3ABN On the Road


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Vicki Griffin


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000395

01:01 We're talking about recovery.
01:04 Isn't that what the Christian walk is all about?
01:07 It's all about recovery and renewal and revival
01:14 and refreshment in God.
01:18 And probably one of the nearest stories of recovery
01:20 in the Bible is the story of Peter.
01:24 Remember when Peter--
01:25 what fabulous feat did Peter do
01:28 that nobody else had done.
01:32 He walked on water, didn't he?
01:34 He walked on water.
01:35 Wouldn't you love to walk on water?
01:36 What a miracle?
01:38 Well, if you remember the story,
01:39 it's in Matthew Chapter 14.
01:42 They went on the boat, Jesus sent them away
01:45 and they went off by themselves on this boat
01:49 and what happened to the winds?
01:52 They became contrary the Bible says
01:55 and all they were in so trouble
01:57 and they needed Jesus.
02:00 And Jesus came to them.
02:04 But did he come in the way that they expected? No.
02:09 When they saw Jesus walking on the water,
02:12 what did they say?
02:14 It's a ghost! It's a ghost!
02:19 And you know it makes me think of us sometimes,
02:21 it makes me think of myself,
02:23 sometimes we'll ask the Lord for help.
02:25 We'll say, Lord, I'm in trouble.
02:28 My brain is dull and weary, I feel depressed everyday,
02:32 I don't have energy, please help me, Lord.
02:37 And the Lord comes.
02:39 He sends somebody to you.
02:41 That says you know brother, you know sister,
02:45 lifestyle has a lot to do with the way
02:47 you're feeling right now.
02:49 It's a ghost! Get out of here!
02:53 I'm asking for Jesus, not you.
02:58 Jesus comes to us in ways that we don't expect, doesn't he?
03:02 We have to be listening to his voice
03:05 in every quarter and in every season
03:08 to see what He has to say for us.
03:10 Sometimes He uses people, circumstances,
03:12 the word of God, the Holy Spirit,
03:14 lots of different ways.
03:15 The worst way that I--I dislike learning.
03:21 The worst way to learn
03:22 is to be pulled through a keyhole
03:24 and the Lord will do this if He has to.
03:27 Because He loves us and He wants to bless us.
03:30 But the interesting thing about the story,
03:32 I've meditated on it
03:33 because my husband does a wonderful sermon
03:34 on this story and he shared some points
03:36 that I'm gonna share with you
03:37 this morning as we get started.
03:39 Peter finally recognized that it was Jesus,
03:42 and what did he say?
03:44 Ask me to come to you, if it's you.
03:49 And so what did Peter do?
03:51 He jumped out of that boat on to the water
03:55 and he saw the Lord
03:57 and he started walking toward Him, didn't he?
04:01 And then he saw that the waves were contrary
04:04 and the billows were high
04:06 and he took his eyes off Jesus, and what happened?
04:10 He started to-- He started to sink.
04:15 And what did he cry out?
04:17 Lord, save me! Lord, save me!
04:21 And what did Jesus do?
04:23 Swallow a few more gobs of salt water,
04:26 Peter, then I'll get you.
04:31 Don't we do that with each other sometimes?
04:33 That serves him right.
04:36 Peter starts to sink.
04:38 And what did Jesus do right away?
04:40 He reaches down and He pulls him up,
04:44 He pulls him up.
04:45 Now this is the amazing thing about the story.
04:48 The rescue is more dramatic than the initial miracle
04:53 because now Jesus is holding Himself up
04:56 and Peter on that water.
05:01 And He says the most unusual thing to Peter,
05:03 what does He say?
05:05 He says, "O thou of little faith,
05:09 why did you doubt? Why did you doubt?"
05:14 That's an amazing statement when you think about it.
05:16 Where were the other 11 disciples?
05:19 They were in the boat rowing.
05:22 Peter was out walking on water.
05:26 What a really unusual kind of thing to say
05:29 to someone that had just manifested so much faith.
05:34 And here's what I think the reason is.
05:37 Jesus says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega,
05:40 I am the beginning and the end,
05:42 I am the author and the finisher of your faith."
05:46 Sometimes it's not just the starting
05:48 that's important, it's the finishing.
05:51 Isn't that the most important thing?
05:53 Oh, we have a lot of people starting.
05:55 We have a lot of people starting diets.
05:56 Fifty four percent of Americans
05:58 at any given minute are on their diets,
05:59 starting it is nothing.
06:01 But finishing and staying the course
06:04 that's what the Lord wants,
06:05 that's what the Lord was telling.
06:06 Peter, He says hold fast.
06:08 It says in Revelation, hold fast
06:11 to that which you have lest any man take your crown.
06:13 He that endures to the end shall be saved.
06:18 And the Bible says if you start to plow,
06:21 any man that sets his hand to the plow
06:24 and turns back, My soul will have no pleasure in him.
06:30 The lesson for you and the lesson for me
06:33 is that no matter what it takes,
06:35 no matter how many times we fall on our face,
06:37 no matter how many times the Lord has to show us
06:39 that we're more shallow and are loyalty to him
06:42 than we thought we were no matter what it takes,
06:44 Lord get me to the cross.
06:47 Get me to the cross.
06:48 Make me faithful. Sanctify me.
06:51 Make me a terror to evil, not to people, but to evil.
06:56 I wanna be in your camp, Lord, and whatever it takes,
06:58 help me to continue to recover myself
07:01 until the mistakes get fewer
07:03 and less and less and less
07:06 and I'll learn how to walk this walk with you.
07:08 Isn't that the most important thing?
07:09 Never give up. Never give up.
07:13 That to me is the message of Peter's miraculous recovery.
07:20 Today we're talking about recovery
07:22 from that addicted brain
07:24 and the healing of traumatic memories,
07:28 healing the broken brain.
07:29 What are the keys to life and to recovery?
07:34 These are the ones that I'm gonna go over with you
07:37 that I just feel are important in my own life.
07:39 I haven't done major scientific studies
07:42 or Bible exegesis on this,
07:45 but these are the practical steps that I have found.
07:47 If we take them seriously and lodge them in our hearts,
07:50 it will not only remap your brain everyday,
07:54 but it will also put you on the road
07:56 to success in your Christian life. Amen.
07:59 And you'll see the power of God that we get it.
08:01 Well, the first key to recovery is
08:04 give control to God.
08:07 That's the most important thing.
08:09 You know, we may be studying our Bibles everyday,
08:11 but if we're not willing
08:12 to give control of our lives to God,
08:15 it's fruitless, it's fruitless.
08:18 We've got to--the acronym that I uses, act.
08:22 Number one, your attitude is everything.
08:25 Do I have a surrendered attitude?
08:27 Do you have a surrendered attitude?
