3ABN On the Road

Secret Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ty Gibson


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000421

01:02 The blood that Jesus shed for me
01:11 Way back on Calvary
01:21 The blood that gives me strength
01:26 From day to day
01:31 It will never, never, never lose its power.
01:38 For reaches to the highest mountain, mountain
01:49 And it flows to the lowest valley, valley
02:00 All the blood that gives me strength
02:04 From day to day
02:09 It will never, never, never lose its power.
02:17 It soothes my doubts and calms my fears
02:28 And it washes all way all way on my tears
02:38 The blood that gives me strength
02:42 From day to day
02:47 It will never, never, never lose its power.
02:54 For it reaches to the highest mountain
03:02 Calvary and it flows to the lowest valley
03:13 Down to me all the blood that gives me strength
03:20 From day to day
03:25 It will never, never, never lose
03:30 No, it will never, never, never lose
03:35 It will never, never, never lose its
03:43 Power, power, wonder working power
03:47 In the blood of the Lamb
03:51 There is power, power, wonder working power
03:55 In the precious blood of the Lamb
03:59 Would you be free from your burden of sin?
04:03 There's power in the blood, power in the blood
04:07 Would you o'er evil a victory win?
04:11 There's wonderful power in the blood
04:15 There is power, power, wonder working power
04:19 In the blood of the Lamb
04:23 There is power, power, wonder working power
04:27 In the precious blood of the Lamb
04:32 In the precious blood of the Lamb
04:46 Well, those songs were just so perfect,
04:48 so appropriate for the message that I want to bring to you,
04:52 because I want to talk to you about power.
04:56 Now, that's a subject
04:57 that we all ought to be interested in,
05:00 the subject of power.
05:01 But I want to look at the subject
05:03 from a biblical perspective,
05:05 have you considered the biblical idea
05:09 of power recently, or have you ever considered
05:14 what the Bible says about power.
05:18 Well, let's think about it for a moment.
05:20 If you just look at the Bible from Genesis to Revelation,
05:23 and then you take an aerial view,
05:27 a sweeping glance of everything
05:29 the Bible has to say about power,
05:32 which you're going to discover is that there are basically
05:35 three kinds of power in the Bible, three kinds.
05:40 And I want to look at each one of them with you,
05:42 and then focus in more intently on the third kind of power,
05:47 because that's where our greatest degree of interest
05:50 is going to be as we close up this time together.
05:54 Well, the first kind of power in the Bible
05:56 is what we might call miraculous power.
05:59 Now we all have heard of miracles,
06:02 and some of us may have even experienced miracles.
06:06 I wonder if I could just see the hands of anyone here
06:08 who believes that you've actually
06:10 witnessed with your own eyes,
06:12 or experienced in your own life
06:14 what you would call a miracle, anybody?
06:17 Oh, quiet a few people.
06:19 Miraculous power is brought to you
06:21 a number of times in the Bible.
06:24 For example when Moses led the children of Israel
06:27 out of Egyptian bondage, you'll remember
06:30 that they came to an impasse,
06:32 and that impasse was the Red Sea.
06:36 Now, the Bible tells how that Moses spoke words
06:40 from God and tapped the waters with his rod.
06:44 And what happened to the waters?
06:46 Well, they parted and the people
06:48 walked through on dry land.
06:51 Now, there's no human explanation
06:52 for that kind of event.
06:55 There is no way to explain that,
06:57 except for to point to a power
07:00 outside of and above human power,
07:04 and so we call it a miracle.
07:06 A miracle from a biblical perspective
07:09 is when God intervenes in human affairs to either suspend
07:14 or override the natural laws that are in force in our world
07:20 to cause something to happen
07:21 that otherwise would not happen.
07:24 And that's what we call a miracle,
07:26 waters parting and people walking through o dry land.
07:29 Well, that is a miracle.
07:32 God did it without any human involvement.
07:36 Another miracle we read about in the Old Testament
07:40 is when the leader of a certain nation
07:44 was diseased with leprosy,
07:48 and the prophet of God told him
07:50 to submerge his body in the River Jordan,
07:54 how many times, does anyone remember.
07:56 Seven times. And on the seventh time
07:59 he dunked and came up, he was cleansed of leprosy.
08:03 This was a demonstration
08:05 of what kind of power, do you suppose? Anybody.
08:11 Miraculous power, that's right.
08:13 This wasn't something
08:14 that was inherent in this ruler named Namen.
08:18 This was something that happened to him,
08:20 because God intervened in human affairs
08:24 to suspend the laws of nature to override the disease
08:29 that was eating away his body and to heal him.
08:33 There are many miracles
08:35 brought to view in the New Testament.
