3ABN On the Road

Operation- Earth Liberation! Are You Ready?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Louis Torres


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000719

01:00 Good evening and welcome to "Digging Up the Future"
01:03 or actually digging up the past,
01:05 Bible Prophecy Exposed.
01:07 We've looked at the past with archeology,
01:09 we're looking to the future with Bible Prophecy
01:11 and tonight we're gonna be looking at a topic
01:13 that many people have on their minds.
01:15 In other words,
01:17 will you be left behind or will you be taken.
01:19 How many of you've heard about that?
01:21 And the way it's titled tonight
01:23 "Operation - Earth Liberation! Are You Ready?"
01:25 is intriguing as well.
01:27 But in talking about a subject like this
01:29 sometimes people get very anxious.
01:32 They want to know whether or not
01:33 they will be left behind or taken.
01:36 So tonight, we certainly need the Lord's presence with us
01:38 as we study this subject and let's just bow our heads
01:41 and pray together before we begin this evening.
01:43 Father in heaven,
01:44 tonight we're thankful that You came once
01:46 and You came as a child, You came as a baby,
01:48 You grew up,
01:50 You lived among us here on earth
01:53 and You've promised to come again.
01:55 We want to be ready when You come again.
01:57 And tonight we asked that You would come here
01:59 through the agency of the Holy Spirit.
02:01 Holy Spirit, we invite your presence here.
02:03 Be with us that we might have ears to hear and to listen
02:06 and to understand with our speaker
02:08 that he might have words to speak from You.
02:11 And we thank You and we come in Christ name, amen.
02:15 Well, let's stand together and sing our theme song
02:17 "Coming Again, Jesus is Coming Again."
02:28 Marvelous message we bring
02:32 Glorious carol we sing
02:36 Wonderful word of the King
02:39 Jesus is coming again
02:43 Coming again, coming again
02:50 Maybe morning, maybe noon
02:54 Maybe evening, but surely soon
02:57 Coming again, coming again
03:04 Oh what a wonderful day that will be
03:10 Jesus is coming again.
03:18 You can be seated.
03:19 Boy, you were singing like you mean it.
03:21 Are you happy that Jesus is coming again?
03:23 Yes. Looking forward to that.
03:26 And many people are happy but the question is
03:29 are you ready for Jesus to come?
03:31 And tonight, Marion Peppers will be singing for us
03:34 and accompanied by Anthea Hii, Jesus is coming,
03:37 "Are You Ready For Jesus To Come."
03:57 The theme of the Bible is Jesus
04:04 And how He died to save men
04:12 The plan of salvation assures us
04:20 He is coming back again
04:28 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
04:38 Are you faithful in all that you do?
04:46 Have you fought a good fight?
04:50 Have you stood for the right?
04:55 Have others seen Jesus in you?
05:03 Are you ready to stand in your place?
05:11 Are you ready to look in His face?
05:19 Can you look up and say,
05:25 "This is my Lord"
05:31 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
05:48 Don't cling to the world and its treasure
05:56 This earth will soon pass away
06:04 O give Him your love without measure
06:12 He's calling you today
06:21 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
06:31 Are you faithful in all that you do?
06:39 Have you fought a good fight?
06:43 Have you stood for the right?
06:48 Have others seen Jesus in you?
06:57 Are you ready to stand in your place?
07:05 Are you ready to look in His face?
07:13 Can you look up and say,
07:20 "This is my Lord"
07:27 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
07:38 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
08:00 And the people said?
08:02 Amen. Amen.
08:05 The last prayer in the Bible.
08:09 As you know that there is a last prayer in the Bible
08:12 and it's found in Revelation Chapter 22
08:17 and it is recorded in verse 20.
08:22 Notice what the last prayer of the Bible is.
08:24 Revelation Chapter 22:20. Notice the last part.
08:28 "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
08:33 That's the last prayer.
08:35 What is it? "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
08:42 That should be the prayer of our hearts.
08:46 When I was in Australia in Sydney, Australia
08:49 presenting a prophecy seminar
08:53 after I concluded that presentation
08:56 a group of people approached me
08:59 who had lot of questions about my presentation,
09:02 I happened to present the topic I'm presenting here tonight
09:05 and it's so happened that they were individuals
09:09 who had believed that the rapture
09:12 was supposed to have taken place.
09:15 There were posters that have been created
09:19 and notice what it says "God's Judgment Day" is what?
09:23 Is near. "Is near."
09:26 And it would happen when?
09:28 On "1 a.m. the 29th of October, 1992 Sydney time."
09:36 Jesus will what? "Will come again."
09:41 The people believed that the rapture would take place.
09:47 And the reason that it was believable is
09:49 because the religious leaders were proclaiming
09:52 that it would happen.
09:59 Many decided to give up their jobs.
10:02 They decided to give up their homes
10:05 and they decided to give up everything.
10:08 They were sure that it would happen
10:12 that the rapture would take place.
10:16 They were so certain
10:17 that when they went to give their belongings
10:22 and what they had to the churches
10:24 the churches requested
10:27 that they actually would sign contracts
10:32 so that in the event
10:33 that they decided to change surmise they could not.
10:38 Well, these individuals felt that
10:43 signing the contracts would give clear evidence
10:46 that they believed
10:47 they would never need their homes again.
10:52 And so they actually signed contracts.
10:54 Attorneys were enlisted and contracts were signed.
11:00 And people actually waited
11:01 in the streets of Sydney, Australia
11:04 and in Korea and other places
11:06 with their suitcases waiting to be rapture.
11:16 And so the newspaper
11:19 clipping the headlines
11:25 after the event was supposed to take place reads
11:28 "End of the world for jobless, homeless believers."
11:34 What does it say? End of the world for what?
11:39 Jobless. What else?
11:41 Homeless believers.
11:45 You see they banked on it.
11:49 They believed it would happen.
11:52 And it would have been a denial of faith
11:54 not to sign those contracts and give everything up
11:57 to demonstrate that it would happen.
12:03 But unfortunately it did not happen
12:05 and if you notice one side of the street
12:10 you had people protesting calling them what?
