Off the Grid

Off The Grid Special Update Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTG

Program Code: OTG201102S

01:30 Welcome
01:32 to Adventist World Aviation Special Presidential Update.
01:37 Thank you for watching our previous episodes
01:39 on the updates as the year has progressed.
01:42 This has been an unusual year for sure.
01:46 Many good things have happened
01:49 and the year of 2020 will go down in history
01:52 is to be remembered
01:53 as a certainly a confusing year,
01:56 that's for sure.
01:57 A lot of positive things have happened
01:59 throughout Adventist World Aviation
02:00 in the previous months,
02:02 we are now entering into the fall.
02:05 As we enter into the fall,
02:07 our mind turns towards year end.
02:11 And, of course, we have the election upon us
02:14 that has many of us worried which way will it go?
02:19 Will America be transformed into something we don't want?
02:24 Or will our country remain a free state
02:28 and to be able to worship God freely?
02:30 The only advice I have that I really dare say
02:33 is that vote for freedom.
02:35 Whatever side you feel will give us
02:38 the most religious freedom
02:39 to be able to share the gospel message
02:42 throughout the world,
02:43 then that's where you need to be.
02:47 Politics notwithstanding,
02:49 it's important to be able to serve
02:50 God's people.
02:51 And there are certainly some scary things
02:55 that have happened on the horizon.
02:56 And so my suggestion
02:59 is to let's pray for continued freedom
03:02 to be able to share the gospel of this world.
03:05 You know, we're coming up on Thanksgiving
03:07 and one of the things on Thanksgiving
03:08 is said that you shouldn't argue
03:11 about politics
03:12 and you shouldn't argue about religion
03:14 at the Thanksgiving table
03:15 and while I agree that arguments are bad
03:18 or they can be.
03:20 They really not so bad when you think about it
03:22 because arguments bring out
03:25 the best of both sides.
03:29 Isaiah said, "Come, let's," really what he said is,
03:32 "Come let's argue together."
03:34 He said, "Come let's reason together."
03:35 Arguments don't have to be argumentative,
03:38 both sides can be presented and that sharpens your steel.
03:42 And really there are only two things
03:44 worthy of discussion.
03:47 And, of course, that is number one is Jesus,
03:50 and the Bible, and religion.
03:52 Religion is a wonderful thing to be able to talk about
03:55 at the Thanksgiving table
03:56 because it shows our gratefulness
03:58 to our Creator.
04:00 And what we are, are thankful for.
04:02 Politics just happens to assure the ability
04:05 to be able to discuss the freedom of religion.
04:09 And so, really in a real sense,
04:12 those are only two things
04:13 that are worthy of arguing about
04:15 and that is politics and religion.
04:17 Politics just assures the ability
04:18 to be able to have a conversation about religion.
04:20 So vote and vote for that
04:24 which will give us the most freedom.
04:26 That's my recommendation to you.
04:29 Adventist World Aviation has come a long way this year.
04:33 We've certainly had some challenging times,
04:35 but all throughout the year, we've been working diligently.
04:39 Even though we have been on lockdown
04:40 throughout the world
04:41 and many of the countries that we serve,
04:43 we've also had limited opportunity
04:46 to be able to move freely about in our own country,
04:49 which is really unusual for United States citizens
04:53 or North Americans,
04:55 we're used to be able to freely travel,
04:57 go into a store freely shop, communicate with others freely.
05:03 Even embrace somebody
05:04 that needs a something as simple as a hug,
05:06 we're able to do that.
05:08 And that has been challenging,
05:09 especially for those of us that enjoy social interaction,
05:14 or accomplish things through social interaction.
05:16 So that has been a challenge,
05:18 of course, but at that same time,
05:21 we've been able to accomplish a lot as well.
05:23 Much of the maintenance
05:25 that we've not been able to accomplish
05:28 throughout the years,
05:29 we've been able to accomplish here at headquarters.
05:32 Hello, my name is Kyle Stevenson.
05:34 I'm the Chief of Maintenance for Adventist World Aviation.
05:38 And I'm here to talk about
05:39 the importance of aircraft maintenance.
05:42 So this aircraft we have here that took Ohana
05:45 is one of our Angel Flight aircraft.
