3ABN On the Road

Go Forward

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000577

01:01 I mentioned last night, this friend of mine
01:02 wrote a song Aaron Wilbert,
01:04 went four days late and it says,
01:06 when the Lord appeared to be four days late,
01:09 He's still on time, when God seems like He's late,
01:11 He's still on time.
01:12 Because your timing can be mixed up
01:14 but it's not God's, right?
01:16 So the song is written about Lazarus,
01:18 though he came and was late, 'cause he was already dead
01:22 and they said, "Lord had you been here,
01:24 he would have not died."
01:25 But of course, he raised Lazarus from the tomb.
01:28 And so I believe that God's timing
01:30 is always perfect in our lives.
01:32 So this morning, about 6:30 I was saying,
01:36 Lord what is it that you want me to talk about today?"
01:38 'Cause I never really plan.
01:40 I'm not a preacher, nor a son of a preacher,
01:42 so I don't claim to be a preacher
01:43 but I get up and talk and give testimony
01:45 for what God has done for me,
01:47 and what He's doing here at 3ABN.
01:48 "Lord, what is it?"
01:50 And the Lord directed me to scripture
01:51 that I have been thinking about the last couple of weeks.
01:53 I want you too turn in your Bible's
01:55 to Exodus the 14th Chapter
01:57 and while I put on my $1.98 new pair of glasses here
02:03 and Exodus the 14:14 says,
02:09 "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall," do what?
02:12 "Hold your peace." Okay?
02:15 I give you just a movement to look it up Exodus 14:14,
02:19 "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
02:23 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me?
02:27 Speak unto the children of Israel,
02:29 that they" do what?
02:31 Say it louder.
02:33 "Go forward" all right.
02:34 So, the Lord, it says, "The LORD shall fight for you,
02:37 and ye shall hold your peace.
02:39 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me?
02:42 Speak unto the children of Israel,
02:44 that they go forward."
02:46 And this morning, I was reading that
02:48 and I got a phone call, a little after 6:30,
02:51 from a friend of mine name Mark Trammell,
02:52 Mark Trammell has the Mark Trammell trio.
02:54 He sang gospel music for years,
02:57 with The Cathedrals, The Kingman, Gold City Quartet.
03:01 And Mark and I, are friends and we call each other
03:03 and pray with each other from time to time
03:05 and I haven't heard from Mark in about five or six weeks
03:07 and this morning, just as I was studying this,
03:11 he called me and said, this morning as I got up,
03:15 I just, the Lord laid you on my heart
03:18 and I want to encourage you this morning,
03:20 he says, "Continue to go forward,
03:22 no matter what you're going through,
03:24 the Lord just said, you know, 'Confirm to Danny
03:26 that he should never compromise,
03:28 just always go forward,
03:29 don't worry about what's going on.'"
03:31 And I said, Mark I was just reading Exodus
03:33 and he goes, "No, 14:14, that's what the Lord called me,
03:37 woke me this morning and said call you
03:39 and give that scripture today."
03:41 Now, I'm standing here, now is that accident?
03:43 Or is that that divine providence?
03:45 All right, you're pretty quite.
03:46 I think it's divine providence, right?
03:48 So, the Lord was conforming
03:50 that we should be talking about.
03:51 That's why I said, I want to figure out this story
03:54 of what happened.
03:56 As you know, the children of children of Israel,
03:58 the children, now, when I'm talking about
04:00 I'm not just try to preach do this morning,
04:02 when I read in the Bible, I like to put myself.
04:04 How does this apply to me today?
04:07 If it's just a story that happened
04:08 a few thousands years ago, it could be interesting
04:11 but, it's, it's not that relevant to me.
04:13 I want to know, this in there the Bible's in here
04:15 for instruction, for reproof, for learning, for education,
04:18 for drawing us close to God.
04:20 So, what is it about this story of Moses
04:23 and the children of Israel, can I glean from that today,
04:26 that helps you and me and our walk with the Lord?
04:29 And, so as I begin to read this story,
04:32 we go back to where God is leading
04:35 the children of Israel, they get away from Pharaoh,
04:38 they're out, they begin to wonder around.
04:40 Now God could have taken them a direct way,
04:42 but He says that He wanted to take them
04:44 through this wilderness experience for a reason.
04:46 But God is directing him, and it says, and the Lord,
04:49 and of Exodus 13 verse 21, "And the Lord went before them
04:54 by day in a pillar of cloud and lead the way."
04:59 And it says, "And by night he was there
05:01 in a pillar of fire to give them light,
05:03 to go by day and night."
05:05 Now, "He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day,
05:08 nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people."
05:12 So now place yourself here,
05:14 you're suddenly out from Pharaoh's grasp,
05:18 you're out and you actually see God leading you.
05:22 Now that ought to be all that we need right?
05:24 If, if, if you're walking out side,
05:26 and you're going somewhere,
05:28 and you knew that God was leading you by day
05:30 and a pillar of a cloud, and by night a fire
05:33 that literally stayed there hovered over you,
05:35 led you exactly where He wanted you to go,
05:38 that ought to be all that we need, right?
05:40 Man, this is God. He cares for us.
05:43 Of all the universe He's looking down on us,
05:45 He's taking care of us, but you know what,
05:47 human nature does not allow that to happen.
05:50 Our human nature comes in, and boy, this is wonderful.
05:53 God is leading us but the first time
05:55 something goes wrong, "Oh, where is God?
05:58 What happened?
05:59 Oh, God, why are you letting this happen to me?
06:02 All these terrible things is happening.
06:03 I wonder if God really loves me.
06:05 I wonder if He even knows my name.
06:07 Does He even care about me?"
06:09 And what I want to talk to you today
06:10 is about living your life in faith
06:14 or in the spiritual rather than in the physical.
06:17 Because when we look at the physical around us,
06:20 Satan is the prince of this earth.
06:22 If we live our lives in the physical,
06:24 we're gonna take our eyes off of Jesus,
06:26 and we're gonna miss out on eternity forever.
06:29 The children of Israel, over and over and over,
06:32 you see that they would take their eyes off of God
06:34 and finally they would get this in big jam,
06:36 and then they would cry out to God.
06:38 "Oh, God, save us we're in trouble."
06:40 The good thing is, God would hear their voice,
06:43 when they were sincere and He would come back
06:45 and He would help them.
06:47 So I want to talk to you today about
06:49 when God is leading to listen by faith "Go forward,"
06:53 and what God said in His scripture was,
06:55 "Tell the children of Israel to go forward."
06:58 When we read on, verse 15, it says
07:01 "Tell the children of Israel to go forward."
07:03 Now here's an interesting thing God did.
07:05 And, I want you think about your own life right now.
07:08 The Lord told him to go, told Moses
07:10 to take the children of Israel.
07:12 Now get this, it's God speaking.
07:14 The creator of the universe says,
07:16 "Go down to the Red Sea.
07:18 Yes, there will be mountains on either side of you,
07:21 the wilderness is there.
07:22 But I want you to camp there."
07:24 So, they went and they camped,
07:27 because God let them,
07:28 the cloud by day, the fire at night.
07:30 So they're here camping
07:32 but the Lord allows Pharaoh's heart to be hardened
07:34 and Pharaoh says, "You know what?
07:37 I think I made a mistake.
07:38 I want to go get those children of Israel, all of them."
07:41 Tremendous group of them.
07:42 Let's go after them so he took 600 chariots,
07:45 took everything that he had
07:47 and said, "We're gonna go get these children of Israel."
07:49 So here they are camping, they're comfortable
07:52 because they know that God now is in charge.
07:55 All right? They should be.
07:57 But all of a sudden, they looked behind them
07:59 and Pharaoh's army is coming behind them.
