3ABN On the Road

America In Bible Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Louis Torres


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000721

01:00 Good morning and welcome once again to Wichita, Kansas
01:04 for Digging Up the Future, Bible Prophecy Exposed.
01:07 Have you been enjoying the meetings each evening?
01:09 Amen. Amen.
01:10 We're gathered here
01:11 for a special Saturday morning service
01:13 and we want to welcome each one of you here tonight.
01:16 I've been excited as the Bible has just come to life
01:19 each evening as Pastor Torres has been sharing
01:21 all these different things from Bible prophecy how about you?
01:25 All right, we're gonna just stand together this morning
01:27 and sing our theme song "Jesus is coming again."
01:31 Aren't you excited that Jesus is coming again soon?
01:35 Amen. Let's sing together.
01:43 Marvelous message we bring
01:46 Glorious carol we sing
01:49 Wonderful word of the King
01:53 Jesus is coming again
01:57 Coming again, coming again
02:04 Maybe morning, maybe noon
02:07 Maybe evening, but surely soon
02:11 Coming again, coming again
02:18 Oh what a wonderful day that will be
02:24 Jesus is coming again
02:32 Amen. You can be seated.
02:33 You sang it like you meant it this morning.
02:36 All right, well, let's just have
02:37 a short opening prayer as always
02:39 and then we're going to have special music.
02:41 Our Father in heaven, today we're eternally grateful
02:44 that You would come and die on the cross of us.
02:47 We're thankful that we're gathered here because of that.
02:50 And we just want to ask Your presence to be with us,
02:53 we ask You to bring us up to heaven today
02:56 to let us see You the way that You would have us to do.
03:00 Lord, we pray that we will be drawn closer to You
03:03 because of this meeting today.
03:04 And we come and we ask these things in Jesus name, amen.
03:08 It's my privilege this morning to introduce to you
03:11 my wife Marion Peppers who will be singing with us
03:15 "I pledge allegiance to the Lamb."
03:33 I have heard how Christians long ago
03:40 Were brought before a tyrants throne
03:46 They were told that he would spare their lives
03:52 If they would renounce the name of Christ
03:58 But one by one, they chose to die
04:04 The Son of God, they would not deny
04:10 Like a great angelic choir sings
04:16 I can almost hear their voices ring
04:22 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
04:28 With all my strength, with all I am
04:34 I will seek to honor His commands
04:40 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
04:55 Now, the years have come and the years have gone
05:01 But the 'cause of Jesus still goes on
05:07 Now, our time has come to count the cost
05:13 To reject this world, and embrace the Cross
05:19 And one by one let us live our lives
05:25 For the One who died to give us life
05:31 Till the trumpet sounds on that final day
05:37 Let us proudly stand and boldly say
05:42 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
05:49 With all my strength, with all I am
05:54 I will seek to honor His commands
06:00 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
06:06 To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
06:13 Who took my place, who wore my shame
06:22 I will seek to honor His commands
06:29 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
06:42 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
06:48 With all my strength, with all I am
06:54 I will seek to honor His commands
07:00 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
07:06 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
07:12 With all my strength, with all I am
07:18 I will seek to honor His commands
07:24 I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
07:37 To the Lamb
07:45 Amen.
07:51 And the people said?
07:52 Amen. Amen.
07:56 Let us pray together.
07:57 Our Father, as we open the holy words
07:59 we want to give You praise and thanksgiving for it
08:02 because it is a light unto our path
08:05 and a lamp unto our feet.
08:07 We pray Lord, that you'll help us
08:09 to follow the light wherever You lead.
08:11 We thank You for hearing us in Jesus name, amen.
08:15 As we've been studying in the prophetic images
08:18 of the Book of Revelation and Daniel
08:20 you recall that we were studying in Revelation 13:1-8
08:27 and you remember how the scripture says that,
08:31 John saw a beast coming up out of the sea
08:35 and the scripture says that this beast
08:38 was a composite beast with a mouth of a lion
08:41 and the feet of a bear and the body of a leopard
08:44 and that it had seven heads and 10 horns
08:47 and then the scripture says that this particular beast
08:50 would reign for 1,200 years
08:52 and that it would make war with the saints
08:56 and tend to change God's laws in time.
08:58 So, let's do a quick review of what we are talking about
09:02 and so we can kind of catch up and then go forward.
09:07 As you recall the little horn of Daniel Chapter 7
09:10 which we had talked about, rises up from among the 10,
09:14 this is in Daniel 7:8, if you remember
09:17 when we talked about Daniel Chapter 7
09:19 you remember that there were three particular beasts,
09:22 to begin with the lion do you remember that
09:24 and after the lion was the what,
09:26 the bear and after the bear,
09:27 the leopard and after the leopard
09:29 and the indescribable beast that Daniel could not describe
09:32 but it had 10 horns and then it said
09:34 the little horn will come up and remove three of those horns
09:38 and so they would remain seven horns.
09:43 Well, going forward then,
09:45 John picks up where Daniel leaves off
09:48 and actually gives us a little bit more description.
09:50 It tells us what the animal actually look like
09:52 and he said that the animal had the body of a leopard,
09:55 the mouth of a lion and the feet of a bear.
09:58 Can you see that?
09:59 All right, then it says that it plucks up three,
10:03 it rules the European nations because you remember
10:06 that this little horn comes up from among the 10 horns
10:10 which are the division of Roman Empire.
10:12 And so it comes from among,
10:14 it cannot come in any other country
10:16 other than where the Roman Empire had divided.
10:20 Do you agree with that?
10:22 And so if it comes from among then that little horn
10:24 cannot come up in the United States.
10:28 It has to come up where?
10:30 In Europe, where the 10 original
10:34 divisions of Rome were broken up
10:37 and that's the remnant of the Roman Empire.
10:39 In fact, as I mentioned before
10:41 if you would go to Europe today
10:43 you would find that as does old adage goes10:45]
10:46 "All roads do lead to Rome."