08:29 In every area of your life,
08:31 that's really all that matters.
08:34 Someone started to argue with me
08:35 about music styles not too long ago
08:38 and I just didn't feel like going round
08:39 and round and round, and I looked at that person
08:42 and I said, do you have a passion for the will of God?
08:48 Is it your highest passion in life to have His will
08:53 in your life in this area and in every area?
08:58 And that person stopped and said, who can be saved.
09:03 The Bible says, if the righteous scarcely be saved,
09:06 what is the end gonna be of them
09:07 that obey not the gospel?
09:08 Friends, our attitude is everything.
09:11 He knows if we're surrendered
09:12 and He's in the business of showing you
09:14 whether you're surrendered or not.
09:17 We've got to give control to God.
09:18 We've got to give Him our attitude
09:20 and then see is for change.
09:22 You've got to be willing to change,
09:24 wherever He wants you to change.
09:28 The other day I was feeling kind of down,
09:30 I couldn't figure out why.
09:32 I've decided to talk to the Lord.
09:34 You know, sometimes we talk to our friends
09:36 and we talk to this or that person,
09:37 but they won't always give you--
09:39 they can't reach your heart, you know what I'm saying.
09:41 There're some things we need to take to God
09:43 and it really startled me when the Lord said,
09:45 you're holding a grudge. I get so insult.
09:47 Ah! No! Not me! Never! Yeah.
09:54 I said Lord Jesus, help me to understand today
09:58 how merciful you are to me,
10:00 so that I could-- and give me an opportunity
10:02 to show mercy to that person and He did.
10:03 It was so wonderful and it was gone
10:05 and guess what? I cheered up.
10:08 We got to give control to God.
10:10 We've got to be willing to change.
10:13 And it maybe painful in the moment,
10:14 but He says you have fullness and joy
10:17 and the other thing the T for act
10:19 is you got to spend time with Him.
10:22 It takes more than quality time
10:24 to have a walk with God. It takes what?
10:28 Any latchkey kids here? It takes quantity.
10:31 You've got to spend time with God.
10:33 Prayer, Bible study, serious stuff.
10:38 I went backwards.
10:39 The Bible says to submit ourselves to God.
10:42 In Isaiah it says, I've seen his ways.
10:45 This is the promise when you do it.
10:47 He says I see you in my book, I see this man was born here,
10:51 I see-- A man came up to me yesterday,
10:53 he said by the time I was five years old,
10:55 I was in 20 different homes as a foster child.
10:58 Do you think the Lord sees that man's brokenness?
11:00 Do you think he knows what path to lead that him on,
11:04 to put the nurturing people in his life that he needs,
11:07 and also to put the irritating ones
11:09 in his life to toughen him up?
11:13 The Bible says, I have seen his ways,
11:16 I will heal him, I will lead him also,
11:18 and restore, what? Comforts.
11:21 The Bible said, "blessed are they that mourned,
11:24 for they'll be comforted, there's a save,
11:25 there's a balm in Gilead when we're sinned,
11:27 when we're wrong.
11:29 And sometimes we sin because we've been toxin
11:31 because others have injured us.
11:33 But friends, it's still sin.
11:35 People that have been abused as children,
11:37 what do they grow up and do? They abuse.
11:42 It's traumatic, it's terrible,
11:43 it's tragic, it's sin, it's unfair,
11:45 but they're doing it too.
11:49 And God can heal it all.
11:50 He says, I came to show mercy to a thousand generations.
11:55 He came to break the cycle of sin in your family
11:58 and he wants to start with you.
12:01 I like what Dick O'Ffill says, we get onto our knees,
12:03 O' Lord, change my husband,
12:06 change my husband, and fix my car.
12:10 But Lord-- what we've to say is,
12:11 Lord, change me. Change me.
12:17 This is from
12:18 the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
12:20 It's amazing how these secular journals
12:22 are validating the word of God.
12:25 It says we conclude that faith in God,
12:28 prayer, and religious attitudes.
12:32 What's a religious attitude?
12:35 Somebody tell me?
12:37 Well, they have measured it, friends.
12:38 And they have defined it for us.
12:41 They say personal devotion.
12:43 Devotional attitude is the religious attitude
12:44 in the article, are strongly associated with what?
12:50 Life satisfaction, that's because we're so selfish
12:53 and we've got to let the Lord
12:54 break up selfishness in our hearts and lives.
13:00 Second key, pray for hatred,
13:02 this is a winner, this is a winner.
13:05 One lady had an addiction, a food addiction
13:09 and it was so serious and she just loved it.
13:12 Even though she knew it was terrible
13:13 and against God's will.
13:15 And she knew it was bad for her
13:16 and she knew it was keeping her
13:18 from being able to minister to her family
13:19 in an unselfish way.
13:21 And so she said, Lord,
13:23 I am so stuck on this thing
13:25 that I just don't even know what to do.
13:27 So I'm asking you to take it,
13:29 'cause I can't even give it to you.
13:30 Just take it! Please!
13:32 He took it, He took it.
13:36 Many times I have asked the Lord for a hatred,
13:39 for the things that I know displease Him.
13:41 We're told in Spirit of Prophecy
13:42 don't even wait for conviction
13:44 if you see the light, follow it.
13:47 That's an amazing thing.
13:48 We'll act by principle, not by feeling an impulse. Amen.
13:54 The Bible says, that when we come to Him
13:55 our conscience are seared with a hot iron.
13:58 We don't-- we can't--
13:59 our consciences are not fully trustworthy.
14:02 They have to be filtered
14:04 through the word of God. Right?
14:10 Not that I don't listen to my conscience,
14:12 but when I have a conviction or a feeling
14:14 I take it to the word of God to see if it's valid,
14:18 to see if it's valid. We can pray for hatred.
14:21 The first promise is I will put enmity.
14:23 He promised I will do it.
14:26 You know, I hated being bulimic.
14:28 I asked the Lord to put hatred in my heart,
14:30 for He did, it was instant.
14:32 I didn't hate spending my paycheck
14:34 the way I wanted to, I didn't hate that.
14:38 I like spending my paycheck the way I wanted to.
14:42 He says I will cleanse you from all our filthiness
14:44 and from all your idols I will cleanse you.
14:46 What a promise, what a promise.
14:51 This is from drug, alcohol dependency.
14:53 It's a medical journal.
14:54 Personal religiosity is positively
14:57 correlated with, what?
14:59 Rejection of substance use even after controlling
15:02 for individual differences in personality.
15:05 So this religion thing works, it works.
15:11 We've got to purge the temple.
15:13 You know, every smoker knows when you quit smoking,
15:16 what do you have to do? Get rid of the cigarettes.
15:20 Do you think I kept the Hoggin Dawgs
15:22 in my refrigerator when I gave up
15:24 my ice cream addiction? It had to go.
