3ABN On the Road

7 Incredible Signs Of The End

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: G.Edward Reid


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000638

01:00 Good morning, brethren. Good morning.
01:03 I am very encouraged about being here.
01:05 I told my seminar earlier today that when I came at 8:30,
01:09 I was delighted to see that the front row was already occupied.
01:13 Typically that's not common in churches.
01:15 But I know you're eager to be here
01:16 and I'm glad to be here myself.
01:19 As a matter of fact, it's quite responsibility
01:22 as you can imagine to take the time
01:24 of a large number of people particularly
01:26 when they're busy people and bread winners and so on.
01:30 But I believe that God has given me
01:31 a message to share with you.
01:33 And I will tell you what I'm gonna say
01:35 and then I'll tell you.
01:37 First of all, I wanna give you
01:38 an introduction to the topic high time.
01:40 Then I wanna show you with some PowerPoint slides,
01:44 some current events
01:45 that I believe are fulfillments of prophecy.
01:47 And then after the pictures,
01:49 I want to give you a challenge from God's word
01:54 in my own personal testimony about what it means to be ready
01:58 and what we can do as men of faith.
02:02 First of all, we'll open our Bibles to Romans Chapter 13
02:06 and this is the theme text for us this morning.
02:11 Romans Chapter 13, beginning with verse 11.
02:21 I've prayed earnestly that God would send the Holy Spirit
02:23 that inspired the Bible writers here to inspire each of us
02:27 as we look at these words.
02:29 "And do this, knowing the time,
02:31 that now it is high time to awake out of sleep,
02:34 for now our salvation is nearer than
02:36 when we first believed.
02:38 The night is far spent, the day is at hand,
02:41 therefore let us cast off the works of darkness,
02:44 and let us put on the armor of light.
02:47 Let us walk properly, as in the day,
02:50 not in revelry and drunkenness,
02:52 not in life sensuousness and lewdness,
02:53 not in strife and envy.
02:55 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ,
02:58 and make no provision for the flesh,
03:01 to fulfill its lust."
03:04 Seventh-day Adventists have been known
03:07 as Adventists or people
03:09 who talk about the second coming of Christ.
03:12 I know that you have probably in your life contemplated,
03:16 why or how can the church always be excited about
03:20 the second coming when people
03:22 who have fervently believed it for years are now dead?
03:26 Well, I'm gonna give you some thoughts
03:28 from my own prospective in this regard
03:31 and here's what I believe about that.
03:34 No one has waited 2,000 years for the second coming.
03:38 We only have our lifetime to prepare and to be ready.
03:41 And God has put it in the heart of every one of us
03:44 just like He has put in the heart of women
03:47 a mother's love for a child,
03:49 that maybe we could be the generation
03:52 that would see the second coming.
03:54 The bottom line really
03:55 is there's a great prophetic timeline
03:58 that I'm discussing in my seminars.
04:00 And then there's a second way
04:02 and that is the great signs of the end.
04:05 Now I'm gonna give you a little indication
04:08 as we go through here about some incredible things
04:11 that Jesus did the first time to make a point
04:13 about the second coming.
04:15 I believe that if you love Jesus,
04:17 you'll be excited about the second coming. Amen.
04:21 I travel almost every weekend, about 42 weekends a year
04:25 and the happiest day of every weekend is the day
04:28 I'm going home to see my wife.
04:30 We've been married for 39 years
04:32 and Kathy is more precious to me every day.
04:35 Now I'm gonna tell you something incredible
04:37 about this second coming business.
04:40 If you really love Jesus, you will think about it a lot.
04:45 Now I'm excited about this hour.
04:47 But I know at 7:10 in the morning
04:49 at Lansing there's a plane
04:50 that's headed to Detroit and then to Baltimore.
04:52 And I plan to be on it.
04:54 I'm already thinking about it.
04:56 If you love Jesus, you will think about it a lot.
04:59 If you really love Jesus,
05:01 then you'll wanna tell someone else about it.
05:03 And that's what our witnessing is all about.
05:06 This wicked world as we know it is not going
05:09 to go on forever and ever. As a matter of fact,
05:12 I'm gonna tell you something quite bold today.
05:16 Seventh-day Adventists of all people have
05:18 what we call inside information.
05:21 Now in the world of finance, that is illegal.
05:24 Martha Stewart is a good example
05:25 of what you can get involved in if you have inside information.
05:29 But every one of you have inside information
05:32 and the inside information is very simple.
05:34 This world and all the stuff in it including
05:38 all of our possessions are gonna be burned up. Amen.
05:42 And that will reduce
05:43 its value considerably as you can imagine.
05:46 So if you're smart, it's time to transfer
05:49 our wealth to the other side. Amen.
05:51 This is important that I'm telling you about.
05:54 I'm gonna put it in perspective a little bit.
05:57 The second coming of Jesus will be the most cataclysmic
06:00 event to occur on the earth since the creation.
06:03 It will affect every man, woman,
06:06 and child on the earth, all 6 billion of us.
06:10 Now I wanna tell you a few things
06:12 about the first coming to set it just a little tone
06:14 for the second coming part.
06:16 When Jesus came to earth the first time,
06:19 it was as a suffering Savior as you know.
06:23 The life of Jesus was awesome.
06:26 Have you ever thought
06:27 what it must've been like to be one of Jesus' disciples?
06:32 The closest thing I've ever come to it
06:34 is I bought a series of cassette tapes
06:37 that a trained professional actor from New York
06:41 narrated or read through the entire book
06:43 Desire of Ages. It's 32 tapes.