08:36 For example, when Jesus touched blind eyes,
08:39 and they could see for the first time,
08:41 that was a miracle when Jesus did that.
08:44 When Jesus cause the lame man
08:46 who hadn't walked for 38 years to take up his bed and walk.
08:50 This was a demonstration of miraculous power.
08:54 And there are many other examples
08:56 throughout scripture of miraculous power.
08:59 Now, there's something
09:00 we want to carefully notice about miraculous power.
09:04 And that is that throughout the Bible,
09:07 miraculous power is only employed
09:10 with regards to temporal matters,
09:14 that is with regards to those things that have to do
09:18 with our material and physical existence.
09:22 Healing of disease for example.
09:24 We've examples of miracles in the Bible,
09:27 that had to do with finances, with money.
09:31 God may perform a miracle in our financial affairs.
09:36 But never in the Bible
09:37 do you find God using miraculous power
09:42 to impact a person's life
09:45 on the very personal spiritual level for what we call,
09:49 and what the Bible calls salvation.
09:51 In another words, follow me carefully.
09:54 While God will use miraculous power to heal disease.
09:59 While God will use miraculous power to maybe impact
10:03 our financial situation if we're in trouble.
10:07 While God may use miraculous power
10:11 for these types of things,
10:13 God will not use miraculous power
10:17 for the salvation of our souls from the power of sin.
10:23 Now, some of you maybe skeptical
10:24 with that point as I say that.
10:27 And you maybe pointing to your own conversion,
10:30 your own born again experience as a miracle.
10:34 And in a sense it is a miracle
10:37 for any human being to be saved from sin.
10:41 But listen, in the classical biblical sense,
10:45 that's not what the Bible would classify as a miracle.
10:50 And I'll explain why? I'll demonstrate.
10:52 Let's just hypothetically imagine
10:54 that you've had a really bad day today.
10:58 And I don't know what a bad day looks like for you,
11:00 because we're all different.
11:02 We've different strengths and weaknesses, don't we?
11:05 And what maybe a temptation for you,
11:08 maybe no temptation for me.
11:10 For example, I'm not tempted ever
11:14 to indulge in any kind of use of illicit drugs for example,
11:20 that's not a temptation for me.
11:22 I'm not tempted for example to drink alcohol.
11:26 But there are other temptations
11:28 that I do experience just as serious
11:32 and I'm just as weak in my particular areas of weakness
11:37 as another person maybe in their area of weakness,
11:40 do you understand what I mean by that.
11:41 What maybe a struggle for you,
11:43 may not be a struggle for me.
11:44 And what may be a struggle for me,
11:47 may not be a struggle for you.
11:49 So I don't know what a bad day would like for you?
11:52 Maybe you had a really bad day, let's say.
11:55 And that involved loosing your patience completely
11:59 and flying off into a raging anger at somebody
12:04 who crossed your will.
12:06 Maybe they're involved loosing patience
12:08 and becoming very angry with one of your children,
12:11 or with your spouse.
12:13 Maybe a bad for you is when you found yourself
12:15 in a very sticky situation, and it seemed to you
12:19 that the only way out was to compromise the truth
12:22 and to sacrifice the integrity of your character,
12:25 and begin lying your way out of a situation.
12:29 Whatever the case maybe,
12:31 just imagine whatever your particular weaknesses
12:33 are that you've had a really bad day.
12:38 And now the day is at end
12:39 and you go home and you close your eyes,
12:42 and you're feeling really guilty and bad.
12:44 We've all felt those feelings of guilt at times doing things
12:48 that we felt like we should not have done.
12:51 And let's just say in those feelings of guilt
12:53 and in that failure that you experience
12:56 yielding to temptation.
12:59 You're fed up with having such days.
13:01 You're fed with yielding to temptation.
13:03 And so you offer up a prayer like this.
13:05 You say Lord, I'm so tired of my failures.
13:08 I'm so tired of my weaknesses.
13:10 Lord, please right now, right now
13:13 perform a miracle upon me before I go to sleep.
13:17 So that when I wake up in the morning Lord,
13:19 I want to wake up perfect,
13:23 absolutely completely perfect, morally perfect.
13:28 Perfect in my character. Perfect in my attitude.
13:31 Perfect in all my behavior.
13:33 Lord, snap Your fingers,
13:35 or turn some screws in my head.
13:37 Wave Your hand over me,
13:38 or speak a word, do something Lord,
13:40 but please perform a miracle while I'm sleeping,
13:43 so that I'll be perfect.
13:45 Now how many of you would pray a prayer like that, I wonder.
13:48 Okay, there are two people that would pray for perfection
13:52 by means of a miracle while they're sleeping.