12:14 Liars and on the other side you had a placard that said
12:19 "Jesus is coming at 1 a.m. 29th of October, 1992."
12:23 And the newspaper said "No sudden" what
12:28 "vanishing in Gladesville."
12:30 In other words, to anticipate it,
12:31 it all of suddenly would disappear
12:34 but they did not disappear.
12:37 And so people who were skeptics and scoffers had their heyday.
12:43 They mocked these people
12:45 and unfortunately for those who believed
12:49 they became victims of terrible circumstances.
12:53 Can you imagine having to start life
12:58 all over again with nothing?
13:04 And can you imagine having to start life all over again
13:09 with that spot against you.
13:13 A fanatic.
13:14 Do you understand what I'm saying?
13:15 In other words people would call them what?
13:18 Fanatics.
13:22 There is no question according to the scriptures
13:26 that Jesus will come again.
13:29 Do you believe that? Yeah.
13:32 In fact, you'll find it in the Book of Revelation
13:34 that it is repeated over and over again.
13:37 Notice it says in Revelation 1:7
13:41 "Behold He cometh with clouds and every eye will see Him."
13:44 Revelation 3:11 "Behold I come quickly."
13:47 Revelation 15:16, Revelation 22:7, 12, 20.
13:53 You'll see all through the Book of Revelation
13:54 the reality that the Lord would come back.
13:57 And even if it doesn't use the same phrases
14:00 you'll discover that in the Bible
14:03 especially in the Book of Revelation
14:04 it is repeated over and over again in different ways,
14:08 the reality that Jesus will return.
14:11 Now, notice the verses in chapter 22.
14:16 Notice it says "Behold, I am coming" how?
14:19 "Quickly.
14:20 Blessed is he who keeps the words
14:22 of the prophecy of this book."
14:25 Verse 12, notice it says "And behold, I'm coming" how?
14:29 "Quickly
14:30 and My reward is with Me, to give to every man
14:32 according to as his shall work."
14:35 And of course verse 20,
14:36 "He who testifies to these things says,
14:39 'Surely I'" what?
14:41 "I am coming" how? "Quickly.
14:43 Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus!"
14:46 That's the last prayer recorded in the scriptures.
14:48 I want you to notice that there is constant,
14:50 constant reemphasis and that is I'm coming how?
14:54 Quickly. Quickly, quickly, quickly.
14:56 Now some of us may think how quick
14:59 is how quick is quickly, right?
15:01 And the reason for that is that
15:02 I think some of you have had grandparents
15:05 who believed that Jesus would come in their day.
15:07 Any of you have had grandparents like that?
15:10 Yes, grandparents who believed
15:12 that Jesus would come in their day.
15:13 They're dead we'd parents who have passed away
15:16 who believed that Jesus would come in their day.
15:18 My mother five years ago we laid her rest
15:21 she believed that Jesus would come.
15:23 And one of the songs
15:24 that she loved to sing was a song entitled
15:28 "Far beyond the sun" in Spanish.
15:30 How many of you heard that song?
15:32 "Mas Alla del Sol" is the actual title.
15:35 It's a beautiful song.
15:36 In fact, my brothers and I sang that
15:38 at the funeral of my mother.
15:40 Well, the belief in the coming of Christ,
15:43 He would come quickly, He would come quickly,
15:45 He would come quickly but He hasn't come.
15:47 Does that mean He won't come?
15:49 Let me explain this to you friends,
15:51 that the first time our prediction
15:55 that Christ would come
15:56 is not found in the Book of Revelation
15:58 neither is it found in the Book of Matthew.
16:01 In fact, what's interesting
16:03 about these predictions is that
16:05 prophets had predicted the coming of Christ
16:08 centuries before.
16:11 If you have your Bibles
16:13 just look very quickly at a little small book
16:16 which is next to the Book of Revelation,
16:18 the Book of Jude
16:20 and I want you to notice something here
16:22 concerning what I have just said.
16:23 The Book of Jude is a book written just,
16:28 it's a just actually one chapter
16:30 but it's written just before the Book of Revelation
16:32 and I want you to notice verse 14.
16:35 Verse 14 "And Enoch" who is this?
16:39 "Enoch, also the seventh from Adam,
16:42 prophesied of these, saying, 'Behold, the Lord cometh
16:45 with ten thousands of His saints.'
16:47 Now notice it says who predicted this?
16:49 Enoch.
16:50 Who was he? The seventh from Adam.
16:53 How long ago was that then?
16:56 Is that long ago, yes or no?
16:59 Almost of 5,000 years ago
17:01 it was predicted that the messiah would come,
17:03 the Christ would come with 10, 000s of His saints.
17:07 In other words, obviously the believe and the hope
17:10 that Christ would come has been believed
17:13 and preached and predicted for centuries
17:16 and centuries and centuries even millennia's.
17:18 What do you say?
17:19 Now the problem is that for us we would say,
17:22 we think quickly it's tomorrow.
17:25 And if we pass 60 years
17:27 we think well, it's been too long.
17:29 But please to remember that the Bible says
17:31 that one day to the Lord it says the 1,000 years
17:34 and the 1, 000 years as one day.
17:39 But this thing I will tell you,
17:43 that what He promises He will do.
17:46 He will come.
17:48 What did I say? He will come.
17:54 The Scripture tells us that but the problem is
17:59 that there is a lot of confusion today
18:00 about the coming of Christ.
18:02 Isn't that true, the different ideas?
18:04 If you happened to be a Christian
18:08 you may be in one or three camps.
18:10 You may be a Christian
18:12 who believes in the pre-tribulation.
18:15 Is that true?
18:16 Or you may happen to be a Christian who believes
18:19 in the tribulation or in the post tribulation.
18:22 In other words there are just
18:24 different positions that you can take.
18:26 And I had a Baptist preacher friend
18:30 who said "Yeah, you can be a good Baptist and not agree."
18:35 You can be a what? A good Baptist and not agree.
18:39 In other words, you can believe in this position,
18:41 you can believe in this position,
18:43 you can believe in that position
18:44 or you're still a good Baptist.
18:46 Well that's confusing, isn't it?
18:48 Yes or no? Yes.