06:47 And on an occasion
06:48 when I had a speaking appointment in Florida,
06:50 I was living in Georgia,
06:51 I listened to those tapes, every one of them,
06:54 all the way through down and back.
06:57 And when I got home,
06:59 I thought I was one of Jesus' disciples.
07:02 In fact, there were about 10 minutes on the last tape
07:04 and I didn't get out of the car
07:05 and I had been gone for several days.
07:06 My wife came and said, "Ed, aren't you coming in?"
07:08 I said, "I've got 10 more minutes on this tape."
07:11 That's an incredible experience.
07:13 But just imagine when Jesus fed the 5,000
07:17 with a little boy's lunch.
07:19 Just imagine that you were with Him on the sea
07:22 when those awesome waves
07:24 were so big like we've seen on TV
07:25 with these hurricane waves.
07:27 The disciples, who a number of them
07:30 were trained seamen, were feared for their lives
07:33 and had given up hope.
07:36 But Jesus stood up and said just three words
07:39 and calmed the whole thing. "Peace, be still."
07:42 Even the winds and the waves obey Him, they said.
07:46 And then you remember that time
07:48 it was probably Jesus' most awesome miracle.
07:51 When He raised a man from the dead
07:53 who have been dead for 4 days.
07:56 Again with just three words, the Bible says
07:58 He cried out loud.
08:00 After crying to express His sympathy with us
08:04 who go through difficult times,
08:06 again just three words,
08:08 "Lazarus come forth." And Lazarus came out,
08:12 bound hand and foot
08:14 and even covered his face by the power of Almighty God.
08:20 The death of Jesus was also quite an awesome experience.
08:23 If you can imagine the Creator, the Life Giver,
08:26 the Sustainer, the Miracle Worker,
08:27 the Sinless One, the epitome of innocence,
08:30 crucified between two thieves, killed by His own creation.
08:33 "Crucify Him," they had shouted.
08:37 Can you imagine that in your eye?
08:39 We sing about it. We talk about it.
08:41 Sometimes we pray about it.
08:43 Hanging on the cross, naked, bruised,
08:46 bleeding, dying for me, for you.
08:50 But listen, Jesus again is speaking and He says,
08:53 "Father, forgive them for they don't know
08:55 what they're doing."
08:57 The resurrection of Jesus was also very awesome.
09:01 The sonic boom of just one angel descending from heaven
09:04 caused a great earthquake.
09:06 In the glory of that one angel was as bright as lightning.
09:11 Just His appearance caused the whole army
09:14 detail on duty to fall as dead men.
09:18 Then He rolled away the stone and sat on it.
09:23 Just in case you haven't focused the picture in your own mind.
09:25 One angel did all of this and God has jillions of them.
09:30 This is incredible to understand.
09:34 And then Jesus rose from the dead.
09:37 One of the most amazing things about
09:38 the resurrection is that when Jesus' disciples showed up
09:41 at the tomb early Sunday morning,
09:43 the angel who was sitting on the stone
09:45 said those awesome words,
09:47 "Why are you seeking the living from among the dead?
09:50 He isn't here because He has risen, He is alive."
09:55 This is an incredible statement.
09:57 Christians are the only people who serve a living God.
10:00 We sing about it.
10:02 I serve a risen Savior, but it's an absolute fact.
10:06 I think the ascension is one of my favorite things
10:09 because I remember when I was selling books
10:10 as a student colporteur in volume 7 of the 10 volume
10:14 set of Arthur Maxwell's Bible story.
10:20 I was trying to think of the name and the author at the same
10:23 time, where Russell Harland drew that picture of Jesus
10:26 going up into the clouds.
10:28 Most of you are well aware if you've studied this
10:30 that Jesus did not walk
10:31 to the point of ascension with anyone.
10:34 He told them where to meet Him
10:37 and they all gathered around, but where's Jesus?
10:40 And suddenly He appeared in their midst.
10:42 And He gave them those awesome words
10:44 about going into Jerusalem and Judea,
10:46 Samaria and the outermost part of the world and saying,
10:47 "I'm with you always, even to the end of the world."
10:51 And that means right here in Michigan.
10:55 And then Jesus began to levitate.
10:58 He was taken up into a cloud of angels
11:01 and then He was gone.
11:04 It's incredible that the Bible says then two men
11:06 in white apparel were standing there. Also just appeared.
11:10 This is amazing because you can read about it in Acts.
11:14 Some of you have probably read it there before.
11:16 The first chapter of Acts, the angel said, "Men of Galilee,
11:20 why do you stand gazing up into heaven?
11:22 This same Jesus who was taken out from you into heaven
11:25 will so come in like manner
11:27 as you have seen Him go into heaven."
11:30 And so these awesome things that Jesus did,
11:35 His suffering and death, were all for one purpose.
11:40 So He could come again. And I think that's incredible.
11:45 If He doesn't come back, it was all for nothing.
11:48 But He did this so He could come back.
11:50 And that's why we should be so excited
11:52 and that's why I get excited about it.
11:54 Now I have some good news and some bad news for you.
11:57 The good news is that according to the Bible,
11:59 He is even at the door. The coming is near.
12:03 The bad news is this transition time
12:05 is going to be a time of trouble.
12:08 That includes a time of trouble
12:09 such as never was since there was a nation.
12:12 People don't like to talk about that.
12:14 I don't like to think about it either.
12:16 But I know if Jesus can save people in a boat
12:18 when there was a big storm,
12:19 He can save me and whatever happens to me.
12:21 Amen. He's able to do that.
