
07:53 So when I was pastoring there, I met Brother Greg.
07:55 Brother Greg one Sabbath day,
07:58 I was sitting over there and he come and talk to me.
08:02 So we started having conversation.
08:05 So we started getting close.
08:06 And after a while
08:08 he started inviting me to Bible study,
08:09 right up there by the house there.
08:11 And umm, I said, "Okay, I will come."
08:15 While I was doing the children's program,
08:17 Greg would hang out and he'd visit with the people
08:19 that live really close to the church.
08:21 And one day there was an older man,
08:24 we found out that he was the father
08:26 of some of the people that were attending.
08:28 And Greg was just visiting with him and saying,
08:30 "Oh, we do a Bible study on Thursday, if you'd like to,
08:33 you can stop by."
08:34 And he said he would, but everybody says they would.
08:38 So we didn't really think anything about it.
08:40 But Thursday, he showed up,
08:41 he comes walking across the field
08:43 and everybody in the Bible study
08:46 got really quiet when they saw him come.
08:50 And we almost got the feeling
08:51 like they were expecting some kind of conflict to occur.
08:55 And we had been studying for,
08:58 I don't know, maybe six months
09:00 with this group of people already.
09:02 So we had covered a lot of different things.
09:04 And the way we were leading the Bible study was,
09:07 what would you like to study next week?
09:09 What is your question?
09:10 Well, the question that we were answering
09:12 that week was, is hellfire burning now.
09:14 So we sit down and we had these handouts
09:18 where we have all the Bible texts,
09:20 and we have them summarized.
09:21 That's all that it is,
09:23 is the Bible text with the summary.
09:25 And, so Greg started the Bible study
09:27 after he welcomed Rupert and he said,
09:30 "So, is hellfire burning now?"
09:31 And Rupert's like, "Of course it is."
09:33 And Greg's like, "Well, you might change your mind
09:36 after we read our Bibles
09:39 but, you know, if you choose to believe something else,
09:43 after we've read our Bibles, you know, I'm not,
09:45 we can still be friends."
09:47 And so, Rupert instead of being bristly,
09:49 he kind of relaxed,
09:50 but he was kind of left a little agitated
09:54 and he made the statement,
09:56 "Well, if that's what the Bible says,
09:57 and that's what we have to believe."
09:59 So he has been working as a pastor through
10:04 or I should say
10:06 in a couple of different denominations.
10:09 And he repeatedly had told us
10:13 that he really appreciated the way we studied the Bible.
10:16 And initially,
10:17 there was some agitation
10:18 we observed but realized he couldn't be angry at us.
10:21 He was reading the Bible.
10:24 So he was angry at somebody,
10:26 it had to be a god
10:27 or somebody that had taught him before.
10:31 Well, it was really good to me
10:33 because you know,
10:35 even though I had been pastoring
10:36 different churches,
10:37 you know, I never go so far.
10:40 They never teach us you know,
10:42 what the Adventist really teach,
10:45 you know, so far, you know.
10:49 So my eyes opened to this, to the gospel, and ah,
10:54 you know more and I feel good.
10:57 You know something really encouraged me a lot.
11:00 The next week he came back.
11:03 And we had kind of the same thing
11:05 where he was a little uncomfortable
11:06 at the end.
11:08 And so Greg and I talked about, we thought, you know,
11:10 maybe we should give him the Bible study a week
11:13 ahead of time, because he's a pastor.
11:17 And he's got all these ideas already of what the Bible says,
11:21 maybe if we give him a chance
11:23 to look over the study ahead of time,
11:24 he'll be more comfortable with it,
11:26 or he can come with his questions.
11:28 So that's what we did.
11:30 And we found that when he came, he was like,
11:33 asking the questions that he knew should be asked
11:37 in order to prove the point.
11:40 So he was actually helping teach the Bible studies.
11:44 He has a true hunger and thirst
11:47 for doing what God wants him to do.
11:49 You know the study really touched my heart,
11:52 and umm...
11:53 I'd like to be...
11:55 get more experience you know,
11:57 and I decided to be Adventist.
12:00 After attending Bible studies with the VanFossens
12:04 and wrestling with God over the truths
12:07 he was learning,
12:08 Rupert accepted Christ as his Savior.
12:11 And he became a Seventh-day Adventist.
12:15 I changed because I see the truth,
12:18 and I want to live according to the Word of God.
12:21 Well, when my eyes opened, when I say that you know,
12:25 I mean that I get something more,
12:27 deeper
12:28 than what I used to be studying.