18:50 How many Bibles do we have then?
18:52 Well, according to what we understand
18:54 is only how many Bibles?
18:56 One Bible.
18:57 In other words God did not write several Bibles,
18:59 God wrote one Bible.
19:00 We happen to have different translations
19:02 but in essence all the translations
19:04 has supposed to be basically the Bible
19:06 whether it's in Spanish or in English
19:08 or whatever language.
19:10 And yet even though we have one Bible
19:11 it seems to be confusion
19:13 as to the mind of Christ coming.
19:14 Remember, this that, Jesus Himself declared
19:18 that when He comes every eye will see Him.
19:20 How many? Every eye will see Him.
19:25 Now, how did He go?
19:29 According to the scriptures
19:31 when Jesus is talking to His disciples
19:34 the Bible says while He was yet talking to them
19:38 "while they beheld, he was" what?
19:41 "Taken" what?
19:42 "Up and a cloud received him out of their sight."
19:47 And of course,
19:49 "while they looked steadfastly toward heaven."
19:51 As they stood there gazing up,
19:53 wondering if they never seen Him again.
19:58 Remember, He had promised to them that I will come again.
20:03 And so they're standing up there,
20:04 they must have been heartbreaking experience.
20:06 What do you say?
20:08 They'd loved their Lord, spent time with Him.
20:11 They now understood that He was divine.
20:13 They now understood
20:14 that they had been with God all the time
20:16 and did not understand it.
20:18 And now the Lord takes His flight toward heaven.
20:22 It must have been quite,
20:24 quite experience to His disciples.
20:26 But "while they looked up steadfastly to heaven,
20:30 two men in white apparels stood there
20:35 and said to them.
20:37 Ye men of Galilee
20:39 why stand ye gazing up into" where?
20:43 "Into heaven." This what?
20:46 "This same Jesus, which is taken up
20:49 from you into heaven
20:50 shall so come in a different manner."
20:56 What does it say? Like.
20:58 "So shall He come in" what? "Like manner."
21:01 What does it mean to be a like manner?
21:05 Does it mean different or does it mean the same.
21:08 In other words, as you see Him go up
21:11 you will see Him come in the same fashion.
21:14 In other words if I tell you
21:16 that I'm going in a Taurus over to my house
21:19 and then I'm going to come back in the Taurus
21:21 does that mean I will, come back in Cadillac.
21:24 Yes or no? No.
21:27 I mean, I may come back in the Cadillac
21:28 but you don't expect me in the Cadillac.
21:30 Do you, you expect inspect me in a what?
21:32 In a Taurus, exactly.
21:34 And so Jesus was taken up in clouds
21:36 and He will come back with clouds.
21:37 What do you say? Is that clear?
21:40 "And so as they saw Him." As they what?
21:44 "As they saw Him" then the Bible says
21:47 "that every eye will see Him when He returns."
21:50 And a lot of things that will be taken place
21:52 when Jesus comes.
21:53 It says that when He returns the earth will shake and move.
21:58 The islands will disappears. That's in Revelation 6:13, 14.
22:04 It says then that the rich man and the captains
22:06 and all are crying because they see Him.
22:09 The Scripture says "that He will come
22:11 as a lightning shiner from the east unto the west."
22:14 Has anybody ever have to tell you
22:16 when lightning strikes especially if you see it.
22:19 How bright is the lightening? Pretty bright, isn't it?
22:23 Well, as lightening shineth then the Bible says
22:26 "that He will come with all His angles."
22:27 The glory of the angels and the glory of His Father.
22:30 My friends, there will be no mistaking
22:32 when Jesus Christ comes.
22:34 This Bible says also
22:35 that the dead in Christ shall rise first.
22:37 And it's not speaking about Spirit
22:39 just coming out of the out of the tomb,
22:41 it's speaking about real people who have died
22:43 will rise out of the graves and meet the Lord in the air.
22:46 What do you say?
22:47 And so it's not going to be a quite thing.
22:50 The Bible says "that the trumpets would sound.
22:54 And He will come with a voice
22:56 of the archangel and with the trump of God."
22:58 I wonder what that will sound like.
23:01 I don't know how many of you have ever,
23:03 ever heard somebody booming out something through an amplifier.
23:09 When I was in show business
23:11 especially when you play for 4,000-5,000 people
23:14 you have to have pretty strong amplifiers
23:16 and the lot of sound system.
23:17 Do you understand?
23:19 But when God comes no amplification is necessary
23:23 because He is able to make it sound
23:28 as the Bible says "like thunder."
23:30 How many of you have ever heard thunder?
23:36 So it will not be a quite thing,
23:38 it would not be as some happenstance that takes place.
23:43 It will be a literal, visible and imminent return.
23:49 Let's pray now as we study.
23:51 Our Father, bless us as we study Your holy word.
23:55 Give us understanding concerning this topic.
23:58 And we thank You for hearing us in Jesus name, amen.
24:07 Revelation 22 tells us
24:09 that Jesus when He comes He will come with His reward
24:13 and Matthew 13:37-42 says
24:18 that at the time of Christ coming
24:20 there will be a "Separation of the Wheat and" the what?
24:25 "And the Tares." Separation of the what?
24:28 "The Wheat and the Tares."
24:30 Now I want you to bear with me as we study this
24:33 because here's the problem that I face
24:36 when I study this with the audience.
24:39 Have you ever heard of something called
24:41 the power of suggestion?
24:44 How many of you have heard that?
24:45 Power of suggestion.
24:47 And what do I mean by the power of suggestion?
24:49 Well, sometimes what happens is you sit in the congregation
24:52 and the preachers say's "this is what the text says."
24:55 And when you go to the text
24:56 you say "sure it is that's what it says."
24:58 Okay, it said "you've been already preconditioned to think
25:03 that that's what the text says."
25:04 And so when you look at it
25:05 you'll accept what, "they said, it says."
25:08 That's the power of suggestion.
25:10 Now to demonstrate it I want you to experience it
25:13 with me for a moment here.
25:15 I want you to take your right hand.
25:16 Will you lift up your right hand?
25:18 Just lift up your right hand.