05:48 And not too long ago,
05:49 it was scheduled to fly with Rebecca and Rick
05:55 to do an Angel Flight, but in the morning,
05:58 they weren't able to leave
06:00 because of an issue with the battery,
06:03 the aircraft wouldn't start.
06:05 And so I had to quickly figure out
06:06 what the problem was,
06:07 so that they could get on their way
06:09 to go pick up their passenger.
06:14 So it took me about four hours,
06:16 but I finally figured out what the problem was,
06:19 the battery ground
06:23 where it connects into the airframe
06:25 had corroded to the point
06:27 where electricity wasn't flowing
06:30 through the connection itself.
06:32 And it was kind of hidden underneath the battery box
06:36 where the battery stored in the aircraft.
06:38 So once I found that out, I cleaned it all up,
06:42 relocated the ground,
06:44 and they were able to leave and go on their way
06:47 to the Angel Flight and get there safely.
06:51 And, you know, they pick up their passenger.
06:54 Good morning. Welcome.
06:57 We're here in Smithfield North Carolina,
06:58 Monique and I just arrived a couple of weeks ago,
07:01 from Sagpangan, Palawan, the Philippines.
07:04 We're gonna be here in North Carolina
07:06 for the next couple of months, at least.
07:08 During this time here,
07:10 we're getting to know all the people
07:11 that are supporting AWA in many ways.
07:15 This morning, I wanna introduce you
07:16 to two lovely young people
07:18 who are volunteering their time,
07:20 given us their...
07:21 Using their God given talents and experiences
07:24 to help us with maintenance here
07:27 at the hangar in North Carolina.
07:30 If you'll follow me for a second,
07:33 I wanna introduce you to a young man, Malachi.
07:38 This is Malachi,
07:40 please introduce yourself to us.
07:44 Hi, I'm Malachi. I'm 14.
07:46 And I've been working at AWA or volunteering at AWA
07:49 for around four years, three years.
07:52 Three years.
07:54 And, Malachi, as you're here to earn your A&P, right?
07:57 You're trying to,
07:59 you're doing a bit of maintenance
08:00 on the aircraft right now.
08:01 They're working on the Mooney.
08:03 And they are doing different tasks
08:06 so that they can get Mooney to be up and running.
08:08 And Malachi is earning his A&P. He's 14.
08:12 That means he's in his home school
08:14 here in Smithfield area.
08:16 And he's eventually going to earn his A&P
08:19 and his pilot license.
08:21 Thank you, Malachi, for your service.
08:23 And thank you for your dedication
08:24 to supporting us.
08:26 Next, we have a lovely young lady over here.
08:28 Hi. Hi, this is Jasmin.
08:30 Jasmin, would you please introduce yourself
08:32 and tell us a little bit about what brings you to AWA?
08:35 Sure. I'm Jasmin.
08:37 I have two children and a husband.
08:42 We both, my husband and I are in the military.
08:45 I'm with the Air Force Reserve,
08:47 my husband with the National Guard,
08:48 Army National Guard.
08:51 I decided to join AWA
08:52 because I had been blessed through the military
08:56 to learn avionic systems.
08:58 And I decided well,
09:00 how can I use this for God's purpose
09:02 and I found AWA through the church.
09:04 And I've been working or volunteering
09:07 for five months now.
09:08 And it's been a tremendous help,
09:10 and a blessing to me.
09:12 So, yeah, that's a little bit about myself.
09:14 Well, thank you, Jasmin,
09:15 and you're trying to earn your A&P
09:17 or what's part of your other reasons
09:20 for being here?
09:21 Oh, my A&P is kind of like a plus side to be in here.
09:25 A big point is just really helping out
09:28 learning and kind of exploring
09:30 what there is to offer for the aviation
09:33 and more specifically this the AWA Ministries.
09:36 Well, thank you so much, Jasmin,
09:38 for your time and your dedication.
09:39 Thank you.
09:40 I thank you both for your service.
09:43 Well, the other news in Palawan,
09:46 we have seven or eight young youth people
09:50 that are learning a song by Casting Crowns, Who Am I.
09:55 You'll see a short video clip of that in the background.
09:58 And these youth have come to us on a regular basis,
10:02 about once a week to visit us.
10:04 And one day they asked Sister Monique,
10:07 if they could teach him a song in English,
10:09 a Christian song in English.