12:30 After Rupert's conversion,
12:32 his former church congregation was not happy with him.
12:36 They couldn't understand
12:37 why he had chosen to leave them.
12:40 Oh, they are not feeling good.
12:41 Right now they are angry.
12:44 They are angry at me now
12:46 because they said that I leave them, you know.
12:50 Rupert did what he believes to be right
12:52 that which is in harmony with the Bible.
12:55 He stays true to the message that's been revealed to him.
13:00 Rupert now is a very active member
13:02 in the local Adventist Church.
13:04 He also has dedicated himself to giving Bible studies
13:07 to other interested friends in his community.
13:11 Rupert cannot keep his newfound faith a secret
13:15 and shares it with anyone he comes in contact with.
13:19 Rupert's life was transformed,
13:22 it all began with the offer of a simple friendship.
13:25 He has, before he was an Adventist,
13:28 he went and did a lot of teaching
13:32 along the river
13:34 and he is wanting to go back along the river
13:36 and meet those people.
13:38 And he says he wants to help set them straight.
13:39 He wants to correct the errors that he taught them.
13:43 So we have a small boat in Georgetown
13:46 that someone donated and a small motor
13:48 and so we're working about bringing that in
13:50 and giving him the opportunity to do what he wants to do.
14:07 We have a youth Sabbath school down at the church we go to,
14:14 and I help with.
14:15 I am teaching the Sabbath School
14:18 down at our church.
14:20 Brandon and Serena work together
14:23 teaching a young adult Sabbath School
14:25 each week.
14:27 They don't have much available space
14:29 so they meet underneath the pastor's house.
14:32 The young adults all crowd together
14:35 and study biblical truths
14:37 in their makeshift Sabbath School room.
14:41 The bonds of Christian friendship
14:43 developed here
14:45 impact not only the attendees,
14:48 but also personally impact these young missionaries.
14:54 Although they're young,
14:55 Brandon and Serena are dedicated
14:57 to their work here.
14:59 Rain or shine,
15:01 they're happy to share the hope that the gospel can bring.
15:04 The Guyanese soak
15:06 in the good news of Jesus Christ.
15:09 Unfortunately, life for them here in Guyana
15:12 is not an easy one.
15:14 And this message of salvation
15:15 is a welcomed opportunity of hope.
15:18 We want to help people empower them
15:23 to share the gospel after we're gone.
15:26 And so we want to have the kind of impact
15:30 that will be lasting.
15:32 And what that means is we have to figure out
15:36 just exactly in this window of time
15:38 that we have here.
15:41 What are we going to try to teach them
15:44 and we don't want to just have proselytes,
15:49 we are interested in sharing
15:52 how to have a relationship with our Creator,
15:54 with Jesus Christ.
15:56 And what that means is showing them
16:01 and encouraging them to do what we're doing
16:04 so that what we're eventually doing
16:07 is what we intended to do
16:09 and that is support the missionaries that are here.
16:14 And we eventually slide out of picture,
16:16 but the work is continuing.
16:20 The beautiful thing about it
16:21 is they have a great passion for the work,
16:23 they want to reach their people.
16:26 And I love seeing that,
16:28 I love seeing the fire in their eyes
16:30 and the desire to go out
16:32 to anywhere God calls them to work.
16:35 It puts us all to shame honestly,
16:38 the way that they see things.
16:40 They don't see anything more important
16:41 than sharing the gospel and nothing gets in the way.
16:44 And,
16:46 so that's the ultimate goal of the project
16:48 is to raise up as many of those as we can possibly get going,
16:52 before we close up here sometime in the future,
16:55 although it won't be happening anytime soon.
16:57 But we pray that one day we planted
17:00 many, many seeds here that when we leave,
17:03 those seeds will continue to grow.
17:05 And more churches can be planted,
17:07 more companies can be started,
17:09 and more people will be in the kingdom
17:11 because of the work we've done here.
17:14 Anne is another story of a life transformed
17:16 all because someone wanted to help her
17:20 during a difficult time in her life.
17:23 A friendship was started
17:24 and now because of that friendship,
17:26 Anne is passionately involved in spreading the gospel
17:30 to her fellow Amerindian natives.
17:35 Anne has a really unique story.
17:37 It's really fun
17:38 because it shows how you never know
17:42 what one little thing you do has an impact,
17:45 years down the road.
17:47 Anne had a daughter several years ago
17:49 that contracted cancer.
17:52 I had a daughter that 14 years old.
17:54 She died.
17:56 And she used to attend, umm, Adventist Church.