25:19 And I want you to do what I tell you to do.
25:22 Do what? Do what?
25:24 What I what?
25:25 What I tell you to do, all right.
25:27 With your right hand I want you to rub
25:29 your chin with me.
25:31 Rub your chin with me, your chin with me.
25:33 Your chin.
25:34 Now I know that what you've done.
25:36 Some of you started out here
25:37 and then all of a sudden you came down here.
25:39 Is that true? Yes or no?
25:41 Yes.
25:42 Okay, now why did you rub your cheek?
25:45 I wasn't speaking Spanish, was I?
25:48 I think cheek is cheek and chin is chin.
25:51 Is that correct?
25:53 And did I say chin or did I say cheek
25:55 which one did I say?
25:56 I said chin.
25:58 But you rubbed your cheek. Why because I was doing it.
26:02 I know that's Christine, she did that.
26:04 But she didn't think I caught her but I did.
26:06 I saw her starting
26:07 and suddenly she slipped over here.
26:09 It's a power of suggestion.
26:10 What is it? The power of suggestion.
26:13 Now, that's the very thing that happens in the Scriptures
26:16 and I think it's important for us to understand
26:19 that when Christ comes, He makes,
26:23 He makes it very clear, what would happen.
26:25 Now the trouble text that most people deal with
26:30 especially if you've read the book Left Behind.
26:32 How many of you have read the book Left Behind?
26:35 Okay, if you've read the book Left Behind
26:38 you're left with the impression that something takes place
26:41 when Christ does the rapture.
26:45 And that is that all of a sudden people
26:47 may be driving down the road and they just disappear.
26:50 People are in the airport and they disappear
26:52 and the airplane comes down for landing et cetera.
26:56 In other words, there's that sense
26:59 that people will disappear.
27:01 Now, it should, it should be mentioned here
27:04 with all due respects to the authors
27:06 of the book of Left Behind
27:08 that most people don't catch this.
27:10 It says it is a novel. It is a what?
27:13 A novel. A novel.
27:15 If it's a novel, is it true or false?
27:17 False.
27:18 Is it what? False.
27:20 But how many people believe it's false.
27:24 Most people believe it's what? It's true.
27:26 Even though the book itself says
27:29 it is a novel.
27:30 So if I'm writing a novel am I'm writing something true
27:33 or I'm writing something I'm making up?
27:35 I'm making it up.
27:37 And if I'm making it up, is it true or not?
27:39 No, it's not true.
27:40 And I think we need to understand that.
27:42 And so if we go want to know what is truth
27:45 then we should come to the Bible.
27:47 When I wrote my book Left Behind
27:49 and sincerely taken I remember
27:50 I was book signing there in Washington D.C.
27:54 And a lady came and she thought she saw the sign Left Behind
27:58 and she didn't read to the next portion
28:00 it says "or sincerely taken."
28:01 So she thought I was the author of the Left Behind book.
28:04 And so she wanted my signature
28:06 and she said do you have the book.
28:07 And I said no, madam,
28:09 you're looking for the wrong book.
28:10 I mean, you're looking for the book
28:12 but what I'm giving is not that book.
28:16 Well, she said
28:17 "well, why didn't write your book?"
28:18 And I said "because I wanted to write
28:21 something that gave the Biblical perspective
28:24 as to what actually takes place.
28:26 Because the other book is a novel
28:27 and lot of people are believing it's true
28:29 when it's only this is a novel."
28:32 Well, she says "well, I didn't realize that."
28:35 She said--
28:36 Then I began to ask her questions.
28:38 I said "what about this text and this text."
28:39 She happened to be a Sunday school teacher.
28:41 So I said "what about this version, this version,
28:43 this version, this version?"
28:44 And then she went "oh, my God" she said.
28:48 "I better go and try to confiscate those books
28:50 that I've given to so many people."
28:53 Well, let's look at the Scriptures
28:56 and see what the Lord says.
28:57 First of all, in this parable we know
29:00 that there will be a separation.
29:01 Is that true?
29:02 Now, I want you to know something interesting here.
29:05 The Scripture says in this parable
29:09 that when the seed has sown that there comes up the tares."
29:16 The Lord soweth the tares, the enemy sows the bad tares.
29:21 Then when the disciples were asking for an explanation
29:25 Jesus explains the parable.
29:28 And we find that explanation
29:29 if you'll have your Bibles in Matthew 13:37 and on.
29:34 Notice what Jesus says
29:36 as an explanation for this parable.
29:39 "He that sows a good seed" verse 37 "is Son of man.
29:42 The field is the world" the what?
29:45 "The field is the world.
29:47 The good seed are the children of kingdom.
29:50 But the Tares are the children of the wicked one."
29:52 Now notice where as it says verse 39
29:54 "The enemy that sow them is the devil."
29:57 Now notice
29:58 "The harvest is the end of the world."
30:03 What is the harvest? "The end of the world.
30:05 And the reapers are the angels."
30:08 Then it says.
30:09 "As therefore, the Tares gathered
30:11 are gathered and burned in the fire
30:14 so shall it be in the end of this world.
30:16 The Son of Man shall send forth of his angels,
30:18 they shall gather out of his kingdom
30:21 all things that offend and then which do iniquity.
30:24 And shall cast them into furnace of fire
30:26 they shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
30:29 Then the righteous shall shine forth
30:31 as the sun in the kingdom."
30:32 Now here a question.
30:33 According to this parable what is gathered first,
30:36 the righteous or the wicked?
30:39 The wicked, the tares, exactly.
30:41 In other words it says "That the Tares are gathered
30:43 and tied in the bundle to be burned."
30:46 Then it says "That the harvest is gathered."
30:49 So the Tares are first gathered and then the wheat is gathered.
30:52 What do you say? Is that clear?
30:55 Yes or no?
30:56 Now let's continue the answers to study
30:59 because now we plunge into that passage of scripture
31:04 which confuses a lot of people
31:06 and that's in the Book of Matthew.
31:09 In the Book of Matthew
31:12 Jesus speaking to His disciples
31:14 by the way in this chapter there is a lot of warning
31:17 that is being given or being given, correct.