08:01 Did they look up and said,
08:03 "Uh, huh, we're not the least bit concerned.
08:05 We have got it made because God brought us
08:08 here to this place and God is in charge
08:11 and we will make, and we will win this battle.
08:13 We're gonna let God fight our battle for us,
08:15 and we're just gonna hold our peace and see what God does."
08:18 Is that what they did? No.
08:20 They began to murmur. "Oh, no.
08:22 Pharaoh's army is behind us. We can't escape.
08:25 We can't go forward,
08:27 two million or how ever many of us,
08:28 we can't cross the Red Sea.
08:30 The mountains are on either side,
08:32 the wilderness is all around us.
08:34 We're in terrible trouble. What in the world can we do?"
08:37 And so, they begin to complain to Moses.
08:40 "Well, what's the matter?
08:42 Didn't they have enough space to bury us in Egypt?
08:45 So, let us come out here so they can kill us
08:47 and we'll all die, right out here?"
08:49 I mean, then they began to say to Moses,
08:51 before they were happy to follow God, see.
08:54 Okay.
08:55 The Lord is leading us, we want freedom.
08:57 Let's go.
08:58 They're following God, but now all of a sudden,
09:00 they come into trouble, and instead of saying,
09:03 it's all right, that clouds up there
09:05 still following us, that's God.
09:07 He's protecting us. What did they say?
09:09 "Oh, no well, there's not enough,
09:11 may be there wasn't enough graves.
09:13 And, Moses we told you, we would rather have stayed in,
09:17 in Egypt and serve the Egyptians
09:20 rather than to be out here for you to bring us
09:23 in this wilderness just to die."
09:26 Now what kind of faith is that?
09:27 That's not very much faith is it?
09:29 Does that remind you of me and you today?
09:32 Sometimes it does, folks.
09:33 Does it remind us of the church of God today?
09:36 See Jesus says, "Go forward."
09:38 But as the church and as the people,
09:40 we don't always want to go forward.
09:41 Why don't we want to go forward?
09:43 That's uncomfortable, right?
09:46 Sometimes it's easy just to stay in that little rut.
09:48 The rut is, as we say as a grave with two ends open.
09:51 Sometimes it's easy to stay in a rut,
09:54 and we get comfortable where we are.
09:56 If you heard a couple a weeks ago,
09:57 the Lord impressed me to,
09:59 to, give a little talk on coming out of the stall.
10:03 Talking about a horse
10:04 that we went to see, I went to visit.
10:06 And, they wanted this horse out of the stall,
10:08 but it had been born and reared in that stall,
10:11 had not been out of the stall for four years.
10:12 They couldn't get the horse out of the stall.
10:14 You could scare it, you could get in with it,
10:16 you could whip it, you could do anything you want.
10:18 They cut the whole wall out of the back of the stall
10:21 and the horse still wouldn't go out.
10:22 Now he was standing in all of this muck,
10:24 and all of this, his stall hadn't been cleaned,
10:27 it hadn't been taken care of
10:28 and yet, outside it was a hundred acres
10:31 of green pasture, a water, a fresh air, the sunshine.
10:34 But this horse stayed in that stall.
10:35 Why did he stay in that stall?
10:37 Because he didn't know anything else.
10:39 He was comfortable where he was.
10:41 And that's the way we are as a church today,
10:43 we get comfortable were we are when God says,
10:46 get out of this stall, go forward I have something
10:49 that I want you to do.
10:50 I want to lead you into the promise land.
10:52 Will you say amen to that?
10:54 God want's to lead us into the promise land,
10:57 but we suddenly say, "Oh, we can't do it."
11:00 What happened is, you see what happens is this.
11:04 The children of Israel did what God told them to do.
11:06 Moses took them, they camped in this particular spot
11:10 and so when Pharaoh heard about it,
11:12 he said, "Uh, huh, they're entangled,
11:15 they've got the Red Sea before them,
11:17 they've got mountains,
11:19 they've got the wilderness around them,
11:20 we can get them now.
11:21 Let's get to them.
11:23 We can, and they are in tangled."
11:25 And I want to tell you something today.
11:26 This is a lie of the devil because Satan wants to tell you
11:30 that you're entangled in sin.
11:32 Satan wants to tell you that whatever you're doing,
11:35 it's too late to turn back to Jesus.
11:37 And it's never too late.
11:39 No, matter what you've done, no matter what you're past is,
11:42 we think about our children,
11:43 will they ever turn back to God?
11:45 Our grandchildren, think about
11:47 husbands and wives, will they ever?
11:48 You know what? Yes, let's continue to pray.
11:51 Let's let God fight the battle.
11:53 Let's don't beat them over the heads
11:54 and say, "Look, you better be a Christian
11:56 or you're gonna burn in hell," right?
11:57 That's what some people do, and some preachers in churches,
12:00 "If you don't serve God, you're gonna burn in hell."
12:02 We forget to tell them about the love of God.
12:04 It's the love of God that draws us to Him,
12:07 not being concerned
12:08 about they're only serving God out of fear.
12:11 You agree with that?
12:12 Lot of the networks, I'm thankful that
12:13 doesn't happen on 3ABN.
12:15 But I've heard religious networks
12:16 put so much emphasis on a God torturing people
12:19 forever and ever and ever and ever.
12:21 So you better serve Him.
12:23 Well, when we serve Him, it's only in the eye of flesh,
12:25 because it's not because we've experienced a love
12:28 and I'd rather--
12:30 And I'm happy that the folks at 3ABN,
12:32 the pastors are saying, "We love God and we serve God
12:35 because He first loved us."
12:37 So, what happens is Satan tries to tell you
12:40 there is no way out,
12:41 this is the end, God has led you a stray."
12:44 And all of a sudden, what is it that we can do?
12:47 We're in the jam we can't get out.
12:48 I want to tell you little story.
12:50 Last week, a week ago today, I was in Trinidad
12:54 and there was 10,000 people there at the meetings,
12:57 festival of lady it was a great meeting
12:59 and I was speaking at the meetings
13:01 and so they had me in little area back to the side
13:04 because so many people there to watch,
13:05 it was hard to, people kept coming up.
13:07 We didn't want to interrupt the service
13:09 so I was kind off to side,
13:10 but a few people would go around the room
13:12 and say, "I just want to let you know,
13:14 we watch 3ABN, we love 3ABN."
13:16 A young man came over and he said,
13:18 "Mr. Shelton, I just want to tell you,
13:21 I want to thank you, for 3ABN."
13:23 And he said, "I watch 3ABN,
13:25 and it's really helped me a lot."
13:27 And I said, "Well, good, praise the Lord."
13:28 I'm happy to hear those reports.
13:30 I hear them all around the world.
13:31 He walked away.
13:33 About five minutes later, he came back
13:36 and he said, "Mr. Shelton, excuse me, one more time.
13:38 I was trying to get my little talk together,
13:40 and he said, "Excuse me, one more time,
13:42 but I didn't tell you, that if weren't for 3ABN,
13:45 I would be dead right now."
13:48 And, I said, that's interesting.
13:49 He said, "Maybe I can tell you sometime."
13:51 I said, "I want to hear right now.
13:53 I want to hear how you would be dead."
13:54 Twenty year old tall, young strong man from Trinidad.
13:58 "How would you be dead?"
13:59 He said, "Well, I'm gonna tell you,
14:00 I was not a Christian, I was not a Christian.
14:05 I was not an Adventist"
14:06 I think he said his grandmother was Adventist.
14:09 But he said, "I was out in the world.
14:10 I was doing everything,
14:12 drugs, alcohol, I was ruining my life."
14:14 He's approximately I didn't ask him,
14:15 he looks like he's what he's told me
14:18 approximately 20 years old.
14:20 He said, "Everything had gone bad for me.