10:48 In other words the Romans built roads
10:49 all the way up to England
10:52 and you can find remnants on those roads
10:55 and also you can find forts
10:57 and different things there in Europe.
11:00 I was just recently over in Switzerland
11:02 and they have certain forts there.
11:04 Spain has a fort where I happened to go Germany.
11:07 All of these places have remnants of the Roman Empire
11:10 and so it divided into 10
11:13 and so that little horn has to rise up
11:15 in the midst of the European nations
11:17 and then of course, it would reign for 1,260 years.
11:22 And if you remember that 1,260 years began with 538.
11:26 It was diverse, in other words it was different
11:28 than the other beasts,
11:29 the other beasts were military beasts
11:31 that went out to conquer,
11:32 this beast would be different in that
11:35 it would not necessarily be in military beast
11:38 but it was a religious political beast
11:41 which we'll find out later.
11:43 It would have a man up the head
11:45 it will speak blasphemies
11:46 therefore it took purgatives of God.
11:51 After that then it says it persecuted
11:54 the saints of the most high
11:56 and thought to change the times and laws of the God.
12:00 And of course, you know that the only commandement
12:02 that has any time within this which commandment?
12:05 The fourth commandment so you would have to anticipate
12:08 that commandment would be altered
12:11 or it would be substituted.
12:13 Then the scripture reveals that this particular power
12:17 would receive deadly wound
12:18 and that the wound would be healed
12:20 but then that the world would be drunk with its wine
12:24 and of course the wine in the scriptures represent
12:27 the teachings of false doctrines
12:30 and then that the wound would be healed,
12:32 the world would wonder after the beast
12:34 and then it tells us that this particular beast
12:36 has a number of man's name and a mark.
12:41 Number 14 then it says it is a woman
12:44 which equals the church in Bible Prophecy.
12:46 It is a church that sits on seven mountains
12:49 and it is called a city as well
12:52 and so it is called the Babylon the Great,
12:55 it has a number and mark
12:56 and God's people are called out of her.
13:00 Now, that's a very quick brief reveal of what we study
13:05 and I hope that you've the outlines in at home
13:07 that you're going over them as you reconsider the subject.
13:11 What do you say?
13:13 I think we all will start to study the scripture,
13:14 will you say amen to that?
13:16 We ought to double check and check and check,
13:18 cross check to make sure
13:19 that what we are actually hearing,
13:22 it's actually in the scriptures.
13:24 I encourage you to do that because that's what I do.
13:27 Well, in terms of the reign of the Papacy
13:29 since we discovered that this particular power
13:32 that would rise up in Europe and reign over Europe
13:34 for 1,260 years is the Papacy.
13:37 And so history reveals that the Papacy
13:39 did rule for that time and it began in 538
13:43 when finally the last Arian power
13:46 there are 300 powers that resisted the Papacy
13:49 but finally the Goths
13:50 which were the French took the lead and surrendered
13:54 and of course when it that happened
13:56 then the Papacy then was able
13:59 to take full control over Europe.
14:01 And it ruled Europe
14:03 and in fact in those days for example,
14:05 in Europe you could not become a King
14:06 unless you were catholic.
14:08 Any of you remember that? Yes or no?
14:11 And most of you don't remember that
14:13 because you haven't studied European history.
14:15 But if you study European history
14:17 you'll discover in fact the Papacy,
14:19 the Vatican was so powerful
14:21 that one time a King decided
14:22 he would not listen to the Papacy
14:25 and so he was excommunicated
14:27 and when he was excommunicated he lost his authority.
14:31 And history tells us then that he humbled himself
14:35 and went to the Vatican
14:36 and had to stand three days in the snow barefooted
14:39 before he could be seen by the pope.
14:41 And finally after he humbled himself
14:44 the pope then reestablished him
14:45 and he could continue to rule as a king.
14:47 That much power had the Papacy during the dark ages
14:52 and unfortunately many people yielded to it
14:55 but there were groups that did not yield to it.
14:58 We discover that shortly.
15:00 "It gave the Papacy political and" what else?
15:02 "Civil power as well as the ecclesiastical power.
15:05 And the letter of Justinian's code,
15:08 the fundamental law of the empire
15:09 and that year Pope Vigilius ascended
15:13 the throne under the military protection of Belisarius."
15:17 Then of course, the Bible says
15:18 that this particular power would have a mark
15:20 and the scripture tells us
15:22 that it would be a substitution of the law of God.
15:26 In other words since the word "anti" means in the place of,
15:33 then that which reveals
15:36 the authority of God which is what?
15:39 The Ten Commandments.
15:41 What reveals the authority of God?
15:43 The Ten Commandments.
15:44 What reveals the authority of this nation?
15:47 Its laws.
15:48 Is that true, yes or no?
15:51 Yes or no? Yes, of course.
15:53 What reveals the authority of any nation is its laws.
15:57 It just uses its military to enforce the laws
15:59 but it's the laws and that demonstrate its authority.
16:03 And so God's authority is demonstrated
16:07 by His Ten Commandments
16:08 and you would then have to conclude
16:10 that if an antichrist is trying to supplant
16:13 the very presence of God or the very power of God,
16:15 He would have to substitute God's laws.
16:18 And so the Bible says then that Sunday is our what?
16:21 Pardon me, the statement of Catholic Record,
16:24 September 1, 1923 says,
16:26 that the Catholic Church claims that
16:28 the "Sunday is the mark of authority.
16:30 The church is above" what?
16:32 "The Bible and this transference of Sabbath
16:35 observance is proof of that" what?
16:36 "Fact."
16:37 In other words if you're a Baptist,
16:39 if you're a Presbyterian or you're a Methodist
16:42 or you're Lutheran whatever denomination you are
16:44 if you're keeping Sunday according to their statement
16:47 you are worshipping who?
16:50 Well, you may say, well that's impossible
16:52 we're worshipping the Lord.