31:21 Jesus says there will be many false Christ.
31:23 He says they will be wars
31:25 and reminiscence of wars should be pestilence
31:26 and there will be earthquakes and that was places.
31:29 Do you remember that?
31:30 And then finally He comes to verse 37
31:35 and He says "As it was in the days of Noah."
31:37 But prior to verse 37 He says to the disciples
31:42 "No man knoweth day or the hour."
31:50 No man what? Knoweth the day or the hour.
31:54 Only the Father has retained that information.
32:00 But He says
32:02 "Even though you may not know the day or the hour
32:05 there are signs that you can look
32:08 to determine how close we are."
32:10 And that's what we're doing tonight.
32:13 Now notice then Chapter 24,
32:16 Jesus then compares the coming of Christ
32:21 to the day of Noah.
32:24 Now please remember this when Jesus uses this
32:28 He is using as the historical point of reference.
32:30 As a what? Historical point of reference.
32:33 He says "As the days of Noah,
32:35 so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."
32:37 In other words, here is a comparison.
32:39 What happened in Noah's day will happen when?
32:42 When the Son of Man comes.
32:44 So you can anticipate then
32:46 that what happened in Noah's day
32:47 will take place when the Son of Man comes.
32:50 Is that correct?
32:51 Is that my understanding of this passage yes or no?
32:54 All right.
32:55 So then it says just like we would say today
32:59 in the days of President Kennedy
33:00 when I'm talking about Kennedy
33:01 we're talking about the days of President Kennedy.
33:04 We may say in the days of Abraham Lincoln.
33:06 When I'm talking about Abraham Lincoln
33:07 but we're using Abraham Lincoln as a historical biblical point
33:11 to help you understand what time we're talking about.
33:13 And Jesus is doing the same thing
33:15 as it was in the days of Noah.
33:18 Now then He says what happens to the people
33:20 in the days of Noah?
33:21 "For in the days before the flood" they were what?
33:26 "Eating and drinking, marrying
33:28 and given in marriage until" what?
33:32 "Until the day that Noah entered the ark."
33:34 Now let me ask the question, who is that they,
33:37 is he speaking about the righteous or the wicked?
33:41 The wicked.
33:42 They are eating and drinking
33:45 and marrying and given in marriage, all right.
33:50 It is important for you all to understand this point also.
33:53 Jesus here is not saying "you better watch out
33:56 or you're gonna be taken to heaven."
34:02 Jesus here is saying "you better watch out
34:05 or the same thing that happened
34:06 to the people in Noah's day can happen to you."
34:13 So He is speaking to His disciples
34:15 as a warning that they do not experience the same laws
34:20 that the people experienced in the days of Noah.
34:23 And it doesn't tell us what Noah is doing
34:25 all it says is this
34:27 "As it was in the days of Noah."
34:29 Okay, then it says "that they were eating,
34:32 they were drinking, they were marrying,
34:34 they were given in marriage
34:35 until the day that Noah entered the ark."
34:37 Notice the next passage. "And knew not."
34:39 And what?
34:41 "And knew not and" what happened?
34:43 "And the flood came and" what?
34:46 Now notice it says "the flood came and" what?
34:49 What's that word there? "And took them all away."
34:53 "The flood came and took them all away.
34:55 So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be."
34:57 So here is the question.
34:58 Who was taken in the Noah's day?
35:01 The righteous or the wicked? The wicked.
35:04 Let me ask you the next question.
35:06 Who will be taken when Jesus comes?
35:08 The righteous or the wicked? Righteous.
35:13 How many of you will say the righteous?
35:14 Can I see your hands?
35:15 How many of you will say the wicked?
35:16 Can I see your hands?
35:18 Well, listen please remember, "as it was in the days of Noah
35:22 so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."
35:25 Jesus is not saying
35:27 what happens to the righteous here.
35:28 Jesus is saying what happens to the wicked in Noah's day.
35:31 And He says then
35:32 "That as just it happened in the days of Noah
35:34 it will happen when He comes."
35:36 So who is He addressing?
35:38 Is He addressing the faith of the righteous
35:40 or is He addressing the faith of the wicked?
35:42 Which one? The faith of the wicked.
35:45 So who will be taken when Jesus comes then?
35:49 The wicked according to this passage you see.
35:51 But here is the problem.
35:52 Remember that trick I gave you?
35:55 All right, what's happening is that
35:57 you and I know in our minds we know
36:00 that when Jesus comes He comes to take us home.
36:03 Is that true yes or no?
36:04 And so what we do then and we take that knowledge
36:07 and we superimpose it into this verse.
36:14 Okay, do you understand what I'm saying?
36:16 But this verse has nothing to do
36:17 what happens to the righteous.
36:19 It doesn't even tell us that Noah had family.
36:21 It just says "that it was in the days of Noah
36:23 so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."
36:25 They were eating, they were drinking,
36:27 they were given in marriage and given in marriage
36:29 unto the flood came and took them all away
36:30 so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
36:33 You see, what happened in Noah's day
36:35 will happen when I come.
36:36 Well, what happened in Noah's day
36:37 they were eating and drinking?
36:38 What will happen, when they come,
36:39 they'll be eating and drinking?
36:44 And what will take place?
36:46 Well, just as they were taken in Noah's day
36:49 they'll be taken in the day when Jesus comes.
36:54 Now that's a surprise to you, isn't it?
36:57 Kind of think throwing boomerang right.
36:59 Kind of a-- Wait a minute.
37:04 I thought the righteous would.
37:05 Yes, the righteous will be taken.
37:08 But it doesn't say in the Bible that the righteous are taken.
37:15 That maybe a surprise to you the actual word "taken"
37:18 is not used in the Scriptures, in reference to the righteous.
37:22 I'll show you the text later on so you can understand.
37:25 The important thing is to understand is
37:27 that Jesus is saying what happened in Noah's day
37:29 to the people who did not believe
37:31 that the flood was coming will happen when I come
37:34 or the people who will not believe that I'm coming.
37:40 And just as the people were taken in Noah's day
37:42 because they didn't believe
37:43 then they will be taken in my day
37:45 because they don't believe.