12:23 And we need to have that same confidence.
12:25 In the providence of Almighty God,
12:28 we have been born and now live in what the Bible calls
12:31 the time of the end and we are rapidly approaching
12:35 the end of time as we know it.
12:38 The devil also knows that time is short.
12:41 And he is doing everything he can
12:44 to cause havoc on the earth to distract us
12:46 from what should be our primary focus
12:49 and that is getting ready to meet Jesus.
12:51 Now this is an incredible thing that we understand.
12:54 Maybe you'd like to look at just one passage
12:57 as far as the sign. I'm not gonna mention it later,
13:00 but in Luke chapter 17,
13:04 and I believe that we would find it in--
13:09 I'm gonna-- I'm sorry, it's Luke 21.
13:11 Luke 21:25, very appropriate for today.
13:17 "There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars.
13:20 And on the earth, distress of nations with perplexity."
13:24 By the way, for those of you who care,
13:27 this is the only time the word perplexity
13:28 occurs in the entire Bible and it's translation literally
13:31 is people think there's no way out.
13:35 And then it says, "The sea and the waves roaring."
13:39 In a minute, we're gonna talk about natural disasters.
13:41 You're gonna be able to understand that
13:43 what is happening today is not the result of global warming.
13:47 It is the result of Jesus' signs telling us the end is near
13:52 and it's very incredible that we see this.
13:54 Perilous times are coming.
13:57 So I'm gonna go now to the screen
13:58 and you'll probably want to turn your attention over there.
14:01 And I will just tell you that in the 24th chapter of Matthew,
14:05 Jesus' disciples came to Him privately
14:08 and they said, "Tell us when will these things be
14:12 and what will be the sign of your coming
14:14 in the end of the age?"
14:16 Now this is interesting because
14:18 how many signs did they actually asked for?
14:23 Only one. Tell us what will the sign of your coming.
14:26 By the way, the people living
14:27 at the time of Noah got just one sign.
14:33 Isn't that true?
14:34 Most of the people living in the time of Noah
14:36 would have thought He was crazy.
14:38 I mea,n every one of you, if you live near a city,
14:39 when you drive into the city if every time you go,
14:41 somebody is building this big boat in his spare time.
14:44 He's standing on the corner telling you Jesus is coming
14:46 back. After 120 years, you would think he was crazy.
14:51 How did the people know he wasn't crazy?
14:54 Only one sign that God gave
14:56 and that was when the animals came by twos and by sevens
15:01 and the birds without any help from men or animals,
15:05 no border collies or anything like that.
15:07 And they came into the ark in an orderly fashion.
15:12 Everybody who had a lick of sense
15:14 would have known this was a supernatural miracle.
15:17 You wanna know something interesting about that sign?
15:20 Best we can tell, not one person changed their mind.
15:25 Now listen carefully for the value
15:27 of this kind of meeting.
15:29 Don't think for a minute, you can watch signs go by
15:34 and if you don't change and look at them as signs,
15:38 think you can change at the end.
15:40 When I see the Sunday Law come,
15:42 then I'm gonna catch up on my back tithe,
15:44 and I'm gonna start going to prayer meeting
15:45 and I'll be kinder to my spouse.
15:47 It's not gonna happen. It's just not gonna happen.
15:50 So when the time is when we hear the events to look up
15:54 our redemption is nigh is to make the appropriate occasion.
15:58 So what I'm gonna show you actually is if I can get,
16:02 there we go. Seven incredible signs of the end.
16:06 And the first one is Daniel.
16:08 And I'm gonna tell you I know that in a group this large,
16:11 there's gonna be some theologians here.
16:12 I heard a theologian one time say,
16:14 "If I ever hear about the increase of knowledge
16:16 that has to do with cell phones and laptop computers again,
16:19 I think I'm gonna lose my mind." I will tell you
16:23 I know that Daniel 12:4, "At the time of the end,
16:26 many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
16:29 That the primary application is knowledge
16:31 of Daniel's prophecies would increase."
16:33 Don't we all understand that? There's no question about it.
16:36 But there is just as valid a secondary application
16:40 and that is that knowledge of communication
16:42 and travel would increase to facilitate
16:44 the spread of the gospel worldwide."
16:46 Now this is pretty interesting because when you see it,
16:50 you can remember something interesting.
16:52 Way back from the time of Adam,
16:54 if you want to present like creation
16:56 is way over there by that side
16:58 and the second coming is way over on this side,
17:00 do you know that for communication
17:02 and travel for 5,900 years has been
17:06 the same thing over and over again?
17:08 If you want to go somewhere, what do you do?
17:10 You ride a horse. If--I mean this just really,
17:13 really incredible when you think about it.
17:16 Trying to get my little laptop thing to work here.
17:18 There's lots of horses.
17:20 But I'm just gonna show you this one right here.
17:22 Now this is amazing because
17:24 if you wanted to communicate with somebody,
17:27 how did you do it way back in the horse days?
17:30 Just talking or shouting.
17:32 Everybody here has probably taken American history
17:34 and you remember the ride of Paul Revere,
17:36 riding his horse through Boston?
17:38 What was he doing? Shouting.
17:39 He was not on the cell phone.
17:43 But something incredible happened about 103 years ago.
17:49 And I'm gonna show you what it was. This is it.
17:53 On December 17, 1903, two brothers
17:56 Orville and Wilbur Wright
17:57 who had been the workers in a bicycle shop,
18:00 in Dayton, Ohio, had been working
18:02 in their spare time to make the right flyer.
18:05 They had studied everybody from before and so on.