16:54 Well, remember this Jesus said in Mark 7:7,
16:58 "In vein do they" what?
17:01 "Worship me teaching for doctrines" what?
17:04 "The commandments of man."
17:05 So, if you're following the dictates of a man
17:07 are you really worshipping the Lord?
17:10 As much as your heart may want to say
17:12 I'm worshipping the Lord,
17:13 in reality if you're not obeying the Lord
17:15 and Jesus says if you love me do what?
17:19 Keep My commandments.
17:20 How do you show love to the Lord then?
17:22 Just by saying I love you?
17:24 Suppose your husband says I love you, I love you,
17:26 I love you and doesn't support you
17:28 and doesn't do anything that pleases you anything,
17:30 how much love does he have?
17:33 None.
17:34 And so just to say I love the Lord
17:37 is not sufficient, what do you say?
17:39 The Bible says by there what?
17:42 Fruit you shall know them.
17:44 So we need to walk to talk and talk to walk.
17:47 What do you say? Will you say amen to that?
17:51 So, it's clear then from the scriptures,
17:53 then it says that one of it says would be wounded
17:56 and history reveals that this also took place
18:00 it says that "He that leadeth into captivity
18:02 shall be leadeth into captivity,"
18:04 Revelation 13:3, 10 and I want you to know
18:07 to notice that of course,
18:08 that if 538 is the beginning point
18:11 and you add 1,260 years to that you come to 17 what?
18:16 1798.
18:17 The question is again that's I ask
18:20 before did it happened in 1798?
18:23 Did the Papacy receive a wound and the answer is absolutely.
18:26 So in February 15, 1798 the General Berthier,
18:34 from Napoleon's military went over there
18:37 took the Pope prisoner and locked up in exile,
18:39 the church was closed and the church received the wound.
18:44 But the Bible said the wound be healed
18:47 and I want you to notice again
18:49 from that newspaper article San Francisco Chronicle
18:52 when Mussolini and Gasparri sign the historic Roman pact.
18:56 And notice just enough of that article
18:59 notice what the reporter says,
19:01 "The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past
19:04 and the Vatican at peace with" whom?
19:06 "With Italy."
19:07 Then it says then "In affixing the autographs
19:11 to the memorable of document" doing what?
19:14 "Healing" the what? "The wound."
19:18 I wonder if that reporter actually knew
19:20 anything about the scriptures.
19:24 Many times, many times people fulfill prophecy
19:29 without knowing that they're doing so.
19:32 Do you know that?
19:33 You look in the scriptures
19:34 and you find how many times people fulfill prophecy,
19:38 heathen said had nothing to do with the Bible,
19:41 actually fulfilled prophecy.
19:43 Cyrus, for example, who went and captured Babylon,
19:48 the Bible already in the Book of Isaiah
19:50 had predicted that he would be the one to conquer Babylon
19:53 and how shocked he must have been
19:55 when he approached Daniel, Daniel said, by the way Cyrus,
19:58 I want to show you something.
20:01 Can you imagine how shocked he must have been
20:03 to discover that God had already written
20:06 in His book the fact that his very name
20:09 would be there inscribed in holy writings
20:12 that he would be the one to conquer Babylon?
20:15 He had no knowledge of the scriptures
20:16 yet God had already foretold that He would do so.
20:19 So there are people who fulfill the word of God
20:21 without even having the foggiest idea
20:23 that they are doing it.
20:24 And so I wonder
20:25 if this reporter falls in that category.
20:27 What do you say? Notice what he says doing what?
20:30 Healing the wound,
20:31 extreme cordiality will display them both sides.
20:34 So you can see so far then that what the Bible says is true.
20:38 Now, that piece then in 1798 receives a wound
20:42 but now turn to the Book of Revelation Chapter 13
20:45 and let's read about another beast.
20:48 Notice Revelation 13:11,
20:52 Revelation 13:11, notice it says there,
20:56 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Europe
21:00 and it had two horns like a lamb
21:02 and he speak as a dragon."
21:05 So, there's another beast
21:06 and what does this beast look like.
21:08 Well, this beast has a description.
21:11 Unlike the other beast which just had
21:14 a mouth full of lion and the feet of a bear
21:16 and the body of a leopard neither John nor Daniel
21:22 could tell us what it is.
21:23 What do you call this thing anyway?
21:26 What do you call a beast that has a leopard body
21:28 and a mouth of lion and feet of a bear?
21:32 What do you call it?
21:34 Any of you had been to a zoo
21:35 and seen anything like that before?
21:37 No. So what do you call it?
21:39 We can't call it anything. It's indescribable.
21:41 It doesn't make any sense.
21:43 And please remember this friends,
21:45 if sin may sense it would cease to be sin.
21:51 What did I say?
21:53 If sin may sense it would what? Cease to be sin.
21:57 That is why God does not give you a particular title to this
22:01 because it is senseless.
22:04 Why would anyone choose to follow something other
22:07 than that which will bring you
22:09 peace and hope and salvation?
22:15 And so the scripture then says that this lamb like beast,
22:18 verse 12, exercises all the power
22:21 of the first beast before him and cause of the earth
22:24 and then that which dwelled there in
22:26 to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.
22:30 So, this lamb like beast then would bring
22:34 to the forefront the reality
22:36 that you need to worship the first beast.
22:39 Well, who is the first beast of Papacy?
22:41 And so this lamb like beast
22:43 is to bring you to that worship.
22:46 Now it continues it says "He do a great wonder
22:49 so that he make a fire come down
22:51 from heaven on the earth in the sight of men
22:53 and deceive of them that dwell on the earth
22:55 by the means of those miracles which have power
22:57 to do in the sight of the beast saying to them
23:00 that dwell on the earth that they should make
23:02 an image to the beast which have the wound
23:04 by a sort end did live."
23:09 Verse 15, "He had power to give life
23:11 onto the image of the beast that the image of the beast
23:13 should both speak and cause of this many
23:18 as would not worship
23:19 the image of the beast should be killed."