15:28 There were things that just had to go.
15:31 We have to cleanse our sanctuary.
15:35 Our home should be representative of heaven.
15:38 Shouldn't it be? It's a sanctuary.
15:40 It's a safe place from evil.
15:42 Isn't that what the home should be?
15:44 Isn't that our goal
15:45 to have our homes to be a pure
15:47 where angels can rest their feet?
15:50 Imagine the poor angels on Sabbath,
15:51 they're guarding everybody,
15:52 they have to listen to rock music,
15:54 they have to listen to rap,
15:56 they have to go the baseball games,
15:58 they have to go all over the place.
16:00 Shouldn't they be able to enjoy your home on Sabbath
16:04 and on every other day of the week?
16:08 The Bible says don't bring
16:10 an abomination into your house.
16:14 Is what I bring into my home acceptable to God?
16:18 I've heard parents say, well, it's his room.
16:21 You know, it's Johnny's room,
16:23 so he just has to do his evil stuff in there.
16:27 Oh, does he pay the mortgage payment?
16:30 Is he the breadwinner?
16:33 Is that the way a Christian home should operate?
16:41 The Bible says, that in the last days,
16:44 women will be their oppressors
16:46 and children will rule over them.
16:48 That is not God's will.
16:50 The Lord said of Abraham, I know him
16:52 that he'll command his household after him.
16:54 Now does that mean with an iron fist,
16:56 absolutely not, but are their regulations
16:58 and rules and hey, I'm sorry
16:59 this is just the way it is.
17:02 Children respect you when you live out your convictions.
17:04 They respect you
17:06 even if they're irritated for the moment.
17:09 And it says let's do become a curse thing like it,
17:11 we become like that which we take into ourselves
17:14 and into our home.
17:15 We are commanded to detest it.
17:17 It says of Jesus and Hebrew's,
17:19 "thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity."
17:23 It is time to start hating some things, friends.
17:26 Not people but they are--
17:28 we need to hate the things that God hates.
17:31 Neutrality is not safe. This is a war.
17:37 For it is a cursed thing.
17:38 Now number four, we need to get support.
17:42 Don't be in island. Don't stay by yourself.
17:45 Find somebody that will understand,
17:48 that you can pray with and share with,
17:50 that can call you to accountability
17:53 with this thing then you have struggled with.
17:57 The Bible says that God sets the solitary in families.
18:02 Let me ask you this.
18:05 Have you created an atmosphere
18:07 around yourself in your church
18:10 so that anyone feels like they can come to you
18:12 with a problem and that they will get sound counsel,
18:16 but warm support and love and friendship?
18:22 And that means more than just walking around
18:24 with a smile on your face.
18:26 It means inquiring after the will,
18:29 welfare of fellow believers.
18:31 It means when you see something
18:33 that is out of harmony with God's will
18:35 that you go home and you pray
18:36 for that brother or sister or that family
18:38 and you pray for God to set up a circumstance
18:41 so that you can minister truth.
18:44 Is that hatred or is that love?
18:47 We've got to wait for God's timing, don't we?
18:50 Prayer is so powerful.
18:52 It says He brings out those which are bound with chains.
18:59 Healthy social ties are linked with longer life,
19:02 improved mental health,
19:04 less sickness, and less depression.
19:07 You know, we did some health meetings
19:08 at a church when Sabbath,
19:11 we had a revival meeting for the church
19:13 and the lady that invited us to come, organized it,
19:18 when it came time for potluck we were standing in line
19:21 and she walked by us and she said good luck,
19:24 gotten anything to eat here, I'm going home.
19:27 And she left us there and Dane and I looked to one another
19:32 and said some missionary, some missionary.
19:35 There was another church in California
19:37 we've heard to and it was really funny
19:38 because the group that was most health conscious
19:44 was complaining to us that their food wasn't--
19:49 they weren't accepted-- they weren't accepted.
19:52 Well, they were taking all their food into another room
19:57 so that it wouldn't mix with anybody else's
19:59 so that they wouldn't make a mistake
20:00 and get something that might have cottage
20:02 cheese in it or something. You know, what I'm saying?
20:04 So this, this is not a family atmosphere.
20:11 If we want to be missionaries we have to be willing
20:13 to mingle with people, blend with people,
20:16 bring lots of wonderful things to share. Amen.
20:22 And we want to create a family environment
20:24 and one that is not so full of strive,
20:27 and division, and criticism,
20:28 and judging people over
20:29 whether they eat one thing or not eat another thing.
20:32 I know some pretty mean vegetarians
20:35 and I know some mean meat eaters too.
20:37 I mean, we're all pretty mean
20:38 without the Lord in our lives.
20:41 So we need to let the Lord change our attitude
20:43 and when our attitude is right,
20:44 He'll help us make the changes
20:46 that we're supposed to make on His timetable. Amen.
20:52 They're more optimistic.
20:53 People with strong family ties
20:55 and with social ties are more optimistic
20:58 and God wants us to have a spirit of optimism.
21:00 The Bible says of Jesus, He would not fail
21:03 or be discouraged until we said judgment in the land.
21:07 And this is when we're gonna read together.
21:09 No more kitty parties.
21:12 Now everybody didn't read that,
21:14 because there's lot of people in here.
21:16 Let's do it again, no more kitty parties,
21:20 you know why?
21:21 Because nobody will attend,
21:23 you'll be there all by yourself.
21:26 Those kitty parties mess up,
21:28 Oh, they mess up your brain chemistry
21:31 something, something bad.
21:33 People that tend to ruminate,
21:35 it is the studies that have come out
21:38 show that women tend to ruminate more than men
21:41 and when there's an only son
21:43 or first born son in the home he tends to be a ruminator,
21:46 they tend to mull over with problems
21:48 over and over and over and over
21:51 and then they'll call their friends
21:52 and talk about it with their friends,
21:53 did you hear the tone of voice that she had
21:55 when she said this to me
21:56 and I just really don't understand it
21:57 and I just, you know, and then--
21:59 maybe I could have said something different
22:01 and then you know, we go on and on
22:03 and think and re-live it, re-live it,
22:05 re-live it, it's ruminating.
22:07 And then we start to feel bad
22:08 and then we start to feel sorry for us.
22:10 Well, if they just only appreciated me,
22:11 they just really don't appreciate my--
22:14 my heart was in the right place when I said--
22:16 and then we go on and on and on and on and on.
22:18 We don't let it go and what happens in the brain,
22:22 the right frontal cortex gets way overactive,
22:26 the left frontal which is more responsible
22:31 for feelings of well being, easy going, cheerful,
22:34 it starts to travel down and the anxious
22:37 and the ruminating with negative self talk
22:40 starts to go up and up and up and up
22:42 and brain chemistry starts to act
22:44 on nerves synapses in the brain
22:46 and then what starts to happen?