13:55 Now how many of you would actually expect
13:58 to wake up perfect after praying
14:01 that prayer never again to struggle with temptation.
14:04 Can I see the same hands, no, I didn't think so.
14:08 Now why is it that you don't think that,
14:11 that kind of prayer would be answered?
14:13 Where you may not be able to write
14:15 on the spur of the moment to put into words,
14:17 but I'm gonna try for you.
14:20 I think it's because intuitively
14:22 we know that God will not bypass our freedom of choice,
14:29 our freedom of will to make us into something
14:34 that we do not choose in our freedom
14:36 to be in the heat of the moment of temptation.
14:40 In other words, God is going out of his way at all times
14:45 as we learned in the previous time together two days ago.
14:49 God is in the business
14:51 of honoring human freedom, isn't He?
14:55 And why did we learn that God is interested
14:58 in honoring and preserving our freedom.
15:01 Well, because God is aiming for something higher,
15:06 something better, something more beautiful
15:08 and substantial than merely
15:11 to get our outward behavior under control, isn't He?
15:16 He is aiming for something higher
15:17 and what did we learn in our previous time together,
15:20 those of you who may have been here.
15:21 What did we learn?
15:23 What is God really aiming for in your life and mine?
15:27 And it's not just control on a behavioral level,
15:31 because it's possible to have a person
15:34 under control behaviorally,
15:37 and yet not to have the loyalty, and trust,
15:40 and love of that person's heart.
15:42 So we learn that God is actually aiming,
15:46 not merely for control of our behavior,
15:49 but that God is aiming for a love relationship with us,
15:54 not a control relationship, but a love relationship.
15:59 And love can only be rendered in freedom, isn't that right?
16:04 Your wife will not love you,
16:06 because she had better
16:08 or you're going to inflict pain upon her.
16:13 Your husband will not love you,
16:15 because he has to, or else buddy,
16:19 you're going to get it. No.
16:22 Love cannot be manipulated. Love cannot be forced.
16:26 You can't coarse a person to love you.
16:29 You can control a person's behavior, can't you with force.
16:36 But then the relationship would be more like slavery,
16:39 wouldn't that. It wouldn't be friendship.
16:42 You certainly wouldn't call it marriage.
16:45 There is no relationship whatsoever of substance
16:49 when a person's behavior is controlled against their will,
16:53 which by the way brings us
16:55 to the second kind of power in the Bible.
16:58 Now, we said there are three kinds of power in scripture.
17:01 The first kind of power is what we've called miraculous power.
17:05 That's when God performs a miracle to do something
17:09 that human beings cannot participate in.
17:13 God does it by His power suspending the laws of nature,
17:17 overriding the laws of nature to cause something to happen
17:21 that would not otherwise occur, that's a miracle.
17:24 But there is a second kind of power,
17:26 and that is what we might call looking at the Bible,
17:29 that is what we might call
17:31 authoritative power or sovereign power.
17:34 Now, you've all heard that phrase,
17:36 haven't you, the sovereignty of God.
17:39 What does sovereignty mean?
17:41 Sovereignty is the word
17:44 that defines a particular kind of power.
17:47 It's the power of authority.
17:50 A nation enjoys sovereignty over its citizens
17:55 and does not enjoy sovereignty
17:58 over the citizen of other nations.
18:01 Sovereignty is the power of authority.
18:05 And we all know that God is definitely sovereign.
18:09 He has a great deal of authoritative
18:12 kind of power, doesn't He?
18:15 God wanted to for example,
18:17 He can just pull rank on us to use a military term.
18:20 And what does it mean to pull rank.
18:23 It means to call the attention of the people
18:27 that you're dealing with,
18:28 to the fact that in your rank, you're what? Above them.
18:35 And that they are under obligation
18:38 whether they want to or not to comply,
18:42 to yield to your authority, to your rank,
18:45 to your sovereignty over them.
18:48 Now, God is powerful, there is no doubt about it.
18:50 And if He wanted to, if it was in His heart
18:53 and in His character to do so, God can just pull rank.
18:57 He can simply come to you and me right now
19:00 in dazzling brightness and in the majesty
19:03 of some kind of physical appearance.
19:07 And He could simply command us into subjection
19:11 to His will by the sheer authority of His power as God.
19:16 He can say listen, I'm God, and you are not.
19:19 This is My universe, this is My world,
19:21 I'm bigger than you, I'm more powerful than you are.
19:24 I could cause you harm if I wanted to.
19:27 You're My creation
19:30 and you're subject to My authority basic arrangement,
19:35 you do what I say or else.