23:21 So here is the description then of this beast,
23:25 verse 16 says, "He causeth all," how many?
23:29 "All both small and great, rich and poor,
23:31 free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand
23:35 or in their foreheads."
23:38 Then it says in verse 17
23:40 "And that no man might buy or sell,
23:45 save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
23:49 or the number of his name."
23:55 Who is this power that comes up mysteriously
23:59 like this lamb like?
24:01 Well, at a time when the beast is receiving a wound
24:06 which is 1798, during that time,
24:11 Daniel I'm sorry-- John turns around
24:15 and sees another beast that is what?
24:18 That is rising, okay.
24:20 So in other words this beast must be rising
24:22 above the same time that the other beast is" what?
24:25 "Being wounded."
24:27 Now, let me ask you the question,
24:31 in the Bible when it mentions the lamb,
24:34 who does the lamb represent?
24:36 Jesus.
24:37 So this power then than this beast
24:40 must be a Jesus life beast that comes out of the earth.
24:48 Now think about it.
24:49 What Christian, because Jesus like means what?
24:54 Christian.
24:55 What Christian nation then was rising at the time
24:59 that the other beast was getting a wound?
25:02 The United States.
25:05 So, at this particular time
25:08 while the other is receiving a wound
25:10 there is another one that is rising
25:12 and notice some of the commentaries
25:14 G.A Townsend page 632 says, 635 pardon me says,
25:18 "The mystery of her coming forth from vacancy
25:20 like a silent seed we grew into" a what?
25:24 "An empire.
25:26 Emerging amid the silent of the earth adding daily
25:30 to its power and strength."
25:32 This is in the book of Daniel and the Revelation
25:34 by Uriah Smith page 578,
25:37 you can see then that during this time the United States
25:41 is silently growing and growing and growing.
25:45 It says it is comes out of the Europe
25:47 because unlike the other one,
25:49 the other one was rising up out of the sea
25:53 and the Bible says that the sea represents
25:55 multitudes of peoples and nations in tongues, correct.
25:58 So obviously then America rises
26:01 where there is not much population.
26:04 Is that what happened?
26:06 Did this nation rise in the place
26:08 where there was not much population, yes or no?
26:10 Of course, it did.
26:12 If you know your American history
26:13 you know that when the pilgrims first came
26:15 they found a few group of people,
26:16 we call them Native Americans.
26:19 And there are many Native American
26:21 tribes or nations say through out the United States
26:23 but certainly nothing like it is today.
26:26 Is that true?
26:28 In fact, what took place with one of the Native chiefs,
26:33 they wanted the American,
26:34 the Europeans wanted to kind of
26:36 not have to fight with the Indians
26:38 and so they brought one of the chiefs
26:39 over to New York city
26:41 and when he saw the multitude of Europeans over there
26:44 he went back to defeated and said,
26:46 we might as well give it up there too many people.
26:51 So, the scripture then reveals
26:54 that the beast will rise out of the earth
26:57 and so it takes place as the scripture says.
27:00 Now, what's interesting about this particular beast,
27:02 if you notice it says, it has no what?
27:05 "No crowns on the horns of the second beast."
27:08 The first beast has crowns.
27:10 Crowns represent what? Kings.
27:13 The second beast has no crowns which means it has what?
27:17 No kings.
27:19 Now, the other beast has crowns
27:23 and so this is a crownless beast.
27:28 Which means then that it would be a beast
27:32 under a different order or different system
27:35 than a royal system as it took place in Europe.
27:38 You and I know then that in Europe
27:40 the ones that reign were kings is that correct?
27:44 Here in America we don't have a king.
27:47 It supposed to be a nation governed by the people
27:51 and for the people, that's what it supposed to be.
27:56 What did I say?
27:58 That's what it supposed to be, all right.
28:00 At least that's what some declaration reads.
28:05 But I want you to understand that
28:06 while the crowns indicating the authority the beast
28:12 that comes up in the Europe has no kings
28:16 and so what is that gives us the foundation for our country
28:22 and when was our country really established.
28:25 The United States of America is represented
28:27 by this lamb like beast and what's amazing about it
28:30 is that the founding fathers
28:35 established what is called the Declaration of Independence
28:38 first of all and that took place when?
28:41 July what? 4, 1776.
28:44 How many of you still celebrate July 04th,
28:47 all right, we celebrate that
28:48 because it is a memorial of the reality
28:53 that the nation was what?
28:54 Set free. It had its independence.
28:57 And then the First Constitutional Convention
28:59 took place when?
29:00 In 1787.
29:02 Can you see what's happening?
29:03 While the other beast in 1798 is getting its wound
29:06 there's another beast that's what?
29:07 Rising up.
29:08 Now think of how God guides things,
29:13 if that other beast had not received the wound
29:17 America today would have been catholic.
29:23 Now, let me explain what I'm saying.
29:25 My forefathers Hispania's
29:30 their idea of conquering the world
29:34 was to make the world catholic.
29:36 In that rich ship there were preloads
29:39 or fryers or monks or priests
29:42 and their tour was wherever, whatever territory
29:47 was conquered a mission should be established.
29:49 Do you know that before the Americans or the Europeans
29:54 actually took the United States,
29:56 England et cetera it Spain actually had
29:59 most of the southern part of the Untied States
30:02 and do you know that a lot of the names of these states
30:05 really are Spanish names, did you know that?
30:07 For example, Colorado, the word Colorado,
30:12 you pronounce it Colorado is Co-lo-rado
30:15 and it really means red.
30:17 Why because they saw red mountains, all right.
30:21 The place in Nevada, you know what Nevada means,
30:24 Ne-va-da, it means a snowy place, okay.
30:29 Did you know that Florida means a place of flowers, Flo-rida.
30:37 Montana, Montania, mountains.
30:44 Did you know that?