18:07 They thought they could make a heavier than air machine
18:10 that would carry a man into the air.
18:13 On December 16, they tried it out at the Banks--
18:17 The Outer Banks of North Carolina at Kitty Hawk.
18:19 And the plane crashed and they spent
18:21 most of the night repairing it.
18:23 They thought the next day that it would fly
18:24 so they hired a photographer.
18:26 Most everybody has seen this picture in an encyclopedia.
18:29 Orville won the coin toss. He's actually at the controls
18:31 laying down and Wilbur was running along and holding
18:35 the wing until it lifted off into the air and he said,
18:37 "If this thing gets off the ground, take a picture."
18:39 So you saw the picture.
18:41 The plane was in the air 12 seconds
18:42 and flew 120 feet.
18:45 Later that day, Wilbur at the controls
18:47 flew the plane 852 feet and it was airborne for 59 seconds.
18:51 You can go to Kitty Hawk today
18:53 and in the Wright Brother's museum,
18:54 you see the telegram that they sent back to Dayton,
18:57 Ohio. "Success at last. Will be home for Christmas."
19:00 Now remember, this was 5,900 years
19:05 after the creation time.
19:07 So not nearly 6,000 years, but 66 years later,
19:12 we had another amazing thing happen.
19:15 And that was the voice of Apollo 11 Commander
19:18 Neil Armstrong heard on the radio
19:21 all the way from the moon.
19:23 "Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed."
19:27 Now everybody knows what he said next,
19:29 but what he said next was said for a reason.
19:32 "One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."
19:37 So if you're standing at the back of the auditorium
19:39 and you see a picture of all time,
19:40 you got people galloping on horses for 5,900 years
19:44 and then incredible things begin to happen.
19:46 And that's what we're gonna see here.
19:48 Around the world, we're seeing this air--in communication.
19:52 It's just really, really amazing.
19:54 So what I'm gonna show you is
19:55 from horseback to the moon in one century
19:59 So if you're graphing this,
20:01 it's a flat liner for most of earth's history
20:03 and then what does it do? Goes straight up to the moon.
20:06 This to me is very amazing.
20:09 Now the second one,
20:10 I'll talk to you about is wars and rumors of wars.
20:12 If you read Matthew 24:6,
20:15 the big wars at the end are not at the very end
20:19 because if you read Matthew 24:6, it says,
20:21 "There will be wars and rumors of wars."
20:22 But what? The end is not yet.
20:25 So we're gonna see something quite amazing here.
20:28 And that is in the Bible it says,
20:31 "There will be wars and rumors of wars."
20:34 And the most interesting part about it
20:36 nation rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
20:39 The last century was actually the bloodiest of all that
20:44 we've seen before.
20:46 And I'm gonna show you what we mean by that.
20:49 Only two of these big,
20:50 huge mushroom clouds have occurred
20:52 in battle on earth's history.
20:54 Most of you are well aware from reading your history books
20:57 that on August 6, 1945,
21:00 especially equipped B-29 bomber took off
21:02 in Tinian Island in the Central Pacific.
21:04 Colonel Paul Tibbets, the pilot didn't know
21:07 if he would return because they had never dropped the bomb
21:09 that would send flames and superheated gas
21:12 40,000 feet into the air,
21:13 much higher than the planes could fly.
21:16 On the day before, he took a paint brush
21:18 and wrote on the fuselage of his B-29,
21:20 Enola Gay, which was the name of his mother.
21:23 That big bomb was designed to detonate
21:26 1,000 feet above Hiroshima.
21:29 Four and half hours later,
21:30 they were approaching the coast of Japan and the bombadier
21:33 lined up his sights right on that bridge
21:35 between the two halves of Hiroshima.
21:37 When the bomb dropped, they quickly banked the plane
21:39 to get out of the way of course because they knew
21:41 this huge cloud would come up.
21:43 But 1,000 feet above the ground
21:44 right as they had planned,
21:46 it detonated and killed more than
21:48 100,000 people in 10 seconds.
21:51 Many thousands more died after that from the radiation
21:54 and the injuries that they received.
21:56 Three days later,
21:57 a second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki
21:59 as you can understand.
22:00 Now something amazing happened with these World War II things.
22:05 "Modern estimates place the number of deaths
22:08 from those two world wars at 69 million
22:11 military and civilian personnel.
22:12 More people have been killed by war in the past 100 years
22:16 than in all of the other wars in the earth's history combined."
22:20 To me, this is an incredible thing to understand.
22:23 Now we're going to look at another sign.
22:26 This is lack of self control.
22:29 And I'm just gonna go through a couple of slides here.
22:31 Violence, these things are quite amazing
22:33 when you think about all that's happening in the world today.
22:36 Gambling, essentially out of control.
22:39 Do you know that Hurricane Katrina
22:41 ruined 16 gambling casinos, these floating casinos
22:44 off the coast of the Southern Mississippi and so on?
22:48 Quite interesting when you see them.
22:51 I may have to have somebody go over
22:52 and sit by my laptop and press the down key
22:54 because I'm not getting my-- there we go.
22:57 Pornography, we even have someone
22:59 talking about that here today from one of our seminars.
23:04 I need to go really fast through this.
23:06 Would someone be willing to go over
23:07 and just there's a cursor key just the arrow of the down key
23:11 because I wanna go though this rather quickly.
23:13 You can be able to view it right there.
23:15 Corrupt business leaders,
23:16 greed and fraudulent business practices,
23:18 Violence, immortality on television,
23:20 crime out of control, selfishness abounds.
23:22 Let's go to the next one.