14:22 One night I got into a huge fight with my mother.
14:25 And so I left, I left and I went uptown.
14:29 My mother ended up finding me, brought me back to the house.
14:32 So I went in my room, I sat down,
14:34 I shut all the lights off,
14:35 and I began to contemplate my life.
14:38 And what it meant to me. And what value was it.
14:41 I came to the conclusion,
14:43 there is no value for me to live.
14:45 No reason for me to live. Satan had entangled me."
14:48 Remember what Pharaoh said, "Uh, huh.
14:50 We can go, get those folk,
14:51 we can get the children of Israel
14:53 because they are entangled.
14:54 The Red Sea is in front of them,
14:55 the mountains on either side, the wilderness,
14:57 they cannot get away from us.
14:59 We'll bring all of our chariots, all of our army.
15:01 We will catch up.
15:04 We will catch up with the children of Israel."
15:06 Now this young man, Satan is saying to him,
15:09 "you're entangled, you're in sin.
15:11 The mountains are on the sides of you.
15:14 The Red Sea is in front of you.
15:15 You can't get out of the grasp of sin,
15:17 so let's end you life.
15:19 So he said, "I finally decided I'm gonna kill my self.
15:23 As I decided for sure to kill my self,"
15:26 he said, "I started to get up,
15:29 and as I got up my remote, it was dark,
15:32 but the remote to the television fell on the floor."
15:35 I don't know if knocked it off, if an angle knocked it off
15:37 but the remote to the television,"
15:39 this was this past year.
15:41 "Fell off in the floor."
15:42 He said, "For some reason, here I'm gonna kill myself
15:46 but I bothered to reach down and pick up the remote.
15:49 As I did, I found...
15:51 Felt compelled to turn on the television.
15:56 When I turned on the television set,
15:59 immediately as I turned it on, a man named Mark Finley was on.
16:05 He was at 3ABN, was being interviewed.
16:07 He and I was doing, Mark and I was doing
16:09 a live Thursday night calling.
16:11 He said, "Immediately on the screen, Mark Finley,
16:14 did like this with his hands,
16:16 and he said, 'If you're contemplating suicide, don't.
16:20 There is hope for you Jesus loves you.'"
16:23 Now you can call that coincidence if you want, folks.
16:26 But, here's the man that says, "Life is not worth it.
16:30 He's listing to Satan's lie."
16:31 The lie is, folks, that you're entangled.
16:34 You're entangled in a web of sin,
16:37 and there is no escape for it, there is no hope for you.
16:41 Yes, I've seen God work in the past
16:43 and yes, He's done some great things
16:45 but, where is He today when I need him.
16:47 See that's the trouble with this.
16:49 Satan wants us to look back to the past and he wants...
16:53 God says, "Go forward."
16:55 He doesn't say, "Go back, go back, look behind you."
16:58 Satan wants you to look back because he wants you to say,
17:02 "Well, look this happened and that happened.
17:04 Don't look ahead, don't look to Jesus,
17:06 look anywhere but Jesus,
17:07 look at the mountains on either side of you.
17:10 Look at the Red Sea in front of you,
17:11 look at Pharaoh's army behind you."
17:14 That's what Satan's all about.
17:15 He's wanting to keep your eyes off of Jesus.
17:18 But, Jesus says, "Go forward,
17:20 because in front of you is the promise land.
17:22 There is hope and there is salvation for you today."
17:25 Isn't that a wonderful promise that God wants to give us?
17:28 So, the young man says,
17:29 "As immediately, as I flipped on the television,
17:32 Mark Finley throws his out and says,
17:35 'If you're contemplating suicide,
17:37 don't do it, don't do it."
17:40 He said, "Immediately I was so shocked by that,
17:43 I sat down and I began to watch the program,
17:46 I gave my life to Jesus right there
17:48 because I knew that could not be an accident."
17:51 Now let me tell you the story, the rest of the story.
17:55 Is it's Paul Harvey? Is he the one who says that?
17:56 Let me tell you, there's somebody,
17:58 "let me tell you the rest of the story."
18:00 The rest of the story is this, I came home Sunday night
18:03 and Tuesday morning we have a worship
18:05 for everybody at 3ABN.
18:07 It's about 135 employees right there.
18:09 So we all get together now on Tuesday mornings
18:12 and so we're together and I'm telling them
18:15 the story in my production crew says to me,
18:17 "Don't you remember what happened that night?"
18:20 I said, "No, what happened?"
18:21 They said, "That was just past year,
18:23 and when Mark Finley,"
18:25 we have lights, big lights up that are around,
18:28 of course, to light the studio.
18:30 When Mark Finley said, "Someone had called in
18:32 and said, what about suicide.
18:34 Can you commit suicide and to go heaven?"
18:37 Some people say you can't,
18:38 some say that's the unpardonable sin.
18:40 "And that's when Mark said,
18:42 'If you're contemplating suicide,'
18:43 he looked right into the camera 'don't.'
18:45 As he said it, one of our big lights burst.
18:48 And literally went out and burst."
18:50 Well, fortunately, that glass is very, very hot
18:53 and if the glass was to fly out could have burned us,
18:56 or burned the production crew, could have burned somebody.
18:59 Satan was angry.
19:01 Satan knew what was happening when Mark said it,
19:03 Satan has just told this man, "You're life is no good,
19:07 you have no value, you need to be dead,
19:10 there is no reason to live.
19:11 You're entangled in sin."
19:13 Just like Pharaoh said, "The children of Israel
19:15 are entangled in sin."
19:17 You're, you are done for,
19:19 all of a sudden I believe in angel,
19:21 I believe in angel.
19:23 It is the one that knocked out that remote off,
19:24 And now weather he did it through him and moved his arm.
19:26 He said, "I don't know how the remote
19:27 fell on the floor.
19:29 I picked it up, but felt compelled."
19:31 Isn't that amazing?
19:33 He said, "I felt compelled to turn on the television."
19:35 Now if you're getting ready to kill yourself,
19:37 you're gonna probably not gonna be turning on
19:39 and watching "I Love Lucy," right?
19:41 That's probably, I don't know I've never tried that,
19:43 I don't know, I don't think that would happen.
19:46 I mean, you reason with me, be logical.
19:48 Reason with me so, hey wasn't saying
19:50 "Well, let me just flip on and look to channels,
19:52 then I'll kill myself."
19:54 The man said, "I don't know why"
19:56 now I have this on video.
19:57 We'll be showing it on 3ABN, 'cause I want you to hear
20:00 from his own lips, they video taped it.
20:02 And I'm asking him to send me a copy of this,
20:04 because at the meetings I started to tell the story,
20:07 later in the afternoon.
20:08 I said, "If that young man is still here, come forward."
20:10 And he came forward, and I said,
20:12 I want you to tell your own story.
20:13 But I believe in whatever God orchestrated
20:16 because Jesus gave his son that not one should perish
20:20 but all should have everlasting lives.
20:22 Can you say amen to that?
20:24 So this young man, ready to kill himself,
20:26 the remote falls in the floor, gets his attention,
20:29 picks it up, feels compelled to turn it on.
20:32 Mark Finley is looking at that second.
20:35 This man is not in the studio.
20:36 Mark doesn't know this man exists.
20:39 He's by himself in a darkroom,
20:40 at that second he looks into the camera
20:42 and says, "If you're contemplating suicide, don't.
20:45 And I want to say that to you today.
20:46 If you're just turning on here
20:48 and you're contemplating suicide, don't.
20:50 The devil is lying to you.
20:51 You're not entangled in a web that's so bad
20:54 that's you can't get out of it, in a prison of sin,
20:57 because there is no sin so big that God can't forgive it.
21:00 Amen, to that?
21:02 There's no, that's good preaching
21:03 and I'm not even a preacher.