18:02 And Anne would attend on occasion.
18:06 And they would give Anne books like Steps to Christ,
18:11 or some of the other Adventist literature,
18:14 and she would read it,
18:16 and she watched her daughter change
18:19 and become where Anne said is a true Christian.
18:22 And then
18:23 when her daughter got sick with cancer,
18:25 her daughter was treated at Davis Memorial Hospital,
18:28 which is our Adventist hospital there.
18:30 And the witness of the doctors
18:32 and the nurses there
18:34 reaffirmed some of the things
18:36 that she had been hearing
18:38 from the literature and attending church.
18:40 After her daughter died, she moved back to Mabaruma.
18:44 And she made the commitment in her head
18:46 that if she ever found an Adventist Church here
18:49 that she would attend.
18:52 Well, in the meantime,
18:54 she'd been reading Desire of Ages
18:56 and Steps to Christ and a few other books
19:00 that her daughter had left after she had died.
19:03 She had some books that she used to read
19:06 like Desire of Ages
19:08 and The Great Controversy,
19:13 and those books, and umm...
19:17 she left those books and Steps to Christ.
19:22 After she died,
19:23 I took the books and I started reading them.
19:26 Before she died, she said, "Mom, you know, umm...
19:29 it is good to be a Christian."
19:30 But when you read these books, you will know the truth.
19:34 And I started reading the books.
19:37 And she's like these books tell me
19:40 that believing in Christ changes you.
19:44 It's not the same person, as you believe in Christ,
19:47 you become a different person.
19:48 She says, "That's not what you see here.
19:50 People become Christian,
19:51 and they're the same old, wicked people
19:52 that they were before."
19:54 And she said it's one thing
19:55 that she really appreciated about the Adventist Church
19:59 was that they talked about a change.
20:02 God changes you.
20:03 He makes you into a true Christian.
20:07 So Greg and I started holding services
20:12 down at Thomas Hill.
20:14 And at first she didn't realize that we were Adventist.
20:16 But then when she realized that we were Adventist,
20:20 she made the commitment
20:21 that she was going to be attending church there.
20:24 From then we started attending their meetings
20:28 and I like the way with the services
20:32 and the lively teaching.
20:34 Most of all, I like the teaching
20:36 because it led me into the truth,
20:39 because before I used to attend Christian church,
20:42 other Christian churches.
20:43 But I never really looked in the Bible,
20:45 I just used to listen to the preaching and you know,
20:49 what the other preacher would say.
20:51 And I never really read the Bible much for myself.
20:55 When Brother Greg and Sister Greg
20:57 startled the meetings,
20:59 then, you know, I asked God to really lead me to the way,
21:03 if this is the real way.
21:05 And I was so happy that, you know,
21:06 I found
21:08 what my daughter found before...
21:14 I read the books
21:16 and then I noticed that the books were real truth.
21:21 And Sister and Brother started keeping services.
21:27 We'll say meetings,
21:29 we'd have Sabbath meetings
21:31 and we agreed at the church
21:33 that we would start doing Sabbath on Saturday
21:38 because we used to have our Sabbath on Sundays.
21:42 And that caused her to start
21:45 making some other adjustments in her life.
21:48 They had always kept Saturday, Sunday,
21:50 like we keep Sabbath.
21:52 They didn't do housework
21:53 and that kind of stuff on Sunday.
21:57 So she had to start changing that
21:59 and then she had to work with her employer
22:02 to start getting Sabbaths off.
22:04 And she took a lot of heat from that.
22:07 A lot of heat.
22:09 After I start looking in the Bible
22:12 and find the truth.
22:14 I realize that, Sabbath should be Saturdays.
22:18 So that is why I decided to continue
22:23 in the Adventist
22:24 because I now know that I am doing the right thing
22:28 in serving God on his Sabbath, keeping the day holy,
22:32 the day that He wanted us to keep holy.
22:35 She is very excited about growing
22:37 and teaching Bible studies.
22:39 She's got like three Bible studies
22:42 that she's doing right now.
22:45 Besides the ones that she's doing with me,
22:48 so that gives her at least five Bible studies
22:50 that she's doing.
22:52 And she says,
22:53 she wants to do more Bible studies.
22:55 She loves giving Bible studies.
22:58 Both Anne and Rupert are changed lives
23:02 resulting from friendship evangelism.
23:06 God used the AWA missionaries
23:09 to touch the lives of these local Guyanese
23:12 and through genuine Christian love
23:14 reaches their hearts.