19:39 That would be pulling rank on God's part,
19:41 to communicate with us in such a way as to demand
19:46 or to command our compliance
19:48 with His will purely on the basis
19:52 of His authority over us and His ability to do us harm.
19:57 This is the power of authority.
20:01 Now as I pointed out, God will not use miraculous power
20:07 for the salvation of our souls.
20:11 Likewise God, will not employ authoritative power
20:15 for the salvation of our souls,
20:18 because again God is not looking for mere
20:21 outward behavioral compliance.
20:25 Any more than the man in marrying a woman
20:28 or a woman in marrying a man
20:31 is looking for mere behavioral conformity
20:35 to the person's will in the relationship.
20:40 When we get married, we're not expecting a relationship
20:44 in which one person is the master
20:46 and the other person is the slave, are we.
20:49 Now often times that's what marriages look like.
20:52 But I don't think anybody goes into marriage
20:55 expecting there to be dominance
21:00 of one person over the other person,
21:02 that's not what people are looking for in marriage.
21:04 What are people looking for in a good marriage relationship?
21:10 Well, of course they're looking for mutual love, right,
21:13 mutual respect, an equality of heart,
21:18 and mind, and soul, that leads them
21:21 to have respect for one another
21:23 and to enjoy one another's company in freedom.
21:28 Now according to the Bible,
21:31 God is so great and so wonderful a person,
21:36 that even though He could force us
21:39 into subjection to His will,
21:42 because He happens to be more powerful than we are.
21:45 Even though He could force us, He chooses not to.
21:51 God chooses not to make us His slaves,
21:56 because He is aiming for something higher.
21:58 Well, what exactly is He aiming for?
22:01 From the Gospel of John, Chapter 15 and verse 15.
22:07 I want you to listen to these words that Jesus spoke,
22:11 the Son of God as He came to this world as our Savior.
22:14 He said to you and me
22:16 and to the disciples of that time,
22:18 He said, "No longer do I want you
22:21 to regard yourselves as My servants,
22:26 because the servant does not know what His master is doing,
22:31 but rather I want you
22:33 to perceive yourselves as My friends,
22:38 because everything that My Father has told me,
22:42 I've made known to you."
22:43 Now let's just distill that text into a simple statement.
22:48 Jesus simply says here,
22:50 "I don't want you to be my servants,
22:53 I want you rather to be my friends."
22:56 Now think about that for a moment.
22:58 What is the difference between slavery and friendship?
23:03 Well, there are number of differences, aren't there.
23:06 But if you were to just think
23:07 of the characteristics of the slavery,
23:09 what would some of those characteristics be?
23:12 Just feel free to shout out,
23:13 the first thing that comes to your mind, anybody.
23:16 What are some of the characteristics
23:18 of slavery, anybody? Bondage.
23:21 Bondage, that's the good one, what else?
23:24 What do you think of when you think of slavery?
23:26 What kind of relationship is it, what? Control.
23:29 Control, that's involved in slavery,
23:31 yes excellent, what else? Punishment.
23:34 Punishment, you do what I say, or else, right. What else?
23:41 What's the motivation for the slave?
23:45 Why does the slave do what the master tells him? Fear.
23:48 Fear, the key characteristic of a slave master relationship
23:53 is that of fear, of course.
23:56 The slave does what he is told to do,
23:59 because he'd better do it, or else.
24:03 And it's that fear that motivates the slave.
24:07 Now there are lot of people who do religion like that.
24:11 There are lot of branches of Christianity down
24:13 through history that has sort to govern people by fear.
24:19 In the Dark Ages, the people were told
24:22 that if they didn't give
24:23 a certain amount of money to the church,
24:26 then they would suffer a certain amount of years
24:29 in the burning flames of purgatory
24:31 with no way of escape,
24:33 unless their relatives on earth were to give more money.
24:37 Now if you were told
24:39 that you're going to burn for millions
24:41 and billions of years in the flames
24:45 of the place called purgatory.
24:47 Let me ask you a question?
24:50 Would you be careful
24:51 about maybe giving some money to the church
24:54 if you believe that idea?
24:55 If you believed that if you didn't give that money,
24:58 you would burn and be tortured,
25:00 how many of you would give some money.
25:03 Yeah, but let me ask you, what would be your motive.
25:06 Yeah, you would have such an ugly picture of God,
25:10 because God would basically be saying to you,
25:13 listen you do what I say or I'll torture you.
25:17 Now of course, that's going to arouse
25:19 some fear in the person's heart.
25:22 And so outwardly, that person will begin
25:25 complying, right outwardly.
25:28 But let me ask you another question?
25:29 Let me ask you this?
25:32 While the person is complying or cooperating
25:36 on a behavioral level governed by fear,
25:40 what's going on in that person's heart?