21:05 That's a good preaching, I'm not even a preacher.
21:06 There is no sin so big that God can't forgive it,
21:09 isn't that true?
21:10 There is no problem so small that God doesn't hear it.
21:13 So, folks, we don't have to be entangled.
21:16 The children of Israel, because they continued
21:18 to look in the flesh rather than in the spiritual.
21:21 That's why God says, "We need to live by faith."
21:24 Faith is a what?
21:25 The evidence, "substance of things hoped for,
21:27 the evidence of things not seen."
21:30 Today, you and me cannot make it in this life
21:32 unless we learn to live in the spiritual realm.
21:35 Now people say to me,
21:36 "How do you live in a spiritual realm?"
21:38 And I said, "Well, I can't tell you about everybody else,
21:41 but I can tell you what helps me.
21:43 Because I'm a controversial person for one thing.
21:47 When you watch me on television,
21:49 people write in, they usually either love me or hate me.
21:51 It's not like, "Oh, he's okay."
21:53 Usually people hate what we do, they hate 3ABN,
21:56 or they love 3ABN.
21:57 And sometimes they feel the same way about me.
22:00 What I say, is some people write
22:01 and say, "Oh, Danny, you should say more.
22:04 You have the most beautiful voice
22:05 we've ever heard.
22:07 We just love your singing."
22:08 The very next letter says, "Your singing is terrible.
22:11 I wish you wouldn't sing anymore."
22:14 One man, one man wrote me, some of you heard me
22:16 say wrote me a letter
22:17 and he said, "Danny, yours, I want to compliment you.
22:19 You're singing is improving.
22:20 You used to sound like a lost donkey braying in a cornfield.
22:25 So you are improving a little bit."
22:27 Now that'll do a lot for you, won't it?
22:29 Some people will tell you, they don't like how you dress.
22:32 They don't like your hair. Hey, I don't like my hair.
22:34 I did, just dyed I got to a little bit, right?
22:37 I don't, I'm not going to argue about that.
22:39 So people don't like, so how do you,
22:40 how do you keep going when you get thousands
22:43 of letters a month and everybody tells you
22:45 you're too fat, some says, you're too skinny.
22:47 Some says you're too short, and others don't know.
22:49 They have all of these things. What do you do?
22:52 You have to remove yourself from that.
22:55 When this person that wrote that,
22:56 would you believe, in that letter
22:58 where, there he said, "I sound like a lost donkey
23:00 you braying in a cornfield."
23:01 There was a check for $10,000.
23:05 So I got on the air and said, "Anybody else
23:07 who wants to say anything bad about my singing,
23:09 feel free to do it, just put in a little money.
23:11 And it'll help.
23:13 It'll help the wounds a little bit.
23:14 All right, when you do that.
23:15 So that say anything you want to about me,
23:17 but what we have to do, folks, is remove our self,
23:21 because it's not about us.
23:23 If we get to thinking it's about us,
23:25 we will put, our eyes will be on the flesh.
23:28 And, suddenly we'll be trying to be people pleasers.
23:30 Suddenly we'll do what people want us to do
23:33 because our circumstances dictate
23:35 that we do what people want us to do.
23:37 When people write me and say,
23:38 "If you put on those Revelations seminars again,
23:41 I'll never support you again."
23:43 You know, I have to say that, "So what?"
23:47 "So what?"
23:49 That, I'm not being cocky about that.
23:50 I'm just saying you, "So what?"
23:51 The Lord impressed me to build a television station
23:54 that would reach the world with an undiluted
23:56 Three Angels' messages,
23:58 one that would counteract the counterfeit.
23:59 Now do you think in an undiluted
24:02 Three Angels' messages to the world,
24:03 we ought to have Revelation seminars on?
24:06 Yeah. Of course, we should.
24:07 So even if a thousand people wrote and said,
24:09 "I can't stand these Revelations seminars.
24:12 You've got to take them off."
24:13 You think we can listen to that?
24:14 No.
24:16 What if they say, "I can't stand you?"
24:17 You know what?
24:18 I can't help that, I can't help that.
24:21 All I have to do and all I know to do is to go forward.
24:25 And don't worry about what people say
24:26 and what they think.
24:28 When you look in the eye of faith,
24:29 first of all, you put the emphasis on the message.
24:32 3ABN is not about Danny Shelton,
24:34 it's not about, John Lomacang, it's not about Mark Finley.
24:37 3ABN is about God's message, an end time's message
24:40 to an end time's people in planet earth,
24:43 for the closing moments of earth's history Am I right?
24:44 Amen.
24:46 It's the message that the whole world needs to hear,
24:48 because Jesus is not waiting.
24:50 We're not waiting on Jesus to come back.
24:53 He's waiting on His people to perfect His character
24:56 within our lives.
24:57 So that He can come back for a purified bride,
24:59 a purified church, Am I right?
25:01 So if that's the case, folks,
25:03 let's don't worry about ourselves.
25:06 Let's continue to look why are we here?
25:08 Very simple to me, why am I here on planet earth?
25:12 So, that I can be somebody important,
25:13 so, that I can impress somebody, so, that I no.
25:16 I'm here for one reason
25:17 and that's to be a channel of blessing
25:19 to those who don't know about Jesus Christ.
25:22 Now, if I can keep things in that perspective
25:24 and you can keep things in that perspective,
25:26 you are here not so you can be just a doctor,
25:29 a lawyer, a professional so that you can be a teacher
25:32 so, that if you understand
25:34 that the reason you're a doctor, a lawyer,
25:36 a business professional or whatever
25:38 is so that you have contact with people
25:40 who need to hear about Jesus.
25:41 Then you have things in the right perspective.
25:43 That makes us witnesses
25:45 and Jesus says, "Go ye," how far?
25:47 "Into all the world preaching the gospel to every nation,
25:50 kindred, tongue and people."
25:52 I want to tell you something.
25:54 This young man, that Satan lied to him
25:57 and said, "You're no good.
25:58 Your life is not valuable for anyone kill yourself now."
26:02 This young man told me today, I'm a set with my hand up.
26:06 He's as enrolled in the Seminary
26:08 of the Seventh Day Adventist institution in Trinidad.
26:10 He wants to be a preacher of the gospel for Jesus.
26:13 Now, how does that make Satan look?
26:15 It makes him look like the liar and the loser that he is.
26:18 Because, he came and said, "You're entangled in a web."
26:21 The children of Israel, they are right here.
26:23 God is leading them.
26:25 And they're right here ready to go forward
26:26 but they say "Oh, no, have mercy on us".
26:29 And I love what God said to Moses.
26:31 What God said to Moses in verse 15,
26:34 I'm gonna paraphrase this just a little bit
26:36 but he said, "Moses, quit coming and whining.
26:39 Why are you crying all the time?
26:41 Why are your people crying?
26:43 Am I not the God who is leading you?
26:45 I'm the cloud by day, I'm the fire by night."
26:47 It is not what it says?
26:49 Read verse 15 and the Lord said to Moses,
26:51 "Wherefore criest thou unto me.
26:54 Speak unto the children, and tell them," to do what?
26:57 Quit? Tell them to quit?
26:59 Tell them they're not worth anything?
27:00 Well, it looks like, "Sorry. I led to this far, folks.
27:04 But I can't get you through to the promise land.
27:06 I made a mistake, I must have been,
27:08 I must, ate too much for supper, God saying.
27:10 I led you on the wrong path. Nothing I can do.
27:13 Pharaoh's army is behind you.
27:15 The Red Sea is in front of you, the mountains on either side.
27:19 I can't do anything for you."
27:20 Is that what God would do to us?
27:22 No, the Lord wanted to lead these people
27:25 through the wilderness experience
27:27 into the promise land.