30:46 All of these places, all the way up to Oregon,
30:50 Texas, New Mexico, Arizona.
30:53 Do you know what Arizona means,
30:55 Arizona, zone that's arid, which means what?
30:59 A dry zone.
31:01 All of these states were Spanish states.
31:03 They were what? Spanish states.
31:05 You didn't know that, did you?
31:07 Well, welcome to history class.
31:10 The reality is friends,
31:11 that all the way up to North Carolina
31:14 and all the way up to Washington they were missions,
31:16 there were Catholic missions established all along.
31:19 And in those days
31:20 unfortunately if people did not become catholic
31:24 and that was the charge then they suffered persecution.
31:28 The Indians were slaughtered,
31:29 Hispania's were unfortunately
31:31 my forefathers were ruthless people.
31:37 Their aim was to make the world catholic.
31:41 But God had another plan.
31:43 What did God have? Another plan.
31:46 God wanted America to be Protestants.
31:49 God wanted what? America to be Protestants.
31:53 And aren't you thankful
31:55 that we have a land of freedom today,
31:56 what do you say?
31:58 God was the one who ordained that
32:01 and He predicted that along the way.
32:03 What's happening today friends,
32:05 it's nothing more than what God said would happen
32:08 and I think we should have greater confidence
32:10 in the scriptures than we do.
32:11 What do you say?
32:13 Now, listen, as we continue,
32:15 notice what our forefathers in America said
32:19 concerning this country and religion.
32:21 Notice it says, "Every man conducting himself as" a what?
32:25 "A good citizen and being accountable" to whom?
32:28 "To God" who? Alone."
32:29 Who said that? George Washington.
32:32 Notice it says then,
32:33 "For his religious opinions ought to be protected
32:35 in worshipping the Deity according
32:37 to the dictates of his own what?
32:39 Good conscience."
32:40 In other words the founding fathers
32:42 who recognize the oppression that there was in Europe
32:46 that people could not do anything
32:48 except belief in the way that the church dictated
32:52 wanted to find freedom and fled from Europe,
32:55 the first place that some of them
32:57 went to was the place called Iceland.
32:59 How many of you have heard of Iceland?
33:02 By understanding from the Icelandic people,
33:04 I've been there several times
33:05 is that the actual name of the Iceland was Isuland
33:08 which means Jesus land.
33:11 And it was there that the puritans went
33:13 and the Vikings actually protected the puritans
33:16 when they went there.
33:17 And from there then they sailed to America.
33:22 Another history lesson.
33:25 But listen,
33:26 look at what another founding father said,
33:30 "When religion is" what?
33:31 "Good."
33:32 "It will take care of itself.
33:35 When it is not able to take care of itself
33:37 and God does not see fit to take care of it
33:40 so that it has to" what?
33:42 "Appeal" to what?
33:43 "To the civil powerful support,
33:46 it is evidence in my mind that the cause is a" what?
33:51 "A bad one."
33:53 When you have to turn to the government
33:55 to enforce conscience you now have shifted to a bad cause.
34:00 That's what Benjamin Franklin is saying.
34:03 Look at the other statement
34:04 by Ulysses S. Grant, General Grant,
34:08 "Leave the matter of religious teaching" to where?
34:11 "The family altar.
34:12 The church and the private school
34:14 supported entirely by private contributions
34:16 to keep the church and the state forever" what?
34:19 "Separate."
34:20 They understand the great problems
34:23 that took place in Europe,
34:24 the corruption that took place in Europe
34:26 and they did not want to revert back to that.
34:29 And so they wanted to have a country
34:31 that was free of persecution,
34:34 unfortunately they did not always follow that
34:37 but nonetheless generally speaking
34:40 as a nation we did there were some groups
34:41 who didn't follow that for example,
34:43 there were times when in the church
34:45 if you want to sleep they were actually deacons
34:47 with a long stick
34:48 and a ball at the end of the stick
34:49 and if you happen to fall asleep
34:51 they knock you on the head, woke you up, all right.
34:54 And if you didn't show up the church on Sunday
34:58 they began to suspect that you are a witch
35:00 and so they had a chair
35:02 where they dunked you in the lake.
35:04 They what?
35:05 They sat you at the chair
35:06 and that's the chair was actually over the lake
35:09 and then some people would just low you into the lake
35:12 and kind of threaten that they would drown you
35:16 if you didn't decide that you're gonna be faithful
35:18 in Sunday keeping.
35:21 How would you like to living in those times today?
35:24 No, I think it God
35:26 as great as He is demonstrates His greatness
35:30 by giving all of us freedom.
35:33 What do you say?
35:34 The Bible that he causes the sun to shine on the good
35:37 and what else?
35:38 On the bad.
35:41 That's what the founding father said.
35:44 But listen, we got to hurry up
35:46 because there is a lot of ground to cover.
35:48 Now the question is this, how does a nation speak?
35:51 By what means?
35:53 Well, nation speaks by and through it's what?
35:57 Laws and legislative body.
36:00 So, the Bible says that this particular beast
36:04 that would rise out of the earth,
36:05 that would give freedom to those
36:08 who were longing for it.
36:09 Give us your poor, those are yearning to be free.
36:14 Your hallow masses, let them come, right.
36:18 That's what you find, where? In the statue of liberty.
36:22 A place where people came longing to be what?
36:26 To be free, give us them and we'll take them.
36:32 Well, fortunately I thank God for America.
36:37 I thank God for the,
36:39 what America has permitted my family to experience
36:44 and I thank God that we still have the remnants
36:48 of that religious freedom that we still have.
36:52 By the coins of the scriptures
36:54 it's going in the wrong direction.
36:58 And so where will we stand?
37:02 What made America great my friends, was two principles.
37:07 What made this nation great was civil liberty.
37:10 What is it?
37:11 Civil liberty which was what, freedom from a King.
37:16 And religious liberty, freedom from a what?
37:18 From a Pope.
37:20 What made this nation great
37:22 was freedom of liberty and religion.