23:23 Now we're gonna talk just briefly about earthquakes
23:25 and natural disasters.
23:27 Matthew 24, Matthew, Mark, and Luke
23:30 all talk about earthquakes.
23:32 Now there may not be many earthquakes in Michigan.
23:34 But if you understand, go on to the next slide
23:36 there are hundreds of just--
23:42 maybe the down cursor key, yeah.
23:46 The Bible says, "There will be earthquakes."
23:47 Okay? 6,000 major earthquakes each year.
23:53 Now in addition, go on to the next one, please.
23:56 Earthquakes will happen all over the world,
23:58 we're told, but they don't have to happen right
23:59 where you live because we see them
24:01 various places the Bible says.
24:04 Okay? In the 10year period from 1900 to 1910,
24:08 earthquakes worldwide, there were three of them
24:11 on 6.0 or greater on the Richter scale.
24:13 In the last 10 years of our century
24:15 from 1990 to 2000, 943 earthquakes
24:18 worldwide on the Richter scale, 314 times greater frequency.
24:23 This is really incredible.
24:25 Now before I talk about the pestilence,
24:27 I just want to tell you that if you look under--
24:31 in the little book Last Day Events,
24:33 there's a section called "Cities"
24:35 and it will tell you there are other references but it says,
24:38 "Near the end, the coastal cities
24:41 that are plagued with wickedness will be swept away."
24:45 I don't need to tell you.
24:47 If you want to get on the internet,
24:49 you can check out what I'm telling you.
24:50 But on the weekend before Labor Day,
24:53 every year in New Orleans since 1972,
24:58 thousands and thousands--
25:00 they were expecting 125,000 homosexuals
25:03 for the southern decadence parade
25:06 and week of celebration in New Orleans.
25:08 Two days before that happened, the Lord closed the city down.
25:11 I believe that. It was not a coincidence.
25:15 And that's an incredible thing to see that.
25:17 Let me just tell you I was in Norway this summer
25:18 for a camp meeting and an amazing thing happened.
25:21 A lady came to me and she just couldn't stop talking.
25:23 She said, "Do you remember the tsunami
25:25 on the 26th of December last year?"
25:27 She said, "There were 50 families from Norway.
25:29 My husband and some of his coworkers
25:31 and myself and so on,
25:33 50 families in a hotel in Thailand.
25:36 We don't know why,
25:38 but we chose our daughter asked us,
25:39 if we can sit on the back table.
25:42 We wanted to be close where we could see the ocean.
25:44 But when the tsunami came and it crashed through the walls
25:46 and people, and tables, and food were coming tearing toward us.
25:50 We were thrown out of the building
25:52 into the back of a pickup truck.
25:55 And that pickup was washed two and half kilometers
25:58 inland over a mile." And that family of four
26:03 were the only family who did not lose either else,
26:06 everyone in the family or someone in the family,
26:08 this Adventist family. She said,
26:11 "We were just hugging each other and crying all soaking wet.
26:14 Thankful that we were saved and we heard this terrible crash
26:17 and here came the second wave."
26:18 And she said, "We all climbed separate palm trees
26:21 and God spared our life the second time."
26:24 Incredible. You've seen the cities that bond, actually
26:27 just completely wiped out. Not even there anymore.
26:30 Okay, we're gonna go on to Pestilence,
26:31 but I wanna show you,
26:33 "In different places there will be pestilence,
26:35 earthquakes," and so on.
26:36 Go on to the next slide. Now this is an amazing thing.
26:39 I will only mention one of these.
26:40 And this one is the idea of AIDS.
26:45 It's very, very interesting to recognize that 25 years ago,
26:49 nobody had ever heard
26:51 the words immunodeficiency syndrome,
26:55 this acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS.
26:58 But in the last 25 years,
27:00 more than 60 million people have contracted AIDS.
27:03 More than 20 million have already died from it.
27:06 And if you look in the national news, magazines
27:09 and so on, you know that in Sub-Saharan Africa,
27:12 there are now more than 12 million AIDS orphans.
27:15 These are children, little children
27:17 who've lost both parents to AIDS.
27:19 It's an incredible thing.
27:20 And by the way we haven't even seen the peak of it yet.
27:23 Now we're seeing big ones in the former Soviet Union
27:26 that is big incidence of it,
27:28 also in China and in Southeast Asia, incredible.
27:31 Okay, let's go along real quickly
27:33 to the next one here on again.
27:35 I want to go to the next-- there we are.
27:38 Now I want to tell you that I would typically not do this
27:42 at a general public meeting.
27:44 But I want you to know that a sign,
27:46 a fulfilling of Revelation 13 is occurring
27:48 in a tremendous way today
27:50 and I will have to assume that you are familiar with Daniel 2,
27:54 and Daniel 7, and Revelation 13.
27:56 And that you understand the players at the end of time.
27:59 So I wanna talk to you about
28:00 the union of the church and state,
28:02 the Roman Government and the church,
28:04 and particularly church and state
28:05 in the United States. We'll go on ahead.
28:08 I'm just gonna show you in this particular one,
28:10 this is a picture--
28:12 I scanned it actually out of inside the Vatican.
28:14 But President Bush,
28:16 the president of the United States
28:17 who was present for the opening
28:19 of the Pope John Paul the II Cultural Center
28:21 which is the little Vatican, they call it,
28:23 on the campus of Catholic University in Washington DC.
28:26 And by the way,
28:28 I will just point out to you, this particular picture
28:30 also is kind of interesting because Jim Nicholson
28:33 was Chairman of Republican National Committee
28:35 from 1997 to the year 2000.