10:10 And so they thought about different songs
10:12 they came up with, Who Am I, by Casting Crowns.
10:15 Not because of what I've done
10:19 But because of who you are
10:23 I am a flower quickly fading
10:28 Here today and gone tomorrow
10:32 A wave tossed in the ocean
10:35 A vapor in the wind
10:37 Still you hear me When I'm calling
10:42 Lord, you catch me When I'm falling
10:46 And you've told me who I am
10:51 I am yours
10:56 And these young people are young, young, teenagers
10:59 of Malachi's age,
11:00 and they are not Seventh-day Adventists
11:03 and they have limited English vocabulary skills.
11:07 So they basically can't communicate
11:09 very much in English,
11:10 so they wouldn't learn the English song.
11:12 And you're gonna see this song,
11:14 To God be the glory
11:15 because they are trying to understand
11:17 Who Am I and all creation.
11:27 We've been able to deliver aircraft
11:29 that probably still be in maintenance
11:33 had it not been for our ability
11:34 to concentrate our efforts on that
11:36 and we're excited to announce just a couple of days ago,
11:40 we are able to deploy Charlie Foxtrot,
11:44 WOHR our aircraft,
11:47 our specially outfitted Cessna 185 on floats
11:51 its Amphibious Floats to Sioux Lookout
11:53 in the Ontario project area
11:55 to be able to serve
11:56 the indigenous peoples up there.
11:58 And it took off just a couple of days ago.
12:01 And we are so happy that was able to take off
12:04 and had the opportunity to test fly at here,
12:06 we landed on water as well as on land,
12:10 test flew this amazing, amazing aircraft
12:12 that has the ability to take off at gross
12:15 with the specific type Robinson type STOL kit
12:19 that we installed in it,
12:21 which gives us an incredible performance
12:24 on take on short takeoff and landings.
12:26 And so we have this incredible aircraft
12:29 that will be serving the indigenous peoples
12:31 in Canada and Northern Ontario,
12:33 and in Sioux Lookout
12:35 and all throughout that region
12:37 to be able to help
12:38 in a variety of areas of ministry
12:40 and suicide prevention
12:41 and helping the local indigenous people
12:43 with their medical needs and transportation needs,
12:46 of course, and food,
12:47 and something as simple as daily rations
12:51 and supplies that are needed in areas
12:54 that are on lockdown because of weather,
12:58 or rain, or snow, or whatever they face.
13:01 So we're excited for that.
13:04 We'll be turning to Ray in a moment
13:06 to share what's happening there.
13:09 So that was exciting to be able to see that.
13:12 We have a pilot
13:13 that came down here from Ontario.
13:14 He's got a lot of experience in floatplanes.
13:16 His name is Brian.
13:18 And Brian did a awesome job of demonstrating
13:21 that he'll be a qualified pilot up in that area.
13:23 So one of the pilots that we have is Brian,
13:25 and we appreciate his service and willingness
13:28 to help in that area.
13:31 For this very meaningful moment.
13:35 The whole transition
13:37 of this plane to us
13:42 and to ministry here in Ontario
13:45 has been little while in coming.
13:48 It has been a few years since we have negotiated
13:51 and signed off on this agreement
13:54 entered into a memorandum
13:56 of understanding with Adventist World Aviation,
14:00 and have had many dialogues
14:04 with the leaders in the indigenous context
14:08 in Northwestern Ontario.
14:11 And we have been with eager anticipation
14:14 looking forward to the moment
14:15 when we would have had this plane on the ground
14:18 here in Ontario.
14:20 Our administration turned it over to North Carolina,
14:23 where the plane was for a little while
14:25 and we had dialogues there, we had prayer over it.
14:31 There were some hitches and some bumps,
14:35 but in the process of time God has overlooked and guided.
14:40 And today here we are
14:42 with our plane right here on the ground.
14:45 And the Ontario Conference
14:48 and the Adventist World Aviation
14:51 were both excited to begin this important ministry.
14:56 So I share with you for example
15:01 something that was scary for me.
15:03 Number one, in Northwestern Ontario,
15:06 the indigenous people had a higher incidence
15:08 of all cancers, all cancers.