23:17 By forming friendships with the people around them,
23:20 the missionaries are fulfilling God's Great Commission
23:23 to go and make disciples.
23:27 Both Anne and Rupert are now actively spreading
23:29 the gospel to their fellow countrymen.
23:32 The VanFossens are continuing to teach them
23:35 how to teach Bible and lead others to Christ.
23:41 The Adventist World Aviation missionaries
23:43 are showing the love of Jesus, all they come in contact with.
23:48 Developing friendships
23:50 is an important part of the work
23:52 Adventist World Aviation does here in Guyana.
23:55 Without a doubt,
23:57 the friendships developed here
23:59 deep in these Guyanese jungles will continue to grow.
24:04 Once we all get to heaven, what a day that will be.
24:09 As they start to understand
24:12 that the different church doctrines,
24:15 the different beliefs,
24:18 then they are actually really excited to share it
24:21 with other people.
24:23 So, what our goal has been
24:26 is to take them with us
24:28 when we go and do a Bible study,
24:30 we'll take another church member with us.
24:32 So they learn how to give Bible studies.
24:34 When we do Sabbath School discussions,
24:38 we will show them how to do it for several weeks
24:41 and then we will ask somebody else to lead out,
24:45 so that then they know
24:47 how to lead out in the discussion.
24:49 We give them the opportunity to speak and we help them,
24:53 we support them, and we encourage them.
24:55 A lot of times here in the Amerin...
24:57 among the Amerindians
24:59 they've been told that they're stupid.
25:01 When the white people come in,
25:02 they just want to do everything.
25:03 And so they will let white people do everything.
25:07 And so we want them to take the ownership.
25:10 And we have found that as they're taking ownership,
25:12 they really get excited about the ability to do that.
25:19 And they're going into other communities,
25:22 they're starting great Sabbath schools,
25:24 they're giving Bible studies
25:26 in places that we don't even know about.
25:28 They have connections with family.
25:32 It's just this network that we end up
25:36 being at the base and we give them the supplies,
25:38 we give them the moral support,
25:40 and then they go out and they'll say,
25:41 "Okay, I need stuff for four Bible studies."
25:43 So we give them the materials for four Bible studies.
25:45 But we don't go out and do the Bible studies,
25:48 they go out and do the Bible studies.
25:50 We go out there to give them moral support.
25:53 We're there to answer questions and stuff,
25:55 but we want to empower the natives to do that.
25:58 So when we leave, they're not left with,
26:01 "Oh, we don't know what to do, we can't function."
26:04 But they're like, "Oh, yeah, this is our church."
26:08 This is, they own it.
26:10 They know how to go out and do the ministry.
26:13 They've got some really big ideas.
26:15 I had no plans before coming down here
26:20 doing a church plant, but that's what's happened.
26:23 And it's the Holy Spirit that's doing it.
26:25 I'm just showing up and cooperating
26:28 and so on many different levels,
26:32 it's been an adventure.
26:34 You learn how to trust God
26:36 or I've learned how to trust God
26:37 in a different way than I had before
26:40 and have a little different understanding
26:42 of how He works.
26:55 We're at the point
26:57 where we can't handle anything more,
26:59 we can't do it any more than we've done.
27:01 The project is ripe.
27:02 I can honestly say
27:04 that in all the places I've been in the world,
27:07 I cannot see a more ripe harvest
27:10 than exists in Guyana.
27:11 I've never seen anything like it.
27:13 People come to us,
27:15 entire village is asking us to come
27:16 and give Bible studies there.
27:19 We can't physically do it.
27:21 We don't have the time to do it
27:22 because we're busy doing
27:24 all these other ministries and flying airplanes.
27:27 So if I seem a little animated
27:30 and maybe a little bit heated about it,
27:32 I am because I know there's many people out there
27:36 that feel a call to work for God and then...
27:39 But then there's always the enemy there that saying,
27:40 "Well, you can't go
27:42 because you have a house and you have,
27:43 you know, you have these responsibilities
27:45 and, you know,
27:46 you can't take your kids overseas, "
27:48 and these kinds of things.
27:49 And so they never come.
27:51 And they never fulfill, perhaps,
27:53 what God really has planned for them.
27:56 And I think we need to step out in faith,
27:58 because God is more than able to take care of us,
28:01 provide for us, keep us safe.
28:03 If we're stepping out on His errand,
28:05 He's going to provide the way for it to happen.
28:07 We need to trust more
28:09 and stop worrying about all those things
28:11 and let's get the work done
28:12 because Jesus is going to come.


Revised 2020-07-23