27:29 Now God is going to supply your every need
27:33 and I don't care if it's small.
27:35 I don't care what it is.
27:36 He's going to fight your battles for you
27:37 if you just simply listen.
27:39 Now when we listen, we have to forget
27:42 what it feels like, we have to forget
27:44 what it looks like, the circumstance,
27:45 I'm talking about.
27:47 But what happens is Satan being a prince of this earth
27:50 binds us by our senses,
27:52 our taste, our smell or feel, right?
27:55 All of these things, how, we know,
27:57 how everything is based on how we feel around us.
28:00 There was saying used to be when I was in high school.
28:03 "If it feels good do it." They said.
28:05 Yeah, and look what happened to the world
28:06 since the 60s and the 70s
28:07 and all the things that happened.
28:09 How ungodly that we have become even as a Christian nation
28:12 because if it feels good let's do it.
28:14 What happened is Satan is saying to people.
28:17 "Hey, if they don't look right, look at your situation.
28:20 You're not worth anything, you're not valuable."
28:22 One night he told a man that entered his apartment.
28:25 He said, "You're not valuable. You need to die.
28:28 You need to your life is not worth living.
28:30 Nobody cares about you, nobody.
28:34 No one cares if you live or die.
28:36 In fact, some people might be better off."
28:39 Is it what he says to us?
28:40 "Some people might be better off if you were dead."
28:44 This man says,
28:46 and he called our prayer line later.
28:47 He said, "I picked up my gun, I put it to my head
28:53 and I just decided to kill myself
28:55 because life wasn't worth it."
28:56 Satan had said, "You're entangled in a web of sin.
28:59 There is no way you can get out of this.
29:01 You have done things so bad
29:03 that the best way out is to kill yourself.
29:06 Separate yourself from God for eternity.
29:09 Get rid of where you are right now,
29:11 because life isn't worth it."
29:13 "I was going to shoot myself." It's nearly midnight.
29:17 So, he said, "I live in a duplex or apartment.
29:20 I didn't want the people next at midnight hearing some noise.
29:23 Come and find me I thought I'd wait.
29:25 Maybe, I thought I would, would try to hide that
29:28 so they could find me later on.
29:30 So I didn't know what to do." So guess what he picked up.
29:33 Has a gun in one hand, ready to kill himself.
29:37 He looks down and sees his TV remote.
29:41 He says, "I'll turn on the TV so loud,
29:44 I'll turn it on so loud,
29:46 they won't know there's a gunshot.
29:49 Maybe, they'll think it's cowboys,
29:50 I don't know what he was thinking.
29:52 I'll--There's some other violent program,
29:54 I'll turn it up so loud that no one will hear
29:57 that I've killed myself tonight.
29:59 So he has the gun in his hand, he picks up his remote,
30:02 turns on his television set and what do you think comes on?
30:05 Hello.
30:07 3ABN comes on
30:08 and elder John Carter is saying to them.
30:11 God, He says, "Jesus loves you.
30:13 He died for you, made a plan of salvation for you.
30:16 And there is hope.
30:17 No matter what your situation is,
30:19 God can bring you out of that situation."
30:22 The man says, "This is what is going on?
30:24 I don't even know about 3ABN. I didn't turn 3ABN on.
30:27 I just hit my remote.
30:29 And right there, this man is telling me
30:32 there is hope for my life.
30:34 There is hope for me.
30:35 He put the gun down, looked at the number
30:38 on the screen around midnight and called
30:40 and I think it was Pastor Dinzey
30:41 and said, told him what he was doing he said,
30:44 "Is there hope for me?"
30:45 "Yes, there is hope for you."
30:46 And right then John Dinzey led him to Jesus Christ.
30:49 Can you say amen to that?
30:51 You see, folks, that happen all the time.
30:54 And that's why when people tell me,
30:55 they'll say, "Oh you know, this you shouldn't"
30:57 I mentioned this yesterday,
30:58 "You shouldn't have religious stuff on all the time,
31:00 religious programming.
31:01 If you put that all people don't want to watch
31:03 a steady diet of religious programming."
31:05 I said, "What about the people
31:07 that at 2 o'clock in the morning,
31:08 at 3 o'clock in the morning writes says,
31:10 "I was shooting heroin in my veins
31:13 trying to kill myself, I turned on the television
31:16 and 3ABN was there,
31:17 and somebody told me Jesus loves me.
31:19 I've given my life to Jesus
31:21 and then seven months later now,
31:22 I am free and clean.
31:24 I'm no longer addicted to heroin."
31:26 Can you say amen to that?
31:27 Now, if we had on the, I Love Lucy
31:29 and Leave it to Beaver which I'm not complaining
31:31 about those programs,
31:32 I watched a lot of those growing up in my years.
31:35 What I'm saying is now is a time in earth's history
31:38 that Jesus says, "Go ye into all the world."
31:40 And, I think he wants us
31:42 to be full time Christians, don't you?
31:43 I think God called, raised 3ABN
31:46 to be a full time Christian network
31:48 giving an undiluted Three Angels' messages
31:51 into all the world 24 hours a day,
31:53 seven days a week.
31:54 Because there are people who need to hear about
31:57 Jesus Christ and Him crucified everyday.
32:00 I'm thankful Satan does not have me
32:02 and he does not have you
32:04 entangled in a web of circumstances
32:06 that you can't get out of.
32:08 Because all it takes is a prayer.
32:10 There's a song that says, "He's only a prayer away."
32:13 Have you ever heard that song?
32:15 He's only a prayer away so, no matter,
32:16 if you're watching today, no matter where you are,
32:19 those of you here in the audience
32:20 you've done nothing so bad.
32:22 God knows everything you've done.
32:23 I've done nothing so bad.
32:25 There is no circumstance so bad that we have to be discouraged.
32:28 But, God says to Moses because He's been dealing
32:32 directly with Moses and the children of Israel.
32:34 And He says, "Moses, quit crying."
32:37 My dad used to say, "For crying out loud,
32:40 don't do that anymore."
32:41 I can almost hear frustration in God's voice.
32:44 Why do you crying again.
32:46 Now, I led you here do you think
32:48 I'm going to lead you here
32:49 to be ambushed by the Egyptians.
32:51 No, go forward.
32:54 But there's no place to go forward.
32:57 There's not a place to go.
32:58 We're gonna drown in the Red Sea.
33:00 Finally, the Lord says, "Stretch out your hand"
33:02 I can see Him almost in frustration,
33:04 "Moses, trust me.
33:05 Stretch out your hand."
33:07 And when he did guess what happened?
33:09 The seas parted, didn't they? You know the story.
33:12 We don't have time to go into all the story.
33:14 But when you go forward and you don't worry about
33:18 what it looks like
33:19 and the circumstances around you,
33:20 God will open up doors time and time again.
33:23 Now, for 3ABN some of these, we go forward,
33:26 huge things happen, sometimes the small things.
33:29 You see, God deals with us
33:30 where we are and what our needs are.
33:32 Back when we first started, this network,
33:34 when the Lord impressed me November 19, 1984
33:38 to build a station the reach the world,
33:39 I was so excited.
33:40 Do you know want I did? I got on the phone.
33:42 I began to call everybody I know.
33:45 And I said, "The Lord's impressed me
33:46 to build a television station to reach the world."
33:49 All of a sudden d-day came, no wasn't d-day
33:51 what would you call it?
33:53 That's when you this would be, the reality struck in,
33:56 let me say that.
33:57 Reality struck in months later you know why?
33:59 I got a phone bill.
34:02 I forgot I was so excited in my enthusiasm
34:05 I forgot that I'd had to pay for all those phone calls.
34:08 I hadn't realized, I didn't call that many.
34:10 But, I do know this person and that person,
34:12 I talked to how long?