15:13 They dominated the Ontario report
15:17 at the highest level,
15:19 they have the highest incidence of all circulatory diseases,
15:24 the highest incidence of all respiratory diseases,
15:29 high incidence of all unintentional injuries,
15:35 and, of course,
15:36 highest incidence of all intentional injuries,
15:41 self-harm,
15:43 and highest incidence of suicide.
15:47 This, for me,
15:52 was a statement of desperation and hopelessness.
15:57 They need help.
16:02 They need hope.
16:07 And this is best given in the name of
16:12 and through the power of Jesus Christ Himself.
16:17 So therefore, we resolve and we will not be moved
16:21 from the fact that we have decided
16:22 we will not be spectators of this unfortunate reality
16:28 because Jesus has modeled
16:30 that we should never relegate people,
16:33 He never excluded people,
16:36 Jesus always included the excluded.
16:40 And so, we will do our best
16:44 to help the people who need help.
16:47 With health trainings and seminars and support
16:52 to agricultural projects,
16:54 we will do our best to help those who need
16:58 to access medical facilities
17:01 to be flown back to access the facilities
17:04 in Thunder Bay or Sioux Lookout,
17:06 which they would not be able to afford normally.
17:10 And so today, I'd like to thank
17:13 Adventist World Aviation.
17:17 Ray is representing right now joining us in this partnership,
17:22 and as we hold each other hands as two important partners
17:25 in this project.
17:26 We believe
17:28 that Jesus will bring a blessing and a benefit
17:31 and improvement and amelioration
17:34 to the people in that region.
17:37 Incrementally, yes,
17:39 but one at a time makes a difference.
17:42 Jesus was into empowerment.
17:45 He said to the man of the gate of the temple,
17:48 rise, take up your bed and walk.
17:53 And so that's what we wanna do.
17:56 We wanna give these people a lift.
17:59 We want them to find betterment in Christ
18:02 through our interventions.
18:04 And we'd like this to be a launch of the transition
18:08 of the cultural operation of our church
18:10 so that we can see the value of community engagement
18:16 at another level and go for it
18:18 without hesitation or relegation.
18:22 So God be with you.
18:23 Thank you so much for your presence today
18:27 because this assures us
18:28 that you will be praying for this project.
18:32 Hey, guys, Ray here in Canada,
18:34 with our beautiful 185 floatplane
18:36 we got it in the hangar here in Winnipeg,
18:38 and now we're doing some post-flight maintenance
18:41 and getting ready for winter.
18:42 And I'll give you a little shot of what Brian has to do here
18:46 to get these floats ready for the winter.
18:49 So, Brian, what is it we're doing here
18:50 and why do we have to do it?
18:52 Yeah, well, this is Canada and Manitoba in particular,
18:56 and Northern Ontario get very cold.
19:00 So what we do
19:01 is we have to winterize these floats
19:03 by popping these plugs out
19:05 and putting a little antifreeze into the wells
19:08 so that they don't freeze.
19:11 And what we're gonna do is pour
19:12 about a cup full of antifreeze
19:17 in each one of the wells
19:21 and that should keep them
19:24 from freezing up and cracking.
19:29 So a little bit of water freezing in them
19:30 over the winter at minus 30 minus 40
19:33 could cause damage to the floats?
19:34 Absolutely.
19:36 It gets into the wells, into the cracks,
19:38 into the seams,
19:39 and as water freezes it expands.
19:42 And as it expands,
19:43 it can literally pop the seal on the float
19:48 and have a very leaky float comes spring
19:51 so we put a little bit of antifreeze down in there.
19:54 Keep some nice and...
19:56 Okay, there you go.
19:57 There's a quick short update from Canada.
20:00 And we hope to have this plane within the next few weeks
20:03 on some wheels.
20:05 And we'll try to update you as soon as we can on that.
20:08 Thank you all who have participated
20:09 in getting this plane delivered after many years of hard work,
20:13 and God bless.
20:15 We'll have more on that later as well,
20:17 but the other thing
20:18 that we've been able to accomplish
20:20 here at Adventist World Aviation
20:21 is I'm glad to see
20:24 that our Angel Flight program has been ongoing,
20:27 we've been able to accomplish
20:28 a couple of really powerful Angel flights
20:31 in the last few weeks here at Adventist World Aviation.
20:35 And one of them is a remarkable story.
20:39 Pray for Walter.
20:40 Walter is a one-year-old, he's 22 months old.