37:48 Does that make sense to you?
37:50 Yes or no? Yes.
37:52 Let me, let me continue
37:53 so you can see what we're saying.
37:56 This is where people get kind of turned around here.
38:00 It says "then shall two be in the field
38:02 the one shall be taken and the other left."
38:04 Okay, and what people who were rapture say is that
38:09 all right, here we have it.
38:10 Some are taken to heaven and some stayed behind
38:12 and they go through the trial and tribulation
38:14 and either one of be caught in the tribulations.
38:16 You better be ready to be taken
38:17 when the rapture comes, okay.
38:20 The problem is
38:21 that this follows what we just read
38:24 as it happened in the days of Noah
38:25 it will happen when the Lord comes.
38:27 So the people who won't believe won't be taken
38:29 just as there were people in Noah's day
38:30 who didn't believe and were taken also.
38:34 Okay, so if I were to ask you then
38:36 who is gonna be taken when the Lord comes
38:38 then you have to say what?
38:41 The righteous or the wicked?
38:42 The wicked. The wicked.
38:46 I see some of you are shaking your heads.
38:49 That's because you've been believing
38:51 something have been told to you so long
38:53 that it's hard for you to readjust your thinking.
38:57 But just look at the verses and you will see.
38:59 Let's go to another chapter.
39:02 In the Book of Luke 17,
39:04 Chapter 17 again Jesus is quoted here in Luke 17
39:08 but I want you to notice
39:10 that the word "taken" is changed.
39:12 Notice then in verse 26.
39:15 "As it was in the days of Noah
39:18 so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.
39:22 Verse 27 "That they eat, they drank, they married wives
39:25 they were given in marriage until the day
39:27 that Noah entered into the ark
39:28 and the flood came and destroyed them all."
39:31 And the flood came what? And destroyed them all.
39:34 So what is the word "took" in Matthew actually means then.
39:38 And the flood came and destroyed them all.
39:41 Now does it make sense?
39:43 Let's change the word from "take"
39:46 and the flood came and took them.
39:47 Now let's put the correct understanding
39:50 and the flood came and destroyed them all.
39:52 So let me ask you a question.
39:53 When Jesus comes, who will be destroyed
39:55 the righteous or the wicked?
39:57 The wicked of course.
39:58 When Noah went into the ark who was destroyed?
40:01 The wicked.
40:02 So who is gonna be destroyed when Jesus comes?
40:05 The wicked.
40:06 So who will be taken then when Jesus comes?
40:08 The wicked.
40:09 If you understand that the word "taken" means destroy.
40:17 Does that make sense now to you?
40:19 All right, the next passage then helps us to understand it.
40:23 Look, speaking about Lot,
40:25 now there's another historical point of reference.
40:29 And likewise also as it was in the days of Lot
40:32 they eat, they drank, they bought,
40:33 they sold, they planted, they build
40:35 but the same day that Lot went out of
40:36 Sodom and Gomorrah and fire and brimstone
40:40 was rained from heaven and destroyed them all."
40:42 You see again just as it happened
40:44 in the Lots day will happen when?
40:46 When I come. But what is it saying then?
40:49 It's saying basically that just as they were people
40:53 in the days of these two Biblical characters
40:58 Noah and Lot who did not believe
41:04 when the destruction came it came so swift
41:08 that they were not prepared.
41:11 And what the Scripture is saying is
41:13 that the same thing will happen in our day.
41:16 Think of how many people we have around us
41:19 who do not believe.
41:22 Is that true?
41:24 And just because they don't believe
41:26 does that mean that they won't happen?
41:29 No, it doesn't mean that.
41:31 People didn't believe in Noah's day.
41:32 It took 120-years.
41:34 Well if somebody told you today
41:36 the Lord is coming back tomorrow
41:37 and then next day that He's coming back tomorrow
41:39 and then He's coming back, is He coming back tomorrow.
41:41 You begin to think
41:42 well I guess you know He'll never come.
41:45 So imagine Noah preaching 120-years.
41:48 What do you think it will happen?
41:50 Maybe a lot of people gathered in bandwagon the first year
41:53 because they were afraid
41:54 that the flood would come the same year
41:55 and the flood didn't come that same year
41:57 so that they began to say "wow, you know
41:59 we like Noah but it's a little bit tipsy."
42:04 Right?
42:06 But think a while what people thought
42:08 after 120-years as the same preaching.
42:11 This guy has-- he is lost it.
42:15 But it was when then thought that he lost it
42:18 was when they discovered who was really lost.
42:23 Is it important for you and I to believe, yes or no?
42:26 Yes.
42:28 Is it important for you and I
42:29 to believe the Word of God, yes or no?
42:31 Yes.
42:32 If God says it will happen.
42:34 But listen let's continue because time is going fast.
42:37 Notice then that these are the point of references
42:41 but then Jesus begins again to use
42:45 that famous phrases verse 34.
42:49 "I tell you in that night
42:50 there shall be two men in one bed
42:52 that one shall be taken the other left.
42:54 Two women shall be grinding together
42:55 the one shall be taken the other left.
42:57 Two men shall be in the field
42:58 the one shall be taken the other left."
42:59 And so the repetition they are in the bed,
43:02 they're in the grinding or they're in the field.
43:04 Do you know what that is representing?
43:07 The three main preoccupations of mankind.
43:10 Man is either sleeping,
43:11 he's working or he is at leisure.
43:16 And what Jesus is telling us is that
43:18 irrespective of what you're doing
43:21 when He comes He comes.
43:23 Ready or not? Ready.
43:25 Here I come.
43:27 Okay, when He comes, He comes.
43:30 Whether you've been working or whether you've been sleeping
43:32 or whether you've been at leisure,
43:34 irrespective of what you're doing
43:36 when that time comes my friends, He will comes.
43:38 That why it says that here comes
43:39 the thief in the night.
43:41 And the rapture would say
43:42 you see He's coming as a secret.
43:43 It had nothing to do with secret
43:45 because in that passage it says
43:47 that the earth will melt with fervent heat.
43:50 Well, that's a thief in the night.
43:51 Brethren, we're all in great trouble right.