37:29 And that's why it is called a protestant nation.
37:33 By the way, do you know what the word protestant means?
37:35 You know where the word comes from?
37:37 Word protestant comes from the word protestors.
37:41 People who protested against the Papacy
37:44 in the middle ages.
37:46 In other words Luther, Zwingli,
37:48 Hus and Gerome et cetera all those reformers
37:50 were people who began to read the scriptures
37:52 and discovered that salvation was a free gift.
37:55 The salvation was what? A free gift.
37:58 And they no longer wanted to submit themselves
38:01 to confessing sins to a man
38:03 when they could confess their sins directly to God.
38:05 They no longer wanted to do--
38:07 follow of the dictates the prelate
38:09 and all the corruption that is taking place.
38:12 And so they were called protestors.
38:15 And the name then changed to Protestants.
38:18 Sounds better doesn't it?
38:21 Protestors,
38:22 Protestants doesn't it sound like a nicer name?
38:25 Yes or no?
38:26 But really that's where it came from, okay.
38:29 There was a protest concerning the religious bigotry
38:34 that was taking place in those days.
38:37 Well, according to the scriptures then
38:41 the Bible tells us that there would be freedom,
38:46 the declaration of independence gives us that
38:49 but notice it says here
38:51 "We hold these Truths to be" what?
38:54 "Self-evident, that all men are" what?
38:57 "Created equal,
38:58 that they are endowed by their Creator
39:01 with certain unalienable Rights,
39:05 that among these are Life, Liberty, and" the what?
39:09 "The Pursuit of Happiness." Thank God for that.
39:14 And finally the United States Constitution
39:18 the 1 Amendment says "Congress shall make" what?
39:22 "No law respecting the establishment of religion,
39:25 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
39:30 That's what was written but the scripture says
39:35 that after the Christian nation,
39:38 the lamb like nation arises that something would happen?
39:41 He would then change and speak as a what?
39:44 Speak as a dragon and make an image to the beast.
39:49 Make a what? An image to the beast.
39:52 And so according to Revelation then
39:56 we see that there will be a change.
40:00 "He exercises all the power of" what?
40:04 "The first beast before Him, and causeth the earth
40:06 and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast
40:08 whose deadly wound was" what?
40:09 "Was healed."
40:10 Then the scripture says "And does great wonders,
40:13 so that he maketh fire come down
40:14 from heaven on the earth in the sight of men."
40:16 I wonder, I wonder if this has something
40:20 to do with the ability that America now has,
40:22 to actually being fired from the sky down up on nation.
40:27 Recently we had an attack on Iraq.
40:29 Do you remember that? How did America attack Iraq?
40:34 It brought what? Fire from where?
40:37 From heaven.
40:38 I mean it-- they actually rained bombs
40:42 and bombs that were quiet fiery upon the nations.
40:47 Now, I'm not saying that
40:48 this is the exact representation
40:51 but I'm just wondering if this is not something
40:54 that the prophet was referring to
40:56 because America now is able to rain fire down upon what?
41:01 Upon any nation.
41:03 In Hiroshima what did it rain?
41:06 It rained what? Fire upon the Japanese.
41:11 America now rather than having to do man to man combat
41:16 it usually first prefers to do what?
41:18 To rain fire.
41:21 In fact the one in charge to the military
41:26 when they were going to go into Iraq said
41:28 they don't know what's coming
41:30 but it's going to be spectacular,
41:32 that's what he said.
41:34 Gonna be spectacular.
41:36 And I think you know who I'm talking about.
41:38 Well, the Bible then says in the verse 14
41:42 "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth
41:44 by the means of those miracles
41:45 which he had power to do in the sight of the beast,
41:47 saying to them that dwell on the earth
41:48 that they should make an image to the beast
41:50 which had the wound by a sword and" what?
41:52 "Did live."
41:53 In other words, the Bible is predicting
41:56 that America will finally get to the place
41:58 where it will land its support to the Papacy
42:03 so that the world will become in essence catholic.
42:08 By the way did you know
42:09 that the word catholic means universal?
42:12 And so that the world would become what?
42:16 Catholic.
42:17 Now, there is a law that I could tell you
42:20 and the law that I wish I had time to discuss with you,
42:23 but let's continue.
42:25 What is the image to the beast stand
42:27 and how is it to be formed?
42:29 Well, you know that the image of the beast
42:31 in the old times the Bible reveals
42:34 was a persecuting power, correct?
42:37 In other words, careful historians
42:39 have calculated that about 50 million people
42:44 die for the crime of heresy
42:47 and in those days these they have
42:50 terrible, terrible tortured chambers
42:53 that they would put people in to make them weaken.
42:56 I know of some of the stories of--
43:00 some of the encasement that they had,
43:02 they actually had a face mask that had the spikes
43:06 that pointed in
43:07 and they would put this face mask
43:09 on the individual
43:10 with the spikes coming right into his face
43:12 and then they had a knob in the back they would turn.
43:15 And as they would turn that knob the spikes
43:17 would come closer and closer and closer and closer
43:20 and the idea was that the person
43:22 will have the opportunity before the spikes
43:24 began to do its damage to reckon.
43:27 By that they did not reckon they just continued to turn
43:30 and turn the knob and turn the knob
43:32 and turn the knob and you can imagine
43:33 this excruciating pain that people feel
43:35 as those spikes were actually breaking into the bone
43:38 and going right into the face and bringing them to death
43:41 and that was the some of the tortures
43:43 that they will use to get people to reckon.
43:45 To do what? Reckon.
43:47 At some points they, if they didn't use that,
43:50 they use stake they will take people
43:52 and burn them at the stake.
43:53 I remember during the times of Ridley and Latimer
43:56 the two reformers in England, that they took it to the stake.
44:00 And as they were burning at the stake
44:02 I think Latimer said to Ridley be a good coach master Ridley,
44:06 for no doubt and they,
44:08 we would ignite a candle in England
44:10 that shall never go out.