20:44 He's gonna come up
20:46 on two years old here pretty soon,
20:47 but he was diagnosed with neuroblastomic cancer,
20:52 if I said that right of the brain is brain cancer.
20:56 And he was up in children's hospital
20:58 up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I know Children's Hospital,
21:01 I pastored up there for many years,
21:03 and ministered up in the Midwest for many years.
21:07 And he was
21:08 at one of the best oncology centers
21:09 that's available here in the United States,
21:13 but they took him as far as they could,
21:15 with the treatment that he had up there.
21:18 Little Walter is, he's Native American,
21:21 and he's from the Chippewa tribe
21:24 and lives up in Rhinelander area
21:28 in Wisconsin,
21:29 and his grandmother and mother and his father
21:34 want little Walter
21:35 to be able to live a normal life.
21:39 And so they reached out to us through a partner,
21:43 Angel Flight organization
21:45 that we work in partnership with
21:47 and they called me and they said,
21:49 "Pastor Ric, we understand that you may be up here.
21:52 And we had the opportunity to go up there.
21:54 It was a sad opportunity.
21:56 We had two dear friends of ours that had passed away
21:59 former church members
22:00 and went up there in two different occasions
22:02 to participate in their funerals.
22:04 And they asked
22:06 if we would consider flying Walter
22:09 to a special treatment in Charlotte, North Carolina."
22:12 Evidently there's some specialized treatment
22:14 for this type of cancer
22:15 that little Walter could participate in
22:17 and he needed to get down there by Wednesday.
22:20 And so we were up there on Sunday,
22:23 where we performed the funeral
22:25 and we're able to take off that afternoon.
22:29 Later on and fly little Walter back.
22:33 Little Walter is, as you can see in the picture,
22:36 he's a cute little fellow.
22:39 And he, very good attitude
22:43 and just you'd never know he was sick.
22:47 Just a charming young man full of curiosity
22:50 like most little boys are.
22:53 His grandmother was there with us
22:54 and his mom and his father
22:56 were going to drive the car down,
22:58 but they wanted to get Walter
23:00 to his appointment
23:02 as quickly as they possibly could.
23:03 So the Angel Flight was the option
23:07 and we flew
23:08 through some quite interesting weather
23:11 had I not had those two needs
23:14 the need to be with the family
23:16 and comfort the family of the lost loved one.
23:19 Lucille and Hans Jakobson,
23:22 Lucille Stanislawski was a matriarch of a church
23:25 and we love her dearly and her family,
23:28 Joni and Becky and Steve Arthurs and the rest
23:31 and Hans Jakobson was my head deacon
23:35 for many years, and his wife Candy,
23:37 and their five boys, just wonderful family,
23:39 but it was...
23:41 We felt like it was necessary to be there to comfort
23:43 those loved ones that we care about so much.
23:45 And so going up was a challenge,
23:50 and then when we got the call for Walter,
23:54 I thought, "Oh, my how can we say no."
23:56 And God is the God of creation,
23:59 and He can make all things possible.
24:02 And so the scripture verse comes to mind,
24:04 "I can do all things through Christ
24:06 who gives me strength."
24:07 And I thought, "Well, this is what we train for."
24:10 And so we took off,
24:12 now, we normally don't fly in instrument conditions,
24:16 especially when there's a passenger
24:18 on board.
24:19 We're very careful not to do that,
24:21 but we're trained pilots
24:22 and so we went up there
24:24 without a patient on board or anybody.
24:26 So we were trained to fly this,
24:28 but the conditions were quite interesting
24:31 because the hurricane had just come through.
24:33 And the hurricane conditions were quite thick.
24:37 So I called into flight service
24:38 and talk to them
24:39 about the conditions of the flight
24:42 and we knew it was gonna be what's called IMC
24:44 or instrument conditions
24:46 all the way through the layers
24:48 I should say it wasn't the entire trip,
24:50 but we knew we had probably about
24:51 two hours of flight into instrument conditions.
24:55 We knew it was gonna be raining.
24:56 So the good side of it is
24:58 we get a nice plane wash out of the deal.