43:57 It simply means an element of surprise.
44:00 What does that it mean? An element of surprise.
44:03 If you follow through the Jesus comes
44:05 as a thief in the night
44:06 you and I know that Jesus is not a thief, correct.
44:09 Is that true yes or not? So why did he used that?
44:12 It's because it's helping us to understand
44:14 that there's element of what?
44:15 Of surprise.
44:17 Now while people are busy doing the usual things of life
44:21 notice it says eating and drinking
44:22 and marrying and given in marriage
44:24 anything wrong with those things?
44:26 Anything wrong with building? Anything wrong with planting?
44:30 Anything wrong with getting married?
44:32 Yes or no? No.
44:33 Anything wrong with eating?
44:34 Anything wrong with drinking
44:36 as long as you drink the right thing, right.
44:38 All right, so there's nothing wrong with those things
44:40 so why are they mentioned?
44:42 They are mentioned because
44:43 the Lord is speaking to believers.
44:45 He is speaking to whom?
44:46 To believers and He's telling them
44:49 be careful that the same thing doesn't happen to you
44:52 that happened to the people in Noah's day.
44:54 They were so preoccupied with the normal things of life
44:58 that they made no preparations
44:59 to there for their eternal salvation.
45:02 Is it possible, friends, that you and I
45:06 can be so busy doing good things
45:08 at the expense of our salvation.
45:10 Can that happen, yes or no? Yes.
45:15 Is that true, yes or no? Yes, it's true.
45:18 So the Lord then tells us that
45:20 this is what will take place when He comes.
45:23 Now the disciples finally asked the question where Lord.
45:26 Notice verse 37. Where what?
45:28 We know where they are and we know they're in the bed
45:30 or they're grinding or they're in the field.
45:32 So the question one has to pertain to
45:34 where they left or where they're taken
45:38 we know where they're left,
45:39 in bed, in the field or grinding.
45:41 So you have to ask the question where they're taken correct.
45:45 Do you see that, yes or no?
45:47 And notice the answer that Jesus gives.
45:49 Jesus gives the answer "Wheresoever the body
45:53 is thither the eagles be gathered together."
45:57 So what does that tell you?
45:59 If there're eagles gather around bodies
46:01 what did they tell you life or death?
46:03 Death.
46:04 Where were taken in Noah's day?
46:07 To death.
46:08 Where were they taken to the Lots day?
46:09 To death.
46:11 Where they'll be taken when Jesus comes?
46:13 To death.
46:14 That's what Jesus is trying to emphasize.
46:18 Be ready so that you are not a subject
46:23 to the destruction that's coming upon the world.
46:27 Be what? Be ready, be ready.
46:32 Well, listen some people say
46:36 well, eagles don't eat bodies.
46:41 Well, the Bible does say that eagles do eat bodies.
46:44 I want you to notice Job 39:27, 30.
46:48 "Doth the eagle mount up
46:50 thy command and make her nest on high?"
46:52 Notice verse 30 "Her young ones also
46:54 suck up blood and where the" what?
46:57 "The slain are there" what? "There she is."
47:01 There's a Biblical support for what Jesus said
47:04 where the eagle's there will be the bodies.
47:07 That's a scene of death.
47:09 Now please understand this that in Noah's day
47:12 there were never two groups that remain alive.
47:15 Is that true?
47:16 In Noah's day one group remained alive
47:17 and one group was taken to destruction.
47:20 In Lots day the same thing.
47:22 They weren't two groups that remained alive.
47:24 Is that true, yes or no? Yes.
47:27 One group remained alive and the other one died.
47:30 So when Jesus comes, will there be two groups alive?
47:33 Yes or no? No.
47:35 One group will survive
47:36 and the other group will be destroyed.
47:39 You see the idea that people will disappear
47:41 and people will stay here for a tribulation
47:44 is not supported by any model in the Bible.
47:55 Sad, isn't it?
47:56 That so many people have accepted a teaching.
48:01 And as God in so many people anxious about the rapture
48:07 to the extend that these people
48:08 that I've talked to you about in Australia
48:11 lost everything because they sincerely believed
48:15 that it would happen but they were sincerely taken.
48:20 They were what? Sincerely taken.
48:24 And there are many Christians today all over the world
48:26 who are reading those books and sincerely believe
48:30 and they will be sincerely taken.
48:34 Now, understanding this
48:36 how many of you want to be taken?
48:39 Can I see your hands?
48:41 How many would like to be left.
48:43 Can I see your hands?
48:44 Yes, now let me explain to you what it means to be left.
48:48 Let me explain to you.
48:49 Notice that in the Scriptures Chapter 7 of Genesis verse 23,
48:54 "Noah only" what?
48:55 "Remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark."
48:58 So who remained? Noah and his family, all right.
49:03 So the others were taken and who remained?
49:05 Noah and his family.
49:06 Can you see that, yes or no?
49:09 In the Book of Isaiah notice it says 24:6.
49:13 "Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth,
49:15 and they that dwell therein are desolate
49:17 therefore the inhabitants of the earth."
49:18 Are what? "Burned" and what happens?
49:21 "A few men" what? "Remain."
49:24 This is in perfect harmony with the New Testament
49:26 because in the New Testament
49:28 when speaking about the Lord returning
49:30 and taking His children home
49:32 notice it says "then we which are" what?
49:35 "alive" and what else?
49:37 And "remain shall be caught up to together
49:39 with them in the clouds."
49:40 In other words what the Scripture
49:42 is portraying is that there is a great deliverance.
49:45 A what? A great deliverance.
49:47 There is an army that's coming.
49:49 There's a what? Army that's coming.
49:51 Turn to Revelation Chapter 19
49:53 and then you will see what I'm talking about.
49:54 Revelation 19:11-21 actually.
49:59 It's says "that somebody is coming.
50:02 He is riding on a horse
50:03 and his name is the word of God."
50:06 Who is that? He is Christ.
50:08 He is coming on a horse.
50:09 And it says "that the armies of heaven follow with Him."
50:13 Why is it that the army is coming?
50:15 Because there's a great deliverance
50:17 is about to take place.