22:48 You start to make synapses that keep you exactly there
22:54 and you form a habit.
22:58 Have you ever been around somebody that
23:00 they can't open their mouth without talking about somebody
23:04 or some negative thing?
23:06 Have you ever been around somebody like that?
23:09 Does that mean that we're never gonna feel sad?
23:11 Does that mean we're never gonna have
23:13 any sorrow in our heart?
23:15 We have been sold a bill of good
23:16 by the advertising agencies thinking
23:18 that we should never ever feel bad
23:21 that the solution to any kind of pain is a product
23:24 and you've got to have it now.
23:26 But we need downtime and God gives us downtime
23:28 and things happen in our lives that are sad
23:30 and we do have things that we need to deal with.
23:32 Some of us everyday we have challenges.
23:35 Sadness takes us offline,
23:37 so we can regroup and reevaluate.
23:40 It may even cause enough pain
23:43 so that we're motivated to change.
23:48 What does the Bible say, I thought on my ways
23:51 and turn my feet unto thy testimonies.
23:54 The thing that this society has robbed from us
23:56 more than anything else is downtime to fake,
24:01 to examine our lives.
24:03 The Bible says, ponder the path of thy feet
24:08 and let all thy ways be established on the rock Jesus.
24:14 The biggest mistake we can make right now
24:16 is to assume that what we are doing is correct.
24:21 When we are at days walk from the Lord,
24:24 it says I thought on my ways
24:26 and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.
24:30 But the literature says prolong sadness
24:34 can cause sustain overactivity in the medulla
24:37 that is a fear center.
24:38 That's where you-- the immediate primal fear
24:41 response takesplace.
24:42 By the way that is very strongly
24:44 stimulated with television and frontal lobe.
24:47 Remember we just talked about that
24:49 right frontal lobe causing neuronal, what?
24:52 Burnout in those areas either by depleting their stores,
24:56 remember we talked about
24:58 when you've over-flooding of certain neuron hormones,
25:01 it causes free radical damage to the very cells
25:04 that produce those hormones and it destroys the receptors.
25:07 So now you get hooked on this--
25:10 you can get hooked on negative things
25:13 either by depleting their stores of neurotransmitters
25:16 or crippling the ability of the chemicals
25:18 to transmit messages and you wind up depressed.
25:25 The Bible says, we're to contemplate
25:27 that which is true, honest, just,
25:30 pure, pleasant, positive, virtuous, and praiseworthy.
25:35 And by the way, if you read through the Bible
25:38 especially through the Psalms
25:40 that have some Prophecy in them,
25:42 you'll see that one of the end time things
25:43 that God's agonizing saints are doing
25:45 is crying out for judgment.
25:48 Crying out for the judgment of God in this world
25:50 and for Him to correct all this evil
25:53 and for us to pull out our hearts to Him
25:55 about the things that were frustrating,
25:57 that is a positive thing.
26:00 This is from the journal, Personality
26:01 and Social Psychology, gratitude, optimism.
26:07 I mean, is this a choice? Is it a choice?
26:11 The way things are going in this world
26:13 if you're gonna be cheerful, nice,
26:15 happy, optimistic and grateful,
26:16 it is a choice, it is not a feeling.
26:18 It is a decision.
26:20 It's a completely different part of the brain
26:23 than the lower centers,
26:24 the emotional centers of the brain.
26:26 It is a cognitive decision.
26:28 And in this area of the brain
26:30 where it's called executive control
26:32 where we make those kinds of decisions,
26:34 they are dopamine receptors
26:36 and it feels good to act from principle
26:38 and to use self control
26:40 and God strengthens those areas of the brain
26:42 as we act on them.
26:45 Gratitude, optimism, diligence,
26:48 perseverance under stress,
26:51 you know, children need to learn perseverance
26:53 under stress don't they?
26:54 I can't think of a better way to teach perseverance
26:57 under stress than teaching a child
26:58 how to clean a bathroom properly.
27:01 How do you get them to understand that
27:03 this is a rewarding experience?
27:05 It's good if you have two or three bathrooms
27:07 because sometimes the experiment
27:08 has to be repeated several times until they get it.
27:12 But it's linked to better mental and physical health.
27:14 Childhood is the time to teach them to delay impulse
27:19 and to help them to control those impulses
27:21 in a graduated and careful way.
27:25 This is the one we talked about yesterday,
27:26 voluntary smiling actually changes brain activity,
27:29 regional brain activity.
27:31 It stops the production of cortisol,
27:33 which does some very serious damage in high levels
27:36 in the hippocampal area of the brain
27:38 and that's your memory retrieval system.
27:44 We want to avoid depressing places and activities.
27:48 It is so easy to gravitate to old haunts
27:52 and old nurture things.
27:54 And you know, friends, when we tried to get comfort
27:56 when food or gambling or sex or porn or internet
28:01 or card playing or whatever it is,
28:05 becomes a substitute for experiencing life
28:11 and for dealing with life, it can result in an addiction.
28:16 Whenever we use those things to avoid pain,
28:21 we are not getting comfort Christ ways
28:24 and we're in great danger of developing an addiction.
28:28 Eve sought a comfort
28:31 and a blessing outside of Christ
28:33 appointed way, didn't she?
28:35 And it ended in disaster
28:38 and when I seek to comfort myself
28:39 outside of Christ way, I suffered,
28:43 I suffered and it ends only in more, what?
28:48 More need, more longing.
28:51 We eat because we feel insecure,
28:53 we need to feel loved,
28:55 we have a longing in our hearts,
28:57 we're lonely then we gain weight
29:00 and we're more lonely and isolated than ever.
29:02 The devil is so mean.
29:04 Don't let him do that to you anymore.
29:06 Get your comfort in Christ.
29:12 Avoid television and reading materials
29:14 that are depressing, traumatic,
29:18 violent, immoral, or pointless.
29:24 If the brain,
29:25 this is Dr. Ratey, our neuropsychiatrist
29:28 who wrote a users guide to the brain.
29:31 If the brain is busy trying to filte
29:33 uncomfortable and frustrating noise,
29:36 worries or other concerns
29:38 there is less brain stuff available for what?
29:41 Perceiving, evaluating, and prognosticating.
29:49 We want to engage in activities
29:51 that are refreshing, relaxing, helpful,
29:55 moral, and mentally stimulating.
30:00 Is there anything on that list that you're opposed to?
30:04 And yet we think we are gonna suffer so much
30:06 if we let God tell us what to do when we're feeling bad.
30:09 We think we know how to fix this thing.
30:15 And God want to direct our physical path,
30:19 so that we can experience regeneration
30:23 not just on the spiritual level,
30:25 but on the physiologic, immunologic,
30:27 neurologic, and genetic level.