44:12 And so they died as martyrs.
44:16 What was their crime?
44:18 That they taught the scriptures.
44:21 Terrible things took place in the past
44:23 and the Bible says that this is going to what?
44:27 Return, if America makes an image to the beast
44:30 unfortunately we can look for terrible things
44:35 to come to place in America.
44:37 And I want you to notice a statement that says,
44:38 "When the early church became corrupted by departing
44:41 from the simplicity of the gospel,
44:43 and accepting heathen rites and customs,
44:45 she lost the Spirit of God and power of God;
44:48 and in order, in order to do" what?
44:51 "And in order to control the" what?
44:54 "The consciences of the people
44:56 she sought the support of the secular powers.
44:59 The result was the" what?
45:01 "The Papacy, a church that controlled
45:04 the power of the State,
45:05 and employed it to further her own ends,
45:07 especially for the punishment of 'heresy.'
45:10 In order for the United States then
45:12 to form an image of the beast" what must it do?
45:15 "The religious power must so control
45:17 the civil government that the authority of the State
45:19 will also be employed by the church
45:21 to accomplish her own ends."
45:23 You know, it's interesting that what's happening is
45:26 in that Christians want to take
45:29 the position of the country
45:31 and they think that they must do it
45:33 because the country is going down in corruption.
45:35 And I concur with them,
45:36 I concur that things are getting pretty bad.
45:38 What do you say? Things are getting pretty bad.
45:42 And so the Christians are saying
45:44 the reason why they're going pretty bad
45:45 number one is because we're desecrating God's holy day,
45:48 Sunday which is incorrect
45:50 and number two because we are need
45:53 to be return back tomorrow, morality.
45:55 Well, the problem is that was sent
45:56 for years and years and years and years,
45:58 I will use to preach about the Ten Commandments
46:00 and they used to say that was a legalist, a what?
46:05 A legalist.
46:06 If you're taught the Ten Commandments
46:07 you're legalist.
46:08 They were saying you seek by grace not by law
46:11 but what does the protestant denomination is doing now?
46:15 What do you think they're doing?
46:17 They're now saying we need to keep the Ten Commandments
46:19 but they have a problem
46:20 if you keep the Ten Commandments
46:21 you have to keep the Sabbath.
46:23 You see, and so what they're gonna have to do
46:26 is figure out someway to convince people
46:28 that the Sabbath is Sunday.
46:31 But they recognize, now I use to be attacked all the time
46:36 by my good protestant friends, you legalist.
46:41 Now Jesus says if you love me keep My commandments
46:44 and it has being a legalist
46:45 so be it I want to love the Lord.
46:47 What do you say? You are legalist.
46:50 We're saved by grace.
46:51 Well, does that mean you can commit adultery?
46:54 Well, no.
46:55 Does that mean you can kill? Well, no.
46:56 Does that you can steal? Well, no.
46:58 well, why is that you can't do those things
47:01 because we have a what?
47:03 We have a law. God says it, see.
47:06 But now the denomination is a shifting,
47:09 changing back to the Ten Commandments
47:11 and so but the way they're doing is doing it this way.
47:16 They're encouraging people to choose individuals
47:21 so they can put right into government.
47:25 So that these individuals were Christians then
47:28 will vote for the Christian agendas.
47:31 So you'll find that there's a lot of,
47:33 a lot of things taking place in the political arena
47:36 where people that they want in possession
47:39 they will actually go and support.
47:41 People who they don't want in possession
47:43 they'll actually try to undermine or attack
47:47 and the whole purpose is to win the nation back
47:49 to God through legislation.
47:52 Through what? Legislation.
47:55 And remember what it says,
47:56 when a church turns to the state
47:59 for support of his dogmas it is forming an image to what?
48:05 To the beast, okay. So, where are we heading?
48:09 Scripture says that the beast will speak like a what?
48:12 A dragon.
48:13 The lamb like beast will finally speak like a dragon.
48:18 It is a sad things friends,
48:20 but the Bible has revealed to us the future.
48:25 Digging up the what? The future.
48:29 The Bible tells us that we're heading for troublest times.
48:32 In Revelation 15-- 13:15-17, it says,
48:36 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
48:39 that the image of the beast should both speak and cause
48:41 that as many as would not worship
48:43 the image of the beast should be what?
48:46 Killed.
48:47 And verse 16 says, "He causeth all,
48:50 both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
48:52 to receive a mark in their right hand, or where?
48:58 In their foreheads: that no man might but or sell,
49:00 save he that had the mark on the beast,
49:02 or the name of he beast, or the number of his name.
49:04 Here is wisdom.
49:05 Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
49:09 for it is the number of a man;
49:10 and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
49:13 We already studied that subject the other night
49:15 when you remember 666, you remember that
49:18 and so we can see then that the Bible reveals
49:21 that America will join the hands with the Papacy
49:24 and enforce the Papacy dogmas sooner or later.
49:28 Now, you might say I don't believe that,
49:30 I don't think that will happen.
49:31 Well, my friends you may believe it or not
49:34 but God said it.
49:36 And if God said it what will happen?
49:38 It will happen. Just a matter of time.
49:42 Or it is that have to do with you and me
49:44 and how can you and I relate to that?
49:48 You and I know that apparently concerning this tax
49:52 that there is some kind of
49:54 economic pressure brought to there.
49:56 Is that true? Yes or no?
49:59 If you cannot but or sell there is an economic pressure.
50:03 Now let me ask you a question,
50:04 what does America now do to try to make nations
50:08 conform to what US wants?
50:13 It is called an embargo.
50:16 A what? What's an embargo?
50:19 An embargo simply a shedding up of resources from outside
50:23 so that nation feels crippled and have to admit
50:27 to whatever America's asking.
50:29 For example, right now they have a promise with Iran
50:32 and have a promise with North Korea,
50:34 so what did they offer Iran?