34:13 I can't believe it, $375. Now I didn't have $375.
34:19 If you knew my circumstances, I didn't have any money.
34:22 We're living hand to mouth and from just week to week,
34:25 trying to get by.
34:26 I mean, I did not have any money to pay a telephone bill.
34:30 I didn't know what to do. We had just, just started 3ABN.
34:33 We were out.
34:34 This was a few months, well, a month afterwards.
34:37 So given us about 30 days.
34:39 We're talking, we're excited we're all ready to go.
34:42 Somebody had come and given us,
34:44 I don't know of $100 or something said,
34:46 "Well, we'll help you build this network."
34:48 So I remember what happened.
34:51 And I was thinking about that this morning.
34:52 The Lord brought this to my mind.
34:54 See where, whatever your needs are God supplies them.
34:57 So here we are, we're getting ready to,
34:59 to I'm excited, going to build a television station
35:03 to reach the world but I don't have money
35:04 to pay a $300, $375 dollars phone bill.
35:08 So I say "Okay, I don't know what to do."
35:11 I don't know what to do. I called my brother.
35:13 I waited till the day that you got the red bill.
35:16 You know, when you get the red notice.
35:18 And that gives you a date that says,
35:20 "If it's not paid by this day.
35:22 You're done for," right? You're cut off.
35:24 They're going to shut the phone off.
35:26 So I waited till the day. I saw the red notice.
35:29 That gave me a few more days. Finally the due day came.
35:33 Now, here I am, that's what I was looking for a while ago,
35:36 the due day, there you go.
35:37 Yeah, it was due, either now or never.
35:40 So, I said, "What are we going to do?"
35:42 You know, what we did?
35:44 I said, "Well, we have to,
35:45 since we waited till the last day,
35:47 the, the phone company is 12 miles south of us
35:51 in West Frankfort, Illinois.
35:53 It's in a town called Marion, where you have to go in
35:55 and pay it by cash that day or it's cut off.
35:58 So all we had to put towards this was a $100.
36:02 So now I could have sat still
36:05 and said, "Well, Lord I know you called me
36:08 to build a television station that would reach the world.
36:11 And, I really wanted to do it.
36:13 But, I don't have any money.
36:18 I owe, how can I build a television station
36:21 reach the world that might cost a millions of dollars?
36:24 I can't even pay this stupid phone bill, right?
36:26 Seem stupid to me now after I did all,
36:28 I got that big bill and all of a sudden reality.
36:31 I didn't have any money.
36:32 So I had $100 dollars I could have said,
36:34 "Well, Lord, you know, if you want this to,
36:36 if you want this to work,
36:37 then you send a miracle, you send it to me.
36:40 And if somehow in the mail today
36:41 I get an extra $275,
36:44 I'll go pay the phone bill if not, forget it.
36:48 My circumstances, I was entangled in circumstance.
36:52 I didn't have the money.
36:53 But some how the Lord impressed us to go forward.
36:57 So I said, "All right, I tell you what we'll do.
36:58 So my brother and I, we got in our truck
37:02 and we said, "Well, we need to drive to Marion.
37:04 It's 12 miles away. We can't sit still.
37:07 But that morning, a man named Randy Mercer,
37:10 lived in Johnson City, Johnson City is six miles
37:14 south of West Frankfort and Marion is 12 miles.
37:16 So, we said, "Well, we'll go by and see what Randy wants."
37:19 We knew Randy. He went to our church.
37:21 He said, "If you get a chance, stop by my place.
37:24 I'd like to see you." So we drove to Randy's place.
37:27 And Randy said, "I'm so excited about this new television,
37:32 satellite television station that I feel impressed,"
37:35 he had a little business there,
37:36 "I feel impressed to give you some money."
37:38 He said, "I'm going to give you 100 dollars."
37:40 And "$100 to help you."
37:43 And we said, "Well, great that would be wonderful."
37:44 Well, we knew the phone bill was 375 dollars.
37:48 It had to be paid in the next couple of hours
37:50 or we're cut off.
37:51 But, Randy says, "He's going to give $100.
37:54 And so, well, praise the Lord, at least, we got $200.
37:57 Maybe, I could go down and ask them
37:59 if they'd take partial payment.
38:01 I don't know, but we had to do something,
38:03 rather than to be discouraged
38:04 about the entanglement that we were in.
38:07 So Randy says, "Let me write you a check."
38:09 He said, "First of all, let me tell you,
38:11 why I'm giving you a $100.
38:12 Six weeks ago, I lost my glasses.
38:15 I cannot find my glasses."
38:17 And he said, "We have looked everywhere.
38:19 So this morning I prayed and said, 'Lord,
38:22 if you let me find those glasses,"
38:23 they're going to cost about $100,
38:25 "If you let me find those glasses,
38:28 I'll give the Sheltons $100 instead of buying glasses.'"
38:31 And he said, "A few minutes later
38:33 after I prayed here at my work, my wife called and said,
38:37 'Guess what I found your glasses.'"
38:39 He said, "Really, after six weeks
38:41 you found the glasses, where were they?"
38:43 "Oh, there were in our driveway."
38:46 "Oh, no.
38:47 He said, "Six weeks we've been driving,"
38:48 he had several kids that drive.
38:50 "We're driving back and forth in our little driveway."
38:53 He said, "Oh, they're crush?"
38:54 She said, "No they are in great shape,
38:55 there is nothing wrong with them."
38:57 He said, "They couldn't be,
38:58 I couldn't lost them in a driveway,
39:00 they had been run over 100 times
39:01 in the last six weeks."
39:03 And I'm well, she said, "They're in great shape."
39:04 So he called he said,
39:06 "I'm going to give you this $100."
39:07 We said, "Well, praise the Lord
39:09 because we're halfway to Marion."
39:10 That's 200 dollars.
39:11 What's going to happen between now and then.
39:13 All of a sudden, he says, "Let me write you a check."
39:16 I was standing there.
39:17 He reaches down, he's talking to us.
39:19 I think this is great, build a satellite Adventist station."
39:22 He said.
39:24 Wrote the check and handed it to me.
39:25 And just he handed I just put my hand on the other end of it.
39:28 And he said, "Oh, oh, no, look what I did."
39:31 He said, "Man I made a mistake."
39:33 And I looked at it.
39:34 You know, what he had written it for?
39:35 Three hundred dollars.
39:37 He said, "Oh, I didn't name to write this for 300
39:38 but after this month.
39:40 If the Lord blesses me,
39:41 I'm going to commit $300 a month.
39:43 So I'll need to re-write that.
39:44 You can imagine how hard I begin to grip that.
39:48 Not on purpose.
39:49 Not on purpose but, I knew, we needed that, right?
39:52 That $300.
39:54 So I don't know feeling the pressure got to him or what
39:57 but I wanted to let go.
39:59 And all of a sudden he said,
40:00 "Oh well, it does make a difference go ahead.
40:03 Just take the 300 dollars. And, don't worry about it."
40:06 He said. Now we had how much money?
40:09 Four hundred dollars. How much was a phone bill?
40:11 Three hundred and seventy five dollars.
40:12 You see, people might say, "Well, that's nothing."
40:15 You know what?
40:16 That's just as big then to us
40:18 because, if you don't have it you don't have it.
40:20 That was just as big amount of money
40:23 as it was when we first went on satellite
40:24 and found out we're going to have
40:26 to pay $50,000 a month.
40:27 You know what?
40:29 We didn't have $50,000 a month either.
40:31 But did that stop God from supplying every need,
40:33 when we went forward?
40:34 No, when He wants you to go forward,
40:36 He'll supply every need.
40:37 Now our transponder bills are way over $200,000 a month.
40:41 Does He supply the $200,000 a month?