25:45 Well, there is fear of course.
25:47 But how does the person
25:48 who is governed by fear and the threat of harm.
25:52 How does that person feel toward
25:54 the one who is doing the threatening?
25:57 Yeah, vengeful, resentful,
26:00 even hateful, would you say, yeah.
26:03 When somebody is threatening to do you harm,
26:07 unless you comply with their will,
26:09 you're nothing more than a slave governed by fear.
26:14 Now Jesus said, I don't want you to be my slaves,
26:19 that is a very incredible thing for God to say to you and me.
26:25 It is so powerful for a person
26:27 who is greater than all of us to choose not to exercise
26:34 that kind of power and to give us the freedom
26:37 to serve Him from an entirely different motive.
26:40 Now let's explore what that motive might be.
26:43 Jesus said, "I don't want you to be my servants,
26:46 I want you rather to be my friends."
26:50 So call out the first thing that comes to your mind now,
26:53 loud and clear, so I can hear you,
26:54 because up on this stage
26:55 there is some distance between you and me.
26:57 So call out loud and clear.
26:59 What are some of the characteristics
27:01 of friendship that come to your mind?
27:04 What is friendship like?
27:06 Anyone.
27:09 Danny, if you have any friends.
27:11 You have some friends, don't you?
27:12 What are some of the characteristics
27:14 of friendship, what's it like? Trust.
27:17 Trust, excellent. What else? Concern.
27:20 Concern When you're someone's friend,
27:23 you're genuinely concern with their well-being, exactly.
27:27 Someone else, what do you think
27:29 of when you think of friendship? Encouragement.
27:31 Encouragement, and what did you say? Closeness.
27:34 Closeness, intimacy, excellent.
27:37 We're describing something entirely different now,
27:40 aren't we than slavery.
27:42 And whereas in slavery, the motivation for behavior,
27:47 the motivation for action is fear.
27:50 Let me ask you, in a friendship
27:52 what is the motivation for action? Love.
27:55 Love, that's right.
27:57 And so the contrast here that Jesus is drawing our attention
28:01 to is the contrast between fear and love.
28:05 It's the contrast between slavery versus friendship.
28:11 The friend does for his or her friend
28:16 whatever needs to be done, not out of fear of punishment,
28:21 but just out of love.
28:23 This is what Jesus meant
28:25 when He spoke of His own relationship
28:27 with His heavenly Father, and He said these words,
28:29 He said, "I do always those things that please God."
28:34 Isn't that interesting?
28:36 What is that sound like when someone says,
28:38 I want to do what pleases you, what does that sound like?
28:42 Is there some fear there? No.
28:46 It's there some bondage there? No.
28:50 Why is it, the person want to do
28:51 something to please another person?
28:55 Only out of love, right.
28:57 And that's what friendship is really like.
29:00 So Jesus, the Son of God, came all the way
29:02 from heaven to earth and tells you and me,
29:04 I don't want you to be My slaves,
29:07 I'd rather want you to be My friends.
29:10 Which brings us to the third kind of power in the Bible.
29:13 Now, let's just make sure we know where we're at.
29:16 What's the first kind of power we've talked about?
29:20 Somebody, miraculous power.
29:23 What's the second kind of power that we've talked about?
29:26 Authoritative power, sovereignty, okay.
29:31 But there's a third kind of power in the Bible.
29:33 And aren't you curious now what that third kind of power is?
29:37 Well, if you have a Bible, look at First Corinthians,
29:40 Chapter 1 and verse 18.
29:41 And if you don't have a Bible, that's fine.
29:43 It's a short verse, I'll just read it to you,
29:45 and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
29:48 There's a whole different kind of power
29:51 from the Bible's perspective.
29:54 It's in First Corinthians, Chapter 1 and verse 18,
29:58 and I want you to particularly notice the word 'power' here.
30:02 It says, "The message of the cross is to those
30:06 who are perishing foolishness,
30:09 but to those who are being saved the message
30:13 of the cross is the power of God."
30:17 Isn't that something?
30:18 So what is the power of God in this text?
30:23 The message of the cross.
30:25 Well, what is the message of the cross?
30:27 When you look to the Cross of Calvary
30:29 and you see the Son of God,
30:32 Jesus Christ dying on the cross for you and for me.
30:36 What is the message that we get from that cross?
30:40 What does it say to you and me?
30:44 I want you to notice one more text with me.
30:46 It's in Romans, Chapter 5 and verse 8.
30:51 Words could not be clearer than this.
30:55 It says, "That at the cross
30:57 God demonstrates His love for us
31:02 in that while we were still sinner Christ died for us."
31:06 Isn't that incredible.