50:37 They just offered Iran a carrot.
50:39 A what? A carrot.
50:41 We will do this for you
50:43 and this for you and this for you.
50:44 What did they do to Iraq?
50:45 They had an embargo in Iraq to try to cripple the nation.
50:49 What did they do to Cuba?
50:50 They have an embargo on Cuba.
50:51 In other words America now, that little land that rose up
50:55 speaking as a lamb now is speaking as a what?
50:59 As a dragon.
51:01 You either do what we are saying
51:06 or you'll suffer economically speaking.
51:09 And then of course, if the economic sense not work
51:12 then what did they do?
51:15 Then they bring fire from heaven
51:17 upon those nations, okay.
51:21 Now, I understand the Russia now but my friends,
51:24 I believe that the one who is behind
51:25 all of this is the enemy.
51:27 Who is it? The enemy.
51:29 The enemy is trying to bring the world
51:31 into such a condition that it will finally satisfy
51:35 his desires to finally
51:36 be the one worshiped on this earth.
51:39 And so if He can have this group
51:43 attacking this group
51:44 and this group can say, well, we need to attack them
51:46 so that the world can be free
51:48 from terrorists then we justify.
51:52 We what? We justify.
51:55 And what taking place today friends
51:56 is nothing more than the religious battle.
52:03 America is trying to keep the things at bay
52:08 by saying it's not a religious battle,
52:09 we're just fighting terrorists.
52:12 But the terrorists are saying it is a religious battle
52:14 because America's a Satan
52:16 we need to get rid of the Satan.
52:20 We're seeing my friends
52:22 that what the Bible has predicted is true.
52:25 What do you say?
52:26 Now, here is the question for you and for me.
52:30 Jesus makes the statement,
52:32 "Howbeit in vein do they worship me,
52:36 teaching for" what?
52:37 "For doctrines of commandments of men."
52:39 My friends, let me ask you a question.
52:43 As we see the future unfolded
52:46 and as we see how things are falling into place,
52:52 the question is where will you stand?
52:55 That's the question.
52:56 You know in the scripture says it texts in Jeremiah 12:5,
53:01 watch it another that text, Jeremiah 12:5,
53:05 notice that the Jeremiah
53:07 and the prophet there says the following,
53:10 Jeremiah 12:5, "If they all has run
53:14 with the footmen and they have wearied the
53:17 then how canst thou contend with horses?
53:20 And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst,
53:24 they wearied thee,
53:25 then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?
53:29 What does that say?
53:31 As Christians if we in the land of peace
53:37 are becoming less and less committed.
53:42 If we in the land of peace
53:44 are moving farther and farther away
53:46 from the principles of Christ and His commandments
53:49 while we are in peace.
53:51 Then what will happen when persecution comes.
53:56 If you cannot standup for what's right
53:59 when you have no pressure how will you standup
54:02 to what's right when there is a pressure?
54:07 Just recently I was in the country
54:08 of commonwealth of Guam.
54:12 And I was preaching a series like this
54:14 and I talked about the Sabbath
54:16 and a certain man who was there turned to out
54:18 to be a wealthy man but he said I want to talk to you
54:21 so we sat down and talked and he said the following,
54:24 just recently a typhoon hit
54:26 and most of my equipment was destroyed.
54:28 He says my company's in financial ruins
54:30 and he says if-- I'm just turning you correctly
54:33 you think that I should keep a Sabbath.
54:35 I said I don't think you should keep a Sabbath,
54:38 God says you should keep a Sabbath, that's different.
54:40 What do you say? He say, well okay.
54:42 How can I keep the Sabbath?
54:43 I do keep the Sabbath he said, I'll have to close shop.
54:48 He says I have 13 contracts with the tourist business
54:51 and they're usually on the weekend
54:53 and five closest contracts up on them.
54:56 And I said my friends, listen, if you put your trust in God,
54:59 God can deliver you.
55:01 I don't know how He'll do it but God will.
55:04 Well, I did realize it but the man took my counsel.
55:06 He just called me two weeks ago,
55:08 you know what he said, thank you, he said.
55:11 When I decided to believe what you said
55:16 from the scriptures and keep the Sabbath
55:19 my employees, I have 60 of them thought I have lost my mind
55:23 to close out 13 contracts where the revenue was coming in
55:27 and it was the only thing we still have left
55:29 and it was financial suicide.
55:31 But here's what he said, I decided to tell him
55:35 don't worry God will take care of us
55:37 and then I said, God, you hear what I said to them,
55:39 you're gonna have to help me out.
55:41 And so here's what happened, he said, since I did that,
55:46 yes I cancelled the 13 contracts
55:49 but he says, thank God I have paid off
55:52 three million dollars of my debts
55:53 and he said before that,
55:55 before the typhoon in my best days
55:58 I could never pay off my debts,
55:59 since I have decided to keep the Sabbath
56:01 I paid off three million dollars
56:03 worth of debt and then he said,
56:06 because I keep the Sabbath
56:07 I have a better ability to make better financial decisions.
56:12 And he says my employees now love me.
56:15 They think that I've made a great decision.
56:18 My friends, listen, are there challenges,
56:22 yes or no?
56:23 Yes.
56:24 But here's the question, will you stand for Jesus?
56:30 If you can stand today how will you stand later?
56:35 I'm gonna ask you an appeal.
56:37 How many of you today will take a decision
56:40 to say no matter what happens I'm going to stand for Jesus.
56:44 Will you stand today if that's your desire?
56:47 I want to be loyal to Christ, irrespective of what happens.
56:50 I know there will be hard times but by God's grace
56:54 I want to be faithful and true to Him.
56:56 Let us pray.
56:58 Our father we see that we are in trouble times
57:02 Your word is true.
57:04 But Lord, help us to learn and now in times of peace
57:08 how to be true to You
57:10 and faithful to Your commandments
57:11 so that when that time comes we'll be able to stand also.
57:15 We pray it in Jesus name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17