28:37 Most of you probably never heard of this name.
28:39 But he's the primary politician in the Republican Party.
28:41 The next picture actually shows him
28:43 what he did for the next 4 years.
28:45 He became the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.
28:47 This is rightly a mixture of church and state
28:49 as you can understand.
28:51 But notice what I have at the bottom there.
28:52 The Holy See that is the central government,
28:54 the Roman Catholic Church
28:55 has now full diplomatic relations with 172 nations.
28:59 Actually since I did this slide a week ago its 173 nations now.
29:02 But out of 228 recognized are sovereign nations
29:05 by the United Nations. That is 76%
29:08 of all of the sovereign nations on earth
29:10 have full diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
29:12 Okay? Now I'm gonna show you
29:14 how again church and state is working.
29:16 Most of you have know these two people just by sight
29:18 because they're very common in America.
29:20 The man on the left is Karl Rove,
29:21 who is the political strategist for the Bush administration.
29:24 And the man on the right is Jerry Falwell
29:26 who is a very influential, evangelical leader in America.
29:30 They met together at Liberty University in May of 2004
29:33 because Karl Rove told Jerry Falwell,
29:36 we need to get the president
29:37 re-elected and if we need to do that to be successful,
29:40 we'll need to have the Christians to help us
29:42 and they believed that that happened.
29:44 I'm just going to tell you that after the election,
29:47 Jerry Falwell just the bottom paragraph there,
29:49 "We're gonna be organizing in all 50 states,
29:52 and enlisting and training million of Americans
29:54 to become partners in this exciting task
29:57 of bringing this nation back to the moral values of faith
30:00 and family on which it was founded."
30:02 On to the next one, please.
30:03 Now this is a common face for most of you.
30:06 But what I'm gonna tell is not well known.
30:09 Then next-- Doctor James Dobson,
30:12 of Focus on the family just before last years election
30:15 resigned his position as the president of Focus on the family
30:18 and started a new organization that would not be hampered
30:22 by the restrictions for 5013C corporations.
30:27 The next slide please, brother. Thank you.
30:29 I'm just gonna read a quote from U.S. News
30:31 and World Report of January 17, 2005,
30:33 "Before the election, November 2004,
30:36 Dobson stepped down from the presidency of Focus,
30:38 he's still the chairman
30:39 but to launch Focus on the Family Action,
30:41 a fund-raising and grass-roots organizing engine
30:44 free of the political spending limits
30:46 imposed on the nonprofit focus.
30:48 The more-- the move allowed Dobson
30:51 to make his first presidential endorsement for President Bush
30:53 and to write hundreds of thousands
30:55 of Focus constituents in states
30:56 with tight Senate races with political advice,
30:59 and to appear in TV ads to unseat Senate Minority Leader,
31:03 Tom Daschle in South Dakota."
31:05 Now do you understand that James Dobson
31:07 made videos or movies
31:09 that were played on the television stations
31:11 and he personally went to South Dakota to defeat
31:13 the Senate Minority Leader, Tom Daschle?
31:16 He is out of his job.
31:18 Does everybody understand that?
31:19 James Dobson now says to all of the other centers
31:22 take a lesson from Tom Daschle.
31:24 You vote like we want you to or you're gonna be history.
31:27 You understand the power now of religion
31:29 in the political process in America.
31:32 Now I'm gonna show you something real interesting
31:33 because the pope's funeral showed us
31:35 two very, very interesting things.
31:38 The first one I'll point out to you is that this "M"
31:41 on the pope's coat of arms talks about Mary,
31:44 I'm all yours. Okay?
31:46 The next one is during the pope's funeral--by the way,
31:51 if you watched television the day of the pope's funeral
31:54 from 3 o'clock in the morning in the United States
31:55 to 9 o'clock in the morning that was all that was on TV.
31:58 So most of you if you watched TV during that period of time,
32:00 you saw this that he was buried in a little pine box.
32:03 But his will was released at that same time
32:06 and he said, speaking to Mary, "I'm completely in your hands."
32:10 That was his last will and testament.
32:12 So he also has that little M on the casket as you can see.
32:15 And then we also wanted to mention something interesting.
32:19 "Christianity Today" which is the largest circulated
32:22 evangelical publication in the world
32:24 is now encouraging Protestants to also accept Mary.
32:28 Now the reason that I mention this is--
32:30 because you are well aware that spiritualism
32:33 has two constituent elements.
32:35 One is that you believe in the conscious
32:37 existence of man after death.
32:39 And the second one is you believe that being or person
32:41 who's died can communicate with people on the earth.
32:44 So spirit Mariology by definition is spiritualism.
32:48 But here's Christianity today, the blessed evangelical Mary.
32:51 And also on Time Magazine
32:53 "Hail, Mary" Catholics have long revered her.
32:55 Now Protestants are finding their own reasons
32:58 to celebrate the mother of Jesus.
33:01 So you understand, this is the glue
33:02 that's kind of bringing together.
33:04 Okay? I wanted to show you something also.
33:07 Before the pope died, the year before in June,
33:09 the President of the United States
33:10 went to the Vatican and gave the pope the Medal of Freedom
33:13 which is the highest honor that the United States
33:15 can honor to anyone.
33:16 Okay, we'll go rapidly through some of these other ones.
33:19 This is the flag on the White House at half-staff
33:24 during the pope's funeral day.
33:26 And it's kind of interesting that the President made an order
33:29 that all government buildings,
33:31 all government embassies around the world
33:32 and all of our ships at sea have their flags
33:34 at half-staff in honor of the pope.