40:44 Our expenses are way over a million plus dollars a month.
40:46 Does he supply those? Yes.
40:48 Everything 3ABN has is paid for,
40:50 we have zero long term debt,
40:52 yet, we have no money in the bank.
40:53 Do you think that's a divine providence
40:55 or that's coincidence or accident?
40:57 What is? Divine providence.
40:59 It's divine providence.
41:00 Folks, I'm telling you these things today.
41:02 Because what happens is the Lord wants us to go forward
41:05 and not be discouraged.
41:07 Not be discouraged because we think
41:09 Pharaoh's army is behind us.
41:11 I mean, it's amazing to me
41:13 that when the army got behind them,
41:15 the cloud that had been in front of them,
41:17 if you read on, you should read the rest of the 14th Chapter
41:20 and even part of the 15th.
41:21 I can see we're not going to have time
41:22 to go through all of this.
41:25 But when, what happened to that cloud
41:27 that's leading the children of Israel?
41:29 So to keep the Pharaoh's army from coming up on them,
41:32 the cloud went behind them and became a cloud of darkness
41:36 so they couldn't get to the children of Israel.
41:38 Can you imagine that?
41:40 God loves us that much, that He said, "I put you here.
41:43 I'll take care of you.
41:44 Let me fight your battle for you.
41:46 Hold your peace."
41:48 Well, I'm kind of an aggressive little guy.
41:50 Friend of mine says, "You remind me of a banty rooster."
41:53 You know what banty roosters are.
41:55 Some of you said,
41:56 "You remind me of banty rooster.
41:57 Well, all right, I'm kind of aggressive guy.
41:59 I tend to want to fight my own battle sometimes.
42:02 Somebody talks about 3ABN and I'd like to get up
42:04 and say, "Wait a minute, that's not right."
42:07 More and more I'm learning to hold my peace,
42:09 to hold my tongue right.
42:11 Because I'm finding out that God really does want
42:14 to fight our battles for us.
42:15 He wants to fight your battles for you.
42:17 You don't have to worry about getting what you want
42:20 and going to the courts of law and say,
42:21 "This person mistreated me
42:22 or this person in the church did bad
42:24 and throwing a fit all the time."
42:27 More and more I'm finding out, when God says
42:30 that "I want to fight your battle for you."
42:32 Because, the reason He want's to do it,
42:34 He wants to show you that when He told you
42:37 to do something that He's willing to go all the way,
42:40 He's counted his resources in advance,
42:42 he's found that He's not wanting.
42:43 And He will supply your every need
42:45 and he'll take care of you in your situation,
42:47 no matter what that situation is.
42:49 Are you with me so far?
42:51 God wants to take care of you,
42:53 He wants to supply your every need.
42:55 When we applied for the full power
42:57 television station license in the Philippines
43:01 that'd reach 24 million people everyday,
43:04 when we applied for that station,
43:06 there were 4,200 other people had applied
43:09 for the same station, 4,200.
43:13 Some of those people, some from America had offered
43:16 several million dollars to the government
43:18 in order to get the construction permit
43:21 so they could build that
43:22 one full power station to reach the Philippines.
43:25 All odds was against us.
43:27 We were up against the Red sea, Pharaoh's s army was behind us,
43:30 the mountains on either side, but I said, "God,
43:32 do you care about the people of the Philippines?
43:35 It is true when you said, 'Go ye into all the world,
43:38 preach the gospel,' that you believe
43:41 and the earth will be lighten with the glory of God.
43:43 Did you raise 3ABN or didn't you raise 3ABN.
43:46 If you did, and you told us to go into all the world,
43:49 will you not create a miracle?"
43:51 See, you could get discouraged and say, "We can't do that."
43:54 I mean we don't have the millions of dollars
43:56 to pay the government.
43:57 We don't have any way
43:59 that we could get this construction permit.
44:01 Four thousand two hundred people have applied for it.
44:04 And some of those are willing to give a lot of money.
44:07 But as I talk to the ambassador who's an Adventist Christian,
44:10 I said, "Go to the president, and ask the president,"
44:13 that time Joseph Estrada
44:15 "ask the president if he can intervene
44:18 and help 3ABN get this license."
44:20 Through a series of miracles, and I've told the story
44:22 before I won't here, through the series of miracles,
44:26 the president intervened and 3ABN got the license,
44:30 we never paid a penny to the government for them.
44:33 We didn't pay the millions.
44:34 They gave the license, wrote on a construction permit
44:37 "Release the station immediately to 3ABN,"
44:40 or over there called gate way,
44:41 and today 3ABN is beaming throughout Manila
44:44 and much of the Philippines to millions of people everyday.
44:47 As a result, as a result, there are people walking
44:50 in the churches virtually every week
44:53 wanting to be baptized in this Seventh Day Adventist Church
44:56 because they're watching 3ABN everyday in the Philippines.
45:00 Now, that's a miracle, folks,
45:02 the red sea don't worry about the red sea
45:04 because beyond the red sea when we go forward,
45:07 God says, "Go forward."
45:09 So today, I want you to look at your life, go forward.
45:12 I look back at 3ABN 2004, some things happened to 3ABN.
45:17 The devil lied to us and said 3ABN's in trouble.
45:21 It will never go forward.
45:23 What has happened this year? It's terrible.
45:25 The circumstances are there, the Red Sea is in front of you,
45:29 Pharaoh's army is behind you, the mountains,
45:30 the wilderness on the other sides.
45:32 There is nowhere out, no way out,
45:34 your might as well quit, you might as will give up ship.
45:37 Because 3ABN will not go forward,
45:39 did Satan lie to us?
45:41 Satan lied to us.
45:42 People would write us and say, "This is never going to work.
45:44 3ABN will never go forward because of what is happening."
45:49 But what we began to say is,
45:50 "Lord, we realize what is ahead of us.
45:53 But you know what? We've seen that before."
45:56 The yes, this is worse, this is bigger, this is worse
45:59 but God, you've never told me to backwards.
46:02 You've always said, 'Go forward.'"
46:03 So we're going to go forward now,
46:05 you have to part the Red Sea.
46:07 You see, God wants to part the Red Seas for us.
46:09 But He can't get us to get up off of our seats
46:11 and to go forward.
46:13 So as we began to go forward,
46:14 people said, "Oh, by the end of the year
46:17 3ABN will be down the tubes."
46:19 Well, by the end of the year let me tell you what happened.
46:21 In 2004, 3ABN doubled its audience
46:24 that had taken 19 years to build in one year.
46:27 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
46:29 In the year 2004, by the end of the year,
46:31 come December 31st,
46:33 the income of 3ABN had jumped up over two million,
46:36 right at two million dollars from the year before.
46:39 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
46:40 The amount of monthly donors
46:42 jumped up by 30 percent every month.
46:45 That's in one year's time, that's never happened
46:47 in the history of Three Angels' Broadcasting Network.
46:49 You see, Satan tired to say, "You're caught,
46:52 and you're entangled and it won't work."
46:55 But I want to tell you, that if you go forward,
46:57 no matter what your circumstances is,
46:59 God is in charge, and so people began to realize
47:02 this network not about people,
47:04 it's about God's everlasting message
47:06 to a lost and dying world.
47:07 I'm I telling the truth?
47:09 That's what 3ABN is
47:10 because, many of you have told me,
47:12 your lives have been changed
47:13 because of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
47:16 God wants to supply our every need.
47:19 What I love about it is,
47:20 when I look at what happened here,
47:22 I'm going to talk you down quickly,
47:23 we only have a few movements left.
47:25 But I want to take you down
47:27 maybe towards the end of this chapter
47:29 but it says, "But the children of Israel,
47:31 walked upon the dry land in the mist of the sea
47:34 and the waters were a wall
47:36 on their right and on their left.