25:00 It doesn't cost us anything, the plane wash is free
25:02 because you're flying through rain,
25:04 but rain can be challenging
25:05 because the plane
25:07 is a little bit doggy in the rain
25:09 and I had hoped
25:10 that I would be able to climb through it,
25:12 but we found out later that the ceiling was reaching
25:17 all the way up beyond 20,000 feet
25:18 and we weren't gonna climb that high,
25:20 we went up to I think 12,000 feet and,
25:22 but we were in good smooth air.
25:24 And so we were confident
25:25 that things were we're gonna be okay.
25:26 And so we flew in IMC conditions
25:29 where it's just milky out the windshield,
25:31 you can't see anything.
25:33 And we had 700 foot ceiling.
25:35 So I knew if we had to make an emergency landing somewhere,
25:38 we would break out at about 700 feet
25:40 on an instrument approach.
25:41 So I was confident in our skills
25:43 to be able to pull it out if necessary and get,
25:48 and so we went nice and high
25:49 and we just flew in that
25:51 and that's a lot of IMC time for a single engine aircraft,
25:55 but we get good reports that the weather was fine.
25:58 So we punch through that.
25:59 And we flew in it for two and a half hours,
26:01 and then we broke out are those most amazing glory.
26:05 And the verse that comes to mind
26:07 is Psalm 53.
26:08 And, you know, I just I don't think
26:10 there are many pilots out there
26:12 that can say that there is no God
26:14 because when we broke out of that glory,
26:16 and we saw this wonderful, wonderful sunrise scene
26:21 where the sun was just dancing happily
26:24 on top of the clouds,
26:26 we knew that God's glory was there in that,
26:28 He had our backs and we felt that way,
26:31 all the way through that trip
26:32 and we landed in just beautiful weather
26:35 and we just praise God for the ability
26:39 that God has given us to be able to fly.
26:41 So we did the funeral.
26:45 And sadly, we were able to be with that family
26:50 and it was a rejoicing event
26:53 because we celebrated the lives of these two
26:55 because we know that when Jesus comes
26:57 in the clouds of glory, that we will see them again,
27:01 we may not recognize him
27:02 because they won't be sick or old or feeble,
27:05 but they will be young and healthy and vibrant
27:08 and so immediately will recognize
27:10 their personality in their life.
27:12 And so we look forward to that they we celebrated that fact
27:15 that we will see them again.
27:17 And so Lucille and Hans, you know they're sleeping now,
27:21 but we can't wait for the day that we see you again
27:24 and to the families
27:25 so that's gonna be an exciting day
27:26 we wait for that.
27:28 So the next day we were able to spend the night
27:31 and the next day we were able to pick up
27:33 little Walter so we went and picked up Walter
27:35 and his grandma and we were able to fly them.
27:40 It's just a beautiful day.
27:42 Of course, usually after a storm
27:43 there's just beautiful weather
27:44 and it was that way a rain across the country.
27:46 And everybody at the airport that saw little Walter
27:49 was just amazed at the character
27:52 of this young boy that's so sick with cancer.
27:56 And we flew him directly down,
27:57 we made one stop along the way
28:00 to just give a little rest to the family
28:03 and let Walter and his grandma rest
28:05 and take a break a little bit,
28:06 and then we took off again and just beautiful weather
28:09 and landed in Charlotte,
28:10 the big airport in Charlotte, North Carolina.
28:12 We call it a Class B airport 'cause it is big busy.
28:16 Anyway, we landed there at Charlotte
28:17 and the people at the airport there
28:19 were so gracious to us and lent us a car
28:23 to be able to take little Walter
28:25 to his new home.
28:26 We're right next to the hospital
28:28 where he was scheduled to have surgery,
28:31 I guess the next day where they put the poor thing
28:32 and did some procedures on him.
28:34 We didn't get a report back that surgery went perfect
28:37 and the physicians are so happy
28:39 to have them down there right now
28:41 and they are treating him and he is doing really well.
28:46 So in closing, I want to say thank you for your support
28:48 for Adventist World Aviation
28:50 throughout the months and years passed.
28:52 Who knows how much time we have left?
28:54 Do we have months? Do we have days?
28:56 Do we have years? We don't know.
28:58 But in the meantime we do the best we can.
29:00 Helping all of humanity, helping them know about Jesus,
29:05 healing the sick, feeding the hungry,
29:08 giving drink to the thirsty, helping the helpless.
29:13 It's what we do. Pray for us.
29:16 God bless you.


Revised 2020-11-15