31:08 So according to this text,
31:10 what does Paul say is demonstrated
31:11 with the Cross of Christ.
31:13 God's love, that's right.
31:15 Well, what is God's love?
31:17 Another text that comes to mind
31:19 is probably the most popular Bible verse,
31:24 most quoted Bible verse in all of history,
31:27 John 3:16. "For God so loved the world
31:31 that He gave His only begotten Son,
31:34 that who ever believes in Him will not perish,
31:37 but have everlasting life.
31:39 So again that text defines what happens at the cross
31:44 as a demonstration of God's love.
31:47 And what is love according to that text?
31:50 For God so loved that He, what's that word? Gave.
31:54 So to love means to give, doesn't it.
31:58 It means to give off yourself for the others
32:03 that you love so much. Love means to give.
32:06 In First Corinthians 13 and verses 7 and 8,
32:10 the Apostle Paul, defines love this way.
32:13 He says, "Love does not seek its own."
32:17 See, that's a great biblical definition of love.
32:20 What is love? Love is selflessness.
32:24 Love is other centeredness.
32:26 Love is when you do something for others,
32:32 for their well-being,
32:33 their happiness above your own concerns.
32:38 And God manifested the ultimate demonstration of love,
32:44 by not giving wealth, or substance,
32:47 or money, or material things.
32:50 God didn't give stuff for you and me.
32:54 God didn't give things for you and me.
32:58 God gave His life in the person of Jesus Christ.
33:03 That was the ultimate sacrifice.
33:06 Not the sacrifice of things, but the sacrifice of self.
33:10 And so Hebrews Chapter 9 and verses 26 and 27 says
33:15 "That Jesus saves us by the sacrifice of Himself."
33:20 Those are the words.
33:23 What happened at the cross then?
33:26 At the Cross of Calvary,
33:27 we witness the most amazing spectacle in all of history.
33:32 We witness the person who occupies the highest place
33:36 in all the universe, stepping down from that highest place,
33:42 not to force us by His authority,
33:46 but to win us by His love.
33:49 To preserve our freedom,
33:51 to preserve the dignity of our free choice.
33:55 And to give us the opportunity
33:58 in that freedom to say yes or no to Him.
34:02 To say, yes or no to His love.
34:05 To say, yes or no to His salvation.
34:09 And so in the person of Jesus Christ,
34:12 we experience and we witness
34:14 a great release of power on God's part.
34:19 As Paul says, "The message of the cross is the power of God."
34:25 Well, in what sense is the cross the power of God?
34:28 Think about it with me for a moment.
34:30 We talked about miraculous power.
34:33 We talked about authoritative power.
34:36 What so powerful about love?
34:39 Well, I'll tell you what's so powerful about love.
34:42 The power of love is that it influences
34:47 the object of its passion and its concern.
34:52 It influences that person
34:54 to reciprocate and return that love.
34:58 I'll give a text on that.
35:00 First John Chapter 4 and verse 19 says,
35:02 "We love Him, because" And what's the because?
35:08 "Because he first loved us."
35:10 So who did the loving first? God loved us first.
35:16 He took the initiative.
35:17 He stepped forward and sacrificed His own life
35:22 in order to prove to you and me
35:25 that He loves you and me above Himself.
35:29 And when God in Christ gave His life to demonstrate His love.
35:35 When we see that love demonstrated at the cross,
35:39 it exerts its influence on our heart.
35:42 It doesn't make slaves out of us.
35:44 It makes friends out of us.
35:46 Some of you are involved in relationships in this life
35:50 and you know that the only way
35:53 for those relationships to be all that you want them
35:56 to be is for you to give due space to the freedom
36:01 of the other person involved
36:04 and you will notice over and over again
36:06 that if you want someone else to love you,
36:11 the best way to do it is not try to manipulate their love.
36:15 You certainly can't force their love.
36:18 You can't trick them into loving you.
36:21 You can't bet them, or arm wrestle them into loving you.
36:26 You can't make a deal
36:28 to extract love from people, can you?
36:32 If you want someone else to love you,
36:34 you can't force it, you can't manipulate it.
36:37 The only way that you can ever arouse love
36:41 in someone else's heart for you is to do what?
36:45 To love them, that's right.
36:47 To just love them with selfless abandon
36:50 with no concern for yourself.
36:53 And as you love others guess what happens?
36:57 Jesus said, in Luke Chapter 6 and verse 38,
37:00 "Give" and do you know the rest of the verse.
37:04 Yeah, you knew it.
37:06 "Give and it shall be given unto you."
37:09 That is the principle of the universe.
37:12 That is the foundational rule of life.
37:15 Give and it shall be given unto you.
37:19 And the opposite holds true as well.