30:30 Change a course so that the promise can be fulfilled
30:34 that is outlined for us in desire of ages
30:37 that his thoughts actually become our impulses.
30:40 Impulses are neurological, is that good news today?
30:46 What are those three Hebrew boys say
30:48 when king Nebuchadnezzar said, look, you know
30:51 you need to worship me or you'll be in the furnace.
30:54 They said we're not careful to answer you in this matter.
30:58 If it be so our God whom we service able to delivers,
31:01 but if not be it known unto thee O king
31:03 that we will not bow down and worship the idol
31:05 which thou has setup.
31:08 Neurologically, they had a readiness pathway,
31:12 they were ready. Why were they ready?
31:13 Because they served Him everyday,
31:16 because they chose His way everyday,
31:18 and they didn't even have to think about it.
31:20 They were on automatic pilot
31:21 because when you're under stress
31:23 the only thing that's gonna kick in is automatic pilot.
31:26 Believe me, you won't have time to think.
31:32 We need to accept and cultivate forgiveness,
31:35 not only forgiveness to those who have hurt us,
31:39 but to those-- to ourselves,
31:41 for ourselves we need to understand
31:43 and receive the great forgiveness of God
31:46 and sometimes that's a hardest thing to do.
31:49 We kick ourselves around the block a million times.
31:56 And we're told in Spirit of Prophecy
31:57 that God can do nothing with a discouraged man.
32:01 The enemy loves that when we're discouraged,
32:03 when we have a hard time picking ourselves up,
32:05 when we've made a mistake, we failed.
32:08 Say, thank you Lord for showing me
32:10 what I really am.
32:11 Should it surprise me? No.
32:14 Why doesn't it surprise me
32:15 'cause I've an inflated view myself.
32:17 Now you show me what I am and now let's get started.
32:19 Let's go to work.
32:21 That's the attitude we have to take.
32:24 And the way that I've learned
32:25 that I can forgive others, especially others from
32:28 the past who've done major damage,
32:30 you know, like little kids and stuff.
32:34 When we understand that those who are used
32:37 by the enemy are let captive by Satan at His will,
32:42 they don't have the power of choice
32:45 and I told one lady on the phone,
32:46 I said man, you've seen the devil face to face,
32:48 sit's time to let God have His way.
32:52 It's time to let God pay that situation back.
32:55 Let Him use you to pay that situation back
32:58 that you had no control over.
33:00 And this woman's life is a glory to God.
33:02 I do not know another human being.
33:05 It's a friend of mine,
33:07 I do not know a human being
33:08 who has been through a worse childhood
33:10 than that child-- than that woman
33:11 and she is a God fearing saint,
33:14 she is scatterbrain, she collect stuff,
33:18 she is so funny, she loves the Lord so much.
33:21 You know, these are vestiges of her,
33:23 whatever, from when she was little,
33:25 but she is so amazing to me.
33:28 Her love for God, she is raising her children for God
33:31 and she is an amazing, amazing woman.
33:35 That's why we can't judge people
33:36 by what we see because we don't know
33:38 where they've been. Amen.
33:41 So we've got to accept and cultivate forgiveness
33:44 and when I'm upset with somebody,
33:46 you know, it's really a funny kind of Adventist thing,
33:49 we're never upset, we're just concerned.
33:55 We're frustrated and we don't understand.
33:58 But we're told we're to go to God
34:01 and tell Him exactly the way we see things.
34:04 He knows how we really feel.
34:07 And so we've got to stop with all these euphemisms.
34:09 When we talk to the Lord,
34:10 say Lord, this person is just burns me up right now
34:14 and I don't want to see them.
34:17 They have double crossed me, done X,Y,Z.
34:19 And now, Lord, I'm coming to you
34:22 not feeling very right about this
34:23 and I know that's wrong.
34:25 That's not a correct response for a Christian
34:28 and so Lord before I ever open my mouth
34:31 or go out into the public, let's talk about this.
34:33 And what I do, if I'm upset with someone,
34:35 if you're upset with someone, isn't that usually
34:37 because they've done you wrong?
34:39 I mean most of the times.
34:40 Some people they're just angry people,
34:42 they're always picking fights
34:43 and they need to come to the cross
34:45 and let Jesus slay that spirit of anger.
34:47 But some people--you know, if somebody is done you nasty,
34:53 what do you do?
34:54 I'll tell you what I do, it's very simple.
34:56 I like to-- I like to distill things
35:02 down to the simplest factor for myself.
35:04 I ask the Lord to turn my anger into pity.
35:09 Now that works for me, it works.
35:12 Because then He helps me to understand
35:15 and feel really sorry because what He'll do,
35:18 is he'll pull them through a keyhole,
35:20 to help them to see what they're doing
35:23 and then when you begin to really read the Bible
35:25 and really understand how if they don't repent
35:27 and change of this type of pattern,
35:30 then it's gonna be dreadful, why?
35:33 Then we can be compassionated and also watch ourselves.
35:35 The Bible says, restore such a one
35:38 in meekness considering yourself,
35:41 lest thou also be what? Tempted and taken.
35:46 So you've got to cultivate this.
35:47 These aren't things that just okay,
35:49 the Lord sticks in your hearts and it's there.
35:51 No, we've got to battle for these traits.
35:54 Do you understand what I'm saying?
35:56 You've got to take these situations
35:58 to the altar of God and talk to the Lord about it.
36:01 A pastor told me once he said salvation is simple,
36:03 it's arguing with God until he wins.
36:10 The Bible says let the wicked forsake his way,
36:12 that's why the Bible says
36:13 cleanse your hands, ye sinners.
36:15 It says workout your own salvation
36:17 with fear and trembling.
36:18 Oh, no now you're getting into works.
36:20 Yes I am getting into this because the Bible says,
36:23 it is God that works to do and to will
36:26 and to do of his good pleasure in you,
36:28 but friends if there's no-- it's a strive to enter in.
36:31 I'm in a battle, how about you?
36:33 And we're half asleep,
36:35 we expect God to do everything.
36:36 Friends, on the Day of Atonement,
36:37 we all have something to do.
36:40 There were some very special duties
36:42 of the congregation on the Day of Atonement.
36:45 It was a fast day on the Day of Atonement,
36:48 359 days of the year, everything was statistical,
36:51 on the Day of Atonement it was different,
36:53 it was a fast day.
36:54 Appetite had to be under the control
36:55 of the Holy Spirit. There was no work that day.
36:59 On the Day of Atonement,
37:01 our work is second to our relationship with God.
37:05 If you're working too hard
37:06 and you can't spent time with God,
37:07 get a new job. Amen.
37:09 It was a holy convocation
37:11 where they'll command into worship
37:12 and go to church in fellowship.