33:37 The pope appeared on the cover of many, many magazines
33:40 and I'm gonna show you. Go ahead to the next one, please.
33:43 He appeared a record 16 times on Time Magazine.
33:47 The next one actually shows you 15 of them
33:49 and that other one was one of them.
33:51 Uh, go ahead. Under his leadership,
33:54 of course Newsweek Magazine says that,
33:56 "Pope John Paul who helped bring down the Iron Curtain,
33:58 the Holy See gained more political clout
34:00 than it had enjoyed since the Renaissance."
34:04 The pope's funeral was the largest attended
34:07 funeral in world history.
34:09 More than a million people actually came to Rome.
34:12 And I'll just go on quickly and show you
34:13 some of the others. Revelation 13:3, it says,
34:16 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
34:19 his deadly wound was healed;
34:20 and all the world wondered after the beast."
34:22 Now the interesting thing about
34:23 that you've seen picture likely.
34:26 It's been on the cover of Liberty Magazine and so on.
34:29 But you have the President of the United States
34:31 kneeling here, his wife, Laura Bush kneeling here,
34:34 former President Bush kneeling,
34:36 Bill Clinton kneeling, Condoleezza Rice kneeling.
34:38 By the way, there were only five
34:40 from the American delegation
34:41 because it was the largest gathering of world leaders
34:46 in the history of earth went to the funeral.
34:49 And we were actually
34:51 limited to only five people to go from the U.S.
34:54 Jimmy Carter wanted to go too,
34:55 but there was not room for him with those others there.
34:58 Presidents and Kings, Prime Ministers,
35:00 Heads of State from more than 100 countries.
35:02 And they said it was the largest funeral in history
35:04 and there is never been a-- these are the--by the way,
35:07 are from inside the Vatican.
35:08 These pictures and this little statement, thank you.
35:11 By the way, the new Pope Cardinal Ratzinger was,
35:14 for the past 24 years, the leader of the Congregation
35:16 for the Doctrine of the Faith,
35:18 formerly called the Office of the Inquisition in the Vatican.
35:21 Now I want to give you just a little insight.
35:23 Go--another one, please. Another one too.
35:26 I want to get right over to the U.S. Supreme Court
35:28 because our time is up here and everybody's hungry
35:31 and I just want you to see these even farther.
35:33 Go on till you see the Supreme court, even more.
35:36 Okay, there we are. And I'll give you just one--
35:38 there are the names of the Supreme court justices,
35:41 and go to one more,
35:43 and you can see there are their ages.
35:45 Three of the Supreme court justices,
35:47 Antonin Scalia on the left, Clarence Thomas right here,
35:50 and Anthony Kennedy right there are Roman Catholics
35:53 and the reason I mention that is because the Catholic church
35:55 has recently printed in the publication
35:57 "I Receive in Sight."
35:59 Our Sunday visitor, that if-- go to the next slide, please.
36:03 If John Roberts, who was just recently
36:06 approved by the Senate Judiciary committee.
36:08 If he is approved, this next week
36:09 will be the fourth Roman Catholic
36:11 on the U.S. Supreme court.
36:13 The largest number in the history of the court.
36:15 And of course, John Roberts is 50 years old
36:17 and would likely be on the Supreme Court for many years.
36:20 And of course, there's even another vacancy.
36:22 Let's go on to the next one.
36:23 Alberto Gonzales was also a Roman Catholic.
36:25 That is the current Attorney General.
36:28 The President had said he would like him to be
36:29 but he may be too controversial to be confirmed.
36:31 Let's go on--keep going until-- this was one I want you see.
36:36 This is one of the last slides here
36:37 before I just show you the seventh sign.
36:39 And that is-- this is on the Roman Catholic
36:42 website called Glenmary.org.
36:44 G-L-E-N. Just one N. The Roman Catholic church
36:48 actually has a goal of having the predominant religion
36:51 in every county in the United States.
36:53 That is every voting precinct to be Roman Catholic.
36:57 In the United States of the 3,143 counties
37:00 and independent cities they state,
37:02 they are the predominant religion of 1,295 counties
37:06 or 40% of the counties,
37:07 which is represented here in blue, by the way.
37:10 The red are the southern Baptists down here.
37:12 You can see where Michigan is there,
37:14 all but about seven counties predominantly Roman Catholic.
37:16 Now the reason that this is the goal of the church is
37:18 because they want to be very prominent
37:21 in all of the election processes that go forward in America.
37:24 Okay, now the last one and the greatest one
37:27 is the Gospel is going to all the world.
37:29 And I think this is absolutely incredible.
37:32 I do not think of myself as a TV star,
37:34 but I can just tell you most everywhere I go,
37:36 whether it's South Africa or Norway
37:38 and Japan or whatever, people say to me,
37:40 "We've seen you on 3ABN." 3ABN has a footprint now
37:44 that covers virtually the entire earth.
37:46 Adventist world radio, the same thing.
37:48 It's really incredible to understand
37:50 that the Gospel will be preached to all the world,
37:53 then the end will come.
37:54 And I want to go on to another slide near the end.
37:57 One big problem faces people
37:58 and that's not everyone that says to me,
38:00 "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom,
38:02 but he that does the will of my father.
38:04 And there's another final picture there,
38:06 go on to the next one.
38:09 There's one more, I think. I want to show you
38:10 a final one of the second coming.
38:12 And this one is-- their it is, right there.
38:15 When Jesus comes, will you be ready?
38:18 Now let me just give you about 2 minutes of an appeal.
38:20 This is my last slide.