37:21 Take and it shall be taken from you.
37:26 But God is working on the principle of love.
37:30 And the principle of love says,
37:32 I'm going to give myself to you,
37:34 I'm going to give myself for you in totality
37:39 in order to awaken and arouse your love for me.
37:44 So the Bible says, we love God only for one reason.
37:47 Why do we ever love God? We don't love God,
37:49 because we've enough will power to love Him.
37:53 We don't love God, because of a sense of obligation
37:56 that we'd better love Him, or we're going to suffer pain.
38:01 We only love God according to First John 4:19,
38:04 we only ever loved God for one reason.
38:07 We love Him, because He what? First loved us.
38:14 So the text implies that what is needed is for you and me
38:19 to see God's love, to believe in God's love,
38:24 demonstrated in Christ at Calvary.
38:26 And once we see and receive God's love,
38:29 it awakens God's love in our hearts
38:32 and that love becomes a powerful influence
38:35 working deep within us,
38:38 to bring us into friendship and loyalty with God.
38:43 And He could have never brought us there by a miracle.
38:48 Because if God would have performed a miracle,
38:50 while you and I are sleeping and must wake up
38:54 different people than we were before,
38:58 well, He would not have by that miracle
39:00 really gained our hearts.
39:02 We would be mere robots,
39:04 preprogrammed to act and behave in a certain way,
39:07 whether we want to or not. There's no love in that.
39:11 If God were to pull rank and exercise authority,
39:15 there would be no love in that, no friendship.
39:19 So what has God done?
39:21 He send Jesus from heaven to earth
39:23 unlike any other religious ideology in the world.
39:28 True biblical Christianity stands out in the sense
39:32 that all the religions of the world
39:35 basically say in way or another,
39:38 you need to take the initiative mister.
39:40 You need to take the initiative ma' am.
39:43 Get your act together, do what's right.
39:46 Live a good clean moral life.
39:48 Do what's right and then if you repent of your sins.
39:51 If you do what's right.
39:52 If you live good and clean,
39:54 then God will love and accept you,
39:56 and you will be saved.
39:58 Christianity stands out distinct and says,
40:01 while you are yet in your sins, unclean,
40:06 morally filthy, powerless to do anything about your sins.
40:11 That while we're still in our sins,
40:14 God already loves us.
40:17 And He stepped out of Himself and in the person
40:20 of Jesus Christ, He gave His life.
40:22 Not once we got our act together.
40:25 Not after we lived a good clean moral life.
40:29 Not after we did any good thing at all.
40:33 But while we were yet in our sins,
40:36 God demonstrated His love toward us,
40:39 by sending Jesus to die on the cross and giving His life.
40:42 And that my friends, is the most incredible thing
40:46 that you will ever believe
40:48 if by faith you can bring your heart to believe it.
40:51 It is the most astounding thing that you could ever imagine
40:56 God to do, to not require anything in advance.
41:03 But to give everything of Himself to the point
41:06 of giving His life in order to demonstrate
41:08 that He loves you and me.
41:09 Now that's powerful. And when you believe it,
41:12 you begin to sense that power
41:15 up surging deep from within you,
41:18 from an unknown spring, from a secret source
41:21 that you never knew it was there,
41:22 you begin to sense God's power moving in your life,
41:25 because now you're not motivated by fear.
41:29 You're not doing religious duties
41:31 in order to make sure you get to heaven,
41:35 but you're serving God out of a heart of love,
41:39 not because you have to, but because you want to.
41:42 And I'll tell you the whole quality of your life elevates
41:46 when you're serving God, not because you have to,
41:49 but because you want to, because you love Him,
41:53 because He first loved you.
41:54 It makes all the difference in the world in that perspective.
41:58 And so I leave you with a statement by the theologian
42:03 of many hundreds of years ago.
42:05 A theologian who is popular in some circles
42:08 and very unpopular in other circles,
42:11 his name was Augustine.
42:14 And Augustine promoted some theological ideas
42:17 that were good, and he promoted
42:19 some theological ideas that were bad.
42:20 And I want you to make a guess, just out of your opinion,
42:24 I'm going to tell you
42:26 one of the theological ideas of Augustine,
42:29 and I want you to tell me
42:30 whether you think its true or false, okay.
42:32 Just one sentence, Augustine said,
42:35 love God and do as you please.
42:40 What do you think? How many of you like that idea,
42:42 and think that's good theology.
42:43 Love God and do as you please.
42:46 How many of you agree? There are three, okay.
42:50 Out of this many people only three.
42:52 Okay, how many of you hate that idea.
42:54 You think that's bad theology,
42:55 love God and do as you please, no way.