37:14 And the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves.
37:19 Especially as you see that day drawing,
37:21 I hear these people say,
37:22 I don't like what's going on in my church,
37:24 I am going home. Oh, that's great.
37:29 What did Mark Luther say?
37:30 He said, you're no soldier
37:32 if you're not where the battle is.
37:33 Friends, there is a battle to fight.
37:36 It says many-- it says strive
37:39 to enter in that straight gate,
37:41 many will seek to enter in, but they will not be able.
37:46 It says let the unrighteous man
37:48 forsake his thoughts and return unto the Lord.
37:51 The Bible says, cast off the works of darkness,
37:54 cease to do evil, learn to do well,
37:56 lots of positive commands
37:57 and lots of positive power to do it.
38:00 You know, the worst state to be in
38:03 is the state described at the end of time
38:05 of God's people, it says their philosophy
38:07 is the Lord will not do good and He will not do evil.
38:10 They don't believe in his promises
38:12 and they don't take His threatenings
38:13 very seriously either, they're none.
38:19 I want to believe both. Amen.
38:23 It says He'll have mercy on us.
38:25 And He will abundantly pardon and we need abundant pardon.
38:29 Everyone of us does.
38:31 Those who forgive had better mental health,
38:33 stronger immune systems, less depression and anger,
38:37 less fear and the ability to let go of past slides.
38:42 That's from the Natural Institute
38:43 for Health Care Research, a secular journal.
38:48 The Bible says if you forgive you'll be forgiven.
38:50 We need to confess our wrongs and make them right.
38:52 I was taught this by a pastor and I thank God for it
38:55 and he said the minute you understand
38:57 from the Spirit of God
38:58 that you have wronged a brother or sister
39:00 you find that person make it right.
39:02 Number one, best option, in person most of the time.
39:06 Number two, best option, telephone.
39:09 Number three, letter, but beat a path, make it right.
39:14 Don't wait for them to do something.
39:16 You call I was rude, there was no excuse,
39:19 I was irritated with you, I was impatient,
39:21 I put my project first I shouldn't have done that,
39:23 you're busy, I'm sorry.
39:25 Oh, it's so cleansing. It feels good.
39:27 We need to do it. We need to cultivate it.
39:29 You won't make enemies doing that.
39:34 Confess your faults one to another
39:35 and pray for one another then you may be healed.
39:39 Change your associations.
39:45 The Bible says, be not deceived,
39:46 bad company corrupts, what?
39:50 Good character.
39:52 When I worked with addicts that are getting out of jail,
39:55 that's the hardest thing for them to do
39:56 is stay away from the old associations.
39:59 The Bible says if you walk with wise man, you'll be wise.
40:03 But a companion of fools will be destroyed.
40:06 The Bible says, David said I'm a companion of them
40:09 that fear thee and of them that keep thy precepts.
40:15 Some of those annoying people
40:16 that seem a little too spiritual to you,
40:19 they maybe just the very friend you need.
40:23 There have been people--you know,
40:24 we're so hard on people that advocate reform
40:28 or they're so fanatic, they're so extreme.
40:30 Oh, yes that exists, of course that exists.
40:34 But sometimes we think of somebody
40:36 as being extreme just because they're doing something
40:38 better than we are.
40:40 We've got to examine our own hearts
40:42 and even if someone is off the wall,
40:45 if they say something that's correct
40:47 should I not do it just because of them,
40:52 whom I hurting, we need to be open to light
40:55 wherever it comes from. Amen.
41:02 Interacting and I love this.
41:04 Interacting with other intelligent,
41:07 I love the implication of that, don't you?
41:10 Means that-- we're intelligent too.
41:13 Interacting with other intelligent
41:15 and interesting people is one of the best ways
41:18 to keep expanding your networks.
41:21 What kind of networks?
41:23 You brain networks and your social networks too.
41:25 In the brain and in society,
41:28 now we need to adopt healthy eating habits.
41:32 The brain is profoundly affected by what you eat,
41:37 your mood, your memory, learning and behavior.
41:40 And I want to tell you that
41:41 not only do we have another simple solutions book
41:44 on sale that links diet with depression,
41:46 stress, and immune function
41:48 just last night came in our new book, "Foods for Thought."
41:52 Nutrition is linked with mood, memory, learning and behavior
41:57 and there is a physician.
41:59 Her name is Dr. Janice Keller Phelps,
42:02 she wrote a book called, "The Hidden Addiction."
42:05 And she said that food addiction
42:07 especially sugar addiction is the underlying addiction
42:11 beneath all other addictions.
42:14 She runs a drug detox center in Seattle.
42:17 She's seen more than 20,000 addicts.
42:20 And so it is imperative that if we suffer from addictions
42:23 and compulsions that we start
42:25 to adopt a healing diet, a healing diet.
42:28 Am I saying that sugar is sinful?
42:31 We should never have sugar.
42:32 No, I'm not saying that at all.
42:35 But some substances tend to be very addicting
42:38 in large amount. Say Amen.
42:39 Can you all agree with me?
42:40 We're on the same page together.
42:43 This is Elizabeth Summers.
42:45 She is a nutrition researcher
42:49 who wrote a book called, "Food and Mood."
42:53 Repeated poor food choices can set what kind of patterns.
42:57 Fundamental patterns
42:59 in the production of brain chemicals
43:01 that regulate appetite and mood,
43:04 so that you become a what? A victim.
43:07 There's anybody here wanna be victim?
43:09 Do you wanna be a victim of mood swings,
43:11 cravings, poor sleep habits,
43:13 and other emotional problems, why?
43:16 Because of your husband. No.
43:18 Because of poor eating habits.
43:20 Sometimes we feel so nasty,
43:21 we'll try and pick the fight just to justify it.
43:27 We want to feed that broken brain,
43:29 plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains,
43:31 beans and legumes, nuts, seeds, olive oil,
43:34 wonderful for the brain.
43:35 Plenty of water between meals.
43:38 We want to exercise our mind and our body.
43:40 I walk, you'll see me walking. Why am I walking?
43:43 Because I know that what it's doing for executive function,
43:45 it lowers nor-epinephrine levels.
43:47 I mean, I'm thinking all this stuff,
43:48 how great it is doing and it works.
43:51 It works even if you don't know
43:52 the names of all the stuff.
43:54 It works, it lowers anxiety, increases executive control,
43:58 improves judgment,
44:00 and you know it gets the body in shape too.
44:02 I'm less interested in the body part,
44:04 is this part right here.
44:07 This is from journal of Personality
44:09 and Social Psychology,
44:10 exercise appears to be
44:11 the most effective mood regulating behavior.
44:17 Physical activity initiates, what?
44:20 What's the word?