50:18 You see,
50:19 we have been prisoners of war.
50:23 We have been what? Prisoners of war.
50:26 And in order for the army that's going to deliver
50:31 in order for them to save us
50:32 who do they have to deal with first?
50:36 The enemy, you see.
50:38 Any time that you gonna rescue somebody who is captive
50:42 you always have to first deal with whom?
50:45 With the captures, you see.
50:47 And so who has held the earth hostage?
50:51 The devil, correct?
50:53 And Christ is coming to do what?
50:57 To do deliver the hostages.
50:58 And who are the hostages?
51:00 Us, but because we have been blood bought
51:06 because Christ has paid for us, He comes to take us home.
51:11 It's like the old pawn shop.
51:14 And I'm not I'm speaking P-A-W-N
51:16 okay the old pawn shop.
51:18 When you take something to the pawn shop
51:20 then they give you a ticket so that you can what?
51:23 Redeem. You see you can what?
51:25 Redeem what you've put in.
51:27 So you go in and you pay your money
51:29 and you get back what you have put in.
51:33 Jesus paid the price for you and unto me.
51:37 And He is coming back to claim that which is His own.
51:41 What do you say?
51:42 And in order to do that
51:44 He has to come with the army to fight.
51:47 Now notice what it says there in Chapter 19
51:51 notice the picture.
51:52 It says, "That He comes with the armies of heaven."
51:56 And then it says verse 14.
52:01 "The armies which were in heaven
52:03 followed Him upon white horses in fine linen."
52:07 You see that verse 14.
52:10 And so the armies are coming with Him.
52:13 And they come to make war.
52:15 Then the scripture says
52:17 "that the one who is sitting on the horse
52:18 is the King of Kings the Lord of Lord's" verse 16.
52:21 Then verse 17 says, notice that 17 says
52:24 "I saw an angel standing in the sun
52:26 and he cried with a loud voice saying to the" what?
52:29 "To the fowls of the air."
52:32 You notice that and what is it that they say?
52:36 It says "then crying with a loud voice,
52:37 saying to all the birds
52:39 that fly in the midst of heaven,
52:40 "Come and gather yourself together
52:42 for the supper of the great God
52:44 that you may eat the flesh of king's
52:46 the flesh of captain's and the flesh of mighty man.'
52:49 " So Jesus is coming to make war
52:52 and as He comes then He tells the birds
52:54 there is gonna be a supper of the great God.
52:56 In other words, you're gonna eat
52:57 the flesh of captains and kings et cetera.
53:00 Then the Scripture continues on verse 18.
53:04 It says "that they'll eat the flesh of horses
53:06 and those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people,
53:09 free and slave, both small and great."
53:15 Well, you and I recognize then that when Jesus is coming back
53:20 according to Revelation Chapter 6 it says
53:22 "that the king's of the earth,
53:24 and the great men, and the rich men,
53:26 the commanders, the mighty men
53:28 and every slave man and every free man
53:31 hid themselves in the caves
53:33 and the rocks and the mountains."
53:34 Why were they doing that?
53:36 It says because they see Him coming.
53:38 "And said to the mountains and rocks
53:39 'Fall on us and hide us from'" whom?
53:42 "From the face of Him who sits on the throne
53:44 and from the wrath of the Lamb."
53:46 In other words, my friends, the scriptures reveals
53:48 then that the great of the wrath of God has come.
53:52 Well, what's taking place is that all the wicked
53:54 have gathered together against the Lord
53:57 and against His people and they are seemed to be
54:01 almost commandeering the people of God.
54:03 But then all of sudden
54:04 the Lord comes with His mighty army.
54:07 And the scripture says then
54:08 that when that takes place the Bible reveals "then
54:12 that the wicked are gathered together."
54:16 Notice verse 20 it says
54:17 "that the wicked are destroyed."
54:20 And in verse 21 the Scripture says then
54:23 "that the remnant."
54:24 Verse 21 "were slain with the sword of Him
54:28 that sat upon the horse
54:29 with sword proceeded out of His mouth
54:31 and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
54:33 My friends, God wants you to sit
54:35 at the banqueting table
54:37 rather than for you to become food for birds.
54:44 But God wants you to be ready when?
54:47 Now, because when Christ comes
54:50 it will be too late.
54:56 Can you understand now
54:58 why this particular teaching is so dangerous?
55:04 It is preparing people to think
55:06 and I've heard people say "well, you know
55:08 I will have my fun and all that."
55:10 And "yeah I will be rapture
55:12 and I will go through some real hard times
55:14 but then the Lord comes and I still be saved."
55:23 Is that what the Lord wants?
55:25 My friends, if you love the Lord
55:28 you want to be with Him when He comes.
55:30 What do you say?
55:33 I think that the heart
55:34 who's thinking that they can parlay,
55:36 they could postpone the time of preparation
55:42 demonstrated by the very act
55:44 that their hearts are not right with the master,
55:46 what do you say?
55:48 Bible says that there are those
55:50 who say "my Lord delays His coming."
55:54 Oh friends, listen,
55:57 the Bible is clear that the Lord will come.
56:03 And He will come with all His mighty angels
56:06 and He comes to rescue you.
56:09 I can tell you, my friends,
56:12 my wise great aunt
56:15 and her family were interned
56:17 in the prison camp in the Philippines.
56:20 And they remembered Macarthur's words,
56:22 I will return.
56:24 Three years passed
56:25 and they thought it would happen.
56:27 But then finally and process one day
56:30 she heard the rowing of planes and she looked up
56:32 she saw paratroopers coming out.
56:34 And she said "it looked like angels
56:36 coming down to rescue us."
56:39 And it turn out in that day that they were delivered
56:43 there was an order that they were all to be killed.
56:46 My friends, Jesus wants to save you.
56:50 What do you say?
56:51 But the question is, are you ready?
56:56 Or the next question, do you want to be ready?
56:59 How many of you want to be ready for that coming?
57:02 Let us pray together.
57:03 Our Father,
57:05 we see very clearly that Jesus will come.
57:09 We want to be ready
57:11 help us to make our decision now
57:15 in Jesus name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17