38:21 I want to tell you it's high time,
38:25 that we as Christian leaders recognize that God is giving us
38:29 signs coming out of our ears.
38:32 We are near the end. I think, that as Christians,
38:37 we ought to recognize a number of important points.
38:40 And that is, we know that,
38:42 we've been told in great controversy,
38:43 page 593 and 594,
38:45 no one but those who have their minds
38:47 fortified with God's word are going to stand
38:49 through the last time. The big question is,
38:51 are we fortifying our minds with God's word?
38:54 Do you understand?
38:55 I mean, we know the answer to this question.
38:58 I don't think my mind is fortified.
39:00 I love this Bible and I have this one pretty well marked
39:02 and so on and it's even taped together.
39:04 But for the last 5 years, my wife Kathy
39:07 and I have been reading the Bible through together
39:10 out loud every year.
39:11 That means three chapters a day and four on Sabbath.
39:14 And even I call her on the cell phone,
39:16 and we do the readings that we-- when I'm away.
39:19 Because we want to have
39:22 our minds fortified with the word of God.
39:24 Someone asked me recently,
39:27 "How do you have time to write all these books?"
39:29 And I said, "It's simple. No television."
39:35 Most of the people you see on TV,
39:38 with the exception of 3ABN, but let me just tell you,
39:41 most of the people you see on broadcast,
39:42 normal broadcast television ABC. CBS, NBC, CNN.
39:46 Most of those people
39:47 are not even planning to go to heaven.
39:51 I'm not judging these people, you ask them.
39:53 This great Peter Jennings who recently died,
39:55 not one word was said that he's in heaven.
39:57 Is that true or not?
39:59 Have you ever heard anybody say it?
40:00 They're not going to say it. He wasn't planning to go.
40:05 And if we live and act like people on TV,
40:07 we're probably not going either.
40:09 I think it is time for us to spend time in the word.
40:12 This is very, very important. And to pray regularly
40:16 and to share God's word with people.
40:18 We know where we are in time,
40:20 it's very, very important.
40:22 Now I'm going to meddle a little bit,
40:24 because this is my role in the North American division.
40:27 But it's pretty simple to me.
40:29 If I as a man, and not willing to trust God
40:34 and be faithful with my tithe and offerings at a time
40:37 when it is relative prosperity.
40:39 What am I going to do when I can't buy or sell?
40:43 Do you understand what I mean by that?
40:45 If I can't trust God to take of my family right now,
40:49 will I trust him then?
40:52 It is time for us to recognize that a great revival in Malachi,
40:56 the third chapter, beginning with verse six.
40:58 God says, "Return to me and I will return to you."
41:02 So we're talking about important things here.
41:05 Faithfulness, and for our families
41:07 and our children to know that we love God
41:09 and we pray for them and we do things with them.
41:11 And we make Sabbath
41:12 a special day for them and so on.
41:14 It's an awesome thing to understand
41:17 what we know and not tell anybody about it.
41:21 You remember that experience in the siege of Samaria
41:24 when the lepers went out.
41:26 And they said, "If we stay in here,
41:28 we're going to die. If we go out there,
41:29 they might just kill us."
41:31 But when they went out there, the Syrians were gone
41:34 and they had all this food out there.
41:36 And they first jump in and started eating like crazy,
41:38 and then they thought, "Man, we've got all this stuff
41:41 and there's people starving back inside.
41:43 We ought to tell them."
41:44 Do you understand the point?
41:46 Somehow the good news needs to be shared with other people.
41:50 Jesus is coming. The one who died for us,
41:53 the one who calmed the storm,
41:54 and raised the dead and fed the 5,000, all of that.
41:57 That awesome God did all of that,
42:00 so he could come back.
42:02 So I'm going to encourage you
42:04 as you're here to pray together and to attend the seminars
42:09 and make a commitment that you will be faithful.
42:12 Do you know that we are told that Jesus said,
42:15 "Where two or three are gathered together,
42:16 I'll be in midst with you." So we know God's here,
42:20 we know the holy angels are here.
42:21 We've invited them.
42:22 They're going to send a report back to heaven.
42:26 Would you like them to tell the heavenly beings there
42:29 that you're planning to come soon
42:31 and you thank God that you're seeing all these signs?
42:33 Would you like to just raise your hand
42:34 and let the Lord know that? Thank you very much.
42:37 I want to pray for you and ask God to bless you.
42:40 We're going to sing just one stanza of a song,
42:42 I believe, and have a benediction
42:44 and then some information about the meal together.
42:48 Let's bow our heads.
42:50 Father, I want to thank you for the opportunity
42:53 we have of being together today,
42:55 for the inspiration of this hour.
42:57 You've seen the commitment of those who are here today,
43:00 wanting to take seriously the signs
43:02 and spend more time in your word
43:03 and talking with you in prayer and sharing
43:06 and with our families.
43:07 May we have your blessing as we make these commitments.
43:10 May this be a special day for each of us
43:12 as we go to our places of rest.
43:15 Later, we pray that you'll help us
43:17 to contemplate individually and may our prayer life
43:19 and our devotional time with you grow and strengthen
43:22 so that very soon we can hear the words,
43:24 "Well done, good and faithful servant.
43:26 Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
43:28 I pray that you'll bless each family that's represented.
43:31 The leaders of our churches
43:32 and the leaders of the conference
43:34 and the fathers and the brothers and the--everyone who's here.
43:38 I pray that you'll help us to be
43:39 so committed to you that people will be able to tell
43:41 that we've been with Jesus.
43:43 In his name we pray, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17