44:22 Modifications, modifications in molecular mechanisms.
44:27 What's the molecular mechanism?
44:29 It's your genes, enhancing the what?
44:34 Plasticity of the brain.
44:37 That means the brains ability to perceive
44:39 and respond to stimulate in an appropriate way
44:43 and to re-route faulty connections.
44:47 I like that, rest your mind and your body.
44:51 The Bible says come apart, rest a while,
44:54 we feel so guilty about just sitting
44:56 and doing nothing for five minutes.
44:59 A nurse gave me that prescription once
45:00 I was so stressed when I first came to work here.
45:02 You know, the day you get your job
45:04 you're behind the schedule by about six months.
45:09 And I mean I just caught into this
45:10 and I just went onto this whirlwind of activity,
45:12 I could never catch up, I was stressed,
45:14 I started to loose sleep, I couldn't keep weight on.
45:17 And this nurse I talked to,
45:20 she said I'm giving you a prescription.
45:22 I want you to sit for five minutes everyday
45:24 and do absolutely nothing.
45:26 Do you know, I had to set the microwave?
45:29 I had to set the microwave
45:30 to be able to sit still for five minutes.
45:33 Now I can sit for up to 20, up to 20.
45:40 A wide range of clinical
45:41 and observational data support a general picture
45:44 that inadequate sleep results and tiredness,
45:49 difficulties with focused attention,
45:51 low threshold to express negative effect
45:55 that means that you're gonna act bad,
45:59 that's what it means.
46:00 You're gonna be irritable and easily frustrated
46:03 and difficulty modulating impulses and emotion.
46:08 Okay, you're gonna have cravings.
46:10 Your thoughts, you're not gonna be able to keep them
46:12 where they suppose to be.
46:14 You're gonna have trouble prognosticating and evaluating.
46:18 You're gonna have trouble with focused attention.
46:20 I tell you sleep is the religious duty.
46:22 Bedtime is a religious duty.
46:26 We need to get on a schedule.
46:28 The benefits, lower stress levels,
46:31 fewer cravings, better blood sugar control,
46:34 better sleep, improve digestion and longer life.
46:38 If that's what you want.
46:39 You know, some people don't.
46:41 But we want to have a quality of life
46:43 so that we're actually happy to be alive everyday.
46:46 We want to develop a strong study and prayer life.
46:49 This is from the American General of Critical Care,
46:51 spiritual wellbeing is the center of a healthy lifestyle.
46:56 Friends, this is not about health,
46:58 it's not even about brain health,
47:00 it's about God.
47:02 It's about a relationship with God.
47:03 It's about his dominion.
47:04 It's about recovery from the enemies land. Amen.
47:09 It's not about all those diseases.
47:12 That's a side benefit.
47:15 But that's not what we do it.
47:17 That's like trusting in uncertain riches.
47:19 Bad things can happen when you do all the right things
47:22 and it does and I've seen it.
47:25 That's not why we do this.
47:26 We do it because He's God and we are His children
47:30 and we do what He says and He blesses.
47:36 Religious commitment may play a beneficial role
47:38 in preventing mental and physical illness.
47:42 Improving how people cope with mental
47:44 and physical illness
47:45 and facilitating recovery from those illnesses.
47:48 The Bible says, "wherewithal
47:50 shall a young man cleanse his way?
47:51 By taking heed," according to his word.
47:54 Prayer, this is the journal of the holistic nursing,
47:57 prayer is an integral component
47:59 of the spiritual life of mankind.
48:01 Now some of-- I've had to ask the Lord
48:04 to teach me how to pray.
48:06 Because sometimes, when I would go
48:07 and pray about a problem,
48:09 by the time I got through telling God all about it.
48:13 I felt worse than when I started
48:14 because now I was remembering everything.
48:17 You ever done that?
48:19 It's a terrible way to pray.
48:21 In Chalmers book, Healing The Broken Brain,
48:23 he talks about effectual prayer
48:25 and it really blessed me.
48:27 It changed my prayer life.
48:28 Instead of rehearsing agonize and trouble,
48:31 sometimes they're too painful,
48:32 you know, you just-- I just put them in little box,
48:34 put them in a ribbon in my mind
48:35 and just give it to God.
48:36 And I say, please take this truth from me,
48:38 because I don't want to discuss it right now,
48:39 it's just too much.
48:41 But then, what's the effectual prayer.
48:44 Let's say, I know, I've to go to some kind of meeting
48:46 and feelings are gonna run high.
48:48 And how I'm gonna keep from flipping over the table
48:50 or something and walking out
48:51 and whatever it is that I'm gonna be tempted to do.
48:54 I start praying an effectual prayer,
48:56 imagination is not bad, it's an imagination
48:59 that's in the enemy's land that is not good.
49:01 We're to go in imagination to Calvary with Jesus, Amen.
49:05 What do we imagine?
49:07 The good things in the Bible
49:08 that we're told to meditate on
49:10 and the lives of God's people.
49:12 So I will imagine as I'm praying.
49:16 I will remember Bible characters
49:18 who got that very same victory
49:19 and I will imagine myself
49:21 going into that situation in that board room
49:23 or wherever it is and handling it the way Jesus would.
49:27 And you know, what's happening in my brain,
49:28 as I pray that way.
49:30 It's preparing a readiness pathway,
49:32 so that when I actually go into the situation,
49:35 neurologically I'm ready to do it
49:37 and it becomes easy. It becomes easy.
49:41 Because I've prepared it.
49:43 I've prepared a place in my brain for that to happen.
49:46 I mean, you go into a meeting,
49:48 we're just steaming and stewing
49:50 and rehearsing all the trouble
49:51 and how evil these people are and how unfair
49:53 the situation is and then we breathe up,
49:55 the prayer before we going,
49:56 Lord help me to do the right thing. Oh, sure.
50:00 What have you just been rehearsing for an hour?
50:01 How you're just gonna spill all over everybody.
50:05 No, rehearse how you're gonna control yourself and be kind.
50:08 That's the thing to rehearse,
50:09 that changes the brain, that's effectual prayer.
50:12 The Bible says, this poor man cried
50:14 and the Lord heard him and saved him
50:16 out of all his troubles.
50:18 Ratey says this, we are not prisoners
50:20 of our genes or our environment,
50:22 poverty, alienation, drugs,
50:24 hormonal imbalances and depression
50:26 do not dictate failure.
50:28 Wealth, acceptance, vegetables, and exercise
50:31 do not guarantee success.
50:33 Our own free will may be the strongest force
50:36 directing the development of our brains
50:38 and therefore our lives.
50:41 The Bibles says, I will walk at liberty
50:44 because I seek your way.
50:48 I want to close with an object lesson today.
50:54 I love to go to this Smithsonian
50:55 and this is gonna be healing our memories.