47:38 Thus," it says, "Thus, the Lord saved Israel
47:41 that day out the hand of the Egyptians and Israel
47:44 and saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore.
47:47 And Israel saw the great work
47:49 which the Lord did upon the Egyptians
47:51 and the people feared the Lord,
47:53 and believed the Lord and His servant Moses."
47:56 And that's amazing to me, when you read this stories,
47:59 time and time, that's why this Old Testament is here, folks.
48:02 It's not to tell us about Moses.
48:04 He wasn't a great guy. He murdered somebody.
48:06 Moses was in a terrible situation
48:08 and yet, when he finally gave into God's call,
48:12 God was able to do great and mighty
48:14 and marvelous things.
48:16 I love it when I look at these scriptures,
48:18 "The Lord shall fight for you, you shall hold your peace."
48:21 And He says, the children of Israel, go forward.
48:24 That's what He's telling us today.
48:26 It says, but on and on when I've read this chapter,
48:31 I went over and over this morning,
48:33 I was amazed and I said, you what the simple story,
48:36 the Satan is a liar,
48:38 he's out to steal, kill and destroy.
48:40 But, Jesus says, "I'm come to give you life,
48:43 and give you life more abundantly."
48:45 I'm thankful that we serve a God
48:48 that if we're willing to do what He says, for us to do,
48:52 if we're willing to look the cross of Calvary,
48:54 if we'll quit trying to fight our own battles,
48:57 if we'll do what God has told us to do,
48:59 that the Lord will take us through the seas, on dry land
49:04 and He'll take us in to the promise land.
49:07 I don't want you to ever get up, give up,
49:08 I don't want you to every be discouraged,
49:11 in fact, if you're starting to feel that way
49:13 I want you to look up to God
49:15 and say, "Lord, let me hold on to you."
49:17 the Lord gave me this song a few months ago.
49:20 It's mean a lot to me,
49:21 and I want to sing it for you this morning.
49:33 There been times
49:35 When I felt so all alone
49:42 And it seems no cares
49:47 I just can't go on
49:52 Then I raise my hands
49:56 To the Father above
50:01 And cry out loud
50:04 Let me hold on
50:11 Lord, let me hold on to you
50:21 Lord, let me hold on to you
50:31 When it seems I've lost everything
50:41 Lord, let me, let me hold on to you
50:50 The Father hears my cry
50:56 And sees each tear
51:00 And in love, His great love
51:05 He calms all my fears
51:10 Then He reaches down
51:15 Puts His hand in mine
51:19 And says, hold on
51:22 Child we're going through
51:30 Lord, let me hold on to you
51:40 Lord, let me hold on to you
51:50 When it seems I've lost everything
52:00 Lord, let me hold on to you
52:11 When it seems I've lost everything
52:22 Lord, let me
52:25 Let me hold on to you
52:35 When it seems
52:37 I've lost everything
52:46 Lord, let me
52:48 Thank you Lord.
52:49 Let me hold on to you
52:59 When it seems you've lost everything,
53:02 Satan is lying to you.
53:04 Satan is the father of lies, he says, you can't go forward,
53:08 you can't do this, you can remember
53:10 that "greater is He that is in us
53:12 than he that is in the world."
53:13 What I would like to do today, maybe there is some of you here
53:16 that feel like in your life that,
53:21 somebody said to me the other day,
53:23 or I heard somebody said the other day,
53:25 they went through a spiritual tsunami.
53:27 They feel like they were totally blindsided.
53:29 They feel like, that they were just swept away,
53:32 they've done nothing wrong.
53:34 And, I said, "You know what?
53:36 God doesn't allow spiritual tsunamis
53:37 to come to his people."
53:39 He doesn't even allow spiritual tsunamis to come to the enemy.
53:42 Because Pharaoh's army even had warning sign
53:45 that God was leading the children of Israel.
53:47 You think, they didn't see that cloud.
53:49 They ignored the signs.
53:51 When you and I, ignore the signs
53:53 that has for us, we put our self into that tsunami.
53:56 It wasn't a spiritual tsunami
53:59 that got to these people, the Egyptians.
54:01 It was their lack of obedience
54:04 and their lack, in fact, it was their,
54:07 it was their willingness to fight against God.
54:10 Because they said, we're protesting,
54:12 even though this the God and they know it was,
54:15 we're going to go after these people anyway.
54:17 God doesn't bless that, folks.
54:19 I want to tell you today,
54:20 there is nothing happening to us
54:22 that God doesn't know about
54:23 and that He's not in the control of.
54:25 Do I need to say that again?
54:26 There's nothing happening to you today
54:28 that He doesn't know about
54:30 and that He's not in the control of.
54:32 However long you want to go through trials
54:34 and tribulations is up to you.
54:36 Because when we submit and commit our life to Jesus,
54:38 and we confess our sins, then we go forward
54:41 until what He has done for us,
54:44 God will bring us out of that miry clay,
54:46 He will bring us up.
54:47 We'll be standing on our feet. Satan may get a few jabs in.
54:50 But we won't go down.
54:52 We'll be like those little punching bags
54:53 that keep going back up, when you hit them,
54:55 they used to have, right.
54:56 So that can happen to you today.
54:58 I want to encourage you.
54:59 If today, there is something in your life
55:01 that maybe there is habit that you feel imprisoned,
55:04 you feel bound and Satan is telling you,
55:05 you can't give up this habit.
55:07 You've had it for years.
55:08 Something in your life that is controlling you,
55:10 it's separating you from God.
55:12 Maybe there is something hard feelings in your life.
55:15 You're holding hard feelings to get somebody un-forgiveness,
55:17 whether it's your parents,
55:19 whether it's your husbands or wives,
55:20 whether it's relative church members,
55:22 whatever that is, it's keeping you
55:23 from a relation with God
55:25 and I'm going to encourage you today
55:27 to quit looking in the eye of flesh,
55:28 and look in the eye of faith
55:30 and begin to live in the spiritual
55:32 to know that what Jesus said, that He will supply every need,
55:35 He means and that He will do so,
55:37 that no matter when you come to the Red Sea,
55:40 and Pharaoh's army behind you
55:41 and the mountains on either side,
55:43 that if you step into the water,
55:44 God will part that water
55:46 and you will go through a victories on dry land.
55:49 Can you say amen to that? That's what God wants to do it.
55:52 If that's your will today, and your desire,
55:54 that you wanted God to do something
55:56 great and mighty and marvelous in your life.
55:58 And you want to gain victory over sin in your life,
56:01 you want to be prepaid for heaven,
56:02 you want to be a bride of Christ,
56:04 you want Jesus to shine forth through you,
56:06 so that He says, "I've I will be lifted up,
56:08 will draw men unto me."
56:10 I want you to stand your feet today
56:11 as we go out with our closing prayer today.
56:14 God bless you each and every one.
56:16 For those who have you at home, if you need prayer today,
56:19 we want you to pray with us.
56:20 God loves you, He died for you
56:22 and made a plan of salvation for you.
56:24 He's coming back very soon in the clouds of glory.
56:27 Today is the day of salvation.
56:28 Father, thank you, for your many wonderful blessings to us.
56:31 Thank you for life, for health and strength, thank you God,
56:34 that there is no problem so big,
56:36 no battle so big in our life that you can't win it for us,
56:40 that you can't provide every need to get us through.
56:43 We know, Satan is out to steal, kill and to destroy
56:45 but we rebuke him today in the name of Jesus,
56:48 we accept victory in the name of the Lord.
56:50 As we go forward, thank you for taking us
56:53 across the dry land, thank you
56:54 for taking us into the promise land,
56:57 and where we can rule and reign with you forever and ever...


Revised 2016-03-03