42:58 How many of you are not committing
43:00 right now, you're neutral.
43:01 Okay, there are some neutrals.
43:05 Augustine said, love God and do as you please.
43:08 Now think about it for a moment.
43:09 There's one way or two ways you can look at that statement,
43:12 one of two ways you can process it.
43:14 You can emphasize the first part of the statement,
43:16 or you can emphasize the second part of the statement.
43:19 You can say, love God, and do as you please.
43:24 And the implication there is what?
43:26 That if you truly love God,
43:29 doing as you please will be doing as He pleases, right.
43:34 Or you can say, love God, whatever that means,
43:37 and do as you please and you can sin with gusto,
43:40 because God loves you.
43:43 Well, this is the way Augustine meant it.
43:45 Augustine meant it this way,
43:47 and I'll quote you another author
43:49 that some of you might be have,
43:50 a little bit more confidence in than Augustine.
43:53 From a book called Desire of Ages,
43:55 page 668, we read these words.
43:58 "All true obedience comes from the heart.
44:02 It was heart work with Christ.
44:05 And if we consent, He will so blend our hearts
44:09 and minds into conformity to His will,
44:12 that when obeying Him,
44:14 we shall be but carrying out our own impulses."
44:20 Well, that's pretty much what Augustine said,
44:23 love God and if you truly do partake of God's love.
44:28 If you see God's love for you at the Cross of Calvary,
44:31 and you drink that love in deeply
44:34 and allow to permeate
44:35 every aspect of your mind and your emotions.
44:38 If you take in God's love for you,
44:43 then a deep and radical change will occur.
44:47 And when that deep radical change occurs,
44:50 your new impulse, your new desire for be to please God.
44:54 To only ever do those things,
44:56 that would bring Him happiness and pleasure.
44:59 And so you can love God, and if you truly love God,
45:03 you're safe in doing as you please.
45:07 But it is never safe, as some of you caught on to,
45:12 to love God with a weak sentimental kind of love,
45:16 and then do as you please,
45:18 because then you will take advantage of that love
45:22 that you obviously do not have,
45:26 a biblical idea of and in doing as you please,
45:30 you will sin with gusto, with a shallow ideas of God's love.
45:33 But think about it friends.
45:35 If you truly know God's love for what it is,
45:39 it's a powerful influence,
45:41 and it will change the way you think,
45:44 the way you feel, and the way you live,
45:48 and you will be able to say with Jesus,
45:50 I do always those things that please God.
45:56 I want to invite you to consider
45:59 entering into that kind of relationship with God.
46:02 I want to invite you to right now
46:04 make a conscious decision to eject out of your mind,
46:10 out of your heart, out of your theological paradigm,
46:14 that you would eject out of your life every notion,
46:18 every picture, every concept of God
46:22 that would cause you to serve Him as a slave in fear.
46:26 And that you would embrace the picture of God
46:28 that we see in Jesus, that would invite you
46:32 in the freedom of your will to serve God as a friend.
46:37 That's my invitation to you as we just pause and pray.
46:41 I'm gonna give you just a few seconds of silence
46:45 to in your own heart in the privacy of your own soul
46:47 to reach out to God and say yes to Him, yes to His love.
46:51 Let's bow our heads.
47:00 Gracious Father in heaven,
47:04 we spent these few moments together
47:05 contemplating the glorious beauty of Your love.
47:10 Oh, God, please help us to see it
47:12 more and more clearly as the days go by.
47:14 Help us to see how deeply, how passionately,
47:18 how truly you do love us.
47:21 And help us to see that Your love
47:24 led You all the way to Calvary,
47:27 where Your very life was laid down in death,
47:31 so that we could have eternal life.
47:34 And father, may we in the sight of that beautiful sacrifice
47:41 in the full light of your love,
47:42 may we find our hearts reaching out
47:44 to you Lord in this very moment,
47:47 may we each one say yes to you
47:49 with all the energy and vigor of our hearts.
47:54 This is our prayer Lord, this is our desire,
47:56 in Jesus name, amen.
48:00 Again I want to invite you
48:01 that if you would like to deepen
48:03 your knowledge of Bible truth.
48:05 And most importantly deepen your relationship with God
48:09 as a person, and learn how to fall in love with God.
48:14 I want to point you to the Bible studies
48:15 that are available on the tables as you exit.
48:18 These Bible studies are absolutely free,
48:21 and they will be happy to make them available to you.
48:24 Just stop at one of these tables on your way out
48:26 and you will begin an incredible journey,
48:29 step by step free of charge,
48:31 just studying the Bible at your own pace.
48:33 So I want to encourage you to do that.
48:34 God bless and have a great day.


Revised 2014-12-17