50:59 I love to go to this Smithsonian.
51:00 One of my favorite places
51:03 in the Smithsonian is the gem collection.
51:06 How many of you've been to the Smithsonian
51:07 and seen the gem collection, there?
51:11 Nobody. Well, if you ever get a chance to go to Washington
51:16 and go to this Smithsonian institute,
51:18 go to the museum of natural history
51:20 and don't miss the gems.
51:24 I was gone one weekend for a scientific seminar
51:26 and I had a period of time that was free.
51:30 And so I went over to the Smithsonian
51:32 and went into my favorite spot
51:34 because my airplane loving
51:36 husband and son were not with me.
51:38 I could spend as much time as
51:40 I wanted looking at these rocks and gems.
51:44 I missed them, but I was glad
51:45 to have all the time I wanted.
51:48 And so I began to look at the beautiful
51:52 array of rocks and crystals and polished gems,
51:55 whole display cases.
51:57 And there was one case in particular
51:59 that caught my attention and it was the Beryl stone.
52:03 There was a huge window,
52:06 displaying every hue of the rainbow
52:09 of the Beryl stone that you can possibly imagine.
52:12 The Emerald is a Beryl stone.
52:14 Some of these stones were pure, clear see through.
52:17 They look like diamonds.
52:18 Others were pale pink, amber, blue, purple, grey,
52:25 every imaginable, conceivable color you could imagine.
52:30 And the thing that I noticed about these stones
52:32 is that they have a little tag underneath
52:34 showing what the molecular formula--
52:37 what the chemical formula
52:39 for these stones is and Beryl stone
52:41 is actually beryllium aluminum silicate
52:45 and it is a quite, quite a long formula.
52:47 The thing that perplexes me
52:50 about these stones is that even though
52:52 everyone was so dramatically different in color
52:56 and hue and transparency versus opaqueness,
53:00 that they were all the identical,
53:03 same structure, the same formula
53:07 for every one of these stones.
53:09 And I was standing there,
53:11 wondering how can this be?
53:12 How can this look so different?
53:16 This vast array of rocks
53:18 and yet they're all the same molecular formula
53:22 and finally I found a little card
53:25 on the corner that explained, why?
53:29 These stones have very slight rearrangements
53:34 of electrons due to imperfections
53:38 in the mother rock that they came from.
53:40 These stones come from different rocks
53:43 and they were imperfections
53:45 in the arrangement of the electrons in these rocks
53:49 and because of that rearrangement of the electrons
53:53 it makes the light hit these rocks differently,
53:56 it makes them grow differently,
53:57 and therefore they're dramatically
53:59 different in the way that they look.
54:02 Now, what is the lesson for us?
54:08 The imperfections that we come
54:10 to God's church with are many.
54:15 They are many. Just like these rocks.
54:18 There are very few Beryl stones
54:20 that are pure crystal with no color,
54:24 most of them have color.
54:26 We cannot escape the fact
54:29 that the scars of sin are with us.
54:32 We know things that we wish we didn't know.
54:35 We've done things that we wish we hadn't.
54:38 We've had experiences that have changed us.
54:42 It's moved our spiritual and physical electrons around.
54:49 How can this knowledge of sin be turned
54:52 into glory and victory and beauty
54:56 and I'm gonna explain how.
54:59 Memory is very plastic.
55:02 Now what is plastic mean?
55:05 It means malleable, it means changeable.
55:08 Now your memories are dependent
55:12 on what you're thinking and feeling right now.
55:15 In other words, if you're in a totally bad mood
55:18 and I mention grandmother.
55:21 You don't have a grandmother spot in your brain,
55:23 your hippocampus goes to all the different parts
55:25 of your brain that remember all the different aspects
55:27 associated with grandmother
55:29 and pulls it together for an impression
55:32 or association about grandmother.
55:34 If you're in a bad mood,
55:35 you're gonna think of the time
55:37 that she made you sit
55:38 in the hardwood chair and it levered.
55:42 If you're in a good mood,
55:44 you're gonna be thinking about
55:45 how you used to sit on her lap, read stories,
55:47 and breathe her lilac perfume and eat her cookies.
55:53 When we have traumatic memories?
55:57 Really painful things that we have to--
55:59 that have changed us
56:00 and moved our electrons around.
56:03 The Bible says, all things
56:05 work together for good, right?
56:07 No, that's not right. That is not right.
56:10 No, there's a big qualifier there.
56:13 It says all things work together for good
56:15 to those that love God
56:17 and are the called according to his purpose.
56:20 How can one think?
56:23 You know, I hated when people say,
56:24 well God meant that for your good.
56:27 You know, here some little kid that's been molested
56:29 or will God let that happen to you
56:30 for your good. It's awful.
56:34 You know, he didn't mean,
56:35 he doesn't mean for those things to happen--
56:36 he can make it work for your good.
56:40 But those things, he doesn't ordain that, that happen,
56:44 that would be cruelty.
56:47 He says, you come to me
56:50 and you air that memory out in the light of my verge.
56:54 And you talk to me about what happened
56:56 in the light of my word
56:57 and I'll help you to understand the sin problem
56:59 and I will help you to understand how,
57:01 when parents go astray
57:03 and when they don't watch their children,
57:04 and when these things happen that Satan comes in
57:07 and I will show you my power,
57:11 to work in spite of this evil
57:13 that is in this world and that has afflicted and hurt you
57:17 then we are allowing God to remake our memories.
57:19 Now that memory has value.
57:23 Because it can work for good.
57:24 You know, the best people
57:25 to work with alcoholics are ex-alcoholics.
57:29 The best people to work with eating disorder
57:31 people are ex-eating disorder people.
57:35 There is nothing worse than a technician work
57:38 with somebody with an eating disorder or skinny guy,
57:41 you know just sit down and be quiet.
57:43 You do not understand
57:46 or maybe there are some out there.
57:48 I don't want to exaggerate,
57:49 but what I'm saying is,
57:51 is that God can take any experience that we've had
57:54 no matter how horrible it is and put a hue on it
57:58 and a perceptive and a depth and a wisdom
58:01 and give you a ministry.
58:03 And now you will be a terror to evil.
58:07 You'll have something very special that no one else has.
58:10 So instead of being a shame and degraded and feeling
58:13 like you're less of a person
58:14 and less favored and less blessed.
58:16 No, he has turned that curse into a blessing.
58:20 And that's what we need to let him do
58:22 with traumatic memories.
58:25 There are those of you here today,
58:29 Debra, if you would slip up.
58:34 There are those of you here today
58:36 who have had traumatic memories.
58:41 And those memories have not been healed.
58:43 We cannot dig a hole and bury them,
58:46 they don't go away.
58:49 But God can heal, he can recover.


Revised 2014-12-17